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Jjarlington  Al.eniorial  J_/ibra 





J.  T.  McAllister 


McAllister  Publishing  Co.,   Hot   Springs,  Virginia 

Copyrighted  1913  by  J.  T.  McAllister. 
All  rights  reserved. 

Table  of  Contents 


Virginia's  Share  in  the  Military  Movements  of  the  Revolution. 
Virginia  Counties,  Old  and  New, 

Part  I. 

Summary  of  the  Services  of  the  IVIilitia  Arranged  by  Counties. 

Part  II. 
Declarations  of  Virginia  Militia  Pensioners,  §1  to  §250. 

Part  III, 
Militia  Officers  Appointed  in  Various  Counties,  §251  to  §280. 

Part  IV. 

Pensioners  Residing  in  Virginia  in   1835  who  Received  Pensions  as 
Virginia  Militiamen. 

Part  V. 

Pensioners    Residing    Outside    of    Virginia    in    1835    who    Received 
Pensions   as  Virginia   Militiamen. 

General  Index. 


In  the  preparation  of  this  book  I  have  had  the  valuable  assistance 
of  Mr.  Oren  F.  Morton,  who,  in  addition  to  condensing  the  great 
mass  of  material  into  the  shape  in  which  it  appears  in  sections  from 
1  to  251,  prepared  the  articles  which  appear  under  the  title  "Vir- 
ginia's Share  in  the  Militia  Movements  of  the  Revolution,"  and 
"Virginia  Counties,  Old  and  New." 

I  wish  also  to  acknowledge  my  indebtedness  to  Judge  Lyman 
Chalkley,  of  Lexington,  Kentucky,  for  procuring  for  me  some  of 
the  declarations  of  record  in  that  State,  to  Mr.  W.  G.  Stanard, 
the  Secretary  of  the  Virginia  Historical  Society,  and  Dr.  Henry  R. 
Mcllwaine,  the  Virginia  State  Librarian,  for  many  courtesies  shown 
me  while  engaged  in  the  preparation  of  this  book. 


This  book  does  not  profess  to  be  a  history  of  the  Virginia  Militia 
in  the  Revolution.  No  claim  is  made  that  it  gives  a  complete 
list  of  the  companies  from  any  of  the  counties.  Its  purpose  is  to 
make  available  the  material,  some  of  which  I  have  been  gathering 
from  time  to  time  for  a  number  of  years.  It  is  believed,  however, 
that  it  is  the  first  attempt  to  compile  a  considerable  quantity  of 
data  on  the  subject.  In  a  statement  issued  by  the  Secretary  of  War 
in  1832,  he  says  that  there  are  in  his  department  no  rolls  of  the 
State  troops  except  those  of  Virginia,  and  no  rolls  of  the  militia 
except  those  of  New  Hampshire. 

In  regard  to  the  Militia,  very  little  is  known  and  that  little  is 
extremely  fragmentary. 

In  1776  the  available  militia  in  Virginia  is  thought  to  have 
been  about  45,000  men;  probably  it  was  never  less  than  40,000,  of 
whom  possibly  one-fourth  saw  real  service.  Other  states  have 
counted  their  militia  in  the  strength  which  they  gave  to  the  Revolu- 
tionary cause.  For  the  lack  of  data  Virginia  has  not  received  credit 
on  this  score.  The  reports  of  Secretary-of-War  Knox  fail  to  do 
justice  to  Virginia  along  this  line.  The  figures  given  by  him  are 
mere  estimates. 

In  1776  a  large  number  of  Virginians  were  in  the  field  against 
Dunmore.  Some  went  to  the  relief  of  North  Carolina  and  others 
were  in  the  Cherokee  Expedition  in  the  West. 

In  1778  Virginia  had  a  number  of  militia  in  the  operations  in 
the  West  and  for  defense  along  the  frontiers. 

In  1779,  Virginia  was  authorized  to  send  militia  to  South 

In  1780,  the  militia  were  out  in  large  numbers. 

In  1781,  700  militia  joined  General  Gates,  some  were  at  King's 
Mountain  and  others  were  serving  around  Norfolk.  In  the  latter 
part  of  this  year  Dan'l  Morgan  had  some  of  them  serving  in 
Green's  Army.  In  1781,  practically  all  of  the  available  militia  of 
Virginia  were  summoned  into  service,  taking  part  in  the  Battle  of 
Guilford  Court  House,  serving  with  Lafayette  and  at  the  Siege 
of  Yorktown. 

ViRGiN'iA  Militia  ix   the   Revolution" 

It  is  hoped  that  the  material  given  in  this  book  may  throw  some 
light  on  these  services. 

Most  of  the  statements  set  out  in  this  book  were  found  by  me 
in  the  counties  where  they  were  made.  The  word  "county"  is 
omitted  in  the  statements  where  it  will  be  easily  understood.  In 
some  of  the  counties  the  declarations  of  the  soldiers  for  pensions  are 
spread  in  full  upon  the  order  book.  In  others  they  may  be 
found  filed  with  the  papers  of  the  term  of  court  at  which  the  ap- 
plication was  made.  Where  not  set  out  in  full  on  the  record  book 
and  not  filed  with  the  papers  of  the  term,  a  very  difficult  proposi- 
tion presents  itself.  I  have  frequently  succeeded,  however,  in  finding 
among  the  old  musty  files  a  package  in  which  these  declarations  are 
wrapped  up  and  have  been  preserved.  Should  all  of  these  methods 
fail  to  disclose  the  statement,  the  only  other  method  of  procuring  it 
is  to  obtain  from  the  Bureau  of  Pensions  at  Washington,  an  ab- 
stract of  the  particular  statements  desired. 

Frequently  in  the  Clerk's  Offices  there  will  be  found  applications 
on  which  no  pensions  have  been  issued,  due  sometimes  to  a  failure 
to  supply  proper  proof,  and  at  others  because  the  service  was  not 
of  sufficient  length  to  bring  the  applicant  w^ithin  the  terms  of  the 
pension  law. 

Under  Chapters  IV  and  V  will  be  found  the  list  of  successful 
applicants  for  pensions  whose  pensions  were  granted  solely  on  the 
ground  of  service  as  Virginia  Militiamen.  Many  others  w^ho  obtained 
pensions  for  service  in  the  State  Troops  or  in  the  regular  service 
unquestionably  served  at  times  in  the  militia.  There  are  several 
instances  in  the  statements  set  out  in  this  book  where  soldiers  w^ho 
held  a  high  rank  in  the  State  troops  or  in  the  regular  service  later 
on  served  in  the  militia. 

In  Sections  from  251  to  280  inclusive,  I  give  the  names  of 
officers  who  were  recommended  or  qualified  in  various  counties  in 
the  State.  While  this  does  not  necessarily  mean  that  the  person 
served,  the  probabilities  are  so  strong  as  to  make  it  almost  a  cer- 

I  have  followed  various  trails  which  were  said  to  lead  to 
muster  rolls  of  Virginia  Militiamen  but  found  only  the  few  which 
are  set  out  in  this  book. 

Virginia's  Share  in  the  Military 
Movements  of  the  Revolution 

In  this  article  we  present  a  bird's-eye  view  of  those  field  move- 
ments of  the  Revolution,  which  immediately  concern  Virginia,  It 
will  interpret  much  of  what  is  told  in  the  pension  declarations. 

During  the  spring  of  1775,  Virginia  committed  herself  to  the 
cause  of  American  Independence.  In  June,  Lord  Dunmore,  the 
tory  governor  fled  to  a  British  war  vessel,  and  from  the  safety  of 
its  deck  he  still  made  a  pretense  of  asserting  his  authority.  During  the 
summer  he  gathered  a  few  ships  and  with  a  force  of  British  and 
tories  he  began  to  harry  the  shores  of  the  Chesapeake.  His  style  of 
warfare  consisting  in  plundering  plantation  houses,  maltreating 
women  and  children,  stealing  slaves,  and  burning  seaports.  In  Octo- 
ber he  was  repulsed  from  Hampton  and  in  December  was  defeated 
near  Norfolk.  But  on  New  Year's  day,  1776,  he  cannonaded  and 
burned  the  last  named  town.  General  Andrew  Lewis  took  command 
of  the  Virginia  forces  and  drove  Dunmore  from  his  stronghold  on 
Gwin's  Island  in  the  Chesapeake.  The  late  governor  sailed  for 
England,  and  for  three  years  the  British  had  no  foothold  on  Virginia 
soil.  Yet  their  navy  enabled  them  to  dominate  the  sea,  and  the  coun- 
ties lying  on  navagable  waters  were  thus  kept  in  frequent  alarm. 

The  first  phase  of  the  Revolution,  as  it  relates  to  Virginia,  was 
therefore  the  contest  with  Dunmore  on  the  tidal  waters.  It  was 
fought  with  militia,  who  came  in  part  from  the  counties  toward 
the  Blue  Ridge.  The  militia  of  the  Tidewater  continued  to  be  called 
out  here  and  there  to  repel  the  parties  which  landed  from  ships 
for  the  purpose  of  plunder. 

The  second  phase  consisted  of  trouble  from  the  Indians  on  the 
western  frontier.  They  had  been  stunned  by  their  defeat  at  Point 
Pleasant,  in  1774,  but  being  urged  on  by  British  emissaries  and 
white  renegades,  they  at  length  began  to  harass  the  weak  settlements 
in  Kentucky,  along  the  Holston,  and  toward  the  Ohio.  To  quell  the- 
Cherokees  in  the  Southwest,  a  large  force  of  militia  was  sent  to  the 
Holston  early  in  the  war.  This  army  was  in  part  made  up  of  men 
from  east  of  the  Blue  Ridge.     But  the  militia  of  the   Shenandoah 

Virginia   Militia   ix   the   Revolution 

Valley  were  able  to  stand  off  the  Indians  who  threatened  them 
from  the  Northwest.  The  w^ar  parties  of  the  red  men  scarcely  ven- 
tured east  of  the  Alleghany  divide,  yet  the  scattered  settlements  be- 
yond were  subjected  to  much  distress.  The  wanton  murder  of  Corn- 
stalk, at  Point  Pleasant,  was  the  immediate  cause  of  the  Indian  raid 
into  Greenbrier  in  1778.  The  Indian  depredations  continued 
throughout  the  war,  and  garrisons  had  to  be  maintained  in  the 
frontier  forts  throughout  the  threatened  area. 

Being  unmolested  by  any  strong  force,  Virginia  was  free  to  raise 
and  equip  a  number  of  regiments  for  the  Continental  service.  Several 
of  these  took  a  distinguished  part  in  the  war  in  the  Northern  colonies. 
But  for  some  time  the  militia  were  scarcely  called  upon  except  for 
the  purposes  already  named. 

The  final  phase  of  the  Revolution  in  Virginia  did  not  actively 
begin  until  the  close  of  1780,  although  in  1779,  Clinton,  the  British 
commander-in-chief,  had  sent  an  expedition  to  ravage  the  coast.  Un- 
able to  make  head  against  Washington  in  the  North,  Clinton  had 
carried  the  war  into  the  South.  Under  Cornwallis,  his  armies 
overran  South  Carolina  during  the  spring  and  summer  of  1780, 
Georgia  being  already  in  their  power.  North  Carolina  was  thus 
threatened  from  the  South,  and  continued  British  success  meant 
peril  to  Virginia  from  the  same  direction.  To  render  the  outlook  all 
the  worse,  there  were  few  disciplined  Virginia  troops  who  could  be 
summoned  to  defend  the  State.  The  Virginia  Continentals  had  been 
sent  South  as  well  as  North.  Gen'l  Mathew's  regiment  had  been 
captured  at  Germantown,  Buford's  had  been  massacred  by  Tarlton's 
troopers,  and  still  other  regiments  had  been  included  in  the  surrender 
of  Charleston,  to  say  nothing  of  still  further  losses.  The  drilled 
Continentals  had  proved  themselves  equal  to  the  best  British  regulars, 
but  although  Virginia  still  had  a  somewhat  numerous  militia,  they, 
were  untrained  men  and  therefore  at  a  great  disadvantage  when  con- 
fronted by  veterans. 

In  the  fall  of  that  year  there  was  some  apprehension  that  the 
Carolina  tories  under  the  energetic  Ferguson,  would  push  into  South- 
west Virginia.  There  was  a  considerable  tory  element  in  that  region, 
and  it  was  a  further  object  to  seize  the  lead  mines  in  Wythe  County. 
The  militia  were  called  out  in  their  defense,  but  in  October,  Fergu- 
son's army  was  annihilated  at  King's  Mountain,  men  from  South- 
west Virginia  contributing  to  this  fortunate  result. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

In  1780,  General  Muhlenberg,  the  brilliant  soldier  who  had  quit 
the  pulpit  for  the  camp,  was  sent  by  Washington  to  take  comma:: d 
in  Virginia.  Gathering  some  odds  and  ends  of  trained  troops,  and 
some  militia,  he  drove  the  British  General  Leslie  from  Portsmouth. 
Next  January,  Benedict  Arnold,  the  traitor,  appeared  with  a  larger 
force  than  was  present  to  oppose  him.  He  took  Richmond  and  thei 
fell  back  to  Portsmouth,  burning  and  plundering  all  along  his  line  of 
march.  At  Portsmouth  he  was  blockaded  by  the  militia  under 
Muhlenberg.  General  Lafeyette  was  now  sent  on  by  Washington  with 
1,200  regulars.  To  rescue  Arnold,  a  still  larger  force  of  British 
was  sent  to  Portsmouth,  and  Phillips,  its  commander,  advanced  a:id 
took  Petersburg.  Here  he  had  an  engagement  with  Steuben,  who 
was  in  general  command  of  the  Americans,  pending  the  arrival  of 
Lafayette,  whose  approach  prevented  a  second  capture  of  Richmond. 
Phillips  died  of  fever  at  Petersburg  and  Arnold  resumed  command 
of  the  British. 

Meanwhile,  Cornwallis  had  pushed  the  Southern  army,  under 
General  Green,  through  North  Carolina  to  the  very  border  of  Vir- 
ginia. Notwithstanding  the  menace  of  the  British  army  on  the  lower 
James,  it  was  necessary  to  meet  the  new  danger.  Through  great 
exertion,  some  1,600  Virginia  militia  were  collected  to  join  Greene. 
Many  of  them  were  from  the  Valley  counties.  With  their  help  he 
gave  battle  to  Cornwallis,  at  Guilford,  March  5th,  and  crippled 
him  so  badly  that  he  made  a  tumultuous  retreat  to  Wilmington. 
Greene  advanced  into  South  Carolina,  and  toward  the  end  of  May 
Cornwallis  arrived  at  Petersburg  and  superseded  Arnold. 

The  British  army  in  Virginia  was  now  about  8,000  strong.  La- 
fayette with  his  much  inferior  force  was  pursued  to  the  Rapidan, 
v/hich  he  crossed  at  Ely's  Ford.  Cornwallis  then  moved  toward  the 
mountains.  A  raiding  party  under  Colonel  Simcoe  destroyed  the 
American  magazines  at  the  mouth  of  the  Rivanna.  Another  expe- 
dition under  Tarleton  dispersed  the  State  Legislature,  at  Charlottes- 
ville, but  was  deterred  from  pushing  on  to  Staunton  by  the  militia 
gathering  to  defend  the  mountain  passes.  Tarlton  had  been  taught 
a  lesson  by  his  crushing  defeat  at  the  Cowpens,  a  few  months  earlier. 
Lafayette  recrossed  the  Rapidan  at  Raccoon  Ford.  Cornwallis  at- 
tempted to  strike  him  on  the  flank,  but  was  foiled  by  his  adversary, 
who  opened  by  night  an  old  path  since  called  the  "Marquis  Road," 
and   took  a  strong  position   behind   Meechums   River   to   protect   his 

10  Virginia   Militia  ix   the   Revolution' 

stores.  Cornwallis  did  not  attempt  to  force  conclusions,  but  under 
orders  from  Clinton  retired  toward  the  coast,  followed  by  Lafayette, 
who  on  the  Rapidan  had  been  joined  by  Wayne  with  more  troops 
from  the  army  in  the  North. 

Cornwallis  had  been  ordered  to  take  a  position  on  the  coast,  so 
that  he  might  be  within  supporting  distance  of  Clinton  at  New 
York.  This  movement  turned  out  to  be  his  undoing.  While  execut- 
ing it,  two  small  engagements  occurred  near  Williamsburg.  The 
first  known  at  the  time  as  the  battle  of  Hotwater,  took  place  at 
Jenning's  Ordinary,  seven  miles  to  the  Northwest.  Colonel  Butler, 
a  good  officer  under  Lafayette,  fell  upon  foragers  under  Simcoe,  res- 
cued the  cattle  they  had  taken,  and  handled  the  British  roughly,  but 
was  forced  to  retire  under  tlrc  approach  of  Cornwallis  to  rescue  his 
subordinate.  The  other  fight,  that  of  Green  Spring,  took  place 
near  Old  Jamestown.  The  British  were  about  to  cross  the  James 
at  this  point,  and  Waj'ne,  who  was  misled  into  thinking  only  a  rear 
guard  was  on  the  north  bank,  made  an  impetuous  charge  against 
greatly  superior  numbers.  He  was  repulsed  with  a  loss  of  118  men 
to  the  enemy's  80,  but  in  alarm  at  the  onslaught,  Cornwallis  did 
not  deem  it  best  to  pursue  and  run  into  a  possible  ambuscade  in 

Cornwallis  took  post  at  Yorktown.  In  September,  Washington 
arrived  with  a  further  re-enforcement  and  assumed  general  command. 
The  gathering  militia  swelled  the  American  army  to  a  strength  of 
9,000  ijien,  French  under  Rochambeau  raising  the  total  to  15,000. 
Being  outnumbered  two  to  one  on  land,  and  bottled  up  by  the  French 
Heet  which  commanded  the  bay,  Cornwallis  had  to  succumb  to  the 
inevitable.  With  his  surender  the  war  was  practically  at  an  end. 
During  his  almost  unobstructed  marches  through  the  State,  his 
armies  wrought  damage  after  the  characteristic  British  fashion  in 
the  extent  of  about  $10,000,000,  the  equivalent  of  probably  three 
times  that  sum  at  the  present  day. 

After  the  surrender  of  Burgoyne,  in  1777,  many  of  his  men  were 
sent  to  a  military  prison,  at  Winchester,  others  were  quartered  at 
Albemarle  Barracks  (now  Charlottesville).  The  prisoners  taken  at 
the  Cowpens  were  also  sent  to  Winchester,  as  were  likewise  the  sol- 
diers in  the  army  of  Cornwallis.  To  guard  all  these  prisoners  of  war 
manv  details  of  militia  were  called  into  service. 

Virginia  Counties,  Old  and  New 

Before  the  Old  Dominion  was  torn  into  two  states  in  1861-3, 
the  149  counties  of  which  it  was  then  composed  were  grouped  into 
two  Districts;  the  Eastern  and  the  Western,  the  line  between  them 
being  the  crest  of  the  Blue  Ridge.  This  division  was  thoroughly 
well  known,  and  was  recognized  for  administrative  convenience  and 
sundry  other  considerations.  There  has  always  been  a  marked 
difference  in  the  origin,  habits,  and  characteristics  of  the  people  of 
the  two  sections,  and  thus  the  Eastern  District  was  the  "Land  of  the 
Tuckahoe,"  while  the  Western  was  the  "Land  of  the  Cohee." 

Of  the  present  69  counties  of  the  former  Eastern  District,  58 
were  already  in  existence  at  the  outbreak  of  the  Revolution  in  1775. 
During  that  time  of  strife,  four  new  counties  were  formed ;  Fluvanna 
and  Powhatan,  in  1777,  and  Campbell  and  Patrick  in  1781.  Flu- 
vanna was  formed  from  Albemarle,  Powhatan  from  Cumberland, 
Campbell  from  Bedford,  and  Patrick  from  Henry.  Between  1784 
and  1838  seven  more  counties  were  established;  Appomattox,  Frank- 
lin, Greenesville,  Madison,  Nelson,  and  Rappahannock.  With  one 
exception,  all  these  newer  counties  lie  against  the  Blue  Ridge,  and 
therefore  in  the  more  lately  settled  part  of  the  old  Eastern  District. 

The  explanation  given  in  the  above  paragraph  will  make  clear 
why  seven  counties  east  of  the  Blue  Ridge  are  never  alluded  to  by 
name  in  the  military  movements  of  the  Revolution.  The  names  of 
officers  and  soldiers  properly  belonging  to  those  areas  must  therefore 
be  sought  in  the  records  of  the  older  counties  from  which  the  newer 
ones  were  formed. 

In  the  Western  District  the  situation  was  vastly  different.  No 
portion  had  been  settled  for  quite  50  years,  and  to  a  very  great  ex- 
tent it  was  still  an  unoccupied  wilderness.  Because  of  these  facts, 
there  were,  prior  to  1776,  only  seven  organized  counties  instead  of 
the  present  86.  These  seven  were  Augusta,  Berkeley,  Botetourt, 
Dunmore,  Fincastle,  Frederick  and  Hampshire.  Berkeley  then  in- 
cluded Jefferson,  Dunmore  included  most  of  Page,  Frederick  included 
Clarke  and  Warren,  and  Hampshire  included  Morgan,  Mineral, 
Hardy,  and  Grant.  The  remaining  and  far  greater  part  of  the 
Western  District  was  comprised  in  the  enormous  counties  of  Augusta, 

Virginia   Militia   in   the   Revolution 

Botetourt,  and  Fincastle,  the  jurisdiction  of  all  of  which  was  as- 
serted as  far  as  the  Ohio  river.  Dunmore  was  soon  renamed  Shenan- 
doah, and  Fincastle  disappeared  because  of  its  subdivision. 

During  the  war  for  Independence  eight  new  counties  arose  in  the 
Western  District.  Washington  and  Montgomery  were  formed  in 
1776  from  a  part  of  Fincastle.  In  the  same  year,  Ohio,  Monogalia, 
and  Yohogania  were  formed  out  of  the  Northwest  section  of 
Augusta,  the  present  county  still  retaining  a  frontage  on  the  Ohio 
river.  The  other  new  counties,  Rockingham,  Rockbridge,  and  Green- 
brier, were  formed  in  1778.  Rockingham  covered  all  the  north  of 
Augusta  east  of  the  Alleghany  divide,  and  it  then  included  nearly  all 
of  Pendleton  and  a  portion  of  Page.  Greenbrier,  taken  from  Bote- 
tourt, reached  to  the  Ohio  river,  while  Rockbridge,  formed  from 
both  Augusta  and  Botetourt,  has  always  had  substantially  its  present 

But  Virginia,  following  the  wording  of  her  charter,  claimed  all 
the  country  to  the  west  and  northwest  as  far  as  the  Mississippi,  and 
the  Great  Lakes,  and  also  that  section  of  Pennsj'lvania  lying  west  of 
the  meridian,  which  constitutes  the  western  line  of  Maryland.  In 
the  French  and  Indian  and  Revolutionary  wars,  these  claims  were 
maintained  by  force  of  arms.  Thus  Kentucky  County,  taken  from 
Fincastle  in  1776,  afterwards  became  the  State  of  Kentucky.  Illinois 
County  conquered  from  the  British  by  George  Rogers  Clark  and 
established  in  1778,  afterwards  became  the  Territory  Northwest  of 
the  Ohio,  and  out  of  it  were  carved  the  magnificent  states  of  Ohio, 
Indiana,  Illinois,  Michigan,  and  Wisconsin.  A  boundary  dispute 
with  Pennsylvania  was  settled  to  the  advantage  of  the  latter  state. 
By  means  of  it,  Virginia  lost  nearly  all  of  Yohogania  County,  the 
fragment  saved  being  annexed  to  Ohio  County.  She  also  lost  a  large 
part  of  IVIonongalia. 

The  few  counties  west  of  the  Blue  Ridge  were  not  only  large, 
but  because  of  their  great  extent  they  possessed  a  considerable  popula- 
tion. This  was  particularly  true  of  Augusta  and  the  counties  south- 
west of  it.  It  therefore  explains  the  large  number  of  officers  and  men 
who  came  from  those  counties  as  the  boundaries  then  stood.  Because 
of  the  additional  circumstance  that  their  inhabitants  were  nearly 
all  white,  they  took  a  very  conspicuous  part  in  the  Revolution.  Prob- 
ably no  one  county  furnished  so  many  soldiers  as  Augusta. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution  13 

One  other  fact  remains  to  be  noticed.  The  Valley  of  Virginia 
had  been  settled  such  a  length  of  time,  that  a  majority  of  the  men 
it  sent  into  the  Revolution  were  native  to  the  soil.  But  this  was  not 
at  all  the  case  west  of  the  Alleghany  divide.  The  settlers  west  of  the 
range  were  but  a  handful,  and  very  few  had  been  there  so  long  as  ten 
years.  They  were  immigrants  from  the  older  counties  of  Virginia 
and  from  the  neighboring  states  of  Pennsylvania  and  JV'Iaryland. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution- 
ary War— McAllister's  Data 

A  summary    placing   by  counties   the  service    of   the 
Virginia  MiUtia  as  shown  by  the  affi- 
davits set  out  in  this  book 


Note: — The  references  are  to  Sections. 

Memoranda: — In  making  up  this  summary  no  effort  has  been  made 
to  determine  the  correctness  of  the  spelling  of  names  or  the  accuracy  of  the 
revolutionary  soldiers  whose  sworn  statements  are  printed  in  a  condensed 
form  in  this  book. 


17 — .  Capt.  James  Garland's  Company  was  in  service  at  Albemarle 
Barracks,  9. 

17 — .  Capt. Hunton's  Company  was  in  service,  9. 

17 — .  Capt. Montgomery's  Company  was  in  service,  9. 

17 — .  Lieut  Henry  Austin  with  some  men  were  in  service,  27. 

17 — .  Capt.  Miller's  Company  was  in  service  below  Richmond,  37. 

17 — .  Capt.  Mark  Leak's  Company  was  out  in  service,  99. 

17 — .   Capt.  Miller's  Company  was  in  service  about  Hampton,  35. 

17 — .  Capt.  John  Scott's  Company  was  out  in  service,  91. 

17 — .  Capt.  Coursey's  Company  was  out  in  service,  91. 

17 — .  Capt.  Mathew  Leake's  Company  was  in  service  at  Cabin 
Point,  84. 

1 7 — .  Capt.  Nelson  Thompson's  Company  was  in  service  at  Mal- 
vern Hill,  84. 

1777.  Capt,  Landron  Jones'  Company  served  in  the  1st  Virginia,  99. 

1777.  Capt  Jno.  Harris'  Company  was  out  in  service,  99. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

1779.  Lieut,  Robert  Jouett  enrolled  a  number  of  men  for  service  in 
the  North,  64. 

1779.  Capt.  Ambrose  Madison's  Company  was  in  service  at  Albe- 

marle Barracks,  91. 

1780.  Capt.  Mark  Leak's  Compan}^  was  in  service  at  Cabin  Point,  53. 
1780.   Capt.  John   Henderson's   Companj^  was   in  service   at   Cabin 

Point,  50. 

1780.  Capt.  Wm.  Grayson's  Company    was    in    service    at    York- 

town,   100. 

1781.  Capt.  Benj.  Harris'  Company  was  in  the  regular  service,  50. 

1781.  Capt.  Barrett's  Company  was  in  the  Cavalry,  53. 

1781.  Capt. Falkner's  Company  was  out  in  service,  53. 

1781.  Capt.  Woodford's  Company  was  in  service  near  Rich- 
mond, 38. 

1781.  Capt.  Nicholas  Hammer's  Company  was  in  service  at  Albe- 
bemarle  Barracks  and  joined  Lafayette,  38. 

1781.  Capt.  Mark  Leak's  Company  joined  Lafayette,  25,  100. 

1781.  Capt.  John  Harris'  Company  was  in  service  at  Half  Way 
House,  25,  38. 

1781.  Capt.  Dan'l  White's  Company  joined  Lafayette,   100. 

1781.    Capt.  Benj.  Harris'  Company  joined  Lafayette,  100. 

1781.  Capt.  John  Burk's  Company  joined  Lafayette,  100. 

1781.  Capt. Lany's  Company  joined  Lafayette,  100. 

1781.  Capt.  Benjamin  Harrison's  Company  was  at  the  Seige  of  York- 
town,  9 

1781.  Capt.  Benjamin  Harris'  Company  was  at  Seige  of  York,  84. 

For   the   list  of   Militia   Officers   who   qualified   in   the    County   Court   of 
Albemarle  County,  see  Section  251. 


1776.  Capt.  Rowland  Ward's  Company  in  service  at  Hampton,  159. 

1776.  Capt Wilson's  Company  in  service  at  Hampton,  159. 

1777.  Capt.  Benj.  Ward's  Company  in  service  about  Petersburg,  81. 
1777.  Capt.  Wm  Craddock's  Company  in  service  at  Cabin  Point,  159. 
1779.  Capt  John  Knight's  Company  in  service  near  Richmond  and 

Norfolk,  193. 

Virginia   Militia  in   the   Revolution 

1779.  Capt.   Wm.   Royall's  Company   in   service   in   Richmond   and 

Norfolk,   193. 

1780.  300  Militia  from  this  County  in  service  near  Chickamominy 

Swamp,  81. 

1780.  Capt.  Watson's  Company  in  service  near  Chickahominy 
Swamp,  81. 

1 780.  Capt.  Wm.  Worsham's  Company  in  service  in  the  South  as  far 
as  Charleston,  82. 

1780.  Capt.  Roberts  Company,  same,  82. 

1780.  Capt. Fitzgerald's  Company,  same,  82. 

1780.  Capt. Jones'  Company,  Same,  82. 

1780.  Capt.  Wm.  Worsham's  Company  in  service  near  Richmond,  82. 

1780.  Capt.  Wm.  Worsham's  Company  in  service  near  Peters- 
burg, 82. 

1780.  Capt.  John  Ward's  Company  in  service  at  Smithfield,  149. 

1780.  Capt.  Wm.  Craddock's  Company  at  Battle  of  Camden,  159. 

1780.  Capt.  Price's  Company  at  Battle  of  Camden,  159.. 

1781.  Capt.  Company  in  service  about  Richmond,   149. 

1781.  Capt.  Edward  Booker's  Company  in  service  in  Orange,  149. 
1781.  Capt.  Edward  Walker's  Cavalry  Company  in  service  in  Albe- 
marle, 81. 

1781.  Capt.  Peter  Randolph's  Company  in  service  about  Richmond, 

1781.  Capt.  John  Knight's  Company  in  service,  82. 
1781.  Capt.  Wm.  Worsham's  Company  in  service,  82. 
1781.  Capt.  Paulin  Anderson's  Company  in  "Wild  Goose  Chase," 

1781.  Amelia  men  were  gathering  beeves  for  the  army,  159. 
1781.  Capt.  Lewis  Ford's  Company  at  the  Siege  of  Yorktown,  193. 

Note: — The  Amelia  Militia  was  discharged  at  Bird's  Ordinary.  Im- 
mediately after  that  Capt.  Wm.  Worsham,  Capt.  John  Knight  and  100  men 
were   taken   prisoners  by  Tarlton,    82. 

Note: — In  1775,  Capt.  Markham's  Company  served  in  the  First  Virginia 
about  Norfolk  and  was  in  the  Battle  of  Great  Bridge,  82. 

Memo.: — For  the  list  of  Militia  Officers  who  qualified  in  the  County 
Court  of  Amelia   Countv,   see   Section  252. 

Virginia  Militia  in   the  Revolution 


1776.  Capt.  John  Sale's  Company  served  against  Cherokee  Indians, 

1778.  Capt.  John  Trent's  Company  served  against  Indians  on  the 

Holston  River,  189. 

1779.  The  following  Amherst  Companies  served  this  year  at  Albe- 

marle Barracks,  viz :   Capt.  John  Sale's ;  Capt.  David  Wood- 
rup's;  Capt.  Richard  Ballinger's,  112,  17,  19,  39. 
Capt.    Samuel   Higginbotham's   Company  served   below   Rich- 
mond, 61. 

1780.  Capt.  Ambrose  Rucker's  Company  was  out  in  service,  112. 
1780.  Capt.  Younger  Landrum's  Company  was  in  North  Carolina, 


1780.  Capt.  John  ^lorrison's  Company  served  around  Peters- 
burg, 19. 

1780.  Capt.  Richard  Ballinger's  Company  was  in  service  at  Fort 
Powhatan,  61. 

1780.  Capt.  James  Barrett's  Company  and  Capt.  Tucker's  Company 

at  Yorktown,  100. 

1781.  The  Companies  of  Capt.  Younger  Landrum,  and  Capt.  James 

Franklin  marched  to  North  Carolina,  got  near  to  but  not  into 
the  battle  of  Guilford.  The  men  say  they  could  have  gotten 
there  if  they  had  been  properly  handled ;  Franklin  resigned 
next  day,  10,  17,  18,  19,  39,  40,  68. 

Col.  Hugh  Rose,  the  Colonel  of  the  County,  and  Capt. 
Sam  Higginbotham's  Company  and  Capt.  Caleb  Higgin- 
botham's Company  were  kept  busy  getting  cattle  to  Wil- 
liamsburg to  feed  the  American  forces,  39,  68. 

Some  of  militia  were  sent  to  guard  the  prisoners  to  the 
British  ship  below  Jamestown,  17;  and  others  were  kept 
watching  the  tories  in  the  county  to  keep  them  from  disaf- 
fecting  the   negroes,    112. 

The    Companies    of    Capt.    John    Stewart,    Capt.    John 

Loving,   Capt. Christian  and  Capt.   Benjamin   Hig- 

ginbotham  took  part  in  the  seige  of  York,  10,  19,  40,  134,  78. 

No  dates  are  given  for  the  following  services : 

Capt.   John    Morrison's    Company    was    raised   to    go    to    South 
Carolina,  but  was  held  in  Virginia,  134. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the   Revolution 

Capt.  Jacob's  Company  served  at  Albemarle  Barracks,  31. 

Capt.  Richard  Pamplin's  Companj-  served  at  same  place,  106. 

Capt. Loving's  Company  served  at  same  place,  134. 

Capt.  Richard  Ballinger's  Company  served  at  Hood's  Fort  in 
Prince  George  County,  106. 

Capt.  John  Christian's  Company  served  below  Richmond,  31. 

Capt.  John  Phillips'  Company  served  around  Richmond,  31. 

Capt. Tucker's  Company  served  at  Williamsburg,  106. 

Capt. Dillard's    Company    served    as    guard    at    Court 

House,  106. 

Capt.  Stewart's  Company  was  out  in  service,  106. 


Notes: — The  service  of  militia  in  1774  are  included  because  the  Battle 
of  Point  Pleasant  in  that  year  was  really  the  initial  battle  of  the  Revolu- 

Under  the  head  of  "Augusta"  will  be  found  services  of  many  companies 
which  later  fell  into  the  subdivisions  of  this  large  section  of  country  then 
called  Augusta. 

There  will  also  be  found  mention  of  some  companies  which  may  really 
belong  to  Rockingham,  Greenbriar,  Rockbridge,  or  Botetourt  because  of  the 
dificulty  in   determining  where   they  should   be   placed. 

1774.  Capt.  Geo.  Moffett's  Company  was  six  weeks  at  Clover  Lick 
Fort  87. 

1774.  Capt.  Geo.  Moffett's  Company  built  Fort  Warwick,  117. 

1774.  Capt  John  Lewis'  Company  (raised  at  Warm  Springs),  was 
in  the  Battle  of  Point  Pleasant,  60-73. 

1774.  Capt.  Jno.  Dickenson's  Company  in  Battle  of  Point  Pleas- 
ant, 79-115. 

1774.  Capt.  Andrew  Lockridge's  Company  at  Battle  of  Point  Pleas- 
ant, 74. 

1774.  Capt.  Alexander  IVIcClenachen's  Company  at  Battle  of  Point 
Pleasant,  136. 

1774.  Capt.  Jno.  Morrison's  Company  at  the  Battle  of  Point  Pleas- 
ant, 136. 

1774.  Capt.  Saml.  Wilson's  Companv  at  Battle  of  Point  Pleasant, 

1774.  Capt.  Geo.  ALathews'  Company  at  Battle  of  Point  Pleasant, 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution  19 

1774.  Capt.  Geo.   Moffett's  Company  at  Battle  of  Point  Pleasant, 

Services  for  Which  no  Years  are  Given: 

Capt.  Thos.  Smith's  Company  in  service  about  Richmond,  130. 

Capt. McCoy's  Company  in  service  about  Richmond,  86. 

Capt.  Geo.  Poage's  Company  at  Clover  Lick  Fort,  86. 

Capt. Buchannan's  Company  in  service  around  Norfolk, 


Capt. Company  at  Warwick  Fort  for  three  months,  73. 


1776  to  1779.  John  Bradshaw  and  others  from  Fort  Cook,  now  in 

Monroe  to  Burnside's  Fort,  12. 
1776  or  1777.  Adam  Arbogast,  4. 

1778.  John  Jones,  William  Morris,   Leonard   Morris,  John   Patter- 

son, 115. 

1779.  Jacob   Kennison   from  Fork  Lick,   on   Elk  River  to  Drenna's 

Fort  and  Little  Levels,  48. 
1782.  Under  Capt.  Wm.  Clendenning,   139. 

1776.  Capt.  Jno  Lyle's  Company  against  Indians  on  Holston  River, 

1776.  Capt.  Mathew  Arbuckle  raises  a  Company  for  service  at  Point 

Pleasant,   115. 
1776.   Capt.   Jno.    Lewis'    Company   at   Warwick   Fort    and    Clover 

Lick  Fort,  33-76. 
1776.  Capt.  Jno.  Lewis  raises  a  Company  of  regulars;  goes  into  the 

Tenth  Virginia;  was  in  the  battles  of  Brandywine  and  Ger- 

mantown,  20. 

1776.  Capt.  Nail's  Company  against  the  Indians  at  West- 

fall  Fort  and  T.vgart's  Valley,  119.     ' 

1777.  Capt.   ^VIcGuire  raises  a  Company  of  regulars  part  of   16th 

Va. ;  was  in  the  battles  of  Brandj'wine,  Germantown,  Guil- 
ford Court  House  and  Hot  Water,  186. 

1777.   Capt. Smith  raises  a  Company  later  commanded  by 

Capt.  Bell  in  regular  service;  w^as  in  battle  of  Monmouth,  13. 

20  Virginia   Militia  in   the   Revolution 

1777.  Capt.  Robt.  Craven's  Company  against  the  Indians  at  Tygart's 

Valley,   34. 
1777.   Capt.  Buchannan's    Company    in    service    at    Ports- 
mouth,   162. 
1777.   Six  men  on  duty  at  Wilson's  Fort  on  Jackson's  river,   now 

Highland  County,  33. 
1777.  Capt.  Geo.  Moffett's    Company    serving    at    Point    Pleasant, 

1777.  Some  of  the  Militia  under  Capt.  Mathew  Arbuckle  at  Point 

Pleasant,  48. 
1777.  Capt.  Mathew  Arbuckle  has  Company  on  Elk  River  and  later 

at  Point  Pleasant,  60. 
1777.  Capt.  Jno  IVIcCoy's  Company  at  West  Fort,  Louther's  Fort, 

Nutter's  Fort  and  Coontz'  Fort,  4. 
1777.  Capt.  Robt,  M'Creary's  Company  at  Warwick's  Fort,  79. 
1777.  Capt.  Samuel  Vance's  Company  at  Warwick's  Fort  and  Clover 

Lick  Fort,  33,  58,  76. 
1777.  Capt.  Andrew  Lockridges'   Company  at  Vance's   Fort    (now 

Mountain  Grove,  Bath  County),  58.  70. 
1777.  Capt.  Wm.  Pence's  Company  at  Racket's  Fort,  139. 
1777.  Capt.  Thos.  Smith's  Company  at  Point  Pleasant,  98. 

1777.  Capt.  Patrick  Buchannan's  Company  capture  tories  near  Peaked 

Mountain,  now  Rockingham  County,  Va.,   133. 

1778.  Capt.  Company   in  service   four  months   against   the 

Indians  on  Jackson's  River,  33. 
1778.   Capt.  James  Tate's  Company  in  service  at  Lewisburg,  now 

Greenbrier  County,  133. 
1778.  Capt.  Patrick  Buchannon's  Company  in  service  at  Lewisburg, 

1778.  Capt.  Francis  Long's  Company  in  service  at  Lewisburg,   133. 
1778.  Capt.  Wm.  Anderson's  Company  at  Clover  Lick  Fort,  97. 
1778.  Capt.  Wm.  Craven's  Company  at  Tygart's  Valley,   139. 
1778.  Capt.  Robt.  Craven's  Company  at  Fort  Mcintosh,   139. 
1778.  Capt.  Saml.  McCutcheon's  Company  at  Fort  Mcintosh,  33. 

Pack  horses  in  service  to  Fort  Mcintosh,  117. 

Teams   sent   from    Staunton    to    take   supplies   of   bacon 

from  Orange  and  Culpepper  to  Washington's  Army  in  the 

North,  124. 

Virginia  Militia  in   the   Revolution 

1778.  Capt.  Jno.  McCoj's  Company  in  service  at  Warm  Springs,  4. 
1778.  Capt.  Jno.  McCoj-'s  Company  (Part  of  it),  at  Crab  Bottom,  4. 

1778.  Capt.  Cooper's  Company  goes  into  regular  service  un- 

der Col.  Woodford,  87. 

1778  or  1779.  Capt  Andrew  Lockridge's  Company  for  three  months 

at  Clover  Lick  Fort,  72. 
1778  or  1779.  Capt.  Wm.  Kincaid's  Company  at  Fort  Vance,  Clover 

Lick  Fort  and  West  Fort,  92. 

1778  or  1779.  Capt.  Jno.  McCoy's  Company  at  Richmond,  76. 

1779.  Capt.  AlcCreary's  Company  three  months  at  Clover 

Lick  Fort,  70. 

1779.  Capt.  James  Trimble's  Company  at  Tygart's  Valley  and  Fort 

Buchannon;  98,  111. 

1779  or  1780.  Capt  Thos.  Hickman's  Company  one  month  at  War- 

wick's Fort,  72. 

1780.  Capt.  Saml.  McCutcheon's  Company  in  service  at  Richmond, 

22, -95,  107,  124. 

1780.  Capt.  Jno  Dickey's  Company  in  service  at  Richmond,  22. 

1780.  Capt.  Francis  Long's  Company,  same,  22. 

1780.  Capt.  Thos.  Smith's  Company,  same,  22,  95. 

1780.  Capt. Givens'  Company,  same,  22,  93,  124. 

1780.  Capt.  John  McCoy's  Company  at  Richmond  and  Camp  Hol- 
ly, 33,  70. 

1780.  Capt.  John  McKittrick's  Company  at  Fort  Dinwiddie  (near 
Warm  Springs),  and  Fort  Warwick,  111. 

1780.  Capt.  Thos.  Smith's  Company  with  several  other  Militia 
companies  guarded  the  General  Assembly  at  Richmond,  97. 

1780.  Capt.  James  Tate's  Company  at  the  Battle  of  Cowpens,  63, 

75,  118. 

1781.  Capt.  Thos.  Rankin's  Company  at  Portsmouth,   136. 
1781.  Capt.  Joseph  Patterson's  Company  at  Camp  Carson,  22,  95. 
1781.  Capt.  James  Trimble's  Company  at  Camp  Carson,  22,  58. 
1781.  Capt.  John  Cunningham's  Company  at  Camp  Carson,  22,  58. 
1781.  Capt.  Chas.  Cameron's  Company  at  Camp  Carson,  20,  22,  58. 
1781.  Capt.  Thos.  Hickman's  Company,   12,  22,  72.* 

1781.  Capt.  Wm.  Kinkead's  Company  at  Portsmouth,  57,  74. 

1781.  Capt.  Stevenson   at   the   Battle    of    Guilford    Court 

House,  45. 

'Memo.: — For  full   account  of  this,  see  22. 

22  Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

1781.  Capt.  James  Tate's  Companj-  at  the  Battle  of  Guilford,  Tate 
was  killed   and  some  of  his  men  prisoners,    107. 

1781.  Capt.  David  Gwin's  Company  at  Battle  of  Guilford,  76,  92. 

1781.  Capt.  Tate's  Company  joined  main  army  Speedwell 

Iron  Works,   133. 

1781.  Capt. Smith's  Company,  same,   133. 

1781.  Capt.  Thomas  Smith's  Company  joined  main  army  at  Trouble- 
some Iron  Works,  North  Carolina,  97. 

1781.  Capt.  John  Smith's  Company  at  the  Battle  of  Guilford,  13. 

1781.  John  Dickey's  Company  at  Rock  Fish  Gap,  takes  charge  of 
Prisoners  captured  at  Cowpens,  98. 

1781.  Capt. Company  crosses  Greenbrier  River  in  pursuit  of 

Indians,  4. 

1781.  Capt.  James  Bell  has  men  in  service  impressing  horses  for  the 
army,  97. 

1781.  Capt.  David  Gwinn's  Company  in  service  at  Williamsburg, 
33,  58. 

1781.  Capt. Company  in  pursuit  of  Tarleton,  72. 

1781.  Capt. Company  at  Charlottesville,   13. 

1781.  Capt.  Peter  Hull's  Company  at  Battle  of  Jamestown,  72. 

1781.  Capt.  John  Brown's  Company  at  Battle  of  Hot  Water  and 
Jamestown,   11,  79,   162. 

1781.  Capt.  Chas.  Cameron's  Company  at  Battle  of  Jamestown,  20. 

1781.  Capt.  Jno.  Campbell's  Company  at  the  Battle  of  James- 
town, 22,  75. 

1781.  Capt.  Chas.  Haskins'  Company  at  the  Battle  of  Jamestown,  22. 

1781.  Capt.  Jno.  Dickey's  Company  at  the  Battle  of  Jamestown,  75. 
95,  118,  163. 

1781.  Capt.  Francis  Long's  Company  at  the  Battles  of  Hot  Water 
and  Jamestown,  22,  198. 

1781.  Capt.  Patrick  Buchannon's  Company  at  the  Battle  of  Hot 
Water,  22,  111. 

1781.  Capt.  John  Givens'  Company  at  the  Battle  of  Jamestown, 
87,  130,  134. 

1781.  Capt.  Zachariah  Johnson's  Company  at  the  Battle  of  James- 
town, 136. 

1781.  Capt.  Wm.  Bowyer  and  108  mounted  horsemen  were  at  the 
Battles  of  New  Kent  Court  House  and  Hot  Water,  117. 

1781.  Capt.  Samuel  McCutcheon's  Company  in  service  for  20  days, 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

1781.  Capt.  Company  at  the  Siege  of  York,   117. 

1781.  Capt.  Francis  Long's  Company  at  the  Siege  of  York,  22. 
1781.  Capt.  Thos.  Hicklin's  Company  at  the  Siege  of  York,  12,  70. 

1781.  Capt. Trimble's  Company  at  the  Siege  of  York,  22. 

1781.  Capt. Company  at  the  Siege  of  York,  75. 

1781.  Capt. Dickey's  Company  at  the  Siege  of  York,  22. 

1781.  Capt. Buchannon's  Company  at  the  Siege  of  York,  22. 

1781.  James  Bell's  Company  at  Siege  of  York,  92. 

1781.  Capt.  Christian's  Company  at  the  Siege  of  York,  134. 

1782.  Capt.  John  McKittrick's  Company  in  service  at  Tygart's  Val- 

ley, 22,   118. 
1782.  Capt.  Geo.  Poage's    Company    three    months    at    Warwick's 

Fort,  33. 
1782.  Capt.  Geo.  Poage's  Company  at  Clover  Lick  Fort,  70. 
1782.  Lieut.  John  McCamie  at  Clover  Lick  Fort,  75. 

Memo.: — For   the    list   of   Militia    Officers    who   qualified   in   the    County 
Court  of  Augusta   County,  see   Section   253. 


1776.  Capt.   Wm.   Leftridge   against   Tories   and    Indians   at   Lead 

Mines,  47,  157. 

1777.  Capt.  John  Torbert's  Company  in  service  at  Yorktown,  47. 
1777.   Capt.  John  Wilkerson's  Company  out  in  service,   157. 

1777.  Capt.  Thomas  Dooley's  Company  out  in  service,    157. 

1778.  Capt.  Robt.  Adams'  Company  guarding  Lead  Mines,  153. 

1779.  Capt  Nathaniel  Tate's  Company  joined  Genl.  Gates  in  North 

Carolina,  153. 
1779.  Capt.  Charles  Watkins'  Company  ordered  to  Jamestown,  153. 

1779.  Capt.  Company  guarding  at  New  London  and  Lynch- 

burg prisoners  taken  at  Cowpens,  47. 

1780.  Capt.  Isaac  Webb's  Company  conveying  baggage  wagons  and 

live  hogs  from  North  Carolina  to  Mecklenburg,  Va.,   153. 
1780.  Capt.  Alex,  Cummins'  Company  in  General  Lawson's  Brigade, 

1780.   Capt   Benj.   Logan's   Company  guarding   Kentucky   frontiers, 


Virginia   Militia  in   the   Revolution 

1780.  Capt.  John  Renfro's  Company  against  tories  on  New  River, 

Note: — For  a  list  of  the  Officers  who  qualified  in  the  Militia  in  Bedford 
County,  see  Section  254. 


1777.   Capt.  Evens'  Company  was  in  the  Battle  of  Brandywine,  122. 
1778-79.  Capt.   David  Kennedy's  Company  was  in  service  at  Fort 
Mcintosh,  59. 

1780.  Capt. Sullivan's  Company  was  in  the  Battle  of  Cow- 

pens,  and  at  Guilford  Court  House,  5. 

1781.  Capt.  Edward  Davis'  Company  served  about  Williamsburg,  59. 
1781.  Capt.  John  Hart  Company  was  at  the  Siege  of  York,  59. 

1781.  Capt. Coher's  Company  was  at  the  Siege  of  York,  5. 

1781.  Capt. Company  guarded  the  prisoners  taken  at  York- 
town,   148. 

Memo.: — For    a    list    of    the    Officers    who    qualified    in    the    Militia    in 
Berkeley  County,  see  Section  25  5. 


Note: — It  will  be  well  to  look  under  the  services  of  the  Augusta  Militia. 
as  well  as  this  head,  as  probably  some  services  which  should  be  under 
Botetourt  are  under  Augusta. 

1776.  Capt.  Gilmer's  Company  served  against  the   Indians 

on  Holston  River,  113. 

1776  or  1777.  Capt. McKee's  Company  at  Point  Pleasant, 


1777.  Capt.  John  Paxton's  Company  served  at  Point  Pleasant,  112. 

1778.  Capt.  James  Tate's  Company  at  Fort  Savannah  for  one  month,. 

1778.  Capt.  P.  Buchannon's    Company    at    Fort    Savannah    for    one 

month,  133. 
1778.  Capt.  Francis  Long's  Company    at    Fort    Savannah    for    o  le 

month,   133. 
1778.  Capt.  Hugh  Logan's  Company  to  the  relief  of  Donnally's  Fort,. 


Virginia   Militia  in  the  Revolution  25 

1779.   Capt.  James   Smith's  Company  served  against  the   Indians   in 

South  West  Virginia,   102. 
1779.  Capt  James  Barnett's  Compan}'  served  against  Indians  in  South 

West  Virginia,  102. 
1779.  Capt.  Joseph  Crockett's  Company  served  at  Williamsburg,  156. 
1779.  Capt.  Wm.  McCIenahan's  Company  served  against  the  tories 

in  Montgomery,  156. 

1779.  Capt.  James  Barnett's  Company  served   against  the  tories   in 

Montgomery,   156. 

1780.  Capt.  James  Robinson's  Company  served  in   North   Carolina, 


1780.  Capt.  Alexander   Handly's  Company  served  in   North  Caro- 

lina, 114.* 

1781.  Capt. May's  Company  served  in  North  Carolina,  was 

at  the  Battle  of  Reedy  Fork,  133. 
1781.   Capt.   John    Cartmili's   Company   served   in    North    Carolina, 

was  at  the  Battle  of  Reedy  Fork,   133. 
1781.  Capt.  Mathew  Wilson's  Company  was  in  North  Carolina  at 

the  Battle  of  Reedy  Fork,   133. 
1781.  Capt. Holston's  Company  was  at  the  Battle  of  Reedy 

Fork,  North  Carolina,  133. 
1781.  Capt.  Bollar  was  at  the  Battle  of  Reedy  Fork,  N.  C, 

1781.   Capt.  Wm.   McCIenahan's  Company  at  the  Battles  of  Ala- 
mance, Reedy  Fork  and  Guilford,  156. 
1781.  Capt.  Hoyd's  Company  (?),  at  the  Battle  of  Guilford 

Court  House,   137.t 
1781.   Capt.  Joseph  Looney's  Company  was  in  service  at  Bottom's 

Bridge,    138. 
1781.  Capt.  David  May's  Company  at  the  Siege  of  York,  133. 
1781.  Capt.  James  Smith's  Company  at  the  Siege  of  York,  102. 

N'o  Date  Given  : 

Capt.  Mathew  Arbuckle  at  Pittsburgh  and  Point  Pleasant,  128. 

Capt. Company  against  tories  at  Lead  Mines,  102. 

For  a   list  of  the  Officers  qualified   as   Militia   in  Botetourt   County,   see 
Section  256. 

*Note: — The  111   men  in  these  Companies  were  reduced  to  17. 
tNOTE: — Section  137  contains  a  very  full  account  of  this  Battlt. 

26  Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 


17  7-.  Capt.  Wm.  Dugrid's  Compaii}-  on  guard  at  Albemarle  Bar- 
racks, 26. 

1781.  Capt.  Wm.  Perkins'  Company-  in  Battle  of  Hot  Water  and 
Jamestown,  26. 

1781.  Capt.  Silas  Watkins'  Company  at  Siege  of  Yorktown,  26. 

1781.  Capt.  Wm.  Giles'  Company'  at  the  Siege  of  Yorktown,  26. 

Memo.: — A  search  of  the  records  of  Buckingham  County  failed  to  dis- 
close any  record  of  Militia   Officers  qualifying  in  it  during  the  Revolution. 


The  following  companies  were  in  service  but  the  date  is  not  given. 

Capt.  Jameson,  85. 

Capt. Stevens,  85. 

Capt. Taylor,  85. 

Capt.  Clark,  85. 

Lieut.  Littleberry  Harrod,  six  months  at  Hobb's  Hole,  190. 
Capt.  Wm  Taliaferro's  Company,  224. 

Capt.  Company,  224. 

Capt.  Vivian  Minor's  Company  at  Williamsburg,  224. 

1775.  Capt.  Phillip  Buckner's  Company  in  service,  219. 

1776.  Capt.  Robt.  Ware's  Company  in  service  at  Williamsburg,  219. 

1778.  Capt.  Elisha  White's  Company  entered  regular  service  for  two 

years  under  Col.  Chas.  Porterfield,  190, 
177—.  Capt.  John  Marshall's  Company  was  at  Williamsburg,  211. 

1779.  Lieut.  Glenn  had  a  Company  in  service  at  Malvern 

Hill,  211. 
1779.   Capt.   Philip  Johnson's  Company  at  Williamsburg,  218. 

1779.  Capt.  Long's  Company  at  Williamsburg,  85. 

1780.  Capt.  James  Johnson's  Company  at  Battle  of  Camden,  35. 

1781.  Capt.  Francis  Cowherd's  Company  joined  the  First  Virginia 

and  was  in  the  Battles  of  Guilford  and  Eutaw,  218. 

1781.  Capt.  Ed.  Bullock's  Company    was    in    service    at    Williams- 
burg, 35. 

1781.  Capt.  Coleman  Sutton's  Company  out  in  service,  158. 

1781.  Capt.  Coleman  Taylor's  Company  out  in  service,  158. 

1781.  Capt.  Creed  Haskin's  Company  in  service  at  Yorktown,  211. 

Virginia   Militia   ix   the   Revolutiox 

1781.  Capt.  Coleman  Taylor's  Companj^  out  in  service,  158. 

1781.  Capt. Coleman's  Company  in  service  at  Yorktown,  219. 

Note: — For  a  list  of  the  Officers  who  qualified  in  the  Militia  in  Caroline 
Countv,  see  Section  257. 


1776.   Capt.   Wm.   Collier's   Company   joined   Col.   Ruffins' 

Regiment  at  Petersburg  and  was  in  service  near  Gwynn's 
Island.  Later  it  marched  with  regiment  to  Holston  River 
against  the  Indians,  66. 

1779.  Capt.  Wm.   Morton's  Company  marched  to  North  Carolina, 

joined  Genl.  Lincoln's  Army,  took  part  in  attempt  to  storm 
British  Fort  at  Stono  Ferry,  66. 

1780.  Capt.   Richard  Gaine's  Company  was  in  service  near  Dismal 

Swamp,  184. 

1781.  Capt.  Jesse  Saunders'  Company  in  service  against  Arnold,  184. 
1781.    Capt.   Andrew  Wallace's   Company   served    in   the    Siege   of 

Yorktown,  184. 

1781.  Capt.  Spencer's  Company  guarded  the  prisoners  taken 

at  Siege  of  Yorktown,  200. 

Memo.: — For  a  list  of  the  Officers  who  qualified  for  the  Militia  in  Char- 
lotte County,  see  Section  258. 


1776.  Capt.  Frank  Goode's  Company  in  service  at  Portsmouth,  2. 

1777.  Capt.    Francis    Smith's    Company    serving    with    First    Vir- 

ginia, 200. 

1779.  Capt   Creed    Haskins'    Company   serving   at    Hood's   Fort   in 

Surrey  County,    199. 

1780.  Capt.  Booker's  Company  were  in  the  South  and  at 

Gate's  Defeat,  194. 
1780.  Capt.  Archibald  Walthal's  Company  in  the  South  at  Gate's 

Defeat,   194,  200. 
1780.  Capt. Company  at  Gate's  Defeat,  191. 

Note: — These  Companies  were  joined  at  Randolph  Mills  by  the  Militia 
from  Caroline,  Hanover  and  Henrico,  who  went  with  them  to  the  South. 

ViRGiKiA  Militia  in   the  Revolutiox 

1780  or  1781.  Capt  Richard  Crump's  Company  serving  in  Chester- 
field, 15. 

1780.  Capt.  Company  guarding  the  ferry  at  Westham  and 

Tuckahoe,   200. 

1781.  Capt.    Robt.    Powt's   Company   joined    Lafayette   at    ^lalvern 

Hill,  15*. 
1781.   Capt.   Stephen   Pankey's  Company   at  the   Battle  of   Guilford 

Court  House,  191. 
1781.  Capt.  David  Patterson's  Company  served  at  Dinwiddie  Court 

House,  194. 
1781.   Capt.   Paul   Patterson's   Company  served   at  Petersburg,    199. 
1781.  Capt.  Paul  Patterson's  Company  joined  Lafayete,  199. 
1781.  Capt.  David  Patterson's  Company  was  out  for  five  weeks,  200. 
1781.  Capt.  David  Patterson's  Company  was  at  the  Siege  of  York, 


Some  of  the  Chesterfield  ^Militia  were  in  service  around 

Petersburg,  82. 

Note: — For    a    list    of    the    Officers    who    qualified    for    the    Militia    in 
Chesterfield  Countv,  see  Section  259. 


1775.  Capt.   John  Thorn's   Company  was  out   against   Lord   Dun- 

more,  148. 

1776.  Capt.  Bohannon's  Company  served  three  months  near 

Norfolk,  148. 

1777.  Four  companies   including  that  of   Capt.  Hill   joined 

Washington  above   Philadelphia  and  were  in   the  battle  of 

1778.  Capt.  James  Purvis'  Company  guarding  prisoners  at  Albemarle 

Barracks,  249,  148. 

1779.  Capt.  John   Strother's   Company  guarding  prisoners   at  Albe- 

marle Barracks,  249. 
1781.  Capt.    Ambrose    Bohannon's    Company    joined    Washington's 
Armv  at  Malvern  Hill  and  was  with  it  to  Yorktown,  94. 

*Query: — It  is  uncertain  whether  the  last  two  Companies  mentioned 
belong  in  Cumberland  or  Chesterfield.  Mention  has  been  made  above  of 
Capt.  Creed  Haskins.  He  was  probably  the  Cumberland  Haskins  of  that 
same  name  who  was  appointed  Captain  in  place  of  John  Burton. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution  29 

1781.  Capt.  Elijah  Kirtley's  Company  joined  Col.  John  Willis  (of 
Hanover),  and  Genl.  ^lorgan  at  Bird's  Ordinary;  was  in 
Battles  of  Jamestown  and  Hot  Water,  104. 

1781.  Capt.  Saml.  Ferguson's  Company  was  in  service  about  Rich- 
mond, 104. 

1781.  Capt. Ferguson's  Company  joined  Lafayette,  148. 

1781.  Capt.  Berkeley's  Company  was  at  the  Siege  of  York, 

Capt.  Henry  Hill's  Company  met  the  British  Prisoners  taken 
at    Burgoyne's   surrender   and    guarded    them    to   Albemarle 
Barracks,  94. 

Capt. Slaughter's  Company  joined  Gen.  Wayne's  Army 

and  served  three  months  in  Col.  Barber's  Regiment. 

Memo.: — No    records    are    found    in    Culpeper   showing   the    Militia    Offi- 
cers who  qualified  there  during  the  Revolution. 


1776.  Capt.  Robt.  Hughes'  Company  in  service  at  Williamsburg,  54. 

1779.  Capt.    Edward    Munford's    Company     in     service     for     three 

months,  15. 

1779  or  1780.  Capt. Clarke's  Company  in  service  at  Peters- 

burg, 67. 

1780.  Capt.  Richard  Crump's  Company  in  service  at  Hampton,  207. 

1780  or   1781.   Capt.  Crad.   Haskin's  Company  in  service   for   three 

months,  6. 

1780.  Capt.    Richard    Crump's    Company     in     service     in     Chester- 

field,  15. 

1781.  Capt.  Littleberry    ]\Iosby's    Company    in    service    at    Peters- 

burg, 207. 
1781.  Capt.  Wm.  Mayo's  Company  in  service  at  Suffolk,  207. 
1781.  Capt.  Meredith's  Company  in  service  with  Lafayette, 

1781.   Capt.   Wm.    Meredith's   Company    in   service    in    Chesterfield 

County,  6. 
1781.  Capt.  Crad.  Haskin's  Company  in  service  at  Suffolk,  6. 
1781.  Capt.  Robt.  Powt  in  service  with  Lafayette,  15. 

30  Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

1781.    Capt.   Company    guarding    old     Cumberland     Court 

House,  15. 
1781.  Capt.  Company  guarding  Seamen,  207. 

Note:— For    the    list    of    Officers    who    qualified    for    Militia    in    Cumber- 
land County,  see  Section  260. 


1779.  Twelve  Dinwiddie  militiamen  were  serving  under  Col.  John 

Banister   in   guarding   the   munitions  of  war   at   Petersburg, 

1780.  A  troop  of  cavalry  from  Dinwiddie  County  was  in  the  Battle 

of  Petersburg,  54. 
17 — .  Capt.  Fleming  Bates'  Company  was  in  service,  144. 

Memo.: — No    records    were    found    in    Dinwiddie    County    showing    the 
Militia  Officers  who  qualified  there  during  the  Revolution. 


1777.  Capt. Moody's  Company  was  in  service  in  Pennsyl- 
vania, 77. 

1777.  Capt.  Thos.   Pollard's   Company  marched  through  Frederick 

and  York  and  was  at  the  battle  of  Germantown,  216. 

1778.  One  of  the  Fairfax  soldiers  was  on  the  ship  which  carried  dis- 

patches to  France.     An  interesting  account  of   this  trip   is 
found  in   §216. 
1781.  Capt.  Thos.  Pollard's  Company  was  guarding  Burwell's  ware- 
house on  York  River,  216. 

Memo.: — No  records  were  found  in  Fairfax  County  showing  the  Officers 
who  qualified  there  during  the  Revolution. 


Capt.  Wm.  Payne,  whose  statement  will  be  found  in  §242,  sa^s 
that  his  Company  was  called  out  four  or  five  times  each  year 
for  three  or  four  months;  that  the  British  were  making 
havoc  with  the  slaves  and  tobacco  and  burning  in  every  direc- 
tion, 242. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

1777.  Capt.  Benj.  Harris'  Company  in  service,  239. 

1780.  Capt.   John   O'Bannon's   Company  served   six   months   about 

Williamsburg,  240. 
1780.  Capt.  John  L.  Chunn  was  in  service  about  Williamsburg  and 

Richmond,  241. 
1780.  Capt.  James  Winn's  Company  v^^as  in  service  in  the  South  and 

in  the  Battle  of  Cowpens,  188,  238. 

1780.  Capt.  Francis  Triplett's  Company  was  in  the  Battle  of  Cow- 


1781.  Capt  Benj.  Harrison's  Company  was  in  service,  239. 

1781.  Capt. Company  was  at  the  Siege  of  Yorktown,  241. 

1781.  Capt  Turner  Morehead's  Company  was  in  service  near  Wil- 
liamsburg, 244. 

1781.  Capt.  James  Winn's  Company  was  at  Siege  of  York,  244. 

Memo.: — For  the  Militia  Officers  who  qualified  in  Fauquier  during  the 
Revolution,  see  Section  261. 


1775.  Capt.  Thos.  Holt  was  recruiting  men  in  this  County  for  sev- 
eral months,   27. 

1777.  Capt.  Joseph  Hayden's  Company  was  in  service  about  three 
months,  27. 

17 — .  Capt.  Saml.  Richardson's  Company  was  in  service  at  Hamp- 
ton, 51. 

17 — .  Capt.  Samuel  Richardson's  Company  was  in  service  at  Wil- 
liamsburg, 51. 

1779.  Capt.  Samuel  Richardson's  Company  was  in  service  at  Albe- 
marle Barracks,  27. 

1779.  Capt.  Joseph  Hayden's  Company  was  in  service  about  Wil- 

liamsburg, 27. 

1780.  Capt.  Anthony  Henderson's  Company  was  in  service  at  Albe- 

marle Barracks,  51. 

1780.  Capt.    Levi   Thompson's   Company   was   in   service   at    Cabin 

Point,  32. 

1781.  Capt.  Anthony  Hayden's  Company  was  in  service  at  the  time 

of  Tarlton's  Raid,  32. 

*Note: — One  of  the  Augusta  County  soldiers  speaks  of  a  Major  Frank 
Triplett,  of  Fauquier,  \^ho  was  in  this  battle,  see  §75. 

Virginia  Militia  in   the  Revolution 

1781.  At  least  one  of  the  militiamen  was  engaged  in  making  gun 

stocks  for  the  army,  27. 
1781.  Capt.  Richard  Napper's  Company-  was  at  the  Siege  of  York, 

51,  32. 

Memo.: — For  the  Militia  Officers  who  qualified  for  the  Revolution  from 
Fluvanna  Countv,  see  Section  262. 


1776.  Capt.  Berry  raised  a  company,  served  in  the  Eighth 

Va.,  154. 
177-.    Capt.    Charles   Thurston's    Company   joined    Lord    Sterling's 
Command    in    New   Jersey    and    was    in    the    skirmishes    at 
Piscatawney  and  Quibbletown,   142. 

1777.  Capt.  Helms'  Company  was  in  service  three  months, 


1778.  Capt.  Gilkerson's  Company  guarding  prisoners,   142. 

1779.  Capt.  Geo.  Ball's  Company  was  in  service  for  three  months, 


1781.  Capt.  Joseph  Gregory's  Company  was  in  service  against  the 
Indians,  129. 

1781.  Capt.  Josiah  Swearingen's  Company  was  sent  to  Fort  \lc- 
Intosh,   138. 

1781.  Capt.  Joseph  Looney's  Company  was  in  service  below  Rich- 
mond, and  also  at  the  Siege  of  Yorktown,  138. 

1781.  Capt. Bell's  Company  was  at  the  Siege  of  Yorktown, 


1781.  Some  other  companies  were  out  at  the  Siege  of  York  and 
guarded  prisoners  to  Winchester,  110. 

Memo.: — For   the   Militia   Officers   who   qualified    in   Frederick,   see    Sec- 
tion 263. 


1777.  Capt.  Thos.  Harris'  Company  served  two  months  about  Wil- 
liamsburg, 192. 

1779.  Capt. Hatcher's  Company  was  out  in  service,  147. 

1779.    Capt.    Holman    Rice's   Company   served   two   months   in    the 

Albemarle  Barracks.    187. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

1781.  Capt.  Geo.  Williamson's  Company  was  in  the  Battle  of  Guil- 
ford Court  House,  192. 

1781.  Capt.  Companj'  was  at  the  Siege  of  York,   147. 

1781.  Capt.  Pier's  Company  guarded  the  prisoners  taken  at 

'^  orktown,   147. 

Memo.: — For   the   Militia   Officers  who   qualified   during  the   Revolution 
in  Goochland,  see  Section  264. 


Note: — It  is  difficult  to  assign  definitely  under  this  head  the  services 
which  \Nere  rendered  by  men  who  lived  in  Greenbrier  territory.  There  will 
doubtless  be  found  under  the  head  of  Augusta  and  Botetourt  items  which 
probably  belong  to  Greenbrier. 

1774.  Capt.  John  Lewis'  Company  was  in  the  Battle  of  Point 
Pleasant,  60. 

1776.  Capt.  John  Henderson's  Company  serving  against  the  Indians 

at  Cook's  Fort,  44. 

1777.  Capt.  Archibald   Wood's   Company  was   serving   against   the 

Indians  on  Bluestone,  44. 

1777.  Capt.  Mathew  Arbuckle  had  a  company  out  against  the  In- 
dians on  the  Head  of  Elk  and  later  was  at  Point  Pleasant,  60. 

1776-1777.  Read  fully  the  statement  of  Wm.  Pryor,  61,  which  is 
too  full  to  be  fairly  abstracted  here. 

1780.  Capt.  Thomas  Wright  raises  a  Company  to  go  against  the 

Indians  at  Detroit.  But  it  w^as  marched  to  Lead  Mines  on 
Holston,  and  then  to  Logan's  Station  in  Kentucky.  It  was 
also  at  McAfee's  Station  in  Kentucky  where  Capt.  James 
Armstrong  was  in  command,  65. 
1780-'81.  Capt.  A.  Nickle  raises  a  company  to  go  to  the  Great 
Lakes,  60. 

1781.  The  Militia  of  this  company  were  in  service  at  Laferty's  Fort 

on  Indian  Creek,  34. 

Capt.  Mathew  Arbuckle  was  one  of  the  most  noted  sol- 
diers of  this  County.  After  serving  through  the  Indian 
Wars  he  was  killed  by  a  falling  limb  while  riding  beside 
Jackson  River  in  the  McClintic  neighborhood,  in  what  is 
now  Bath  County.  His  body  was  buried  there  near  the 
place  where  he  was  killed.     I  have  recently  learned  that  his 

34  Virginia  Militia  ik  the  Revolution 

grave  must  be  on  the  lower  edge  of  the  property  now  owned 
by  the  Hon.  Geo.  A.  Revercomb  on  Jackson  River. 

Memo.: — For  the  Militia  Officers  shown  b_v  the  records  to  have  qualified 
in  Greenbrier  in  the  Revolution,  see  Section  265. 


1777.  Capt. Moody's  Company  went  to  Pennsylvania,  56. 

1779.  Capt. Witcher's   Company  joined    Genl.   Greene   in 

South  Carolina,  210. 

1780.  Capt.  Williams'  Company  was  in  service  against  the 

tories,  210. 

1780.  Capt.  John  Wynn's  Company  was  in  the  battle  of  Guilford 

Court  House,  210. 

1781.  Capt.  James  Turner's  Company  went  South  and  was  in  the 

Siege  of  '96,  178. 

1781.  Capt.  Henry  Burnley's  Company  joined  Genl.  Lawson  at 
Charlotte  Court  House  and  was  in  the  Battle  of  James- 
town, 210. 

1781.  Capt.  John  Beckley's  Company,  same  as  above,  210. 

1781.  Capt.  Wm.  Clarke's  Company,  same  as  above,  210. 

1781.  Capt.  John  Falkner's  Company  was  at  Siege  of  York,  144. 


1777.  Capt.  Moses  Hutton's  Company  was  in  service  at  Fort  Pitt 
and  at  Wheeling,  43. 

1781.  Capt.  Geo.  Ball's  Company  was  in  service,  43. 

1782.  Capt.  Company  guarded  the  commissioners  who  ran 

the  line  between  Virginia  and  Pennsylvania,  43. 


177-.  Capt.  John  Winston's  Company  was  in  service,  30. 
1778.     Capt.  Thos.   Nelson's  Troops  consisting  of   100  cavalrymen 
were  marched   to  Philadelphia,    143. 

Virginia  Militia  in   the  Revolution 

1780.  Capt.  Robt.  Boiling's  Company  was  in  service  near  Norfolk, 

1780.   Capt.  John   Price's  Company  was  in  service   in  the   South   at 

Gates'  Defeat,  30. 

1780,  Capt.  Thos.  Doswell's    Company    was    in    service    at    Sandy 

Point,  30. 

1781.  Capt.  Jno.    Harris'    Company    was    in    service    below    Rich- 

mond, 38. 

1781.  Capt.  Edward  Bullock's  Company  joined  Lafayette,  35. 

1781.  Capt.  Nicholas  Hammer's  Company  joined  Lafayette  on  his 
"Wild  Goose  Chase,"  38. 

1781.  Capt.  Frank  Coleman's  Company  was  in  service  at  Deep  Spring 
near  Williamsburg,  52. 

1781.  Capt.  Robt.  Boiling's  Company  was  in  service  at  Petersburg 
against  Arnold  and  also  in  North  Carolina,  143. 

1781.   Capt.   John   Thompson's   Company  was   in  service   at   Cabin 
Point  and  also  at  the  Siege  of  York,  30,  35. 

Some  of  the  Militia  from  this  County  served  at  Albe- 
marle Barracks,  38,  52. 


For    the    Militia    Officers   who    qualified    for    the    Revolution    in    Henrico 
County,  see  Section  267. 


17 — .  Capt.  Francis  Shel ton's  Company  in  service  against  the  tories 

on  Dan  River,  26. 
1777.  Capt.  Peter  Herston's  Company  went  against  the  Indians  on 

Holston  River,  152,  157. 
1781.  Capt.  Neely  McGuire's  Company  in  service  on  frontiers,  157. 
1781.  Capt. Ruble's  Company  at  the  Siege  of  Yorktown,  152. 

Memo.: — For  the  Militia  Officers  who  qualified  in  Henry  County  during 
the  Revolution,  see  Section  268. 

36  Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 


1776.  Capt.  Wm.  Richard's  Company  was  in  service  against  Lord 
Dunmore,  36. 


Between  1776  and  1781  the  companies  under  the  following  cap- 
tains served : 

Capt.  Mordecai  Abraham,  234. 

Capt.  Christopher  Thompson,  234. 

Capt.  Mordecai  Booth,  234. 

Capt.  Harry  Quarles,  234. 
1781.    In  this  j^ear  the  following  Captains  led  their  companies  out 
and  joined  Lafayette: 

Capt.  Drury,  234. 

Capt. Booth,  234. 

Capt. Abraham,  234. 


1775.  Capt.  Simon  Triplett's  Company  in  service  about  Norfolk,  245. 

1 7 — .  Capt  Adam  Wallace's  Company  of  Regulars  in  service  in  South 
Carolina  and  at  the  Battle  of  Waxhaux,  168. 

1777.  Capt.  John  Thomas'  Company  in  the  Battle  of  German- 
town,  28. 

1777.  Capt.  Danl.  Teagan's  Company  guarded  the  prisoners  to  Char- 
lottesville, 245. 

1781.  Capt.  Thomas  Conner  in  service  about  New  Kent  Court 
House,  245. 

Memo.: — For  the  Militia  Officers  who  qualified  in  Loudon  County,  dur- 
ing the  Revolution,  see  Section  269. 


1779.  Capt.  John  Bias'  Company  in  service,  131. 

1780.  Capt.  — Company  was  in  service  under  Col.  Fontaine,  93. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

1780.  Capt.  John  Bias'  Company  joined  the  2nd  Va.,  went  to  North 

Carolina  and  was  in  Gates'  Defeat,  131. 

1781.  Capt.  Wm,  Harris'  Company  was  in  service  about  Richmond, 

1781.   Capt.  Benjamin   Harrison's  Company  was  in  service  around 

Williamsburg,  93. 
1781.   Capt.  Harris'   Company  joined   Lafayette   in   "Wild 

Goose  Chase,"  131. 
1781.  Capt.  Jas.  Watson,  same,  131. 

1781.  Capt. Phillips  in  the  same,  176,  177. 

1781.  Capt. White  in  the  same,  176,  177. 

1781.  Capt.  Johnson  in  the  same,  176,  177. 

1781.  Capt.  Saml.  Pettis'  Company  at  the  Siege  of  York,  131. 

Memo.: — For    a    list    of    the    Militia    Officers    who    qualified    in    Louisa 
Count\',  during  the  Revolution,  see   Section  270. 


1780.  Capt.  Wm.  Hays'  Company  w^as  out  in  service  at  the  time  of 
Arnold's  Raid,   181. 


1779.  Capt.    Reuben   Vaughan's   Company   joined   Gen.   Lincoln   in 

South  Carolina,  and  was  in  Battle  of  Stono,  169,  172. 

1780.  Capt.  John  Kendricks'  Company  was  out  in  service,  172. 

1781.  Capt.  John  Brown's  Company  was  called  out  three  times,  in 

one  of    which  he  was  at  the    Battle    of    Guilford    Court 
House,  172, 
1781.  Capt.  Richard  Whiten's  Company  was  in  the  Battle  of  James- 
town,  169, 


Note. — It  is  very  probable  that  some  of  these  Companies  may  have 
gone  out  from  Washington  County  instead  of  Montgomery.  But  I  am 
listing  them  all  under  this  head. 

Services  For  Which  No  Date  Can  Be  Fixed. 

Capt.  Danl.  Trigg's  Company  in  service  against  the  Indians, 

ViRGixiA  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Capt. Company  in  service  against  the  tories,   146. 

Capt.  Danl.  Trigg's  Company  guarding  Lead  Mines,  146. 

Capt.  Isaac  Taylor's  Company  serving  with  regulars,  146. 

Capt.  John  Preston's  Company  in  service  against  the  Indians, 

Capt.  John  McCorkle's  Company  serving  against  the  Cherokee 
Indians,  150. 

Capt. Company     at     Blackmore     Station    on     Clynch 

River,  21. 

Capt.  Company  against  Indians  on  Bluestone,  21. 

Capt. Paulin's  Company  in  service  in  Kentucky,  185. 

Capt.  John  Lucas'  Company  in  service,  155. 

Capt.  Joseph  Martin's  Company  against  Indians,  21,  185. 

1776.  Capt. Burns'  Company  against  the  tories,  145. 

1776.  Sergeant  Aaron  Scragg's  Company  on  Bluestone,  145. 
1776.  Sergeant  Mace  Tacey's  Company  out  under  Col.  Preston,  145. 
1776.  Capt.  Abram.  Trigg's  Company  against  tories  on  Yadkin,  145. 
1776.  Capt.  John  Duncan's  Company  against  Indians,    185. 
1776.  Capt.  Henry  Rolling's  Company  serving  in  Kentucky,  185. 

1776.  Capt.  Joseph  Floyd's  Company  against  Indians  on  Greenbrier 

and  New  River,   146. 

1778.  Capt.  Joshua  Wilson's  Company  against  Indians,  161. 
1780.  Capt.  John  Lucas'  Company  in  service,  155. 

1780.  Capt.  Arbam  Trigg's  Company  against  tories  in  North  Caro- 
lina,  161. 

For  a   list  of  the   Militia  Officers  who  qualified  in  the   County  Court  of 
Montgomery    County,    see    Section   271. 


1777.  Capt.  Gabriel  Foulks  was  in  service  about  Williamsburg,  174. 

1779.  Capt.  Wm.  Fitzgerald's  Company  went  to  North  Carolina  and 

was  in  Battle  of  Stono,  173,  174. 

1780.  Capt. Gray's  Company  was  out  in  service,  173. 

1780.  Capt.  Irby's  Companv  was  in  service  at  Cabin  Point, 

178L  Capt. Overstreet's  Company    was    at    the    Battle    of 

Guilford  Court  House,   173. 

Memo.: — A    search    of    the    Records    of    Nottoway    County    fails    to    dis- 
close a  list  of  the  Officers  who  qualified  for  the  Militia  in  the  Revolution. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 


For   a   list  of  the   Militia   Officers   who   qualified   for   the   Revolution   in 
Orange   County,   see   Section  272. 


1776.  Capt.   John    Dooley's   Company   was   in   service   in    Georgia, 

where  Dooley  was  killed  by  an  Indian,  42. 

1777.  Capt.  John  Donaldson's  (or  Donelson),  Company  was  in  serv- 

ice on  the  Holston  River,  209. 

1778.  Capt.  John  Donaldson's  Company  was  in  service  at  Hatfields 

Fort  and  Lucas  Fort  on  New  River,  209,  214. 

1780.  Capt.  Wm.  Witcher's  Company  was  in  service  in  South  Caro- 

lina, 214. 

The  companies  of   Capt.   Isaac   Clements,   Capt.   James 

Brewer,  Capt.  Azariah  Martin,  and   Capt.  Paulin 

were  in  service  in  North  Carolina,  151,  171,  209. 

1781.  Capt.  James  Turner's  Company  took  part  in  the  Siege  of  96,  42. 
Capt.  Isaac  Clement's  Company  was  out  in  service,  56. 
Capt.  Joshua  Martin's  Company  went  into  North   Carolina, 


Capt.  James  Brewer's  Company  was  in  the  Battle  of  Guil- 
ford, 212. 

The  Pittsylvania  militia  gathered  at  the  Court  House 
where  six  hundred  prisoners  taken  at  the  battle  of  Cow- 
pens,  were  delivered  to  them,  62. 

Some  of  the  militia  served  under  Col.  St.  Geo.  Tucker  at 
Point  of  Forks,  217. 

Capt.  Chas.  Wall's  Company  was  in  service  at  Cabin  Point,  217. 

The  companies  of  Capt.  Flemming  Bates,  Capt.  Chas.  Hutch- 
ings,  Capt.  Chas.  Williams,  and  Capt.  Wm.  Dix,  took  part 
in  the  Siege  of  York,  42,  151,  174,  212,  213. 


Two  companies,  one  under  Capt.  Edward  ^loseley,  and 
the  other  under  Capt.  Thomas  Harris  went  out  from  this 
County,  but  the  year  is  not  given,  248. 

40  ViRGiN'iA   Militia  in   the   Revolution 

1777.    Some    of    the    militia    were    in    service    at    Cumberland    Old 
C.  H.,  54. 
Capt.  Robert  Hughes'  Company  was  in  service  three  months  at 
Hampton,  203. 

1780.  Capt.   Littlebury   Mosby's   Cavalry   Company  was   in  service 

around  Petersburg,  54,  197. 
Capt.  Richard  Crump's    Company    was    in    service    at    Cabin 
Point.  202. 

1781.  Capt.  Robert  Hughes'  Company  joined  Gen.  Lawson  at  Hills- 

boro,  N.  C,  and  was  in  the  battle  of  Guilford  C.  H.,  196, 

197,  198. 
Capt.  Company  was  in  service  three  months  at  Cabin 

Point,  196. 
Capt.  Hughes  Woodson's  Company  was  at  the  Siege  of  York, 

196,  203. 
Capt.  Wade  Mosby's  Company  and   Capt.   Horatio  Turpin's 

Company  served  around  Petersburg,    197. 
Capt. Porter's  Company  served  at  Burmuda  Hundred, 

Some  of  the  militia  were  guarding  ]\Ionakin  Ferry,  202. 
Capt.  George  Williamson's  Company  was  out  in  service,  203, 


Memo.: — For  the  list  of  Militia  Officers  who  qualified   for  the   Revolu- 
tion  in   Powhatan   Countv,   see   Section   274. 


1775.  Capt.  Chas  Allen's  Company  in  service  four  months  at  Hamp- 

ton, 24. 

1776.  Capt.  Chas.  Allen's  Companv  at  Hampton  for  four  months, 

16,  23. 

1777.  Capt. Flournoy's  Company  was  in  service  at  Williams- 

burg, 24. 
Capt.  Luke  B.  Smith    (a  Professor  in   Hampden-Sidney  Col- 
lege), led  out  a  Company  of  Students,  the  Company  served 
six  weeks  at  Williamsburg,   197. 

1778.  Capt.   Luke  B.   Smith's  volunteer  student  company  again   in 

service  for  six  weeks  at  Petersburg,  197. 

Virginia  Militia   in   the   Revolution 

Capt. Ligon's  Company  and  Capt.  Chas.  Allen's  Com- 
pany in  service  at  Petersburg,  23,  24, 

1779.  Capt.   Thos.    Flournoy's  'Company   guarded   the   magazine   at 

Williamsburg,  7. 
Capt.  John  Holcomb's  Company  served  three  weeks  at  Peters- 
burg,   16. 
1779-'80.  Capt.  Clark's  Company  was  serving  at  Petersburg,  67. 

1780.  Capt.  Chas.  Allen's    Company    w^as    serving    at    Petersburg, 

7,   16,  29. 

Capt.  Phillip  Holcomb's  Cavalry  company  in  service  at  Peters- 
burg, occupying  as  barracks  the  Masonic  Hall,  80. 

Capt.  Richard  Holland's  Company  was  guarding  prisoners  at 
Albemarle  Barracks,  7. 

1781.  Capt.  Andrew  Baker's  Company  joined  General  Green  near 

Dan  River,  was  attached  to  Col.  Otho  H.  Williams'  regi- 
ment, 16,  54. 

Capt  Nathl.  Cunningham's  Company  joined  Gen.  Green  at 
Irvin's  Ferry;  was  in  the  battle  of  Guilford  C.  H.  Some 
of  this  Company  conveyed  prisoners  to  Halifax  County; 
later  went  there  for  arms  and  wounded  prisoners  brought 
from  Guilford,  and  conveyed  these  prisoners  to  British  ship, 
at  Jamestown,  23. 

Capt.  Ambrose  Nelson's  Company  joined  Gen.  Green  in  North 
Carolina,  but  was  not  in  battle  of  Guilford,  67. 

Capt.  Richard  Allen's  Company  was  stationed  at  Ratcliffe's 
old  field  in  Col.  Henry  Skipwith's  Regiment,  83. 

Capt.  Richard  Holland's  Company  guarded  prisoners  from 
Pr.  Edward  C.  H.,  to  Albemarle  Barracks,  16. 

Military  stores  at  Prince  Edward  C.  H.  (where  IVIajor 
Mazaret  was  in  command),  were  being  guarded,  2,  3,  195. 

Capt.  Flood's  Company  joined  in  the  pursuit  of  Cornwallis,  24. 

Capt. Bird's  Company  w^as  at  the  Siege  of  York,  67. 

Memo.: — For    a    list    of    the    Militia    Officers    who    qualified    in    Prince 
Edward  County  during  the  Revolution,  see  Section  275. 

For  the  Muster  Roll  of  Capt.  John  Morton's  Company,  see  Section  275. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 


1776.  The  Militia  of  this  County  were  out  against  the  Cherokee 
Indians,  125. 

1776.  Capt.  Wm.  McKee's  Company  went  to  Point  Pleasant  where 

it  served  for  a  long  time  at  the  Fort,  69. 

1777.  Capt.    Chas.    Campbell's   Company   was    in    service    at    Point 

Pleasant,  125. 

1777.  Capt.  John  Paxton's  Company  was  in  service  at  Point  Pleas- 

ant, 112. 

1778.  Capt.  David  Gray's  Company  was  in  service  against  the  In- 

dians in  Greenbrier  County,  123,  105,  125. 

1778  or  1779.  Capt.  Wm.  Lyle's  Company  was  in  service  on  the 
frontier,  105. 

1780.  Capt.  James  Gilmore's  Company  was  in  service  in  North  Caro- 
lina and  in  the  Battle  of  Cowpens,  121. 

1780.  Capt.  James  Hall's  Company,  Capt.  Campbell's  Com- 

pany, Capt.  David  Gray's  Company  were  in  service  around 
Richmond,  109,  137. 

1781.  Capt.  James  Buchannon's  Company  was  in  service  near  Wil- 

liamsburg,  116. 

1781.  Capt.  Andr.  Moore's  Company  was  in  service  around  Norfolk, 
•105,  123. 

1781.  Capt.  Saml.  Wallace's  Company  was  in  service  around  Nor- 
folk, 120. 

1781.  Capt.  John  Cunningham's  Company  was  in  service  near  Ports- 

The  Rockbridge  troops  under  Col.  John  Boyer  were 
camped  near  the  Augusta  Militia  and  Capt.  John  Cunning- 
ham was  wounded,  12. 

1781.  At  the  time  of  Tarlton's  Raid  Capt.  Wm.  ^Moore's  Company 
was  in  service,  120,  125. 

1781.  Capt. Company  was  in  the  Battle  of  Hot  Water, . 

1781.  Capt.  James  Buchannan's  Company  was  in  service  in  North 
Carolina,  182. 

1781.  Capt.  Chas.  Campbell's  Company  was  out  in  service,  182. 

1781.  Capt.  David  Gray's  Company  was  at  the  Siege  of  York,  105. 

1781.  Capt.  Charles  Campbell's  Company  was  at  the  Siege  of  York, 

1781.  Capt.  Wm.  Moore's  Company  was  at  the  Siege  of  York,  and 
guarded  the  prisoners  to  Winchester,  120. 

Virginia  Militia  in   the  Revolution 


There  were  services  in  1778  by  Companies  whose  Captains' 
names  are  not  given,  see  105,  125;  at  the  time  of  Tarleton's 
Raid,  see  125 — ;  at  the  siege  of  York,  125  ;  and  guarding  troops 
at  Albemarle  Barracks. 

Memo.: — For  a   list  of  the  Militia  Officers  who  qualified  in  Rockbridge 
County  during  the  Revolution,  see  Section  276. 


Note: — As  Rockingham  County  was  not  formed  until  1778,  and  was 
taken  from  Augusta,  reference  should  be  had  to  the  Augusta  County  list 
for  some  of  the  services  of  men  in  this  Count}-. 

Services  Under  Which  no  Date  Can  Be  Assigned 

Capt.  Company  at  Fort  Pitt,  5. 

Capt. Rush's  Company  under  Col.  Sampson  ]VIathews, 


Capt. Company  at  Warwick's  Fort,  34. 

1778.  Capt. Craven's  Company  against  Indians  in  Tygart's 

Valley,  5. 
1778.  Lieut.  John  Rice's  Company  against  Indians  in  Tygart's  Val- 
ley, 34. 
1778.  Capt.  Robt.  Craven's  Company  at  Koontz's  Fort,  140. 
1778.  Capt.  Wm.  Kinkead's  Company  at  Nutter's  Fort,  34. 
1778.  Capt.  Robt.  Craven's  Company  against  the  Indians,  62,  140. 
1780.  Capt.  Robt  Craven's  Company  at  the  Battle  of  Cowpens,  62. 

1780.  Capt.  Michael  Cowger's  Company  at  Great  Bridge,  89. 

1781.  Capt.  Geo.  Houston's  Company  with  Genl.  Mcintosh,  108. 
1781.  Capt.  Geo.  Houston's  Company  against  tories  on  South  Branch, 


1781.  Capt. Company  in  regular  service,  119. 

1781.  Capt.  Company  at  Laverty's  Fort,  34. 

1781.  Capt.  Jeremiah  Beazley's  Company  at  Battles  of  Hot  Water 

and  Jamestown,  62. 
1781.  Capt.  Geo.  Houston's  Company  at  Battle  of  Hot  Water  and 

Siege  of  York,  119. 
1781.  Capt.  Michael  Cowger's  Company  at  the  Siege  of  York,  140. 

44  Virginia  Militia  ix  the   REvoLUTioy 

1781.  Capt.  Richard  Rigger's  Company  at  the  Siege  of  York,  89. 

1781.  Capt. Smith's  Company  at  the  Siege  of  York,  63. 

1782.  Capt.  Wm.  Smith's  Company  at  Hinkle's  Fort,  57. 

1783.  Lieut.  Neel  Cain's  Company  at  Tygart's  Valley  and  Clarks- 

burg, 57. 

Memo.: — For  list  of  the  Militia   Officers  -vvho  qualified   in   Rockingham 
Count}-,  see  Section  277. 


1777.  Capt.  John  Hopkins'  Company  was  in  service  at  Point  Pleas- 

ant,  127. 

1778.  Capt.  Robt.  Craven's  Company  was  in  service  against  the  In- 

dians in  Tygart's  Valley,  127. 

17 — .  Capt.  Jacob  Rinker's  Company  was  in  service  in  South  Caro- 
lina and  guarded  the  prisoners  taken  at  the  Battle  of  Cow- 
pens,    103. 

1781.  Capt.  Nevil's  Company  was  in  service  at  Fort  ]\Ic- 

Intosh,  103. 

1781.  Capt. Downey's  Company  was  in  service  two  months 

at  Fort  Frederick,  49. 

Memo.: — For  a  list  of  the  Militia  Officers  who  qualified  from  Shenan- 
doah County  during  the  Revolution,  see   Section  278. 


Without  being  able  to  give  the  date,  the  following  companies  are 
shown  to  have  been  in  service: 

Capt.  William   Mills'   Company,    179. 
Capt.  James  Cunningham's  Company,   179. 

Capt. Tankersley's  Company,  220.  . 

Capt. Holladay,  220. 

Capt.  Frank  Coleman  at  Fredericksburg,  222. 

Capt.  Wm.  Mills  at  Williamsburg,  223. 

Capt.  Francis  Taliaferro  at  Hampton,  223. 

Four  companies  probably  about  Williamsburg,  226. 

Capt.  AlcWilliams,  228. 

Capt.   John   Scott.   228. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution  45 

Capt.  J.  Craig,  235. 

Capt.  Thomas  Bartlett,  two  months  at  Williamsburg,  276. 

Capt  Chas.  Bibbing,  237. 

Capt.  Saml.  Harris,  237. 

The  following  companies  were  probably  Regulars: 

Capt.  Alexander  Parker's  Company  in  1779,  179. 
Capt.  Geo.  Stubblefield's  Company,  235. 
Capt.  Francis  Taliaferro's  Company,  235. 

1775.  Capt.  Joseph  Brock's  Company  served  around  Williamsburg, 


1776.  Capt.  Jos.  Brock's  Company  served  in  New  Jersey,  226. 
1776.   Capt.  Brock's  Company  served  about  Williamsburg, 


1779.  Capt.  John  White's  Company  was  in  service,  220. 

1780.  Capt.  Thomas   Minor's  Company  served   in  North  Carolina 

and  was  in  the  Battle  of  Camden,  229. 

1780.   Capt.   Coleman's   Company   guarded   the   Governor's 

palace  at  Williamsburg,  227. 

1780.  Capt.  Croucher's  Company  served  around  Petersburg, 


1781.  Capt.  John  Carter's  Company  served  around   Fredericksburg 

and  Hanover  Court  House,  236. 

1781.  Capt.  Harry  Stubblefield's  Company  served  about  Williams- 
burg, 235.' 

1781.  Capt.  Francis  Coleman's  Company  served  about  Williams- 
burg, 235. 

1781.  Sergeant  Benj.  Robinson  and  eleven  men  guarded  prisoners 
from  the  South  to  Staunton  and  Winchester,  219. 

1781.  Capt.  Beverley  Winslow's  Company  served  about  Williams- 
burg, 223. 

1781.  Capt.  Geo.  Craig's  Company  served  about  Williamsburg,  223. 

1781.  Capt.  Thomas  Towles'  Company  was  in  service,  225. 

1781.  Capt.  Francis  Coleman's  Company  in  service  about  Fredericks- 
burg, 225. 

1781.  Capt.  Thomas  Bartlett's  Company  joined  Lafayette,  229. 

1781.  Capt.  James  Taylor's  Company  joined  Lafayette,  229. 

1781.  Capt.  Legg's  Company  served  around  Williamsburg,  231. 

1781.   Capt.   Nicholas  Payne's  Company  engaged   in  driving  beeves 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

for  use  of  the  army  at  Yorktown,  236. 

1781.  Capt.  Francis  Coleman's  Company  at  Siege  of  York  and 
guarded  prisoners  to  Winchester,  219,  228. 

1781.  Capt.  Tankersley's  Company  was  in  the  fight  at  Os- 
borne's and  at  the  Siege  of  York,  222. 

1781.  Capt.  Thos.  Crouchers  Company  guarded  the  prisoners  to 
Noland's  Ferry  on  the  Potomac,  231,  235. 

Memo.: — For  a  list  of  the  Militia  Officers  who  qualified   for  the  Revo- 
lution from  Spottsylvania  County,  see  Section  279. 


Note: — For  the  services  of  the  Militia  from  this  County,  see  the  services 
listed  under  Montgomery  County. 

Memo.: — For  a  list  of  the  Militia  Officers  who  qualified  for  the  Revolu- 
tion  from   Montgomery  County,  see  Section  280. 

Declaration  of  Virginia  Militia 


Section  No.  1 

MASSIE,  THOMAS.*— Nelson,  Feb.  15,  1833.  Born  Aug. 
22,  1748.  In  the  Spring  of  1775  he  was  chosen  captain  of  a  large 
company  of  volunteers  to  assist  in  protecting  Williamsburg  and  the 
country  between  York  and  James  rivers,  against  the  depredations  of 
Lord  Dunmore  and  his  myrmidons.  Within  the  ensuing  fall,  he 
received  a  captain's  commission  to  recruit  a  company  of  Regular 
soldiers  to  serve  in  the  6th  Va.  Reg.  of  the  line  on  continental 
establishment.  His  Company,  being  recruited  at  the  commencement 
o.f  the  following  spring,  he  marched  it  to  Williamsburg  and  united 
with  the  said  6th  Regiment,  then  under  command  of  Colonels  Buck- 
ner  and  Elliott,  and  Major  Hendricks.  All  the  companies  were 
nearly  complete,  some  he  believes,  quite  so,  viz. :  Capt.  Samuel  Cabell, 
Lieutenants  Barrett  and  Taliaferro,  and  Ensign  Jordan;  Capt. 
Ruffin,  two  lieutenants  and  ensign;  Capt.  Johnson,  two  lieutenants 
and  ensign;  Capt.  Hopkins,  ditto;  Capt.  Garland,  ditto; 
Capt.  Cocke,  ditto;  Capt.  Oliver  Towles  (a  celebrated  law- 
yer), and  company  officers;  Capt.  Gregory,  ditto.  He  believes 
Capt.  Worsham,  or  Dun  and  Avery.  Also  himself  (Capt.  Massie), 
Lieutenants  Hockaday  and  Epperson,  and  Ensign  Armistead.  The 
companies  were  raised  in  different  and  distant  parts  of  the  State,  and 
he  had  not  even  personal  acquaintance  with  many  of  them,  which. 

*Note: — Except  for  the  introductory  lines,  this  declaration  is  given  in 
full,  the  language  of  the  original  document  being  followed.  It  will  be 
found  of  much  interest.  It  throws  important  light  on  the  treachery  to  the 
American  cause  of  Gen.  Charles  Lee  at  the  battle  of  Monmouth;  a  matter 
which  was  not  fully  cleared  up  by  American  historians  for  seventy  or  more 
years  after  it  occurred. 

4S  ViRGixiA  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

together  with  the  length  of  time,  renders  it  difficult  for  him  to 
remember  every  officer's  name.  After  the  Regiment  was  equipped 
and  armed,  it  marched  out  and  camped  in  the  vicinity  of  Williams- 
burg, where  it  entered  into  camp  and  military  training;  whence  the 
regiment  was  ordered  to  march  to  the  North.  Within  the  summer 
following  this  was  done  under  the  command  of  Col.  Buckner  and 
Major  Hendricks  (Lieut-Col.  Elliott  having  withdrawn),  Capt. 
Ruffin  died  and  he  believes  another  officer,  and  several  resigned  or 
withdrew.  The  regiment  marched  through  Virginia  by  way  of 
Fredericksburg  and  the  Northern  Neck,  through  the  upper  part  of 
Maryland  into  Pennsylvania  by  way  of  Lancaster,  leaving  Phila- 
delphia to  the  right;  crossed  the  Delaware  River  above  Trenton, 
and  passed  through  Jersey  to  Perth  Amboy,  where  the  regiment 
was  posted  to  defend  that  point  and  the  country  around  until  further 
orders.  Gen.  Washington  at  that  time  having  the  greater  part  of 
the  main  American  army  on  Long  and  York  Islands,  soon  after 
the  defeat  of  that  army  on  those  islands,  he,  with  his  said  regiment, 
was  to  march  up  the  Sound  by  way  of  Newark.  The  storm  and 
capture  of  Fort  Montgomery  taking  place,  he  met  with  Gen.  Putnam 
at  Newark,  and  marched  up  the  North  River  as  high  as  Fort  Lee. 
The  defeated  army  had  crossed  the  Hudson,  except  a  part  that  had 
marched  on  the  east  side  of  that  river  under  command  of  Gen. 
Chas.  Lee.  He,  the  said  Thomas  Massie,  fell  in  the  rear  of  those 
retreating  troops  who  had  been  appointed  to  cover  their  retreat  and 
marched  the  upper  road  by  Springfield,  Scotch  Plains,  etc.,  to  New 
Brunswick,  on  the  Raritan  River,  where  the  troops  to  which  he 
was  attached  were  attacked  by  the  British  Van.  Having  destroyed 
a  part  of  the  bridge,  the  said  American  troops  kept  up  a  hot  fire 
with  their  artillery  and  small  arms,  with  the  British  the  whole  day. 
This  checked  the  progress  so  much  as  to  enable  Gen.  Washington 
to  cross  the  Delaware  River  with  the  retreating  army,  military 
stores,  etc.  The  troops  to  which  he  was  attached  (being  unin- 
cumbered), also  had  the  good  fortune  to  cross  the  Delaware  with- 
out much  loss.  Gen.  Washington  having  refreshed  the  troops  and 
received  reinforcements  recrossed  the  Delaware  in  the  night  of 
the  24th  of  December  (he  thinks),  surprised  and  defeated  a  large 
body  of  Hessians,  posted  at  Trenton,  captured  about  900  of  their 
number,  and  crossed  the  river  again  with  them.  Several  days  subse- 
quent. Gen.  Washington,  having  received  reinforcements,  again  cross- 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

ed  the  Delaware  River  with  his  army  and  took  a  post  at  Princeton.. 
He,  the  said  Massie,  was  for  the  two  succeeding  years  generally 
employed  on  detached  or  particular  service,  consequently  was  seldom 
with  the  said  Sixth  Regiment  or  his  company,  which  company  was 
by  this  time  much  reduced.  On  the  1st  day  of  January,  1777,  he 
marched  under  the  command  of  Gen.  Scott  (who  headed  a  con- 
siderable body  of  troops),  on  or  about  the  Princeton  road  and  en- 
camped in  the  evening  on  the  Heights  above  Maiden-head.  Soon 
after  the  van  of  an  army  under  the  command  of  Lord  Cornwallis 
appeared,  followed  by  the  main  body,  said  to  amount  to  12,000 
men,  and  encamped  in  the  place  for  the  night.  By  dawn  of  the 
next  day  the  enemy  were  in  motion  and  filed  off  in  columns  to  the 
American  left,  apparently  to  surround  them.  The  Americans  dis- 
charged two  light  field  pieces  of  artillery  at  them,  without  return, 
and  retreated  down  the  road  to  a  creek,  which  they  crossed  over 
a  bridge  and  destroyed  the  same,  and  took  possession  of  the  ground 
on  the  Trenton  side  of  the  creek,  then  covered  with  large  forest 
trees.  Gen  Hard  at  that  time,  being  above  with  a  large  corps  of 
Western  Pennsylvania  riflemen,  the  Americans  kept  the  enemy  at 
bay  for  several  hours  (he  believes),  before  he  could  effect  the  passage 
of  the  creek  with  his  large  and  heavy  artillery.  The  Americans 
retreated  up  and  slowly  along  the  road  to  a  summit  of  a  hill,  also 
covered  with  forest  trees.  Here  Gen.  Washington,  accompanied 
by  Gen.  Green  with  reinforcements,  came  up.  Here  the  Americans 
also  skirmished  (a  considerable  time),  with  the  enemy  before  they 
retreated,  and  ultimately  retreated  to  a  long  hill  perhaps  a  mile  to 
the  west  end  of  Trenton  in  view  of  the  main  American  army. 
Here  they  formed  and  awaited  the  attack  of  the  enemy.  The  day 
being  now  very  far  spent,  the  enemy  appeared  and  approached 
the  Americans  in  columns.  As  they  were  displaying  we  gave  them 
a  fire  in  single  file  from  right  to  left,  and  retreated  under  a 
heavy  fire  of  musketry  and  artillery,  and  formed  under  the  protection 
of  the  main  army  in  Trenton.  A  very  heavy  cannonade  ensued 
directly  between  the  two  armies  that  lasted  until  after  dark  and  has 
been  called  the  cannonade  of  Trenton.  Gen.  Washington,  having 
fortunately  gained  a  grand  point  in  eluding  Cornwallis'  intention 
of  bringing  him  into  a  general  action,  made  up  large  fires  in  front 
and  left  those  who  had  been  in  the  van  during  the  day  to  keep  them 
up.      He    immediately   marched     with     his     army,     and     takirg     the 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Princeton  road,  reached  that  place  early  the  next  morning,  defeat- 
ed Col.  :\Iahood,  whom  Lord  Cornwallis  had  left  there  with  troops 
to  defend  the  place  and  its  stores.  Gen.  Washington,  having  taken 
off  these  stores,  etc.,  proceeded  down  the  road  by  Kingston  and 
Somerset  Court  House  to  Morristown,  where  he  established  posts 
on  the  Raritan  in  Jersey,  viz.,  at  Perth  Amboy,  Bonnontown  and 
Brunswick.  Gen  Washington  also  established  a  line  of  posts  oppo- 
site to  them  with  a  view  of  preventing  the  British  garrisons  from 
having  intercourse  with  and  marauding  the  country.  He,  the  said 
Massie,  was  placed  on  this  duty  at  Middle  Post,  Matuchen,  under 
the  command  of  Col.  Hendricks,  and  served  on  it  near  five  months. 
This  duty  was  extremely  severe  by  night  as  well  as  by  day,  con- 
stant patrolling,  frequent  skirmishes,  some  of  them  very  bloody, 
nocturnal  surprises,  the  cutting  off  of  pickets,  etc.,  always  attended 
with  loss  of  men  and  great  fatigue.  The  British  called  in  their 
posts  about  the  first  of  June,  and  the  American  ports  were  evacu- 
ated about  the  middle  of  June.  He,  with  the  other  officers,  etc.,  who 
had  been  in  this  line  of  duty,  joined  the  main  army  at  Middlebrook. 
Sometime  after,  he  and  five  other  officers  were  sent  to  Virginia  \\'ith 
instructions.  He,  on  his  return,  joined  the  army  under  Gen.  Wash- 
ington at  the  White  Marsh  Hills.  Shortly  after,  Gen  Morgan  re- 
turned with  troops  from  the  capture  of  Burgone's  army.  Our  army 
then  marched  into  winter  quarters  by  way  of  the  gulf  to  Valley 
Forge.  He  was  soon  detailed  on  duty  under  Gen.  Morgan,  who 
was  to  take  post  at  Radnor,  about  half  way  between  Valley  Forge 
and  the  mouth  of  the  Schuylkill  River,  with  a  view  of  cutting  off 
the  communication  of  the  enemy  from  that  part  of  the  country  which 
was  effected.  About  this  time  (Feb.,  1778),  he  was  promoted  to 
the  rank  of  Major.  In  the  Spring  he  commanded  a  large  guard 
low  in  the  lines  not  far  above  Philadelphia.  Here  he  received  Lord 
Cathcart,  aide  to  Gen.  Clinton,  with  a  flag  of  truce  and  dispatches 
for  Congress.  Agreeably  to  orders,  he,  Cathcart,  was  not  permitted  to 
proceed  further.  The  dispatches  were  read  and  delivered  to  Gen. 
Morgan.  Immediately  after,  Gen.  Clinton  evacuated  Philadelphia. 
He  (Massie),  marched  under  Gen.  Morgan,  through  the  city,  pro- 
ceeded up  and  crossed  the  river,  and  united  with  the  main  army. 
He,  with  Major  Gibbs,  was  detailed  to  attend  Gen.  Morgan,  who 
was  appointed  to  command  the  light  troops,  etc.,  to  interrupt  and 
endeavor  to   retard   the  march   of   the   British   army   through   Jersey 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

to  Sandy  Hook.  The  first  attempt  to  retard  their  march  was  made 
at  Allentown.  This  stopped  them  a  day  and  some  prisoners  were 
taken.  The  second  attempt  was  a  complete  surprise,  from  thick 
shrubbery  in  the  pines,  where  16  to  18  prisoners  were  brought  off 
and  a  few  killed  with  little  loss  to  the  Americans.  Several  other 
attempts  were  made  to  alarm  and  retard  their  march  which  succeeded 
so  far  as  to  enable  Gen.  Washington  to  march  with  his  main  army 
by  Englishtown  and  obtain  a  position  which  gave  him  the  power  of 
bringing  Gen.  Clinton  to  a  general  engagement,  in  which  it  is  be- 
lieved he  would  have  been  entirely  successful  except  for  the  flagrant 
disobedience  of  orders  by  Gen.  Chas.  Lee,  who  commanded  the  van 
of  the  American  Army.  On  that,  the  28th  day  of  June,  1778  (an 
intense  hot  day),  Gen.  Washington  ordered  Gen.  Lee  to  attack  in 
full  force.  This,  the  said  Massie,  knows  to  be  the  fact,  the  orders 
having  been  communicated  verbally  by  Gen.  Washington  through 
him  (the  said  Massie),  the  evening  before.  On  Gen.  Lee's  approach, 
the  British  army  drew  up  in  order  for  battle.  Gen.  Lee  ordered  a 
retreat  which  was  done  under  a  slow  retreating  fire  for  some  time. 
Gen.  Lee  repeatedly  sent  orders  to  the  officers  commanding  the 
several  flanking  corps  not  to  advance  and  engage.  This  state  of 
things  continued  until  Gen.  Washington  came  into  the  field  himself, 
took  the  command,  arrested  Gen.  Lee,  and  renewed  the  battle  by 
bringing  the  troops  into  action.  The  battle  at  Monmouth  Court 
House  was  a  bloody  and  hard  fought  action.  After  the  sunset  the 
British  army  gave  way,  and  it  being  too  dark  for  pursuit,  the  Ameri- 
can army  lay  on  the  field  for  the  night,  with  a  view  to  renew  the 
battle  the  next  day;  but  the  British  army  in  the  night  made  a  silent 
and  rapid  retreat,  leaving  their  dead  and  wounded.  Gen.  Morgan, 
under  whose  command  he,  the  said  Massie,  still  acted  was  ordered  to 
pursue  the  British  early  next  morning,  but  they  could  not  be  overtaken 
except  two  or  three  hundred  stragglers  that  were  captured.  Pursuit 
was  continued  to  Middleton  Heights  immediately  above  Sandy  Hook. 
After  being  there  and  thereabouts  for  several  days,  the  troops  march- 
ed up  by  Sposwood  to  Brunswick  bridge  on  the  Raritan  River. 
Here  we  had  a  feu  de  joie  in  honor  of  the  victory  of  Monmouth. 
From  thence  he  marched  to  King's  Ferry  on  the  Hudson  River 
and  crossed  to  the  White  Plains  in  New  York.  Here  he  remained 
several  weeks.  From  there,  he,  with  several  other  officers,  was  order- 
ed to  Rhode  Island  to  assist  Gen.  Sullivan  at  the  siege  of  Newport, 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

then  in  the  possession  of  the  British.  A  violent  storm,  however, 
with  rain,  etc.,  for  several  days  having  driven  Count  D'Estrey's 
fleet  from  the  mouth  of  the  harbor  out  to  sea,  rendered  it  impracti- 
cable for  Gen.  Sullivan  to  proceed  with  the  siege;  he  consequently 
retired  from  the  island,  and  the  said  Massie  with  the  other  officers 
detached  as  above  stated  returned  and  rejoined  their  respective  regi- 
ments then  encamped  on  the  Hudson  some  distance  above  West 
Point,  and  on  the  opposite  side. 

Soon  after  this,  the  surprise  and  capture  of  Baylor's  newly  raised 
regiment  of  cavalry  near  Heroington,  happened,  when  he  with  his 
regiment  marched  under  the  command  of  Gens.  Woodford  and 
Morgan  with  their  troops  to  that  neighborhood  and  took  post  on 
the  strong  heights  of  Paramus.  By  this  time  a  large  British  force 
(said  to  amount  to  6,000),  under  the  command  of  Lord  Cornwallis, 
had  taken  possession  of  the  tow^n  of  Hackensack,  with  a  view  of 
foraging  the  country,  in  which  they  did  not  succeed  to  much  extent, 
owing  to  the  vigilance  of  the  American  troops  in  attacking  and  re- 
pulsing their  foraging  parties.  In  a  few  weeks  the  British  army 
returned  to  New  York,  and  the  said  Massie  with  his  regiment  under 
the  command  of  Col.  Febiger  was  posted  at  Hackensack.  Soon  after 
this  Col.  Febiger  was  called  off,  and  the  said  Massie  was  left  in  the 
sole  command  of  the  regiment.  This  was  the  second  Virginia  regi- 
ment on  continental  establishment.  The  ofl!icers  were  Captains  Tay- 
lor, Parker,  Calmen,  Catlett,  Stokes,  Kennan,  Gill,  etc.,  as  well  as 
recollected  at  the  distant  date.  He  continued  there  until  after  the 
middle  of  December,  when  he  with  his  command  pursuant  to  orders 
marched  into  winter  quarters  at  Boundbrook,  on  the  north  side  of 
Raritan  River  (under  the  command  of  Gen,  Lord  Sterling,  who 
commanded  that  division  of  the  army),  where  he  continued  quietly 
•for  a  considerable  time.  The  British  were  confined  to  New  York 
and  its  environs  and  employed  in  arranging  and  strengthening  their 
posts  of  defense.  Their  embarcation  of  troops  to  our  Southern  States 
and  other  occurrence  demonstrated  the  intention  of  moving  the  main 
seat  of  war  there,  with  a  view  to  attempt  the  subjugation  of  those 
states.  Time  progressing,  it  was  known  that  Congress  had  determined 
to  defend  and  save  Charleston,  if  possible,  and  that  the  eight  old 
Virginia  regiments  were  doomed  to  that  service.  Those  (8)  regi- 
ments were  then  so  much  reduced  in  number  that  they  were  con- 
solidated  into    (?)    regiments    (March,    1780).     The  officers  whose 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

commissions  bore  the  highest  rank,  of  course,  took  the  command. 
The  said  Massie  was  of  consequence  a  supernumerarj'  officer,  and, 
with  Gen.  Washington's  permission,  returned  to  Virginia,  holding 
his  commission  (which  he  at  this  time  has),  ready  and  subject  to 
duty  with  other  supernumerary  officers  whenever  called  on  or  re- 

He  ranked  as  Major  on  the  20th  of  February,  1778,  but  did 
not  take  his  commission  from  the  war  office  (not  having  leisure  to 
call  for  it),  until  the  20th  of  March,  1779.  His  commission  as 
captain  was  literally  worn  and  rubbed  out  in  his  pocket  while  on 
duty  from  the  constant  exposure  to  rain,  hail  and  snow  day  and  night. 
He  acted  alternately,  under  the  command  of  Gens.  Scott,  Weedon, 
Sullivan,  Morgan,  Woodford,  Gen.  Lord  Sterling,  etc.  He  was 
afterwards  under  the  command  of  Gen.  Nelson  as  aidecamp  in  the 
winter  of  1780  and  1781,  when  Arnold  invaded  Virginia  and  de- 
stroyed the  public  stores  and  houses  at  Richmond  and  arsenal  and 
foundry,  etc.,  at  Westham,  and  was  finally  at  the  siege  of  Yorktown, 
and  the  surrender  of  that  post  with  the  British  army,  in  October, 

After  the  ratification  of  the  treaty  of  peace,  he  received  five 
thousand,  three  hundred  and  thirty-three  and  a  third  acres  of  land 
in  the  states  of  Ohio  and  Kentucky  (the  patents  for  which  he  now 
has),  in  consideration  of  his  services  as  Major  aforesaid.  He  like- 
wise received  some  three  per  cent  and  six  per  cent  certificates,  not 
worth  much  at  the  time,  afterwards  sold,  amount  not  recollected. 

Section  No.  2 

ANDERSON,  DAVID.— Prince  Edward,  Jan.  21,  1833.  En- 
listed ^lay,  1777,  serving  as  a  private  under  Capt.  Cadwallader  Jones, 
in  Col.  George  Baylor's  Regiment  till  June,  1778,  when  he  received  a 
written  discharge  from  Maj.  Clough,  of  said  regiment.  Also  volun- 
teered as  Minute  Man,  June,  1776,  under  Capt.  Frank  Goode,  of 
Chesterfield  County,  and  marched  to  Portsmouth,  remaining  there 
till  about  Dec.  20,  same  year,  when  he  received  a  verbal  discharge. 
In  March,  1781,  while  living  in  Prince  Edward  County,  was  pressed 
into  militia  service  as  wagoner,    by    Henry    Lipner    commissary    at 

54  Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Prince  Edward  Court  House,  and  made  one  trip,  conveying  stores 
to  Halifax  Old  Town  (Pittsylvania,  C.  H.).  Then  was  guard  at 
Prince  Edward  C.  H.  over  military  stores,  and  was  collector  of 
provisions  for  the  army  at  Yorktown,  serving  with  the  exception  of 
four  or  six  weeks  till  the  surrender  of  Cornwallis.  Applicant  was 
born  in  Cumberland  (now  Powhatan)  County,  Va.,  July  15,  1756. 
Discharged  in  1787  because  of  hernia. 

Section  No.  3 

ANDERSON,  DAVID.— Prince  Edward,  Aug.  22,  1832. 
Born,  1756.  Enlisted  from  Chesterfield  in  1777,  in  the  dragoons 
under  Capt.  Cadwallader  Jones,  serving  under  Col.  George  Baylor, 
First  Lt.  John  Sleth  (?),  Second  Lt.  William  Barrett.  The  term 
was  for  three  years  or  during  the  war.  Stationed  at  Fredericksburg 
till  November,  then  went  to  Frederick,  Aid.,  and  Lancaster  and 
Reading,  Pa.  At  Reading  he  had  the  smallpox.  Crossed  the  Dela- 
ware to  Princeton  and  Trenton,  where  he  was  discharged  because  of 
a  rupture  which  still  continues  with  him.  Had  served  thirteen 
months.  In  1776  he  volunteered  as  a  Minute  Man  under  Capt.  Frank 
Goode  of  Chesterfield,  and  was  at  Portsmouth  during  his  term  (ac- 
cording to  recollection),  of  six  months.  He  was  then  discharged.  In 
March,  1781,  was  pressed  into  militia  service  as  wagoner,  by  Harry 
Sepner,  Commissary  at  Prince  Edward  C.  H.  Also  acted  as  guard 
over  military  stores  at  that  point,  and  as  collector  of  provisions  for 
the  army  at  Yorktown.  Was  in  service  from  a  few  days  after  the 
battle  of  Guilford  until  the  surrender  of  Cornwallis,  excepting  a 
month  or  six  weeks.  Maj.  Hazaret  commanded  at  Prince  Edward 
C.  H. 

Section  No.  4 

ARBOGAST,  ADAM.— Pocahontas,  Nov.  6,  1832.  Born,  1760. 
Indian  spy,  1776  or  1777.  Drafted,  and  marched  under  Capt.  John 
McCoy  and  Lt.  Joseph  Gwin  to  West's  fort  on  West  Fork  of 
Monogahela,  then  down  the  river  to  Lowther's  Fort,  then  lower  yet 
to  Nutter's  Fort,  where  he  remained  much  of  the  three  months,  and 
finally  to  Coontie's  Fort,  w^here  troops  were  called  in  consequence  of 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution  55 

the  Indians  killing  a  write  woman  while  she  was  spreading  hemp  in 
a  field.  Volunteered,  1778,  as  Indian  sp_v  under  same  Captain,  and 
marched  to  Warm  Springs,  whence  he,  together  with  George  Hull, 
John  Gum,  and  Conrad  Fleisher,  were  ordered  to  Crabbottom  to 
guard  that  locality,  and  there  remained  the  rest  of  his  time.  At  an- 
other time  he  marched  from  his  home  (now  Highland),  across  Green- 
brier River  to  head  of  Seneca  in  pursuit  of  Indians.  Date  not  given 

Section  No    5 

ARGABRITE,  JACOB.— Monroe,  Oct.  15,  1832.  Born  in 
Lancaster  County,  Pa.,  Oct.  20,  1760.  Came  to  Rockingham  in  boy- 
hood. Volunteered  for  six  months  in  May,  1778,  under  Capt. 
Craven  for  service  against  Indians.  Was  stationed  at  Westfall's  and 
Hutton's  forts  in  Tygart's  Valley,  except  for  a  few  days  spent  in 
reconnoitering.  Volunteered  at  end  of  time  for  three  more  months. 
Then  home  two  weeks,  after  which  he  was  marched  to  Ft.  Pitt  and 
Tuscarora  river,  assisting  at  the  latter  place  in  building  Ft.  Laurence. 
The  troops  were  commanded  by  \la].  Nail,  Col.  Crawford,  and  Gen. 
Mcintosh,  and  sometimes  by  Col.  Gibson.  He  knew  Lt.  Parks, 
who  was  killed  by  Indians  between  Ft.  Mcintosh  and  Ft.  Lawrence, 
and  saw  him  lying  dead  in  the  path.  Col.  Crawford  therefore  wanted 
to  kill  nine  or  ten  Indians  who  had  come  for  peace,  but  the  other 
officers  prevailed  on  him  not  to  do  so.  Got  home  in  February,  1779, 
without  having  been  in  any  battle.  In  the  fall  of  1780,  volunteered 
for  12  months  in  cavalry  service  under  Capt.  Sullivan,  of  Berkeley, 
and  marched  to  South  Carolina.  Was  in  the  battles  of  Cowpens  and 
Guilford,  and  stationed  a  while  at  Salisbury.  His  time  expired  while 
command  was  at  Bowling  Green,  Va.,  recruiting  their  horses.  One 
Freeze  was  colonel  (or  major).  Here  he  volunteered  for  an  indefi- 
nite time  in  a  rifle  company  under  Capt.  Coper,  and  was  at  the  siege 
of  Yorktown  and  one  or  two  skirmishes.  Was  in  the  guard  to  convey 
away  the  prisoners.  Taken  sick  at  Williamsburg  and  discharged  at 
Williamsburg,  after  having  been  in  the  service  fourteen  months  after 
starting  for  North  Carolina. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Section  No.  6 

BOATWRIGHT,  JOHN.— Prince  Edward,  Aug.  22,  1832.. 
Born  in  Amherst,  1764.  Enlisted  in  winter  of  1780-1,  under  Capt. 
Crad.  Haskins,  from  Cumberland,  and  served  three  months,  in  Col. 
Posey's  regiment,  of  Gen.  Muhlenberg's  command.  In  next  tour 
was  under  Colonels  Dolman  and  Parker,  marching  to  Suffolk  and 
Portsmouth,  in  which  vicinity  he  was  in  several  skirmishes,  and  then 
to  Gen.  Gregory's  station,  returning  after  a  few  days  to  Gen.  Muhlen- 
berg near  Suffolk.  Discharged  after  three  months  at  Chuckatuclc 
Mills.  Also  in  1781,  served  two  months  under  Capt.  William  Mer- 
edith, of  Gen.  Steubin's  command,  campaigning  in  and  about  Chester- 
field  County. 

Section  No.  7 

BRIGHTWELL,  CHARLES.— Prince  Edward,  Sept.  13,  1832. 
Born  about  1756,  in  King  William.  In  1779  served  three  months 
from  Prince  Edward  under  Capt.  Thomas  Flournoy,  guarding  the 
magazine  at  Williamsburg.  The  under  officers  were  Lt.  John  Moore 
and  Ensign  John  Allen.  A  Col.  Hawes  was  in  service  at  Williams- 
burg. Second  term  in  1780  of  three  months  under  Capt.  Charles 
Allen.  Marched  to  the  Long  Ordinary  near  Petersburg.  Col.  Ran- 
dolph, Col.  Meade,  and  Maj.  John  Holcomb  were  in  the  encamp- 
ment. Third  term,  18  days  under  (?)  Capt.  Richard  Holland  and 
Lt.  Philip  Mathews,  guarding  prisoners  at  Albemarle  Barracks.. 
Was  drafted  in  each  case. 

Section  No.  8 

BOWLING,  JAMES,  SR.— Amherst,  Aug.  20,  1832.  Born 
1752.  Enlisted  fall  of  1775,  under  Capt.  William  Fontaine,  serving- 
in  Second  Virginia,  under  Col.  Woodford,  Lt.  Col.  Charles  Scott,  and 
Maj.  Hardiman,  John  Marx  being  First  Lt.,  Thomas  Hughes,  Second. 
Lt.,  and  one  Robertson,  Ensign.    Served  one  year,  campaigning  about: 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution  57 

Norfolk  at  the  close  of  1775.  Was  in  the  battle  at  Great  Bridge 
about  December  9th,  where  the  enemy  lost  a  brave  officer,  named 
Ford.vce.  The  British  were  driven  out  of  Norfolk  to  their  ships, 
but  their  fleet  cannonaded  and  burned  the  town.  The  American  force 
remained  some  time  at  Norfolk,  and  on  leaving  it  burned  what  was 
"left.  The  return  was  by  the  same  route,  but  the  command  remained 
some  time  in  Suffolk  because  of  sickness.  Was  discharged  near  Wil- 
liamsburg. Served  under  Capt.  Philip  Thurmond  as  guard  over  the 
British  prisoners  in  Albemarle  Barracks;  also  as  guard  over  paroled 
prisoners  at  Amherst  C.  H.  Just  before  the  capture  of  Cornwallis, 
he  was  on  a  tour  under  Col.  Meriwether,  the  three  services  occupy- 
ing about  six  months. 

Section  No.  9 

BECK,  JESSE.— Amherst,  Aug.  21,  1832.  Born  in  Albemarle, 
1758.  Prior  to  March,  1781,  performed  two  terms  of  three  months 
each  in  the  Albemarle  militia,  guarding  British  prisoners.  Was  under 
Captain  James  Garland,  who  was  killed  by  a  sentinel  at  Albemarle 
Barracks.  Was  also  under  Capt.  Hunton,  or  Capt.  Montgomery. 
Col.  Taylor,  of  Orange,  was  in  charge.  About  March  1,  1781,  under 
a  draft  of  every  fourteenth  militiaman  for  18  months,  he  became 
sergeant  under  Capt.  Benjamin  Harrison.  The  company  made  ren- 
dezvous in  Hanover,  where  it  was  attached  to  the  regiment  under 
Col.  Paddy  and  Maj.  Finley.  At  Yorktown  he  saw  the  army  of 
Cornwallis  ground  their  arms.  The  regiment  went  into  winter 
quarters  at  Old  Cumberland  C.  H.  In  February,  1782,  the  corps 
was  ordered  into  Southern  Service  and  was  in  Georgia  under  Gen. 
Wayne,  till  November.  Was  discharged  at  Old  Cumberland  C.  H., 
in  December,  1782,  after  nearly  21  months'  service  instead  of  eighteen. 
Remembers  that  when  drafted  each  man  was  paid  a  bounty  of  $4,000, 
which  by  reason  of  depreciation  was  of  little  value.  While  in 
Georgia  the  army  under  Wayne  watched  Savannah,  where  the 
British  were  waiting  transports  to  carry  them  home.  Wayne's  head- 
quarters and  his  own  encampment  were  at  Mulberry  Grove,  the 
property  of  a  tory,  which,  after  confiscation,  was  purchased  by  Gen. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Section  No.  10 

BLAIR,  ALLEN.— Amherst,  Oct.  15,  1832.  Born,  July  8, 
1754,  in  Amherst.  In  1780  was  drafted  three  months  under  Capt. 
Younger  Landrum  and  marched  to  join  Gen.  Gates  in  North  Caro- 
lina, but  before  his  time  was  out  employed  William  Bowman,  as 
substitute.  In  1781  he  again  marched  under  Landrum,  this  time  to 
join  Gen.  Greene.  He  was  not  in  battle  of  Guilford,  but  so  near 
that  he  saw  dead  and  wounded  men  removed  from  the  field.  He  saw 
Gen.  Edward  Stevens  badly  wounded  in  the  thigh.  Shortly  after  was 
again  drafted,  and  under  Capt.  John  Loving  marched  to  Williams- 
burg, where  he  took  sick  of  fever  and  was  in  hospital  a  considerable 
time.  A  little  before  the  close  investment  of  Yorktown,  he  was  dis- 
charged from  hospital  and  sent  to  the  New  Barracks.  Soon  the 
forces  at  this  place  were  ordered  to  join  the  besieging  army,  but 
applicant  was  discharged,  his  time  being  nearly  out  and  the  surgeon 
deeming  him  too  feeble  for  active  service.     Served  six  months  in  all. 

Section  No.  11 

BROWN,  JOHN.— Captain,  1781,  of  company  raised  on  Cow- 
pasture,  in  Bath.  His  lieutenant  was  Robert  Thompson.  Attached 
to  regiment  of  Col.  Samson  Mathews,  which  served  under  Generals 
Wayne,  Campbell,  and  Morgan.  In  battles  at  Hot  Water  and 
Jamestown,  being  captured  in  the  latter.     Died,  1830.     Wife,  Mary 

,  Surviving  children :    1   Margaret,  married  Joseph  Wallace ; 

2  Rosanna,  married  Gerard  Morgan ;  3  Joseph ;  4  John.  Will 
mentions  grandchildren:  N.  J.  Brown  Morgan,  John  Brown  Wal- 
lace, \lary  Ann  Blackburn  Brown. 

Section  No.  12 

BRADSHAW,  JOHN.— Pocahontas,  Sept.  4,  and  May  7,  1833. 
Born,  1758.  Went  out  in  January,  1781,  under  Capt.  Thomas 
Hicklin,  Lt.  Joseph  Gwin,  Ensign  Thomas  Wright  in  regiment  of 
Col.  Sampson  Mathews.  Was  at  Camp  Carson  near  Portsmouth 
most  of  the  winter.  Discharged  at  Murdock's  Mill,  April  9,  1781. 
Was  in  one  engagement  within  sight  of  Portsmouth,  where  Capt. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Cunningham,  of  Rockbridge,  was  wounded  in  the  groin,  and  one  pri- 
vate also  wounded.  Declarant  was  sergeant.  Later,  same  year,  was 
drafted  for  the  Yorktown  compaign,  marching  under  Capt.  Thomas 
Hicklin,  and- Col.  Samuel  Vance.  After  the  surrender  of  Cornwallis 
he  helped  guard  the  prisoners  to  Winchester.  Had  served  as  Indian 
spy  in  the  years  1776  to  1779  inclusive.  Such  services  were  not 
needed  in  the  winter,  as  the  Indians  then  kept  in  their  quarters.  The 
practice  was  for  two  men  to  leave  Fort  Cook,  Monroe  County,  and 
be  out  three  or  four  days  each  week,  others  taking  their  places 
on  the  return.  They  watched  the  gaps  and  low  places  in  the  moun- 
tains for  thirty  miles,  to  a  point  where  they  met  the  spies  from  Burn- 
sides'  fort.  They  were  strictly  forbidden  to  make  a  fire,  no  matter 
how  inclement  the  weather.     Died  Jan.  6,  1835. 

Section  No.  13 

BOYD,  PATRICK.— Monroe,  Sept.  17,  1832.  Born  1759. 
Enlisted  in  Augusta  in  the  regular  service  in  Sept.  ?,  1777,  under 
Ensign  Robert  Kirk,  the  company  being  commanded  by  Capt.  Smith 
and  later  by  Capt.  Bell.  Col.  Grayson  commanded  the  regiment. 
Wintered  at  Valley  Forge.  Marched  to  Boundbrook,  N.  J.  Was 
sick  in  camp  at  battle  of  Monmouth.  After  serving  about  19 
months  and  finding  his  health  failing,  he  gave  a  man  whose  name  he 
has  forgotten,  100  pounds  to  take  his  place.  At  the  same  time  was 
offered  a  lieutenant's  commission  if  he  would  continue  in  service. 
Volunteered  in  1781  under  Capt.  John  Smith  in  Augusta,  to  go  to 
North  Carolina.  Rendezvous  at  Waynesboro.  Col.  MofiEet  com- 
manded the  regiment.  Marched  by  Lynchburg  to  Guilford,  and  was 
in  the  battle  there  over  two  hours.  Reached  home  about  one  month 
later.  Volunteered  in  September,  1781,  under  Col.  Bowyer,  to 
check  the  British  from  marching  up  country.  When  the  regiment 
reached  Charlottesville  the  town  had  been  set  on  fire  by  the  enemy. 
Marched  to  Gum  Springs  and  to  Richmond,  where  the  enemy 
were  seen  leaving  the  city.  Discharged  about  Oct.  1st,  at  Hickorj^- 
nut  Church,  near  Hot  Water,  after  service  of  one  month.  Was  in 
no  battle  while  militiaman. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Section  No.  14 

COCKE,  ANDERSON.— Prince  Edward,  Aug.  21,  1832. 
Born  in  Cumberland  County,  1758.  Living  in  Campbell.  Declara- 
tion differs  in  no  material  respect  from  that  of  his  comrade,  William 


Section  No.  15 
CARTER,  POVALL.— Prince  Edward,  Sept.  14,  1832.  Born, 
1762,  in  Cumberland  (since  Powhatan).  Enlisted  under  Capt.  Ed- 
ward Munford,  December,  1779  (?),  in  the  Light  Infantry  com- 
manded by  Col.  Willis  and  Maj.  Duval.  Marched  through  Din- 
widdie,  Prince  George,  Surrey,  etc.  Had  one  skirmish  near  Bland's 
Ordinary.  Discharged  after  three  months.  In  spring  of  1780  or 
1781,  served  one  term  of  four  weeks,  in  Chesterfield,  under  Capt. 
Richard  Crump  and  Col.  Goode.  In  July,  1781,  marched  under 
Capt.  Robert  Powt  to  join  Gen.  Lafayette  at  Malvern  Hill.  Thence 
marched  to  Richmond  and  Pipington  in  pursuit  of  the  British.  Dis- 
charged after  four  weeks.  Later  served  five  weeks  under  Col.  Moreby 
to  guard  prisoners  at  Old  Cumberland,  C.  H.  Was  drafted  for  each 

Section  No.  16 

CUNNINGHAM,  JOHN.— Prince  Edward,  Aug.  21,  1832. 
Born,  1758.  Enlisted  May,  1776,  in  Militia  company  under  Capt. 
Chas.  Allen,  Lt.  Joseph  Parks,  and  Ensign  James  Allen.  Marched 
by  Manchester,  Williamsburg,  and  Yorktown  to  Hampton,  where 
he  was  stationed  under  Col.  Meredith  and  Maj.  James.  Discharged 
at  Portsmouth  after  term  of  seven  and  one-half  months.  In  May, 
1779,  volunteered  under  Capt.  John  Holcomb,  serving  about  three 
weeks  at  Petersburg.  In  September,  1780,  volunteered  in  Capt.  Charles 
Allen's  company  of  First  Regiment,  and  after  three  months  was  given 
an  honorable  discharge.  Was  stationed  at  Petersburg  under  Col. 
E.  Meade  and  Beverly  Randolph.  Early  in  1781  volunteered  under 
Capt.  Andrew  Baker,  Lt.  Joseph  Parks,  and  Ensign  Joseph  Read,  and 
joined  Gen.  Greene  near  the  Dan  river,  where  the  company  was  at- 
tached to  the  regiment  under  Col.  Otho  H.  Williams.  Marched  to- 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution  61 

ward  Hillsboro.  In  a  skirmish  at  Whitsell's  Mill  about  March  6,  our 
troops  gave  back,  Lt.  Parks  and  private  Ezekiel  Parks  being  wounded. 
Company  was  discharged  after  one  month.  In  May,  1781,  volun- 
teered under  Capt.  Richard  Hilland,  and  served  two  or  three  weeks, 
being  employed  in  conducting  British  prisoners  from  Prince  Edward 
C.  H.  to  Albemarle  Barracks.     Has  always  lived  in  Prince  Edward. 

Section  No.  17 

CASHWILL,  HENRY.— Amherst,  Sept.  17,  1832.  Born  in 
Amherst,  1757.  In  fall  of  1779  served  three  months  under  Capt. 
John  Sale,  guarding  prisoners  at  Albemarle  Barracks,  these  being 
chiefly  from  Burgoyne's  army.  It  February,  1781,  marched  under 
Capt.  James  Franklin,  joining  Greene's  army  the  day  after  the  battle 
of  Guilford.  During  the  battle  his  command  was  about  10  miles  away 
and  the  cannon  were  heard.  Thinks  they  might  have  taken  part  in 
the  battle  if  they  had  used  becoming  alacrity.  The  company  was  then 
placed  under  Capt.  Younger  Landrum,  of  Col.  John  Holcomb's 
regiment  and  Gen.  Lawson's  brigade.  In  this  tour  he  was  Orderly 
Sergeant.  Was  discharged  on  Deep  River  after  three  months.  In 
August,  1781,  was  again  Orderly  Sergeant  under  Col.  Hugh  Rose 
for  three  months,  the  service  consisting  of  escorting  a  small  body  of 
British  prisoners  to  a  British  vessel  below  Jamestown.  Was  drafted 
each  time. 

Section  No.  18 

CASH,  BARTLETT.— Amherst,  Oct.  15,  1832.  Born  in 
Amherst,  1757.  In  1776  served  three  months  under  Capt.  John  Sale 
and  Lt.  James  Franklin,  of  Col.  Christian's  brigade.  The  force 
he  was  in  was  to  protect  the  frontier  from  the  Cherokee  Indians,  then 
very  troublesome.  There  was  no  battle.  In  1781,  under  Capt.  James 
Franklin.  Joined  Gen.  Greene  shortly  after  the  battle  of  Guilford, 
serving  then  under  Capt.  Younger  Landrum,  Col.  John  Holcomb,  and 
Gen.  Lawson.  Served  in  all  six  months,  being  drafted  the  second 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Section  No.  19 

CASHWILL,  WILLIAM.— Amherst,  Sept.  17,  1832.  Born  in 
Amherst,  1762.  Went  out  in  militia  February,  1779,  under  Capt. 
David  Woodruf,  and  guarded  prisoners  at  Albemarle  Barracks  three 
months.  Volunteered,  September,  1780,  under  Capt.  John  Morrison 
of  a  rifle  company,  and  was  stationed  at  Long  Dairy,  three  miles  out 
of  Petersburg.  There  were  present  about  1,500  men  under  Gen. 
Steuben,  and  Gen.  Lawson.  February,  1781,  he  went  out  under 
Capt.  James  Franklin  to  join  the  army  of  Greene  in  North  Carolina, 
but  did  not  arrive  in  time  for  the  battle  of  Guilford.  They  were 
near  enough  to  hear  the  cannon  and  he  thinks  if  the  officers  had 
pushed  forward  they  might  have  been  in  time.  Franklin  resigned  the 
day  after  the  battle  and  went  home.  The  company  was  then  put 
under  Capt.  Younger  Landrum.  Col.  John  Holcomb's  regiment, 
Gen.  Lawson's  brigade.  Was  discharged  at  Deep  River  after  three 
months'  service.  Total  service,  twelve  months,  three  in  each  of  four 
tours.  Last  tour  began  in  September,  1781,  under  Capt.  John  Stew- 
art. Was  at  siege  of  Yorktown  and  marched  as  guard  to  the  prisoners 
to  Winchester  barracks,  where  he  was  discharged. 

Section  No.  20 

CAMERON,  CHARLES.— Bath,  March  13,  1839.  (Affidavit 
by  Sarah,  widow  of  said  Cameron).  Entered  service  December  3, 
1776,  as  Lieutenant,  under  Capt.  John  Lewis  in  Tenth  Virginia 
Continentals.  Col.  Adam  Stephen  commanding.  Resigned,  Jan.  3, 
1778.  Was  in  battles  of  Brandywine  and  Germantown.  About 
January,  1781,  drafted  for  three  months.  Captain  of  militia  under 
Col.  Samson  Mathews.  Subalterns  being  Lt.  William  Anderson  and 
Ensign  Robert  Christian.  Later,  same  year,  served  again  as  Captain 
of  volunteer  cavalry.  Was  in  battle  of  Jamestown  where  he  was 
adjutant  of  regiment,  Samson  Mathews  being  colonel  and  of  Gen. 
Campbell's  brigade.  Last  tour,  two  months.  After  Jamestown,  be- 
came Captain  in  place  of  Capt.  John  Brown,  taken  prisoner.  The 
lieutenant  was  Robert  Thompson.  1782,  appointed  commissary  for 
the  district  including  Augusta,  Rockingham  and  Rockbridge,  serving 
as  such   from    12   to    18   months.      Married    Sarah  Warwick    (born 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

1772),  May  3,  1792;  died  July  14,  1829,  aged  76.  December  3, 
1776,  elected  First  Lieutenant  of  First  Company  of  Augusta,  and 
reported,  Feb.  1,  1777,  that  he  had  secured  no  recruits. 

Section  No.  21 

CANTERBURY,  JOHN.— Monroe,  Jan.  19,  183-.  Born  in 
Prince  William  about  1761.  Volunteered  for  one  month  in  Mont- 
gomery to  guard  the  frontier  at  Clinch  River.  Was  at  Blackmore 
Station  on  Clinch.  Voluntered  one  month  to  guard  the  frontier  on 
Bluestone  river.  Received  no  pay  for  either  tour.  Moved  to  Holston 
river,  where  he  substituted  three  months  for  Samuel  Douglas,  and 
served  at  Logan's  Station,  Ky.  Volunteered  under  Capt.  Joseph 
Martin  against  the  Indians.  The  troops  marched  across  the  French 
Broad  to  the  Indian  tow^ns  and  were  in  several  small  skirmishes,  but 
no  regular  engagement.  They  killed  some  Indians  and  took  some 
prisoners,  but  the  Indians  evacuated  their  towns.  Substituted  for 
three  months  for  a  David  Renfrow,  and  marched  under  Col.  Campbell 
to  the  Santee  river,  where  he  joined  Gen.  Marion's  army,  then  in 
camp.  In  one  scouting  party  they  took  about  80  prisoners,  brought 
them  into  camp,  and  sent  them  to  Camden.  Army  remained  in 
camp  till  Cornwallis  surrendered.  Declarant  settled  in  Monroe, 
about  1784. 

Section  No.  22 

CLARK,  SAMUEL.— Monroe,  Aug.  22,  1832.  Born  in  Au- 
gusta, April  18,  1764.  Entered  as  substitute  for  Thomas  Means,  in 
September,  1780,  under  Capt.  Samuel  McCutcheon,  and  Lt.  John 
McCarney.  Marched  to  Richmond  along  with  the  companies  of 
Captains  John  Dickey,  Francis  Long,  and  Thomas  Smith,  and  also 
one  other  company.  The  said  five  Augusta  companies  were  stationed 
below  Richmond,  and  after  discharge  marched  back  together.  There 
was  no  engagement.  Drafted  three  months  in  January,  1781,  and 
marched  under  Capt.  James  Trimble  to  Fredericksburg,  then  to  Sandy 
Point,  where  the  James  was  crossed,  then  to  within  twenty  miles 
of  Portsmouth,  where  the  British  were  in  camp.     The  companies  of 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Captains  John  Cunningham,  Charles  Cameron,  Joseph  Patterson, 
and  Thomas  Hicklin  were  also  in  the  march.  Hicklin  was  cashiered 
for  cowardice.  The  militia  companies  at  this  same  point  were  com- 
manded by  Col.  Sampson  Mathews,  Lt.  Col.  William  Bowyer,  and 
Maj.  Alexander  Robertson.  Gen.  Muhlenberg  occasionally  visited  the 
station  and  seemed  to  be  in  command.  The  Rockbridge  militia  under 
Col.  John  Bowyer,  were  a  few  miles  away.  A  captain  or  major 
named  William  Long  was  present  for  some  time  to  drill  the 
troops.  Declarant  with  Cunningham's  command  was  in  a  skirmish 
in  which  Cunningham  was  wounded.  Discharged  in  April. 
Next  month  volunteered  as  substitute  for  John  McCutcheon, 
a  relative  who  was  drafted  three  months  and  because  of  his 
family  could  not  with  safety  leave  home.  His  Captain  was  Patrick 
Buchanan,  his  Lieutenant,  John  Boyd.  The  companies  of  Captains 
John  Campbell  and  Charles  Haskins  were  in  same  troop.  Field 
officers  were  Capt.  Thomas  Hughart,  Lt.  Col.  John  McCreery,  Maj. 
Wilson.  They  marched  into  James  City  County,  where  the  three 
companies  joined  Gen.  Wayne.  Soon  after  a  foraging  party  of  the 
enemy  was  seen  about  five  miles  from  Williamsburg,  and  the  com- 
panies of  Buchanan  and  one  each  from  Rockingham  and  Rockbridge 
were  sent  to  drive  them  back.  Maj.  Willis,  who  was  in  command, 
was  defeated,  and  the  whole  army  marched  to  Jamestown,  where  it 
also  was  defeated.  Declarant  was  wounded  on  the  head  by  a  British 
swordsman,  and  Col.  Bowyer  was  taken  prisoner.  Declarant  was 
taken  to  a  hospital  on  Pamunkey  river,  and  there  remained  till  his 
discharge  in  August.  Was  then  drafted  three  months  under  Capt. 
Francis  Long.  The  companies  of  Captains  Trimble,  Dickey,  and 
Buchanan  also  marched  to  Yorktown,  where  declarant  remained  till 
after  the  surrender.  In  April,  1782,  volunteered  three  months  against 
the  Indians,  and  marched  under  Capt.  John  McKittrick  to  Tygart's 
Valley  and  to  West  Fork  of  Monogahala. 

Section  No.  23 

DUPUY,  JOHN.— Prince  Edward,  Aug.  13,  1832.  Born  Jan. 
20,  1756.  Enlisted  June,  1776,  as  volunteer  in  State  troops  under 
Capt.  Chas.  Allen,  Lt.  Joseph  Parks,  Ensign  James  Allen,  Col. 
Merriman  being  field  officer  and  one  Overton,  Major  or  Adjutant. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution  65 

Marched  from  Prince  Edward  C.  H.  through  Richmond  and  Wil- 
liamsburg to  Hampton,  where  the  army  was  stationed  three  or  four 
months.  Discharged  at  Portsmouth  in  Januar,v,  1777.  In  May  or 
June  of  this  year,  under  a  draft  on  the  young  unmarried  men  of  the 
State,  requiring  one  year  in  the  regular  service,  applicant  hired  a 
substitute  named  Estis,  paying  him  $400.  These  troops  marched  north 
to  join  the  army,  and  he  knew  nothing  more  of  Estis.  In  1778, 
during  an  alarm,  and  at  which  time  applicant  held  a  commission  in 
his  home  company,  he  volunteered  as  a  private  under  the  above 
Charles  Allen,  and  marched  to  Petersburg,  the  tour  occupying  a 
month  or  so.  In  January  or  February,  1781,  he  volunteered  in  his 
home  County,  Prince  Edward,  under  Capt.  John  Bibb,  himself  being 
lieutenant.  Bibb  soon  resigned  and  Nathaniel  Cunningham  was 
commissioned  in  his  place.  The  company  joined  Gen.  Greene  at 
Irvin's  Ferry,  Halifax  County,  and  was  attached  to  Col.  Cocke's 
regiment  of  Gen.  Steuben's  brigade.  Was  in  the  battle  of  Guilford. 
The  second  day  afterward,  applicant  conveyed  prisoners  to  Halifax 
C.  H.,  Va.,  and  delivered  them  to  Nathaniel  Hunt,  stationed  there 
to  receive  them.  After  this  service,  he  returned  home,  according 
to  order  by  Gen.  Steuben,  the  tour  lasting  two  or  three  months. 
Shortly  after  reaching  home  he  was  ordered  to  Halifax  County  to 
receive  arms  brought  from  Guilford  battle  field  and  convey  them  to 
Prince  Edward  C.  H.  In  the  same  year,  probably  August,  he  was 
ordered  to  convey  some  wounded  prisoners,  sent  from  Guilford  to 
Prince  Edward  C.  H.,  and  convey  them  to  Gen.  Lafayette,  then  at 
RufKn's  Ferry,  King  William  County.  From  this  point  he  took  them 
on  to  Jamestown  and  delivered  them  to  a  British  ship,  the  whole 
service  occupying  about  one  month.  According  to  recollection  his 
commission  as  lieutenant  was  by  Patrick  Henry.  Henry  Dawson,  a 
witness  to  the  declaration,  served  with  applicant  in   1776. 

Section  No.  24 

DAWSON,  HENRY.— Prince  Edward,  Sept.  7,  1832.  Born 
in  Amelia  Countj^,  1753.  Volunteered  from  Prince  Edward  as 
minute  man  early  in  June,  1775.  Company  officers  were  Capt. 
Charles  Allen,  Lt.  Joseph  Parks,  Ensign  James  Allen.  The  Colonel 
was  one  Merriman  and  one  Overton  was  major  or  adjutant.    March- 

66  Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

ed  through  Richmond  and  Williamsburg  to  Hampton,  where  the 
army  lay  three  of  four  months.  It  then  proceeded  to  Portsmouth, 
where  applicant  was  discharged  about  Christmas.  In  1777  he  was 
drafted  into  the  company  of  Capt.  Flournoy  and  Lt.  Moore,  and 
after  serving  a  while  at  Williamsburg  a  short  while  was  discharged 
at  Yorktown  after  a  tour  of  three  months.  In  1778  was  drafted  into 
the  militia  company  of  Capt.  Ligon  and  serving  at  Petersburg  was 
there  discharged  after  three  months.  In  1781  was  drafted  into  Capt, 
Flood's  Company  and  marched  in  pursuit  of  Cornwallis.  This  tour 
was  also  for  three  months.    John  Overstreet  was  major. 

Section  No.  25 

DRUMHELLER,  LEONARD.— Albemarle,  Oct.  12,  1832. 
Born  near  Reading,  Pa.,  about  1762.  Came  to  Albemarle  while  small. 
Drafted  in  January,  1781,  under  Capt.  John  Harris,  Lt.  Thomas 
Jones,  and  Ensign  William  Jarman.  Drew  arms  at  Richmond. 
Stationed  as  fifer  some  time  at  Halifax  House  between  Hampton 
and  Yorktown.  Discharged  at  Richmond  in  March.  Drafted  in 
IVIay  under  Capt.  ]\Iark  Leake.  Joined  the  army  under  Gen. 
Lafayette  near  Richmond,  marched  to  Raccoon  Ford,  where  a  junc- 
tion was  made  with  Gen.  Wayne;  Then  through  Orange  and  Louisa 
by  the  route  still  known  as  the  "Marquis  Road."  The  march  was 
continued  to  Hampton,  he  being  transferred  to  Capt.  Miller's  Com- 
pany and  frequently  detailed  for  picket  duty.  Discharged  at  Malvern 
Hills  in  July.  Again  in  minute  service  at  Charlottesville,  so  con- 
tinuing till  after  surrender  of  Cornwallis. 

Section  No.  26 

DAVIDSON,  GILES.— Amherst,  Aug.  21,  1832.  Born  in 
Buckingham,  1762.  Went  out  three  months  under  Capt.  William 
Dugrid  at  Albemarle  Barracks,  being  substitute  for  Young  Lee.  He 
there  enlisted  under  Capt.  Garland  Burnley  for  12  months  as  guard 
to  British  prisoners.  Later  he  volunteered  under  Capt.  Francis 
Shelton,  of  Henry,  who  was  raising  a  force  to  put  down  the  tories, 
then   causing   alarm   in   the   hollows   of   Dan   River,   on   the   North 

V^iRGiNiA   Militia   in  the   Revolution 

Carolina  line.  Shelton's  men  visited  persons  known  to  be  disaffected 
to  the  American  cause  and  prevented  injuries  from  tories.  The  head- 
quarters was  with  a  tory  named  McGbwan,  who  lived  in  Henry. 
In  1781  he  w'ent  out  from  Buckingham  for  three  months  under  Capt. 
William  Perkins,  and  was  in  the  battles  of  Hot  Water  and  James- 
town. He  was  at  once  called  out  again  under  Capt.  Silas  Watkins, 
who  before  Yorktown  resigned  and  was  succeeded  by  Capt.  William 
Giles.  Was  present  at  Surrender  of  Cornwallis  and  helped  to  guard 
the  prisoners  to  the  Winchester  Barracks,  where  he  was  discharged 
about  Dec.  1.  1781. 

Section  No.  27 

EAST,  JAMES.— Rockbridge,  Sept.  3,  1832.  Born  in  Gooch- 
land, Aug.,  1753.  Entered  service  in  Fluvanna  in  August,  1777, 
going  out  for  three  months  under  Capt.  Joseph  Hayden  and  Lt. 
Benjamin  Anderson.  Served  under  same  officers  in  1779  for  three 
months  at  Williamsburg,  Yorktown,  and  Hampton.  On  both  tours 
Col.  Samuel  Cabell  and  Maj.  George  Thompson  were  field  officers. 
Enrolled,  January,  1781,  and  retained  in  County  as  maker  of  gun- 
stocks,  so  continuing  till  the  capture  of  Cornwallis,  never  understand- 
ing this  service  to  be  of  private  nature,  and  never  being  compensated 
therefor.  Enlisted  1775  under  Capt.  Thomas  Holt  constantly  em- 
ployed with  him  in  recruiting  service  for  four  months,  then,  because 
of  the  dissatisfaction  of  his  parents,  procuring  James  Burnley  as  a 
substitute.  Also  performed  an  irregular  service  of  two  months  in 
1779,  guarding  prisoners,  especially  Hessians,  at  Charlottesville. 
His  Captain  was  Samuel  Richardson,  his  lieutenant  (probably), 
Thomas  Thurman.     Left  Fluvanna,  1792. 

Section  No.  28 

FIX,  PHILIP.— Rockbridge,  Nov.  6,  1832.  Born  near  Reading, 
Pa.,  about  1754.  Went  out  from  Loudoun  about  September,  1777, 
as  substitute  for  John  Conrad.  Company  officers  were,  Capt.  John 
Thomas,  Lt.  Samuel  Potts,  Ensign  Thomas  Wright.  Marched  from 
Leesburg  through  Frederick,  Md.,  and  York  and  Lancaster,  Pa.,  to 
Chestnut  Hill,  making  forced  march  to  be  in  time  for  the  battle  of 

68  Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Germantown,  but  was  too  late  by  a  day  or  so.  Later,  his  command 
surrounded  the  Rising  Sun  Tavern  near  Philadelphia,  because  of  its 
being  a  harbor  for  the  British.  Discharged  at  York,  Pa.  Col. 
Clapham  and  Maj.  West  were  regimental  officers. 

Section  No.  29 

GILLISPIE,  GEORGE.— Prince  Edward,  Sept.  17,  1832. 
Born,  1752.  In  May,  1776,  enlisted  as  minute  man  in  the  company  of 
Capt.  Charles  Allen,  Lt.  Joseph  Parks,  and  Ensign  James  Allen.  It 
marched  from  his  home  County  of  Prince  Edward  to  Hampton,  by 
way  of  Richmond,  Williamsburg,  and  Yorktown.  At  Hampton,  Col. 
Meredith  and  Maj.  James  were  in  command.  He  was  discharged  at 
Portsmouth  after  service  of  seven  and  one-half  months.  In  Septem- 
ber, 1780,  he  volunteered  under  Capt.  Charles  Allen  of  the  First 
Regiment,  and  marched  to  Petersburg,  where  other  troops  under 
Col.  E.  Meade  and  B.  Randolph  were  stationed.  His  regiment  then 
marched  to  near  Portsmouth,  where  it  was  first  under  command  of 
Gen.  Robert  Lawson  and  afterwards  of  Baron  Steuben.  After  a  tour 
of  three  months  he  was  discharged  thirty  miles  above  Portsmouth. 
Applicant  has  no  written  discharge. 

Section  No.  30 

GRUBBS,  NATHAN.— Prince  Edward,  Aug.  21,  1832.  Born 
in  Hanover,  1757.  First  tour  of  nine  months  was  in  Virginia.  Ap- 
plicant was  in  no  action.  His  Captain  was  John  Winston,  and  he 
recollects  his  colonels  as  Elisha  Meredith  and  Charles  Dabney. 
The  second  tour,  of  six  months,  began  in  June,  1780.  His  Cap- 
tain was  John  Price  and  his  colonel  was  Holt  Richardson.  Was  in 
Gate's  defeat  near  Camden,  S.  C.  At  the  end  of  his  tour  was  honor- 
ably discharged.  Served  two  subsequent  tours  in  Virginia  of  three 
months  each,  one  at  Sandy  Point  under  Capt.  Thomas  Doswell,  and 
one  at  Cabin  Point  under  Capt.  John  Thompson.  He  was  also  in 
the  Siege  of  Yorktown,  under  Thompson.  After  the  war  lived  in 
Louisa  and  Goochland,  finally  removing  to  Prince  Edward. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution  69 

Section  No.  31 

GILES,  ISAIAH.— Prince  Edward,  Sept.  17,  1832.  Born  in 
Chesterfield,  1756.  Performed  a  three  months'  tour  under  Capt. 
Jacobs,  of  Amherst,  the  time  being  spent  in  guarding  prisoners  at 
Albemarle  Barracks.  Col.  Burnley  and  Maj.  Meredith  were  in 
command.  Second  tour  was  under  Capt.  Richard  Ballinger,  this 
service  being  at  Hood  Fort  in  Prince  George.  His  Company  was 
the  only  one  there.  Third  tour  was  under  Capt.  John  Christian.  He 
was  at  Richmond,  Hobb's  Hole,  Bottom's  Bridge,  the  Chickahominy, 
and  other  places.  By  recollection  the  tour  was  for  three  months  and 
Gen.  Lawson  was  in  command.  The  fourth  tour,  of  three  mouths, 
was  under  Capt.  John  Phillips,  and  he  served  below  Richmond.  In 
the  fifth  tour,  his  father's  wagon  being  impressed  by  Col.  Gabriel 
Penn,  of  Amherst,  he  was  assured  by  the  said  Penn  that  if  he  went 
with  the  wagon  it  would  answer  as  a  tour  of  duty.  Length  of  his 
tour  forgotten,  but  it  included  the  Siege  of  Yorktown.  All  the  tours 
were  from  Amherst. 

Section  No.  32 

GRANT,  ROBERT.— Amherst,  Aug.  22,  1832.  Born,  1761. 
Served  three  tours  of  two  months  each  as  drafted  militiaman.  About 
1780  he  marched  from  Fluvanna  under  Capt.  Levi  Thompson  and 
Lt.  Henry  Martin  to  Cabin  Point  and  put  under  Col.  Holt  Rich- 
ardson. About  a  year  later  he  went  out  under  Capt.  Anthony 
Haden,  and  Lt.  Daniel  Lightfoot,  being  again  under  Richardson, 
whose  duty  was  to  watch  Hanover,  Orange,  and  other  counties. 
This  was  the  time  when  Tarleton  made  his  raid  to  Point  of  Fork 
and  Charlottesville.  The  third  time  he  went  to  the  siege  of  York- 
town  under  Capt.  Richard  Napper,  Lt.  Zachariah  King,  and  Ensign 
James  Cole.  His  command  was  stationed  on  the  Gloucester  side  of 
York  River,  under  Col.  Taylor  and  Maj.  Campbell,  to  keep  the 
enemy  from  escaping.  The  French  fleet  was  lying  off  York  River. 
He  returned  before  the  surrender.  His  companions  were  made  no 
allowance  for  time  spent  in  going  into  or  returning  from  service. 
They  were  discharged  en  masse  by  their  immediate  company  officers. 

70  Virginia  Militia   in   the  Revolution 

Section  No.  33 

GREEN,  WILLIAM.— Bath,  Sept.  11,  1832.  Born,  1755. 
Drafted  three  months  in  September,  1776,  as  guard  against  Indians 
in  Warwick's  Fort,  under  Capt.  John  Lewis.  In  May,  1777,  John 
Wilson  applied  to  Col.  John  Dickenson  for  six  men  as  a  guard  at 
his  own  fort  on  Jackson  River.  Declarant  was  drafted  as  one  of  these, 
serving  three  months.  In  September,  1777,  drafted  for  three  months 
under  Capt.  Samuel  Vance  at  Clover  Lick  Fort.  In  1778,  drafted 
for  four  months  against  the  Indians,  serving  on  Jackson's  River. 
Marched  to  Fort  Mcintosh  on  Ohio  at  Mouth  of  Big  Beaver 
Creek,  being  under  Capt.  Samuel  McCutcheon,  of  Gen.  Mcintosh's 
command.  Was  in  no  engagement.  1780,  drafted  for  three  months' 
tour  under  Capt.  John  McCoy.  Marched  to  Richmond,  remaining 
there  eight  or  ten  daj^s,  and  was  discharged  after  24  days'  service. 
1781,  drafted  and  served  34  days  under  Capt.  David  Gwin.  Joined 
army  at  Hickory  Neck  Church  near  Williamsburg.  In  May,  1782, 
drafted  for  three  months,  serving  under  Capt.  George  Poage,  at 
Warwick's  Fort. 

Section  No.  34 

GARTIN,  NATHANIEL.— Monroe,  Feb.  17,  1834.  Born, 
1759,  in  Orange.  Moved  to  Rockingham,  1768.  Entered  service, 
1777,  as  Indian  spy  in  January  and  February.  Capt.  Robert  Craven 
and  Lt.  Trout  commanding  the  company.  Marched  to  Tygart's 
Valley.  Three  months  at  Warwick's  Fort.  Indians  had  committed 
many  depredations,  and  declarant  was  constantly  examining  the  ways 
by  which  the  Indians  came  into  the  settlements,  so  that  he  could  give 
intelligence  at  the  fort.  No  engagement.  He  and  others  pursued 
Indians,  sometimes  marching  40  or  50  miles  a  day  and  suffering 
extremely  for  want  of  provisions.  A  year  later,  the  Indians  still 
doing  much  injury  in  Tygart's  Valley,  he  went  out  under  Lt.  John 
Rice,  for  three  months.  A  year  later  still,  marched  200  miles  undei 
Capt.  William  Kinkead  to  Nutter's  Fort  on  West  Fork  of  Mononga- 
hela,  and  served  three  months  guarding  farmers  while  at  work  in 
their  fields.  Settled  in  Monroe.  In  spring  of  1781,  having  learned 
that  the  family  of  James  Meeks  on  Indian  creek,  had  been  captured 
bv  Indians,  he  went  to  Lavertv's  fort  on  said  creek  as  a  volunteer, 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

remaining  three  weeks  reconnoitering  between  the  moviths  o{  the 
Bluestone  and  Indian  Creek,  and  protecting  the  farmers  while  plant- 
ing their  corn. 

Section  No.  35 

HILL,  WILLIA.M.— Prince  Edward,  Aug.  17,  1832.  Born, 
July  22,  1758.  Marched  June  15,  1780,  from  Head  Lynch's  Tavern, 
Caroline  County  (under  Capt.  James  Johnson,  Lt.  Pemberton,  and 
Ensign  Reuben  Samuel),  to  Hillsboro,  N.  C,  where  a  regiment  was 
organized  under  Col.  Holt  Richardson,  of  King  William  County, 
Va.,  and  Lt.  Col.  Glenn  and  Maj.  Boyd  and  put  into  the  brigade 
of  Gen.  Stevens.  The  army  marched  by  Mast  Ferry  on  the  Pedee 
to  near  Camden,  where  there  was  a  battle  between  Gen.  Gates  and 
Lord  Cornwallis.  After  the  retreat  to-  Hillsboro  and  New  Garden, 
applicant  returned  home  in  August.  In  February,  1781,  he  marched 
from  Edmund  Taylor's,  Hanover  County  (under  Capt.  Edward 
Bullock),  to  Williamsburg,  where  a  regiment  was  formed  under 
Col.  Mathews  and  Maj.  Armistead.  Then  the  command  marched 
to  Jamestown  and  Richmond,  where  it  was  joined  by  Gen.  Lafayette 
and  took  part  in  his  retreat.  It  was  discharged  the  last  of  May. 
Three  months  later,  he  marched  from  John  Morrill's  Tavern,  Han- 
over County,  under  Capt.  John  Thompson  to  Williamsburg,  where 
a  regiment  under  Col.  Darke  and  Maj.  Armistead  was  formed  and 
•put  under  Gen.  Steuben.  The  troops  were  discharged  at  Yorktown, 
a  few  days  before  the  surrender  of  Cornwallis.  His  services  were  in 
the  Sixth  Division  of  Carolina  and  the  Fifth  of  Hanover.  He  re- 
moved to  Prince  Edward  in  1781. 

Section  No.  36 

HINES,  WILLIAIVI,  SR.— Prince  Edward,  Oct.  13,  1832. 
Born  June  18,  1754  (in  King  and  Queen?).  Volunteered  as  minute 
man  from  King  and  Queen  under  Capt.  William  Richards  and  Lt. 
Hugh  (  ?)  Campbell,  and  marched  to  Gloucester  about  the  time 
Dunmore  and  his  troops  lay  near  Gwin's  Island.  By  permission  of 
his  commanding  officer,  he  was  on  that  island  on  a  visit  while  the 

72  Virginia  Militia   in   the   Revolution 

battle  was  going  on,  in  which  he  took  no  part,  nor  was  he  in  any 
engagement  during  that  tour,  which  lasted  about  two  months.  He 
then  hired  his  brother,  John  Hines,  as  a  substitute  for  the  rest  of 
his  term.  Afterward,  he  went,  in  March,  1780,  to  Higgins'  Station, 
Ky.,  three  miles  from  Harrisburg,  with  a  view  of  settling.  In  July, 
he  volunteered  for  service  against  the  Indians,  only  two  old  men 
being  left  at  the  station.  His  Captain  was  Hugh  Megary  (?).  At 
the  falls  of  the  Ohio  they  joined  Col.  George  Rogers  Clark,  and 
after  a  few  days  marched  up  the  river  in  advance  of  him  in  pursuit 
of  Indians.  About  the  eighth  day  Col.  Clark  came  on  in  boats, 
passed  the  company,  and  landed  on  the  other  shore.  While  in  sight 
of  Col.  Clark  the  company  was  attacked  by  Indians,  declarant  being 
wounded  by  a  ball  which  broke  both  bones  in  his  right  arm  below 
the  elbow.  Next  day  he  was  sent  with  the  other  wounded  to  the 
falls  of  the  Ohio,  where  he  lay  till  December  under  the  care  of  a 
surgeon  before  he  was  able  to  travel.  He  then  returned  to  Higgins' 
Station.  In  this  tour  he  was  with  Col.  Clark  only  one  night.  During 
the  winter  he  returned  to  King  and  Queen  and  was  not  fit  for  any 
more  military  service,  since  he  could  not  straighten  arm  or  fingers. 
Until  his  return  he  was  out  on  the  last  tour  five  or  six  months.  He 
went  to  see  Col.  Clarke  after  the  latter  returned  from  his  expedition, 
and  was  told  by  him  that  he  would  have  the  necessary  steps  taken 
to  have  a  pension  allowed.  A  pension  was  granted,  but  he  drew  it 
only  two  or  three  times  beginning  with  1784  or  1785.  He  was  some 
distance  from  Richmond,  which  fact  was  troublesome,  and  he  was 
illiterate  besides.  For  one  month  he  was  a  substitute  for  William 
Sterling  and  served  at  Gloucester  Town. 

Section  No.  37 

HERRING,  JAMES.— Albemarle,  Oct.  19,  1832.  Born  in 
Albemarle  about  1754.  Four  times  in  service,  once  under  Lt.  Henry 
Austin,  of  Gen.  Nelson's  command,  for  two  months  around  Wil- 
liamsburg. Second  tour  under  Capt.  Miller,  of  Col.  Mathews'  regi- 
ment. From  an  old  field  he  saw  the  enemy's  fleet  seven  miles  distant  in 
the  river  (James?).  Discharged  after  two  months  at  Brock's  bridge. 
Third  tour  also  two  months  and  under  Col.  Mathews.  Fourth 
term  of  one  month  at  Charlottesville  guarding  a  tory.  Was  drafted 
in  each  instance. 

Virginia  Militia  in   the   Revolution 

Section  No.  38 

HOGG,  JOHN,  Albemarle,  Oct.  16,  1832.  Born  in  Hanover, 
Sept.  15,  1763.  About  Jan.  6,  1781,  he  marched  in  the  militia 
company  of  Capt.  John  Harris,  Lt.  Ralph  Thomas,  Lt.  Thomas 
Jones,  and  Ensign  William  Jarman  to  Richmond,  where  they  drew 
arms,  and  proceeded  to  the  Halfway  House,  between  Williamsburg 
and  Yorktown.  There  they  were  stationed  some  time.  Was  dis- 
charged at  Richmond,  returning  home  about  March  22.  May  4,  same 
year,  marched  under  Capt.  Nicholas  Hammer  and  Ensign  Charles 
Hudson  to  Albemarle  Barracks,  and  then  to  the  vicinity  of  Richmond 
to  join  Gen.  Lafayette.  After  this  the  army  made  the  "Wild  Goose 
Chase,"  toward  Fredericksburg  and  to  the  Raccoon  Ford  on  the 
Rapidan,  where  Gen.  Wayne  joined  the  army.  Then  the  march 
was  through  Orange  and  Louisa  to  Watson's  Old  Fields,  where 
declarant  was  transferred  to  a  company  of  light  infantry  under  Capt. 
Woodford,  Lt.  Ruf^in,  and  Ensign  Bacon,  of  Muhlenberg's  com- 
mand. Near  Richmond  there  was  a  skirmish*  with  the  enemy's  light 
horse.  The  British  were  followed  to  Jamestown,  where  there  was  a 
smart  skirmish  from  one  o'clock  till  after  sunset.  He  then  marched 
with  Muhlenberg's,  Wagner's,  and  Campbell's  brigades,  to  Goode's 
bridge  on  the  Appomatox,  where  he  was  discharged  July  24.  A 
few  days  after  his  return  home  he  was  called  out  on  duty  at 
Charlottesville,  until  after  surrender  of  Cornwallis.  The  minute  men 
were  compelled  to  be  in  place  under  penalty  of  serving  six  months. 
Applicant  was  drafted  each  time. 

Section  No.  39 

HIGGINBOTHAM,  BENJAMIN.— Amherst,  Sept.  17,  1832. 
Born  in  Amherst,  1757.  Called  into  the  militia  in  1779,  under 
Capt.  Richard  Ballinger  for  three  months,  guarding  prisons  at  Albe- 
marle Barracks.  Called  again,  1781,  under  Capt.  James  Dillard, 
joining  Gen.  Greene  in  North  Carolina,  the  day  after  the  battle  of 
Guilford,  and  serving  three  months.  Later  the  same  year  served 
three  months  under  Capt.  Samuel  Higgenbotham,  driving  cattle  to 
Williamsburg  for  the  main  army.     Was  drafted  each  time. 

74  Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Section  No.  40 

HARTLESS,  WILLIAM.— Amherst,  Sept.  17,  1832.  Born  in 
Caroline,  1754.  Served  in  militia  at  Albemarle  Barracks  one  month 
under  Capt.  Philip  Thurmond  in  1779.  In  1781  went  under  Capt. 
James  Dillard  and  joined  Gen.  Greene  after  the  battle  of  Guilford. 
Later,  same  year,  went  out  under  Capt.  Christian  to  Yorktown. 
After  the  surrender  of  Cornwallis  he  went  to  Winchester,  conveying 
the  prisoners.  The  last  tours  were  each  of  three  months  and  on  all 
occasions  he  went  out  under  draft. 

Section  No.  41 

HIGGINBOTHAM,  JAMES.— Amherst,  Dec,  1832.  Satis- 
factorily shown  to  the  Court  of  Monthly  Sessions  that  the  said 
Higginbotham  entered  the  Virginia  service  as  Major  of  militia  in 
1776,  serving  around  Williamsburg  and  continuing  in  duty  as  such 
till  about  1778,  when  he  was  promoted  to  be  Colonel  (?),  of  the 
Ninth  Regiment,  Virginia  Continentals.  Continued  to  serve,  princi- 
pally as  recruiting  officer,  till  the  close  of  the  war.  Shown  also  that 
said  Higginbotham  died  intestate  about  March,  1813,  aged  above 
eighty  years,  leaving  as  heirs,  Joseph  C.  Higginbotham,  George  W. 
Higginbotham,  James  Higginbotham,  and  Judith  (Higginbotham) 
Dillard,  but  that  letters  of  administration  of  his  estate  have  never 
been  granted. 

Section  No.  42 

HARRISON,  RICHARD.— Albemarle,  Oct.  13,  1832.  Born 
in  Goochland,  Sept.  10,  1757.  Moved  to  Caswell  County,  N.  C, 
1775.  March,  1776,  volunteered  against  the  tories  who  rose  to 
protect  their  governor.  His  officers,  Col.  Saxton  (  ?),  Maj.  William 
Moore,  Capt.  Adam  Saunders.  At  Hillsboro  troops  were  organized 
and  then  marched  to  Cross  Creek,  where  there  was  news  of  the 
defeat  of  the  tories  by  Col.  Caswell,  at  Long  Bridge.  Discharged 
after  five  or  six  weeks.  About  December  1,  1776,  marched  from 
Pittsylvania  County,  Va.,  to  Georgia  under  Capt.  John  Dooley  and 
Lt.  Boswell  Smith.  In  Georgia,  Capt.  Thomas  Dooley  was  killed 
bv  an   Indian.     Declarant  was  now  in   Continental  service   for    18 

Virginia  Militia   in  the  Revolution 

months,  but  then  attached  to  no  regiment.  Next  Captain  was  Bos- 
well  Smith.  The  troops  in  the  two  companies  that  marched  to 
Georgia  were  promised  a  bounty  of  200  acres,  which  he  never  re- 
ceived. All  he  did  get  was  $8  in  money.  Discharged  in  Wilkes 
County,  Ga.,  spring  of  1778  and  came  home.  Spring  of  1781 
was  drafted  from  Pittsylvania,  and  marched  to  siege  of  Fort  Ninety- 
Six,  under  Capt.  James  Turner.  After  Gen.  Greene  raised  this  siege 
he  was  in  camp  at  the  high  hills  of  Santee,  where  his  time  expired, 
and  he  was  sent  back  to  Virginia  in  charge  of  prisoners.  This 
service  was  for  three  months,  eighteen  days.  In  September,  1781,  he 
went  to  the  siege  of  Yorktown  as  substitute  for  his  employer,  John 
Lewis.  Fleming  Bates  was  captain.  After  surrender  of  Cornwallis 
he  conveyed  prisoners  to  Noland's  Ferry  on  the  Potomac.  Was  there 
discharged.     Moved  to  Albemarle,  1784. 

Section  No.  43 

HAWK,  ISAAC— Pocahontas,  Sept.  5,  1832.  Born,  1758.  En- 
tered service  in  Hampshire,  March  10,  1777,  under  Capt.  Moses 
Hutton,  Lt.  West  Wade,  Ensign  Andrew  Heath.  March- 
ed through  "Yough  (Youghigheny)  Glades,"  to  Fort  Pitt,  and  thence 
to  Wheeling  by  command  of  Gen.  Hand.  Was  at  Fort  Wheeling 
six  months.  Jacob  Ware  and  Jacob  Crow  were  there  killed  by 
Indians,  but  not  in  any  regular  engagement.  Aug.  10,  1781,  was 
ensign  under  Capt.  George  Ball  in  Lt.  Col.  James  Newell's  regi- 
ment, of  Hampshire  County.  Drafted  for  one  month,  Oct.  8,  1782, 
and  marched  from  Big  Capon,  Hampshire  County,  to  the  Monoga- 
hela  to  guard  the  commissioners  while  running  the  line  between 
Virginia  and  Pennsylvania.     There  was  no  engagement. 

Section  No.  44 

HUTCHISON,  WILLIA:\I.— Monroe,  Oct.  17,  1835.  Born 
in  Augusta,  1757.  In  1776  volunteered  one  year  under  Capt.  John 
Henderson  to  guard  the  frontier.  Began  service  in  May  at  Cook's 
Fort.  ]\Iarched  across  New  River  through  the  present 
County  of  Giles,  then  thinly  peopled,  and  served  as  ranger,  being  on 

76  Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

constant  duty.  The  next  spring  volunteered  under  Capt.  Archibald 
Wood  to  serve  so  long  as  the  Indians  might  be  troublesome.  In  the 
fall  the  company  marched  up  Bluestone  to  the  settlement  near  its 
head,  to  protect  the  people  gathering  their  fodder.  He  v^^as  in  places 
vv^here  probably  few  persons  except  Indians  had  ever  been.  Thus 
served  four  years  (excepting  one  year  that  he  and  two  others  were 
detailed  as  spies  by  Capt,  Woods),  arduously  and  almost  constantly 
ranging  back  and  forth  from  Cook's  fort  to  Wood's  fort  on  Rich 
Creek,  The  country  was  wild  and  mountainous.  Frequently  he  car- 
ried orders  in  the  night  time,  when  he  could  hear  not  far  off  the 
yell,  the  whistle,  or  the  weary  tread  of  the  savage.  If  orders  were  to 
be  sent  express  he  was  the  man  generally  selected.  Such  service, 
however  difficult  or  dangerous,  he  always  performed,  and  as  he  be- 
lieves to  the  full  satisfaction  of  his  captain  and  fellow-soldiers. 
During  the  year  that  himself,  Philip  Cavender,  and  Nicholas  Wood- 
fin  were  detailed  as  spies  by  Capt.  Wood,  he  served  at  the  imminent 
hazard  of  his  life,  lying  out  by  night  with  no  covering  but  his 
blanket  and  no  shelter  but  the  forest,  the  scream  of  the  panther  or 
the  yell  of  the  Indian  reminded  him  of  his  duty  to  his  country. 
After  four  years  Capt,  Gray,  of  Rockbridge  took  command  of  the 
company.  In  the  spring  of  1782,  all  signs  of  the  savage  disappearing 
from  near  the  settlements,  he  left  the  service.  When  ordered  by 
Capt,  Gray  to  the  head  of  Bluestone,  after  marching  twenty  miles, 
all  but  himself  refused  to  go  further.  An  old  man  named  McGuire 
wished  to  go  to  the  settlement,  and  one  David  Clay  showing  the 
way,  we  started  and  soon  found  we  were  pursued  by  some  10  or  12 
Indians.  Sometimes  we  were  in  mud  to  our  knees,  or  in  water  to 
our  necks.  At  dark  the  pursuers  set  up  a  tremendous  yell,  but  we 
heard  no  more  of  them,  and  at  length  arrived  where  we  were 
ordered,  declarant  having  traveled  40  miles  that  day  after  nine  in 
the  morning. 

Section  No.  45 

HAND,   CHRISTOPHER.— Monroe,  ,    1833.     Born   in 

Ireland,  1758.  Came  to  Virginia  about  1773.  Drafted  in  Augusta 
early  in  1781,  under  Capt.  Stevenson  and  Lt.  Smith,  of  Col.  George 
Moffett's  regiment.     Appointed   orderly  or  first   lieutenant.     Com- 

Virginia  Militia   in  the   Revolution 

pan}'  rendezvoused  at  Widow  Tee's  on  Middle  River,  marched  to 
Williamsburg,  then  to  Norfolk,  then  with  other  militia  to  Gen. 
Greene's  army  at  Guilford  C.  H.  Was  in  the  battle  at  that  place, 
the  Virginians  forming  the  second  line.  The  first  line  fled,  but  the 
Virginians  stood  their  ground  and  fought  hard  till  ordered  to  retreat 
by  Gen.  Stevens,  their  brave  commander.  A  halt  was  made  four 
or  five  miles  from  the  battleground.  The  army  retreated  a  little 
farther  to  Speedwell  Iron  Works,  but  returned  to  South  Carolina. 
Discharged  about  Sept.  1,  after  serving  eight  months  instead  of 
the  stipulated  six.     Was  in  no  other  engagement. 

Section  No.  46 

JONES,  THOMAS.— Made  oath  in  Nelson  that  he  enlisted 
December,  1776,  under  Capt.  James  Franklin,  and  soon  made  ser- 
geant. Marched  to  Baltimore  and  then  to  Bound  Brook,  N.  J. 
Affiant  was  often  by  the  side  of  Franklin  in  the  battle  of  Brandy- 
wine,  and  the  latter 's  conduct  was  that  of  a  brave  officer.  Shortly 
before  the  battle  of  Germantown  Franklin  left  his  company  and  was 
said  to  be  sick.  The  company  was  in  the  battle,  one  man  being 
killed  and  several  (including  declarant),  wounded  and  removed 
to  Reading.  About  one  months  later  Franklin  called  at  hospital 
and  told  him  he  was  on  his  way  home  as  his  constitution 
would  not  stand  the  fatigues  of  the  army.  In  1780  at  a  militia 
muster  in  Amherst  he  heard  Capt.  Franklin  asked  why  he  was  not 
at  his  post.  The  reply  was  that  he  returned  home  to  enjoy  his 
estate,  the  same  as  the  inquirer. 

THOMPSON,  SMITH.— Made  oath  in  Augusta  that  he  was 
in  the  battle  of  Monmouth,  June  28,  1778,  and  knew  a  James 
Franklin  in  Woodford's  or  Weedon's  brigade,  said  Franklin  being 
in  the  battle;  that  March  15,  1781,  he  saw  the  said  Franklin,  then  a 
captain,  in  Gen.  Greene's  army  at  Guilford  C.  H.,  N.  C;  that 
Franklin  was  attached  to  a  regiment  of  Virginia  Continentals;  that 
he  saw  him  the  day  after  the  battle  in  the  tent  of  Col.  John  Greene. 

FRANKLIN,  JAMES.— Will  made,  March  11,  1813.  Recorded 
in  Amherst,  August,  13,  1813.  Gives  his  wife  eleven  negroes  and 
his  plantation  on  south  side  Rutledge  Creek.     Mentions  Nancy  C, 

78  ViRGixiA  Militia  in   the  Revolution 

Sarah  W.,  and  Betsy  H.  Franklin  (daughters),  and  Jeremiah 
Franklin,  bequeathing  various  property  to  the  daughters,  including 
a  mill. 

Section  No.  47 

JARVIS,  FIELD.— Monroe,  Jan.  21,  1833.  Born  in  West- 
moreland, April  25,  1756.  Volunteered  in  1776,  serving  three 
months  at  the  lead  mines  in  Wythe  to  keep  the  tories  and  Indians 
from  taking  them.  His  officers  were  Capt.  William  Leftridge  and 
Lt.  Stephen  Saunders.  When  he  went  out  he  was  living  in  Bedford. 
Volunteered  there  in  September,  1777,  for  three  months,  under  Capt. 
John  Torbert  and  Lt.  Arthur  Mosely,  and  marched  to  Yorktown, 
where  he  served  out  his  time.  Moved  to  Monroe,  1781.  Called  out 
in  1779  by  Col.  James  Calloway  for  guard  duty  at  New  London, 
Bedford  County,  the  British  prisoners  taken  at  the  Cowpens  being 
confined  there  and  at  Lynchburg.  In  service  ten  days.  Was  in  no 

Section  No.  48 

KINNISON,  JACOB.— Pocahontas,  Aug.  8,  1833.  Born,  1757. 
Volunteered,  1777,  under  Capt.  Mathew  Arbuckle,  then  living  in 
Little  Levels  of  Greenbrier.  Served  the  whole  ten  months  at  Point 
Pleasant,  Arbuckle's  subalterns  being  Lt.  James  Gilmer  and  Ensign 
John  Williams.  Only  one  company  there.  At  end  of  ten  months 
the  Greenbrier  men  discharged  by  Gen.  Hand,  who  came  from  Pitts- 
burgh. A  part  of  that  company  had  enlisted  for  three  years.  Shortly 
before  applicant  was  discharged,  700  men  arrived  at  Point  Pleasant 
under  Colonels  Dickenson  and  Skillern.  April  15,  1779,  re-entered 
service  as  Indian  spy,  and  was  expected  to  scour  the  country  from  Fork 
Lick  on  Elk  River  (including  waters  of  Sleepy  Creek,  a  branch  of 
Greenbrier),  to  Drenna's  Fort  and  Little  Levels.  Was  almost  con- 
tinually in  service,  never  being  allowed  at  the  fort  more  than  two  or 
three  days  at  a  time.     Discharged  October  15th, 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Section  No.  49 

KELLER,  CONRAD.— Monroe,  Sept.  15,  1834.  Enlisted  for 
three  years  in  Shenandoah,  in  1776  or  1777.  Served  out  said  time 
as  waiting  man  to  Gen.  Muhlenberg.  Was  drafted  two  months  in 
1781  or  1782,  under  Capt.  Downey  at  Winchester.  Served  two 
months  more  at  Fort  Frederick  on  the  Potomac. 

Section  No.  50 

LEWIS,  JESSE.— Albemarle,  Oct.  13,  1832.  Born  in  Albe- 
marle, May  13,  1763.  Drafted  1780,  and  served  two  months  at 
Cabin  Point  under  Capt.  John  Henderson,  of  Col.  Holt  Richardson's 
regiment,  one  Quarles  being  Major.  In  May,  1781,  he  substituted 
for  William  Eustis,  who  had  been  drafted  for  18  months'  service 
in  the  regular  army,  and  marched  under  Capt.  Benjamin  Harris  to 
rendezvoused  at  Old  Chesterfield  C.  H.,  where  Gen.  Steuben  w^as  in 
command.  Next  march  was  to  Point  of  Fork,  a  depot  for  military 
stores.  On  Tarleton's  approach  there  was  a  retreat  southwest  to 
Staunton  river  and  then  to  Hanover,  to  join  the  main  army  under 
Gen.  Lafayette.  Was  at  siege  of  Yorktow^n.  After  surrender  of 
Cornwallis  the  command  marched  to  winter  quarters  at  Old  Cum- 
berland C.  H.,  where  declarant  fell  sick,  procured  a  substitute,  and 
received  a  written  discharge  from  one  Ferbecker  (Febiger?).  Was 
under  command  of  Capt.  Kirkpatrick  and  Lt.  Thwait  several  months. 
His  field  officers  most  of  the  time  he  believes  were  Col.  Gaskins  and 
Maj.  Poison. 

Will  dated  Feb.  10,  1849.  Codicil,  March  20,  1849.  Probated 
April  2,  1849.  Mentions,  1,  Polly  Cravens;  2,  Mary,  daughter  of 
Sophia  Johnson;  3,  Sarah  T.  L.  Henkle;  4,  James  A.  Henkle; 
5,  (daughters)  :  Jane  Barksdale,  Elizabeth  Maury,  Sophia  Johnson, 
Sarah  F.  Henkle;  6,  (children  of  Sarah  F.  Henkle)  :  Jesse  L.,  Sarah 
Ann  (Craven),  Peter  H.,  James  A.,  Sarah  T.  L. ;  7,  IVIichael  Johns, 
husband  of  Sophia. 

Section  No.  51 

LOGAN,  ALEXANDER.— Amherst,  Aug.  22,  1832.  Born  Oct. 
— ,  1761.  Served  four  tours  of  two  months  each.  In  1780  or  1781 
was  at  Albemarle  Barracks  under  Capt.  Anthony   Henderson,   Col. 

80  Virginia   Militia  in"   the  Revolution" 

Taylor  being  in  command,  guarding  prisoners.  Next  time,  marched 
again  from  Fluvanna,  under  Capt.  Samuel  Richardson  to  the  Half- 
way House  between  Yorktown  and  Hampton.  Third  tour  also 
under  Richardson  and  stationed  at  Williamsburg.  Fourth  tour  un- 
der Capt.  Richard  Napper.  Was  at  siege  of  Yorktown  and  stationed 
on  Gloucester  side  of  York  River  under  (  ?)  Col.  Taylor,  to  keep 
enemy  from  escaping  by  land,  the  French  fleet  blockading  the  river. 
At  one  time  had  a  certificate  of  pay  which  produced  $2.50,  being  all 
the  pay  he  had  ever  received.  Was  in  no  engagment,  but  pleased 
his  officers. 

Section  No.  52 
LANE,  HENRY.— Amherst.  Sept.  17.  1832.  Born  in  Hanover, 
Nov.  26,  1745.  In  the  spring  of  1781  he  lay  in  camp  at  Deep 
Spring  near  Williamsburg  for  four  or  five  weeks,  under  Capt.  Frank 
Coleman,  George  Stubblefield  being  Colonel  of  the  SpottSA'lvania 
regiment  and  one  Merriweather  of  his  own.  This  tour  was  of  three 
months.  He  paid  for  two  others  in  beef,  the  law  allowing  such  ex- 
emption.    He  next  served  a  month  at  Albemarle  Barracks. 

Section  No.  53 

LIVELY,  GODRILL.— Monroe,  Aug.  19,  1833.  Born  about 
1762.  Drafted  in  Albemarle  in  September  or  October,  1780,  under 
Capt.  Mast  Leake  and  marched  to  Cabin  Point,  where  it  was  thought 
Arnold  would  land  but  did  not.  Discharged  at  Petersburg  after  one 
month.  Drafted  next  May  or  June,  serving  one  month  about  Rich- 
mond. Late  in  the  fall  of  1781  enlisted  at  Charlottesville  for  three 
years  in  the  cavalry  commanded  by  Col.  (afterward  Gen.),  Armong 
(Armand?),  being  in  Capt.  Barrett's  company,  and  served  till  the 
end  of  the  war.  The  regiment  was  that  winter  at  Charlottesville^ 
then  till  the  next  fall  at  Staunton,  and  later  at  Winchester  and  at 
York,  Pa.     Discharged  after  22  months  in  said  regiment. 

Section  No.  54 
MORGAN,    WILLIA:^!.— Prince    Edward,    Sept.    17,    1832. 
Born,    1757.      In  summer  of    1776  enlisted   as  private   under   Capt. 

Virginia  Militia   in  the   Revolution 

Robert  Hughes  and  Lt.  Edward  Munford,  marching  from  Cumber- 
land County  by  way  of  Richmond  and  Williamsburg  to  Yorktown, 
where  applicant  was  discharged  after  two  months'  service.     In  April, 

1780,  joined  a  troop  of  cavalry  from  Powhatan  County,  commanded 
by  Capt.  Littlebury  Mosby  and  Lts.  Horatio  Turpin  and  Wade 
Alosby.  The  troop  proceeded  by  way  of  Richmond,  Williamsburg 
and  Bottom's  Bridge  on  Chickahominy  to  Petersburg,  being  joined 
meanwhile  by  a  cavalry  troop  from  Dinwiddie.  At  Petersburg  ap- 
plicant was  in  the  battle  in  w^hich  Gen.  Steuben  was  successful  (?) 
over  the  British,  who  proceeded  to  Richmond  and  then  down  the 
James.  At  Richmond  he  was  discharged  after  a 'tour  of  two  months. 
Enlisted,  1777  or  1778,  in  Powhatan  County,  and  at  Old  Cumber- 
land C.  H.,  served  two  months  under  Col.  Mosby  as  Sergeant  of 
the   guard.      200   British   soldiers   were   quartered    there.  February, 

1781,  joined  a  rifle  company  in  Prince  Edward,  where  applicant 
then  resided.  The  company  officers  were,  Capt.  Andrew  Baker,  Lt. 
Joseph  Parker,  and  Ensign  Read.  It  joined  Gen.  Greene  near  the 
Dan  river,  and  was  attached  to  a  regiment  commanded  (?)  by  Col. 
Call,  of  the  Regular  service.  After  one  month  returned  to  Prince 
Edward  for  provisions  from  the  commissary,  and  then  rejoined  the 
army,  which  proceeded  to  Ramsay's  Mill  on  Deep  River.  In  North 
Carolina  he  marched  under  Gen.  Robert  Lawson  to  Halifax  County, 
where  he  was  discharged  after  a  service  of  two  months. 

Section  No.  55 

MATHEWS,  PHILIP.— Prince  Edward,  Aug.  20,  1832. 
Born,  1756.  Enlisted  in  the  spring  of  1776,  under  Capt.  Charles 
Allen,  of  Prince  Edward,  and  marched  by  way  of  Manchester  and 
Williamsburg  to  Hampton,  where  Col.  Meredith  and  Maj.  James 
took  command.  After  two  or  three  months  he  marched  to  Ports- 
mouth and  there  remained  until  discharged,  in  December  after  a  tour 
of  seven  months. 

Section  No,  56 

MARTIN,  JOSEPH.— Amherst,  Sept.  17,  1832.  Born  in  Fair- 
fax, 1741.  In  Halifax,  1777,  substituted  for  James  Moseley  under 
Capt.  Moody  and  Lt.  William  Denical  (?),  and  went  into  Pennsyl- 

Virginia  Militia   ik   the   Revolution' 

vania  on  seven  months'  tour.  Served  near  Head  of  Elk  under  Gen. 
Scott,  of  Washington's  army.  Still  as  minute  man  called  out  on  five 
tours ;  once  in  erecting  breastworks  at  Alexandria,  once  in  guarding' 
that  town,  two  other  times  guarding  Gen.  Washington's  home,  the 
fifth  time  at  Colchester.  Does  not  remember  length  of  tours.  Went 
out  from  Pittsylvania,  1781,  under  Captains  Isaac  Clemens  and 
Dicks  and  Lt.  David  Hunt.     Reached  home  ^larch  11th. 

Section  No.  57 

McGLAUGHLIN,  JOHN.— Bath,  Sept.  11,  1832.  Born  about 
1763.  Went  out  Jan  1,  1781,  under  Capt.  William  Kinkead  and 
Lt.  Jacob  Warwick,  of  Augusta  (now  Bath),  serving  in  Col.  Samp- 
son Mathew's  regiment.  Was  at  Portsmouth  three  months,  and  on 
a  Sunday  morning  was  in  a  skirmish  with  the  Britsh  near  that  town. 
In  1782  or  1783,  drafted  for  six  months  in  Rockingham  to  serve 
against  the  Indians.  Marched  then  under  Capt.  William  Smith  to 
H inkle's  Fort  on  the  North  Fork  (Pendleton  County).  Was  in  no 
engagement.  Next  year  went  out  under  Lt.  Neil  Cain  to  Tygart's 
Valley  and  Clarksburg,  the  company  being  ordered  out  by  Col 
Benjamin  Harrison. 

Section  No.  58 

AIcCAUSLAND,  ANDREW.— Bath,  Sept.  11,  1832.  Born, 
July  14,  1757,  in  Chester  County,  Pa.  Drafted  three  months,  1777, 
serving  under  Capt.  Samuel  Vance  and  Lt.  John  Cartmill ;  two 
weeks  at  Warwick's  Fort,  going  then  to  Clover  Lick  Fort.  In  June, 
1777  (or  1778),  stationed  one  month  under  Capt.  Andrew  Lockridge 
at  Vance's  Fort  on  Back  Creek.  Drafted  January,  1781,  for  three 
months,  and  marched  under  Capt.  Thomas  Hicklin,  Lt.  Joseph 
Gwin,  and  Ensign  Thomas  Wright  to  Camp  Carson  near  the  Dismal 
Swamp,  so  as  to  protect  the  road  between  that  point  and  Portsmouth. 
Colonels  Sampson  Mathews  and  William  Bo\\n,'er  were  in  command. 
In  June,  same  year,  drafted  20  days  to  Williamsburg  and  Jamestown, 
serving  under  Capt.  David  Gwin,  Lt.  William  McCreery,  ^"nsign 
Alexander  Wright. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Section  No.  59 

MORGAN,  BENJAMIN.— Monroe,  Nov.  19,  1832.  Born  at 
Philadelphia,  Pa.,  1761.  Moved  to  Berkeley  Co.,  Va.,  in  boyhood. 
In  1778  (1779?),  was  drafted  in  the  summer  for  three  months  under 
Capt.  David  Kennedy,  of  the  packhorse  service  to  Fort  Mcintosh, 
Col.  Murray  commanding  at  that  post.  Except  for  the  last  three 
weeks,  helped  to  complete  Fort  Lawrence  on  Tuscarora  River,  seventy 
miles  beyond  Fort  Mcintosh.  Discharged  at  the  latter  place.  He 
saw  Lt.  Parks  lying  in  a  path  after  being  killed  by  Indians.  Volun- 
teered about  May  1,  1781,  for  three  months  under  Capt.  Edward 
Davis,  marched  by  Fauquier  C.  H.  and  Fredericksburg  to  a  point 
40  miles  below  Williamsburg,  where  he  joined  his  battalion,  and 
then  under  Col.  Darke  and  Gen.  Lincoln  toward  North  Carolina. 
Before  getting  that  far  the  men  were  turned  back  to  Yorktown  and 
discharged.  Was  in  no  battle.  Near  Yorktown  was  pursued  by  a 
scouting  party  of  British  light  horse,  and  in  getting  over  a  post 
and  rail  fence  was  cut  in  the  shoulder.  Drafted  same  year  three 
months  under  Capt.  John  Hart  and  was  at  siege  of  Yorktown. 
Was  of  the  guard  for  the  portion  of  prisoners  sent  to  Frederick,  Md. 

Discharged  about  Christmas.     Married  Ann ,    1784.     Died 

Feb.  24,  1836. 

Section  No.  60 

NICKLE,  ISAAC— Monroe,  April  15,  1833.  Born,  1752.  In 
August  or  September,  1774,  volunteered  three  months  under  Capt. 
John  Lewis,  and  was  in  battle  of  Point  Pleasant.  Lt.  John  Henderson 
was  in  his  company.  Drafted  from  Greenbrier  in  August,  1777,  to 
serve  against  Indians,  under  Capt.  Mathew  Arbuckle,  and  Col. 
Lewis.  Served  three  weeks  on  Elk  river  and  rest  of  three  months  at 
Point  Pleasant.  In  1780  (1781?),  was  drafted  for  three  months 
under  Capt.  A.  Nickle  to  go  toward  the  Lakes,  but  owing  to  the 
condition  of  his  family  he  hired  Thomas  Buchinal  as  substitute, 
giving  him  a  mare  worth  $50.  The  troops  were  commanded  by 
Col.  Brown. 

84  Virginia  Militia  in  the   Revolution 

Section  No.  61 

PRYOR,  WILLIAM.— Amherst,  Oct.  15,  1832.  Born  in 
Albemarle  (now  Amherst),  about  1752.  Moved  to  the  Great 
Kanawha  in  fall  of  1773,  and  planted  corn  next  spring,  but  was 
driven  back  to  Amherst  by  Indians.  Was  at  Point  Pleasant,  spring 
of  1775,  and  there  saw  Capt.  Isaac  Shelby,  who  had  been  left  with 
the  wounded  after  the  battle  the  preceding  October.  Early  in  1776 
the  Indians  were  so  troublesome  that  he,  with  many  others  had  to 
take  shelter  in  the  fort  at  Point  Pleasant,  and  here  substituted  for 
James  Frazer,  in  the  command  of  Capt.  Matthew  Arbuckle,  who 
was  in  charge  of  the  fort.  The  subalterns  were  Lieutenants  Andrew 
Wallace,  James  Thompson  and  Ensigns  Samuel  Wood  and  James 
McNutt.  After  serving  out  eight  months  for  Frazer  in  the  fall 
he  enlisted  under  Arbuckle  for  two  years.  About  this  time  Capt. 
William  McKee,  Lt.  James  Gilmer,  and  many  privates  came  to 
Point  Pleasant  and  were  stationed  under  Arbuckle.  Was  often 
sent  on  detail  with  others  up  the  Kanawha  to  a  plantation  to  get 
corn,  and  was  often  a  spy  or  on  guard  on  the  Ohio  above  the  fort. 
In  the  fall  of  1777,  Colonels  Skillern  and  Dickinson  came  on  an 
expedition  against  the  Shawnee  towns.  He  met  this  force  at  the 
mouth  of  Elk.  Among  others  of  them  were  James  Harrison  and 
Micajah  Goodwin.  When  they  reached  the  fort,  Lt.  Gilmer  went 
over  the  Kanawha  to  shoot  turkeys  and  was  there  killed  by  unknown 
Indians.  As  soon  as  Gilmer's  body  was  brought  to  the  fort  his  men 
murdered  Cornstalk,  his  son  Ellinipsico,  and  another  Indian,  these 
Indians  being  held  as  hostages  for  the  safety  of  the  garrison  and 
the  settlers.  While  Skillern  and  Dickenson  were  at  Point  Pleasant, 
Gen.  Hand,  of  the  Continental  army,  came  from  Pittsburg  and 
ordered  a  return,  saying  it  was  too  late  in  the  season  to  attack 
Chillicothe  and  other  Indian  towns.  Hand  ordered  Arbuckle  and 
IVIcKee  to  shorten  the  pay  and  daily  allowance  of  their  men,  saying 
they  feasted  too  high.  When  this  order  was  put  into  execution 
almost  every  man  in  the  fort  shouldered  his  gun  and  put  on  his 
knapsack,  resolving  to  go  home.  But  Col.  McDowell  told  Hand 
of  the  impolicy  of  such  measure  and  obtained  permission  to  address 
the  men,  who  on  being  promised  their  former  pay  and  allowance, 
returned  to  duty.  He  himself  took  no  part  in  the  mutiny.  Because 
of  the  murder  of  Cornstalk,  the  Shawnees,  in  the  spring  of   1778, 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

mustered  all  their  strength  and  besieged  Point  Pleasant  several  days. 
They  killed  Paddy  Sherman  and  wounded  Lt,  Gilmer.  Finding 
they  could  not  take  the  fort  they  killed  all  the  stock  of  the  garrison 
and  then  started  for  the  Greenbrier  settlements.  We  knew  of  this 
from  the  Grenadier  Squaw,  said  to  be  a  sister  of  Cornstalk.  She 
had  taken  shelter  in  the  fort  soon  after  its  erection,  and  continued 
with  us.  When  her  own  stock  was  killed  she  went  out  with  spirits 
and  became  intoxicated,  but  overheard  the  Indians  and  told  the 
officers  of  their  plans.  Capt.  McKee  then  proposed  that  if  any 
two  -men  would  go  out  and  warn  the  Greenbrier  people,  he  would 
so  extend  their  furloughs  as  to  be  equivalent  to  a  discharge,  which 
itself  he  could  not  grant.  John  Inchminger  and  John  Logan 
accepted  and  started,  but  returned  the  same  evening.  Philip  Ham- 
mond and  myself  then  agreed  to  go,  but  I  gave  way  to  my  older  brother, 
John,  whom  Hammond  preferred  and  who  was  more  experienced 
in  Indian  warfare.  They  were  dressed  in  Indian  style  by  the 
Granadier  Squaw,  and  passed  the  Indians  at  some  meadow  about 
12  miles  from  Donally's  fort.  They  gave  information  and  the  set- 
tlers had  been  in  the  fort  but  a  little  while  when  the  Indians 
attacked  and  a  dreadful  conflict  ensued.  Capt.  Arbuckle  was  then 
in  Greenbrier  visiting  his  family.  He  and  Capt.  Lewis  raised  a 
company  and  forced  their  way  into  the  fort.  The  Indians  were 
driven  off  with  much  loss  and  Greenbrier  was  thus  saved.  During 
this  expedition  of  the  Indians,  Gen.  Clark  stopped  at  Point  Pleasant 
on  his  way  to  take  Vincennes.  In  the  autumn  of  1778,  there  was 
a  man  in  the  fort  named  Morgan  who  had  been  a  prisoner  among 
the  Indians  many  years.  A  squaw  with  him  was  said  to  be  his 
wife.  Morgan  was  in  custody  and  ironed,  and  was  to  be  taken  to 
his  father  who  had  offered  a  large  reward  for  his  return.  But 
finding  himself  lightly  guarded,  he  and  the  squaw  ran  off  and  were 
never  again  heard  of.  Suspecting  he  would  reach  the  Indian  towns 
and  tell  that  our  time  was  nearly  out,  and  that  many  of  us  would 
soon  leave,  the  officers  discharged  many,  including  myself.  In  1779 
was  drafted  from  Amherst  for  a  three  months'  tour  a  little  below 
Richmond.  He  served  under  Capt.  Samuel  Higgenbotham,  of -Col. 
Christian's  regiment,  and  among  his  comrades  were  Zedekiah  Shu- 
maker,  William  Brown,  and  Samuel  Allen.  In  1780,  he  was  out 
three  months  under  Capt.  Richard  Ballinger,  serving  at  Fort  Powha- 
tan, below  Richmond,  now  (1832),  Fort  Jefferson.    Among  his  com- 

86  Virginia   Militia   in  the  Revolution 

rades  this  tour  were  an  elder  brother,  Nicholas  Pryor,  and  Richard 

Zedekiah  Shumaker  certified  he  served  with  declarant  at  Point 
Pleasant  and  below  Richmond. 

Note: — In  a  memorial  of  James  Huston,  who  moved  from  the  Cow- 
pasture  River  to  Kentucky,  in  1783,  and  died  there  in  1818,  aged  92,  it  is 
stated  that  he  was  out  on  a  scout  the  day  before  the  attack  on  Donally's 
Fort,  and  by  means  of  his  dog  detected  the  approach  of  the  Indians,  and 
was  thus  enabled  to  warn  the  settlement.  Houston's  wife  was  Nancy 
McCreery,  and  he  settled  in  Fayette  County. 

Section  No.  62 

PETERS,  CHRISTIAN.— Monroe,  Sept.  17,  1832.  Born 
1761.  Drafted  in  Rockingham  about  June  1,  1779,  to  go  to  North 
Fork  of  South  Branch  of  Potomac  against  the  Indians,  marching 
under  Capt.  Robert  Craven.  While  stationed  there  the  Captain 
received  a  commission  to  raise  a  company  under  a  proclamation  of 
the  governor  of  South  Carolina,  offering  1,000  pounds  of  tobacco 
($33.33)  to  each  volunteer.  Applicant  accepted  the  position  of  cor- 
poral under  said  offer.  With  four  others  he  returned  with  Capt. 
Craven  to  Rockingham,  after  being  out  about  two  months.  The 
company  was  soon  raised  and  started  south  about  Sept.  1.  At 
Hillsboro  they  lay  two  weeks  waiting  for  other  troops.  They 
marched  thence  under  Gen.  Stevens  to  Cheraw  Mills  where  they  join- 
ed the  army  under  Gen.  Greene.  A  detachment  was  sent  out  to  sur- 
prise some  tories  at  the  Black  Swamp.  The  tories  dispersed,  but 
fourteen  prisoners  were  taken.  Part  of  the  detachment  was  sent  back 
with  the  prisoners,  the  other  part  marching  to  Georgetow^n,  where 
twenty-eight  prisoners  and  some  supplies  were  taken.  Another  guard 
was  sent  off  with  the  new  prisoners,  the  rest  of  the  force  joining 
Gen.  Morgan  about  36  hours  before  the  battle  of  the  Cowpens. 
In  the  night  the  army  moved  about  half  a  mile  to  the  place  chosen 
for  a  fight.  Men  were  left  to  keep  up  the  fires  till  daylight.  The 
battle  began  about  sunrise.  Declarant  was  in  the  riflemen,  on  the 
right  of  the  army,  and  in  the  third  company  from  the  right.  They 
had  the  pleasure  of  taking  600  prisoners.  Then  the  army  moved 
back  before  Cornwallis'  army  to  Salisbury,  where  declarant's  com- 
pany was  detailed  on  the  guard  to  convey  the  prisoners  to  Virginia. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

By  the  time  the  army  was  fairly  across  the  Yadkin,  the  advance  of 
the  British  were  on  the  other  bank,  but  as  the  river  was  rising  fast, 
they  could  not  cross.  The  company's  baggage  wagon  was  lost,  not 
being  taken  along.  At  Pittsylvania  C.  H.  they  delivered  their 
prisoners  to  the  militia  of  that  county  and  were  discharged  in  Rock- 
ingham in  April.  Declarant  sold  his  bounty  as  part  pay  for  a  horse. 
In  June,  1781,  volunteered  as  sergeant  under  Capt.  Jeremiah  Beas- 
ley,  and  marched  to  Eastern  Virginia,  where  command  was 
attached  to  the  regiment  of  Col.  John  Willis  and  Maj.  Rucker, 
Gen.  Campbell  commanding  the  brigade.  Declarant  was  in  the 
battle  of  Hot  Water,  which  lasted  two  hours  and  ten  minutes,  the 
Americans  falling  back  to  the  shelter  of  Gen.  Wayne's  army.  One 
man  of  the  company  was  killed  and  fourteen  wounded.  In  the  battle  of 
Jamestown,  he  was  on  the  right,  where  there  was  little  danger,  but 
Gen.  Wayne's  regular  troops  suffered  very  much.  Was  out  this  time 
about  four  months,  including  a  month,  consumed  in  coming  and 
going  back.  Total  service,  eleven  months,  in  which  he  carried  his 
own  rifle,  tomahawk,  and  butcher  knife.  Affidavit  supported  by 
John  Dunn,  a  comrade. 

Section  No.  63 

ROACH,  JONATHAN.— Monroe,  Sept.  17,  1832.  Born  in 
Rockingham,  1761.  Enlisted  in  Orange,  February,  1779,  under 
Lt.  John  Goodalls  for  and  during  the  time  the  British  prisoners 
taken  at  Saratoga  should  be  kept  under  guard.  Served  two  years, 
three  months,  twenty- four  days.  Officers  were  Capt.  Madison,  IVIaj, 
John  Roberts,  Col.  Taylor.  Served  at  Winchester  and  Charlottesville. 
Discharged  in  May,  1781.  In  same  year,  substituted  for  James 
Craig,  drafted  from  Rockingham  for  two  months.  Served  under 
Capt.  Smith,  Maj.  Long,  Col.  Samuel  Lewis.  Discharged  eight 
miles  from  Yorktown  eight  days  before  surrender  of  Cornwallis 
Was  in  no  battle.     Moved  to  Monroe,  1785. 

Section  No.  64 

ROBERTS,  WILSON.— Albemarle,  Oct.   12,   1832.     Born  irt 
Albemarle,  May  13,  1762.     Volunteered  for  eighteen  months  under 

Virginia   Militia   in   the   Revolution" 

Lt.  Robert  Jouett,  and  rendezvoused  at  Fredericksburg,  April  25, 
1779.  The  new  recruits  were  there  laid  off  into  divisions  and 
marched  to  Baltimore,  his  own  under  Capt.  (  ?)  Howard.  Thev 
proceeded  by  water  to  the  head  of  Elk,  and  the  vessel  running, 
aground,  the  command  marched  to  the  Blue  Ball  Tavern,  thirteen 
miles  from  Philadelphia.  Then  they  were  ordered  south,  going  by 
way  of  Fredericksburg  to  Petersburg,  where  the  men  w^ere  laid  off 
into  regiments.  Declarant  was  in  the  Third  Regiment,  commanded 
by  Col.  Abraham  Buford,  of  Gen.  Scott's  brigade.  The  regiment 
marched  south  the  middle  of  March,  1780.  About  this  time  two 
field  pieces  were  wanted  at  Charleston,  S.  C,  and  declarant's  com- 
pany volunteered  to  guard  them.  The  regiment  got  within  25  miles 
of  Charleston,  which  then,  was  under  siege.  There  was  then  a 
retreat  through  Camden  toward  Salisbury.  The  day  after  leaving 
Camden  they  w^ere  overtaken  at  Hanging  Rock,  otherwise  the 
Waxhaw^  Settlement,  by  the  British  Light  Horse  and  infantry 
under  Tarleton.  This  according  to  recollection  w^as  May  29th,  Buford 
was  defeated  and  it  was  the  general  opinion  that  out  of  about  500 
men  not  more  than  25  got  entirely  away  without  harm.  Declarant 
made  his  way  to  Salisbury,  where  a  remnant  gathered  and  proceeded 
to  Chesterfield  C.  H.,  Va.  The  regiment  was  again  made  up,  still 
under  command  of  Buford,  and  sent  to  Hillsboro,  N.  C,  where 
declarant  was  discharged.  About  September,  1781,  he  was  drafted 
for  two  months  in  the  militia,  and  marched  under  Capt.  Robert 
Sharp,  to  Richmond.  Thinks  his  colonel  was  one  Richardson.  Soon 
after  arrival  at  Yorktown,  Cornwallis  surrendered,  and  he  was 
ordered  back  to  Richmond  to  guard  some  prisoners  or  refugees. 
He  was  there  discharged  by  Capt.  Falkner,  the  tour  being  of  two 
or  three  months. 

Will  made  Aug.  20,  1836,  probated  July  3,  1837.  Mentions, 
of  children :  Martha  D.  Kerby,  John  W.  Roberts,  William  R. 
Roberts:  of  grandchildren:  Sarah  E.  and  John  W.  Kerby.  Execu- 
tors: J.  W.  and  W.  K.  Roberts  and  Fayette  F.  Kerby.  Possessed 
land,  negroes,  bank  stock. 

Section  No.  65 
ROBINSON.  JOHN.— Monroe,  Sept.  17,   1832.     Born,  1749. 
Drafted  in  February,  1780,  under  Capt.  Thomas  Wright,  of  Green- 
brier, for  the  alleged  purpose  of  going  against  the  Indians  at  Detroit, 

Virginia   Militia   ix   the   Revolutiom 

but  was  marched  by  Crytes  (  ?)  lead  mines  to  the  head  of  Holston, 
and  thence  to  Logan  Station,  Ky.,  where  it  was  decided  that  the 
troops  were  not  to  go  to  Detroit.  Marched  to  McAfee's  Station 
on  Salt  River,  where  Capt.  James  Armstrong  was  in  command. 
The  major  under  whom  affiant  served  was  Andrew  Hamilton. 
Discharged  here  in  August,  1780,  his  term  of  service  calling  for 
twelve  months.  Reached  home  the  last  of  August  in  Company 
with  twenty-eight  others  who  had  been  in  the  same  service.  Among 
them  were,  James  Alton,  Swift  Perry,  and  Edward  Cornwell,  all 
now  dead;  William  Bushor,  who  moved  to  Kentucky,  and  James 
and  John  O'Hara  and  Thomas  Alterberry,  whom  he  knows  noth- 
ing of.  Was  in  no  battle.  In  consequence  of  being  from  home  he 
sustained  a  loss  of  $1,600  in  the  depreciation  meanwhile  of  paper 
money  held  by  him. 

Section  No.  66 

SCOTT,  WILLIAM.— Prince  Edward,  Sept.  17,  1832.  Born 
in  Ireland,  Dec.  3,  1757.  Enlisted  1775  or  1776  from  Charlotte 
County  for  a  term  of  one  year  in  the  militia.  His  company  officers 
WTre  Capt.  Wm.  Collier  and  Lt.  Douglas  Watson.  Joined  his  regi- 
ment at  Petersburg,  commanded  by  Col.  Ruffin  and  Maj.  Glenn. 
The  march  was  then  by  way  of  Williamsburg  and  Yorktown  to 
Gwin's  Island,  where  there  was  fighting  several  days  with  the  British 
under  Lord  Dunmore.  Several,  he  thinks  seven,  ships  were  de- 
stroyed after  Dunmore  was  driven  out.  The  enemy  then  went  up 
the  river,  the  army  watching  his  movements.  News  arriving  that 
the  Indians  were  troublesome  on  the  frontier,  the  regiment,  which 
was  armed  with  rifles,  marched  to  Holston  river.  A  few  days 
before  its  arrival  there  had  been  a  battle  between  the  vanguard  and 
the  Indians.  The  main  body  of  the  army  went  in  pursuit,  his  regi- 
ment, then  commanded  by  Col.  Morgan  being  stationed  at  Holston 
(Long)  Island,  where  it  remained  until  the  time  of  service  expired. 
He  had  no  written  discharge  because  of  the  unpopularity  of  Morgan. 
The  day  before  the  discharge  w^as  to  take  place,  the  soldiers  were 
told  they  would  be  mustered  for  the  purpose.  Next  morning  some 
men  who  wished  to  show  their  dislike  to  the  Colonel  broke  his 
sword   near   the   hilt   and   shaved   the   mane   and   tail   of   his   horse. 

90  Virginia   Militia   in   the   Revolution 

Morgan  rode  off  in  a  rage  without  issuing  regular  discharges,  but 
saving  he  would  do  so  at  New  London,  Bedford  County.  He 
did  not  meet  the  men  there  nor  did  they  get  any  written  discharge. 
In  February,  1778,  applicant  was  drafted  in  Charlotte  for  a  term, 
he  believes,  of  two  years.  He  hired  John  Scott  as  a  substitute, 
gave  him  100  pounds,  and  got  a  discharge  for  himself  from  Thomas 
Reed,  the  same  stating  the  services  was  from  Feb.  10,  1778,  to  ]March 
16,  1778.  The  last  tour  was  in  1779,  when  he  was  drafted  about 
Feb.  1st  into  Capt.  William  Morton's  Company,  and  marched  south. 
At  Salisbury,  N.  C,  the  command  was  joined  by  other  Virginia 
troops  and  marched  through  Charlotte  and  Camden  to  the  main 
army  under  Gen  Lincoln.  While  there  an  attempt  was  made  to 
storm  a  British  fort  at  Stono  Ferry,  but  the  attack  was  repulsed. 
His  discharge  is  dated  July  13,  1779,  and  is  signed  by  Maj.  William 
Hubbard,  of  the  Virginia  Brigade.  Applicant  came  to  America  in 
1763,  and  moved  to  Prince  Edward  about  1782. 

Section  No.  67 

SIMMONS,  JEHU.— Prince  Edward,  Sept.  17,  1832.  Born 
in  Prince  Edward,  February,  1762.  In  1779  or  1780,  his  father 
being  drafted  into  the  militia,  he  marched  as  a  substitute  under 
Capt.  Clark,  of  Col.  George  Walker's  regiment,  both  officers  being 
of  his  County.  They  were  ordered  to  Petersburg,  where  three 
other  companies  also  assembled.  In  1781  he  volunteered  for  a  second 
tour  under  Capt.  Ambrose  Nelson  of  Prince  Edward  and  Ensign 
John  Woodson  and  Benjamin  Allen  of  Cumberland.  The  Com- 
mand marched  to  join  Gen.  Greene  at  Guilford  C.  H.,  N.  C.  He 
was  in  Col.  John  Holcomb's  regiment  of  Gen.  Lawson's  brigade.  From 
recollection  his  major's  name  was  Tucker.  His  regiment  was  not 
in  the  battle  at  Guilford,  but  a  brother  was  wounded.  Afterwards 
he  marched  with  the  army  to  Ramsay's  Mill,  where  he  was  dis- 
charged. During  the  following  summer  he  was  drafted  as  a  guard 
in  the  vicinity  of  Prince  Edward  C.  H.,  Cornwallis  being  expected 
there.  This  tour  he  believes  was  of  four  weeks.  Later  in  the  sum- 
mer he  was  drafted,  and  marched  under  Capt.  Bird,  of  Prince 
Edward,  to  the  siege  of  Yorktown.     Maj.   Charles  Allen  was  the 

Virginia  Militia   in  the   Revolution  91 

superior  officer.  At  Yorktown  he  was  under  Col.  Beverley  Ran- 
dolph, of  Gen.  Lawson's  brigade.  His  command  was  detailed  to 
convey  the  British  prisoners  to  Winchester,  and  having  been  sick 
some  time,  he  substituted  a  man  in  his  place.  The  last  tour  was  of 
four  months  by  recollection,  and  he  was  sick  some  time  afterwards. 
In  everv  case  he  served  full  time  and  was  honorably  discharged. 

Section  No.  68 

SMITH,  PHILIP.— Amherst,  Oct.  15,  1832.  Born  in  Am- 
herst, 1755.  In  1781,  marching  under  Capt.  James  Franklin,  he 
joined  Gen.  Greene's  army  in  North  Carolina  the  day  after  the 
battle  of  Guilford.  He  was  then  put  under  Capt.  Younger  Lan- 
drum.  Col.  John  Holcomb's  regiment.  Gen  Lawson's  brigade.  In 
the  following  summer  was  in  a  tour  under  Capt.  Caleb  Higgenbot- 
ham,  driving  cattle  from  Amherst  to  supply  the  army  at  Williams- 
burg. Served  three  and  four  months.  Was  drafted  each  time  and 
was  in  no  battle. 

Section  No.  69 

SHUMAKER,  ZEDEKIAH.— Amherst,  Oct.  15,  1832.  Born 
in  Henrico  about  1754.  Went  to  the  Great  Kanawha  and  there 
resided  till  1775,  but  returned  because  of  Indians.  In  the  autumn 
of  1776,  enlisted  two  years  under  Lt.  William  Moore,  of  Rock- 
bridge, some  comrades  being  John  Hogg,  John  Finney,  Samuel 
Peters,  and  William  Hicks,  and  marched  to  Point  Pleasant.  Other 
officers  were  Capt.  William  McKee,  Lt.  James  Thompson,  and 
Ensign  James  Gilmer.  Capt.  Matthew  Arbuckle  was  in  command 
at  Point  Pleasant,  his  subalterns  being  Lts,  Andrew  Wallace 
and  Samuel  Wood,  and  Ensign  James  McNutt. 

Remainder  of  declaration  is  substantially  the  same  as  that  of 
William  Pryor.  (Sec.  61).  He  adds  that  Inchminger  and  Logan  de- 
clared they  could  not  get  by  the  Indians,  that  the  Indians  did  not  be- 
lieve anyone  would  dare  leave  the  fort,  and  that  the  reward  offered 
by  Morgan's  father  was  $500.  Also  that  Capt.  Arbuckle's  idea  in 
sending  off  the  men  before  their  time  was  quite  out  was  that  other- 

Virginia   Militia   in   the   Revolution 

wise  the  Indians  might  waylay  them.  He  served  a  month  or  two 
guarding  British  prisoners  at  Albemarle  Barracks,  his  Captain  being 
Anthony  Rucker. 

Section  No.  70 

STEUART,  EDWARD.— Bath,  Sept.  12,  1832.  Born,  Feb.  —, 
1759  in  Augusta  (now  Highland).  About  1779  substituted  for 
Joseph  Beathe,  in  a  three  months'  tour  under  Capt.  McCreery,  at 
Clover  Lick  Fort.  Drafted  about  1778,  serving  two  months  or 
over  at  Vance  Fort  under  Capt.  Andrew  Lockridge.  About  1780, 
drafted  and  served  two  months  against  the  British.  Marched  under 
Capt.  John  McCoy  to  Richmond  and  Camp  Holly.  Drafted  three 
months,  1781,  serving  at  the  siege  of  Yorktown,  under  Capt.  Thomas 
Hicklin,  Maj.  John  Wilson,  and  Col.  Samuel  Vance.  Drafted 
three  months,  1782,  serving  as  ensign  under  Capt.  George  Poage, 
guarding  the  Augusta   frontier   at   Clover   Lick  fort. 

Section  No.  71 

STEUART,  JOHN.— Bath,  Sept.  12,  1832.  Born  Sept.  6, 
1761,  in  Augusta  (now  Highland).  Drafted,  January,  1781,  for 
three  months.  Marched  down  James.  Crossed  the  river  at  Sandy 
Point  and  joined  army  next  day.  Then  marched  to  Suffolk  and 
Camp  Carson,  being  stationed  at  the  latter  place  during  the  winter. 
In  March  was  marched  to  Portsmouth  and  back  to  Camp  Carson, 
where  he  was  discharged,  April  10.  Officers  same  as  Edward 
Steuart's  (Sec.  70).  Again  drafted  three  months  and  was  at 
siege  of  Yorktown,  where  he  was  wounded  on  the  hand  by  a  sword 

Section  No.  72 

STEUART,  JA:VIES.— Bath,  Jan.  12,  1833.  Born  in  Augusta 
(now  Highland),  Jan.  2,  1757.  Drafted  1778,  or  1779,  for  three 
months  under  Capt.  Andrew  Lockridge,  at  Clover  Lick  Fort.  A 
year   later   went   out   one   month   under   Capt.   Thomas   Hicklin   to 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

guard  the  frontier,  and  served  at  Warwick's  Fort.  Went  out  three 
months  in  1781  against  the  British,  the  company  officers  being  Capt. 
Thomas  Hicklin,  Lt.  Joseph  Gwin,  Ensign  Thomas  Wright,  and 
the  regimental  Colonels,  Sampson  Mathews  and  William  Bowyer. 
They  were  stationed  during  the  winter  at  Camp  Carson  near  the 
Dismal  Swamp,  where  he  took  a  prisoner.  He  was  often  in  scouting 
parties  and  in  March  they  took  some  prisoners  in  a  skirmish  at 
Portsmouth.  Discharged  at  Camp  Carson.  Drafted,  June,  1781, 
on  tour  of  20  days,  being  in  Capt.  Peter  Hull's  Company  of  horse 
of  Col.  John  McCreery's  regiment.  Was  in  the  battle  of  James- 
town and  then  discharged.  As  substitute  for  James  Carlile,  served 
same  year  a  month  and  ten  days.  Crossed  and  recrossed  the  James 
at  Westham,  in  pursuit  of  Tarleton. 

Section  No.  73 

SALISBURY,  WILLIAM.— Pocahontas,  Sept.  5,  1832.  Born, 
1742.  Entered  service  at  Warm  Springs  in  May,  1774,  under  Capt. 
John  Lewis,  Lt.  Samuel  Vance,  and  Ensign  Jacob  Warwick,  Col. 
Charles  Lewis  commanding  the  regiment.  Was  in  battle  at  Point 
Pleasant.     Drafted  for  three  months  at  Warwick's  Fort,  177-. 

Section  No.  74 

SHARP,  WILLIAM.— Pocahontas,  Sept.  4,  1832.  Born, 
1740.  Indian  spy  in  1773-'74.  In  service,  summer  of  1774  in 
company  of  Capt.  Andrew  Lockridge  during  the  Point  Pleasant 
campaign.  William  Mann  and  himself  were  sent  by  Gen.  Andrew 
Lewis  with  a  message  to  Gov.  Dunmore,  and  did  not  rejoin  the 
army  till  the  morning  after  the  battle  at  Point  Pleasant.  In  Sep- 
tember, 1764,  had  volunteered  under  Capt.  Charles  Lewis  in  an  ex- 
pedition against  the  Indians  on  the  Muskingum.  Returned  next 
March.  There  was  no  engagement.  The  Indians  gave  up  their 
captives.  Lt.  McClenahan  was  of  the  company.  Colonels  Field 
and  McNeel  were  then  members  of  it.  Drafted,  January,  1781,  in 
Company  of  Capt.  William  Kincaid  and  Ensign  James  Trimble,  of 
Col.  Samson  Mathew's  regiment.  Was  in  a  skirmish  with  the 
British   at   Portsmouth.     Discharged,  April,    1781. 

Virginia  Militia  ix  the  Revolution 

Section  No.  75 

SANS  (SANDS?),  SAMUEL.— Monroe,  Aug.  22,  1832. 
Born,  1758.  Substituted  for  William  Dickey-,  who  was  drafted  from 
Augusta  late  in  1780.  Served  under  Capt.  James  Tate,  whose  major 
was  Frank  Triplett,  of  Fauquier.  The  regular  officers  were,  Maj. 
Brooks,  Col.  Howard,  and  Gen.  Morgan.  Was  in  battle  of  Cow- 
pens  and  was  with  Col.  Washington  when  that  officer  captured  200 
tories  at  Rugley's  Mills.  Discharged  at  Salisbury,  after  six  months 
tour.  Drafted  three  months  in  June,  1781,  under  Capt.  John  Camp- 
bell, Maj.  Long,  and  Col.  Charles  Cameron.  Was  at  battle  of  James- 
town, where  he  was  commanded  by  Capt.  John  Dickey  and  Col. 
Hughart.  Was  also  at  Siege  df  Yorktown,  and  guarded  prisoners  to 
Winchester,  where  he  was  discharged.  (Note:  Declarant  must  have 
been  called  out  twice  in  1781).  In  1782,  substituted  three  months 
for  Hugh  Brown  against  the  Indians,  and  marched  under  Lt.  John 
McCamie  (?),  serving  out  his  term  at  Clover  Lick. 
Jones  and  Samuel  Clark  were  comrades.  The  latter  was  wounded 
at  Jamestown. 

Section  No.  76 

SITLINGTON,  ROBERT.— Bath,  Sept.  26,  1832.  Born 
1749.  In  1776,  went  out  as  substitute  two  months  for  Nathan 
Crawford,  serving  as  ranger  and  spy  at  Warwick's  Fort  under  Capt. 
John  Lewis  and  Capt.  Samuel  Vance.  Drafted  1777,  for  two 
months  to  serve  against  the  Indians  at  Warwick,  and  Clover  Lick 
Forts,  under  Capt.  Samuel  Vance  and  Lt.  John  Cartmill.  Was  in 
no  engagement  in  either  tour.  Served  four  or  six  weeks  against  the 
British  in  1778  or  1779  under  Capt,  John  McCoy.  Discharged  at 
Richmond.  Drafted  for  six  weeks  in  1781  and  marched  under 
Capt.  David  Gwin  to  Guilford.  Was  in  the  battle  there,  but  icceiv- 
ed  no  wound. 

Section  No.  77 

TAYLOR.  JAMES.— Amherst,  Sept.  17,  1832.     Born  in  Fair- 
fax,  1757.     Went  out  as  minute  man  from  Fairfax  in  1777,  under 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Capt.  Moody  and  Lt.  William  Daniel.  Served  three  months  in 
Pennsylvania  under  Gen,  Scott,  of  Washington's  army.  The  corps 
to  which  he  belonged  being  from  Fairfax,  it  was  placed  in  the 
center.  He  was  afterwards  out  two  tours  at  Alexandria,  two  in 
guarding   Gen.   Washington's   estate,    and   one   at   Colchester. 

Section  No.  78 

TURNER,  WILLIAM.— Amherst,  Aug.  21,  1832.  Born  in 
Albemarle,  1760.  Served  three  months  at  Albemarle  Barracks  un- 
der Capt.  Philip  Thurmond.  While  there  Capt.  James  Garland 
was  killed  by  a  sentinel  on  duty.  Later  was  three  months  at  Rocketts, 
below  Richmond  under  Capt.  John  Christian.  Still  later,  and  again 
as  orderly  sergeant,  he  went  out  under  Capt.  Younger  Landrum 
on  the  Guilford  campaign.  The  company,  which  was  attached  to 
Gen.  Lawson's  brigade,  was  not  in  the  battle.  The  next  tour 
was  at  the  Siege  of  Yorktown,  and  under  Capt.  Benjamin  Higgin- 
botham.  He  started  as  sergeant  and  on  the  way  was  commissioned 
ensign.  However,  a  few  days  before  the  capitulation  he,  his  captain, 
and  others  were  discharged  as  supernumerary  officers  and  ordered 

Section  No.  79 

THOMPSON,  ROBERT.— Bath,  Jan.  8,  1833.  Born  about 
1755.  In  1774  volunteered  against  the  Indians  for  three  months. 
During  battle  at  Point  Pleasant  was  a  guard  at  the  Point.  The 
battleground  was  half  a  mile  above.  Was  under  Capt.  John 
Dickenson.  In  1777,  volunteered  three  months  under  Capt.  Robert 
McCreery,  serving  at  Warwick's  Fort.  Drafted,  1781,  serving  as 
lieutenant  under  Capt.  John  Brown.  Was  in  battles  of  Hot  Water 
and  Jamestown,  in  Col.  Samson  Mathews'  regiment. 

Section  No.  80 

WALKER,  WILLIAM  T.— Prince  Edward,  Aug.  21,   1832. 

Born   in   Amelia,    1757,      Drafted   in   summer   of    1778.  Marched 

under    Capt.    Edward   Walker   to    Richmond,    thence    to  Williams- 

96  Virginia  Militia  ik  the  Revolution 

burg,  where  the  company  remained  several  weeks,  and  finally  to 
Hampton,  where  it  was  regularly  discharged,  the  tour  comprising 
about  three  months.  At  Hampton  there  was  a  report  that  the 
British  were  coming  down  Elk  River.  Because  of  the  scarcity  of 
lead,  bullets  were  made  from  the  lead  in  the  church  windows.  In 
1779,  volunteered  as  private  under  Capt.  E.  Walker,  of  Amelia, 
and  marched  to  Cabin  Point,  where  the  company  was  discharged, 
the  tour  covering  two  or  three  months.  In  1780,  volunteered  in 
Capt.  Philip  Holcomb's  Cavalry,  of  Prince  Edward  County,  where 
applicant  was  now  living.  IVIarched  to  Petersburg  and  used  Masonic 
Hall  as  barracks.  This  tour  was  also  two  or  three  months.  Gen. 
Lawson  was  here  in  command. 

Section  No.  81 

WOODSON,  JOSEPH.— Prince  Edward,  Sept.  17,  1832. 
Born,  1751.  Drafted  from  Amelia  County,  1777,  serving  under 
Capt.  Benjamin  Ward  two  months.  Stationed  at  Petersburg  and 
there  discharged.  In  the  spring  of  1780,  the  enemy  lying  off  our 
ooast  and  coming  up  our  rivers,  threatened  Petersburg  and  Rich- 
mond, there  was  a  call  for  300  militia  from  Amelia.  Applicant 
then  served  two  months  under  Capt.  Watson,  of  Col.  William 
Giles'  Regiment.  The  troops  crossed  the  Appomattox  below  Peters- 
burg and  marched  to  the  Chickahominy,  where  they  were  discharged. 
At  the  close  of  1780,  or  early  in  1781,  applicant  enlisted  from 
Amelia  in  a  company  of  cavalry  under  Capt.  Edmund  Walker, 
and  marched  by  Cartersville,  Point  of  Fork,  and  Albemarle  C.  H. 
to  receive  arms.  The  British  w^ere  coming  up  the  James  and  into 
the  County.  He  was  discharged  in  Amelia,  never  having  been  at- 
tached to  any  regular  troops.  In  the  spring  of  1781,  he  enlisted  in 
the  State  Legion  to  serve  during  the  war.  The  Captain  was  Peter 
Randolph.  The  colonel  was  Everett  Meade,  and  the  majors  were 
Diggs  and  Nicholas.  The  legion  marched  to  Genito  Bridge  on 
the  Appomattox,  where  it  was  stationed  a  short  while,  and  then  to 
Richmond  to  receive  arms.  Not  being  able  to  procure  any  it  was 
stationed  near  Goode's  bridge  on  the  Appomattox,  and  did  not  join 
the  troops  about  Jamestown  and  Yorktown.  After  the  surrender 
of  Cornwallis  the  troops  to  which  applicant  belonged  were  ordered  to 
go  home,  after  a  service  of  about  nine  months,  but  to  hold  themselves 
in  readiness  for  a  future  call,  which  however,  never  came. 

Virginia  Militia   in  the  Revolution 

Section  No.  82 

WORSHAAI,  WILLIAM.— Prince  Edward,  Aug.  20,  1832. 
Born,  1752.  Enlisted  for  one  year  from  Amelia  County,  in  the  First 
Virginia  Regiment,  in  the  summer  of  1775.  The  company  officers 
were  Capt.  Markham,  First  Lt.  William  Cunningham,  Sec'd  Lt. 
Joseph  Scott,  and  Ensign  Tarleton'Woodson.  The  regimental  officers 
were  Col.  Patrick  Henry,  and  Major  Francis  Epps.  Soon  after  his  en- 
listment he  marched  to  Winchester,  then  to  Williamsburg,  and 
afterwards  to  Norfolk.  On  the  way  to  Norfolk  the  battle  of  Great 
Bridge  took  place  between  the  advanced  troops  under  Colonels 
Scott  and  Marshall,  and  the  British,  the  latter  retreating  and  after 
a  few  days  of  skirmishing  embarking  on  their  vessels.  Norfolk 
was  about  this  time  burned,  and  the  American  troops  remained  to 
the  end  of  his  enlistment  at  Kemp's  Landing.  Afterwards,  declarant 
was  commissioned  captain  of  militia,  and  with  Captains  Roberts, 
Fitzgerald,  and  Jones  marched  to  aid  the  people  of  North  and 
South  Carolina,  then  much  annoyed  by  the  British  and  tories.  At 
Halifax,  N.  C,  they  remained  some  time,  and  being  joined  by  some 
of  the  militia  of  that  State,  were  placed  under  the  command  of  Col. 
Wylie  Jones.  They  had  marched  near  to  Charleston  about  the 
time  of  Gate's  defeat  near  Camden  (Aug.,  1780),  when  the  militia 
returned,  and  his  company  was  discharged  in  Amelia  after  a  term 
of  six  months.  In  the  fall  of  1780,  his  company  was  again  ordered 
out,  and  marched  to  Richmond  and  vicinity,  being  then  under  the 
command  of  Col.  Abraham  Greene  and  Maj.  Philip  Jones.  After 
about  two  months  the  company  was  discharged.  There  was  another 
call  for  the  Amelia  militia,  and  he  marched  with  his  company  to 
Petersburg,  where  after  two  months  of  service  under  Col.  Edmund 
Booker,  he  was  discharged.  Arnold  and  Philips  appeared  around 
Petersburg  and  Richmond,  and  the  militia  were  called  out  frequently 
for  short  periods.  In  February,  1781,  he  again  went  out  with  his 
company  for  three  months,  and  marched  to  the  headquarters  of 
Gen.  Lafayette  at  Wilton  near  Richmond.  Cornwallis  came  up 
from  the  South,  and  at  Petersburg  took  general  command  of  the 
British.  It  was  the  intention  of  Lafayette  to  attack  them  at  differ- 
ent points  at  the  same  time.  One  division  under  Col.  Barbour 
marched  to  Petersburg,  while  the  other,  under  Lafayette  in  person, 
marched  around  to  cross  at  Goose  Island.     Applicant  was  guide  to 

ViRGixiA  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Lafayette,  but  Barbour  arriving  first  atacked  from  Baker's  Hill  and 
the  British  retreated,  going  up  the  James  to  Point  of  Fork.  Other 
troops  coming  in,  the  Amelia  and  Chesterfield  militia  were  dis- 
charged at  Bird's  Ordinary,  near  Point  of  Fork.  The  day  after 
his  discharge,  applicant  with  Capt.  John  Kinght,  Lt.  Archer  Wats- 
hall  and  about  100  soldiers  were  taken  prisoners  on  their  way  home 
by  Tarleton.  His  commission  was  taken  from  him  and  he  was 
detained  as  prisoner  two  months.  After  the  battle  of  Jamestown, 
in  July,  he  was  discharged  with  the  smallpox  upon  him.  He  was 
not  again  in  service. 

Section  No.  83 

WILTSHIRE,  JOHN.— Prince  Edward,  Jan.  21,  1833.  Born 
Feb.  10.  1747.  Enlisted  for  one  year  under  Capt.  Robert  Watson 
and  marched  to  Augusta,  Ga.,  where  the  command  was  attached  to 
Col.  Joseph  Habersham's  regiment,  of  Georgia  Continentals.  En- 
listed Sept.  1,  1776,  and  discharged  next  April  because  of  sickness. 
Drafted  ]\Iay  13,  1781,  and  marched  under  Ensign  Abner  Watkins 
from  Prince  Edward  to  headquarters  at  Ratcliff's  Old  Field,  where 
command  was  attached  to  Capt.  Richard'  Allen's  Company,  of  Col. 
Henry  Skipwith's  regiment  and  discharged  at  Malvern  Hills, 
Aug.   11th. 

Section  No.  84 

WOOD,  SOLOMOxN.— Albemarle,  Oct.  10,  1832.  Born  in 
Albemarle,  Sept.  2,  1757.  Served  three  tours  as  militiaman.  First 
time  went  out  under  Capt.  Matthew  Leake  and  Lt,  James  Garland 
from  Hart's  store  and  marched  to  Cabin  Point.  Second  time,  under 
Capt.  Nelson  Thompson  of  Col.  Reuben  Lindsay's  regiment,  and 
was  discharged  at  Malvern  Hills,  Third  time  under  Capt,  Benja- 
min Harris,  Was  at  Siege  of  Yorktown,  going  thence  as  guard  to 
the  prisoners  to  Noland's  Ferry  on  the  Potomac  where  he  was  dis- 
charged.    Drafted  each  time.     Served  nine  months. 

Will  made  May  15,  1832,  probated  Jan.  1,  1833.    Wife,  Mary. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution  99 

Section  No.  85 

WILSON,  RICHARD.— Amherst,  Aug.  23,  1832.  Born  in 
Caroline,  Dec.  — ,  1762.  Drafted  as  Orderly  Sergeant  in  1779, 
and  marched  under  Capt.  Long  to  Williamsburg,  where  he  was 
under  Gen.  Taliaferro  guarding  lower  Virginia.  Was  in  four  other 
tours,  of  three  months  each,  also  as  Orderly  Sergeant.  Remembers 
Gen.  Lafayette,  Gen.  Muhlenberg,  Col.  McWilliams,  Col.  Mathews 
(at  Jamestown),  Col  Johnston,  Col.  Innes  at  siege  of  Yorktown, 
Maj.  Dabney  (whom  he  joined  at  Culpeper),  Maj.  Duckleman. 
Maj.  Boyce,  Maj.  Carey  (at  Yorktown),  Captains  Jamison  and 
Stevens  of  the  Port  Royal  Infantry,  Captains  Clark  and  Taylor,  and 
subalterns:  Tylor,  Hampton,  and  Woolfolk.  Was  stationed  at  Port 
Royal,  and  during  siege  of  Yorktown  at  Gloucester,  and  passed 
through  at  least  thirteen  counties. 

Section  No.  86 

WANLESS,  RALPH.— Pocahontas,  Aug.  7,  1832.  Born,  1757. 
Drafted  from  Calfpasture  for  three  months  under  Capt,  McCoy. 
In  service  half  the  time.  Discharged  at  Richmond  before  reaching 
army.  Was  out  two  months  as  spy  at  Clover  Lick  under  Capt. 
George  Poage.  Drafted  nine  months  under  Capt.  Buchanan,  serv- 
ing part  of  said  time  at  Norfolk. 

Section  No.  87 

WOODELL,  JAMES.— Pocahontas,  Sept.  3,  1832.  Born, 
1752.  Drafted  from  Augusta,  1774  (?),  being  stationed  at  Clover 
Lick  six  weeks  under  Capt.  George  Moffett.  Drafted  1777,  under 
same  captain,  and  marched  under  Col,  John  Dickenson  to  Point 
Pleasant,  where  declarant  was  stationed  a  short  while.  Time,  three 
months.  Drafted,  1778,  under  Capt.  Cooper,  Col.  Newell's  Regi- 
ment, Gen,  Woodford's  Brigade. ,  In  service  one  j^ear  in  Penns}!- 
vania,  New  Jersey,  and  New  York.  Discharged  at  Middlebrook, 
N,  J„  February,  1779.  Drafted,  1781,  under  Capt.  John  Given, 
of  Col.  William  Bowyer's  regiment,  of  Gen.  Campbell's  brigade,  of 
Gen.  Lafayette's  army.  Was  in  service  three  months  and  in  battles 
of  Hot  Water  and  Jamestown,    Was  then  First  Lieutenant, 

ViRGiMA  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Section  No.  88 

WICKLEBACK,  HENRY.— Monroe,  Aug.  22,  1832.  Born, 
1755.  Known  in  the  army  of  the  Revolution  as  Henry  Squire. 
In  December,  1778  (or  1779),  entered  service  for  nine  months  as 
a  substitute  at  Ft.  St.  Lawrence.  He  was  there  under  Capt.  Uriah 
Springer,  of  Col.  John  Gibson's  regiment.  Gen.  Mcintosh  being 
in  general  command.  Marched  to  Ft.  Pitt  for  a  month,  where  he 
was  under  the  command  of  Capt.  W.  Springer.  Then  returned  to 
Ft.  Mcintosh  for  the  rest  of  his  time.  Here  again  substituted  for 
nine  months,  serving  at  Forts  Mcintosh,  Pitt,  and  Wheeling. 
While  at  Ft.  Mcintosh  was  out  with  a  scouting  party  of  15  to  20 
men  under  Lt.  Harris.  Were  attacked  by  some  40  Indians,  but 
killed  many  of  them.  At  Fort  Pitt  was  sent  out  under  Gibson  and 
Crawford,  when  the  advance  guard  was  attacked  by  a  large  party 
of  Indians,  who  were  driven  off  and  10  of  them  killed.  At  time 
of  entering  army  he  lived  in  Greenbrier  (now  Monroe),  and  was 
employed  by  James  Burnside  to  pack  merchandise  to  Ft.  St.  Law- 
rence.    It  was  on  one  of  these  trips  that  he  substituted. 

Section  No.  89 

WALKER,  THOMAS.— Monroe,  Sept.  17,  1832.  Born 
Dec.  — ,  1764.  Drafted  in  Rockingham  four  days  after  becoming 
sixteen,  and  marched  under  Capt.  Michael  Conger,  joining  Gen. 
Muhlenberg  at  Stone's  Mills  near  Jamestown.  A  part  of  the  regi- 
ment including  himself  marched  to  Great  Bridge,  remaining  there 
a  while  and  skirmishing.  Marched  then  to  Nottaway  river,  N.  C, 
then  back  to  Great  Bridge,  and  then  rejoined  regiment,  marching 
up  and  down  the  James  till  the  three  months  were  up.  Drafted 
next  July  under  Capt.  Richard  Riggen,  marching  to  Richmond,  then 
down  the  Pamunkey,  crossing  the  same  and  joining  Gen.  Stevens. 
A  part  of  the  regiment  including*  himself  recrossed  the  Pamunkey, 
marched  to  the  mouth  of  the  Chickahominy,  then  to  Williamsburg 
and  Yorktown,  where  he  was  taken  sick  and  discharged  as  unfit  for 
dutv  three  days  before  the  surrender  of  Cornwallis. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution  101 

Section  No.  90 

WISEMAN,  JOSEPH.— Monroe,  Aug.  22,  1832.  Born  in 
Pennsylvania,  1759.  Drafted  in  the  first  militia  from  Bucks  Co., 
Pa.  Went  out  in  August,  1776,  under  Capt.  Thomas  Berry,  of  Col. 
Mark  Bird's  regiment.  Served  in  new  Jersey  and  discharged  at 
Paulus  Hook  in  November.  Moved  to  Rowan  County,  N.  C, 
October,  1777.  Volunteered  in  August  or  September,  1778,  under 
Capt.  Nickell  and  Lt.  Chapman.  Marched  to  Mecklenburg,  C.  H., 
where  he  was  under  the  command  of  Col.  Lock  and  Gen.  Ruther- 
ford. Marched  to  the  Ten  Mile  House  near  Charleston,  then  to 
the  Two  Sisters  on  Savannah  river,  where  he  joined  Gen.  Ashe 
immediately  after  his  defeat,  covering  the  retreat  across  the  Savannah. 
Discharged  at  Salisbury,  N.  C,  after  nine  months.  July,  1779, 
substituted  for  three  months,  marched  into  Mecklenberg,  where  he 
was  quickly  discharged  to  go  home  and  await  further  orders.  No 
further  call  was  made.  Moved  to  Washington  Co.,  Md.,  where  under 
a  call  for  every  ninth  militiaman,  he  was  drafted  for  the  war.  He 
and  eight  neighbors,  one  of  whom  would  have  to  be  similarly  drafted, 
hired  a  substitute  for  45  pounds.     Came  to  Monroe,   1794. 

Section  No.  91 

YOUNG,  JOHN.— Pocahontas,  Aug.  8,  1832.  Born,  1760. 
Entered  service,  1779,  under  Capt.  Ambrose  Madison,  Lt.  Col. 
Francis  Taylor,  and  IVLij.  John  Roberts,  being  regimental  officers. 
Garland  Burnley  was  an  officer  in  the  regiment.  Was  in  no  engage- 
ment. ]\Iarched  with  British  prisoners  from  Albemarle  Barracks  to 
Winchester,  and  was  there  discharged.  Was  in  two  previous  tours 
under  Capts.  John  Scott  and  Coursey.     Was  in  no  engagement. 

Section  No.  92 

ARMSTRONG,  WILLIAM.— Augusta,  Oct.  26,  1832.  Born 
on  Little  Calfpasture,  December  12,  1759.  In  March,  1779 
(1778?),  was  drafted  for  three  months  under  Capt.  William 
Kinkead  and  Ensign  James  Steele.  Rendezvoused  at  Vance's  Fort, 
marching  thence  to  Clover  Lick  and  to  West  Fork  of  Monongalia, 

102  ViRGiMA  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

where  he  was  discharged  in  June.  No  other  troops  went  out  with 
the  company.  Drafted  about  March  1,  1781,  and  under  Capt. 
Gwin,  of  Campbell's  regiment,  joined  Greene's  army  in  North 
Carolina.  Their  horses  were  then  sent  home.  Was  in  the  battle 
of  Guilford.  Discharged  at  Troublesome  Iron  Works,  Rockingham 
County,  N,  C,  one  month  after  leaving  home.  In  July  drafted 
again  under  Capt.  James  Bell,  Lt.  John  Wackub,  and  Ensign 
Alexander  Crawford,  of  regiment  under  Col.  Samuel  Lewis  and 
Maj.  William  Long.  Was  at  Siege  of  Yorktown  but  no  other 
engagement.  Discharged  two  days  before  the  surrender  of  Corn- 

Section  No.  93 

AILSTOCK,  ABSALOM.— Rockbridge, ,  1832?  Born 

in  Louisa  about  1763.  Freeborn  mulatto.  Marched  from  Louisa 
about  Dec.  1,  1780,  it  being  rumored  that  the  British  were  about 
to  land  on  the  coast,  and  was  out  four  weeks.  Regimental  officers 
were  Col.  Fontaine  and  Maj.  Winston.  Discharged  at  Hanover 
C.  H.  About  April  1,  1781,  joined  the  Second  Regiment  under 
Capt.  William  Harris,  the  superior  officers  being  Col.  Richardson 
and  Maj.  Armistead.  The  British  burned  the  tobacco  warehouses 
in  Manchester,  the  ruins  of  which  applicant  distinctly  saw  from 
Richmond  side.  Brigade  stationed  a  while  at  Malvern  Hills.  The 
enemy  were  in  the  habit  of  coming  this  far  up  the  James  in  boats, 
each  with  a  gun  at  either  end,  their  purpose  being  plunder.  Two 
such  boats  and  seventeen  prisoners  were  taken  by  the  regiment. 
Discharged  in  Spottsylvania  in  June.  Called  out  next  month  under 
Capt.  Benjamin  Harrison  and  joined  Nelson's  brigade  (called  at 
Yorktown  the  Louisa  Brigade),  at  Williamsburg,  Col.  Richardson 
being  a  field  officer,  but  Maj.  Martin  taking  the  place  of  \la]. 
Armistead.  After  Washington  arrived,  the  brigade  marched  on 
to  Yorktown.  During  the  siege,  applicant  was  employed  digging 
intrenchments  for  batteries  and  making  sand  baskets.  After  the 
French  began  the  battle  on  Sunday  morning,  his  regiment  was  put 
into  the  poplar  redoubt  for  the  purpose  of  charging  into  a  gun  battery. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution  103 

Section  No.  94 

ALVERMAN,  JOHN.— Botetourt,  Sept.  7,  1832.  Born  in 
Culpeper,  1757.  Volunteered  under  Capt.  Henry  Hill.  Marched 
to  meet,  and  to  guard  at  Albemarle  Barracks,  the  prisoners  taken 
with  Burgoyne.  Col.  James  Taylor  was  in  command  at  the  barracks. 
Drafted  under  Capt.  Slaughter,  of  Col.  Barbour's  regiment  and  joined 
Wayne,  remaining  three  months.  Drafted  about  May  1,  1781, 
under  Capt.  Ambrose  Bohannan,  joined  Gen.  Washington's  army 
at  Malvern  Hill,  marched  thence  to  Yorktown.  Taken  sick,  put 
in  hospital  at  St.  Peter's  Church,  New  Kent  County,  and  then 
discharged,  Aug.  11,  1781. 

Section  No.  95 

BELL,  JOHN.— Augusta,  Dec.  22,  1834.  Born  in  Augusta, 
in  Long  Glade  ,Sept.  -,  1755.  Late  in  September,  1780,  went  out 
as  ensign  for  three  months  under  Capt.  Thomas  Smith.  Marched 
from  rendezvous  at  Col.  Esam's  to  just  below  Richmond,  where  he 
remained  till  discharged.  No  regular  troops  were  there.  Early  in 
January,  1781,  he  substituted  for  his  brother  Francis,  thinking  the 
latter  too  3'oung  to  bear  the  fatigue.  Company  officers  were  Capt. 
Joseph  Patterson,  Lt.  Andrew  Anderson,  Ensign  James  Poage.  From 
former  rendezvous  marched  to  Dismal  Swamp,  where  he  was  dis- 
charged in  April.  In  June  called  out  as  ensign  for  tour  stated  at 
twenty  days,  his  captain  being  John  Dickey,  his  lieutenant,  Robert 
Campbell.  Marched  to  Jamestown.  Was  in  the  battle  there  and 
in  several  little  skirmishes.  James  Allen,  Francis  Gardner,  and 
John  Crawford  were  comrades  at  Jamestown ;  also  Samuel  Bell. 

Section  No.  96 

BALSLEY,  CHRISTIAN.— Augusta,  Aug.  27,  1834.  Amenda- 
torv  declaration.     Served  at  least  twelve  months  in  three  tours. 

Section  No.  97 
BELL,    SAMUEL.— Augusta,    July    28,    1834.      Born,    1759. 
Drafted  for  three  months  in  September,   1777,  under  Capt.  George 

104  Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Moffett,  Lt.  Joseph  Patterson,  Ensign  Andrew  Anderson.  Col. 
John  Dickenson  and  Maj.  Samuel  McDowell  being  line  officers. 
]VIarched  from  rendezvous  at  mouth  of  Kerr's  Creek  by  way  of  the 
Big  Savannah  (Lewisburg),  and  Walker's  Meadows  to  Point  Pleas- 
ant, where  there  was  a  fort  garrisoned  by  a  company  of  regulars 
under  Capt.  Arbuckle.  It  was  understood  that  the  troops  were 
destined  against  Detroit,  but  in  consequence  of  the  late  arrival  of 
Gen.  Hand  from  Pittsburgh,  the  expedition  was  abandoned,  and  in 
December  applicant's  command  was  ordered  home,  where  he  arrived 
Christmas  eve.  About  May  1,  1780,  applicant  substituted  for 
Benjamin  Brown,  a  relative  who  could  not  leave  home  without  great 
inconvenience.  Marched  under  Ensign  John  Wilson  to  Clover 
Lick,  where  he  joined  his  company  under  Capt.  William  Anderson 
and  Lt.  James  Mitchell,  and  was  discharged  after  three  months. 
No  other  troops  were  at  Clover  Lick.  In  fall  of  1780,  applicant 
volunteered  under  Capt.  Thomas  Smith,  Lt.  (?),  George  Craig, 
Ensign  John  Bell.  Marched  to  Richmond  to  guard  the  General 
Assembh'.  Several  other  militia  companies  were  there.  Discharged 
after  two  weeks.  Then  rejoined  (not  expecting  to  march  far),  Capt, 
Smith's  company  and  marched  into  North  Carolina,  overtaking  the 
main  army  at  Troublesome  Iron  Works,  the  day  after  the  battle  of 
Guilford,  and  returning  after  a  little  above  one  month.  The  fol- 
lowing May  or  June,  Lt.  Robert  Kirk  applied  to  Capt.  James  Bell 
(with  whom  applicant  was  serving)  for  men  to  help  impress  horses 
for  the  regular  army.  Applicant  with  a  few  others  was  so  detailed, 
and  served  in  Bath,  etc. 

Section  No.  98 

BELL,  JOSEPH.— Augusta,  Aug.  — ,  1832.  Born  in  Augusta, 
Feb.  — ,  1755.  Drafted  in  1776.  Rendezvoused  at  Lexington  about 
July  15,  and  marched  under  Capt.  John  Lyle,  of  Col.  Russell's 
regiment  to  the  Great  Island  in  Holston  River,  where  the  troops 
came  under  the  command  of  Col.  William  Christian  and  proceeded 
against  the  Cherokees.  Was  stationed  a  while  at  a  Cherokee  town 
and  returned  after  five  months.  Drafted  next  year.  Marched  from 
rendezvous  at  Staunton,  about  Sept.  22,  1777,  under  Capt.  Thomas 
Smith,  applicant  being  First  Sergeant,  and  proceeded  to  Little  Levels 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution  105 

in  Greenbrier,  where  the  men  were  joined  by  other  troops  under 
Colonels  John  Dickenson,  Samuel  McDowell,  and  George  Skillern. 
After  being  a  while  at  Point  Pleasant,  the  army  was  drawn  up  and 
Gen.  Hand  and  Col.  McDowell  rode  along  the  lines,  announced  the 
surrender  of  Burgoyne,  and  discharged  the  men.  Got  home  middle 
of  December.  Went  out  again  the  middle  of  April,  1779,  under 
Capt.  James  Trimble,  of  Col.  Sampson  Mathews'  regiment,  to  serve 
against  the  Indians.  Rendezvoused  at  Staunton  April  16th,  and 
marched  to  Tygart's  Valley,  returning  in  July.  Ordered  out  again 
to  rendezvous  in  Rockfish  Gap,  1781,  to  guard  the  prisoners  taken 
by  Gen.  Morgan  at  Cowpens.  Last  service  was  as  ensign,  rendezvous 
at  Col.  Esam's  (Waynesboro),  June  6,  1781.  Marched  under  Capt. 
Francis  Long,  joining  the  troops  of  Col.  Dandridge,  of  Gen. 
Lafayette's  army.  Was  in  action  at  Hot  Water  under  Col.  Willis ; 
also  in  battle  of  Jamestown  and  at  Yorktown  during  the  siege. 
Was  out  four  months.     James  Davis  a  comrade. 

Section  No.  99 

BAILEY,  JOHN.— Kanawha,  (W.  Va.), ,  1833.  Draft- 
ed in  Albemarle,  1777,  under  Capt.  Landon  Jones  and  Lt.  James 
Wood,  and  attached  to  First  Virginia  under  Gen.  Nelson.  Served 
six  weeks,  and  a  month  later  drafted  under  Capt.  John  Harris  and 
Lt.  Ralph  Thomas.  A  third  draft  under  Capt.  Mark  Leake  and 
Lt.  John  Wharton.     Total  service,  five  months. 

Section  No.  100 

BUSTER,  CLAUDIUS.— Augusta,  Sept.  25,  1832.  Son  of 
John  Buster.  Born  in  Albemarle,  Nov.  24,  1763.  Entered  service 
in  December,  1780,  under  Capt.  William  Grayson,  Lt.  William 
Gooch,  Ensign  Francis  Montgomery,  Orderly  Sergeant  Taulton 
(Tarlton)  Woodson.  Given  arms  at  Richmond.  Received  into  army 
at  Yorktown  by  Gen.  Nelson.  Discharged  next  March.  The  com- 
panies of  Capt.  James  Barnett  and  Capt.  Tucker  marched  from  Am- 

ViRGixiA  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

herst  at  same  time.  The  field  officers  were,  Col.  Dabney  and  Maj. 
Campbell.  He  served  between  Yorktown  and  Hampton.  One  night 
the  British  sailed  up  York  River,  landed  at  Halfway  House,  and 
destroyed  some  property.  The  Americans  had  left  there  the  night 
before.  Col,  Mallory  gave  them  battle,  himself  and  several  men 
being  killed.  In  May,  1781,  when  it  was  rumored  that  the  British 
were  on  their  way  to  Richmond,  there  was  a  call  for  a  great  many 
men  from  Albemarle,  and  the  following  companies  went  into  service : 
Capt.  Daniel  White's,  Capt.  Mark  Leake's,  Capt.  Benjamin  Harris', 
Capt.  John  Burke's,  and  Capt.  Laney's.  By  a  proclamation  it  was 
announced  that  if  men  who  had  served  the  winter  before  would  now 
volunteer  for  six  weeks,  it  should  stand  as  a  tour  (of  three  months?). 
Applicant  and  many  others  so  volunteered.  His  company  officers 
were,  Capt.  Daniel  White,  Lt.  Nathaniel  Garland,  Ensign  Francis 
Montgomery,  the  whole  force  marching  under  Col.  Reuben  Linsday, 
and  joining  Gen.  Lafayette  on  his  retreat  from  Richmond.  When 
Col.  Linsday  made  return  of  his  men  he  made  no  discrimination  in 
favor  of  the  volunteers,  and  all  served  three  months.  The  army 
marched  and  countermarched  until  it  fell  back  to  Fauquier  County. 
It  then  moved  southwesterly  to  the  Rapidan  where  it  was  joined  by 
Wayne  and  Steuben.  Col.  Toles  (Toler?),  then  took  command 
of  declarant's  regiment.  A  Maj.  IMcIlhany  of  the  regular  army,  was 
also  attached  to  the  regiment.  About  this  time  the  British  cavalry 
got  into  Charlottesville,  ran  out  the  Assembh',  and  then  retreated. 
Our  army  followed  the  British,  but  there  was  no  fighting  until  the 
vicinity  of  Williamsburg  was  reached.  There  were  then  skirmishes 
at  Hot  Water  and  Hickorynut  Church,  and  a  considerable  battle 
at  Jamestown  when  the  British  went  on  board  their  ships.  Appli- 
cant himself  was  in  no  battle.  After  the  British  took  ship  his  com- 
pany lay  in  camp  at  jMalvern  Hills  until  its  discharge  in  August. 

Section  No.  101 

CUNNINGHAM,  JOHN.— Rockbridge,  Sept.  3,  1832.  Born, 
1756.  Marched  under  Capt.  Bird  in  1776,  from  Lancaster  County, 
to  Philadelphia,  there  transferred  to  Capt.  Patton,  and  marched  on 
to  Amboy  to  join  Gen.  Robideau.  Went  out  in  1777,  also  for  two 
months,  under  Capt.  White,  marching  to  White  Marsh,  the  British 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution  107 

being  in  Philadelphia.  Was  under  Gen.  Irvine,  who  was  Captured 
at  Chestnut  Hill.  Was  himself  in  several  skirmishes.  In  1781 
served  another  two  months  guarding  prisoners  in  Lancaster  County, 
Capt,  Patton  again  being  his  commander. 

Section  No.  102 

CARTMILL,  HENRY.— Botetourt,  Sept.  7,  1832.  Born  in 
Chester  County,  Pa.,  1754.  Removed  to  Augusta,  1761.  Feb.  26, 
1779,  commissioned  ensign  in  Botetourt.  Upon  a  requisition  for 
troops  to  go  against  the  Indians  in  the  southwest  of  Virginia,  he 
marched  under  Capt.  James  Smith  to  Nolachucky  river,  being  joined 
on  the  way  by  Capt.  James  Barnett's  Company  from  Roanoke.  At 
Nolachucky  about  400  men  were  found  under  command  of  Col. 
William  Campbell.  By  a  council  of  war  it  was  determined  not  to 
pursue  any  farther.  Returned  after  an  absence  of  over  three  months, 
the  distance  to  the  Nolachucky  being  about  350  miles.  Commissioned 
lieutenant  April  14,  1781.  Called  into  service  and  was  at  Yorktown 
during  the  whole  siege,  being  under  the  command  of  Capt.  James 
Smith.  After  the  surrender  he  guarded  prisoners  for  some  distance 
beyond  Williamsburg,  when  there  being  more  force  than  was  thought 
necessary  he  was  permitted  to  return  home.  At  the  report  that 
Donally's  Fort  in  Greenbrier  was  attacked,  he  went  as  ensign  under 
Capt.  Hugh  Logan  to  the  relief  of  the  settlers,  but  they  were  met 
by  Capt.  Hall,  who  told  them  the  Indians  had  retired.  At  another 
time  he  ranged  the  mountains  between  Fincastle  and  Sweet  Springs 
in  search  of  Indians.  Himself  and  many  others  assembled  at  the  lead 
mines  in  Wythe  to  meet  Col.  Fergerson  who  was  said  to  be  advanc- 
ing from  the  Carolinas  with  a  large  force  of  tories.  After  going 
as  far  as  Stone  House  in  Botetourt,  they  were  stopped  by  Col.  Skill- 
ern,  commanding  the  Botetourt  militia,  until  more  men  could  be 
collected.  News  reaching  them  that  the  tories  were  dispersed,  they 
returned  home. 

Section  No.  103 

CAMPER,  JOHN.— Botetourt,  Aug.   14,   1832.    Born  in  Fau- 
quier,  1749.     Drafted  in  Shenandoah  in   1781    (?).     Rendezvoused 

Virginia  Militia  i\  the  Revolution' 

at  Steventown  (New  Market?).  Marched  under  Capt.  Nevill,  and 
Col.  Richard  Campbell.  Marched  to  Ft.  Mcintosh,  then  74  miles 
farther  to  Yellow  Creek.  No  encounter.  Three  months'  service. 
Went  out  from  Woodstock  under  Capt.  Jacob  Wrinker  to  Cheraw 
Hills,  in  South  Carolina,  where  the  troops  went  into  winter  quarters 
under  Gen.  Stevens.  Was  sent  from  there  to  guard  the  prisoners 
taken   at  Cowpens.     Discharged   at  Albemarle   Barracks   after   five 

months'  service. 

Section  No.  104 

COLVIN,  BENJAMIN.— Boone  County,  Mo.,  June,  1832. 
Born  in  Culpeper,  1758.  Entered  service  in  April,  1778  (1781?), 
under  Capt.  Elijah  Kirtley,  of  Culpepper,  Col.  John  Willis,  of 
Hanover,  commanding  the  regiment.  At  first  the  expectation  was 
to  join  Washington  in  the  North,  but  news  came  the  British  were 
coming  up  the  Potomac.  Joined  Gen.  Morgan  at  Bird's  Ordinary, 
Amelia  County.  At  Bacon's  Branch  were  joined  by  Gen.  Muhlen- 
berg. Moved  toward  Roanoke,  where  it  was  understood  Tarleton 
was  doing  mischief,  but  he  had  left.  Crossed  James  twenty  miles 
above  Richmond  and  about  fifteen  miles  beyond  met  Gen.  Wayne. 
A  few  days  later  a  battle  at  Jamestown  lasting  two  hours  by  the 
sun.  At  Hot  Water  there  was  a  skirmish  with  a  party  of  British  who 
were  robbing  the  country  of  cattle.  They  had  a  great  many  shut 
up  in  Gen.  Lawson's  field,  but  we  got  them  all  away.  After  James- 
town he  was  on  scout  duty  and  in  some  light  skirmishes.  Time  was 
out  Oct.  20,  when  the  American  army  was  at  Bacon's  Branch  above 
Richmond.  A  day  or  two  later,  without  going  home  he  joined 
Capt.  Samuel  Ferguson's  company  just  arrived  from  Culpeper  and 
raised  in  affiant's  neighborhood.  Discharged  in  January,  1782, 
after  service  of  nine  months  and  ten  days.     Allowed  $31.11   a  year. 

Section  No.  105 

DAVIDSON,  JOHN.— Rockbridge,  Aug.  8,  1832.  Born  in 
Rockbridge,  Oct.  29,  1757.  Was  willing  to  go  out  in  spring  of 
1778,  being  liable  as  unmarried  man,  but  was   induced   bv  mother 

Virginia  Militia   in  the  Revolution 

to  hire  substitute,  who  served  twelve  months.  Drafted -about  June  1, 
1778,  serving  in  Greenbrier.  Early  in  July,  1778  (1779?),  served 
fifteen  days  under  Capt.  William  Lyle  driving  packhorses  loaded 
with  flour  and  bacon  to  the  troops  on  the  frontier.  Went  out  in 
January,  1781,  under  Capt.  Andrew  Moore,  Lt.  John  McClung, 
Ensign  James  McDowell,  the  regiment  being  under  Col.  Bowyer. 
Rendezvous  at  Red  House  and  marched  to  Portsmouth,  where  the 
regiment  lay,  except  a  month  at  Great  Bridge.  The  Nansemond  at 
Suffolk  was  crossed  on  a  floating  bridge.  At  Great  Bridge  were 
captured  two  twelve-pounder  howitzers  and  about  twelve  prisoners. 
At  Gum  Bridge,  near  Dismal  Swamp,  there  was  a  skirmish.  Dis- 
charged about  April  11th.  Marched  Aug.  7,  1781,  under  Capt. 
David  Gay,  who  tried  to  induce  him  to  be  Orderly  Sergeant.  At 
Richmond  the  company  formed  with  those  of  Augusta  a  battalion. 
Line  officers  were.  Colonels  Parker  and  Willis,  and  Gen.  Muhlenberg. 
Proceeded  to  RuflSn's  Ferry,  thence  to  a  point  opposite  Jamestown, 
5,500  French  being  camped  on  north  side.  Their  boats  ferried  the 
militia  across.  Then  under  Col.  Samuel  Lewis  the  companies  march- 
ed to  Yorktown,  remaining  there  till  Sept.  14,  1781. 

Section  No.  106 

DAVIS,  WILLIAM.— Alleghany, ,  1833.     Born  about 

1756.  Substituted  in  Amherst  for  John  Tinsley,  serving  three 
months  under  Capt.  Pamplin  at  Albemarle  Barracks.  Was  again 
one  month  at  same  place  under  Capt.  Ballinger,  and  as  substitute 
for  a  young  Tinsley.  Next  served  three  months  for  John  McDaniel 
under  Capt.  Tucker,  and  was  discharged  at  Williamsburg,  Was 
detailed  as  a  guard  to  take  some  British  prisoners  to  Newport  News. 
Next  time  was  drafted  three  months,  and  served  under  Capt.  Diliard 
as  guard  at  Amherst  C.  H.  Then  volunteered  under  Capt.  Stuart, 
serving  eleven  days.  Colonels  Taylor  and  Bland  were  in  command 
■at  Albemarle  Barracks. 

Section  No.  107 

FULTON,    ROBERT.— Augusta,    Oct.    28,    1833.      Born    in 
Augusta,  Nov.  18,  1760.     Drafted,  October,  1780,  for  three  months, 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

rendezvous  at  Waynesboro,  and  served  at  Richmond  under  Capt. 
Samuel  McCutcheon,  Lt.  John  McKenn}',  and  Ensign  David  Gibson. 
Capt.  Francis  Long  commanded  until  the  arrival  at  Richmond. 
Drafted  next  February  under  Capt.  James  Tate,  Lt.  James  Mitchell, 
and  Ensign  John  Young,  and  M^as  in  battle  of  Guilford  where 
Capt.  Tate  was  killed  and  declarant  taken  prisoner.  He  was  put 
into  a  prison  ship  in  Cape  Fear  river  and  there  confined  till  the 
middle  of  July.  It  was  about  Aug.  10th  when  he  reached  home, 
being  unable  to  travel  faster  because  of  the  feebleness  produced  by 
his  confinement  and  treatment. 

Section  No.  108 

GILLIAND,  JAMES.— Bath,  April  29,  1845.  Declaration 
by  Sheppard  Gilliand,  aged  59,  son  of  Susannah  Gilliand,  widow 
of  James.  James  came  from  Lancaster  County,  Pa.,  before  the 
Revolution  and  settled  in  Rockingham,  from  which  he  went  out  on 
three  tours  of  duty.  One  under  Capt.  George  Houston,  who  gave 
him  a  discharge,  Nov.  9,  1781.  Was  in  a  campaign  under  Gen. 
Mcintosh,  James  died  in  1810.  Susanna  in  1842,  aged  92. 
Children:  1.  John,  born  Nov.  11,  1768;  2.  William,  Oct.  7,  177-; 
3.  Jane,  Jan.  3,  177-,  married  Jacob  Lemon;  4.  Samuel,  April  28, 
1775;  5.  Henry,  April  6,  1777;  6.  Nancy,  March  20,  1779,  married 
Conrad  Lemon;  7.  Susanna,  May  3,  1781,  married  John  Shanklin; 
8.  James,  Aug.  10,  1783;  9.  Shepherd,  Feb.  13,  1786;  10.  Sarah, 
May  12,  1788,  married  Edward  Wood;  11.  Joseph,  Dec.  23,  1790; 
12.  Elizabeth,  March  6  (?),  1792,  married  John  Cams;  13.  Polly, 
June  20,  1796. 

Section  No.  109 

HICKMAN,  ADAM.— Rockbridge,  Sept.  3,  1832.  Born  in 
Germany,  1762.  Came  to  Rockbridge,  1768.  Drafted  about  Oct. 
1,  1780,  under  Capt.  James  (or  William)  Hall.  Marched  from 
rendezvous  a  mile  below  Lexington  to  Richmond  and  Petersburg. 
The  company  of  Capt.  Gray,  also  of  Rockbridge,  marched  at  same 
time.  Tour  was  three  months.  Again  drafted,  Maj',  1781,  marched 
to  Sandy   Point,   where  he  crossed   the  James,   then   to   Petersburg, 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution  111 

where  his  recollection  is  that  the  Appomattox  was  crossed  on  a 
flatboat,  the  bridge  having  been  burned  by  the  enemy.  After 
much  further  marching  in  this  part  of  the  State  was  discharged  in 
August.  William  Miller,  a  comrade,  certified  that  declarant  was 
in  the  battle  of  Hot  Water;  that  when  the  flat-boat  on  the  Appo- 
mattox was  upset  by  the  horses  in  it,  Hickman  clung  to  a  rope; 
and  that  he  went  by  night  to  Williamsburg  with  a  scouting  party 
to  surprise  the  British  guard. 

Section  No.  110 

HINKLE,  HENRY.— Rockbridge,  Aug.  5,  1833.  Born  in 
Pennsylvania,  1750.  In  1779,  went  out  from  Frederick  for  three 
months  under  Capt.  George  Ball,  served  two  other  tours,  the  last 
extending  till  after  the  surrender  of  Cornwallis.  Col.  Darke  com- 
manded his  regiment.  Guarded  prisoners  to  Winchester,  and  was 
discharged  about  two  weeks  later. 

Section  No.  Ill 

HAMILTON,  ALEXANDER.— Augusta,  Aug.  29,  1833. 
Born  in  Augusta,  Sept.  — ,  1759.  Drafted  for  the  protection  of  the 
frontier.  Marched  under  Capt.  James  Trimble  through  Tygart's 
Valley  to  Fort  Buchanan  on  West  Fork  of  Monongahela.  While 
there  was  in  scouting  parties  but  no  battle.  He  thinks  this  service 
was  in  1779.  The  discharge  was  in  June,  after  at  least  two  months 
service.  Drafted  for  same  purpose  in  spring  of  1780,  marching 
under  Capt.  John  McKittrick  from  Jennings  Gap,  remaining  a 
while  at  Fort  Dinwiddie  and  serving  the  rest  of  the  three  months 
at  Fort  Warwick,  from  which  he  was  sometimes  out  on  scout  duty. 
Third  tour  was  from  Waynesboro  late  in  May,  178L  Marched 
under  Capt.  Patrick  Buchanan  of  Col,  Thomas  Hughart's  regiment 
to  Richmond  and  below.  Was  in  battle  of  Hot  Water,  June  26th, 
where  his  brother,  James,  was  severely  wounded.  Was  then  detailed 
to  attend  his  brother  in  a  hospital  in  New  Kent,  the  wound  being  con- 
sidered  dangerous.      So   remained   till   his   time  was   out,   when   his 

Virginia  Militia  i\-  the  Revolution' 

brother,  John,  took  his  place  as  nurse.  Col.  (or  Maj.?)  Willis  com- 
manding their  troops  at  Hot  Water  under  Col.  Butler,  both  being 
of  the  regular  service. 

Section  No.  112 

HARRISON,  JA:\ I ES.— Rockbridge,  Sept.  3,  1832.  Born  in 
Culpeper,  Sept.  4,  1755.  In  fall  of  1777,  marched  under  Capt. 
John  Paxton  to  Point  Pleasant  by  way  of  Fort  Donally.  Gen. 
Hand  soon  arrived  from  Pittsburgh.  Applicant  witnessed  the  death 
of  Cornstalk,  his  son  EUinipsico,  and  two  other  warriors.  Red 
Hawk  and  Petalla.  Returned  shortly  before  Christmas.  Gen. 
Hand  disbanded  the  troops  because  of  the  lateness  of  the  season  and 
short  supply  of  provisions.  Applicant  was  drafted  from  Amherst  in 
the  Spring  or  summer  of  1779  to  serve  under  Capt.  Shelton  in 
guarding  the  British  prisoners  at  Albemarle  Barracks.  Col.  Taylor, 
of  Orange,  was  in  charge  of  them.  The  next  term,  also  three  months, 
he  served  there  again,  under  Capt.  Ambrose  Rucker  and  Col.  Taylor. 
This  was  the  winter  of  1780-'81.  Next  season,  while  Tarleton  was 
above  Richmond,  he  was  called  out  by  Col.  Hugh  Rose,  of  Amherst, 
to  exchange  British  prisoners  at  Jamestown  and  deliver  deserters 
from  the  American  ranks  (these  being  at  New  London,  Bedford 
County),  to  American  recruiting  officers.  Was  thus  engaged  six 
months,  and  six  months  longer  in  patrolling  his  county  twice  a 
week  to  thwart  any  effort  by  the  tories  to  disaffect  the  negroes. 

Section  No.  113 

HIGHT,  GEORGE.— Rockbridge,  Dec.  3,  1832.  Born  in 
King  and  Queen,  1755.  Removed  while  young  to  Amherst.  In 
January,  1776,  volunteered  in  Botetourt  against  the  Cherokees,  and 
marched  under  Capt.  Gilmore  to  Crowd's  Ferry,  now  Pattonsburg, 
thence  to  Long  Island  on  Holston,  where  he  remained  till  about 
3,000  men  had  assembled  under  Col.  Christian.  They  marched  for 
four  weeks  into  the  Indian  country,  destroyed  five  towns,  and  were 
discharged  at  Long  Island.  Enlisted  in  Rockbridge,  Aug.  14,  1777, 
in  Col.  George  Baylor's  Light  Dragoons  to  serve  during  the  war. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

In  October,  joined  the  regiment  at  Fredericksburg,  remaining  there 
five  or  six  weeks,  then  marching  to  Reading,  Pa.,  where  he  was  inocu- 
lated for  the  smallpox.  In  Februar}^  1778,  the  troop  marched  to 
the  Raritan,  and  next  month  to  Valley  Forge.  Here  the  Fourth 
Troop,  to  which  he  belonged,  commanded  by  Capt.  Cadwallader 
Jones,  was  employed  by  Gen.  Morgan  in  preventing  the  people  of  the 
county  from  furnishing  supplies  to  the  enemy  and  in  watching  the 
movements  of  the  latter.  In  the  action  at  Monmouth,  affiant  was 
under  the  immediate  command  of  Maj.  Clough,  of  Lee's  division. 
The  regiment  then  proceeded  to  Hackensack,  remaining  there  five 
or  six  weeks,  then  moving  up  the  river.  Sept.  23,  it  was  surprised 
by  Gen.  Gray  while  asleep  in  barns.  No  quarter  was  given  except 
to  the  Fourth  Troop,  all  of  whom  were  made  prisoners,  except 
affiant  and  John  Walker,  who  escaped  by  getting  in  among  the 
enemy.  Col.  Baylor  was  wounded  and  Maj.  Clough  was  killed. 
Next  day  affiant  joined  the  remnant  of  the  regiment  and  wintered 
at  Frederick,  Md.  In  the  spring  they  were  joined  by  the  Fourth 
Troop,  now  exchanged,  and  by  some  new  recruits.  Col.  William 
Washington  now  took  command,  and  they  returned  to  New  Jersey, 
again  being  employed  in  watching  the  enemy  and  preventing  trading 
with  him.  Near  the  close  of  1780,  they  marched  south,  arriving 
near  Charleston,  S.  C,  in  March,  1780.  Shortly  after,  learning 
that  Tarleton  was  on  his  way  from  Savannah  to  Charleston,  Wash- 
ington whipped  him,  taking  sixteen  prisoners,  including  a  colonel 
and  a  doctor.  But  later,  Washington  was  surprised  and  defeated 
at  Alonk's  Corner.  The  attack  was  so  sudden  that  although  the 
horses  were  saddled  and  bridled,  there  was  not  time  to  mount. 
Affiant  was  captured  and  after  being  dragged  about  with  the  army 
of  Cornwallis  some  ten  daj's,  was  put  into  a  prison  ship  till  after  the 
surrender  of  Charleston.  He  was  then  placed  in  the  barracks,  there, 
but  this  being  inconvenient  to  the  British,  he  was  again  put  on 
board  a  prison  ship  and  confined  till  about  August,  when  he  was 
exchanged  at  Jamestown,  Va.  At  Malvern  Hills  he  found  Capt. 
Cadwallader  Jones,  and  was  sent  on  to  Maj.  Call  of  Washington's 
regiment,  who  was  recruiting  in  Orange,  Albemarle,  and  Goochland. 
After  the  surrender  of  Cornwallis  he  was  discharged  in  South  Caro- 
lina, in  the  fall  of  1-782.  Bartlett  Fitzgerald,  a  comrade,  certifies 
that   in   Grey's  surprise   Hight  was  cut  down   and   left   as   dead. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Section  No.  114 

HEWITT,  JOHN.— Botetourt,  Sept.  5,  1833.  Born  Nov.  14, 
1763,  in  Botetourt.  Volunteered  in  Continental  Line,  Sept.  8,  1780, 
for  six  months,  but  order  to  march  did  not  come  till  Oct.  27.  Went 
out  under  Capt.  James  Robinson,  Nov.  5,  were  joined  by  Capt. 
Alexander  Handly's  company,  and  marching  under  Maj.  David 
Campbell  joined  Morgan  two  days  after  the  battle  of  the  Cowpens. 
There  took  the  place  of  the  Augusta  and  Rockbridge  militia,  who 
were  about  to  be  discharged.  They  acted  bravely  in  the  battle  and 
guarded  the  prisoners  to  Virginia.  Affiant's  command  was  sent 
down  the  Catawba  to  act  in  concert  with  Gen.  Davidson  at  Mc- 
Cowan's  Ford,  and  by  felling  timber  along  the  bank  to  prevent  the 
enemy  from  crossing.  A  few  hours  after  this  preparation  had  been 
made  a  detachment  of  the  enemy  appeared  on  the  opposite  bank. 
As  we  were  about  to  fire  on  them  they  retired.  Before  daylight  next 
morning  the  British  opened  a  heavy  artillery  fire  on  Gen.  Davidson, 
who  commanded  lower  down  the  river.  After  daylight  they  forced 
the  passage  and  Davidson  was  killed.  Meanwhile  in  a  cold  dark 
dash  with  heavy  rain,  the  affiant's  command  got  into  the  road  on  which 
Gen.  Morgan  was  retreating  and  came  up  with  it  on  the  Yadkin, 
which  was  very  much  swollen  by  the  rains.  It  was  daybreak  before 
the  North  Carolina  militia  got  over,  and  took  position  a  half  mile  up 
the  river  from  the  direct  road  to  Salisbury.  Next  night  they  were 
attacked  by  a  strong  detachment  of  infantry  supported  by  cavalry, 
and  compelled  to  retreat.  The  army  got  over  with  the  exception  of 
a  small  part  of  the  baggage.  The  last  boat  had  put  off  when  the 
British  cavalry  reached  the  river  and  fired  on  it  with  pistols,  but 
without  effect.  In  our  skirmish,  Capt.  Hanley  and  John  Allen 
were  taken  prisoners  and  a  few  men  killed.  The  most  of  those 
who  escaped  had  to  cross  the  river  in  canoes.  When  the  scattered 
troops  assembled  they  marched  to  Guilford  C.  H.,  where  they  were 
permitted  to  rest  a  while,  the  enemy  being  detained  by  the  flood  in 
the  Yadkin.     Then  they  marched  to  Bruce's  crossroad  on  the  way 

where  Col. was  cut  to  pieces  by  the  British  cavalry.     The 

retreat  continued  till  the  Dan  was  crossed.  After  the  Yadkin  was 
crossed  the  army  was  commanded  by  Col.  Williams.  From  the  day 
after  the  battle  of  Cowpens  they  were  employed  night  and  day  in 
throwing  every  possible  difficulty   in   the  enemy's  path.     The  men 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

were  without  tents  and  often  without  provisions.  The  fatigue,  pri- 
vation, and  loss  of  sleep  brought  on  sickness  and  death  in  that  in- 
clement season.  When  the  two  rifle  companies  crossed  the  Dan  the 
111  men  were  reduced  to  17,  and  there  were  no  officers  but  the 
major,  who  gave  the  remnant  a  verbal  discharge,  affiant  being  one 
of  the  17.  He  volunteered  Aug.  6,  1781,  and  marched  to  the  siege 
of  Yorktown  under  Maj.  Patrick  Locke,  and  after  the  surrender 
guarded  prisoners  to  four  miles  beyond  Winchester,  where  he  was 
discharged  the  middle  of  November. 

Section  No.  115 

JONES,  JOHN.— Kanawha,  (W.  Va.),  Jan.  15,  1833.  Born 
Feb.  2,  1756,  In  1773  he  and  two  others  settled  on  Great  Kanawha, 
and  next  spring  driven  back  to  Muddy  Creek  by  Indians.  Built 
fort  there  under  orders  from  Capt.  Mathew  Arbuckle.  Was 
in  the  battle  of  Point  Pleasant.  In  the  middle  of  September, 
1776,  enlisted  as  regular  soldier  under  Capt.  Arbuckle.  First 
Lt.  Andrew  Wallace,  Second  Lt.  William  Wood,  Ensign 
John  Gallagher.  Served  at  Point  Pleasant  to  close  of  1777. 
The  command  was  re-enforced  by  Botetourt  men  under  Capt.  Mc- 
Kee,  Lieutenants  William  and  John  Moore,  and  Ensign  James 
Gilmer.  An  attack  by  the  Indians  was  repulsed  and  the  savages 
then  turned  to  Donally's  Fort  in  Greenbrier.  Two  bold  and  daring 
soldiers,  dressed  in  Indian  costume,  made  their  way  thither  and 
apprised  the  settlers  of  their  danger  in  time  to  save  them  from 
extermination.  Was  employed  as  Indian  scout  in  1778-9  over  a 
distance  of  60  to  70  miles  west  of  the  inhabited  section  of  country. 
William  and  Leonard  Morris  and  John  Patterson  were  scouts  with 
him.    Applicant  mentions  William  Arbuckle,  then  at  Ft.  Mason. 

Section  No.  116 

KELSO,  JAMES.— Rockbridge,  December  31,  1832.  Born 
in  Rockbridge,  1761.  Drafted  into  militia  service  January  10, 
1781,  under  Capt.  James  Buchanan,  of  Col.  John  Bowyer's  regi- 
ment.    ^Marched  to  Fredericksburg,   Cabin  Point,   Smithfield,   Ports- 

ViRGixiA  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

mouth,  and  Williamsburg.  Was  in  skirmishes  near  Portsmouth 
with  British  scouting  parties.  Volunteered  when  Tarleton  made 
his  raid  on  Charlottesville,  marching  to  that  place  from  Waynesboro, 
and  serving  one  month.  Drafted,  September,  1781,  under  Capt. 
Charles  Campbell,  and  was  at  Siege  of  Yorktown,  after  which 
was  detailed  to  guard  the  prisoners  to  Winchester. 

Section  No.  117 

KENNERLY,  WILLIAM.— Augusta,  July  22,  1833.  Born 
in  Culpeper,  Feb.  4,  1752.  Volunteered  in  Augusta,  June,  1774, 
to  serve  against  the  Indians.  Went  out  under  Capt.  George  Mathews, 
W^illiam  Robertson,  being  First  Lieutenant  and  George  Gibson, 
Second.  Marched  to  Warwick's  fort,  where  they  joined  Capt. 
George  Moffett,  whose  men  were  building  the  fort.  Declarant  was 
left  here  in  command  of  sixteen  men,  the  rest  of  the  company  march- 
ing on  to  Point  Pleasant,  and  returning  after  the  battle.  Discharged 
about  Nov.  1st,  after  serving  about  four  and  one-half  months. 
About  June  1,  1778,  was  drafted  into  the  Augusta  militia.  Owing 
to  the  domestic  situation  in  his  own  and  his  father's  family,  his 
brother  being  also  in  service,  declarant  was  asked  by  Col.  Sampson 
Mathews  to  take  charge  of  a  brigade  of  pack  horses  to  convey  pro- 
visions to  Fort  Mcintosh.  He  continued  in  this  service  till  about 
the  middle  of  November.  In  June,  1781,  volunteered  with  108 
others  as  mounted  infantry  to  go  to  lower  Virginia.  William  Bow- 
yer  was  captain  and  Samuel  Bell  and  Charles  Cameron  were  lieu- 
tenants. They  joined  Gen.  Campbell  at  Richmond,  and  had  a 
skirmish  at  New  Kent  C.  H.,  and  later  at  Hot  Water.  The  troops 
marched  and  countermarched  in  the  vicinity  of  Williamsburg. 
At  the  Siege  of  Yorktown,  declarant  was  furloughed  because  of 
fever  brought  on  by  fatigue  and  exposure.  Discharged  late  in 
October.     Gen.  Campbell  served  under  Gen.  Wayne. 

Section  No.  118 
LEMON,   JACOB.— Botetourt,   June    7.    1832.      Born    about 
1762.     Enlisted  in  October,  1780,  under  Capt.  John  Tate,  and  join- 
ed the  Southern  army  in  South  Carolina,  serving  in  Col.  Howard's 

Virginia  Militia   in   the   Revolution 

Maryland  regiment.  Was  slightly  wounded  at  Cowpens  and  dis- 
charged late  in  Februar}-,  1781,  at  Salisbury,  N.  C.  Next  May  was 
drafted,  and  went  out  under  Capt.  John  Dickey,  marching  to  Wil- 
liamsburg. Was  in  the  action  at  Jamestown.  Discharged  at  Camp 
Holly  (Bottom's  Bridge),  sixteen  miles  below  Richmond.  Acted 
as  sergeant  in  both  tours.  Drafted  in  1782  under  Col.  John  Moffett 
to  guard  the  frontier  at  Tygart's  Valley.  IVIarched  under  Capt. 
John  McKittrick  and  served  full  tour  of  duty. 

Section  No.  119 

LEWIS,  THOMAS.— Rockingham,  Aug.  20,  1832.  Born  Jan. 
26,  1760.  Served  in  different  tours  under  Captains  Nail,  Rush, 
and  Houston,  the  last  one  a  service  of  twenty  days  against  the  tories 
on  the  South  Branch  in  1781,  doing  at  least  ten  days'  guard  duty 
■on  prisoners  taken  at  Woodstock,  from  King's  IVIountain.  Some  of 
them  were  sick  and  one  died  on  the  road.  Served  under  Capt. 
Houston  at  Yorktown  in  1781,  twenty  days  as  lieutenant  and  adju- 
tant. Drafted  in  1781,  for  eighteen  months  in  regular  service  Substi- 
tute hired  without  his  knowledge.  The  tour  under  Nail,  October, 
1776,  was  against  the  Indians,  who  had  done  mischief  that  spring  and 
summer,  and  was  stationed  at  Westfall's  fort  and  in  Tygart's  Val- 
ley. Second  tour,  under  Rush,  of  Col.  Sampson  Mathew's  com- 
mand. Tour  under  Capt.  George  Houston  was  against  Claypole's 
headquarters  at  Cape  Capon.  The  establishment  was  entirely  broken 
up.     Was  in  battle  of  Hot  Water. 

Section  No.  120 

MOORE,  WILLIAM.— Rockbridge,  Aug.  7,  1832.  Served 
three  months  and  fifteen  days,  including  going  and  returning,  under 
Capt.  Samuel  Wallace,  of  Rockbridge,  and  Lt.  Edmundson,  being 
discharged  about  April  15,  1781,  at  Portsmouth.  The  company 
was  in  Col.  John  Bowyer's  regiment  of  Gen.  Muhlenberg's  brigade. 
As  captain  of  a  volunteer  company  he  later  marched  to  Richmond 
soon  after  Tarleton's  incursion  to  Charleston  (?).  Was  gone  about 
three  weeks.     Marched  again  about  the  middle  of  September,   1781, 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

to  Yorktown  as  captain  of  militia,  being  under  Col.  Samuel  Lewis 
and  Majors  Long  and  Mcllhany.  From  Yorktown,  marched  with 
the  prisoners  to  Winchester,  and  was  discharged  there  in  December, 
returning  to  Rockbridge  with  not  over  twenty  of  the  men  he  had 
taken  out.     Served  also  three  other  short  tours. 

Section  No.  121 

MILLER,  WILLIA^L— Rockbridge,  Sept.  3,  1832.  Born  in 
Pennsylvania,  March  1,  1757.  Drafted  in  Rockbridge.  Marched 
October  9,  1780,  under  Capt.  James  Gilmore,  Lt.  John  Carrothers, 
and  Ensign  John  McCorkle.  The  last  named  was  wounded  in  the 
wrist  at  Cowpens  and  died  of  lockjaw.  At  Hillsboro,  N.  C,  the 
command  joined  Gen.  Greene,  was  reviewed,  and  drew  muskets. 
It  then  received  orders  to  join  Gen.  Smallwood,  then  between 
Charlotte  and  Camden.  At  Salisbury,  w^hile  on  the  march,  appli- 
cant was  taken  from  his  company  and  ordered  to  the  Catawba  to 
guard  Garrison's  Ferry,  being  thus  engaged  for  four  weeks.  When 
applicant  was  on  his  way  to  Smallwood,  he  heard  that  Morgan  had 
gone  to  Charlotte  and  had  sent  the  sick  and  disabled  to  the  hospital. 
Capt.  Gilmer  advised  applicant  to  go  to  hospital,  but  he  preferred 
going  on  next  day  with  the  army.  Was  prevailed  on  to  remain  a 
short  while  with  William  Gilmer,  a  relative  to  the  Captain  and 
sick,  and  then  to  meet  the  army  as  soon  as  possible.  But  applicant 
was  delayed  and  when  he  met  his  company  it  was  returning  from 
the  Cowpens  with  prisoners.  Served  about  seven  months.  Holds  a 
certificate  from  Auditor  of  Public  Accounts,  showing  he  is  entitled 
for  his  militia  service  to  four  pounds,  eight  shillings  ($14.67). 
Came  to  Rockbridge  about  1770. 

Section  No.  122 

MASON,  JOHN.— Rockbridge,  Sept.  3,  1832.  Born  in  Penn- 
sylvania, 1740.  Drafted  fall  of  1777,  in  Berkeley  and  marched  un- 
der Capt.  Evans,  of  Col.  Campbell's  regiment.  Was  in  battle  of 
Brandywine.  Returned  home  next  spring,  being  in  service  about 
six  months,  although  the  draft  was  for  three.  Later,  marched  from 
Augusta  under  Capt.  Tate  and  was  in  battle  of  Guilford. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution  119 

Section  No.  123 

McCLAIN,  JOHN.— Rockbridge;  Aug.  7,  1832.  Served  one  tour 
of  three  months  in  Greenbrier  under  Capt.  David  Gray,  of  Rock- 
bridge, in  1778.  In  1781  served  a  tour  of  three  months  under 
Capt.  Andrew  Moore,  Lt.  John  McClung,  and  Ensign  James  Mc- 
Dowell. Rendezvoused  Jan.  10th  at  Red  House,  and  served  at 
Portsmouth  and  at  Great  Bridge  near  Norfolk  under  Col.  Parker. 
Discharged  April  11th.  It  took  about  fifteen  days  to  get  home. 
The  certificate  for  said  services  was  taken  by  the  sheriff  for  tax. 
Born  in  north  of  Ireland,   1756. 

Section  No.  124 

McCUTCHEON,  WILLIAM.— Augusta,  June  20,  1833. 
Born  Nov.  27,  1758.  Went  into  service  in  1778,  every  tenth  man 
among  the  militia  who  had  not  families  being  required  to  enter 
the  regular  service  for  one  year.  Took  the  oath  June  3,  and  was 
ordered  by  Col.  Sampson  Mathews  to  drive  a  wagon  from  Staunton 
to  Valley  Forge.  The  wagon  brigade  to  which  he  was  attached 
was  under  Wagonmaster  David  Steele.  They  crossed  the  Blue 
Ridge  by  Rockfish  Gap  and  took  up  a  supply  of  bacon  at  Orange 
and  Culpeper.  Washington's  army  was  met  betw^een  Morristown, 
N.  J.,  and  the  Hudson  at  King's  Ferry.  Soon  after  the  battle  of 
Monmouth  they  proceeded  to  White  Plains.  Declarant  then  pre- 
sented to  Gen.  Greene  a  certificate  from  Col.  Mathews,  and  asked 
to  be  returned  to  the  ranks,  his  duties  as  wagoner  being  very 
tiresome.  The  request  w^as  refused.  Discharged  at  Raritan  River, 
June  1,  1779.  Col.  Thompson  was  wagonmaster  general.  Drafted, 
1780,  under  Capt.  Samuel  McCutcheon,"  and  Lt.  John  McCamie. 
Marched  from  Widow  Tee's  (Waynesboro),  Sept.  1st,  with  the  com- 
panies of  Captains  Smith,  Long,  Dickey  and  Given,  and  served  three 
months  at  Richmond  as  guard,  and  were  in  no  engagement.  Long,  the 
senior  captain,  acted  as  major.  Declarant  was  Sergeant.  Drafted 
in  June,  1781,  again  under  McCutchen,  George  Craig  being  lieu- 
tenant. The  colonel  was  William  Bowyer,  the  adjutant,  Thomas 
Bell.     Declarant  served  twenty  days  as  Orderly  Sergeant. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Section  No.  125 

McKEE,  JAMES.— Rockbridge,  Jan.  5,  1835.  Born  in  Penn- 
sylvania, March  14,  1752,  died  in  Rockbridge,  Aug.  14,  1832. 
Drafted  from  Rockbridge  in  Summer  of  1776,  for  a  tour  of  three 
months  against  the  Cherokees,  serving  under  Col.  William  Christian. 
Served  a  tour  of  three  months  in  Greenbrier  when  the  Shawnees 
attacked  Donally's  Fort.  Third  tour  in  fall  of  1777,  at  Point 
Pleasant  under  Col.  John  Dickenson,  Capt.  Charles  Campbell, 
and  Lt.  Samuel  Davidson.  Fourth  tour  as  Ensign,  Jan.  10,  1781, 
to  April  25,  1781,  and  marched  to  Portsmouth.  Was  out  two 
weeks  the  following  June  for  two  weeks  when  Tarleton  plundered 
Charlottesville.  Drafted  three  months  in  July  and  marched  to  head- 
quarters at  Westham  near  Richmond.  Last  draft  of  two  months 
in  October  to  march  to  Yorktown.  Total  service,  seventeen  months, 
twenty-nine  days.  Declaration  by  Nancy  McKee,  widow.  Left 
a  son,  John  T. 

Section  No.  126 

MILAM,  RUSH.— Kanawha,  (W.  Va.),  Aug.  21,  1832.  Born 
Oct.  — ,  1759.  Entered  Bedford  County  militia,  1780,  under  Capt. 
Alexander  Cummins,  Col.  ]\Ieriweather's  regiment,  Gen.  Lawson's 

Section  No.  127 

O'ROARKE,  DAVID,— Shenandoah,  Oct.  — ,  1832.  Born 
March  1,  1754.  Volunteered  three  months  in  1777,  under  Capt. 
John  Hopkins,  and  Lt.  Richard  Regan,  and  served  at  Point  Pleasant, 
when  Colonels  Dickenson  and  Skillern  were  there.  Was  not  engaged 
with  Indians.  Went  out  again,  May,  1778,  in  place  of  his  brother, 
Philemon,  who  was  drafted  and  had  a  family.  Marched  to  Tygart's 
Valley  under  Capt.  Robert  Craven,  Lt.  Josiah  Harrison,  and  Ensign 
Joseph  Dictum.     Served  three  months. 

Virginia  Militia   in  the   Revolution 

Section  No.  128 

PERSINGER,    JACOB.— Alleghany,   April    15,    1833.      Born, 
1749.     Enlisted,  1774  (  ?),  serving  as  corporal  under  Capt.  Matthew 

Arbuckle,  First  Lt.  Andrew  Wallace,  Second  Lt.  Wood,  John 

Galloway,  Third  Lt.,  Ensign  Samuel  Walker,  Maj.  Nevis  com- 
manding the  regiment.  Left  the  service,  October,  1778.  Marched 
from  Muddy  Creek,  Greenbrier,  to  Pittsburgh,  and  thence  to  Point 
Pleasant,  where  he  was  discharged.  Was  in  no  action.  The  as- 
sault on  the  fort  at  Point  Pleasant  took  place  during  his  absence. 

Section  No.  129 

POWERS,  WILLIAM.— Shenandoah  (?),  Oct.  1,  1833. 
Born  in  Frederick,  1765.  Went  out  in  1781  with  Capt.  Joseph 
Gregory's  company  of  Indian  scouts.  Stationed  at  Power's  fort  on 
Simpson  Creek  while  spying  the  country.  Went  thence  to  Ohio 
river.  Service,  nine  months.  Volunteered  as  Indian  scout,  March, 
1782,  again  serving  under  Gregory  nine  months.  Went  out  again 
next  march  as  spy.  Was  at  mouth  of  Bingaman  creek  and  where 
there  had  been  an  old  Indian  town.  Discharged  in  December. 
During  first  tour  Indians  came  into  the  neighborhood  and  killed 
John  Tommis  and  six  of  his  children  and  took  one  prisoner.  Another 
time  they  killed  John  Owens.  In  second  tour  they  killed  James 
Owens  and  took  Gilbert  prisoner. 

Section  No.  130 

ROBERTSON,  JAMES.— Augusta,  Aug.  28,  1833.  Born  in 
Augusta  Nov.  16,  1751.  Went  out  on  a  draft  about  Sept.  1,  1777, 
under  Capt.  George  Moffett,  marching  to  Point  Pleasant  and  there  re- 
maining until  discharged.  The  field  officers  were  Gen.  Hand,  Col. 
Smithers,  of  Augusta,  and  Maj.  Samuel  McDowell,  of  Rockbridge. 
Was  in  no  battle,  but  saw  Cornstalk  killed.  Marched  also  to  Rich- 
mond under  Capt.  Thomas  Smith,  but  does  not  remember  the  year. 
Last  tour,  summer  of  1781,  immediately  after  Tarleton's  raid  to 
Charlottesville  in  an  attempt  to  capture  the  legislature.     Marched 

122  Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

under  Capt.  John  Given  to  near  Jamestown,  where  he  was  in  a 
skirmish.  Capt.  Given  then  w^ent  home  and  Capt.  Charles  -Cameron 
was  put  in  command.  Discharged  at  Bottom's  Bridge  after  a  tour 
of  three  months,  which  was  the  common  term  of  service. 

Section  No.  131 

SHEPHERDSON,  DAVID.— Rockbridge,  Dec.  3,  1832.  Born 
in  Louisa,  Aug.  3,  1763.  Drafted  in  fall  of  1779  for  six  months 
under  Capt.  John  Bias,  of  Louisa.  About  June  19,  1780,  having 
been  transferred  to  Second  Virginia  Regiment,  marched  to  Hills- 
borough, N.  C,  where  he  joined  the  Southern  army  under  Col, 
Spencer  and  Gen.  Stevens.  His  lieutenant  was  Thomas  Shelton, 
his  ensign,  Anthonj'  Winston.  At  Deep  River  himself  and  comrades 
nearly  perished,  having  nothing  but  green  crabapples  to  eat.  200  men 
were  sent  out  to  thrash  some  grain.  Was  in  battle  between  Gates  and 
Cornwallis,  Aug.  16th.  Affiant  and  his  company  retreated  to  Hills- 
borough and  made  rendezvous.  Provisions  soon  became  so  scarce 
there  that  the  captain  advised  the  men  to  go  home  and  get  provisions 
and  clothing,  their  clothing  having  been  lost  in  the  battle  near  Cam- 
den. So  they  went  home,  got  suplies,  and  returned,  but  were  advised 
to  go  home  again,  which  they  did  and  were  honorably  acquitted  by 
a  court  martial.  Was  in  active  service  three  months.  Drafted  three 
months  next  spring  under  Capt.  Harris.  Marched  to  Williamsburg 
and  back  to  Richmond,  where  he  saw  the  British  burning  tobacco, 
etc.,  in  Manchester.  This  expedition  was  called  the  "Wild  Goose 
Chase."  The  company  was  relieved  by  another  from  Louisa.  Later, 
was  drafted  three  months  under  Capt.  James  Watson,  who  was 
succeeded  by  Capt.  Samuel  Pettis.  Was  attached  to  Gen.  Weedon's 
brigade  and  stationed  at  Glouceester  during  the  siege  of  Yorktown. 
Moved  to  Rockbridge,  1815. 

Section  No.  132 

SIZER,  JOHN.— Botetourt,  Jan.  19,  1833.  Born  in  Baltimore 
County,  Md.,  1759.  Moved  to  Prince  William,  1770,  Rockingham, 
1777.    Volunteered,   1777,  under  Capt.    (afterwards  major)    Ewell. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution  123 

Volunteered  for  18  months  under  Capt.  Daniel  Smith,  marched  to 
Fredericksburg,  where  he  was  under  command  of  Capt.  Adam  Wal- 
lace. Enlisted  for  three  years  under  Capt.  Beverly  and  Col.  Heath, 
and  marched  to  Charleston,  S.  C,  where  he  was  transferred  to  Capt. 
Parker's  Company,  captured  at  the  surrender  of  that  city,  and  held 
as  prisoner  eighteen  months.  He  was  exchanged  at  Jamestown, 
Va.,  and  at  Richmond  provided  with  money  to  get  home.  Col. 
Heath,  Lt.  Col.  Wallace,  and  Maj.  Stevenson  were  exchanged  at 
same  time.  Col.  Parker,  who  commanded  a  half-moon  battery  at 
Stono,  was  killed  at  the  taking  of  Charleston  within  twenty  steps 
of  deponent.  Volunteered  in  1781  to  drive  a  wagon  loaded  with 
flour  from  Rockingham  to  Yorktown,  where  he  was  detained  during 
the  siege  to  haul  ammunition.  After  the  surrender  gave  up  the 
team  he  had  impressed  and  went  home.     In  service  three  years. 

Section  No.  133 

TATE,  JOHN.— Botetourt,  Sept.  7,  1832.  Born  in  Augusta, 
Aug.  6,  1761.  In  1777,  volunteered  under  Captains  Patrick  Buc- 
hanan and  Thomas  Smith,  against  a  body  of  tories,  who  had  assembled 
near  Peaked  Mountain.  The  leaders  were  put  in  jail  and  the  fol- 
lowers dispersed.  In  May,  1778,  information  came  of  the  Indian 
raid  upon  Donally's  Fort,  and  the  companies  of  Captains  James  Tate, 
P.  Buchanan,  and  Francis  Long  were  ordered  to  the  rescue.  Decla- 
rant marched  under  Tate.  The  companies  remained  at  Fort  Savannah 
(Lewisburg)  about  one  month  and  were  then  discharged.  Lord 
Cornwallis  having  tried  hard  to  retake  the  prisoners  captured  at 
Cowpens,  a  requisition  was  made  in  January,  1781,  on  Botetourt, 
and  Captains  Mays,  John  Cartmill,  Matthew  Wilson,  Holston,  and 
Bollar  were  ordered  into  service.  There  was  a  heavy  draft  and  ap- 
plicant volunteered  under  Mays.  Each  man  was  ordered  to  provide 
himself  with  a  horse  and  six  days'  provisions.  The  detachment 
marched  under  Maj.  Thomas  Rowland.  After  the  Dan  was  crossed, 
the  horses  were  sent  back  and  the  detachment  soon  joined  the  army 
under  Gen.  Greene,  on  the  Haw.  In  a  skirmish  several  of  Mays' 
company  were  killed,  applicant's  detachment  and  the  cavalry  under 
Col.  Lee  being  sent  to  bring  on  an  action.     A  few  days  later  Gen. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Campbell  with  the  militia  from  Washington  County  came  in.  Next 
morning  there  was  a  battle  on  Reedy  Fork,  when  Capt.  Mays  and 
all  his  men  except  applicant  and  thirteen  others  left  the  battlefield 
and  went  home.  A  day  later,  Captains  Tate  and  Smith,  from  Au- 
gusta, joined  the  army  at  Speedwell  Iron  Works.  They  wanted  ap- 
plicant to  join  them,  but  he  declined  and  went  home  after  three 
months'  service.  About  Aug.  1st,  he  volunteered  under  Capt.  David 
Maj's  and  marched  from  Boyd's  Ferry  near  Pattonsburg  and  march- 
ed to  Yorktown,  being  present  during  the  whole  siege.  He  was  then 
sent  with  prisoners  to  Winchester,  w^here  he  was  discharged  after 
three  months'  service.  Discharge  was  signed  by  Lt.  Wallace  Estill. 
Henry  Cartmill  and  John  Hewitt  were  comrades  at  Yorktown. 

Section  No.  134 

VINES,  THOMAS.— Rockbridge,  Nov.  6,  1832.  Born  in  Am- 
herst, 1756.  Drafted  to  Albemarle  Bararcks  to  guard  Burgoyne's 
men.  Marched  under  Capt.  Loving  and  served  four  months.  Colonels 
Burnley  and  Taylor  commanded  at  the  barracks  at  different  times. 
Second  tour  under  Capt.  Josiah  Martin  to  guard  the  prisoners  taken 
in  Carolina  at  Winchester,  etc.  Went  out  three  months  as  substitute 
for  John  Campbell,  of  Augusta,  marching  under  Capt.  Given  and  Lt. 
William  Robinson,  Col.  Robertson  commanding  the  regiment.  This 
was  when  Tarleton  plundered  Charlottesville.  Joined  Lafayette's 
army.  Was  in  the  battles  of  Hot  Water  and  Jamestown.  Was  dis- 
missed at  the  latter  place,  and  when  he  reached  home  found  orders 
to  march  again.  Went  back  in  July,  under  Capt.  Christian,  Lt. 
William  Barnett,  Ensign  James  Bell.  Was  at  the  Siege  of  York- 
town.  Prior  to  this  he  volunteered  under  Capt.  John  Morrison,  of 
Amherst,  Lt.  Thomas  Yores,  Ensign  James  Bell.  The  company  was 
to  go  south,  Capt.  Morrison  having  served  there.  But  as  Arnold 
had  come  to  Richmond,  the  command  marched  there  remaining  seven 
weeks.  The  enemy  had  gone  after  plundering,  burning  the  rope 
walks,  etc.     Discharged  at  Petersburg  after  three  months'  service. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Section  No.  135 

VINEYARD,  GEORGE.— Rockbridge, ,    18—.    Adam 

Hickman  certifies  that  he  was  reared  in  the  same  neighborhood  with 
Vineyard  and  served  with  him  in  1780,  and  knew  him  to  be  in  a 
militia  company  at  Richmond,  1781. 

Section  No.  136 

V\^ILSON,  WILLIAM.— Augusta,  Sept.  25,  1832.  Born  in 
Augusta,  Nov.  7,  1745.  Volunteered  late  in  August,  1774,  under 
Capt.  Alexander  McClenahan,  Lt.  William  McCutchen,  and  Ensign 
Joseph  Long,  and  marched  to  Point  Pleasant  together  with  the  com- 
panies of  Captains  John  Morrison,  Samuel  Wilson,  George  Mathews, 
and  John  Lewis.  Captains  McClenahan,  Morrison,  and  Wilson  were 
killed,  the  total  loss  being  about  160.  The  army  then  advanced  about 
eighty  miles  toward  the  Indian  towns,  returning  to  Point  Pleasant, 
and  waited  there  a  week  for  provisions  before  resuming  the  return. 
In  second  tour  volunteered  in  July,  1776,  under  Capt.  John  Lyle, 
Lt.  William  McCutcheon,  and  Ensign  Joseph  Long.  From  the 
rendezvous  at  Lexington  the  troops  marched  under  Col.  William 
Christian  to  the  Holston  river  to  protect  the  frontier  against  the 
Indians.  There  were  only  some  light  skirmishes.  Disbanded  in 
December.  Drafted  in  1781,  serving  under  Capt.  Thomas  Rankin, 
Lt.  Alexander  Scott,  and  Ensign  William  Buchanan,  his  colonels 
being  Sampson  Mathews  and  William  Bowyer.  Rendezvous  at 
Waynesboro,  Jan.  11th,  marching  to  Richmond,  then  Fredericksburg, 
then  Portsmouth,  where  they  joined  Gen.  Steuben's  army.  Was  in 
two  slight  skirmishes.  Disbanded  at  Portsmouth.  Next  volunteered 
in  cavalry  company  under  Capt.  Zachariah  Johnson,  Lt.  Charles 
Rankin,  and  Ensign  Richard  Madison.  Marched  about  June  1st 
for  Richmond,  the  British  then  retiring  toward  Williamsburg  and 
the  Americans  pursuing.  After  the  battle  of  Jamestown  the  troop 
returned,  in  August.  His  colonel  was  William  Christian.  Total 
service,  about  fifteen  months. 

126  ViRGiKiA  Militia  ix  the  Revolution 

Section  No.  137 

WILEY,  ANDREW.— Rockbridge. ,    1832.     Born  in 

Rockbridge,  July  — ,  1756.  Drafted  by  Thomas  Vance  in  1777 
to  drive  cattle  to  Point  Pleasant.  Went  as  far  as  mouth  of  Elk, 
where  the  company  met  a  detachment  from  the  fort  to  receive  the 
cattle.  Discharged  after  forty-two  days.  About  March  1,  1778, 
entered  the  Continental  service  in  the  Virginia  Line.  Marched 
under  Capt.  Robert  Sawyers  to  White  Plains,  N.  Y.,  where  the 
command  joined  Gen.  ^Morgan,  and  applicant  remained  with  him 
during  the  remainder  of  his  term  of  twelve  months,  being  discharged 
at  Noland  Ferry  on  the  Potomac  about  May  10,  1779.  Capt. 
Sawyer  soon  returned  home  and  Capt,  Andrew  Wallace  was  killed 
in  battle  at  Hanging  Rock  in  the  Carolinas.  For  this  service  he 
received  about  $6.00.  In  1780-'81,  he  served  as  substitute  under 
Capt.  James  Hall,  and  marched  with  two  other  companies  under 
Captains  Campbell  and  David  Gray,  and  at  Deep  Run  Church 
near  Richmond  joined  Gen.  Muhlenberg.  Thence  they  marched 
down  the  north  side  of  James  above  a  battery  near  a  British  en- 
campment opposite  Norfolk,  thence  by  Portsmouth,  to  Richmond, 
where  he  was  discharged.  Was  in  no  skirmish.  Again  drafted  three 
months  about  April  1,  1781,  under  Capt.  Hoyd  (Lloyd?),  then  of 
Botetourt,  and  joined  Greene's  army  at  Guilford.  Was  in  the  battle 
there,  the  Carolina  militia  forming  the  first  line,  the  Virginia 
militia  the  second,  and  the  Continentals  the  third.  The  Carolina 
men  broke  and  ran  at  the  outset.  The  riflemen  to  which  applicant 
belonged  were  on  the  left,  and  when  the  Carolina  men  retreated, 
the  British  forces  came  down  upon  a  ridge  between  the  riflemen  of 
the  left  wing  and  the  command  of  Col.  Campbell,  who  as  applicant 
believes  brought  on  the  action.  The  enemy  were  swept  off  by  the 
Virginia  riflemen,  but  formed  again  and  again,  until  finally  they 
came  down  upon  the  ridge  in  columns,  twelve  and  sixteen  men 
deep,  and  were  compelled  (which  party?)  to  ground  their  arms. 
Gen.  Stevens  was  wounded  and  Capt.  Tilford  killed. 

John  Wiley  certified  that  Andrew  Wiley  marched  against  the 
Whiskey  boys  (1794). 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution  127 

Section  No.  138 

WYSONG,  FIATT.— Botetourt,  Sept.  6,  1832.  Born  in  York 
Co.,  Pa.  Removed  to  Shepherdstown,  (W.  Va.)  Drafted  into  militia 
service  under  Col.  Morrison,  remaining  about  five  months.  Com- 
pany officers,  Capt.  Josiah  Swearingen,  Lt.  Isaac  Johns.  Marched 
to  Ft.  Mcintosh,  thence  under  Gen.  Mcintosh  to  the  Muskingum, 
where  a  fort  was  built.  Discharged  at  Ft.  Mcintosh.  While  there 
saw  Col.  Richard  Campbell,  who  was  killed  at  Eutaw.  In  July,  1781, 
drafted  and  marched  under  Capt.  Joseph  Looney,  Lt.  Tosh,  and 
Ensign  William  McClenahan  to  Battalion  (Bottom's)  Bridge  below 
Richmond,  and  then  to  Yorktown,  being  present  at  the  siege.  Dis- 
charged in  October. 

Note: — There   was    a    Capt.   Looney    in   Botetourt   and   this   was 

probably    a    company   from    that    County. 

Section  No.  139 

WILTSHIRE,  JOHN.— Prince  Edward,  Jan.  21,  1833.  Born 
in  Lancaster  County,  Pa.,  Aug.  — ,  1760.  Came  to  Augusta  in 
childhood.  Entered  militia  service  in  September,  1775  (1777?), 
under  Capt.  William  All  and  Lt.  Jacob  Pence,  who  raised  a  company 
to  repel  the  Indians.  The  command  marched  by  South  Branch  of 
Potomac  to  Hackett's  Creek,  which  it  garrisoned  three  months. 
Early  in  May,  1778,  he  went 'out  under  Capt.  William  (Robert?) 
Craven  to  succor  Tygart's  Valley,  where  several  murders  had  taken 
place  the  preceding  fall.  The  company  marched  across  the  Calf- 
pasture  and  Bullpasture  to  the  head  of  the  Greenbrier,  thence  to 
the  head  of  Tygart's  Valley.  Next  September  he  went  under  Capt. 
Robert  Cravens,  of  Col.  Benjamin  Harrison's  regiment,  to 
Ft.  Mcintosh.  Just  two  years  later,  served  again  under  Craven  in 
Morgan's  army  in  the  South.  In  March,  1783,  moved  to  Point 
Pleasant.  Served  as  scout  from  1782  to  1793  under  Capt.  William 
Clendennin  and  Col.  George  Clendennin.     David  Roberts  was  also 

a  scout  in   1789.     In  August,    1790,  fort  was  captured  by 


128  Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Section  No.  140 

ANSON,  CHRISTOPHER.— Rockingham,  Sept.  17,  1832. 
Born  in  Culpeper,  1759.  Served  first  in  1778,  under  Capt.  Robert 
Cravens  at  Koontz'  Fort,  Tygart's  Valley.  Next  year  served  under 
Cravens  as  substitute  for  Peter  Conrad.  Served  four  years  in  all. 
In  the  south  was  under  Col.  Stubblefield,  of  Greene's  army.  At 
the  Yorktown  siege  was  orderly  sergeant  under  Capt.  ^lichael 

Section  No.  141 

ALLEE,  DAVID.— Cooper  County,  IVIo.,  :May  6,  1833.  Born 
in  Pittsylvania,  Va.,  April  25,  1762.  Served  in  Henry,  Spring  of 
1777  (1778?),  under  Capt.  Peter  Herston,  Lt.  William  Ferguson. 
Joined  seven  other  companies  under  Colonels  Shelby  and  Christie, 
and  on  the  French  Broad  the  companies  divided  and  went  in  differ- 
ent directions  in  pursuit  of  the  Cherokees.  They  marched  to  the 
towns  of  Choto,  Chilhowie,  and  Tuckaluckee.  On  the  return  they 
remained  at  Long  Island  on  the  Holston  until  Christie's  treaty 
with  the  Cherokees  was  concluded.  This  service  was  six  months. 
July,  1778,  went  out  from  Botetourt  under  Capt.  Thomas  Cum- 
mings,  and  Col.  Charles  Lynch.  Had  a  fight  with  tories  at  the 
head  of  Little  River  in  Botetourt,  where  they  took  Job  Hale  and  Wil- 
liam Terry,  two  tory  captains.  At  Sinking  Creek,  in  Montgomery, 
they  disarmed  a  good  many  tories,  and  at  Tom's  Creek  in  Wythe, 
they  disarmed  others.  Here  they  were  discharged.  Then  volun- 
teered under  Capt.  Joshua  Martin,  of  Col.  Abraham  Penn's  regi- 
ment, marched  to  the  Dan  River,  and  as  the  British  were  not  in 
Virginia  as  reported,  they  were  discharged,  just  after  the  battle  of 
Guilford.  Volunteered  six  months  in  the  rangers  under  Capt. 
Arbuckle,  who  scouted  the  country  from  Daniel  Rand's  bottom  on 
New  River  to  Point  Pleasant.  Served  another  six  months  under 
Capt.  Arbuckle  and  Col.  Floyd,  being  stationed  at  Point  Pleasant 
to  watch  the  frontiers. 

Virginia  Militia   in-  the   Revolution 

Section  No.  142 

ANDERSOxN,  JACOB.— Montgomery,  Sept.  3,  1832.  Born 
July  3,  1758.  Volunteered  in  Frederick  under  Capt.  Charles 
Thurston  and  marched  into  New  Jersey  to  join  Lord  Sterling.  Was 
in  skirmishes  at  Piscataway  and  Quibbletown,  and  discharged  in 
April.  1777.  Then  drafted  for  three  months  under  Capt.  Helms, 
of  Gen.  Potter's  brigade.  Discharged  at  Chestnut  Ridge  near 
Philadelphia.  In  fall  of  1778  enlisted  under  Capt.  Gilkeson  for 
one  year  to  guard  the  prisoners  at  Frederick,  Col.  Smith  being  in 
command  there.  Joined  a  troop  of  horse  in  Baltimore,  and  march- 
ed to  Philadelphia,  where  he  was  discharged.  Drafted  for  eighteen 
months  in  1781,  and  hired  a  substitute,  but  declarant  had  to  give 
his  obligation  to  Col.  Darke  to  fill  the  place  if  it  came  to  his 
term,  but  he  did  not  go  into  service  again. 

Section  No.  143 

BOLLING,  ROBERT.— From  letter  by  same  in  1835.  Born 
1762.  Volunteered  in  spring  of  1778,  in  Hanover,  in  a  troop  of 
100  cavalry  under  Capt.  Thomas  Nelson,  of  Yorktown,  First  Lt. 
George  Nicholas,  of  Albemarle,  Second  Lt.  Hugh  Nelson,  brother 
to  Thomas.  Troop  raised  for  twelve  months  in  pursuance  of  act 
of  Congress.  After  being  well  disciplined,  proceeded  to  Philadelphia, 
where  command  was  told  its  services  were  not  then  necessary  and 
was  discharged  Aug.  8th,  with  thanks  of  Congress  in  printed  resolu- 
tions. Himself,  early  in  1780,  as  captain,  raised  a  troop  south  of 
the  James,  Col.  Bannister,  of  Dinwiddle,  commanding  the  militia. 
Marched  the  troop  into  actual  service  under  Col.  Parker,  of  Gen. 
Muhlenberg's  brigade,  and  held  possession  some  time  of  Norfolk 
and  Portsmouth.  Early  next  spring  resumed  duty,  new  recruits 
having  joined  the  troop,  and  remained  in  service  till  after  the  sur- 
render of  Cornwallis.  In  ]\Iay  a  British  force  under  Benedict 
Arnold  captured  Petersburg  after  a  gallant  resistance  by  the  militia 
under  Gen.  Steuben.  Was  present  in  the  action.  Gen.  Philips, 
who  succeeded  Arnold  died  at  Petersburg  a  few  days  later  in  the 
home  of  writer's  mother,  Mrs.  Mary  M.  Boiling.  She  with  four 
single  daughters  were  made  prisoners.     Cornwallis  took  command  a 


ViRGixiA  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

few  days  later.  Previous  to  the  juncture  of  his  force  with  Arnold's, 
writer  went  into  North  Carolina  with  a  part  of  his  troop  to  get 
information  of  the  movements  of  Cornwallis.  Two  members,  John 
Butts  and  Thomas  Walker,  were  here  captured.  Writer  was  also 
in  a  skirmish  seven  miles  below  Petersburg. 

Roster  of  Capt.  Robert  Boiling's  Troop. 

Boiling,  Robert,  Captain  Scott,  John,  First  Lt. 

Broadnax,  William,  Second  Lt.       Briggs,  John  H.,  Ensign. 

Atkinson,  John 
Atkinson,  Roger 
Avery,   Edward 
Bland,  Richard 
Boiling,  Thomas  T. 
Bonner,  Jeremiah 
Barton,  William 
Butts,  John 
George,  Frederick 
Goodwin,  Esau 
Hodges,  Robert 
Howell,  John 
Hudson,  Tuttle 
Hudson,   Irby 
Kate,  John 
Kirkland,  Benjamin 


Lanier,  Thomas 
Morrison,  John 
Nicholas,  John 
North,  John 
Parkham,  Nicholas 
Randolph,   Bret 
Randolph,  Henry 
Scott,  William 
Shore,  William 
Smith,  John 
Starke,  John 
Stewart,   Francis 
Walker,  Thomas 
Walker,  Robert 
Walker,  David 
Watkins,  John 
Woodliff,  Peter. 

John  Butts  married  Mary  Anne,  daughter  of  Daniel  P.  Clair- 
borne  and  Mary  A.   (Maury)   Claiborne. 

Section  No.  144 

BOTT,  FREDERICK.— Montgomery,  Nov.  6,  1832.  Born 
Oct.  — ,  1737.  Volunteered  in  Dinwiddie,  1779,  under  Col.  John 
Bannister  to  form  one  of  a  guard  of  twelve  men  and  orderly  sergeant 
to  guard  munitions  of  war  at  Petersburg.  Was  to  serve  eighteen 
months    with    privilege    of    hiring    a    substitute    in    case    he    did    not 

Virginia  Militia   in   the   Revolution 

retain  his  health.  Fell  sick  after  six  months  and  hired  substitute. 
Volunteered  from  Halifax  under  Capt.  John  Falkner  and  was  at 
siege  of  Yorktown.  Officers  were,  Capt.  Fleming  Bates,  Col. 
Richardson,   Gen.   Samson    (?). 

Section  No.  145 

BELL,  ROBERT.— Montgomery,  Aug.  5,  1833.  Born,  1759. 
Resident  of  County  since  1762.  Drafted  1776  (?),  and  served  one 
month  under  Sergeant  Aaron  Scaggs  on  the  Bluestone  to  guard 
Mares'  (  ?)  and  McGuire's  stations  from  the  Indians,  with  whom 
there  was  frequent  fighting.  Three  months  later  called  out  there 
again  under  Col.  Preston  and  Sergeant  Mace  Tacy.  Third  tour 
was  under  Capt.  Burnes  against  the  tories  at  Buffalo  Pond,  Collin's 
mill,  and  the  Wythe  lead  mine.  Under  Capt.  Abraham  Trigg 
marched  into  North  Carolina  and  had  a  battle  with  the  tories  at 
Shallow  Ford  on  the  Yadkin.  The  wounded  were  left  at  Salem 
under  ph^'sicians.  Col.  Preston  and  Maj.  Joseph  Cloyd  were  in 

Section  No.  146 

CHARLTON,  FRANCIS.— Montgomery,  Feb.  4,  1833.  Born 
Feb.  3,  1759.  Went  out  in  1777  under  Capt.  Joseph  Cloyd,  Lt. 
Henry  Patton,  and  Lt.  Isaac  Lorton,  serving  in  April  and  July 
against  the  Indians  on  the  Greenbrier  and  Giles  frontiers.  Second 
tour  at  same  place  under  Capt.  Daniel  Trigg  and  Lt.  McGee. 
Third  tour,  under  Col.  William  Preston,  was  to  disperse  the  tories 
in  Montgomery  who  had  turned  out  to  meet  the  British  advancing 
from  the  Carolinas.  Col.  Skillern  was  ordered  from  Botetourt  for 
the  same  purpose.  Fourth  term  under  Capt.  Daniel  Trigg  and  Maj. 
Thomas  Quirk  was  to  guard  the  lead  mines  in  Wythe  from  the 
British  and  tories.  Volunteered  from  latter  place  under  Capt.  Isaac 
Taylor  and  went  with  the  U.  S.  troops.  Fifth  term  on  Bluestone 
and  in  Abb's  Valley,  under  Capt.  John  Preston,  The  ordeV  was 
because  of  the  murder  of  the  Moore  family  by  the  Indians.  Total 
service,  seven  months. 

132  Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Section  No.  147 

CLARK,  MATTHEW.— Anderson,  S.  C,  Oct.  5,  1832.  Born 
in  Goochland,  Feb.  7,  1763.  Before  he  was  sixteen  and  therefore 
under  age,  he  was  permitted  to  join  Capt.  Hatcher's  company,  line 
officers  being  Col.  Fleming  and  Maj.  Morris.  Was  at  siege  of 
Yorktown,  and  then  on  detached  service  under  Capt.  Pier  to  con- 
vey away  the  prisoners.  Before  arriving  at  the  military  prison,  he 
was  left  to  take  care  of  some  who  were  sick. 

Section  No.  148 

GRAVES,  THOMAS.— Lincoln  County,  Mo.,  Sept.  17,  1832. 
Born  in  Culpeper,  1747.  In  1775  went  out  under  Capt.  John 
Thorn  and  six  other  officers  against  Gov.  Dunmore,  who  was  trying 
to  lock  the  wheels  of  government  and  stir  up  the  Indians,  and  we 
drove  him  on  board  his  vessels.  We  were  governed  by  a  body  of 
wise  men,  like  Patrick  Henry  and  Edmund  Pendleton,  who  found 
is  in  provisions  and  supported  us  upwards  of  six  weeks,  dismissing 
us  with  thanks.  In  1776,  the  men  were  organized  into  divisions. 
Applicant  was  orderly  sergeant  under  Capt.  Bohannon,  and  march- 
ed to  Norfolk  and  Long  Bridge,  being  out  three  months.  In  1777 
ordered  out  when  the  British  landed  at  Head  of  Elk  and  steered 
for  Philadelphia.  Went  as  orderh'  under  Capt.  Hill,  Maj.  William 
Roberts  commanding  the  four  Culpeper  companies.  We  joined 
Washington  above  Philadelphia  and  were  in  the  battle  of  German- 
town.  Soon  after,  we  were  put  under  regular  officers,  and  sent 
down  against  the  enemy's  position  at  Philadelphia,  where  we  felt 
some  of  the  horrors  of  w^ir.  We  marched  and  maneuvered  day 
and  night,  sometimes  in  full  view  of  the  enemy's  main  army.  Sel- 
dom an  hour  passed  but  we  were  shedding  blood.  We  continued  in 
perils  of  cold,  hunger,  and  fatigue,  our  bed  on  the  cold  ground  and 
our  covering  the  canopy  of  the  heavens.  After  six  months  we  re- 
turned for  winter  quarters,  without  clothes  and  barefooted.  In 
1778,  applicant  was  sergeant  at  the  barracks  guarding  Burgoj^ne's 
troops  until  promoted  by  Maj.  Roberts  to  be  quartermaster  vice 
James  Straughton,  also  promoted.  Was  out  four  months.  In 
1781,    called    out    in    June,  when    the    British    took    Richmond    and 

Virginia  Militia   im  the  Revolution  133 

made  a  raid  to  Charlottesville.  Went  as  orderly  under  Capt. 
Ferguson.  Joined  the  army  under  Lafayette  and  marched  to  York- 
town,  where  applicant  was  discharged.  Two  brothers  were  in  the 
command,  and  one,  Lewis  Graves,  being  sick,  substituted  for  him. 
After  the  surrender,  applicant  serving  in  a  Berkeley  company  under 
Col.  Hopkins  (Clopham?)  and  Maj.  Welch,  helped  to  secure  the 
prisoners.  Was  out  about  nine  months.  In  the  northern  service 
was  under  Maj.  William  Roberts.  Hired  Lewis  Prince  as  sub- 
stitute eighteen  months,  paying  him  $250  and  a  good  suit.  Moved 
to  Missouri,  1824.  Died,  March  14,  1834.  Thomas  N.,  the 
onlv  son. 

Section  No.  149 

HATTON,  REUBEN.— Boone  County,  Mo.,  June  26,  1833. 
Born,  1762.  Volunteered  from  Amelia,  Oct.  1,  1780,  under  Capt. 
John  ( ?)  Ward,  of  Col.  Mason's  regiment  and  Gen.  Lawson's 
brigade.  Served  as  sergeant  three  months.  Marched  to  Smithfield. 
Volunteered  next  February  under  Capt.  Ford,  and  joined  army  at 
Westham  above  Richmond.  Served  three  months  as  orderly  ser- 
geant around  Richmond  and  Malvern  Hills.  From  this  point 
moved  back,  the  enemy  close  upon  us,  but  no  battle.  Gen.  Wayne 
joined  us  at  Culpepper,  where  declarant  was  discharged,  in  June. 
Then  rejoined  army  in  Orange  under  Capt.  Edward  Booker.  Dis- 
charged in  September  and  before  he  reached  home  heard  that  Corn- 

wallis  was   taken.      Married   Joanne  ,    Sept.   20,    1782.      Died 

Aug.   16,   1841.     Moved  to  Kentucky,    1794,  and  lodged  in  David 
Crevis'  stillhouse  until  he  could  build. 

Section  No.  150 

HOWE,  DANIEL.— Montgomery,  June  3,  1833.  Born,  1758. 
Served  seven  tours  of  one  month  each,  twice  as  lieutenant.  Also 
one  month  in  the  Cherokee  war  under  Capt.  James  McCorkle. 

134  ViRGiMA  Militia  in  the  Revolution' 

Section  No.  151 

HARRIS,  JOHN.— Pittsylvania,  1832.  Born,  1755.  Marched 
from  said  County,  June  11,  1780,  under  Capt.  Isaac  Clement  and 
Benjamin  Duncan  to  Hillsboro,  N.  C,  joining  the  Third  Virginia 
under  Col.  Glenn,  of  Stevens'  brigade.  At  Massey's  Ferry,  Pedee 
river,  declarant  was  left  in  a  guard  of  200  under  Maj.  Conoway  to 
guard  ferry  and  secure  the  boats,  the  main  army  moving  on.  After 
Gates'  defeat  many  Virginia  militia  and  others  rendezvoused  with  the 
guard,  and  then  all  retired  northward.  Declarant  discharged  at  Guil- 
ford C.  H.,  in  September  at  end  of  a  three  months'  tour.  Drafted 
next  month  and  marched  under  Capt.  James  Brewer  to  Hillsboro. 
Transferred  to  Capt.  Peter  Mays,  of  Col.  Stubblefield's  regiment,  and 
marched  to  Salisbury.  Taken  sick  there.  September,  1781,  drafted 
under  Capt.  Charles  Hutchings  to  march  to  siege  of  Yorktown, 
but  being  unable  to  travel  was  furloughed  with  orders  to  rejoin 
command  as  soon  as  possible.  Was  on  the  way  to  the  front, 
when  several  of  company  were  met  telling  of  the  surrender.  Was 
out  on  other  brief  tours.  Thomas  Williams  was  a  comrade  at 
]\Iassey's  Ferrv. 

Section  No.  152 

JONES,  DAVID.— Cooper  County,  ^VIo.,  IVIay  6,  1833.  Born 
in  Pittsylvania,  1761.  Enlisted  from  Henry,  Spring  of  1777,  un- 
der Capt.  Peter  Herston  and  Lt.  Ferguson.  Marched  to  Long 
Island  of  Holston  River,  joined  the  army  under  Colonels  Shelby 
and  Christy.  There  a  treaty  was  made.  Service,  three  months. 
Next  served  under  Capt.  Ruble  and  Maj.  Walker  as  Second  Ser- 
geant, and  marched  to  Yorktown,  where  he  joined  Gen.  Lawson's 
brigade.  Discharged  after  surrender  of  Cornwallis.  John  Ross  was 
a  comrade. 

Section  No.  153 

KING,  WILLIAM.— Montgomery,  Jan.  7,  1833.  Born  about 
1755.  Enlisted  in  Bedford,  1778,  for  two  months  as  guard  at  the 
lead  mines  in  Wythe  under  Capt.  Robert  Adams,  Lt.  M.  Reynolds, 

V^iRGiN'iA  Militia  in  the  Revolution  135 

and  Col.  Charles  Lynch.  Next  spring  his  father,  Avra  King,  being 
drafted  by  Capt.  Charles  Watkins,  and  Lt.  Thomas  Logwood,  he 
went  as  substitute.  They  started  for  Jamestown,  but  were  met 
by  an  express  with  the  information  that  as  the  enemy  had  left  their 
aid  was  not  necessary.  About  fifteen  days  later,  went  as  substitute 
for  James  Mays  ,serving  under  Capt.  Nathaniel  Tate,  Lt.  Stephen 
Goggin,  and  Ensign  Richard  Edmondson,  and  marched  to  join  Gen. 
Gates  at  Charlotte,  N.  C.  Went  into  winter  quarters  at  Cheraw 
Hills,  S.  C.  During  this  march  Gen.  Greene  assumed  command 
and  ordered  Gates  to  Philadelphia  under  guard.  Declarant  march- 
ed under  Capt.  Isaac  Webb,  Lt.  Charles  Webb,  and  Ensign  Wil- 
liam Triplett  to  Mecklenberg,  Va.,  as  guard  over  baggage  wagons 
and  live  hogs.  Discharged  at  Bannister's  Bridge.  Following  August, 
declarant  volunteered  under  Col.  Benjamin  Logan  to  guard  the 
Kentucky  frontier,  serving  as  minute  man  and  scout.  Logan  joined 
Gen.  Clarke  at  Bryant  Station  and  marched  to  mouth  of  Licking 
River,  where  the  regular  troops  were  met.  Marched  to  the  Indian 
town  at  Standing  Stone  on  the  Great  Miami,  which  with  six  others 
the  declarant  helped  to  burn.    Army  disbanded  at  mouth  of  Licking. 

Section  No.  154 

LUCAS,  BASIL.— Frederick,  Va.  ,  1835.  Listed  in  pen- 
sion list  as  sergeant  in  Virginia  militia.  Born  Aug.  12,  1757.  En- 
listed for  four  years  in  ^Maryland  Line,  Continental  service,  Capt. 
Resin  Ball's  Company  of  Col.  Thomas  Price's  regiment.  Died  in 
Winchester,    Sept.  — ,    1841,   leaving  a  widow,   Elizabeth. 

Section  No.  155 

LUCAS,  JOHN.— Montgomery,  Aug.  8,  1832.  Born  July  15, 
1749.  Went  out  as  captain  about  1780  under  Col.  William  Pres- 
ton, and  Lt.  Col.  Walter  Crockett,  and  served  at  least  six  months. 
Was  out  twice  afterwards  under  same  officers.  Resigned  at  end  of 
war.  Went  into  the  Carolinas  under  Crockett  to  convey  some 
British  and  tories  from  South  Carolina  to  Moravian  Tow^n  (Salem), 
N.  C.  Was  engaged  frequently  in  Alontgomery,  and  under  Preston 
surprised  and  captured  some  tories  under  Capt.  McDonald.  Was 
then  detailed  to  guard  them. 

136  Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution" 

Section  No.  156 

LEWIS,  ANDREW.— Montgomery,  Nov.  7,  1832.  Born  Oct. 
— ,  1758.  Volunteered  from  Botetourt  in  February-,  1779,  under 
Capt.  Joseph  Crockett  and  Lt,  Robert  Savers.  Was  stationed  with 
other  forces  at  Williamsburg  till  discharged  in  ^lav.  Gen.  Andrew 
Lewis,  his  father,  was  commandant.  No  enemy  appeared  on  land. 
Later  in  same  year  volunteered  under  Capt.  William  McClenahan 
and  went  into  Montgomery  against  some  tories  who  had  organized 
for  active  service.  The  forces  w^ere  under  Col.  William  Preston 
and  were  engaged  a  month.  Went  again  in  same  year  against  them 
as  volunteer  under  Capt.  James  Barnett  and  Col.  Hugh  Crockett. 
Marched  w-ith  other  forces  from  Ft.  Chiswell  to  Ramseur's  Mill, 
N.  C,  where  the  British  and  tories  had  just  been  defeated,  this  fact 
determining  the  officers  to  return,  the  war  lasting  two  months. 
Went  out  in  February,  1781,  under  Capt.  William  McClenahan 
and  Col.  Hugh  Crockett,  and  joined  Greene's  army  in  North 
Carolina.  Declarant  was  in  the  engagement  at  Alamance  and  Reedy 
Fork.  At  Guilford  was  on  outpost  duty,  under  Colonels  Williams 
and  Howard.  Total  service  one  year.  Was  mounted  on  his  own 
horse  except  in  first  tour.  Never  received  a  cent  for  his  services, 
being  then  in  affluence  and  only  interested  in  sustaining  his  country. 

•    Section  No.  157 

MURPHY,  WILLIAM.— St.  Francois  County,  Mo.,  May 
7,  1833.  Born  March  12,  1759.  Volunteered  for  three  months, 
about  Aug.  1,  1776,  from  Bedford  under  Capt.  William  Leftridge, 
Lt.  Calloway,  Ensign  Joseph  Bond.  Guarded  Chisw^old  lead  mines 
till  relieved  by  other  troops.  In  April,  1777,  was  substitute  three 
months  for  Lewis  Dusee  (  ?),  who  w^as  drafted  from  Thomas  Jones' 
Company  in  Henry.  Served  under  Capt.  Peter  Herston,  Lt.  William 
Ferguson,  Ensign  Edward  Tatum  in  Col.  Christie's  regiment. 
Marched  200  miles  to  Long  Island  in  the  Holston  to  stand  guard 
during  a  treaty  with  the  Cherokees.  August,  1777,  was  substitute 
three  months  for  Gwin  Dudley,  who  was  drafted  into  John  Wil- 
kerson's  Company  in  Bedford.  Served  as  Second  Sergeant  under 
Capt.  Thomas  Doley,  Lt.    Harry    Talbott.    and    Ensign    Callowav, 

ViRGiMA   Militia   im   the   Revolution  137 

and  marched  to  Williamsburg.  In  1778,  substituted  for  William 
Cannon,  drafted  for  five  months  into  Robert  Sevier's  Company, 
Washington  County,  N.  C.  Joined  Gen.  Regulars  in  South 
Carolina  about  Dec.  1st,  was  appointed  First  Sergeant  of  a  company 
organized,  and  served  till  March,  1779,  under  Capt.  R.  Sevier, 
Lt.  Christopher  Connaught,  Ensign  Charles  Young,in  Col.  Peasley's 
battalion.  Gen.  Rutherford's  regiment.  In  March,  Sevier  resigned  and 
applicant  became  ensign.  Detained  till  April  10th  to  await  South 
Carolina  recruits.  Was  in  a  battle  on  the  Savannah  and  in  some  light 
skirmishes  in  Georgia.  Volunteered  in  April,  1780,  to  serve  three 
months  against  the  Cherokees.  Went  as  sergeant  under  Capt.  Jno. 
Clark  and  Lt.  John  Bond,  Gen.  John  Sevier  being  in  general  com- 
mand. Marched  to  the  headwaters  of  the  Tennessee  and  killed  a 
number  of  Indians,  with  the  loss  of  Capt.  Davis  and  Lt.  Bond 
killed,  and  Jasper  Terry  wounded.  Some  horses  were  killed.  In 
July,  1780,  volunteered  three  months  as  private  under  Capt.  John 
Renfro,  Lt.  Chatton  Doggett,  and  Ensign  Lewis  Davis,  in  Col. 
Lincoln's  so-called  Light  Horse  of  Bedford.  Fought  some  tories 
on  New  River,  taking  their  captain,  William  Terry,  and  getting 
his  commission,  which  was  from  a  British  officer,  and  also  a 
list  of  his  men,  all  of  whom  w^e  took  and  disarmed,  excepting  one, 
who  got  away.  In  June,  1781,  a  Thomas  Runnels  was  killed  by 
Indians,  and  Capt.  Neely  McGuire  ordered  our  men  in  pursuit. 
Applicant  volunteered  and  was  one  month  in  frontier  service.  In 
February,  1782,  volunteered  three  months  under  Capt.  John  Clark, 
and  Lt.  John  Murphy,  of  Washington  County,  N.  C.  (now  Tenn.), 
Col.  J.  Brown  commanding  the  regiment,  and  marched  across  Nola- 
chucky  and  French  Broad  in  pursuit  of  the  Indians  who  had  attack- 
ed Sherrill's  Station  on  the  frontier,  losing  one  of  their  number  in 
the  attack.  We  overtook  a  band,  supposed  to  number  60  to  100, 
and  killed,  as  was  said,  thirteen  of  them.  In  August,  1782,  drafted 
against  the  Indians  again  and  hired  George  Doggett  as  substitute, 
but  Gen.  Sevier  insisted  that  I  go.  Served  under  him  in  company 
of  Capt.  Thomas  Wood  and  Lt.  Vathan  Breed,  all  the  officers  being 
of  Greene  Co.  (Tenn.)  We  destroyed  several  Cherokee  towns,  killed 
a  number  of  Indians,  and  took  some  prisoners.  John  Watts,  a 
half-breed  gave  up  a  white  woman  named  Jennie  Ivey,  who  was 
taken    from    Roane's   Creek    a   year    before.      Discharged    in    Greene 

138  ViRGixiA  Militia  in  the  Revolution: 

County  (Tenn.)      married  Rachel .   (born  Nov.  15,  1764), 

Jan.  26,  1782.  Husband  died  Nov.  2.  1833.  John,  oldest  son,  born 
in  September.  1782.  David  ^lurphy.  born.  1769.  was  half  brother  to 

Section  No.  158 

LEWIS.  THOMAS.— Vevay,  Ind.,  Aug.  18,  1832.  Born  in 
Caroline,  Dec.  — ,  1764.  Went  out  in  spring  of  1781  under  Capt. 
Coleman  Sutton  (Taylor?),  of  Col.  Anthony  Thornton's  regiment. 
Again  in  June,  1781,  under  same  captain  and  Col.  Thomas  Mathews. 
Again  in  September,  1781,  same  captain  and  Maj.  Carey.  Was 
drafted  each  time.  Served  in  lower  Virginia.  At  siege  of  Yorktown 
was  second  sergeant.  After  the  surrender  guarded  prisoners  to  Win- 
chester.   Went  to  New  York,  1798;  to  Indiana,  1818= 

Section  No.  159 

MITCHELL,  JOHN.— Montgomery,  Sept.  3,  1832.  Born 
about  1760.  Drafted  from  Amelia  in  1776  for  no  definite  term. 
Served  as  fife  major  six  weeks  under  Capt.  Rowland  Ward  and  Ensign 
Roberts.  Only  two  companies  were  out  on  this  service,  the  other 
being  under  Capt.  Wilson.  ^Marched  to  Hampton  to  prevent  the 
British  from  landing,  their  fleet  lying  in  the  Chesapeake  in  full  view. 
Drafted  in  fall  of  1777,  under  Capt.  William  Craddock  and  Lt. 
Richard  Craddock.  The  major  in  command  was  Dr.  Cluman,  a 
Frenchman.  Marched  to  Cabin  Point  and  Williamsburg.  Was 
out  six  wTeks.  Served  again  in  1780  under  Capt.  William  Craddock 
and  Col.  Richardson,  Assembled  at  Hillsborough,  N.  C,  and 
marched  under  Gen.  Stevens,  joining  Gen.  Gates  the  day  before 
the  battle  of  Camden.  Next  morning  the  action  became  general, 
and  in  the  defeat,  each  man  had  to  look  out  for  himself.  At  Hills- 
borough remained  about  two  weeks  until  the  stragglers  had  pretty 
well  come  in.  The  forces  to  which  applicant  belonged  were  re- 
duced to  a  regiment  and  placed  under  Col.  Faulkner,  Capt.  Price 
commanding  the  company.  They  marched  to  New  Garden  to  pro- 
tect the  Whigs  from  the  tories,  and  finally  applicant  was  discharged 

ViRGiMA   Militia   im   the   Revolution 

at  Guilford  C.  H.,  after  five  months'  service.  Later,  he  was  em- 
ployed a  month  in  Amelia  collecting  beeves  for  the  army,  this  being 
in  lieu  of  service  in  the  ranks. 

Section  No.  160 

RUTLEDGE,  EDWARD.— IVlontgomery,  Sept.  3,  1832. 
Born  March  10,  1762.  Volunteered  in  Augusta,  January,  1781, 
and  marched  into  North  Carolina  to  receive  the  prisoners  taken  at 
Cowpens,  and  guarded  them  to  the  eastern  border  of  Rockingham^ 
where  declarant's  company  was  relieved  by  another,  the  service 
lasting  three  weeks.  His  captain  was  Francis  Long.  In  April, 
volunteered  for  three  months  under  Capt.  F.  Long,  Col.  Hughart, 
and  Maj.  Andrew  Hamilton.  Pursued  Tarleton  on  his  retreat 
from  Charlottesville,  and  in  vicinity  of  Richmond  scouted  to  pre- 
vent depredations  from  raiding  parties.  Then  marched  to  James- 
town, where  a  fight  took  place.  At  Burnt  Ordinary  was  another 
skirmish.  Near  Williamsburg  Hughart  went  home  and  Hamilton 
took  command.  Volunteered  again  under  Long  and  was  in  Col. 
Vance's  regiment  at  siege  of  Yorktown. 

Section  No.  161 

RATLIFF,  NATHAN.— Montgomery,  July  1,  1833.  Born, 
1762.  Entered  service  about  June  1,  1778,  serving  one  month 
against  the  Indians  under  Capt.  Joshua  Wilson  and  Lt.  William 
Hungate.  Went  out  again  about  July  1,  1780,  under  Capt.  Abram 
Trigg,  afterward  a  general.  Marched  to  the  Yadkin  in  North 
Carolina  and  defeated  the  tories  in  a  skirmish.  Eight  months'  service 
in  all. 

Section  No.  162 

THOMPSON,  WILLIAM.— Boone  County,  Mo.,  July  2, 
1833.  Born  in  Augusta,  1749.  Went  out  from  said  county  in 
April,  1777,  under  Capt.  Bohannan.  Marched  to  Portsmouth,  but 
the  British  had  left  after  doing  much  damage  in  the  vicinity,  especially 

140  Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

by  fire.  Drafted  about  April  1,  1781,  under  Capt.  John  Brown  and 
Col.  BowTer,  serving  below  Richmond.  Was  in  the  actions  at  Hot 
Water  and  Jamestown.  In  the  latter  his  colonel  was  taken  prisoner, 
but  paroled  after  a  few  days.  Discharged  below  Williamsburg, 
returning  home  in  three  or  four  days  (  ?).  In  September  his  wagon 
was  impressed  with  the  team  of  a  neighbor  to  haul  forage  and 
provisions  to  the  army,  and  he  went  out  with  the  wagon  rather  than 
trust  it  to  another.  The  militia  were  discharged  shortly  after 
arriving  at  Richmond,  but  himself  and  wagon  were  impressed  by 
Col.  Sampson  Mathews  to  make  a  trip  from  Petersburg  to  Taylor's 
Ferry  on  Roanoke.  When  near  Petersburg  on  the  return  was  again 
impressed  to  haul  forage  for  the  Light  Horse.  Reached  his  home 
in  February.     Allowed  $23.33  per  year. 

Section  No.  163 

TEANEY,  DANIEL.— Montgomery,  Sept.  29,  1832.  Born, 
April  — ,  1757.  Drafted  for  two  months  in  summer  of  1776  from 
New  Providence  township,  Philadelphia  County,  Pa.  Constructed 
breastworks  at  Amboy,  N.  J.,  under  Capt.  John  Edwards  and  Col. 
John  Bull.  Drafted  again,  1777,  for  two  months  guarding  the  Dela- 
ware at  Bristol,  Pa.,  under  Capt.  Arnold  Francis,  Lt.  Samuel  Skein 
(Stein?),  Col.  Daniel  Heister.  Substituted  same  year  two  months 
for  his  brother,  Henry  Teaney,  going  out  under  Capt,  William 
Davis  and  Col.  John  Bull,  and  marching  to  Head  of  Elk.  Applicant 
was  not  in  battle  of  Brandywine,  having  been  sent  off  with  baggage 
wagons  the  day  before,  and  taking  them  twenty  miles  above  Valley 
Forge.  In  1779,  settled  in  Augusta,  and  in  October,  1780,  was 
drafted  under  Capt.  James  Tate  and  Lt.  John  Blain  and  joined  the 
Southern  army  beyond  Salisbury,  N.  C.  Was  in  battle  of  Cowpens 
and  helped  to  bring  back  the  prisoners.  Was  retained  a  month  and 
six  days  beyond  his  three  months'  term,  a  battle  having  been  ex- 
pected with  Tarleton.  Drafted  three  months  in  summer  of  1781, 
under  Capt.  John  Dickey  and  Lt.  John  Campbell,  and  joined  Gen. 
Muhlenberg.  Was  in  battle  at  Jamestown  and  discharged  at  Bot- 
tom's Bridge. 

Virginia  Militia   in  the   Revolution 

Section  No.  164 

WYSOR,  HENRY  (Weizer).— IVIontgomery,  Sept.  3,  1832. 
Born,  1754.  Enlisted  in  February,  1776,  under  Capt.  Berry  in 
Frederick.  Served  in  Eighth  Virginia,  Continental  Line,  com- 
manded by  Col.  Muhlenberg  and  Col.  Barsman.  Joined  it  at 
Jamestown  and  marched  by  Halifax,  N.  C,  to  Charleston,  and 
was  there  when  Ft.  Moultrie  was  attacked  by  the  British  fleet. 
Then  marched  to  Savannah  and  Sunbury.  At  latter  place  was  taken 
sick,  remaining  so  three  months,  then  was  furloughed  and  went 
home.  Three  weeks  later  joined  the  army  in  New  Jersey,  and 
was  attached  to  Morgan's  Riflemen  (serving  therein  under  Captains 
Long  and  Knox,  Lt.  Craig,  and  Ensign  Lovely  (Lively?).  Was 
at  the  capture  of  Burgoyne  and  the  battle  at  Valley  Forge  (?), 
where  my  Major  (Morris)  was  killed.  Was  also  in  other  skir- 
mishes. Discharged,  February,  1778,  at  White  House  (White 
]\Larsh?),  Pa.  Drafted,  1781,  under  Capt.  Bell,  and  was  at  the 
Siege  of  Yorktown.  Furloughed  about  seven  weeks  later  and  not 
again  called  upon.  Was  sergeant  while  in  service.  Few  of  his  com- 
pany lived  to  return  from  the  South.  Gen.  Morgan  was  a  neighbor. 
Married  in  Frederick,  about  1778. 

Section  No.  165 
WOMACK,  RICHARD.— Montgomery,  Feb.  3,  1834.  Born, 
1753.  Served  under  Captains  Richard  Allen,  Cabell,  and  Benja- 
min Allen,  Col.  Shipwith,  Lt.  Col.  Benjamin  Allen,  and  Maj.  Eppes. 
Volunteered  in  August,  1777,  for  several  months,  drafted  in  April, 
1778,  for  six  months,  went  out  next  November  for  six  months. 
Fourth  tour  of  six  months,  June,  1778.  Fifth  tour,  spring  of  1780. 
In  all  28  months.  Was  in  the  battles  of  Long  Island  and  Guil- 
ford, and  in  a  skirmish.  Served  also  under  Captains  Cox  and 
Shelton.     Lived  in  Pennsylvania  w^hen  he  enlisted. 

Section  No.  166 
WANICOTT,  RICHARD.— ^Montgomery,  Oct.  2,  1832.  Born 
in  Pennsylvania,  1752.     Served  under  Captains  Daugat  (Douthat?), 
Perkins,    and    Richard   Allen,    and    Col.    Henry    Skippish,    Lt.    Col. 

Virginia  Militia  ix  the  Revolution 

Benjamin  Allen,  and  Alaj.  Eppes.  Lieutenants  were  Cabell  and 
Benjamin  Allen.  Volunteered  in  four  tours:  1775(?),  1776(?), 
1777(?),  1781,  aggregating  twenty-one  months.  Was  in  battles  of 
Long  Island  and  Guilford  and  a  skirmish.  Guarded  prisoners  at 
Old  Cumberland  C.  H.  Was  also  under  Captains  Evans,  Cocke, 
and  Shelton. 

Section  No.  167 

BURNLEY,  HENRY.— Columbia.  Ga.  Born,  1756.  Removed 
to  Georgia  after  the  Revolution.  Enlisted  from  Bedford,  Va., 
March,  1776,  in  Fifth  Virginia,  Continental  Line,  under  Capt. 
Harry  Terrell,  First  Lt.  John  Goggins,  Second  Lt.  Thomas  AL 
Reynolds,  Ensign  Robert  Watkins,  Col.  Josiah  Parker  commanding. 
Volunteered  under  Col.  Daniel  ^Morgan  and  went  with  him.  Col. 
Butler  and  Alaj.  Morris  to  Saratoga,  in  1777.  Was  also  in  the 
battles  of  Germantown  and  Guilford.  In  the  latter  he  was  a 
volunteer  under  Capt.  William  Jones.     Discharged  at  Valley  Forge. 

Section  No.  168 

BALLARD,  JOHN.— Augusta,  June  26,  1820.  Born  about 
1760.  Enlisted  in  Loudoun,  in  Continental  Line,  under  Capt. 
Adam  Wallace,  of  Col.  Buford's  regiment.  In  camp  at  Petersburg 
the  following  winter.  Marched  with  Buford  into  South  Carolina 
and  taken  prisoner  at  Waxhaw,  where  he  was  badly  wounded.  He 
received  three  cuts  on  the  head,  a  stab  in  the  side  with  a  bayonet, 
and  one  finger  was  nearly  slashed  off.  At  Petersburg  he  suffered 
severely  from  exposure  and  because  of  his  wounds  he  cannot  dress 
or  undress  himself  without  assistance. 

Section  No.  169 

CUNNINGHAM,  ANSEL.^Jackson,  Ga.,  Nov.  6,  1832. 
Born  in  Mecklenburg,  Va.,  July  27,  1763.  Substituted  in  1779 
for  John  Stephens,  serving  six  months  under  Capt.  Reuben  Vaughan. 
Joined  Gen.  Lincoln  in  South  Carolina.     Was  in  the  battle  of  Stono. 

ViRGixiA   Militia   in   the  Revolution  143 

In  a  scouting  party  the  day  before  took  two  small  vessels  in  Stono 
river.  Drafted  under  Capt.  Richard  Whitton,  marched  to  James- 
town, was  in  a  skirmish  on  the  James,  and  retreated  to  Coles'  Ferry, 
Soon  after,  joined  Lafayette's  army  below  Richmond,  was  in  the 
battle  at  Jamestown,  and  was  discharged  at  Yorktown.  Died  about 

Section  No.  170 

FLOWERS,  ABSALOAL— Sussex,  IVLny  2,  1833.  Born,  1758. 
Enlisted  Jan.  1,  1781,  under  Capt.  John  Powell,  Lt.  Edward 
Powell,  and  Ensign  Rochelle,  in  Col.  IMeriweather's  militia. 
Rendezvoused  at  Ball's  Ordinary,  Sussex,  and  served  mostly  about 
Cabin  Point  until  discharged  in  April.  Called  out  in  April,  1781, 
serving  under  same  officers,  except  Capt.  John  Massenburg  (Mas- 
singbird?),  who  was  wounded  in  the  hip  in  a  fight  at  Petersburg. 
Four  other  comrades  were  also  wounded.  The  call  was  to  relieve 
some  militia  at  Petersburg,  but  next  morning  they  were  attacked 
and  compelled  to  retreat.  Lt.  Powell  marched  the  command  to  the 
Chesterfield  coal  mine,  where  they  remained  about  ten  days.  The 
enemy  moving  toward  Richmond  to  burn  that  city,  the  troop  marched 
there  and  joined  a  strong  force  under  Lafayette.  Arnold  then  made 
a  sudden  retreat  to  Petersburg  and  the  American  army  lay  at  Rich- 
mond some  time.  Discharged  after  eight  weeks.  Called  out  next 
October  under  Capt.  Nathaniel  Newson,  who  resigned  at  Surry 
C.  H.,  and  was  succeeded  by  Lt.  Thomas  Newson.  Served  at  siege 
of  Yorktown. 

Section  No.  171 

HOPKINS,  JA:MES.— Pittsylvania,  Sept.  17,  1832.  Born 
Feb.  22,  1765.  Substituted  for  James  Hopkins,  Sr.,  spring  of  1780, 
.and  marched  under  Capt.  Azariah  ^lartin,  Lt.  William  Holt,  Ensign 
Leroy  to  Hillsboro,  N.  C.  There  transferred  to  Fourth  Virginia 
militia  imder  Col.  Lucas,  of  Gen.  Stevens'  brigade,  and  after  having 
some  drill  were  sent  on  to  join  the  army  under  Gates.  From  Ruge- 
ley's  mill  marched   at   10  p.  m.,  Aug.    15th   to  surprise  the  enemy, 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

who  however,  marched  at  the  same  hour.  The  armies  met  in  the 
night,  there  was  a  sharp  skirmish  between  the  advanced  guards,  a 
line  was  formed,  and  the  men  stood  under  arms  till-  da3break,  w^hen 
there  was  a  shameful  defeat.  No  rendezvous  had  been  designated 
and  the  men  lost  all  their  baggage,  including  all  clothing  but  what 
they  had  on.  Under  these  circumstances  a  considerable  part  of  the 
company  went  home,  but  a  court  of  inquiry  ordered  them  back  to 
serve  eight  months  under  regular  officers.  Under  Capt.  Paulin  we 
marched  back  to  Hillsboro,  and  there  transferred  to  Capt.  Graves, 
of  Culpeper,  assigned  to  take  command  of  men  from  a  few  other 
counties,  who  had  committed  the  same  offense.  Under  Gen.  Greene 
the  army  went  into  winter  quarters  on  the  Cheraw  Hills,  S.  C. 
In  February  there  was  a  general  order  releasing  the  married  men 
belonging  to  the  eight  months  company,  and  Capt.  Graves  returned 
with  the  discharged  men.  Capt.  Webb  and  Lt.  Webb  took  com- 
mand of  those  still  in  the  army.  Shortly  after  this.  Gen.  Morgan 
defeated  Tarleton  at  Cowpens  and  had  to  make  a  rapid  retreat 
with  his  prisoners.  Gen.  Greene  marched  to  cover  Morgan's  move- 
ment, leaving  the  small  eight  months  company  to  guard  the  camp' 
and  the  mills  that  were  supplying  flour  and  meal.  At  length  Capt. 
Webb  received  orders  to  follow  with  about  ten  wagons  loaded 
with  flour  and  meal  and  a  drove  of  400  hogs.  We  were  in  the 
rear  of  both  armies,  and  had  to  change  our  course  because  of 
Cornwallis'  march.  In  Mecklenburg  we  delivered  the  supplies  to  a 
commissary,  having  safely  brought  them  through  a  region  infested, 
with  British  and  tories.  Our  time  being  nearly  up,  we  were  per- 
mitted to  petition  Gen.  Greene  that  he  discharge  us,  we  being  worn 
out  with  fatigue  and  nearly  naked.     He  did  so. 

Section  No.  172 

KIDD,  JAMES  H.— Gwinnett,  Ga.,  Aug.  13,  1833.  Born, 
1765.  Drafted  in  Virginia  into  Capt.  Reuben  Vaughan's  company, 
January,  1779.  Joined  Gen.  Lincoln  at  Bacon's  Bridge  near  Char- 
leston, S.  C.  Was  in  battle  at  Stono.  Discharged  in  Virginia  in 
July.  Was  under  15  when  he  went  out,  but  from  his  desire  to 
enter  the  army  he  reported  himself  old  enough  to  go  on  the  militia 
roll.     Served  two  months    in    1780    under    Capt.    John    Kendrick,, 

Virginia   Militia   in  the   Revolution  145 

and  three  in  1781,  under  Capt.  John  Brown.  Was  at  battle  of 
Guilford.  From  Ramsey's  Mill  was  sent' to  Albemarle  with  prisoners 
and  discharged  there.  After  this  the  companj'  were  required  to 
present  their  discharges  in  order  to  draw  some  salt,  and  applicant 
never  saw  his  again.     Born  in  Mecklenburg, 

Section  No.  173 

NANCE,  JAMES.— Pittsylvania,  Sept.  17,  1832.  Born  in 
Nottoway,  Feb.  2,  1762.  Drafted  Feb.  9,  1779,  under  Capt. 
William  Fitzgerald,  Lt.  Charles  Irby,  Ensign  Bowling  Hall,  joined 
Col.  David  Mason  at  Halifax,  N.  C,  and  Gen.  Lincoln  at  Stono, 
S.  C.  Was  in  the  battle  at  Stono,  June  20,  from  beginning  to 
end.  Discharged  at  Camden,  S.  C,  in  August,  having  acted  as 
fifer.  In  1780  was  out  under  Capt.  Gray  and  Col.  White.  In 
fall  of  same  year  was  drafted  under  Capt.  Irby  and  marched 
by  Cabin  Point  to  Nansemond.  Was  to  go  into  the  cavalry 
under  Charles  Irby  on  condition  that  he  could  get  a  horse,  and 
if  he  could  not,  his  absence  in  search  of  one  was  to  count 
as  furlough.  Not  finding  one  in  his  home  neighborhood,  and  Elisha 
Gunn  being  called  out  to  join  Gen.  Greene,  he  and  Gunn  changed 
tours.  Marched  under  Capt.  Overstreet  to  Troublesome  Creek, 
N.  C,  and  was  in  the  battle  at  Guilford.  Was  discharged  at  Ram- 
sey's Mill,  Chatham  County.     Moved  to  Wake  County,  N.  C,  1801. 

Section  No.  174 

NANCE,  WILLIAM  M.— Pittsylvania,  Sept.  17,  1832.  Born 
Jan.  18,  1760,  in  Nottoway.  Substituted  for  William  Mitchell  in 
1777,  entering  service  under  Capt.  Gabriel  Folks,  Lt.  John  Knight, 
and  Ensign  William  Brookin.  At  Williamsburg  Joined  Col.  Vivian 
Brookin's  regiment.  Served  under  Gen.  Nelson  and  discharged  at 
Hampton.  Drafted  February,  1779,  serving  in  same  company  with 
James  Nance  (§173).  Was  orderly  sergeant  during  this  six 
months  tour.  In  1781,  drafted  from  Pittsylvania  and  served  at 
siege  of  Yorktown,  under  Capt.  Charles  Williams,  and  Lt.  Dix 

Virginia  Militia  ix  the  Revolution- 

Section  No.  175 

PITTMAN,  JAMES.— Madison  County,  Ga.,  Oct.  2,  1832. 
Born  in  Amelia.  March  4,  1756.  Enlisted  from  Columbus  County, 
Ga.,  in  1776,  served  two  months  under  Capt.  German  in  Col.  ]\Iar- 
bury's  regiment,  and  four  as  lieutenant,  guardiiig  the  Georgfa 
frontier.  Went  into  Florida  to  take  St.  Augustine,  but  the  expe- 
dition failed.  Was  in  a  fight  with  the  British.  Served  again  six 
months  on  the  frontier,  and  another  tour  under  Col.  Few.  during 
which  there  was  a  fight  with  the  enemy  between  Savannah  and 
Augusta,  and  Few  retreated.  Served  four  months  under  Capt. 
Sinkfield  and  Col.  Williamson,  while  the  tories  were  troublesome  in 
South  Carolina.  After  the  surrender  of  Charleston  he  thought 
South  Carolina  and  Georgia  entirely  in  the  hands  of  the  enemy,  and 
went  as  refugee  into  Virginia,  where  he  served  two  weeks  guarding 
the  prisoners  taken  at  Cowpens.  Returned  to  Georgia  after  peace. 
Died  Dec.  25.  1850.  Children:  1.  John  G;  2.  Noah  W;  3.  Tim- 
othy; 4.  Teresa  (married  Wilson  Strickland);  5.  Martha  (married 
Abner  Wells)  ;  6.  America  (married  Benjamin  W.  Cash)  ;  7.  Sarah 
(married  Samson  Lay)  ;  8.  Lucinda  (married  Henry  Harris)  ; 
9.  Pleasant  O. ;  10.  Martin  H.;  11  Sir  James;  12.  Nancy  (married 
Silas  Smith);  13.  Elizabeth.  9.  10,  11,  12.  13  died  prior  to  1850, 
leaving  children,  except,   (  ?)   Elizabeth. 

Section  No.  176 

PERKINS,  SAMUEL.— Madison  County,  Ky.,  Aug.  13,  1832. 
Born  about  1761.  Went  out  from  Louisa  in  1781  under  Capt. 
Philips.  Served  under  General  Demarcus*  and  Wayne.  Also 
other  tours  under  Captains  White  and  Johnson.  ^Married  Susanna 
Pass  in  Louisa,   1798.     Died  Sept.  27,  1839,  leaving  seven  children. 

Section  No.  177 

PERKINS.  ANTHONY.— :\Ladison  County  Ky.  Born  about 
1757.  Brother  to  Samuel  Perkins.  Enlisted  under  Capt.  Philips,  of 
Gen.  Wayne's  army.  Marched  from  Louisa  in  pursuit  of  the  British 
but  never  came  to  an  engagement.  Served  other  tours  under  Cap- 
tains White  and  Johnson.     Total  service  fourteen  months. 

*Lafayette.      Some    of    the    soldiers    knew    him    only    as    DeMarquis    or 

ViRGiN-iA  Militia   in  the  Revolution 1+7^ 

Section  No.  178 

PERKINS  JOHN.— Franklin,  Tenn.  Born  in  Halifax,  May 
11  1765.  Enlisted  as  Thomas  Carson,  April,  1781,  as  substitute  for 
Alexander  Moore,  under  Capt.  James  Turner.  Was  at  the  siege 
of  Ninety-six  and  discharged  in  Mecklenburg,  N.  C.  Moved  m 
178^  to  Caswell  County,  N.  C,  and  was  there  drafted  for  eighteen 
months  under  Capt.  Elijah  Moore  and  Capt.  Rhodes.  D^charg- 
ed  at  Ten  Mile  House  near  Charleston.  He  used  the  name  Thomas 
Carson  because  while  he  was  an  infant  his  mother,  Mrs  Mary 
Perkins,  married  Thomas  Carson,  a  widower,  one  of  whose  children 
was  John.  After  his  stepfather  died  in  1783,  his  mother  told  him 
his  real  name  and  he  used  it  thence  forward.  Married  Fra"<^^^ 
.     Died  in   Hardin   County,  Tenn.,  June   16,    184U. 


Section  No.  179 

DAVIS  THOMAS.-Woodford  County,  Ky.,  Aug.  IS,  1818. 
Born  in  Sp;..svlvania,  176,.  Enlisted  April  25,  1779.  for  ^hteen 
months.  Served  under  Capt.  Alexander  Parker  „,  Col.  R^ha.d 
Parker's  reginrent.  Substituted  for  his  brother,  Benjam.n  Dav.s^ 
under  Cap.  William  Mills  and  James  Cunningham  Discharged 
at  Williamsburg.  Drafted  the  day  after  his  return  home  and  was 
at  siege  of  Yorktown :  Total  service  18  (22?)  months,  for 
applicant  received  $60.  r^     ■.    r.f 

A  supporting  affidavit  adds  these  P-^'^'^f  ^ "  J"\^,  ^;:'"' ;; 
Prince  William,  was  private,  Jan.  1,  1777,  to  Jan.  6  1778;  Lieuten- 
ant thence  forward  to  October,  1778,  when  he  became  captam. 
Died  Februarv,  1782.  His  brother,  Pressley  Davis,  was  killed  in 
battle  of  Long  Island,  1776.     John,  another  brother,  died  in  hospital 

''^cfpf  Davis  married  Nancy  Melton,  of  Prince  William,  about 
1775.  Children:  1.  William  M.,  of  Frankfort,  Ky;  2.  Nancy 
(married Reynolds),  Frankfort. 

Section  No.  180 

HULL.    PETER.-Captain.    1779.   and    as   such ^commanded^^a 

troop  of  cavalry  in  Yorktown  campaign. 

Married  Barbara  Keith. 

Virginia  Militia  ik  the  Revolution 

Children:    Henry,  Peter,  Susanna,  Barbara,  Adam,  Jacob,  Elizabeth. 
Muster  roll  of  his  company  Second  Battalion,  Augusta  militia, 
1779.     Taken  from  the  list  written  by  Lt.   Seybert,   and  given   in 
Morton's   History   of    Highland    County    (Va.). 

Peter  Hull,  Captain 
Nicholas  Sevbert,  First  Lt. 

Henry  Fisher,  Second  Lt. 
Jacob  Hoover,  Ensign. 


Arbogast,  Adam 
Arbogast,  David 
Arbogast,  John 
Arbogast,  Michael 
Bennett,  Jacob 
Bennett,  John 
Bennett,  William 
Blizzard,  Thomas 
Bodkin,  Hugh 
Bowman,  John 
Burner,  Abraham 
Conrad,  Ulrich,  Jr. 
Crummett,  Frederick 
Duffield,  Abraham* 
Eckard,  Abraham 
Eckard,  Philip 
Ellsworth,  Jacob 
Eye,  Christopher 
Fleisher,  Conrad 
Graham,  Francis 
Gum,  Isaac 
Gum,  Jacob 
Gum.  William 
Hammer,  Balsor 
Harper,  Nicholas 
Hoff,  James 
Hogg,  John* 
Hoover,  Michael 
Hoffman,  George 

*Under  18  j'ears  of  age. 

Lantz,  Conrad 
Lantz,  Joseph 
McQuain,  Alexander 
Mullenax,  John 
Mullen  ax,  James* 
Null,  Henry 
Peninger,  John 
Pickle,  Christian 
Puffenberger,  George 
Rexrode,  George 
Sheets,  George 
Simmons,  George 
Simmons,  John 
Simmons,  Leonard 
Simmons,  Mark 
Simmons,  Michael 
Simmons,  Peter 
Smith,  Mark 
Smith,  Sebastian 
Snider,  John 
Stone,  Sebastian 
Stout,  George 
Summers,  Paul 
Summerfield,  Thomas 
Wagoner,  Adam 
Wamsley,  John 
Wamsley,  William 
Wamsley,  James* 
Whiteman,  Henrv 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution  149 

Hull,  Adam  Wilfong,  Jacob 

Ingram,  Uriah  Wimer,  Philip 

Jordan,  Andrew  Yeager,  John 

Section  No.  181 

MOORE,  DAVID.— Cole  County,  Ky.,  Nov.  13,  1832.  Born 
in  Amelia,  Nov.  20,  1763.  Enlisted  in  Lunenburg,  fall  of  1780, 
as  substitute  for  his  father,  Robert.  Served  under  Capt.  William 
Hays,  Lt.  Hays,  Ensign  Gill.  Marched  to  rendezvous  at  Jamestown, 
then  to  Portsmouth,  which  Lord  Dunmore  (  ?)  had  garrisoned.  There 
w^as  a  skirmish  between  scouting  parties.  Col.  Daniel  Morgan  (?) 
with  his  riflemen  attacked  a  fort,  causing  a  loss  to  the  enemy  of 
18  to  20  men,  as  stated  by  a  deserter.  Dunsmore  abandoned  the  fort 
during  the  night.  Later,  marched  under  Colonels  Morgan  and 
Dowbman  (  ?)  through  Dismal  Swamp  to  Elizabeth,  a  small  place 
destroyed  by  the  British.  Returned  home  next  spring  soon  afer  battle 
of  Guilford.  A  week  or  so  later  substituted  for  John  Mathews,  of 
Brunswick,  under  Capt.  House.  Marched  to  Point  of  Fork,  finding 
an  engagement  going  on.  Then  retreated  about  two  days  before  the 
British.  When  his  three  months  expired,  permission  to  return  home 
was  refused.  Next  night  the  orderly  sergeant  w^ent  off  with  muster 
rolls  together  with  several  men,  and  the  following  day  there  was  no 
one  to  call  the  roll  and  permission  to  go  home  was  given.  Went  to 
Missouri,  1819.     Allowed  $30,  a  year,  March  4,  1831. 

Note: — Arnold,  not  Dunmore,  had  a  British  force  at  Portsmouth  about 
the  time  applicant  first  enlisted.  Morgan  was  at  that  time  camping  in  the 
Carolinas,  not  in  Virginia. 

Section  No.  182 

POTTERF,  CASPER.— Preble  County,  O.,  March  23,  1833. 
Born  in  Lancaster  County,  Pa.,  Dec.  19,  1759.  Moved  to  Virginia 
about  1778;  to  Ohio,  about  1800.  Drafted,  winter  of  1777-8,  in 
Frederick,  Md.,  under  Capt.  John  Bannerd.  Enlisted  again,  January, 
1781,  under  Capt.  James  Buchanan,  of  Rockbridge.     Discharged  in 

150  Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

April  at  Gregory's  Camp,  N.  C.  Enlisted  next  August  under  Capt. 
Charles  Campbell,  of  same  county.  Discharged  at  Winchester  Bar- 
racks.    Total  service,  nine  months. 

Section  No.  183 

BUCK,  JOHN.— Greenup  County,  Ky.,  October  — ,  1820. 
Born  Dec.  20,  1752.  Drafted  from  Culpeper,  July  4,  1776,  for  18 
months,  under  Capt.  Kilpatrick  and  Col.  Chambers  Begger.  Served 
out  his  time. 

Section  No.  184 

MOORE,  GEORGE.— Boone  County,  Mo.,  Feb.  6,  1833.  Born 
1761.  Enlisted  in  Charlotte,  Dec.  25.  1780,  under  Capt.  Richard 
Givens  for  three  months.  One  month  later  reached  headquarters  of 
Gen.  Muhlenberg  near  Dismal  Swamp.  The  traitor,  Arnold,  with 
1,600  British  was  fortifying  himself  in  Portsmouth.  Affiant  volun- 
teered in  a  company  of  50  under  Capt.  Jesse  Saunders,  Lt.  David 
Caldwell,  and  Ensign  Carter,  of  Col.  Dick's  and  Maj.  Thomas'  regi- 
ments. Two  companies  of  infantry  were  in  two  miles  in  front  of  the 
main  army  toward  Arnold's  line.  We  often  skirmished,  killed  some  of 
the  eneni}-  and  taking  some  prisoners.  Capt.  Armand,  a  Frenchman 
who  commanded  a  company  of  light  horse,  charged  on  the  enemy's 
guard  and  took  them  all,  without  a  gun  being  fired  on  either  side. 
The  enemy  at  one  time  came  out  of  their  works  and  fired  on  us,'  but 
on  our  advance  they  retired.  Our  only  damage  was  one  man  wounded 
in  the  thigh.  We  marched  against  a  fort  on  the  Blackwater  held 
by  the  British,  who  fired  on  us  with  cannon,  but  for  want  of  artillery 
we  made  no  attack.  After  dark  they  sent  a  boat  down  the  river 
for  reinforcements.  We  took  the  boat  with  an  officer,  eight  men, 
and  some  clothing.  We  also  took  some  horses  around  the  fort. 
Arnold  evacuated  Portsmouth  in  March.  We  were  discharged  in 
April.  Middle  of  next  August  called  out  under  Capt.  Andrew 
Wallace  and  marched  for  Yorktown  to  join  Washington's  army. 
When  within  two  miles  we  laid  out  our  camp  and  went  to  digging 
trenches.      Affiant   and   three   others   of   company   were   employed    in 

Virginia  Militia   in   the   Revolution'  151 

iirtillery  service.  We  began  firing  Oct.  9th,  and  after  a  few  days 
moved  our  guns  nearer.  Generals  Lafeyette,  Wayne,  and  Lincoln 
I  saw  frequently  with  the  men  in  the  entrenchments.  Gen  Knox, 
the  commander  of  the  artillery,  was  one  day  at  one  of  the  batteries 
looking  through  his  spyglass,  when  a  cannon  ball  struck  the  top  of 
the  post  by  which  he  was  standing.  A  splinter  struck  his  ear  and 
made  it  bleed  freely.  After  the  surrender.  Sergeant  Elijah  Clark, 
Samuel  Marshall,  John  Paulet  and  affiant  had  orders  to  take  some 
Carolina  tories  from  Williamsburg  to  Richmond,  where  we  drew 
provisions  to  last  us  home.      Moved  to  Missouri,   1810, 

Section  No.  185 

KINCAID,  JAMES.— Lafayette  County,  Mo.,  Nov.  5,  1833. 
Entered  service  while  living  at  Castlewood  on  Clinch,  25  miles  from 
Abingdon.  The  settlers  in  Powell's  Valley  had  been  driven  out  by 
Indians,  and  manj-  of  them  hid  their  "plunder,"  not  being  able  to 
bring  it  to  a  place  of  safety.  Capt.  John  Duncan  and  company 
were  ordered  out  to  guard  the  people  so  that  they  might  bring  their 
goods  into  the  settlements.  Applicant  was  one  year  with  him. 
Capt.  Joseph  Martin  was  at  this  time  stationed  at  Rye  Cave  on 
Clinch  to  guard  the  frontier.  The  brothers,  John  and  James, 
Bunnil  (  ?)  w^ere  scouts  under  him.  We  met  these  spies  and  went 
with  them  to  Martin's  Station  in  said  valley,  but  all  had  fled. 
One  refugee,  Capt.  (Robert?)  Davis  met  us.  He  had  lived  at 
Ovven's  Station,  ten  miles  below  ALirtin's.  Duncan  sent  five  men 
to  go  with  him  to  Owen's  to  collect  his  "plunder."  On  the  way 
back  Indians  in  ambush  fired  on  them,  killing  Bowman  and  woun- 

ing  James  Bunnill  and Johnson.     Bunnill,  Davis,  and  another 

man  got  in  that  night.  Next  day  Duncan  went  down  with  all  his 
force,  including  affiant,  save  a  few  left-  to  guard  the  wounded. 
Davis  took  us  to  where  an  Indian  stood  that  he  shot  at.  We 
found  a  good  deal  of  blood  and  followed  the  trail,  but  after  a 
while  it  seemed  that  the  party  scattered.  We  buried  Bowman  and 
returned  to  Owen's.  Bunnill  grew  very  sick  and  we  took  him  to 
Rye  Cave.  All  were  dismissed  in  about  a  month.  The  above  took 
place  1776  (?)  in  summer  time.  Next  went  to  Kentucky  under 
Col.  John  Bowman,  of  Bedford,   Henry  Rolling   (  ?)    being  captain. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

and  made  for Station.     Near  Abingdon  one  William  Bush 

told  our  captain  he  would  raise  a  lieutenant's  quoto  (24  men),  if 
he  could  command  it  under  Rollins.  He  secured  the  men,  affiant 
and  brother  Joseph  enlisting  by  consent  of  father.  Overtook  Bow- 
man at  ford  of  Cumberland  River  and  joined  company  of  Capt. 
Paulin  (  ?).  Arrived  at  Boonesboro  about  August,  1777.  The  only 
other  stations  in  Kentucky  were  Logan's  and  Harrod's.  Staged 
16  to  20  days  to  let  the  people  get  in  their  corn,  which  they  could 
not  do  the  year  before,  because  of  the  Indians.  Col.  Calloway, 
who  lived  with  his  family  in  the  fort,  expected  to  return  wira 
Bowman,  but  failed  to  catch  up.  When  he  came  back  to  the  fort 
reported  a  man  killed  on  the  trail  we  had  come  by,  and  that  the 
Indians  had  massacred  seven  or  eight  families  around  Castlewood. 
Affiant  and  brother  and  several  others  became  uneasy  about  the  home 
folks,  and  the  colonel  granted  a  discharge.  On  the  way  back  we 
met  the  Clinch  scouts,  who  confirmed  the  report  and  said  the 
families  not  killed  had  fled.  We  had  been  gone  about  50  days. 
Next  expedition  w^as  to  Illinois  under  Col.  John  Montgomery. 
About  130  men  and  recruits  were  sent  to  Clarke  and  Montgomery, 
and  it  was  understood  by  us  that  the  army  would  go  to  Detroit. 
Affiant  and  brother,  Joseph,  enlisted.  At  Long  Island  in  Holston 
we  were  met  by  Col.  Evan  Shelby  and  40  militia,  and  went  by 
canoes  to  Chicamauga,  where  in  a  skirmish  we  killed  a  few,  took 
some  prisoners,  stayed  two  months,  and  collected  a  good  deal  of 
Indian  plunder.  Shelby  returned  and  Montgomery  went  to  join 

Section  No.  186 

BELL,  SAMUEL.— Augusta,  April  28,  1823.  Certificate  by 
Joseph  and  Sarah  Bell.  Entered  Sixteenth  Regiment,  Virginia 
Continentals,  as  ensign,  March  8,  1777.  Served  under  Captains 
^IcGuire  and  Thomas  Bell  and  Col.  William  Grayson.  Was  in  the 
battles  at  Brandy  wine,  Germantown,  Guilford,  and  Hot  Water. 
In  last  fight  was  wounded  in  eight  or  nine  places  and  captured. 
Parolled  by  the  enemy  and  continued  to  the  end  of  the  war  a>  a 
supernumerary  officer.  Died  in  Staunton,  1788,  leaving  as  legatees,, 
Joseph,  Sarah,  Thomas,   and  John  Bell. 

Virginia   Militia   i\   the  Revolution' 

Section  No.  187 

.  ROUNTREE,  WILLIAM.— Henrico,  Sept.  3,  1832.  Born 
in  Goochland,  Jan.  3,  1763.  Went  out  in  March,  1779,  with 
Capt.  Holman  Rice,  Lt.  Edward  Herndon,  of  the  regiment  of  guards 
under  Col.  Francis  Taylor  and  ^lorgan  Roberts.  Served  at  Albe- 
marle Barracks  two  months. 

Section  No.  188 
MURPHY,    JOHN.— Fauquier,    Aug.    31„    1832.      Born    at 
Dublin,    Ireland,   Jan.    1,    1733.     Went   out   Sept.   4,    1780,    under 
Capt.    James    Winn.      Was    a    comrade    with    Thomas    Obannon. 
(See  his  declaration). 

Section  No.  189 
BURFOOT,  TANDY.— Powhatan,  Aug.  15,  1832.  Born  in 
Goochland,  1761.  Drafted  from  Amherst  about  1778  and  marched 
under  Capt.  John  Trent  against  the  Indians  on  Holston.  Took 
fever  after  eight  w^eks  and  was  furloughed.  Drafted  from  Amherst 
and  served  about  Richmond  under  Capt.  Nicholas  Cabell.  Total 
service,  six  months. 

Section  No.  190 

COLLINS,  JOHN.— Powhatan,  Aug.  15,  1832.  Enlisted  in 
Carolina  about  1778  under  Capt.  Elisha  White  and  Col.  Charles 
Porterfield,  serving  two  years  in  state  defense.  Discharged  at 
Richmond.  Guarded  prisoners  at  Winchester,  was  six  months  at 
Hobb's  Hole  on  Rappahannock  under  Lt.  Littlebury  Harrod,  and 
three  months  on  a  vessel  at  Warwick  in  care  of  prisoners.  Born  about 

Section  No.  191 

HALL,  JA:VIES.— Powhatan,  Sept.  19,  1832.  Born  in  Chester- 
field, 1761.  Was  at  Gates'  defeat.  Next  spring  (1781)  returned 
to  North   Carolina  under  Capt.   Stephen   Pankey.      Being   in   Class 

154  ViRGixiA  Militia  ix  the  Revolution 

Two,  of  the  militia,  was  not  called  out  so  early  as  some  others. 
Was  also  in  battle  at  Guilford.  Served  about  two  years,  both  as 
volunteer  and  drafted  man.     Memorv  defective. 

Section  No.  192 

HATCHER,  SETH.— Powhatan,  Nov.  21,  1832.  Born  in 
Goochland,  Jan.  13,  1760.  Went  out  in  September,  1777,  under 
Capt.  Thomas  Harris,  and  served  two  months  at  Williamsburg  and 
Yorktown.  Next  tour  under  Capt.  George  Williamson.  At  Hood's 
Landing  they  fired  in  the  night  on  a  landing  party  of  the  enemy, 
and  afterwards  marched  to  Suffolk.  Under  Williamson  he  crossed 
the  Roanoke  at  Taylor's  Ferry  and  was  wounded  at  Guilford.  Eight 
months'  service. 

Section  No.  193 

HUTCHINSON,  JAMES.— Powhatan,  Sept.  19,  1832.  Born 
in  Amelia,  1762.  Went  out  first  in  1779  under  Capt.  John  Knight 
as  substitute  for  Mackness  Goode,  of  Amelia,  and  served  three  months 
about  Richmond  and  Norfolk.  Second  tour  was  in  same  year  and 
locality,  and  under  Capt.  William  Royall,  Lt.  John  Royall,  and 
En.  William  Robertson.  The  third  began  in  April,  1781,  when 
he  joined  the  army  at  Malvern  Hills,  and  was  in  the  retreat  to 
Rapidan.  This  time  he  was  under  Capt.  Paulin  Anderson,  Lt.  Wil- 
liam Crowder,  and  En.  William  Wood.  Fourth  tour  began  Aug.  1, 
1781,  and  was  at  Yorktown  under  Capt.  Lewis  Ford.  Total  service, 
one  year. 

Section  No.  194 

JACKSON,  HENRY.— Powhatan,  Sept.  19,  1832.  Born  in 
Chesterfield  in  1761.  About  1780,  the  Chesterfield  militia  were 
called  South.  At  least  two  companies  started  under  Captain  Booker 
and  Archibald  Walthall.  Affiant  was  with  latter.  After  waiting  at 
Randolph's  Mill  for  the  Caroline,  Hanover,  and  Henrico  militia 
to  come  up.     Col.   Faulkner  led   the  regiment  across   the   Roanoke 

\'iRGi\"iA   Militia   i\   the   Revolution' 

at  Taylor's  f'erry  and  on  to  Hillsboro,  where  Gen.  Stevens  was 
in  command  until  Gen.  Gates  arrived.  In  the  battle  at  Camden 
he  was  wounded  in  the  leg  b\-  a  bullet.  There  was  a  rall\-  at  Hills- 
boro. He  reached  home  in  December.  In  February.  1781,  he  went 
out  under  Capt.  David  Patterson,  but  after  lying  at  Dinwiddie  C.  H. 
three  weeks  they  were  discharged  by  Capt.  (  ?)  Col.  (  ?)  Robert 
Goode,  though  told  to  be  ready  at  call.  After  the  battle  of  Guilford 
he  was  again  called  out  and  served  in  Virginia,  Total  service, 
nine  months. 

Section  No.  195 

MAXEY,  JOHN,  SR.— Powhatan,  March  21,  1833.  Born  in 
Prince  Edward  in  June,  1764.  First  tour  was  early  in  1781,  guard- 
ing stores  at  Prince  Edward  C.  H.  The  only  officer  there  was  Serg't 
Alexander  McClardy.  Next  substituted  for  Benjamin  Hart,  the  com- 
pany with  another  from  Buckingham  marching  under  Maj.  John 
Overstreet,  of  Prince  Edward,  to  Malvern  Hill,  crossing  the  James 
at  Carter's  Ferry.  Under  Col.  Towles  the  command  was  constantly 
in  motion.  A  week  or  two  after  his  discharge  he  substituted  for 
his  brother,  Shadrach  Maxey  (married),  and  marched  to  Yorktow  n 
under  Capt.  Nathaniel  Cunningham.  After  the  surrender  he  guarded 
prisoners  to  Winchester. 

Section  No.  196 

MOSBY,  HEZEKIAH.— Powhatan,  Oct.  18,  1832.  Born  in 
Powhatan,  Jan.  12,  1760.  First  called  out  in  1781,  under  Capt. 
Robert  Hughes.  Crossed  Roanoke  at  Boyd's  Ferry  and  joined  Gen. 
Law'son  at  Hillsboro.  Was  in  battle  of  Guilford  and  discharged  at 
Ramsay's  Mill.  Second  tour  began  almost  immediately  after.  Half 
of  the  three  months  spent  at  Cabin  Point,  the  other  half  w^as  in 
marching  up  and  down  the  James.  The  last  tour  was  under  Capt. 
Hughes  Woodson,  at  siege  of  Yorktow^n,  after  which  he  guarded 
prisoners  as  far  as  Williamsburg.     Nine  months'  service. 

156  Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Section  No.  197 

MOSBY,  WADE.— Powhatan,  Sept.  19,  1832.  Born  in 
Powhatan  in  1761.  About  1777  affiant  joined  a  number  of  his 
fellow  students  at  Hampden-Sidney  Academy  (later  a  college), 
in  forming  a  volunteer  company.  Luke  B.  Smith,  a  professor,  was 
captain.  Subalterns  were,  Lt.  Samuel  Venable  and  En.  Samuel 
Hackley.  Served  six  weeks  at  Williamsburg.  Was  then  sixteen 
years  old.  A  year  later  the  company  again  went  out  for  six  weeks 
under  the  same  officers,  serving  at  Petersburg.  Affiant  then  quit 
college,  and  in  fall  of  1779  or  spring  of  1780,  was  Second  Lieutenant 
under  his  brother,  Capt.  Littlebury  Mosby  (later  a  General).  At 
Petersburg  they  joined  the  cavalry  under  Col.  Banister,  of  Gen. 
Lawson's  command.  The  call  was  because  hostile  vessels  came  near 
on  the  James.  After  the  defeat  of  Gates  there  was  a  heavy  call, 
and  affiant  went  out  under  his  brother-in-law,  Capt.  Robert  Hughes, 
serving  as  adjutant  of  the  regiment.  At  Moore's  Ordinary  in  Prince 
Edward,  Capt.  Cameron,  of  Buckingham  took  ill,  and  affiant  was 
appointed  in  his  place.  Was  in  battle  of  Guilford  under  Col.  B. 
Randolph.  Col.  Carrington,  quarter-master-general,  laid  off  the 
battleground.  A  fifth  tour  quickly  followed,  because  Gov.  Jefferson 
wrote  Littlebury  Mosby  to  raise  all  the  cavalry  he  could  and  go  to 
the  aid  of  Lafayette.  L.  Mosby  called  on  his  subalterns,  affiant 
raising  a  company  and  Horatio  Turpin  another,  L.  Mosby  leading 
the  battalion  as  major.  It  lay  at  Petersburg  until  the  British,  under 
Gen.  Phillips  arrived,  and  then  the  cavalry  covered  the  retreat,  taking 
up  the  bridge  over  the  Appomattox  after  the  army  had  crossed. 
Affiant  was  then  much  on  vidette  service  under  Col.  Call,  his  own 
father,  militia  commandant  of  county,  keeping  him  to  watch  Corn- 
wallis  while  the  latter  was  about  Richmond,  which  was  four  or  five 

weeks.     Married  Susanna .  April    13,    1785.     Died  June   1, 

1834.     Widow  made  application,  Oct.  1,  1838. 

Section  No.  198 

MOSELEY,  ARTHUR.— Powhatan,  Aug.  15,  1832.  Born 
about  1762  in  Powhatan.  Drafted  in  1780.  Went  into  North  Caro- 
lina under  Capt.  Robert  Hughes,  crossing  Roanoke  at  Peyton's  Ferry. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution  157 

Was  in  battle  at  Guilford.  Later,  served  at  Bermuda  Hundred,  etc., 
under  Capt.  Porter,  and  was  at  Westham,  when  Gen.  Wayne's  army 
was  set  over  the  James.  All  the  boats  were  taken  up  to  Jude's  Ferry, 
seventeen  miles  above  Richmond,  and  all  the  boats  at  Micham  Ferry 
were  brought  down,  and  were  guarded  the  whole  summer.  Served 
almost  continuously  till  end  of  war. 

Section  No.  199 

ROSS,  WILLIAM.— Powhatan,  Aug.  15,  1832.  Born  in  Ches- 
terfield May  10,  1763.  Drafted  April  15,  1779,  in  Ches- 
terfield under  Capt.  Creede  Haskins  and  En.  Archer.  Served  at 
Hood's  Fort  in  Surry  under  Capt.  Richard  Hill,  of  the  Artillery. 
Went  out  again  in  February,  1781,  under  Capt.  Paul  Patterson  and 
Col,  Robert  Goode,  and  started  for  the  Carolinas,  but  at  Dinwiddle 
C.  H.  the  command  was  countermarched  to  Petersburg.  Third 
tour  began  a  week  or  so  after  second  ended  and  under  same  officers. 
Joined  in  the  retreat  from  Petersburg,  crossed  the  James  at  Tucka- 
hoe,  and  marched  to  Richmond  to  join  Lafayette's  army.  With 
several  others  was  taken  prisoner  in  Chesterfield  by  British  cavalry 
and  kept  till  September.  Was  in  a  skirmish  at  Sudbury  in  Chester- 
field.    Discharged  at  Portsmouth. 

Section  No.  200 

SHORT,  ARCHIBALD.— Powhatan,  Aug.  15,  1832.  Born  in 
Chesterfield,  in  December,  1758.  Took  oath  in  1776.  About  1777 
enlisted  as  regular  for  three  years  under  Capt.  Francis  Smith,  a 
recruiting  officer  of  the  First  Regiment.  After  a  few  weeks  pro- 
cured a  substitute.  About  June,  1780,  substituted  for  Samuel  Short, 
of  Chesterfield,  under  Capt.  Archibald  Walthall.  Waited  at  Ran- 
dolph's Mill  till  the  militia  from  Caroline,  Hanover,  and  Henrico 
came  up.  Col.  Faulkner  led  the  regiment  to  Hillsboro,  where  it 
lay  till  the  Virginia  and  North  Carolina  militia  assembled.  After 
Gen.  Gates  arrived,  the  army  proceeded  to  near  Camden,  where  it 
was  defeated,  but  rallied  at  Salisbury.  Affiant  was  in  hospital  there 
about  a  month  and  discharged  for  ill  health,  not  reaching  home  for 

158  Virginia  Militia  ix  the  Revolutiox 

about  two  months  more.  A  third  tour  was  to  guard  the  ferries  at 
Westham  and  Tuckahoe.  A  fourth  tour  of  about  five  weeks  was 
under  Capt.  David  Patterson.  Was  discharged  before  the  battle  of 
Guilford  under  same  captain  he  served  at  siege  of  Yorktown,  and 
then  guarded  prisoners,  under  Capt.  Spencer,  of  Charlotte.  Total 
service,  about  two  vears. 

Section  No.  201 

SLEDD,  JOHN.— Powhatan,  Sept.  19,  1832.  Born  in  Han- 
over, 1760.  Enlisted  in  1779,  under  Capt.  Benjamin  Timberlake. 
of  the  garrison  regiment.  Served  two  years  and  three  months 
guarding  prisoners.  Discharged  at  Winchester,  May,  1781,  by  Col. 
Tavlor.    Was  not  outside  of  State. 

Section  No.  202 

STOVALL,  LITTLEBERRY.— Powhatan.  Oct.  18,  1832. 
Born,  1765.  First  tour  in  1780,  when  fifteen  years  old.  Substituted 
for  his  father,  who  was  drafted,  and  marched  under  Capt.  Richard 
Crump,  to  Cabin  Point.  After  his  discharge  was  put  at  once  on 
muster  list.  Later  in  same  ^ear  was  drafted  to  join  Gen.  Gates, 
but  was  discharged  as  too  feeble.  Next  year  he  served  under  Col. 
Goode  in  Chesterfield.  Another  tour  was  as  volunteer  for  his 
relative,  William  Hobson.  of  Cumberland,  who  was  drafted.  Under 
Capt.  Meredith  he  joined  Lafayette  at  Richmond  and  was  discharg- 
ed at  Raccoon  Ford.  The  last  tour  began  a  few  days  later,  when 
he  guarded  Manokin  Town  Ferry  till  surrender  of  Cornwallis. 
Total  service,  about  eight  months. 

Section  No.  203 

TONEY  (TORREY?),  JOHN.— Powhatan,  Aug.  15,  1832. 
Born  in  Powhatan  (then  Cumberland)  about  1755.  First  tour,  three 
months,  about  1777.  under  Capt.  Robert  Hughes,  serving  about 
Hampton  in  the  fall.  Second  tour  in  Chesterfield,  under  Capt. 
Wm.  Mavs  and  Col.  Goode.    Third  tour  under  Mavs  and  Hubbard, 

Virginia  Militia   in   the  Revolution  159 

serving  at  Richmond,  Petersburg,  and  Suffolk,  and  being  in  a 
skirmish  at  Hood's  Landing  on  the  James.  Fourth  and  fifth  tours 
in  1781,  under  Capt.  Geo.  Williamson.  Last  tour  at  Yorktown, 
under  Capt.  Hughes  Woodson,  who  had  been  a  regular  officer. 
Total  service  about  fifteen  months. 

Section  No.  204 

TUCKER,  THOMAS.— Powhatan,  March  21,  1833.  Born  in 
Powhatan,  1755.  First  tour  early  in  1781  when  he  marched  to 
Guilford  C.  H.,  under  Capt.  Robert  Hughes  and  Col.  B.  Randolph. 
Discharged  at  Ramsey's  Mill.  Second  tour,  soon  afterward,  was 
under  Col.     Holcombe  at  Cabin  Point  and  Smithfield. 

Section  No.  205 

WATKINS,  EDWARD.— Powhatan,  Aug.  15,  1832.  Born  in 
Powhatan,  1747.  After  1778,  in  almost  constant  service  under  Capt. 
Williamson.  Taken  prisoner  in  battle  at  Guilford,  but  escaped  after 
three  da3's.  There  served  under  Maj.  Tucker  and  Colonels  Randolph 
and  Holcomb.     Was  called  out  for  Yorktown,  but  got  a  substitute. 

Section  No.  206 

WATKINS,  EDWARD,  SR.— Powhatan,  Feb.  20,  1833.  Took 
oath  Sept.  20,  1777.  Himself  and  Edmund  Wooldridge  furnished 
William  Edwards  as  a  substitute  for  two  years.  First  three  tours 
were  as  drafted  man  under  Capt.  George  Williamson,  at  Williams- 
burg, and  Cabin  Point.  At  the  latter  place  Gen.  Lawson  was  in 
command,  and  there  was  a  skirmish.  In  third  tour  crossed  Roanoke 
at  Peyton's  Ferry.  Was  taken  prisoner  at  Guilford,  but  escaped 
after  three  days.  His  papers  were  then  taken  from  him.  Williamson 
resigned  after  reaching  Guilford  and  was  succeeded  by  Hubbard. 
Affiant  was  called  on  far  the  Yorktown  campaign,  but  furnished 
Daniel  Langsden  as  substitute. 

160  Virginia  Militia  ix  the  Revolution 

Section  No.  207 

:\IcLAURINE,  WILLIAM.— Cumberland,  June  5,  1832. 
Volunteered  Ma}^  1780,  under  Capt.  Richard  Crump,  Lt.  Vincent 
Markham,  and  En.  James  Smith,  the  latter  being  a  Baptist  preacher. 
Col.  Robert  Goode  commanded  the  regiment,  which  served  around 
Hampton.  The  second  tour  was  under  Capt.  William  Mayo,  and 
began  in  January,  1781,  the  command  marching  to  Suffolk.  On  one 
occasion  the  company  being  surprised  in  the  night,  the  captain  tried 
to  make  the  men  fight,  but  they  ran,  although  being  in  larger  num- 
ber they  could  have  taken  the  opposing  force.  The  command  was 
always  on  the  move  and  did  much  night  duty,  once  taking  five 
or  six  British  loaded  with  jewelry  and  other  plunder.  Third 
tour  began  next  March,  and  was  in  the  cavalry  under  Capt.  Little- 
bury  IMosby.  The  service  was  in  detachments.  Affiant  witnessed 
the  fight  at  Petersburg.  The  American  army  retired  to  the  Mid- 
lothian Coalpits,  twelve  miles  away.  Affiant  went  home  for  a  fresh 
horse,  and  rejoined  the  army  at  Malvern,  where  he  was  always  on 
scout  duty  by  night.  At  one  time  he  could  hear  conversation  on 
a  British  vessel.  This  service  was  for  three  months  and  the  company 
was  complimented  by  Jefferson  in  a  letter  to  Capt.  (afterward  Gen.) 
IMosby.     The  last  tour  was  in  guarding  prisoners,  mostly  seamen. 

Section  No.  208 

BR.'\DLEY,  DANIEL.— Pittsylvania,  Aug.  22,  1832.  Enlisted 
from  Cumberland,  July  1,  1780,  in  First  Virginia  for  eighteen  months. 
Was  under  Capt.  White  and  enlisted  by  En.  Belew.  Was  in  the 
battles  of  Guilford  and  Eutaw,  the  siege  of  Ninety-Six,  and  at  the 
capturing  of  Scotch  Lake  a  blockhouse  at  Camden,  and  the  forts  at 
Friday's,  Thompson's,  and  Augusta.  Was  in  camp  on  High  Hills 
of  Santee.     Capt.  Morgan  was  wounded  at  Eutaw. 

Section  No.  209 

CHANEY,  ABRAHA:M.— Pittsylvania.  Aug.  22,  1832.  Born 
in  1760.  Volunteered  under  Capt.  John  Donaldson,  Jr.,  Lt.  Moses 
Hutchings,  and  En.  Joseph  Williams,  and  marched  to  Holston  River. 

\'iRGiNiA  Militia   in  the  Revolution 

Capt.  Donaldson  with  affiant  and  fourteen  other  men  ranged  after 
the  Cherokees  for  two  weeks.  Second  tour  (1778)  was  to  Hatfield 
Fort  on  New  River,  and  under  Capt.  Donaldson  and  Lt.  John  Gwinn. 
In  winter  of  1780-'81  was  drafted  under  Capt.  Clements  and  marched 
to  Hillsboro,  where  he  was  ill  ten  weeks  and  hired  his  brother,  John 
Chane_v,  as  substitute.     Total  service,  one  vear. 

Section  No.  210 

FERGUSON,  ROBERT.— Pittsylvania.  Aug.  22,  1832.  Born 
in  Halifax  in  1761.  In  1779  substituted  for  Bezaliel  Wier,  and 
served  under  Capt.  Witcher,  marching  to  join  Gen.  Lincoln  in  South 
Carolina.  Next  spring  as  a  volunteer  under  Capt.  William  and 
and  Col.  John  Cleveland,  affiant  served  against  the  tories,  and  also 
drove  cattle  for  Joseph  Terry  to  Wilkes  C.  H.,  N.  C.  Next  Decem- 
ber he  went  out  as  substitute  for  William  Bennett,  serving  under 
Capt.  John  Winn.  On  this  tour  he  was  in  the  battle  at  Guilford 
and  \vas  discharged  at  Ramsey's  Mill.  In  April,  1781,  was  drafted 
under  Capt.  Henry  Burnett,  serving  later  under  Captains  John 
Beckley  and  William  Clark.  Joined  Gen.  Lawson  at  Charlotte  C. 
H.,  was  several  weeks  at  Malvern  Hill  and  was  in  the  battle  of  James- 
town. Just  after  his  return  home  in  August  he  enlisted  as  wagoner 
with  William  McGraw  and  served  one  year.  Total  service,  thirty 

Section  No.  211 

ANDERSON,  JACOB.— Pittsylvania,  Aug.  22,  1832.  Born 
in  Caroline  in  1760.  First  tour  was  under  Capt.  John  Marshall  and 
at  Williamsburg.  Second,  in  1779,  around  Malvern  Hill,  was  under 
Col.  Richard  Allen,  Lt.  Glenn,  and  En.  John  Daniel,  of  Col.  Henry 
Skipwith's  regiment.  The  third  was  under  Capt.  Creed  Haskins, 
in  the  Yorktown  campaign.  Total  service,  seven  months.  Drafted 
in  each  instance. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Section  No.  212 

SMITH,  JOHxN.— Pittsylvania  County,  Sept.  17,  1832.  Born, 
1744.  Drafted  under  Capt,  James  Brewer  and  afterward  William 
Dix.  Was  in  battle  of  Guilford  and  discharged  at  Haw  River, 
March  30,  1781.  Under  Dix  served  in  Yorktown  campaign,  and 
discharged  at  Noland's  Ferry  on  Potomac,  by  Capt.  Charles  Wil- 
liams, while  guarding  prisoners  to  Winchester. 

Section  No.  213 

JEFFRIES,  WILLIAM.— Pittsylvania,  Sept.  17,  1832.  Born 
in  Richmond  County,  1758.  Enlisted  in  Virginia  Line  at  same  time 
with  Samuel  Colston,  and  under  Capt.  Jeffries.  Was  inoculated 
for  smallpox.  At  Valley  Forge  joined  the  Fifteenth  Regiment  and 
served  two  years.  In  1780  volunteered  under  Capt.  Joshua  Stone 
and  was  discharged  at  High  Rock,  N.  C.  About  Aug.  1,  1781, 
was  drafted  under  Capt.  William  Dix,  Lt.  David  Hunt,  and  En. 
Clement  McDaniel,  and  served  under  Col.  Meriwether  in  siege  of 
Yorktown.  Discharged  at  Noland's  Ferry,  while  guarding  prisoners 
to  Winchester. 

Section  No.  214 

WRAY,  DAVID.— Pittsylvania,  Sept.  17,  1832.  Born  in 
Brunswick,  1751.  Volunteered  in  April  or  ^lay,  1778,  against  the 
Indians  on  New  River,  serving  under  Capt.  John  Donaldson.  Was 
at  Lucas  Fort,  etc.  In  1780  volunteered  under  Capt.  William 
Witcher  to  join  Gen.  Lincoln  in  South  Carolina,  and  served  five 
months.  Was  sick  at  the  time  of  the  battle  of  Stono.  Guarded  to 
Virginia  the  prisoners  taken  at  Cowpens,  then  was  ordered  back  to 
North  Carolina  and  at  Guilford  guarded  wagon  train.  Served  about 
ten  months,  and  was  in  no  battle. 

Section  No.  215 

DIXON,  WILLIAM.— Pittsylvania,    Aug.    22,    1832.      Born, 
1762.      Enlisted    for    three    vears    in    the    fall    of    1780,    under    one 

Virginia   Mihtia   in   the   Revolution  163 

Wheatley,  a  recruiting  officer  for  the  Continental  cavalry  regiment 
of  Col.  Litterell,  who  was  killed  at  Lindley's  Mill.  Other  officers 
were  Col.  Read,  Maj.  Douglas,  Capt.  Richeson,  Capt.  Trowton.  The 
command  was  often  out  to  suppress  tories.  Just  before  battle  of  Guil- 
ford, affiant  was  detached  to  guard  ammunition  to  Hillsboro. 

Section  No.  216 

DOVE,  WILLIAM.— Pittsylvania,  Aug.  22,  1832.  Born  in 
Charles  County,  Md.,  Nov.  27,  1758,  and  moved  to  Fairfax  in 
boyhood.  On  arrival  of  express  saying  the  British  had  landed  at 
Head  of  Elk  in  August,  1777,  he  volunteered  under  Capt.  Thomas 
Pollard  and  Col.  Rumley,  and  marched  by  way  of  Frederick  and 
York  to  join  Washington's  army.  While  ill  with  smallpox  at 
Lancaster  he  heard  the  cannon  at  Germantown.  Discharged  in 
November.  Next  September  was  a  marine  on  the  "General  Wash- 
ington" to  carry  dispatches  to  France.  The  officers  were  Capt. 
Francis  Speake,  and  Lt.  Samuel  Walker.  The  Captain  and  Lieu- 
tenant of  the  Marines  were  William  Sanford  and  William  Pearson. 
The  surgeon  was  William  Ramsey.  The  voyage  of  eighteen  days 
was  said  to  have  been  the  fastest  known.  On  leaving  Brest,  ninety 
vessels  were  convoyed  out  by  French  warships.  Near  Cape  Henry 
the  "General  Washington"  took  a  British  privateer  and  brought  her 
to  Alexandria.  In  March,  1780,  affiant  sailed  again  on  same  ship, 
which  convoyed  some  merchantmen  out  of  the  Chesapeake.  On  the 
way  to  Amsterdam  a  large  British  merchantman  was  taken.  Affiant 
and  seven  other  men  were  detailed  as  crew  for  same,  and  brought 
the  ship  and  four  prisoners  to  Philadelphia,  but  never  received  a 
cent  of  prize  money.  In  July,  1781,  volunteered  as  corporal  under 
Capt.  Thomas  Pollard,  whose  company  was  attached  at  Malvern 
Hill  to  the  regiment  under  Col.  Meriwether  and  Maj.  Hardy.  Its 
duty  was  guarding  Burwell's  warehouse  on  York  River. 

Section  No.  217 

SMITH,  JOSEPH.— Pittsylvania,  Sept.  17,  1832.  Substituted 
in  January,  1781,  for  Harmon  ^liller.  Served  under  Capt.  Charles 
Wall,  Lt.  Bates,  En.  Daniel  Wilson.    Was  at  Cabin  Point  six  weeks, 

Virginia  Militia  in"  the  Revolution 

then  joined  Gen.  Muhlenberg  at  Portsmouth.  In  a  second  tour 
substituted  for  his  father,  James  Smith,  in  April.  Served  at  Poiiit  of 
Fork,  under  Col.  St.  George  Tucker.  Discharged  at  Malvern  Hill, 
July  28,  1781.  Born  in  Maryland  in  1763  and  came  to  Halifax 
before  the  war. 

Section  No.  218 

PETTIS,  JOHN.— Spottsylvania,  Aug.  7,  1832.  Drafted  in 
Caroline  about  1779,  under  Capt.  Philip  Johnson  and  served  at 
Williamsburg.  Later  was  with  Samuel  Coleman  in  First  Virginia, 
Continental  Line,  and  was  under  Capt.  Francis  Cowherd  and  Col. 
Samuel  Hawes.  Was  in  the  battles  at  Guilford  and  Eutaw,  and 
was  discharged  at  Salisbury  about  January,  1782.  Total  service, 
about  eighteen  months.     Died  July  1,  1833. 

Section  No.  219 

SORRELL,  JOHN.— Spottsylvania,  Aug.  7,  1832.  Born  in 
Caroline  about  1760.  Volunteered,  1775,  under  Capt.  Philip  Buck- 
ner.  Second  tour,  under  Capt.  Robert  Ware,  began  in  April,  1776, 
service  being  around  Williamsburg.  Third  tour  began  May  1,  1781, 
under  a  draft  in  Spottsylvania.  Was  sent  with  eleven  other  men 
under  Sergt.  Benjamin  Robinson  to  guard  prisoners  from  the  South 
to  Staunton  and  Winchester.  At  Fredericksburg,  was  employed  to 
roll  back  to  the  warehouses  some  tobacco  that  had  been  concealed. 
Drafted  for  Yorktown  campaign  under  Capt.  Coleman  and  was 
ill  some  time.  Two  redoubts  were  stormed  Sunday  evening  and 
next  morning  he  asked  Dr.  Tankard  to  allow  him  to  report  for  duty. 
The  captain  and  others  having  gone  home  sick  he  gave  the  papers 
to  Reuben  Plunkett.  orderly  sergeant,  and  reported  fit  for  duty. 
Witnessed  the  British  prisoners  stack  their  arms  and  marched  back 
further  orders.  Volunteered  in  first  and  second  tours.  Confined 
to  house  and  lot  for  eleven  jears. 

\iRGiNiA  Militia  in  the  Revolution  165 

Section  No.  220 

STEARS.  RICHARD.— Spottsylvania,  Aug.  7,  1832.  Born, 
Sept.  — ,  1762.  Drafted  in  June,  1779,  and  served  under  Captains 
John  White,  Tankersley,  and  Holladay.  Was  at  the  surrender  of 

Section  No.  221 

STEARS.  JOHN.— Spottsylvania,  Aug.  7,  1832.  Born  in  1755. 
Enlisted  in  Seventh  Regiment,  Virginia  Line,  under  Capt.  Oliver 
Towles,  and  Lt.  Benj.  Alsop.  Served  at  Fredericksburg  and  Wil- 
liamsburg. Was  discharged  for  ill  health  in  August,  1776.  Died, 
Jan.  18,  1837. 

Section  No.  222 

TURNLEY,  FRANCIS.— Spottsylvania,  Aug.  7,  1832.  Born, 
1762.  In  first  tour,  drafted  under  Capt.  Croucher,  October,  1780, 
and  discharged  at  Petersburg.  In  second,  drafted  under  Capt.  Frank 
Coleman  and  served  at  Fredericksburg.  In  third,  under  Capt. 
Tankersley,  he  was  in  the  fight  at  Osbornes  and  at  the  surrender  of 
Cornwallis.    Total  service,  ten  months.     Died  Dec.  18,  1836. 

Section  No.  223 

CHEW,  HARRY.— Spottsylvania,  Aug.  7,  1832.  Born  Sept. 
23,  1758.  First  tour  of  duty  was  at  the  first  of  the  Revolution  under 
Capt.  Brock,  John  Brock  being  a  comrade.  The  second  was  under 
Capt.  Beverley  Winslow,  whose  company  with  that  of  Capt.  John 
Craig  was  under  Maj.  George  Thornton,  and  later,  Col.  Sampson 
^lathews.  This  tour  was  also  to  Williamsburg,  which  Gen.  Scott 
abandoned  at  Arnold's  approach.  Col.  Mathews  retreated  to  Rich- 
mond and  was  there  joined  by  Col.  Samuel  Temple,  of  Caroline. 
After  Arnold's  retreat,  the  command  was  ordered  forward  to  Wil- 
liamsburg, but  was  dismissed  at  Dincastle's  Tavern,  twelve  miles 
west  of  that  town,  by  Col.  Innes,  who  succeeded  Mathews.  Third 
tour  was  under  Winston,  quartermaster  of  regiment  under  Mathews. 

166  Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Fourth  tour,  under  Capt.  William  Mills,  was  to  Williamsburg  to 
join  Mathews.  Last  tour  was  as  ensign  under  Capt.  Francis 
Taliaferro,  First  Lt.  Henry  Bartlett,  Second  Lt.  John  Wigglesworth, 
and  Thomas  Towles,  quartermaster.  From  rendezvous  at  Fredericks- 
burg to  Hampton  the  minute  men  were  under  Maj.  Andrew  Buch- 
anan. Affiant  was  always  a  volunteer.  (Note. — The  tours  were 
given  as  remembered  and  not  in  order  of  time.) 

Section  No.  224 

TRIBBLE,  GEORGE.— Spottsylvania,  Sept.  3,  1832.  Enlisted 
for  nine  months  as  minute  man  in  Virginia  Line,  serving  under 
Capt.  Vivian  Minor,  of  Caroline,  and  Col.  Richard  Johnson.  Joined 
Maj.  Andrew  Buchanan  at  Williamsburg.  Was  out  in  six  other 
tours  under  Capt.  William  Taliaferro  and  others.  Joined  Lafayette's 
army  in  Culpeper  and  was  at  siege  of  Yorktown.  In  one  fight  at 
Gloucester.     Born  in  Caroline  in  1757. 

Section  No.  225 

VASS,  PHILIP  v.— Spottsylvania,  March  3,  1833.  Born  in 
County,  Feb.  17,  1763.  Served  three  tours  in  1781,  under  Captains 
Thomas  Towles  and  Francis  Coleman.  In  the  last  was  substitute 
for  Harry  Chew.  Served  in  the  defense  of  Fredericksburg,  in 
Lafayette's  retreat,  and  in  siege  of  Yorktown. 

Section  No.  226 

STANARD,  LARKIN.— Spottsylvania,  Aug.  6,  1833.  Born  in 
County,  May  — ,  1760.  Cadet  in  U.  S.  service  under  Col.  Mordecai 
Buckner,  Lt.  Col.  Thomas  Aylett,  and  Maj.  James  Hendricks. 
Later  was  private  under  Captains  Joseph  Brock,  Thomas  Bartlett, 

Winslow,  and  Craig.     Under  Richard  Young  was 

purchasing  commissary.  Enlisted  Jan.  1,  1776,  and  served  in  New 
Jersey.  Being  oldest  cadet  was  entitled  to  preference  in  case  of 
vacancy,  but  Col.  Buckner  appointed  his  nephew,  a  junior  cadet. 
Therefore  affiant  and  several  others  went  home  at  the  close  of  the 

Virginia   Militia   in   the   Revolution  167 

year,  having  ranked  and  messed  as  an  officer.  Was  subsequently  a 
volunteer  private  in  four  tours,  campaigning  about  Williamsburg. 
Total  service,  twentv-three  months. 

Section  No.  227 

MOORE,  ALEXANDER.— Spottsylvania,  June  3,  1833.  Born 
in  County  in  1760.  Drafted  about  1780,  under  Capt.  Coleman  and 
guarded  Governor's  palace  at  Williamsburg.  Then  enlisted  under 
Serg't  Major  Thomas  Hood  and  guarded  Gen.  Greene's  baggage 
wagons.  Ordered  back  from  North  Carolina  with  same  wagons. 
Last  tour  was  in  Yorktown  campaign.  Total  service,  about  thirteen 

Section  No.  228 

FALCONER,  SAMUEL.— Spottsylvania,  Feb.  4,  1833.  Born 
in  Orange  about  1757.  Volunteered  once,  drafted  twice.  Served 
under  Captains  McWilliams,  John  Scott,  and  Francis  Coleman. 
Last  tour  was  at  siege  of  Yorktown  and  in  guarding  prisoners  to 

Section  No.  229 

ALSOP,  BENJAMIN.— Spottsylvania,  Nov.  6,  1832.  Born  in 
County,  March  17,  1758.  Marched  about  June  1,  1780,  to  Hills- 
boro,  N.  C,  and  made  quartermaster  there.  Was  under  Capt. 
Thomas  Minor,  Lt.  John  Holladay,  Second  Lt.  Lewis  Holladay, 
En.  Robert  Durrett;  regimental  officers  being  Col.  George  Stubble- 
field,  Lt.  Col.  Joseph  Spencer,  Maj.  William  Moseley.  Was  in 
battle  at  Camden,  after  which  the  army  partially  rallied  at  Hillsboro. 
In  May,  1781,  was  nominated  Lieutenant  under  Capt.  Thomas 
Bartlett,  and  was  transferred  to  the  company  of  Capt.  James  Taylor. 
Joined  Lafayette's  army  at  Raccoon  Ford,  the  regimental  officers 
being  Col.  James  Meriwether,  and  Majors  Hardiman  and  McWil- 
liams.    Total  service,  nine  months. 

Virginia  Militia  ix  the  Revolution* 

Section  No.  230 

SMITH.  PHILIP.— Spottsylvania,  Oct.  1,  1832.  First  tour 
from  King  and  Queen  in  Seventh  Division  of  Militia  under  Capt. 
IMunstall  Banks.  The  six  other  short  tours  were  also  in  the  York- 
town  peninsula  and  under  Captains  Christopher  Howard,  William 
Courtney,  John  Lines,  and  John  Haskins.  Was  drafted  in  every 
instance.  Born  in  King  and  Queen  in  1757.  ]\Ioved  to  Spottsyl- 
vania in   1799. 

Section  No.  231 

CASON,  EDWARD.— Spottsylvania,  Oct.  1,  1832.  Born  in 
County,  1752,  died  March  13,  1834.  Was  six  months  in  Conti- 
nental Line  from  Hanover,  serving  in  Seventh  Division  under  Capt. 
Price  and  Col.  Holt  Richardson.  Was  at  battle  of  Camden.  Next 
year  was  drafted  from  Spottsylvania  and  marched  to  Williamsburg 
under  Capt.  Legg  and  Col.  Thomas  Meriwether.  Third  tour  was 
in  guarding  prisoners  from  Yorktown  to  Noland's  Ferry,  serving 
under  Captain  Croucher  and  Lt.  Branham. 

Section  No.  232 

CASON.  WILLIAM.— Spottsylvania.  Oct.  1,  1832.  Served, 
l776-'9,  in  Second  Regiment,  State  Line,  serving  under  Capt. 
Quarles.    Lt.    Benj.   Edmundson,   and   Col.   Thomas   Minor.      Was 

at  ]\Ionmouth  and  Stonv  Point. 

Section  No.  233 

POWELL,  PTOLEMY.— Born,  1767.  Just  before  the  sur- 
render of  Cornwallis  was  accepted  as  substitute  for  a  brother  in 
the  army  at  Gloucester,  while  the  brother  was  home  two  weeks  on 
furlough.  Served  under  ]\Iaj.  Campbell  in  same  company  with 
Enoch  Breeden. 

(Note: — This   information  is  given  by  Breeden.) 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revollition 

Section  No.  234 

BREEDExN,  ENOCH.— Spottsylvania,  Oct.  1,  1832.  Born  in 
Maryland,  Jan.  — ,  1759.  Came  to  Charles  City  County,  1766. 
His  father  went  into  the  army  and  never  came  back.  Himself  and 
mother  then  went  to  King  William,  where  two  brothers  lived.  Served 
several  short  tours  from  the  summer  of  1776,  till  October,  1781. 
being  under  Col.  Hickman  and  Captains  Mordecai  Abraham, 
Christopher  Thompson,  Mordecai  Booth,  and  Harry  Quarles.  Both 
volunteered  and  was  drafted.  Substituted  for  his  married  brothers, 
Moody  and  Caleb.  King  William  County  was  very  liable  to  depre- 
dation by  British  ships.  The  last  service  began  in  January,  1781, 
when  he  was  under  Captains  Drury,  Booth,  and  Abraham,  of  Col. 
Charles  Dabney's  First  Regiment.  Joined  Gen.  Stevens  at  Four 
Mile  Creek  in  Henrico,  retreated  into  Culpeper,  crossing  the  Rappa- 
hannock at  Ely's  Ford  and  recrossing  at  Raccoon  Ford.  Then 
marching  by  Pogue's  Mill,  the  army  took  the  Marquis  road  to 
Mechunk  Creek  in  Albemarle.  In  the  advance  to  Richmond  Steuben 
joined  Lafayette.  Affiant  was  then  some  time  in  camp  at  Sim's 
Neck,  on  Pamunky,  and  joined  Gen.  Weedon  at  White  House  Ferry. 
At  siege  of  Yorktown  was  stationed  at  Ware  Church  near  Gloucester. 
The  three  King  William  Companies  discharged  a  few  days  before 
the  surrender. 

Section  No.  235 

PENDLETON,  PHILIP.— Spottsylvania,  Oct.  1,  1832.  Born 
in  County,  April  6,  1758.  Served  twelve  months  in  Continental  Line 
as  minute  man.  Capt.  George  Stubblefield  going  into  the  regular 
army,  he  was  then  under  Capt.  Francis  Taliaferro.  Next  volunteered 
under  Capt.  J.  Craig,  and  served  fifty  days,  also  at  Williamsburg. 
The  last  tour  was  under  Captains  Harry  Stubblefield  and  Francis 
Coleman,  they  being  under  Majors  McWilliams  and  Hardyman. 
After  surrender  of  Cornwallis,  went  with  prisoners  as  far  as  Nolan's 
Ferry,   serving  under   Capt.   Thomas   Croucher. 

Section  No.  236 

PIERCE,  JOHN.— Spottsylvania  Sept.  3,  1832.    Volunteered  in 
August,  1775,  under  Capt.  (later  Col.)  Joseph  Brock.     Guarded  the 

170  Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

public  buildings  at  Williamsburg  under  Gen.  Charles  Scott.  Dis- 
charged two  years  later.  Second  tour  of  two  months  also  at  Wil- 
liamsburg and  under  Capt.  Thomas  Bartlett  and  Col.  Thomas  Nelson. 
Third  tour  began  Jan.  10,  1781,  when  he  served  under  Capt.  John 
Carter  as  orderly  at  Fredericksburg  and  Hanover  C.  H.  The  fourth 
was  next  fall  and  under  Capt.  Nicholas  Payne,  he  collected  beeves 
and  drove  them  to  Williamsburg. 

Section  No.  237 

JONES,  THOMAS.— Spottsylvania,  Sept.  3,  1832.  Born, 
1757.  Enlisted  for  twelve  months,  serving  under  Captains  Charles 
Bibbing  ( ?)  and  Samuel  Harris.  The  company  was  not  to  be 
attached  to  a  regiment,  but  to  be  ready  for  any  call.  After  discharge 
was  ordered  for  duty  and  hired  George  Hampton  as  substitute. 

Section  No.  238 

OBANNON,  THOMAS.— Fauquier,  Aug.  31,  1832.  Born  in 
1757.  Drafted  Sept  4,  1780,  under  Capt.  James  Winn  and  marched 
into  the  Carolinas  to  join  Smallwood  and  Morgan.  Was  at  the 
taking  of  Rugely,  but  not  in  the  battle  of  Cowpens  because  detailed 
to  collect  the  sick  and  take  them  to  Salisbury,  N.  C,  after  which 
he  was  ordered  to  take  them  on  to  Virginia.  Was  quartermaster 

Section  No.  239 

MOFFETT,  JESSE.— Fauquier,  Aug.  31,  1832.  Born  1759. 
Served  under  Capt.  Benjamin  Harrison  during  fall  of  1777,  and 
a  second  tour  of  three  months  beginning  in  July,  1781. 

Section  No.  240 

PAYNE,  AUGUSTINE.— Fauquier,  Aug.  31,  1832.  Born, 
1762.  Tour  of  six  months  beginning  in  November,  1780,  and  under 
Capt.  John  Obannon  at  Williamsburg.  Called  out  next  fall,  but 
excused  because  of  injured  foot. 

Virginia  Militia   in   the  Revolution 

Section  No.  241 

MONROE,  GEORGE.— Fauquier,  Aug.  31,  1832.  First  tour 
of  six  months  began  in  November,  1780.  Service  was  at  Williams- 
burg and  Richmond  under  Capt.  John  L.  Chunn.  Second  of  three 
months;  was  at  siege  of  Yorktown  and  guarding  prisoners  to  Win- 
chester.    Born  in  County,   1762. 

Section  No.  242 

PAYNE,  WILLIAM.— Fauquier,  Aug.  31,  1832.  Lived  at 
Falmouth  in  1776,  and  was  captain  of  militia.  Was  often  called 
out,  usually  four  or  five  times  each  year,  for  an  aggregate  of  three 
or  four  months  annually.  The  enemy  were  making  havoc  in  the 
slaves  and  tobacco,  keeping  the  whole  country  in  alarm,  and  burning 
in  every  direction,  so  that  desperate  exertions  had  to  be  made  against 
them.  H'is  service  was  usually  at  various  points  on  the  Potomac 
and  Rappahannock,  the  last  tour  being  at  the  siege  of  Yorktown. 
In  1780,  moved  to  Westmoreland  and  was  made  captain  there. 

Section  No.  243 

WITHERS,  SPENCER.— Fauquier,  Aug.  30,  1832.  Born, 
1756.  Went  out  from  Warrenton,  summer  of  1780,  under  Capt. 
Francis  Triplett,  to  Hillsboro,  N.  C.  Served  in  Morgan's  brigade 
against  the  tories.  Tarleton  pursued  Morgan  forty  miles  to  the 
Cowpens.  Affiant  was  then  sick.  Next  June  was  in  Col.  Edmund's 
regiment  and  stationed  at  Ruffin's  Ferry,  on  the  Pamunky.  Was  in 
the  retreat  to.  Raccoon  Ford,  where  Gen.  Wayne  joined  the  army. 
Was  at  siege  of  Yorktown.  Guarded  prisoners  to  Winchester. 
Discharged  at  Ashby's  Gap  about  Christmas. 

Section  No.  244 

MURRAY,  REUBEN.— Fauquier,  Aug.  29,  1832.  Born,  1762. 
First  tour  in  spring  of  1781,  under  Capt.  Turner  Morehead,  and 
Colonels  Armistead,  Churchill  and  Dabney.  Was  at  Williamsburg 
till  the  British  advanced.     Second  tour  at  siege  of  Yorktown  under 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Captains  James  Winn  and  Linn  Sharp  and  Col.  Elias  Edmond.>. 
Was  made  sergeant.  Guarded  prisoners  to  Winchester  and  there 

Section  No.  245 

ETHALL,  ANTHONY.— Fauquier,  Aug.  29,  1832.  Born  in 
Loudoun,  Feb.  — ,  1757.  Went  out  in  September,  1775,  serving  six 
months  under  Capt.  Simon  Triplett.  Witnessed  the  burning  of 
Norfolk.  Did  guard  duty  at  the  old  lighthouse  near  Hampton, 
which  burned  before  he  left  the  vicinity.  Col.  William  Grayson  and 
Maj.  Lever  Powell  were  regimental  officers.  From  June  till  Christ- 
mas, same  year,  excepting  about  10  days  in  harvest  time,  affiant 
was  in  same  company  guarding  battery  and  breastworks.  Drafted 
early  in  1777,  to  guard  Hessian  prisoners  on  their  way  to  Charlottes- 
ville. Company  commander  was  Capt.  Daniel  Teagans.  In  summer 
of  1781,  was  drafted  under  Capt.' Thomas  Connor  and  Col.  Meri- 
wether and  campaigned  around  New  Kent  C.  H. 

Section  No.  246 

WELCH,  SYLVESTER,  SR.— Fauquier,  July  23,  1832.  Born 
1762.  Enlisted  in  Northumberland,  1777,  under  Samuel  Denny, 
in  First  Virginia  Artillery,  serving  three  years.  Regimental  officers, 
Col.  Charles  Harrison,  Lt.  Col.  Edward  Carrington,  Maj.  Christo- 
pher Holman.  Company  commander,  Capt.  Jonathan  Dandridge. 
Was  at  Valley  Forge  and  Monmouth. 

Section  No.  247 

OWEN,   ELISHA.— Powhatan,  Aug.   6,    1838.      Served   about 

twelve  months   in    1780-'81.     ALirried   Elizabeth  ,   in    1779. 

Died,  1832.     Declaration  bv  widow. 

Section  No.  248 

AMMONETT,  CHARLES.— Powhatan,  Nov.  12,  1832.  Born 
in   Powhatan,   Oct.    13,    1758.      Served   four   tours   under   Captains 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution  173 

Thomas  Harris  and  Edward  Moselej'.  Was  in  a  skirmish  below 
Petersburg,  where  several  of  the  enemy  were  killed.  Guarded  boats 
at   Tudes  Ferrv.     Both  volunteered  and  was  drafted. 

Section  No.  249 

STEWART,  JOHN.— Spottsylvania,  Aug.  7,  1832.  Born, 
1761.  Enlisted  in  1778,  from  Culpeper  under  Capt.  James  Purvis, 
Col.  Francis  Taylor,  and  Maj.  John  Roberts,  and  served  till  June, 
1781,  guarding  prisoners.  Later  was  drafted  under  Capt.  Nicholas 
Payne  and  Col.  Meriw^ether,  served  at  Yorktown,  and  guarded 
prisoners  to  Winchester,  about  Dec.   1st.     Declaration  by  widow. 

Section  No.  250 

WILSON,  ABRAHA:\I.— Spottsylvania,  Aug.  7,  1832.  Born 
in  SpottsA'lvania,  1759.  Drafted  from  Culpeper  in  February,  1779, 
under  Capt.  Joseph  Strother,  serving  at  Albemarle  Barracks  and  on 
the  seaboard.  A  second  tour,  under  Capt.  Frank  Coleman,  was  at 
Yorktown.     Service,  eighteen  months. 

Officers  of  the  Virginia  Militia 
in  the  Revolution 


The  lists  here  given  for  the  counties  of  Albemarle,  Amelia,  Bed- 
ford, Berkley,  Botetourt,  Caroline,  Chesterfield,  Cumberland,  Fau- 
quier, Fluvanna,  Frederick,  Goochland,  Greenbrier,  Henrico, 
Loudoun,  Louisa,  Orange,  Powhatan,  Rockbridge,  and  Spottsyl- 
vania,  were  compiled  directly  from  the  County  Order  Book,  ex- 
cepting Albemarle  (in  part),  and  Spottsylvania.  The  records  of 
Fluvanna  and  Greenbrier  were  found  somewhat  deficient,  and  those 
of  Henrico  were  very  much  wanting.  Nothing  was  found  in  Buck- 
ingham, Culpeper,  Dinwiddie,  Fairfax,  Hampshire,  Nottoway,  Prince 
George,  Prince  William,  or  Stafford. 

These  lists  give  the  date  of  nomination  or  commission,  and 
wherever  possible,  the  captains  under  whom  the  lieutenants  and  en- 
signs served.  It  is  evident  that  the  record  was  not  always  complete. 
In  some  instances  an  officer  was  undoubtedly  sworn  in,  although  only 
the  date  of  recommendation  can  be  found  on  the  Order  Book. 

Where  a  name,  as  of  "John  Smith,"  appears  tw^fce,  it  is  because 
it  is  not  clear  that  in  each  instance  the  same  person  is  designated. 
And  as  a  higher  rank  usually  means  that  the  officer  has  previously 
served  in  one  or  more  lower  grades,  only  the  highest  rank  found  is 
given  in  the  lists. 

Where  a  date  is  given  without  any  explanatory  mark,  it  means 
that  the  person  is  known  to  have  held  the  indicated  rank  in  the  year 

The  special   abbreviations  used   are  the   following: 
Co.   Lt. — County  Lieutenant. 
Cp. — Captain. 

Lt. — Lieutenant    (when   there  is  nothing  to  show  whether 
first  or  second.) 

Virginia   Militia   in  the   Revolution 


F.  L. — First  Lieutenant. 

S.  L. — Second  Lieutenant. 

En. — Ensign. 

S. — Sworn  into  office. 

A. — Appointed  by  county  court. 

R. — Recommended  by  county  court. 

N. — Nominated  by  county  court. 

The  three   last  expressions  were   all   in   use,   but  seem   as   a 
rule,   to   have   the   same   force. 
Com'd — Date   of    Commission    by   governor;    bearer   subse- 
quently sworn  in. 
P'ner — Prisoner  of  war  in  hands  of  the  enemy. 
Res. — Resigned. 

Section  251 — Albemarle 

A — (From   Wood's  History   of  Albemarle') 

Allen,  David,  Cp, 
Ball,  Erasmus 
Chiles,  Micajah 
Davis,   Isaac 

,  John  Lowery 

Durrett,    Richard 
Flait,  William 
Foulk,  Matthew 
Frazier,   Falzy 
Garland,  Edward 
Gilliam,  George,  Lt. 
Gilmer,  Gteorge,  Lt. 
Harper,  Richard 
Harris,  Richard 
Henderson,  John 
Henderson,    John 
Henderson,    Bennett 
Henderson,  William 
Johnson,   William 
Lewis,  Charles,  Cp. 
Lewis,  Charles  L. 
Lewis,  William,  T,  Sergt. 

(Note: — The  dates  of  comm 
11,  1775.) 

Lewis,  Isham 
Lewis,  William 
Lewis,  Micajah 
Lindsay,  Reuben 
Marks,  John,  Lt. 
Marks,  Hastings 
Martin,  John,  Sergt. 
Martin,  Thomas,  Jr.,  Corp. 
Martin,  Hudson 
Martin,  Thomas,  Cp. 
Mills,  Frederick  William,  Cp. 
Mills,   Bernard 
Mitchell,  Thomas 
Quarles,  James,  Cp. 
Strachan,  Thomas. 
Thompson,  Nelson 
Walker,  Thomas 
Wood,  William,  Sergt. 
Wood,  William 
Wood,  Isaac 
Wood,  John 
Wood,  John 
ission  for  the   above   are   May  2,   and  July 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

B — {Frojii  Papers  of  George  Gilmer.) 

Barksdale,   Samuel 
Bowen,  Micajah 
Boyd,  William 
Burke,  Henrj^,  Cp. 
Burke,  John,  Cp. 
Butler,    Cp. 

Carr,  Makins 
Collins,  John 
Do  well,  Major 
Dunn,  James 
Garland,  Nathaniel,  Lt. 
Gentry,  George 
Gentry,  James 
Going,  Sherod 
Gooch,  William,  Lt. 
Gra^-son,  William,  Cp. 
Hall,   Nathan 
Hall,  John 
Hardin,  George 
Harris,  Benjamin,  Cp. 
Harris  Robert,  Cp. 
Harris,  William 
Hawkins,  Reuben,  Cp. 
Hill,  Richard 
Huckstep,  Charles 
Hudson,  John,  Cp. 
Johnston,  Richard 
Jordan,  William 


Keblinger,  Adam 
Leake,  Mark,  Cp. 
Lewis,  Nichols,  Cp. 
Lindsay,  Reuben,  Col. 
Martin,  John,  Cp. 
Maupin,  Cornelius 
Maupin,  Daniel 
Maupin,  William 
McCardle,  Samuel 
Meriwether,  James 
Meriwether,  Thomas 
Munday,  Jonathan 
Peper,  John,  Lt, 
Leamond,  Ephriam 
Southerlin,  Kenneth 
Snow,  Richard 
Spradling,  John 
Spinner,  Richard 
Strange,  David 
Taylor,  John 
Thacker,  Nathaniel 
Thomas,  Absolam 
Thomas,  John 
Thompson,  Leonard,  Lt. 
Thompson,  Roger 
Thompson,  George,  Lt. 
Wheeler,  Micajah 
White,  Daniel,  Cp. 
Wood,  John 
Tarleton,  Sergt. 

C—{Fro,n  Order-Book  of  1783.) 

Brisco,  William,  Cp.— S.  May  8,  1783— vice  James  Wood. 
Henderson,  John,  Lt. — 1783. 

James,  Thomas,  Cp. — S.  May  8,   1783 — vice  John   Henderson. 
Moore,  James,  En. — S.  Alay  8,  1783 — under  T.  Jones. 

Virginia   Militia   in  the  Revolution  177 

Mosley,  Daniel,  En.— R.  Nov.  13,  1783. 

Nicholas,  William,   Col.— 1783. 

Reid,  John,  P]n. — R.  May  8,   1783 — under  Brisco. 

Thomas,  Ralph,  Cp.— R.  Nov.  13,  1783— vice  Benj.  Harris. 
Thomas,  Joseph,  Lt.— R.  Nov.  13,  1783,  under  R.  Thomas. 

Wingfield,  Charles,  Lt.— R.  May  8,   1783 — under  Jones. 

Wood,  James,  Cp.— 1783. 

Woodson,  William,  Lt.— R.  Mav  8,  1783— under  Brisco. 

Section  252— AMELIA 

Anderson,  Paulin,  Cp.,  1777. 

Anderson,  Henry,  F.  L.,  S.  April  23,   1778— of  Nottoway  County. 

Anderson,  Francis,  Jr.,  F.  L,       January  22,  1778 — under  Jones 

Bagley,  George,  F.  L.,  S.  May  25,  1780. 

Bass,  William,  En.,  S.  April  23,  1778. 

Beadle,  John,  S.  L.,  N.  June  22,  1780. 

Boiling,  Robert,  Lt.   (?),  S.  June  22,  1780. 

Booker,  Edmund,  Lt.  Col.,  S.  May  25,  1780. 

Booker,  George,  S.  L.,  R.  August  28,  1777— under  E.  Booker. 

Booth,  John,  S.  L.,  October,  26,  1780. 

Bowling,  Robert,  Cp.  S.  October,  26,  1780 — vice  W.  Jones. 

Bridgforth,  Thomas,  S.  L.,  S.  June  22,  1780: 

Brooking,  Robert  E.,  Cp.,  S.  Sept.  20,  1777. 

Brown,  Thomas,  En.?  June  22,   1780. 

Chaffin,  Joshua,  F.  L.,  S.  Oct.  26,  1780— under  L.  Ford. 
Chappell,  John,  En.,  S.  Oct.  26,  1780. 

Cobbs,  John  C„  S.  L.,  R.  June  22,  1780— under  W.  Craddock. 
Cocke,  Chastain,  Cp.,  S.  Sept.  20,  1777— of  19th  Co. 
Craddock,  Henry,  S.  L.,  S.  April  23,  1778. 
Craddock,  Richard,  S.  L.,  S.  Jan.  22,  1778. 
Craddock,  Richard,   ?,  S.  June  22,  1780. 

Craddock,  William  Crass,  Cp.,  S.  June  22,  1778 — vice  Ward. 
Craddock,   Charles,   En.,    S.    June    26,     1776 — (probably    same    as 
William  C.) 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Crowley,  William,  ?,  S.  June  22,  1780. 

Dennis,  John.  Cp.,  S.  April  23,  1778 — vice  Munford. 

Durham,  Joshua,  F.  L.,  R.  Nov.  23,  1780— under  R.  Bowling. 

Edward,  Robert,  En.,  S.  Oct.  24,  1776. 

Elliot,  John,  S.  L.,  R.  Sept.  20,  1777— under  R.  Graves. 

Finney,  William,  Cp.,  S.  Oct.  20,  1777. 

Finney,  John,  En.,  S.  Oct.  20,  1777. 

Fitzgerald,  Francis,  F.  L.,  S.  May  25,   1780. 

Ford,  Lewis,  Cp.,  S.  March  25,  1779. 

Ford,  William,  Cp.,  S.  March  25,  1779— vice  Brooks. 

Fowlkes,  Gabriel,  Cp.,  S.  April  22,  1779. 

Fowlkes,  Gabriel,  Lt.  Col.,  S.  April  23,  1778. 

Gibbs,  William,  S.  L.,  S.  March  25,  1779. 

Giles, ,  Col.,  S.  April  23,  1778. 

Goode,  Mack,  En.,  R.  October  26,  1880. 

Gray,  John,  F.  L.,  S.  August  28,  1777— under  T.  Short. 

Green,  Abraham,  Cp.,  S.  June  22,  1780. 

Green,  Samuel,  S.  L.,  R.  April  23,  1778. 

Greenhill,  William,  Cp.,  S.  Sept.  20,  1777. 

Grigg,  James,  En.,  S.  May  25,  1780. 

Hall,  Bowler,  F.  L.,  S.  June  22,  1780. 

Harrison,  William,  S.  L.,  R.  April  23,  1778— under  Capt.  Walker. 

Holloway,  William,  En.,  R.  Nov.  23,  1780. 

Howson,  John,  En.,  S,  Aug.  28,   1777 — under  W.  Watson. 

Hudson,  Robert,  Cp.,  R.  Oct  26,  1780. 

Irby,  Charles,  S.  L.,  S.  Aug  28,  1777— under  N.  Winn. 

Jenkins,  James,  Col.  S.,  July  27,  1780— 2d  Battalion. 

Jennings,  Joseph,  Cp.,  S.  Sept.  20,   1777. 

Jeter,  Presly,  En.,  S.  May  25,  1780. 

Johnson,  Arthur,  En.,  S.  Sept.  20,  1777 — under  P.  Jones. 

Jones,  Richard,  F.  L.,  S.  Oct.  26,  1780. 

Jones,  Batt,  Lt.,  S.  June  22,  1780. 

Jones,  Daniel,  Cp.,  S.  April  22,  1779. 

Jones,  Thomas,  En.,  S.  Sept.  20,  1777 — under  R.  Ward. 

Jones,  William,  Cp.,  S.  Sept.  20,  1777. 

Jones,  Philip,  Cp.,  R.,  June  22,  1780. 

Jordan,  Thomas,  En.,  R.  Nov.  27,    1777 — under  R.  Winn. 

Virginia  Militia   in   the  Revolution 

Knight,  John,   ?,  S.  June  22,  1780. 

Lewis,  Griffin,  S.  L.,  S.  Oct.  20,  1777. 
Locke,  Richard,  En.,  S.  Sept.  20,  1777. 

IVIanere,  John,  S.  L.,  S.  Jan.  22,  1778— under  W.  Jones. 

Marshall,  Abraham,  F.  L.,  S.  May  25,  1780. 

Marshall,  John,  En.,  R.  April  23,  1778. 

IVLirshall,  Alexander,  S.  L.,  R.  Aug.  28,  1777— under  B.  Ward. 

McNabb,  Alexander,  S.  L.,  S.  Aug.  28,  1777. 

Mitchell,  Thomas,  En.,  R.  Jan.  22,  1778— under  R.  Jones. 

Mitchell,  Thomas,  —  ?— S.  June  22,  1780. 

Mitchell,  Evans,  En.,  S.  Sept.  20,  1777— under  A.  Green. 

Munford,  Edward,  Cp.,  May  25,  1780— of  20th  Company. 

Newman,  Rice,  En.,  R.  Aug.  28,   1777— under  A.  Green. 
Noble,  Joseph,  En.,  R.  June  22,  1780. 

Oglisby,  Richard,  Cp.,  S.  May  25,  1780. 
Osborne,  Abner,  ?,  S.  June  22,  1780. 
Osborne,  William,  Jr.,  Cp.,  S.  May  25,  1780. 
Overton,  Thomas  Perkins,  S.  L.,  S.  Oct.  26,   1780. 

Randolph,  Peter,  F.  L.,  S.  Oct.  20,   1777. 

Roberts,  Jacob,  En.,  S.  May  25,   1780. 

Roberts,  Pleasant,  Cp.,  S.  June  22,  1780— vice  P.  Jones. 

Roberts,  Alexander,  F.  L.,  S.  May  25,  1780. 

Robertson,  William,  S.  L.,  R.  May  25,  1780— under  R.  Ogilsby. 

Royall,' John,  F.  L.,  S.  June  22,  1780. 

Royall,  Littlebury,  F.  L.,  S.  June  22,  1780. 

Royall,  William,  F.  L.,  S.  Sept.  20,  1777. 

Royall,  John,  S.  L.,  S.  Sept.  20,  1777. 

Royall,  John,  F.  L.,  S.  ?,  June  22,  1780. 

Sherwin,  Samuel,  Col.,  A.  April  23,  1778. 
Short,  Thomas,  Lt.  Col.,  S.  May  25,   1780. 

Tabb,  Edward,  Cp.,  R.  April  23,  1778— under  J.  Jenkins. 
Tabb,  John,  Col.,  R.  Aug.  28,  1777. 
Towers,  John,  Jr.,  En.,  S.  May  25,  1780. 
Tucker,   Daniel,   En.,   S.  Aug.   28,    1777. 

ISO  A'iRGixiA  Militia  ix  the  Revolution 

Vaughan,  James,  F.  L.,  N.  Oct,  26,  1780. 

Vaughan,  Robert,  F.  L.,  R.  June  22,  1780 — under  E.  Booker. 

Vaughan,  Robert,  Cp..  S.  Sept.  20,  1777. 

Walker,  ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Walthall,  John,  F.  L.,  S.  April  22,  1779— under  Capt.  Finney. 

Ward,  Rowland,  Jr.,  Cp..  S.  May  25,  1780— vice  D.  Jones. 

Ward,   Rowland.   Sr.,   Maj.,   S.  April  23,    1778. 

Ward,  John,  En.,  R.  Sept.  20,   1777. 

Ward,  Benjamin,  Capt.,  1777. 

Watkins,  Samuel,  S.  L..  R.  Nov.  23,  1780. 

Watson,  Luke,  S.  L.,  S.  Oct.  20,  1777. 

Watson,  William,  Cp.,  1777. 

Wells,  William,  En.,  S.  Oct  20,  1777. 

Wells,  Thomas  T.,  S.  L.,  S.  Sept.  20,  1777. 

Williams,  Philip,  F.  L.,  S.  Sept.  20,  1777. 

Winn,  Richard,  Cp.,  1777. 

Wilson,  Charles,  F.  L.,  R.  April  23,  1778. 

Wilson,  ,  Lt.  Col.,  A.  April  23,  1778. 

Willson,  Thomas  Branch,   Maj.,   S.  Oct.  20,   1777 — probably  same 

as  above. 
Wood,  William,  Jr.,  S.  L.,  S.  Jan.  22,  1778— under  P.  Anderson. 
Worsham,  William,  En.,  S.  ^Vlarch  25,   1779. 

Section  253 — Augusta 

Note: — See  also  Rockingham  for  Robert  Craven,  Robert  Davis,  Reuben 
Harrison,  John  Hopkins,  Abraham  Lincoln,  William  Nail,  John  Skidmore, 
and  Daniel  Smith. 

Allen,  William,  Lt.,  S.  April  17,  1782— under  J.  Campbell. 
Anderson,  William,  Lt.,  R.  April  17,  1782 — under  J.  ]\IcKittrick. 
Anderson,  William,  Cp.,    1777. 

Anderson,  Robert,  En,  R.  April  17,  1782— under  J.  McKittrick. 
Anderson,  Andrew,  Cp.,  R.  Aug.  18,  1781 — vice  Joseph  Bell. 
Anderson,  George,  S.  L.,  R.  May  18,  1779— under  T.  Rankin. 
Anderson,  George,  En.,  S.  Feb  20,  1781. 

Baskins.  Charles.  Cp..  R.  Feb.  20,  1782 — vice  Zachary  Johnson. 
Baskins.  Tames.  F.  L..  S.  Oct.  20,  1780. 

X'iRGiNiA   Militia   i\"   the   Revolution 

Bell  Joseph,  En.,  S.  Aug.  15,  1780— under  J.  Dickey. 

Bell,  James,  Cp.  S.  Aug.  15,  1780. 

Bell   Joseph,  Cp.,   S.  Aug.    15,    1780— vice   David   Bell,   res.   Aug. 

15,   1781. 
Bell  David,  Cp.,  1777— died  1780. 

Black,  Samuel,  S.  L.,  S.  Oct.  20,  1778— under  R.  McCreery. 
Blair,  Joseph,  En,,  R,  Feb.  17,  1778 — under  J.  Cunningham. 
Bogart,  Cornelius,  En.,  R.  Sept.  19,  1780 — under  B.  Wilson. 
Boggs,  Thomas,  Cp.  R.  Aug.  19,  1778— vice  M.  Humble. 
Bowyer,  William,  Lt.  Col,  S.  Feb.  16,   1779— 2d  Batallion. 
Boyd,  John,  En.,  R.  May  20,  1777. 
Bratton,  George,  Lt.  S.  :\Iay  22,  1782. 
Brattpn,  James,  Cp.  R.  Aug.  21,  1781— vice  W.  Kinkead. 
Brown,  John,  Cp.,  S.  ^lay  15,   1781 — vice  J.  Cartmill 
Brownlee,  Alexander,  En.,  R.  May  19,  1778 — refused  to  serve. 
Buchanan,  David,  Lt.,  R.  Aug.  18,   1781 — under  P.  Buchanan. 
Buchanan,  William,  En.,  S.  Dec.  20,  1780— under  S.  McCutchen. 
Buchanan,  Patrick,  Cp.,   1777. 

Calbraith,  William,  En.,  S.  Mar.  22,  1782. 

Cameron,  Charles,  Col,  S.  Feb.  20,  1782. 

Campbell,  John,  Cp.,  S.  April  17,  1782— vice  J.  Patterson. 

Campbell,  Charles  Cp.,   1777. 

Campbell,  Robert,  F.  L.,  S.  March  17,  1778. 

Carpenter,  Michael,  F.  L.,  S.  Aug.  19,  1778— under  W.  Lowther. 

Cartmill,  John,  Cp.,  S.  Nov.  21,  1780— vice  R.  McCreery. 

Christian,  Robert,  Jr.,  S.  L.,  S.  Aug.  15,  1780 — vmder  F.  Long. 

Clark,  Robert,  Lt.,  S.  Aug.  19,  1777. 

Clemons,  Casper,  F.  L.,  R.  May  18,   1779— under  T.  Rankin. 

Coger,  Michael,  Cp.,  S.  Nov.  23,  1777— vice  W.  Naile. 

Colbraith,  William,  En.,  S.  March  22,  1782. 

Connerly,  Arthur,  En.,  S.  April  17,  1782. 

Coulter,  Michael,  Lt.,  S.  Feb.  20,   1781— 2d  Battalion. 

Craven,  Robert,  Cp.,   1777. 

Crawford,  Alexander,  En.,  S.  Nov.  11,  1780 — under  J.  Cartmill 

Crawford,  James.  S.  L.,  R.  Aug.  19,  1777. 

Crouch,  Joseph,  Cp.,  S.  March  16,  1779. 

Cunningham,  John,  Cp..  S.  Aug.  19,  1777. 

Davis,  Robert.  Cp.,  1777. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Day,  Joseph,  En.,  R.  Aug  21,  1781 — under  G.  Poage. 
Dfckey,  John,  Cp.,  S.  Aug.   15,   1780— vice  W.  Henderson. 

Ewing,  James,  En.,  R.  1777. 

Finley,  William,  Cp.,  S.  Aug.  15,  1780 — vice  R.  Thompson. 

Fleisher,  Henry,  En.,  S.  June  20,  1781. 

Fleisher,  Henry,  S.  L.,  Oct.  22,  1778— under  J.  McCoy. 

Frazier,  James,  S.  L.,  S.  Oct.  20,   1778. 

Frazier,  James,  Cp.,   1777. 

Garner,  John,  S.  L.,  R.  Aug.  19,  1778. 

Gibson,  David,  En.,  S.  May  18,  1779 — under  J.  Patterson. 

Gibson,  James,  S.  L.,  S.  Oct.  20,  1778. 

Gilmer,  John,  Cp.,  1777. 

Given   (Gwin?),  David,  Cp.,  S.  June  20,   1781 — vice  Oliver. 

Given,  John,  Cp.,  S.  Feb.  17,  1778 — vice  Laird. 

Graham,  James,  En.,  S.  Oct.  20,  1778. 

Graham,  Christopher,  Lt.,  S.  May  11,  1777. 

Gray,  David,  Cp.,  1777. 

Gwin,  Joseph,  F.  L.,  R.  Aug.  21,  1781— under  T.  Hicklin. 

Gwin,  David,  S.  L.,  S.  Feb.  16,  1777 — became  Cp. 

Hamilton,  Patrick,  En.,  R.  March  16,  1779. 

Hamilton,  Charles,  Cp.,  S.  June  18,  1782 — vice  D.  Gwin. 

Hamilton,  Andrew,  Jr.,  En.,  S.  Sept.  15,  1778 — under  W.  Kinkead. 

Hamilton,  John,  Cp.,  R.,  Aug.  20,  1777— (Tygart's  Valley). 

Harper,  Nicholas,  F.  L.   (?),   1778. 

Harris,  Robert,  S.  L.,  S.  Sept.  17,  1777— under  S.  McCutchen. 

Harrison,   Reuben,  Cp.,   1777. 

Hempenstall,  Abraham,  En.,  S.  April  20,   1778. 

Henderson,  William,  Cp.,  1777.  .went  to  Kentucky  about  1780. 

Hewitt,  Thomas,  Cp.,  1777. 

Hicklin,  Thomas,  Cp.,  S.  March  17,  1778. 

Hogshead,  James,  Jr.,  En.,  R.  Aug.  19,  1778 — under  J.  Trimble. 

Hopkins,  John,  Cp.,  1777. 

Hughart,  Thomas,  Col.,  S.  Sept.  19,  1780— 2d  Battalion. 

Hull,  Peter,  Cp.,  S.  June  20,  1781— vice  J.  McCoy. 

Humphreys,  Jonathan,  Lt.,  S.  Nov.  21,  1780, 

Johnson,  James,  Lt.,  S.  March  22,  1782 — under  C.  Baskins. 
Johnson,  Zachary,  Cp.,  S.  Aug.  20,  1777— res.  Feb.  20,  1782. 

Virginia   Militia   in  the   Revolution  183 

Kenny,  Robert,  Cp.,  S.  Oct.  21,  1778— vice  A.  Robertson. 
Kinkead,  William,  Cp.,  S.- Sept.  15,  1778— vice  A.  Lockridge— res. 
Aug.  21,  1781. 

Lincoln,  Abraham,  Cp.,  1777. 

Lockridge,  Andrew,   Maj.,   S.   Sept.    15,    1779. 

Logan,  William,  En.,  A.  March  19,  1782— under  S.  McCutchen. 

Long,  Joseph,  Lt.,  S.  Nov.  22,  1780 — under  F.  Long. 

Long,  Francis,  Cp.,   1777. 

Lowderson  (Robertson?),  William,  Cp.,  R.  Aug.  19,  1777— (West 

Lowther,  William,  Cp.,  R.  Sept.   17,   1777— (West  Fork). 
Lyle,  John,  Cp.,  1777. 

IVLidison,   Richard,  S.  L.,   R.  May   19,   1778. 

Mathews,  Richard,  En.  R.,  Oct.  21,  1778— under  J.  Trimble. 

Mathews,  Sampson,  Lt.  Col.,  S.  May  19,  1778. 

Maxwell,  Alexander,  F.  L.,  S.  March  16,  1779. 

McClenahan,  William,  En.,  R.  Dec.  16,  1777— under  A.  Robertson. 

McCoy,  John,  Cp.,  1777. 

McCreery,  John,  Lt.  Col.,  S.  Aug.  15,  1780. 

McCreery,  William,  Lt.,  S.  June  20,  1781 — under  C.  Cameron. 

McCreery,  Robert,  Cp.,  1777. 

McCune,  John,  F.  L.,  S.  Oct.  21,  1778— under  R.  Kenny. 

McCutchen,  Samuel,  Cp.,  S.  Sept.  17,  1777— under  S.  McCutchen. 

McKenny,  John,  F.  L.,  S.  Sept.  17,  1777. 

McKittrick,  John,  Cp.,  S.  April  17,  1782— vice  J.  Trimble. 

McKittrick,  John,  En.,  R.  Aug.  21,  1781 — vice  Gardner. 

McMahon,  John,  S.  L.,  S.  June,  16,  1778— under  W.  Anderson. 

Meteer,  Thomas,  En.,  R.  Aug.  19,  1778. 

Mitchell,  James,  S.  L.,  R.  May,   19,   1778. 

Moffett,  George,  Col.,  S.  June  16,  1778.  . 

Moore,  Andrew,  Cp.,   1777. 

Nail,  William,  Cp.,  1777. 

Oliver,  John,  Cp.,  R.  Nov.  21,  1780— vice  S.  Vance. 

Patterson,  Joseph,  Cp.,  S.  May  18,  1779 — vice  W,  Anderson. 
Peebles,  John,  Cp.,  1777. 
Pence,  George,  Cp.,  1777. 

184  Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Perry,  Joshua,  En.,  S.  May  22,  1782. 

Poage,  James,  Lt.,  S.  Mar.  20,  1782. 

Poage,  John,  Jr.,  En.,  S.  Mar.  20.  1782. 

Poage,  George,  Cp.,   S.  June  20,   1781 — vice  Oliver — 2d  Battalion. 

Pringle,  Samuel,  Cp.,  1777. 

Rankin,  James,  En.,  R.  May  18,  1779. 

Rankin,  Thomas,  Cp.,  S.  IVIay  18,  1779— vice  R.  Kenny. 

Reader,  Anthony,  Cp.,  R.  Aug.  19,  1777 — vice  Adam  Reader. 

Reader,  Adam,  Cp.,   1777. 

Robertson,  William,  Cp.,  S.  March   16,   1779. 

Robertson,  Alexander,  S.  L.,  R.  Aug.  19,  1778— under  R.  Kenny. 

Robertson,  Alexander,  Maj.,  S.  Oct.  21,  1778. 

Rucker,  Samuel,  Lt.,  S.  May  15,  1781— under  J.  Oliver. 

Scott,  Alexander,    S.    L.,    R.    Dec.    16,    1777 — under  A.  Robertson, 

res.    1781. 
Seybert,  Nicholas,  F.  L.,  S.  :\Iarch   16,   1778— under  J.  McCoy. 
Shaw,  Robert,  S.  L.,  R.  Aug.  19,  1777— under  T.  Smith. 
Shirley,  Valentine,  En.,  R.  Aug.  19,  1777. 
Simpson,  Alexander,  Cp.,  S.  Nov.   18,   1778. 
Skidmore,  John,  Cp.,  1777. 
Smith,  Daniel,  Cp.,   1777. 
Smith,  Thomas,  Cp.,  1777. 

Smith,  John,  En.,  S.  Sept.  17,  1777— under  R.  McCutchen. 
Steel,  James,  En.,  S.  Oct.  20,   1778— under  R.  Thompson. 
Stephenson,  John,  Cp.,  1777. 
Stewart,  Ralph,  Cp.,   1777. 
Stewart,  Alexander,  Cp.,  1777. 

Tate,  William,  Cp.,  S.  Aug.  21,  1781. 

Tate,  James,  Cp.,  1777— killed  at  Guilford. 

Teter,  Paul,  Cp.,  1777. 

Thomas,  James,  En.,  S.  Aug.  19,  1778. 

Thompson,  Robt.,  Lt.,  S.  Nov.  21,  1781. 

Thompson,  Robert,  Cp.,  1777. 

Thompson.  Alexander,  Col.,  R.  'Mux  19,  1778 — refused  to  serve. 

Trimble,  James,  Cp.,  S.  Sept.  15,  1778— vice  G.  Moffett. 

Vance,  Samuel,  Col.,  R.  Aug.  21,  1781. 

Virginia   Militia   in'   the   Revolution 

Waddell,  Joseph,  Lt.,  S.  Aug.  15,  1780— under  W.  Henderson. 

Warwick,  Jacob,  F.  L.,  S.  March  16,  1779 — under  S.  Vance. 

Warwick,  Jacob,  Cp.,  R.  March  20,  1777. 

Wauchub,  John,  S.  L.,  S.  Sept.  19,  1780. 

Westfall,  Jacob,  Jr.,  F.  L.,  R.  Sept.  19,  1780— under  B.  Wilson. 

White,  John,  Lt.,  S.  April  20,  1779. 

Wier,  Samuel,  En.,  R.  IVIay  20,  1777. 

Wilson,  John,  Maj.,  S.  March  20,  1781— 2d  Battalion. 

Wilson,  David,  En.,  S.  Aug.   15,   1780 — vice  Brownlee. 

Wilson,  Benjamin,  Cp.,  S.  March   17,   1778— (Tygart's  Valley). 

Wilson,  Matthew,  Cp.,  S.  Nov.  23,  1777. 

Young,  Patrick,  En.,  S.  May  15,  1781 — under  C.  Cameron. 
Young,  James,  S.  L.,  R.  Oct.  21,  1778 — under  J.  Young. 
Young,  John,  Cp.,  1777— res.  Nov.  18,  1778. 

Section  254— BEDFORD 

Adams.  Robert,  Cp..  R.  Feb.  24,  1778. 
Adams,  James,  S.  L.,  R.  Feb.  24,  1778. 
Adams,  James,  Cp.,  R.,May  29,  1781. 
Alexander,  Robert,  Cp.,  S.  June  27,  1779. 
Anderson,  Jacob,  S.  L.,  R.  June  29,  1779. 
Anthony,  Joseph,  S.  L.,  A.  Oct.  26,  1778. 
Arthur,  Benjamin,  Cp.,  R.  Sept.  29,  1781. 

Beard,  David,  Cp.,  S.  Sept.  23,  1780. 
Beard,  Samuel,  Cp.,  S.  Sept.  23,   1780. 
Brown,  Shildrake,  En.,  S.  Aug.  28,  1780. 
Bryan  William,  En.,  S.  Dec.  28,  1778. 
Bullock,  Josias,  Cp.,  S.  April  24,  1781. 
Bullock,  James,  Cp.,  S.  Feb.  28,  1780. 
Burnley,  Harry,  En.,  S.  May  28,  1781. 
Burnley,  Henry,  F.  L.,R.  April  24,  1781. 
Burns,  James,  S.  L.,  R.  Aug.  28,  1780. 
Butler,  Alexander,  F.  L..  S.  Aug.  28,  1780. 
Butterworth,  Benjamin,  Lt.,  R.  Sept.  24,  1781. 

Callaway,  James.  Jr..  Cp.,  R.  Oct.  22,   1781. 
Callaway.  John,  Maj..  R.  Sept.  24,   1781. 

186  Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Callaway,  Charles,  Cp.,  S.  April  24,  1781. 

Callaway,  James,  Co.  Lt.,  S.  Dec.  28,  1778. 

Callaway,  Chesley  Dudley,  F.  L.,  S.  Sept.  28,  1778 — removed  from 

County,  1779. 
Callaway,  William,  Lt.  Col,  S.  March  23,  1778. 
Campbell,  John,  En.,  R.  May  23,  1780. 
Charter,  Thomas,  Cp.,  R.  May  28,  1781. 
Cheetwood,  Jace,  En.,  S.  May  24,  1779. 
Chiles,  John,  Cp.,  S.  Nov.  24,  1778— res.  Sept.  24,  1781. 
Clark,  Micajah,  En.,  R.  Sept.  24,  1781. 
Clark,  Robert,  Cp.,  S.  Sept.  28,  1778. 
Clayton,  En.,  S.  March  27,   1780. 
Clayton,  John,  Cp.,  S.  April  24,   1781. 
Cobb,  Charles,  Cp.,  R.  Feb.  28,  1780. 
Cobb,  Robert,  F.  L.,  R.  Nov.  22,  1779. 
Cobb,  Edward,  S.  L.,  R.  Nov.  22,  1779. 

Doggett,  Chatton,  Cp.,  S.  Feb.  28,  1780. 

Davis,  Joseph,  S.  L.,  R.  Nov.  23,  1778— under  T.  Arthur. 

Daris,  Samuel,  F.  L.,  R.  Nov.  23,  1778— under  T.  Arthur. 

Davis,  Henry,  F.  L.,  R.  Feb.  24,  1778. 

Demoss,  Thomas,  F.  L.,  S.  May  24,  1779. 

Divers,  John,  F.  L.,  R.  May  28,  1781. 

Dooley,  George,  F.  L..  R.  May  24,  1779. 

Early,  Jacobus,  F.  L.,  R.  May  28,   1781. 
Early,  Jacob,  Cp.,  R.  Feb.  24,  1778. 
Early,  Jeremiah,  Col.,  S.  Dec.  28,   1778. 
Eidson,  Henry,  En.,  R.  Sept.  24,   1781. 
Ewing,  William,  F.  L.,  S.  Sept.  23,  1780. 

Farley,  Francis,  En.,  S.  Sept.  23,  1780. 
French,  Daniel,  En.,  S.  June  26,   1780. 
Franklin,  Edmund,  En.,  R.  Feb.  24,  1778. 
Franklin,  Owen,  En.,  R.  Feb.  24,  1778. 
Fuqua,  Moses,  S.  L.,  S.  Feb.  28,  1780. 

Gilbert,  Samuel,  F.  L.,  R.  May  28,  1781. 
Gilbert,  John  W.,  Cp.,  S.  Nov.  22,  1779. 
Gilbert,  Daniel,  S.  L.,  S.  Nov.  22,  1779. 
Gilbert,  Preston,  Lt.,  res.  Sept.  24,  1781. 

Virginia   Militia   in   the   Revolution  187 

Gilliam,  Zachariah,  En.,  S.  Sept.  28,  1778. 

Gilliam,  Zachariah,  S.  L.,  R.  Nov.  22,  1779. 

Green,  James,  S.  L.,  S.  July  25,  1780. 

Green,  Moses,  F.  L.,  S.  Feb.  28,  1780. 

Greer,  James,  F.  L.,   R.  Sept.  24,    1781— (Green?). 

Griffith,  Benjamin,  En.,  R.  Nov.  23,   1778. 

Gwatlcins,  Charles,  Cp.,  R.  Sept.  24,  1781. 

Haile,  Richard,  En,.  R.  April  26,   1779. 
Haynes,   Parmenas,  Cp.,  R.  Sept.  24,   1781. 
Hayth,  Thomas,  F.  L.,  S.  April  24,  1781  — ( Heath?). 
Helm,  John,  S.  L.,  S.  March  27,  1780. 
Helm,  Thomas,  F.  L.,  S.  Feb.  22,  1779. 
Henderson,  William  Gent,  En.,  R.  May  28,  1781. 
Hudnall,  William,  F.  L.,  S.  May  25,  1778. 
Hunter,  John,  Jr.,  En.,  S.  Nov.  22,  1779. 

Innes,   Harry,  En.,  Oct.  22,   1781. 
Irvine,  Andrew,  F.  L.,  S.  May  28,  1781. 
Irvine,  John,  S.  L.,  S.  March  27,   1780. 
Irvine,  Robert,  F.  L.,  S.  June  29,  1779. 

James,  William,  F.  L.,  R.  Oct  25,  1779. 
Jeter,  Henry,  F.  L.,  R.  May  28,  1781. 
Johnson,  Thomas,  En.,  S.  Dec.  28,  1778. 
Jones,  Thomas,  En.,  R.  April  24,  1781 
Jones,  William,   F.   L.,   S.   Feb.  28,    1780. 
Jordan,  William,  Cp.,  S.  April  24,  1781. 

Leftwich,  Augustine,  F.  L.,  S.  May  28,   1781. 
Leftwich,  William,  Lt.  Col.,  S.  Feb.  28,  1780. 
Leftwich,  Uriah,  En.,  S.  May  24,  1779. 
Logwood,  Thomas,  Cp.,  R.  Sept.  24,   1781. 
Lumpkin,  Thomas,  En.,  R.  April  24,  1781. 
Lynch,  Anselm,  F.  L.,  R.  Sept.  24,  1781. 
Lynch,  Charles,  Esq.,  Col,  R.  Feb.  24,  1778. 

Martin,  David,  S.  L.,  S.  March  22,  1779. 

Mclroy,  Hugh,  F.  L.,  S.  March  27,  1780— (McElroy?). 

McReynolds,  Thomas,  Cp.,  S.  Nov.  12,  1779. 

Milam,  William,  S.  L.,  R.  Sept.  24,  1781. 

ViRGiKiA  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Miller,  Simon,  Jr.,  En.,  R.  July  26,  1779. 
Mitchell,  Daniel,  En.,  S.  May  24,  1779. 
Moon,  Jacob,  Jr.,  En.,  R.  June  29,  1779. 
Moore,  Jacob,  S.  L.,  S.  Aug.  28,  1780. 
Moseley,  Arthur,  S.  L.,  R.  June  29,  1779. 
Murray,  Thomas,  Lt.,  R.  Oct.  22,  1781. 

Namee,  Cornelius,  S.  L.,  R.  July  26,  1779. 
Nance,  Thomas,  En.,  S.  May  24,  1779. 

Otley,  John,  Cp.,  R.  Mar.  23,  1778— (Ottey?) 

Parrow,  Daniel,  En.,  S.  Aug.  28,  1780. 
Pate,  Matthew,  F.  L.,  R.  Feb.  28,  1780. 
Pate,  Anthony,  Cp.,  R.  Feb.  24,  1778. 
Pate,  Thomas,  En.,  S.' Nov.  23,  1778. 
Patrick,  John  F.,  gent.,  En.,  S.  Feb.  28,  1780. 
Phelps.  John,  F.  L.,  R.  Feb.  24,  1778. 
Poindexter,  Joseph,  Cp.,  S.  Sept.  28,   1778. 
Price,  Bowen,  Cp.,  R.  May  28,  1781. 
Price,  Brown,  F.  L.,  S.  June  29,  1779. 

Quarles.  John,  Col.,  res.  Dec.  28,   1778. 

Rentfree,  Isaac,  F.  L.,  S.  Nov.  23,  1778. 
Rentfree,  William,  Cp.,  S.  May  25,  1778. 
Rentfro,  Isaac,  En.,  R.  May  28,  1781. 
Rentfro,  Mark,  En.,  S.  Feb.  28,  1780. 
Rice,  Benjamin,  F.  L.,  R.  April  24,  1781. 
Richeson,  Jonathan,  Cp.  R.  Feb.  24,  1778. 
Russell,  James,  S.  L.,  R.  Feb.  28,  1780. 

Slaughter,  John.  En.,  R.  Feb.  26,  1781. 
Smith,  Jonathan,  S.  L.,  R.  April  26,  1779. 
Steel.  Alexander,  F.  L.,  S.  Nov.  22,  1779. 
Stith,  Joseph, -En.,  S.  Aug.  28,  1780. 

Talbott,  Haile,  Cp..  S.  Aug.  28,  1780. 
Tate.  Jesse.  F.  L..  S.  May  25,  1778. 
Tate,  Edmund,  S.  L..  R.  IVIay  26,  1778. 
Taylor,  Skelton,  F.  L.,  S.  Aug.  28,  1780. 
Terrill,  Harry,  Maj.,  S.  Feb.  28,  1780. 

Virginia   Militia   im   the   Revolution 

Terrill,  Peter,  Cp.,  S.  Feb.  28,  1780. 

Terry,   William,   Cp.,   S.    May  28,    1781. 

Thornhill,  William,  En.,  R.  May  24,  1779— under  Capt.  Ottey. 

Trigg,  William,  Lt.  Col.,  S.  Dec.  28,  1778. 

Trigg,  John,  Cp.,  R.  Feb.  24,  1778. 

Turnbull,  George,  F.  L.,  S.  Aug.  28,  1780. 

Vardiman,  William,  F.  L.,  S.  May  24,  1779. 

Walden,  Richard,  En.,  S.  Aug.  29,  1780. 

Ward,  John,  Jr.,  En.,  R.  Sept.  24,  1781. 

Ward,  John,  gent.,  Maj.,  S.  March  22,   1779— res.  Sept.  24,   1781, 

Watkins,  Robert,  Cp.,  S.  May  25,  1778. 

Watts,  Thomas,  Cp.,  R.  Feb.  24,  1778. 

Wood,  Peter,  F.  L.,  R.  April  26,  1779. 

Wooten,  Hinman,  En.,  S.  Nov.  24,  1778. 

Wright,  David,  Cp.,  R.  May  24,  1779. 

Section  255 — Berkeley 

Baldwin,  John,  Cp.,    1780. 

Bameslee,  F.  L.,  R.  May  15,  1781— under  E.  Lucas. 

Buckles,  Robert,  Jr.,  S.  L.,  S.  May  15,  1781— under  W.  Lucas. 

Buchannon,  Alexander,  En.,  May   15,   1781 — under  Porterfield. 

Clarke,  George,  Cp.,  1781. 

Collitt,  Isaac,  Lt.,  R.  ALiy  15,  1781. 

Cook,  Giles,  Jr.,  Lt.,  R.  May  15,  1781— under  R.  Ransom. 

Crane,  James,  En.,  A.  Nov.  19.  1776. 

Downe,  John,  En.,  R.  May  15,  1781 — .under  J.  McCormick. 
Druggett,  James,  En.,  R.  Nov.  21,  1780 — under  C.  Morrow. 
Dundane,  James,  Cp.,  1780. 

Fink,  Jacob,  En.,  R.  Sept.  18,  1781— under  A.  Noble. 

Hart,  John,  Cp.,  R.  April   17,   1781. 

Hunter,  David,  Jr.,  Lt.,  R.  April  17,  1781— under  J.  Hart. 

Jones,  John,  En.,  R.  IVIay  15,   1781— under  J.  Richardson. 

Lucas,  William,  Cp.,  R.  May  15,  1781— vice  E.  Lucas  . 
Lucas,  Edward,  Cp.,  res.  ^Lirch  20,   1781. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

IVIcCormick,  John,  Cp.,  S.  May  15,   1781. 

Aletcalf,  Allen,  En.,  R.  May  15,  1781— under  J.  Swearingen. 

Miller.  Zachariah,  En.,  R.  April  17,  1781. 

Morrow.  Charles,  Cp.,  1780. 

Noble,  Anthony,  Cp.,   1781. 

Pendleton,  Philip,  gent.,  Col.,  A.  April  15,   1777 — vice  V.  Swearin- 

Ransom,  Richard,  Cp.,  R.  :\Iay  15,  1781 — vice  E.  Worthington. 
Richeson,  James.  Cp.,  R.  May  15,   1781. 


Shirley,  David,  En..  R.  May  15,  1781— under  G.  Clark. 

Snider,  Jacob,  Lt.,  R.  Sept.   18,   1781. 

Snider,  Jacob,  Jr.,  Cp.,  S.  May  15,   1781. 

Snider.  Nathaniel,  Lt.,  R.  Aug.  15,  1780. 

Stephens,  Robert,  Cp. — res.  Dec.  17,  1776. 

Sturgis,  William,  En.,  R.  ^lay  15,   1781 — under  R.  Ransom. 

Swearingen,  Josiah,  Cp.,  1781. 

Swearingen,  Van,  gent..  Co.  Lt.,  A.  Feb.   15,  1777. 

Thornberry,  Thomas,  Lt.,  R.  May  15,   1781 — under  J.  Swearingen. 

Veal  (?).  David.  En.,  R.  Sept.  18,  1781— under  A.  Noble. 

Washington,  Samuel,  Co.  Lt.,  res.  Feb.   15,   1777 — brother  to  Gen. 

Willis.   Robert  Carter,  gent.,  Lt.  Col..  A.  Feb.    15,   1777— vice  P. 

Worthington,  Ephriam,  Cp.,   1781. 

Section  256 — Botetourt 

Allen,  Hugh  ("Big  IVIouth"),  S.  L.,  R.  ^Lny  10,  1781— under  Pryor. 
Anderson,  John,  Cp.,  1777. 

Armstrong,  Andrew,  F.  L.,  R.  April  12,  1781— under  J.  Neely,  Jr. 
Armstrong,  John,   Cp.,    1778. 

Virginia   Militia   in   the   Revolution  191 

Baird,  John,  Cp.,  A.  July   12,   1781 — vice  Hanley. 

Barnett,  Cp.,  1781. 

Bollar,  John,  Cp.,  S.  April  8,   1779. 

Brown,  ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Cartmill,  Thomas,  Cp.,  S.  May  11,  1780. 
Cartmill,  Henry,  Lt.,  R.  April  13,  1780— under  J.  Cartmill. 
Cartmill,  John,  Cp.,  R.  April  13,  1780— in  Logan's  old  company. 
Collin,  Moses,  En.,  S.  May  13,  1777. 

Cook, ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Crockett,  Hugh,  Maj.,  S.  March  10,  1778. 

Donally,  Andrew,  Maj.,  R.  March  10,  1778. 
Dean, ,  Cp.,   1778. 

Earn,  ,  Cp.,  1781. 

Eavons, ,  Cp.,  1781. 

Eddins,  David,  En.,  R.  April  12,  1781— under  J.  Martin. 
Estill,  Wallace,  F.  L.,  R.  April  12,  1781— under  J.  Galloway. 

Fleming,  James,  En.,  R.  April  12,  1781 — under  Hanley. 
Frazier,  George,  F.  L.,  A.  July  12,  1781— under  J.  Baird. 

Galloway,  John,  Cp.,  R.  April  12,  1781. 

Gillis,  Thomas,  En.,  A.  April  13,  1781— under  J.  Wood. 

Gilmore,  ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Ginn  (?),  ,  Cp.,  1778. 

Givens, ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Gordon,  William.  S.  L.,  R.  April  12,  1781 — under  Eavons. 

Hall,  James,  Cp.,  1777. 

Hamilton,  William,  Cp.,  1777. 

Hamilton,  Andrew,  Cp.,  1777. 

Hampkins,  Uriah,  En.,  R.  May  10,  1781— under  Pryor. 

Hanly,  ,  Cp.,  1781. 

Harley,  ,  Cp.,  1778. 

Henderson,  James,  Lt.  Col.,  R.  March  10,   1778. 

Holstin,  ,  Cp.,   1781. 

Holster, ,  Cp.,  1780. 

Hull,  Peter,  Cp.,  1780. 

Hutcheson,  James,  S.  L.,  A.  April  13,  1781 — under  Smith. 

192  ViRGixiA  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Lewis,  John,  En.,  R.  April   12,   1781 — under  J.  Lewis. 
Lewis,  John,  Cp.,  R.  April  12,  1781 — of  New  Company. 
Lewis,  Andrew,  F.  L.,  R.  April  12,  1781 — under  J.    Lewis. 
Lewis,  Samuel,  Col..  R.  ALirch  10,  1778. 
Lockhart,  Patrick,  Maj.,  A.  July  12,  1781. 
Logan,  John  (?),  Cp.,  1778. 
Loony, ,  Cp.,  1781. 

Martin,  Josiah,  Cp.,  1781. 

May,  David,  Cp.,  1781. 

McArnold,  William,  S.  L.,  R.  April  13,  1780. 

McClenahan,  William,  Lt.  Col.,  A.  July  12,  1781— vice  T.  Rowland. 

McFarran,  Samuel,  En.,  A.  April  13,  1781 — under  Smith. 

McFarran,   Rowland,   Cp.,   1777. 

McGeorge,  Thomas,   En.,   R.  April   12,    1781 — under  Eavons. 

McMurtry,  ,  Cp.,  1778. 

McNeely,  William,  S.  L.,  R.  April  12,  1781— under  J.  Barnett. 
McRoberts,  John,  S.  L.,  A.  Jan.  12,  1781— under  P.  Lockhart. 
Mills, ,  Cp.,  1781. 

Neely, ,  Cp.,  1781. 

Neely,  Robert,  S.  L.,  R.  April  12,  1781— under  J.  Neely. 
Neely,  James,  Jr.,  Cp.,  R.  April  12,  1781— vice  W.  McClenahan. 

Neely,  William,  En.,  S.  April  15,  1778. 

Pauling, ,  Cp.,   1778. 

Paxton,  John.  Cp.,  1777. 

Paxton,  William,  Cp.,' 1777. 

Peck,  Adam,  En.,  A.  Jan.  12,  1781— under  P.  Lockhart. 

Poage,  George,  Col.,  S.  Sept.  3,   1778. 

Pryor,  ,  Cp.,  1780. 

Reaburn,  Joseph,  S.  L.,  A.  July  12,  1781 — under  H.  Watterson. 
Reaburn,  James,  En.,  R.  April  12,  1781 — under  Barnett. 
Robinson,  Isaac,  S.  L.,  A.  July  12,  1781 — under  Pawlings. 

Robinson,  ,  Cp.,  1778. 

Robinson,  John,  Cp.,  before  1777. 

Robinson,  Hercules,  Cp.,  1777. 

Robinson,  William,  Lt.  Col.,  res.  April  12,  1781. 

Rowland,  Thomas,  Lt.  Col.,  R.  April  12,  1781. 

Rutledge,  John,  F.  L.,  A.  July  12,  1781— under  H.  Watterson. 

Rutledge,  George,  Cp.,  A.  July  12.  1781 — vice  J.  Woods. 

ViRGiviA  Militia   in:  the  Revolution'  193 

Scott,  William,  En.,  A.  Sept.  13,  1781— under  J.  Baird. 

Semley,  Alexander,  En.,  R.  April  13,  1780. 

Skillern,  George,  Co.  Lt.,  R.  July  13,  1780. 

Smith,  James,  Cp.,   1778. 

Smith,  Henry,  Cp.,   1778. 

Stewart,  John,  Co.  Lt.,  R.  March  10,  1778. 

Tosh,  James,  En.,  R.  April  12,  1781— under  J.  Neely. 

Vimands,  Elijah,  En.,  A.  July  12,  1781 — under  Smith. 

Section  257 — Caroline 

Alcock,  Thomas,  Lt.,  S.  Dec.  1777. 

Baynham,  Gregory,  F.  L.,  S.  March,  1778 — under  R.  Graham. 

Beazley,  Thomas,  En.,  R.  May,  1781. 

Boutwell,  John,  Lt.,  S.  May,  1778. 

Brame,  John,  En.,  R.  Feb.,  1778 — set  aside  by  court. 

Broaddus,  Thomas,  F.  L.,  Nov.,  1779 — under  Fletcher. 

Buckner,  Richard,  Maj.,  S.  Feb.,  1778. 

Buckner,  Philip,  Cp.,  S.  Dec,  1777. 

Buckner,  William,  Cp.,  S.  Nov.,  1777. 

Coleman,  Daniel,  F.  L.,  R.  May,  1779 — under  G.  Madison. 
Coleman,  Julius,  S.  L.,  R.  May,  1779 — under  G.  Madison, 
Coleman,  Samuel,  Cp.,  S.  Jan.  1779 — vice  P.  Johnson. 
Collins,  William,  Lt.,  S.  June  12,  1779. 
Connor,  William,  S.  L.,  R.  May,  1779. 
Connor,  Francis,  En.,  S.  Nov.,  1777. 

Daniel,  James,  En.,  R.  Nov.,  1779 — under  Fletcher. 
Dejarnet,  Joseph,  F.  L.,  R.  May,  1781 — under  J.  Sutton. 
Downer,  John,  Lt:,  S.  Nov.,  1777. 

Durritt,  William,  Cp.,  S.  June  12,  1778— vice  W.  Marshall. 
Durritt,  Richard,  F.  L.,  S.  June  12,  1778. 

Ellis,  Thomas,  En.,  S.  March,   1779 — under  R.  Graham. 

Faulkner,  Johnson,  F.  L.,  R,  Nov.,  1777. 
Fitzhugh,  John,  Lt.,  S.  Dec,  1777. 
Fletcher.  ,  Cp.,  1779. 

ViRGixiA  Militia  in"  the  Revolution 

Graham,  Duncan,  Jr.,  S.  L.,  S.  March,  1779 — under  R.  Graham. 

Graham,  William,  Lt.,  S.  Dec,  1777. 

Graham,  Robert,  Cp.,  S.  ]\Iarch,  1778. 

Gravatt,  John,  En.,  R.  Jan.,  1779 — under  S,  Coleman. 

Gra}-,  William  F.,  F.  L.,  R.  May,  1781 — under  Jameson. 

Guy,  Thomas,  F.,  S.  L.,  R.  May,  1781 — under  J.  Sutton. 

Guy,  George,  Cp.,  S.  Nov.,  1777. 

Hall,  John,  En.,  R.  Jan.,   1779— under  P.  Stern. 

Hawes,  Thomas,  En.,  R.  May,  1779. 

Higgen,  Joel,  En.,  R.  May,  1779. 

Hord,  Thomas,  F.  L.,  S.  Aug.,  1778— under  W.  Streshly. 

Hord,  James,  F.  L.,  Aug.,  1778. 

Hord,  John,  Lt.,  S.  May,  1778. 

Jameson,  David,  En.,  S.  Dec,   1777. 

Jeter,  Ambrose,  En.,  R.  May,  1778. 

Johnson,  Philip,  Maj.,  S.  Jan.,  1779— vice  J.  Minor.     . 

Jones,  Thomas,  F.  L.,  R.  Nov.,  1778 — under  E.  Jones. 

Jones,  John,  Cp.,  res.  Nov.,   1777. 

Kay,  James,  En.,  S.  Jan.,  1778. 

Long,  William,  F.  L.,  R.  Jan.,  1779. 

Long,  John,  Cp.,  S.  Feb.,  1778. 

Lowry,  Thomas,  Col.,  S.  June  12,  1778. 

ALidison,  George,  Cp.,  R.  May,  1779 — vice  J.  ^Marshall. 
^Lnrshall,  John,  Cp.,  S.  Dec,  1777. 
Mitchell,  William,  En.,  R.  Nov.,  1779. 

New,  Anthony,  Cp.,  S.  Dec,  1777. 
Norment,  Samuel,  En.,  S.  Dec,  1777. 
Norment,  John,  Lt.,  S.  Dec,   1777. 

Quarles,  Roger,  Cp.,  res.  ^Liy,  1779. 

Rawlins,  Samuel,  En.,  R.  Feb.,  1778. 

Rennolds,  James,  S.  L.,  R.  Nov.,  1779. 

Richeson,  Joseph,  Cp.,  S.  Jan.,  1779 — res.  \Lay,   1781. 

Roy,  Mungo,  En.,  R.  Nov.,  1777. 

Virginia   Militia   iv   the   Revolution- 

Sale,  Samuel,  S.  L.,  R.  Nov.,  1779. 

Samuel,  William,  En.,  R.  May,  1779. 

Samuel,  Reuben,  Lt.,  S.  Jan.,  1778. 

Streshly,  William,  Cp.,   1779. 

Sterns,  Peyton,  Cp.,  1778. 

Sutton,  James,  Cp.,  R.  May,   1781. 

Temple,  Samuel,  Cp.,  S.  Nov.,  1777. 

Terrell,  George,  En.,  S.  Dec,  1777. 

Thilman,  John,  Cp.,  res.  Nov.,   1777. 

Thompson,  John,  Lt.,  S.  Dec,  1777. 

Thornton,  Anthony,  Jr.,  Lt.  Col.,  S.  Nov.,  1777. 

Thornton,  George,  Lt.,  S.  Dec,  1777. 

Timberlake,  Lewis,  S.  L.,  S.  Dec,  1777 — under  P.  Johnson. 

Tompkins,  Francis,  Cp.,  R.  May,  1779 — vice  W.  Durrett. 

Tompkins,  Robert,  Cp.,  R.  May,  1779. 

Turner,  Daniel,  Lt.,  S.  Feb.,  1778. 

Twiner,  Daniel,  S.  L.,  R.  Nov.,   1777. 

Tyler,  Richard,  S.  L.,  R.  Oct.,  1779— under  F.  Tompkins. 

Tyler,  John,  Lt.,  S.  Dec,  1777. 

Tyler,  George,  S.  L.,  R.  May,  1779 — under  R.  Tompkins, 

Upshur,  Jeremiah,  F.  L.,  R.  Nov.,  1779 — under  Streshly. 

Upshur,  James,  gent.,  Lt.  Col.,  S.  March,  1778. 

White,  Ambrose,  En.,  R.  Nov.,  1778. 

White,  Chilion,  Lt.,  S.  Dec,  1777. 

W^inn,  Benjamin,  F.  L.,  S.  July,  1779. 

Woolfolk,  John,  Lt.,  S.  Jan.,  1779. 

Woolfolk,  Charles,  Lt.,  S.  May,  1778. 

Wvatt,  Richard,  En.,  S.  Feb.,  1778. 

Section  258 — Charlotte 

Bacon,  ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Brown,  Langston,  Lt.,  S.  Dec,  1777. 

Friend,  ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Goode,  ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Harvey, ,  Cp..  1777. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Hubbard,  Cp.,  1777. 

Hubbard,  William,  Maj.,  S.  June,  1780 — (same  as  preceding), 

Jameson,  William,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  November,  1779. 

Morton,  Jacob,  Cp.,  S.  July,  1779. 

Morton,  Josiah,  Lt.  Col.,  S.  June,  1780. 

Morton,  Joseph,  S.  L.,  S.  Nov.,   1777. 

Morton,  William,  Cp.,  1777. 

Read,  Edmund,  Lt.,  S.  Nov.,   1777. 

Read,  Jonathan,  Lt.,  S.  Nov.,  1779. 

Thornton,  Francis,  S.  L.,  S.  March,  1780. 

Watkins,  Joel,  Col..  S.  August,  1780. 

Watson,  William,  En.,  S.  November,  1777. 

Section  259— Chesterfield 

Archer,  Field,  En.,  A.  IMarch  2,  1781. 

Archer,  Henry,  S.  L.,  S.  Oct.  3,  1777— res.  March  2,  1781. 

Archer,  John,  F.  L.,  S.  Oct.  3,  1777— under  A.  Walthall. 

Armistead,  Robert,  S.  L.,  R.  Oct.  3,  1777— under  R.  Booker. 

Barker,  John,  Cp.,  A.  June  6,  1777. 

Barker,  Richard,  Cp.,  A.  June  6,  1777 — vice  T.  Boiling. 

Bass,  Joseph,  En.,  A.  April  6,  1781 — under  B.  Branch. 

Bass,  Joseph,  Lt.  Col.,  S.  Jan.  4,  1777. 

Bass,  Archibald,  Cp.,  A.  May  5,  1780. 

Black,  William,  Cp.,  R.  Jan.  3,  1777. 

Boiling,  Thomas,  Maj.,  S.  Jan.  4,  1777. 

Booker,  Richard,  Cp.,  S.  Aug.  1,  1777. 

Botte,  John,  Co.  Lt.,  S.  Jan.  4,  1777. 

Bough, ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Bragg,  William,  F.  L.,  A.  Mar.  6,  1778. 
Branch,  Edward,  F.  L.,  A.  April  6,  1781. 
Branch,  Benjamin,  gent.,  Cp.,  res.  May  5,  1780. 
Branch,  James,  En..  R.  Oct.  3,  1777. 
Brooking,  Robert,  En.,  A.  Aug.  6.  1779. 
Cheatham,  Matthew,  S.  L.,  A.  April  6,  1781. 
Cheatham,  Samuel,  S.  L.,  S.  Dec.  5,  1777. 
Cheatham,  Henry,  Cp..  S.  Aug.   1,   1777. 

Virginia   Militia   iv   the   Revolution 

Clark,  Sallyson,  En.,  R.  Oct.  3,  1777. 
Cogbill,  George,  F.  L.,  A.  Nov.  3,  1780. 

Cogbill,  ,  Cp.,  res.  Nov.  3,  1780. 

Covington,  Thomas,  S.  L.,  A.  March  6,  1778. 

Covington,  Richard,  En.,  R.  Nov.  7,  1777. 

Covington,  Thomas,  F.  L.,  S.  Dec.  5,  1777 — under  R.  Booker. 

Dance,  Ezekiel,  S.  L.,  A.  April  6,  1781— under  B.  Ward. 

Elam,  Bartilot,  En.,  A.  March  2,  1781 — under  H.  Cheatham 

Elam,  Samuel,  S.  L.,  A.  Nov.  7,  1777. 

Elam,  Richard,  S.  L.,  S.  Nov.  7,  1777. 

Elam,  Branch,  En.,  S.  Nov.  7,  1777— res.  March  2,  1781. 

Ellyson,  Onan,  En.,  S.  Oct.  3,  1777. 

Farmer,  John,  Jr.,  F.  L.,  S.  Oct.  3,  1777 — under  H.  Cheatham. 

Farrar,  John,  S.  L.,  R.  Oct.  3,  1777— under  T.  Wooldridge. 

Fowler,  Luke,  S.  L.,  S.  Aug.  4,  1780— under  R.  Wooldridge. 

Fowler,  John,  S.  L.,  S.  Oct.  3,  1777— under  R.  Goode. 

Gibbs,  William,  En.,  R.  Oct.  3,  1777. 

Goode,  Thomas,  F.  L.,  A.  May  5,  1780. 

Goode,  Francis,  gent.,  Cp.,  R.  Oct.  3,  1777— res.  Dec.  5,  1777. 

Graves,  King,  Cp.,  A.  Nov.  3,  1780-^vice  Cogbill. 

Harris,  ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Haskins,  Robert,  Col.,  S.  Aug.  1,  1777. 

Hill,  William,  En.,  S.  July  7,  1780— under  G.  Markham. 

Hill,  John,  F.  L.,  S.  Oct.  3,  1777— under  R.  Booker. 

Hylton,  John,  En.,  R.  Oct.  3,  1777— under  B.  Moseley. 

Logwood,  Archibald,  F.  L.,  S.  Oct.  3,  1777 — under  T.  Wooldridge. 

Markham,  George,  Cp.,  S.  Dec.  5,  1777. 

IVIoodie,  James,  F.  L.,  S.  Dec.  5,  1777 — under  F.  Goode. 

Moseley,  William,  En.,  S.  Nov.  7,  1777. 

IVIoseley,  Blackman,  F.  L.,  S.  Oct.  3,  1777— under  Bough. 

Newberry,  Joseph,  S.  L.,  S.  Oct.  3,  1777— under  B.  Moseley. 

Osborne,  Edward,  En.,  R.  Sept.  6,  1776. 

Pankey,  Stephen,  F.  L.,  Oct.  3,  1777 — under  G.  Markham. 

Patterson,  David,  F.  L.,  S.  Oct.  3,  1777— under  R.  Goode. 

Polard,  Thomas,  S.  L.,  A.  March  2,  1781— under  Bough. 

Randolph,  William,  Cp.,  S.  Dec.  5,  1777— res,  Aug.  6,  1779. 

Robertson,  John,  F.  L.,  A.  Aug.  6,  1779— under  R.  Haskins. 

Robertson,  George,  Lt.  Col.,  A.  June  4,  1779. 

Rowlett,  John,  En.,  R.  Dec.  5,   1777. 

\'iRGiNiA  Militia  ix  the  Revolution 

Rowlett,  William,  En.,  A.  April  6,  1781. 

Royall,  John,  F.  L.,  A.  Aug.  6,  1779— under  J.  Archer. 

Scott,  Walter,  S.  L.,  S.  Oct.  3,  1777. 

Taylor,  Joseph,  En.,  S.  Dec.  5,   1777. 

Walthall,  William,  En.,  A.  Nov.  3,  1780. 

Walthall,  Archibald,  Cp.,  S.  Oct.  3,   1777— vice  G.  Robertson. 

Ward,  Benjamin,  Cp.,  A.  Aug.  6,  1779 — vice  W.  Randolph. 

Wells,  Isham,  Lt.,  S.  July  7,  1780— under  B.  Ward. 

Wells,  Joseph,  En.,  A.  March  6,  1778. 

Winfrey,  Henry,  S.  L.,  A.  Nov.  3,  1780. 

Wooldridge,  Robert,  En.,   S.  Aug.  4,   1780. 

Wooldridge,  Thomas,  Cp.,  S.  Oct.  3,  1777 — vice  Harris. 

Section  260 — Cumberland 

Allen,  Richard,  Cp.,  1777. 

Allen,  Samuel,  En.,   S.  Aug.  25,   1777. 

Allen,  Archer,  Cp.,  1777. 

Allen,  Benjamin,  S.  L.,  S.  Aug.  25,  1777— under  R.  Allen. 

Anderson,  William,  S.  L.,  S.  Aug.  25,   1777— under  Scott. 

Anderson,  Robert,  Cp.,  S.  March  26,  1781. 

Baine  (?),  John,  En.,  S.  Aug.  25,  1777. 

Ballon  (?),  Charles,  Cp.,  S.  Sept.  28,  1778— vice  W.  Hobson. 

Ballon,  William,  S.  L.,  S.  May  22,  1780. 

Booker,  Richard,  F.  L.,  S.  July  28,  1777. 

Burton,  John,  S.  L.,  S.  Aug.  25,  1777. 

Burton,  John,  En.,  S.  March  26,  1781. 

Carrington,  Joseph,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  July  28,  1777. 

Carrington,  George,  Jr.,  gent.,   Maj.,   S.  July  28,   1777 — res.   Feb. 

26,   1781. 
Clarke,  William,  F.  L.,  R.  Sept.  28,  1778. 
Daniel,  William,  F.  L.,  S.  April  23,  1781— under  A  Allen. 
Gilliam,  James,  En.,  S.  April  23,  1781. 

Glen,  James,  S.  L.,  S.  Aug.  24,  1778— under  M.  Woodson. 
Guttery,  Bernard,  F.  L.,  S.  Aug.  24,  1778— under  M.  Woodson. 
Guttery  Alexander,  Cp.,   S.  April  23,    1781. 
Harrison,  Benjamin,  En.,  S.  April  23,  1781. 
Haskins,  Creede,  Cp.,  S.  Aug.  25,  177 vice  J.  Burton. 

^'IRGI^•IA   Militia   in   the   Revolutiov 

Hatcher,  John,  F.  L.,  R.  March  27,  1780. 

Hatcher,  John,  En.,  S.  March  27,  1780. 

Hobson,  Benjamin,  S.  L.,  S.  April  26,  1779. 

Hobson,  William,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  Juh  28,  1777— res.  Sept.  28,  1778. 

Hobson,  John,  En.,  S.  May  22,  1780. 

Hudgens,  William,  F.  L.,  S.  Aug.  25,  1777. 

Keeling,  George,  F.  L.,  S.  March  26,   1781 — under  Wilson. 

Meredith,  William,  En..  S.  Aug.  24,  1778— under  M.  Woodson. 

Noel,  John,  En.,  R.  Aug.  25,  1777— under  R.  Allen. 

Parker,  Charles,  En.,  R.  May  26,  1781. 

Randolph,  Beverley,  Col.,  S.  July  28.  1777. 

Richardson,  Martin,  S.  L.,  S.  March  26,  1781. 

Scott, ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Skipwith,  Henry,  Lt.  Col.,  S.  July  28,  1777. 

Taylor,  Samuel,  S.  L.,  S.  Aug.  26,  1777. 

Thompson,  Bartlet,  F.  L.,  R.  May  26,  1781 — under  Haskins. 

Townes,  William,  S.  L.,  S.  April  23,  1781. 

Turpin,  William,  En.,  S.  Aug.  26,  1777. 

Williams,  Samuel,  En.,  com'd,  Feb.  26,  1781. 

Wilson, ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Woodson,  Miller,  Cp.,  1777. 

Section  261 — Fauquier 

Ash,  Francis,  S.  L.,  S.  April  26,  1779. 

Ashby,  Lewis,  En.,  R.  March  24,  1778. 

Atwell,  Francis,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  Sept.  28,  1778. 

Ball,  William,  S.  L.,  R.  Nov.  27,  1780. 

Ball,  William,  Cp.,  S.  Aug.  25,  1777— vice  J.  Webb. 

Ball,  John,  En.,  R.  March  22,  1779— under  F.  Atwell. 

Ball,  Benjamin,  F.  L.,  R.  March  22,  1779. 

Baker,  John,  F.  L.,  R.  Oct.  25,  1779— under  Kincheloe. 

Barnett,  Ambrose,  En.,  S.  March  27,  1780. 

Bayles,  William,  Cp.,  R.  July  23,  1781. 

Ball,  John.,  Cp.,  R.  Oct.  25,  1779. 

Ball,  Charles,  Cp.,  res.  Nov.  24,   1777. 

Blackwell,  Samuel,  gent.,  Lt.  Col.,  R.  Aug.  27,   1781. 

Blackwell,  James,  F.  L.,  S.  June  28,  1779 — under  T.  Weaver. 

200  ViRGixiA  Militia  in-  the  Revolution" 

Blackwell,  William,  Cp..  S.  July  26,  1779. 

Blackwell,  John,  gent.,  Lt.  Col.,  S.  Sept.  28,   1778— 1st  Battalion. 

Boggers,  Jeremiah,  En.,  R.  Sept.  25,  1780. 

Bradford,  John,  En.,  S.  July  23,  1781. 

Bradford,  Alexander,  F.  L.,  R.  March  22,  1779. 

Bronaugh,  Samuel,  En.,  R.  May  22,  1780. 

Bronaugh,  Thomas,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  May  25,  1778. 

Buckner,  Aylett,  Maj.,  S.  May  25,  1778. 

Chilton,  Charles,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  April  27,  1778. 

Chunn,  John  Thomas,  Maj.,  R.  Aug.  27,  1781. 

Churchill,  Armistead,  gent..  Col,  S.  May  25,  1778— 2d  Battalion. 

Combes,  John,  En.,  S.  May  25,  1778. 

Conway,  Thomas,  Jr.,  Cp.,  R.  .Alay  22,  1780. 

Craven,  John,  En.,  R.  Nov.  27,  1780. 

Deering,  John,  Lt.,  R.  Aug.  27,  1781. 

Digges,  Edward,  gent.,  Maj.,  R.  Nov.  24,  1777 — 2d  Battalion. 

Donaldson,  William,  En.,  S.  June  22,  1778. 

Edmonds,  William,  gent.,  Co.  Lt.,  R.  Aug.  27,  1781. 

Edwards,  Thomas,  S.  L.,  R.  March  22,  1779— under  F.  Atwell. 

Eustace,  William,  Jr.,  F.  L.,  R.  July  23,  1781. 

Fletcher,  John,  Lt.,  S.  May  22,  1780. 

Flowers,  Daniel,  Cp.,  1780. 

Foley,  James,  Jr.,  Cp.,  R.  Oct.  25,  1779. 

French,  John.  S.  L.,  S.  Aug.  24,  1778. 

Fuller,  Rodham,  En.,  S.  Sept.  28,  1778— under  W.  Blackwell. 

Fuller,  Joshua,  Lt.,  S.  Aug.  25.  1777. 

Garrington,  John,  F.  L.,  Sept.  26,  1780. 

George,  ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Grigsby,  William,  Cp.,  R.  March  24,  1778. 

Harris,  Thomas,  F.  L.,  S.  May  25,  1778. 

Harrison,  Bevor,  F.  L.,  R.  March  24,  1778— under  W.  Grigsby. 

Hathaway,  John,  Cp.,  S.  March  27,  1780. 

Hathaway,  James,  F.  L.,  S.  April  27,  1779. 

Heale,  William,  S.  L.,  S.  March  27,  1780. 

Helm,  Thomas,  Cp.,  S.  May  28,  1781. 

Hogan,  John,  S.  L.,  R.  Oct.  23,  1780. 

Hunt,  William,  S.  L.,  Oct.  25,  1779. 

James,  John,  En.,  R.  July  23,  1781. 

James,  Thomas.  S.  L.,  R.  ^Lnrch  22,   1779. 

ViRGiMA  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

James,  Joseph,  Cp.,  S.  Sept,  28,  1778. 

Jennings,  Baylor,  En.,  S.  May  22,   1780. 

Jennings,  Augustine,  F.  L.,  S,  March  27,  1780. 

Jennings,  William,  Cp,,  S.  June  22,  1778. 

Jennings,  Berryman,  En.,  S.  May  25,  1778 — under  T.  Bronaugh. 

Kemper,  Peter,  Jr.,  En„  S.  March  27,  1780. 

Keith,  Alexander,  Cp.,  R.  Aug.  27,  1781. 

Keith,  Thomas,  S.  L.,  R.  March  24,  1778— under  T.  Morehead. 

Kenton,  William,  Lt.,  S.  May  25,  1778. 


Layton,  Robert,  F.  L.,  S.  May  25,  1778. 

Martin,  John,  S.  L.,  S.  July  26,  1779— under  T.  Weaver. 

Mauzy  John,  S.  L.,  R.  May  22,  1780. 

Metcalf,  John,  En.,  R.  Aug.  27,  1781. 

Moffett,  John,  gent.,  Maj.,  R.  March  24,  1778— 2d  Battalion. 

Morehead,  Turner,  Cp.,  S.  May  25,  1778. 

Nash,  William,  S.  L.,  R.  March  24,  1778— under  W.  Grigsby. 

Neale,  Matthew,  En.,  R.  March  22,  1779— under  F.  Triplett. 

Nelson,  Thomas,  En.,  S.  March  27,  1780. 

Nelson,  Joseph,  En.,  S.  May  22,   1780. 

Norris,  William,  F.  L.,  R.  March  24,  1778— under  F.  Atwell. 

Obanon,  Samuel,  S.  L.,  R.  Sept.  25,  1780. 

Payne,  Francis,  En.,  S.  Feb.  22,  1779. 

Pearle,  Samuel,  S.  L.,  R.  Nov.  27,  1780. 

Peyton,  Henry,  F.  L.,  R.  Oct.  25,  1779. 

Pitckett,  Martin,  gent..  Col.,  R.  Aug.  27,  1781— 2d  Battalion. 

Pope,  William,  Cp.,  S.  May  25,  1778. 

Prince,  Hubbard,  S.  L.,  R.  March  24,  1778. 

Ransdell,  Wharton,  En.,  S.  Sept.  28,  1778, 

Ransdell,  William,  En.,  S.  May  25,  1778— under  T.  Morehead. 

Rixie,  Richard,  Cp.,  R.  May  22,  1780. 

Rogers,  George,  S.  L.,  S.  June  28,  1779. 

Seaton,  William,  En.,  R.  March  24,  1778— under  F.  Triplett. 

Settle,  William,  Cp.,  1777. 

Sharpe,  Sinsfield,  Cp.,  R.  July  23,  1781. 

Smith,  Joseph,  Lt.,  R.  Aug.  27,   1781. 

Smith,  Roily,  F.  L.,  S.  March  26,  1781. 

Smith,  William,  En.,  R.  March  22,  1779. 

Smith,  Augustine,  En.,  S.  July  26,  1779. 

^■IRGI^■IA  Militia  ix  the  Revolution' 

Smith,  Thomas,  Lt.,  S.  June  22,  1778. 

Shumate,  Daniel,  S.  L.,  S.  Nov.  23,  1778— res.  July  23,  1781. 

Sutherfer  (?),  Richard,  En.,  R.  Oct.  23,  1780. 

Taylor,  Joseph,  F.  L.,  S.  July  26,  1779— under  F.  Atwell. 

Timberlake,  Epapproditus,  S.  L.,  R.  Sept.  26,  1780. 

Toley,  James,  Cp.,  R.  Aug.  27,  1781— (Foley?). 

Triplett,  Francis,  Cp.,  S.  Sept.  28,  1778— vice  Bell. 

Warren,  William,  En.,  R.  Sept.  2,  1778. 

Weaver,  Tilman,  Cp.,  R.  March  24,  1778. 

Webb,  John,  Cp.,  1777— died  about  March.  1777. 

Wheatley,  Joseph,  Cp.,  S.  May  22,  1780. 

Wickliffe,  William,  En.,  R.  Sept.  2,  1778. 

Williams,  Charles.  Cp.,  S.  Aug.  25,  1777. 

Winn,  Minor,  Lt.,  S.  March  27,  1780. 

Withers,  James  of  Jas.,  Cp.,  R.  Aug.  27.  1781. 

Withers,  James  of  Thos.,  S.  L.,  R.  March  24,  1778. 

Withers,  William  of  Jno.,  S.  L..  R.  Nov.  24,  1777. 

Section  262 — Fluvanna 

Adams,  James,  Jr..  S.  L.,  R.  Sept.  4,  1777. 

Anderson,  Benjamin,  F.  L.,  S.  Sept.  4,  1777. 

Beckley,  John,  F.  L.,  S.  Sept.  4.   1777. 

Duncan,  George,  Cp.,  S.  Sept.  4,  1777. 

Haden,  Anthony,  En.,  com'd,  Sept  .4,  1777 — res.  April  2.  1779. 

Haden,  Anthony,  gent.,  Cp.,  R.  April  2,  1779 — vice  J.  Napier. 

Haden,  Joseph,  Cp..  S.  Sept.  4,  1777. 

Haden,  John  Mozeley,  F.  L.,  S.  Sept.  4."  1777, 

Haden,  John  M.,  En.,  S.  April  2,  1779 — under  L.  Thompson. 

Haden,  William,  gent..  En.,  S.  April  2,  1779 — under  J.  Napier. 

Hall,  Richard,  F.  L.,  R.  April  2,  1779— under  D.  Tilman. 

Hancock,  Benj.,  En.,  R.  April  2,  1779— under  A.  Haden. 

Haslip,  Henry,  S.  L.,  S.  Sept.  4.  1777. 

Henry,  William,  gent.,  Lt.,  S.  Sept.  4,  1777. 

Johnson,  William,  En.,  S.  Sept.  4,  1777. 

Lee,  Benjamin,  En.,  S.  Sept.  4,   1777. 

Martin,  Benjamin,  En.,  S.  Sept.  4.   1777 — (Benj.  Moss?). 

ALirtin.  Henry,  F.  L..  A.  Sept.  4.  1777 — under  L.  Thompson. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution  203 

iVIartin,  John,  S.  L.,  S.  Sept.  4,  1777. 

Martin,  William,  S.  L.,  R.  Sept.  4,  1777. 

Mays  (Mayo?),  Joseph,  S.  L.,  N.  May  6,  1779— under  D.  Tilman 

and  in  place  of  T.  Tinsdale. 
Moore,  Jesse,  S.  L.,  R.  Sept.  4,   1777 — refused  to  qualify. 
Moss,  Alexander,  F.  L.,  S.  Sept.  4,   1777. 

Napier,  John,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  Sept.  4,    1777— res.  April  4,   1779. 
Napier,  Richard,  Cp.,  S.  Sept.  4,  1777. 
Napier,  Thomas,  gent.,  Col.,  S.  Sept.  4,  1777. 
Omohundro,  Richard,  En.,  S.  June  4,   1778 — under  R.  Napier. 
Thompson,  George,  gent.,  Maj.,  S.  Sept.  4,   1777. 
Thompson,  Leonard,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  Nov.  6,   1777. 
Thompson,  Roger,  gent.,  Lt.  Col.,  S.  Nov.  6,  1777, 
Thurmond,  Thomas,  Cp.,  S.  Sept.  4,  1777. 
Tilman,  Daniel,  F.  L.,  S.  Sept.  4,  1777. 
Tilman,  Daniel,  Cp.,  S.  Dec.  3,  1778 — vice  G,  Duncan. 
Tinsdale,  Thomas,  S.  L.,  com'd  Sept.  4,  1777 — under  G.  Duncan. 
Williamson,  John,  S.  L.,  S.  Sept.  4,  1777. 
Woody,  William,  S.  L.,  R.  April  2,  1779. 
Wynne,  Thomas,  En.,  S.  Sept.  4,  1777. 

Note: — No  record   later  than  xA.pril  2,   1779. 

Section  263 — Frederick 

Abernathy,  William,  Lt.,  S.  June  3,  1777. 
Bobb,  Peter,  Cp.,  S.  Nov.  6,  'l776. 
Baldwin,  Thomas,  Cp.,  S.  Nov.  6,  1776. 
Barnett,  George,  En.,  S.  March  7,  1780. 
Barrow,  John,  En.,  S.  May  2,  1780. 
Bell,  George,  gent.,  Lt.,  S.  Aug.  5,  1777. 
Bell,  George,  Cp.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 
Berry,  Francis,  Cp.,  R.  Aug.  4,   1779. 
Branson,  Amos,  En.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 
Brinker,  Henry,  En.,  S.  May  2,  1780. 
Brown,  James,  Lt.  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 
Burk,  James,  En.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 
Bush,  Vance,  Lt.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 
Byerly,  Robert,  En.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Cockley,  Jacob,  Cp.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Calmes,  Marquis,  Lt.  Col.,  R.  Feb.  4,  1777— res.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Calvert,  Samuel,   gent.,  Lt.,  S.  Oct.  5,   1779. 

Camp,  John,  Lt.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Carter,  Joseph,  Cp.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Catlett,  John,  Lt.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Catlett,  John,  Cp.,  S.  Oct.  7,  1777. 

Catlett,  Henry,  Lt.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Cochran,  James,  En.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Combs,  Benjamin,  Lt.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Crim,  Jacob,  Lt.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Daniel,  Hugh,  En.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Denny,  Samuel,  En.,  R.  Aug.  4,   1779. 

Denn.y,  Robert,  Lt.,  S.  March  7,  1780. 

Dobbins,  Edward,  En.,  S.  May  2,  1780. 

Dorsey,  Joshua,  Lt.,  1777. 

Eastin,  Johnston,  En.,  S.  May  2,   1780. 

Elkins,  Benjamin,  Lt.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Evans,  William,  Lt.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Frost,  William,  Cp.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Gilham,  Peter,  Lt.,  R.  Aug.  4,   1779. 

Gilkerson,  Samuel,  Cp.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Hampton,  Thomas,  En.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Hancher,  William,  En.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Harrell,  John,  En.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Heaton,  James",  Lt.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Helphingston,  Philip,  Lt.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Hill,  John,  Lt.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Hisewanger,  John,  Maj.,  S.  Sept.  7,  1779— vice  R.  White. 

Hiskill,  Peter,  En.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Hiskill,  Adam,  Cp.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Horseley,  Richard,  En.,  S.  May  2,  1780. 

Kemp,  John,  En.,  S.  May  2,  1780. 

Kindrick,  Christly,  Lt.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Kendrick,  Abraham,  Cp.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Kennedy,  David,  Col.,  S.  April  1,  1777— vice  J.  Smith. 

Larrich,  John,  Cp.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Laurence,  James,  Lt.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Lindsay,  Abraham,  Lt.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

Virginia  Militia  ix  the  Revolution  205 

McCormick,  Francis,  Lt.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 
Merser,  Aaron,  Cp.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 
Myers,  Jacob,  Cp.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 
O'Brien,  John,  En.,  S.  Nov.  6,  1776. 
Pyles,  Joshua,  Lt.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 
Redman,  Jeremiah,  Cp.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 
Rice,  John,  Cp.,  S.  March  8,  1780. 

Rinherbo,  Casper,  Cp.,  R.  Feb.  4,  1777— vice  R.  White.     • 
Simerall,  James,  Lt.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 
Smith,  Samuel,  Lt.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 
Smith,  John,  gent.,  Co.  Lt.,  res.  Feb.  4,  1777. 
Stribling,  William,  Lt.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779.    ' 
Ta3lor,  Richard,  En.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 
Taylor,  William,  Cp.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 
Vance,  William,  En.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779. 

White,  Robert,  Lt.  Col.,  R.  Aug.  4,  1779— vice  M.  Calmes. 
Wilson,  Hugh,  En.,  S.  Aug.  7,  1781. 
Wolfe,  Henry,  En.,  R.  Oct.  7,  1777. 
Wolfe,  John,  En.,  R.  Oct.  7,  1777. 

Wood,  James,  gent.,  Co.  Lt.,  res.  Feb.  4,  1777,  to  become  colonel  in 
Continental  Line. 

Section  264 — Goochland 

Allen,  Richard,  S.  L.,  S.  Feb.  15,  1781. 

Allen,  James,  F.  L.,  A.  April  21,  1778. 

Bennett,  James,  En.,  S.  March  27,  1779. 

Bibb,  Richard,  Maj.,  S.  May   17,   1778. 

Blackwell,  John,  S.  L.,  S.  Aug.  17,   1778. 

Bradshavv,  Robert,  En.,  S.  Feb.  15,  1781. 

Britt,  John,  En.,  S.  Feb.  15,  1781. 

Britt,  Obadiah  ,En.,  S.  May  18,  1778. 

Cole,  William,  S.  L.,  S.  May  17,  1780— under  S.  Richardson. 

Cox,  Edward,  En.,  S.  Dec.  15,  1777. 

Curd,  John,  Jr.,  Maj.,  S.  May  17,  1780. 

Curd,  Edmund,  Cp.,  A.  April  21,   1778— vice  W.  George. 

Duke,  Edward,  Cp.,   1780. 

Ellis,  Stephen,  S.  L.,  A.  July  21,   1777 — under  £    ^^^j^ 

Virginia  Militia  in"  the  Revolution 

George,  James,  Jr.,  S.  L,  S.  Feb.  16,  1778. 

George,  William,  Cp.,   1777. 

Guerrant,  John,   Ma].,  A.  Aug.  20,   1781. 

Guerrant,  John,  Jr.,  En.,  S.  Feb.  15,   1781. 

Hancock,  Major,  En.,  S.  May  17,  1780. 

Hanley,  Hezekiah,  En.,  A.  July  21,  1777. 

Harding,  Thomas,  En.,  S.  Feb.  15,  1781. 

Harris,  Nathaniel,  En.,  A.  July  21,   1777. 

Hatcher,  Thomas,  Cp.,  S.  May  17,  1780. 

Henley,  Hezekiah,  En.,  A.  July  21,   1777. 

Herndon,  John,  S.  L.,  S.  May  17,  1780. 

Holman,  Tandy,  Cp.,  R.  Nov.   19,   1781. 

Hopkins,  John,  gent..  Col.,  S.  May  17,  1780— res.  Aug.  20,  1781. 

Johnson,  Peter,  F.  L.,  S.  Feb.  16,  1778. 

Johnson,    Walter,    Lt.,   A.   July   21,    1777 — under   J.    Ware. 

Lacy,  Matthew,  En.,  S.  May  17,  1780. 

Lacy,  Elliott,  En.,  S.  May  17,  1779. 

Leak,  Josiah,  Cp.,  1777. 

Leak,  Elisha,  Cp.,  1777. 

Lewis,  Nicholas,  En.,  S.  May  17,  1780 — under  E.  Duke. 

Lewis,  Joseph,  S.  L.,  S.  May  17,  1780— under  E.  Duke. 

Lewis,  Robert,  gent..  Col.,  S.  Nov.  15,  1779. 

Massie,  Thomas,  En.,  A.  April  21,   1778. 

Massie,  Nathaniel,  Cp.,   1777. 

McCaul,  William,  En..  S.  Dec.  15,  1777. 

Miller,  Thomas,  F.  L.,  S.  Feb.  15,  1781. 

Miller,   William,   Cp.,   A.    Sept.    15,    1777— in    lOth    Division — res. 

Nov. -19,   1781. 
:\Iorris,  Nathaniel  G.,  Co.  Lt.,  A.  Aug.  20,  1781. 
Overstreet,  James,  F.  L.,  A.  April  21,   1778. 
Parrish,  Sherwood,  S.  L.,  S.  May  17,  1780. 
Parrish,  Tolley,  gent..  Col.,  S.  May  17,  1780. 
Payne,  George,  Lt.  Col.,  A.  Aug.  20,  1781. 
Payne,  Josias,  Jr.,  S.  L.,  S.  May  17,  1779. 
Peers,  Anderson,  Lt.,  S.  Dec.  15,  1777 — under  E.  Leak. 
Perkins,  Francis,  En.,  S.  May  17,  1779. 
Perkins,  John,  S.  L.,  S.  Feb.  16,  1778. 
Pledge,  Francis,  En.,  S.  May  17,  1779. 
Price,  Charles,  F.  L..  A.  April  21.  1778— vice  S.  Williams. 

Virginia  Mii.itia  ix  the  Revolution- 

Price,  Meredith,  Lt.,  S.  June  16,  1777. 

Paine,  Nathaniel,  S.  L.,  S.Feb.  15,  1781. 

Redford,  Edward,  F.  L.,  S.  Feb.   15,  1781. 

Redford,   Alilner,   F.  L.,   S.   May   17,    1780— under   E.   Smith. 

Richardson,  Samuel,  Cp.,  S.  May  18,   1778— vice  J.  Ware. 

Robards,  Lewis,  En.,  S.  May   17,   1779. 

Royster,  Thomas,  S.  L.,  A.  Sept.  15,  1777. 

Rutherford,  David,  F.  L.,  S.  May  17,  1780— under  H.  Parrish. 

Sampson,  Stephen,  Cp.,   1777. 

Smith,  Edward,  Cp.,  S.  May  17,  1780. 

Smith,  Obadiah,  S.  L.,  A.  April  21,  1778. 

Towles,  Stockley,  Cp.,  A.  Sept.  15,  1777 — in  9th  Division. 

Wade,  Dabney,  F.  L.,  S.  May  17,  1780— under  E.  Smith. 

Ware,  James,  S.  L.,  S.  Dec.  15,  1777. 

Ware,  John,  Cp.,  1777. 

Webber,  Philip,  F.  L.,  S.  May  17,  1779. 

Williams,  Soloman,  Lt.,  S.  July  21,  1777. 

Woodson,  John,   gent.,  Co.  Lt.,   S.   Sept.  27,    1779 — res.  Aug.  20, 

Woodson,  Isham,  S.  L.,  R.  March  15,  1779. 
Woodson,  Josiah,  En.,  S.  Dec.  15,   1777. 
Woodson,  John  Stephen,  S.  L.,  A.  July  21,  1777 — under  S.  Sampson. 

Section  265— Greenbrier  (W.  Va.) 

(Note: — The  commissions  indicated  below  were  dated   1780   and   1781, 
the  first  Order  Book  appearing  to  have  been  lost.) 

Anderson,  John,  Cp. 
Clendenning,  George,  Cp. 
Clendenning,  William,  Lt. 
Davidson,  George,  Lt. 
Davis,  William,  En. 
Donally,  Andrew-,  Col. 
Glass,  Samuel,  Cp. 
Graham,   Cp. 

Gregory, ,  Cp. 

Hamilton,  Samuel,  Cp. 
Hamilton,  William,  Cp. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Henderson,  John,  Cp. 
Johnson,  James,  Cp. 
Kelly,  Alexander,  Cp. 

McCoy,  ,  Cp. 

Miller,  Hugh,  Cp. 
Richard,  Elijah,  Cp. 
Renick,  William,  Cp. 
Shelton,  Thomas,  Cp. 

Thompson, ,  Cp. 

Ward,  William,  Cp. 
Williams,  Samuel,  En. 
Wood,  Archibald,  Cp. 
Wright, ,  Cp. 

Section  267 — Henrico 

Note: — The  Revolutionary  records  prior  to  near  the  date  given  below 
were  burned  by  the  British. 

Recommendations  of  Oct.  1,  1781. 

Adams,  Richard,  F.  L. 
Giles,  William,  En. 
Hollman,  Nathaniel,  F.  L. 
Hondle,  Hezekiah,  En. 
Johnson,  Benjamin,  S.  L. 
Price,  John,  Cp. 
Turpin,  John,  Cp. 
Turpin,  Sugly,  S.  L. 

Section  268 — Henry 

Adams,  William,  S.  L.,  A.  March,  1780— under  H.  Critz. 

Barksdale,  John,  F.  L.,  A.  April,  1781— under  B.  Martin. 

Barton,  David,  S.  L.,  A.  June,  1780— under  O.  Rubell. 

Barton,  Joshua,  F.  L.,  S.  June,   1780. 

Bedford,  Thomas,  F.  L.,  S.  June,  1780— under  B.  IMartin. 

Carlan,  Daniel,  Cp.,  S.  April  20,  1778. 

Choice,  Tully,  Cp.,  A.  Aug.,  1780 — vice  F.  Reeves. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Choice,  William,  S.  L.,  A.  Aug.,  1780— under  T.  Choice. 

Convva}-,  John,  En.,  A.  Aug.,  1780 — under  P.  Hairston. 

Cowden,  James,  Cp.,  S.  June,  1780. 

Critz,  Haman,  Jr.,  Cp.,  1780. 

Davis,  John,  S.  L.,  com'd,  March,  1779 — under  T.  Smith. 

Dillard,  John,  Cp.,  A.  July,  1780— vice  J.  Shelton. 

Fontaine,  John,  Esq.,  Cp.,  S.  June,  1780 — vice  J.  Salmon. 

Haile,  Thomas,  Cp.,  S.  June,   1780— vice  P.  Vardaman. 

Hairston,  George,  Cp.,  S.  June,  1780 — vice  G.  Waller. 

Hairston,  John,  Cp.,  res.  June,  1780. 

Hairston,  George,  Cp.,  S.  June,  1780 — vice  G.  Waller. 

Hairston,  Peter,  Cp.,  A.  July,  1780. 

Halbert,  William,  S.  L.;  A.  March,  1780— under  E.  Shelton. 

Harris,    Peter,   En.,   com'd    ]\Iarch,    1779 — under   T.    Henderson — 

vice  J.  Wells. 
Henderson,  T.,  Cp.,  1779. 

Hill,  Swinfield,  Cp.,  A.  March,  1779— vice  E.  Short. 
Hill,  Thomas,  En.,  com'd,  June,  1781 — under  T.  Haile. 
Hughes,  Archilaus,  Esq.,  Co.  Lt.,  A.  March,  1780— res.  July,  1780. 
Jones,  Joseph,  F.  L.,  com'd  June,  1871 — under  T.  Haile. 
Jones,  Thomas,  F.  L.,  A.  July,  1780 — under  J.  Rentfro. 
Lyne,  Edmund,  Lt.  Col.,  res.  April  20,  1778. 
Lyne,  Henry,  Esq.,  Cp.,  res.  June,  1780. 
Lyon,  James,  Esq.,  Lt.  Col.,  A.  March,  1780. 
Lyon,  Stephen,  F.  L.,  A.  ALirch,  1779 — under  E.  Shelton. 
Martin,  Brice,  Cp.,   1780. 

Menifee,  William,  En.,  A.  July,  1780— under  T.  Haile. 
Miller,  John,  En.,  A.  March,  1780— under  H.  Critz. 
Murphy,  John,  En.,  A.  March,  1779— under  T.  Haile. 
Nance,  Reuben,  En.,  A.  October,  1779— under  J.  Wells. 
Owen,  Christopher,  En.,  A.  April,  1781 — under  B.  Martin, 
Penn,  Abraham,  Col.,  R,  March,  1780. 
Petect,  James,  Cp.,  S.  June,  1780 — vice  J.  Hariston. 
Prunty,  Thomas,  En.,  A.  August,  1780 — under  T.  Choice. 
Redd,  John,  S.  L.,  A.  April,  1780— under  B.  Martin. 
Reev£s,  Frederick,  Cp.,  res.  August,  1780. 
Rentfro,  William,  S.  L.,  com'd  June,  1781 — under  Petect. 
Rentfro,  John,  Cp.,  A.  July,  1780. 
Rentfro,  Joshua,  S.  L.,  A.  July,  1780 — under  J.  Rentfro. 

Virginia  Militia  ix  the  Revolutiox 

Reynolds,  George,  F.  L.,  A.  August,  1780 — under  P.  Hairston. 

Rogers,  David,  En.,  A.  March,  1779 — under  E.  Shelton. 

Ross,  Daniel,  S.  L.,  A.  June,  1780— under  O.  Rubell. 

Rubell,  Owen,  Cp.,  S.  June,   1780. 

Ryan,  William,  F.  L.,  A.  August,  1780— under  T.  Choice. 

Salmon,  John,  Esq.,  Cp.,  res.  June,  1780. 

Shelton,  James,  Cp.,  res.  July,  1780. 

Shelton,  Eliphaz,  Cp.,  A.  March,  1779— vice  J.  Lyon. 

Short,  Edward,  Cp.,  1779. 

Small,  Matthew,  Co.  Lt.,  R.  July,  1780. 

Small,  Matthew,  S.  L.,  S.  April  20,  1778— under  T.  Henderson. 

Smith,  Gideon,  En.,  A.  June,   1780— under  O.  Rubell. 

Smith,  Thomas,  F.  L.,  A.  March,  1780— under  H.  Critz. 

Smith,  Thomas,  Cp.,  com'd  March,   1779. 

Spencer,  James,  En.,  A.  July,  1780 — under  J.  Dillard. 

Standifor,  Luke,  S.  L.,  com'd  June,  1781 — under  T.  Haile. 

Standifor,  William,  En.,  A.  July,  1780— under  J.  Rentfro. 

Taylor,  George,  F.  L.,  A.  July,  1780— under  J.  Dillard. 

Taylor,  William,  S.  L.,  A.  July,  1780— under  J.  Dillard. 

Thomas,  Austin,  En.,  res.  September,  1780. 

Tunstall,  William,  Esq.,  Co.  Lt.,  res.  March,  1780. 

Turner,  John,  F.  L.,  S.  June,  1780. 

Vardaman,  Peter,  Cp.,  1780. 

Waller,  George,  Esq.,  Maj.,  A.  June,   1780 — vice  J.  Lyon. 

Wells,  John,  Cp.,  A.  October,  1779— res.  August,  1780. 

Wells,  Matthew,  S.  L.,  A.  October,  1779— under  J.  Wells. 

Section  269 — Loudoun 

Adams,  Francis,  En.,  S.  March  12,  1781. 
Alexander,  John,  gent.,  Lt.  Col.  S.  April  9,  1781. 
Ball,  Farling,  Cp.,  S.  May  13,  1777— vice  G.  Shaffer. 

Beaver,  ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Benham,  John,  En.,  S.  June.  12,  1780. 
Binns,  John,  gent.,  F.  L.,  S.  March  13,  1781. 
Binns,  Charles,  Jr.,  S.  L.,  S.  March  13,  1781. 
Boggess,  Henry,  En.,  S.  Oct.  11,  1779. 
Boggs,  Vincent,  En.,  R.  Sept.  9,   1777. 


Bullskin, ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Butler,  Joseph,  Cp.,  S.  Oct.  13,  1782. 
Cleveland,  James,  Cp.,  S.  Jan.   11,   1780. 
Coleman,  James,  gent.,  Maj.,  S.  March  10,  1777. 
Cox,  Samuel,  Cp.,  1777. 

Davis, ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Debell,  William,  Lt.,  S.  May  12,  1781. 
Dehaven,  Abraham,  F.  L.,  S.  June  11,   1781. 
Douglas,  Hugh,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  Maj-  12,  1781. 
Douglas,  William,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  Aug.  11,  1777. 
Elgin,  Gustavus,  Cp.,  S.  Oct.  13,  1782. 
Elgin,  Francis,  Jr.,  En.,  S.  Aug.  9,  1779. 
Elliott,  William,  En.,  S.  April  12,  1779. 
Eskridge,  Charles,  Lt.  Col.,  S.  April  13,  1779. 
Feagan,  Daniel,  Cp.,  S.  May  11,  1778. 
George,  William,  Cp.,  S.  Alarch  11,  1782. 

Greenup, ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Hancock,  Simon,  Cp.,  R.  Sept.  9,  1777— vice  W.  Smith. 
Hixon,  Timothy,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  Oct.   13,   1782. 

Humphrey, ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Irey,  Philip,  Cp.,  R.  March  9,  1778— refused  to  qualify. 

Jones,  ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Katon,  Jacob,  En.,  S.  June  14,  1779. 

Kennon,  Thomas,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  May  12,  1781. 

Kilgore,  George,  F.  L.,  S.  Aug.  9,  1779. 

King,  Smith,  gent,  Lt.,  S.  May  12,  1781. 

Lewis,  Thomas,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  Aug.  11,  1777 — vice  W.  Smith. 

Lewis,  Joseph,  Cp.,  1777. 

Lewis,  John,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  May  13,  1777. 

Linton,  John,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  April  10,  1781. 

Luckett,  John,  Cp.,  S.  June  8,  1778. 

Marks,  Elisha,  Cp.,  R.  March  9,  1778— vice  P.  Irey. 

McGeach,  John,  Cp.,  S.  March  13,  1781. 

McMaken,  Alexander,  gent.,  Maj.,  S.  April  9,   1781. 

McMichen, ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Miles,  Josias,  En.,  R.  ALay  13,  1777 — under  T.  Respess. 
Minor,  John,  Cp.,  1777. 

Moffett,  Josiah,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  ALarch  13,  1781. 
Moss,  John,  gent.,  Cp.,  R.  Jan.  13,  1777. 

A'iRGiKiA  Militia  ix  the  Revolution' 

Nolard,  Samuel,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  May  12,  1781. 
Nolard,  Philip,  Cp.,  S.  May  13,  1777. 

Ousley,  ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Owley,  William,  F.  L.,  R.  Sept.  9,  1777. 
Payne,  Henry,  F.  L.,  S.  June  14,  1779. 
Pierce,  Thomas,  Cp.,  S.  March  12,  1781. 
Reed  Jacob,  Maj.,  R.  June  11,  1781 — held  up  to  await  a  decision  as 

to  procedure  between  Reed  and  A.  Maken. 
Respess,  Thomas,  Cp.,  S.  March  10,  1777. 
Saunders,  Gunnell,  Lt.,  R.  Jan.  13,  1777. 
Saunders,  John,  En.,  R.  Jan.  13,  1777. 

Shaffer, ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Shores,  Thomas,  Cp.,  S.  March  12,  1781. 

Sinclair,  John,  Lt.,  R.  May  13,  1777 — under  T.  Respess. 

Slater  , ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Smith,  Nathan,  Cp.,  1777. 

Spurr,  ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Stanhope,  William,  Cp.,  S.  Aug.  11,  1778. 
Stover,  Cp.,   1777. 

Summers,  George,  gent.,  Cp.,  R.  May  13,  1777. 
Tarflinger,  Henry,  gent.,  Lt.,  res.  Oct.   13,   1782. 
Taylor,  John,  gent.,  F.  L.,  S.  Feb.  11,  1782. 

Taylor, ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Thomas,  Enoch,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  Oct.  13,  1782. 

Thomas,  Moses,  Cp.,  res.  Aug.  11,  1777. 

Triplett,  Simon,  Esq.,  Col.  S.  Oct.  8,  1781. 

Vandevender,  Isaac,  En.,  S.  Sept.  15,  1778 — under  J.  Lewis. 

Vanover, ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Vincell,  Adam,  Cp..  S.  Oct.  13,  1777. 
West,  George,  Maj.,  S.  May  11,  1778. 
VVhaley,  James,  Jr.,  S.  L.,  S.  Aug.  9,  1779. 

White,  ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Wildman,  Joseph,  Lt.,  S.  Aug.  9,  1779. 
Wycoff, ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Additional  Recommexdatioxs 

Adams,  Nathan,  Lt.,  ALiy,  1778. 
Asbury,  George,  En.,  Aug.   1778. 
Barklev,  Scarlet,  Lt.,  ALiy,  1778. 

ViRGixiA  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Benham,   Peter,  En.,  May,    1778. 
Botts,  Joshua,  Lt.,  May,  1778. 
Butcher,  Samuel,  Lt.,  May,   1778. 
Carnan,  William,  En.,  March,  1778. 
Cleveland,  James,  Cp.,  Nov.  8,  1779. 
Cox,  Samuel,  Maj.,  May,  1778. 
Debell,  John,  Lt.,  July  12,  1779. 
Dodd,  John,  En.,  March,  1778. 
Farnsworth,  Henry,  Lt.,  May,  1778. 
Grant,  Isaac,  En.,  May,  1778. 
Henry,  John,  Cp.,  May,  1778. 
Hutchison,  William,  En.,  July  12,  1779. 
King,  Thomas,  S.  L.,  March,  1778. 
Lewis,  Daniel,  S.  L.,  March,   1778. 
Marks,  Thomas,  Lt.,  Aug.,  1778. 
Mason,  George,  Lt.,  May,   1778. 
McClain,  Robert,  Cp.,  May,  1778. 
McClellan,  William,  Cp.,  xMay,  1778. 
Millam,  Thomas,  En.,  Nov.  8,  1779. 
Robinson,  William,  Lt.,  Aug.,  1778. 
Russell,  Francis,  Lt.,  May,  1778. 
Russell,  John,  Lt.,  May,  1778. 
Russell,  Robert,  En.,  Aug.   1780. 
Shore,  Richard,  En.,  May,  1778. 
Shrieve,  John,  En.,  A.   1779. 
Smith,  Nathan,  S.  L.,  June,  1780. 
Taylor,  George,  Lt.,  May,   1778. 
Thatcher,  John,  En.,  May,  1778. 
Thomas,  Thomas,  S.  L.,  Aug.   1780. 
Walter,  John,  Lt.,  May,  1778. 
White,  Joel,  En.,  June,  1780. 
Williams,  John,  Lt.,  May,  1778. 
Williams,  Thomas,  En.,  Feb.   14,    1780. 

Section  270 — Louisa 

Anderson,  Turner,  Lt.,  S.  April  9,  1781. 
Anderson,  David,  Cp.,   1777. 
Anderson.  Richard,  Col.,  1777. 

ViRGixiA  Militia  in'  the  Revolution' 

Bagby,  William,  En.,  S.  July  10,   1780. 

Bagby, ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Bias,  John,  Cp.,  S.  June  8,  1778— died,  1781. 

Bigger,  David,  F.  L.,  S.  Jan.  11,  1779. 

Bradburn,  Butler,  S.  L.,  S.  March  12,  1781. 

Brown,  John  ,En.,  R.  June  12,  1780. 

Clark,  William,  En.,  S.  Oct.  12,  1779— under  Mosby. 

Cole,  Samuel,  Lt.,  S.  Oct.  12,  1779. 

Cosby,  John,  gent.,  S.  L.,  S.  Oct.  9,  1780. 

Crutchfield,  John,   F.   L.,   R.    1782. 

Dabney,  Samuel,  En.,  S.  June  9,  1777. 

Fontaine,  Aaron,  En.,  R.  April  13,  1779. 

Fox,  John,  Cp.,  1776. 

Garland,  Nathaniel,  Cp.,  1777. 

Garrett,  Harvey  (Henry?),  Cp.,  S.  March  12,  1781. 

Glenn,  Beverley,  En.,  S.  Aug.  11,  1777 — under  R.  Phillips. 

Green,  Forrest,  En.,  R.  April   10,    1779. 

Harris,  William,  F.  L.,  S.  March  12,  1781. 

Harris,  Frederick,  F.  L.,  R.  April  10,  1779. 

Henson,  Samuel,  S.  L.,  R.  April  14,  1778 — under  S.  Richardson. 

Hughes,  William,  Cp.,  S.  Jan.  11,  1779. 

Hughes,  Joshua,  En.,  S.  April  13,  1779. 

Jackson,  William,  S.  L.,  S.  Aug.  11,  1777. 

Johnson,  Richard,  S.  L.,  S.  March  12,  1781. 

Johnson,  George,  Lt.,  S.  June  12,  1780. 

Johnson,  Henry  Ashton,  S.  L.,  R.  April  10,  1779 — under  J.  Watson. 

Johnson,  Christopher,  En.,  S.  Oct.  13,  1777. 

Johnson,  Thomas,  gent.,  Cp.,  A.  Sept.  9,  1776. 

Lumsden,  George,  Cp.,  S.  April  13,  1779. 

:VIerivvether,  William,  En.,  R.  Oct.  12,  1781. 

.Meriwether,  David  Wood,  F.  L.,  S.  June  14,  1779. 

Michie,  George,  S.  L.,  R.  Dec.  10,  1781. 

:\Iichie,  Robert,  S.  L.,  R.  June  12,  1780. 

Michie,  James,  S.  L.,  S.  Sept.  8,  1777 — under  S.  Richardson. 

•Minor,  Garrett,  Cp.,  1777. 

Moorman,  James,  En.,  S.  ]\Iarch  12.  1781. 

Mosby, ,  Cp.,   1777. 

Nelson,  John,  gent.,  Maj.,  S.  June  8,  1778. 
Overton,  Walter,  S.  L.,  S.  June  13,   1779. 

\'IRGINIA    MlI.ITIA    1\    THE    REVOI.fTIOX 

Paulet,  Richard,  Cp.,  S.  Dec.   10,   1781— vice  J.  Bias. 

Petis,  Samuel,  En.,  R.  Aug.  13,  1781. 

Phillips,  Richard,  Cp..  1777. 

Poindexter,  John,  Cp.,  1777. 

Price,  Hezekiah.  F.  L.,  R.  April  14,  1778. 

Ragland,  Samuel,  Cp.,  1777. 

Richardson,  Samuel,  Cp.,  S.  June  9,   1777. 

Roberts,  James,  S.  L.,  S.  Sept.  8,   1777— under  IMosby. 

Ross,  John,  En.,  S.  Sept.  8,  1777. 

Sanders,  John,  Cp.,  S.  Oct.  12,  1778 — vice  D.  Anderson. 

Seay,  John,  Lt.,  S.  June  8,  1778. 

Shelton,  Thomas,  F.  L.,  R.  Oct.  12,  1781. 

Shelton,  Samuel,  En.,  R.  April  14,   1778. 

Shelton,  Peter,  En.,  S.  Aug.  11,  1777 — under  J.  Fox. 

Smith,  William,  Lt.,  S.  Nov.  11,  1776. 

Street,  Joseph,  S.  L.,  R.  April  14,  1778. 

Terrill,  Thomas,  S.  L.,  R.  Oct.   12,  1781. 

Thompson,  Joseph,  En.,  R.  April  10,  1779. 

Thompson,  William,  S.  L.,  S.  Sept.  8,  1777. 

Thompson,  ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Timberlake,  John,  S.  L.,  R.  April  14,  1778. 

Truman,  Obadiah,  En.,  S.  March   12,   1781. 

Waddy,  Samuel,  En.,  R.  June  12  ,1780. 

Walden,  Lewis,  En.,  S.  Sept.  8,  1777. 

Wasley,  Robert,  S.  L.,  S.  Jan.   11,   1779. 

Watson,  James,  Cp.,  S.  Jan.  11,  1779. 

White,  John,  Cp.,  R.  Sept.  9,  1776. 

White,  William,  Cp.,  A.  Aug.  11,  1777. 

White,  William,  Co.  Lt.,  S.  June  8,  1778. 


Winston,  James,  gent.,  F.  L.,  S.  March  12,  1781. 

Winston,  Anthony,  S.  L.,  R.  June  12,  1780. 

Yancy,  St.  Charles,  Cp.,  R.  Oct.   12,   1781— vice  W.  Hughes. 

Section  271a — Monongalia 

Pay  roll  of  Capt.  William  Raymond's  Company,  of  Monongalia 
County  Militia  on  duty  at  Pickett's  Fort,  near  Morgantown  from 
the  15th  of  April  until  the  12th  of  June,  1777. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

William   Haymond,   Capt.  Frederick  Ice 

Morgan     Morgan,   Lieut.  Henry  Hank 

James  Johnston,  Ensign  Peter  Popens 

Zarah  Ozban,  Sergt.  Levy  Carter 

Amos  Ashcraft  John  Carter 

John  Doherty  Fredk.  Huklebery 

Edmond  Chaney  Jarvis  Brumagen 

Jereh.  Chaney  Jeremiah   Simson 

David  Morgan  *             Valentine   Kennett 

Thos.  Haymond  Evan  Morgan 

Willm.  Pettyjohn  Ruben   Boner 

Amos  Pettyjohn  James  Morgan,  Sr. 

Robt.  Campbell  John   Lemaster 

John  Ice  James  Morgan,  Jr. 

Note: — For   above   list   I   am   indebted     to     Mr.     Henry     Haymond,     of 
Clarksburg,    W.    Va.,   who   has    in   his  possession  the  original  pay  roll. 

Section  271 — Montgomery 

Adams,  John,  F.  L.,  R.  Nov.  6,  1781 — under  Montgomery. 
Alcorn,  John,  S.  L.,  R.  Nov.  6,  1781 — under  Montgomery. 

Note: — Robert  Alcorn  was  in  S.  C.  in  1782. 

Bailey,  Benjamin,  F.  L.,  S.  May  13,  1778— under  W.  Bobbet. 

Bobbet,  William,  Cp.,  R.  March  4,  1778— over  part  of  Trigg's 

Bright,  Albertus,  En.,  A.  April  5,  1781 — under  Trigg. 

Brown,  Peter,  En.,  R.  Sept.  7,  1779— under  H.  Patton. 

Bryson,  John,  S.  L.,  R.  June  2,  1779 — under  J.  Henderson. 

Buchanan,  William,  Cp.,  1777 — absent  in  Kentucky  service,  Sep- 
tember, '77. 

Buchanan,  Robert,  Cp.,  1777. 

Burk, ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Burns,  James,  Cp.,  R.  Sept.  7,   1779— vice  J.  Cloyd. 

Calhoun,  William,  En.,  A.  April  5,  1781 — under  Buchanan. 

Campbell,  Charles,  En.,  S.  April  6,  1779— under  Buchanan. 

Campbell,  William,  S.  L.,  R.  Jan.  6,  1778— under  R.  Buchanan. 

Campbell,  Samuel,  Lt.,  S.  May  6,  1777— com'd  Oct.  21,  1775. 

\'iRGiNi.\  Militia  ix  the  Revolution  217 

Cavanaugh,  William,  Lt.,  A.  April  5,   1781 — under  G.  Pearis. 

Cavanaugh,  Charles,  En.,  A.  April  5,  1781 — under  G.  Pearis, 

Chapman,  John,  S.  L.,  R.  Nov.  6,  1781. 

Cline,  Nicholas,  En.,  S.  March  4,  1778— sold  land  to  IVIitchael 
Cline,  1785. 

Clo.vd,  Joseph,  En.,  S.  Sept.  8,  1779— died,  1833. 

Cloyd, ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Cock,  James,  F.  L.,  R.  Sept.  8,  1779. 

Cox, ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Crawford,  James,  F.  L.,  R.  June  2,  1779. 

Crawford,  John,  Lt.,  S.  March  3,  1778. 

Crockett,  Walter,  Lt.  Col.,  S.  Oct.  5,  1779. 

Crockett,  John,  F.  L.,  R.  Sept.  3,   1777 — under  J.  ^Montgomery. 

Crockett,  Andrew,  S.  L.,  R.  Sept.  3,  1777 — under  Drapier. 

Dack  (Doak?),  Joseph,  S.  L.,  R.  Nov.  6,   1781— under  W.  Ward. 

Davis,  William,  S.  L.,  R.  Sept.  7,  1779— under  J.  Burns. 

Davis,  Robert,  F.  L.,  S.  Jan.  6,  1779 — under  R.  Buchanan. 

Dean,  William,  S.  L.,  R.  Nov.  6,  1781— under  W.  Glavis. 

Doak,  Samuel,  En.,  R.  Sept.  8,  1779. 

Doak,  William,   Cp.,    1779— res.   Nov.  6,    1781. 

Downing,  James,  F.  L.,  S.  May  5,  1778. 

Drapier,  ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Edwards,  Frederick,  Cp.,  com'd  Aug.  16,  1780. 

Estis,  Richard,  F.  L.,  S.  Sept.  8,   1779— under  H.  Gardiner. 

Evans,  Jesse,  Lt.,  S.  March  4,  1778. 

Ewing,  Samuel,  Cp.,  A.  April  5,  1781 — vice  Pierre. 

Ferguson,  Samuel,  En.,  A,  April  5,  1781 — under  J.  Moore. 

Finley,  James,  Cp.,  R.  Nov.  6,  1781 — vice  J.  Stephens. 

Foster,  Thomas,  F.  L.,  R.  June  2,  1779 — under  Pierce. 

Francis,  Henry,  Cp.,  S.  March  3,  1778. 

Gardiner,  Henson,  Cp.,  S,  Sept.  8,  1779 — for  part  of  Cloyd's  Com- 
pany, on  Walker  Creek. 

Glavis,  William,  F.  L.,  R.  Nov.  6,  1781— under  J.  Newell. 

Hatfield,  Andrew,  Cp.,  R.  Nov.  6,  1781— vice  J.  Lucas. 

Hays,  John,  Cp.,  R.  Nov.  6,  1781 — head  north  fork  of  Holston. 

Henderson,  John,  Cp.,  R.  March  4,  1778 — for  part  of  Cox's  Com- 
pany— died,  1813 — wife,  ]\Iary.  Children:  1  Joseph,  2  John, 
3  Jonas,  4  Robert,  5  Samuel,  6  Thomas,  7  William,  8  Sarah 

218  Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

(married    Mitchell),    9    Polly    (married    Bean);    had    much 

How,  Daniel,  S.  L.,  R.  Sept.  7,  1779— under  H.  Patton;  sold  land 

to  James  Hoge,  1783. 
Inglis,  David,  En.,  R.  Sept.  1,  1778. 
Inglis,  William,  Col.,  S.  Jan.  4,  1777. 
Johnson,  Benjamin,  F.  L.,  S.  June  2,  1779. 
Justice,  Moses,  S.  L.,  R.  Nov.  6,  1781— under  J.  Hays. 
Kettering,  Laurence,  En.,  R.  Jan.  6,  1778 — under  R.  Buchanan. 
Kincannon,  Francis,  S.  L.,  R.  June  2,  1779 — under  W.  Love, 
Love,  Robert,  F.  L.,  R.  Nov.  6,  1781— under  J.  Finley. 
Love,  William,  S.  L.,  R.  Nov.  6,  1781— under  J.  Finley. 
Love,  William,  Cp.,  S.  June  2,  1779. 
Lovel,  William,  F.  L.,  R.  Nov.  6,  1781— vice  J.  Hays. 
Lovel,  Markel,  En.,  R.  Nov.  6,  1781— under  J.  Hays. 
Lucas,  John,  Cp.,  A.  :Mar.  3,  1778— vice  T.  Burk. 
Mageehe  (McGee),  Samuel,  S.  L.,  R.  March  4,  1778 — under  Trigg. 
Maguire,  William,  En.,  R.  March  3,  1779 — under  J.  Moore. 
Maxwell,  James,  Cp.,  1779. 
McCorkle,   James,   Cp.,    1777. 

McDonald,  Magnus,  En.,  R.  Sept.  3,  1777 — under  J.  Montgomery. 
McFarlane,  John,  En.,  A.  April  5,  1781 — vice  N.  Cline. 
McMullen,  William,  F.  L.,  R.  Sept.  7,  1779— under  J.  Burns. 
Moffett,  Robert,  F.  L.,  S.  May  13,  1778. 
Montgomery,  Joseph,  Cp.,  A.  Nov.  6,  1781 — vice  A.  Trigg, 
^lontgomery,  ^Michael,  Cp.,  1778. 

Montgomery,  James,  Cp.,  S.  Sept.  3,  1777 — vice  W.  Buchanan. 
Moore,  James,  Cp.,  S.  May  13,  1778 — on  Bluestone  river. 
Mure  (:Muir),  Alexander,  F.  L.,  R.  Sept  7,  1779— under  H.  Patton. 
Mure,  Richard,  En.,  S.  March  3,  1778— under  Pearce  (or  Pierce). 
Neely,  Alexander,  S.  L.,  R.  June  2,  1779 — under  Pearce. 
Newell,  James,  Cp.,  A.  April  5,  1781 — vice  H.  Francis  (Frazier?). 
Owens,  Richardson,  Cp.,  R.  June  2,  1779. 

Osborn, ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Parks,  William,  En.,  R.  Nov.  6,  1781 — under  Montgomery. 
Patton,  Henry,  Cp.,  R.  Sept.  7,   1779 — vice  J.  Cloyd ;  bought  land 

of  Henrv  Gardner,  1780. 

(Note: — Robert,  William,  Thomas  and  James  Montgomery  were  grand 
jurors  in  Fincastle  County,   1774,  the  first  being  foreman). 

X'IRGIMA    MlI.rriA     IN"    THE     REVOLUTION' 

Pearce,* ,  Cp.,   1777— abroad  in   1781. 

Peary  (Pearis),  George,  F.  L.,  R.  Marcli  3,  1779— under  J.  Moore. 

Preston.t  William,  Co.  Lt.,  S.  Jan.  4,  1777. 

Robertson,  James,  gent.,  Lt.  Col.,  S.  April  2,  1777. 

Saunders,  Stephen,  Cp.,  A.  Nov.  6,  1781 — vice  J.  Pearce. 

Savers,  Robert,  En.,  R.  Nov.  6,  1781 — under  J.  Newell. 

Savers,  Thompson,  En.,  S.  Jan.  6,  1778 — under  Drapier. 

Scurry,  Eli,  S.  L.,  R.  Sept.  8,  1779. 

Shaw,  Joseph,  En.,  R.  Nov.  6,  1781 — under  J.  Finley. 

Smith,  Jarvis,  En.,  R.  June  2,  1779 — under  W.  Love. 

Snide,  Christian,  F.  L.,  R.  Nov.  6,  1781— under  A.  Hatfield. 

Stephens, ,  Cp.,    1777. 

Swift,  Flour,  Cp.,  R.  Sept.  8,  1779. 

Taylor, ,   Cp.,    1777. 

Thompson,  Henry,  F.  L.,  S.  Jan.  6,  1778 — under  Cloyd. 

Trigg,  Abram,  Cp.,  A.  April  5,  1781— com'd.  May,  1780. 

Trigg,  Daniel,  Cp.,  R.  April  2,  1777. 

\^ancel,  Edmund,  En.,   R.   March  4,    1778 — under  D.  Trigg,  died, 

Wall,  Adam,  En.,  S.  Sept.  8,   1779. 
Ward,  William,  Cp^  R.  Nov.  6,  1781— vice  W.  Doak. 
Ward,  John,  F.  L.,  R.  Nov.  6,  1781— under  W.  Ward. 
Ward,  Alexander,  En.,  R.  Nov.  6,  1781— under  W.  Ward. 
White,  James,  En.,  A.  April  5.  1781— under  W.  Love. 
Wood, ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Section  272 — Orange 

Barbour,  Thomas,  Esq.,  I\Lij.,  S.  July  23,  1778. 

Biddle,  Lewis,  F.  L.,  S.  May  25,  1780— under  E.  Shackleford. 

Brookman,  Samuel,  Lt.,  R.  Feb.  27,  1777. 

*(Note: — Perhaps  Richard,  who  died  in  1822,  leaving  widow,  Peggv, 
and  children:  Samuel,  Thomas,  Jonathan,  Richard,  William,  Sarah 
(Garlich),    Phoebe    (Thompson),    Abagail). 

t(N0TE: — William  Preston,  of  Jefferson  County,  Ky.,  died  in  1821,  and 
will  was  recorded  in  Botetourt.  Married  Caroline  Hancock. 
Children:  Henrietta,  Maria,  Caroline,  Josephine,  Hancock,  William 
C,  Susanna.  He  had  a  brother,  Francis.  He  provided  that  $6,000 
be  expended  on  the  education  of  his  two  sons.) 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Bruce,  -,  Cp.,  1777. 

Buckner,  William,  Cp.,  A.  IVIa}'  28,  1778. 

Burnley,  Zachariah,  J.,  Co.  Lt.,  S.  July  23,  1778. 

Burton,  May,  F.  L.,  S.  May  27,  1779. 

Cave,  Belfieid,  S.  L.,  S.  May  27,  1779. 

Chambers,  Thomas,  F.  L.,  A.  May  25,  1780— under  R.  Graves. 

Coleman,  James,  En.,  S.  May  25,  1780 — under  Z.  Herndon. 

Connor,  Timothy,  F.  L.,  A.  May  25,  1780— under  R.  C.  Webb. 

Conway,  Catlett,  Cp.,  res.  May  25,  1780. 

Craig,  Toliver,  Cp.,  S.  July  24,  1777. 

Daniel,  Robert,  Cp.,  S.  May  25,  1780 — vice  C.  Conway. 

Daniel,  Vivian,  Cp.,  res.  May  23,  1776. 

Graves,  Richard,  Cp.,  S.  Aug.  27,  1778— vice  C.  Bruce. 

Hansford,  Benoni,  F.  L.,  S.  Aug.  27,  1778. 

Hawkins,  James,  Cp.,  S.  March  25,  1779. 

Head,  Benjamin,  Cp.,  R.  May  28,  1778. 

Head,  James,  En.,  S.  Sept.  25,  1777. 

Herndon,  John,  En.,  A.  May  25,  1780. 

Herndon,  Zachariah,  Cp.,  S.  May  25,  1778. 

Hubblefield,  George  (Stubblefield?),  F.  L.,  S.  Nov.  27,  1777— under 

Ingram,  William,  En.,  A.  May  25,  1780— under  J.' Hawkins. 
Jameson,  James,  S.  L.,  A.  May  25,  1780 — under  G.  Waugh. 
Jameson,  William,  En.,  S.  April  1,  1779. 
Johnson,  Robert,  F.  L.,  A.  April  1,  1779. 

Johnson,  ,  Cp.,  1777. 

Kenton,  Ambrose,  En.,  A.  Sept.  25,  1777. 

Lindsay,  Caleb,  F.  L.,  S.  Oct  23,  1777— under  R.  Thomas. 

Madison,  James,  gent.,  Co.  Lt.,  res.  May  28,    1778. 

.ALallory,  Uriel,  Cp.,  1777. 

Martin,  Robert,  En.,  S.  Aug.  27,  1778— under  W.  Buckner. 

Miller,  Lewis,  S.  L.,  S.  May  25,  1780— under  Z.  Herndon. 

Miller,  Robert,  Cp.,  S.  May  27,  1779— vice  B.  Head. 

Mills,  Nathaniel,  Cp.,  R.  Feb.  27,  1777. 

Moore,  Reuben,  F.  L.,  A.  ALay  25,  1780— under  G.  Waugh. 

Moore,  Francis,  Jr.,  Cp.,  1777. 

Mpore,  William,  Maj.,  res.  May  28,  1778. 

Newman,  Alexander,  En.,  S.  May  25,  1780. 

Pannill,  John,  S.  L.,  S.  Nov.  23,  1780— under  R.  Graves. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Price,  Richard  Moore,  Lt.,  S.  May  27,  1779. 

Porter,  Abraham,  Lt.,  N.  March  25,  1779. 

Porter,  Charles,  Jr.,  Lt.,  S.  April  1,  1779. 

Proctor,  John,  S.  L.,  S.  May  28,  1778. 

Robinson,  John,  En.,  S.  May  25,  1780— under  R.  C.  Webb. 

Rowland,  Thomas,  S.  L.,  A.  May  25,  1780. 

Saunders,  James,  S.  L.,  S.  May  25,  1780— under  R.  C.  Webb. 

Scott,  John,  Jr.,  F.  L.,  S.  May  25,  1780— under  Z.  Herndon. 

Scott,  James,  En.,  A.  April  1,  1779 — under  Z.  Herndon. 

Scott,  John,  gent.,  Cp.,  res.  May  28,  1778. 

Shackleford,  Edmund,  Cp.,  S.  May  25,  1780 — vice  C.  Conway. 

Shackelford,  Zachary,  S.  L.,  S.  Oct.  23,  1777. 

Singleton,  Manoah,  S.  L.,  S.  Aug.  28,  1777. 

Sisson,  Caleb,  En.,  S.  April  1,  1779. 

Smith,  William,  S.  L.,  S.  Nov.  27,  1779— under  C.  Conway. 

Smith,  George,  Cp.,  res.  May  28,  1778. 

Taliaferro,  George,  Lt.  Col.,  A.  Map  28,  1778. 

Thomas,  Robert,  Cp.,  S.  Oct.  23,  1777— vice  N.  Mills. 

Thomas,  Rowland,  S.  L.,  A.  May  25,  1780. 

Waugh,  George,  Cp.,  S.  May  25,  1780. 

Webb,  Richard  C,  Cp.,  A.  May  25,  1780— vice  Craig. 

White,  Richard,  En.,  S.  May  27,  1779. 

White,  Jeremiah,  Cp.,  res.  May  28,  1778. 

Willis,  Moses,  S.  L.,  A.  May  25,  1780— under  J.  Hawkins. 

Wright,  William,  F.  L.,  S.  May  25,  1780. 

Young,  William,  S.  L.,  S.  Aug.  27,  1778— under  W.  Buckner. 

Section  274 — Powhatan 

demons,  William,  En.,  A.  June  20,  1781— under  E.  Munford. 
Cox.  Edward,  S.  L.,  S.  July  16,  1778— under  R.  Crump. 
Cox,  Edward,  F.  L.,  A.  June  20,  1781— under  E.  Vaughan. 
Crump,  Richard,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  Oct.  16,  1777 — vice  Wm.  Gay. 
Crump,   Richard,    Maj.,   R.   June    20,     1781— vice    Thos.     Harris, 

prisoner  of  war. 
Drake,  James,  S.  L.,  R.  Aug.  21,   1777 — under  R.  Crump. 
Eggleston,  John,  S.  L.,  A.  June  20,  1781— under  W.  Mays. 
Fleming,  William,  gent.,  Co.  Lt.,  S.  Aug.  21,   1777. 

Virginia  Militia  in"  the  Revolution 

Gay,  William,  Cp.,  res.  Aug.  21,  1777. 

Harris,  John,  Esq.,  Lt.  Col.,  S.  Aug.  21,  1777. 

Harris,  John,  gent.,  Co.  Lt.,  R.  June  20,  1781 — vice  L.  Mosby. 

Harris,  John,  Jr.,  gent.,  En.,  S.  July  20,  1780— under  I.  Porter. 

Harris,  Thomas,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  Aug.  21,   1777. 

Harris,  Thomas,   Maj.,   R.  May   18,    1780. 

Harris,  Francis,  E.,  En.,  A.  May  21,  1778— under  E.  ^lunford. 

Haskins,  Edward,  Esq.,  Maj.,  S.  Aug.  21,   1777. 

Haskins,  Edward,  gent.,  Lt.  Col.,  S.  July  20,   1780. 

Haskins,  Edward,  gent.,  Col.,  R.  June  20,  1781. 

Haskins,  Thomas,  Esq.,  Cp.,  S.  Aug.  21,  1777. 

Hubbard,  Thomas,  F.  L.,  S.  May  18,  1780— vice  Thos.  Stegar. 

Hughes,  Robert,  Cp.,  S.  Oct.  16,  1777. 

Hughes,  David,  En.,  S.  May  18,  1780. 

Hughes,  David,  F.  L.,  R.  June  20,  1781— under  W.  :\Iosby. 

Lescur,  Marshall,  S.  L.,  S.  May  18,  1780. 

Ligon,  John,  En.,  A.  June  20,  1781. 

Lockett,  Gideon,  En.,  N.  Nov.  19,  1778 — under  G.  Williamson. 

Logwood,  Edmund,  S.  L.,  R.  Aug.  21,  1777 — under  R.  Hughes. 

]\Iarkham,  Vincent,  gent.,  F.  L.,  S.  June  18,  1778 — under  E.  Mun- 

Markham,  Vincent,  gent.  Cp.,  A,  June  20,  1781. 
May,  Joseph,  S.  L.,  R.  Aug.  21,  1777. 
Mays,  William,  gent.  Cp.,  S.  Aug.  21,   1777. 
Mays,  William,  Lt.,  R.  June  20,  1781— vice  E.  Haskins. 
Merriott,  Triplett,  En.,  R.  Aug.  21,  1777— under  T.  Harris. 
IMerriott,  Tapley,  En.,  A.  Dec.  21,  1780— under  E.  Munford. 
Merriott,  Tapley,  S.  L.,  R.  June  20,  1781— under  E.  IVIunford. 
Mosby,  Lyttleberry,  Esq.,  Col.  S.  July  17,  1777. 
Mosby,  Littleberry,  Gent.,  Co.  Lt.,   R.   May   18,   1780— vice  Wm. 

Mosby,  Littleberry,  Gent.,  Co.  Lt.,  res.  June  20,  1781. 
Mosby,  Poindexter,  Esq..  Cp.,  S.  Aug.  21,  1777— res.  May  21,  1778. 
Mosby,  John,  S.  L.,  R.  Aug.  21,  1777— under  T.  Haskins. 
Mosby,  Benjamin,  S.  L.,  S.  May  21,  1778— under  E.  Munford. 
Mosby,  Benjamin,  F.  L.,  A.  June  20,  1781— under  E.  IMunford. 
Mosby,  Wade,  Cp.,  A.  June  20,  1781 — vice  R.  Hughes,  p'ner  of  war. 
Moseley,  John,  Lt.  S.  March  19,  1778. 

Moseley,  John,  F.  L.,  S.  Dec.  17,  1778— vice  G.  Williamson. 
Moselev,  Thomas,  En.,  S.  Feb.  18,  1779— under  G.  Williamson. 

Virginia  Militia  in"  the  Revolution' 

Munford,  Edward,  Cp.,  S.  May  21,  1778— vice  P.  Mosby. 
Pleasants,  Samuel,  S.  L.,  A.  June  20,  1781 — under  E.  Vaughan. 
Poor,  William,  F.  L.,  S.  Dec.  18,  1777— under  R.  Hughes. 
Porter,  Isaac,  Cp.,  S.  May  18,  1780. 
Povall,  John,  S.  L.,  S.  Nov.  19,   1778. 
Radford,  George,  En.,  S.  May  18,  1780— vice  R.  Smith. 
Saunders,  Samuel,  Hyde,  En.,  R.  Aug.  21,  1777 — under  R.  Crump. 
Smith,  George,  S.  L.,  S.  May  21,  1778. 
Smith,  George,  F.  L.,  R.  May  18,  1780— under  I.  Porter. 
Smith,  Robert,  En.,  R.  Aug.  21,  1777— res.  May  18,  1780. 
Smith,  William,  F.  L.,  A.  June  20,  1781— under  V.  Markham. 
Stegar,  Thomas,  F.  L.,  S.  Oct.  16,  1777 — under  W.  Mays,  res.  May 

18,   1780. 
Stegar,  Hans,  S.  L.,  S.  May  18,  1780. 
Stovall,  George,  En.,  R.  Aug.  21,  1777. 
Stratton,  John,  En.,  A.  June  20,  1781— under  W.  Mosby. 
Swann,  John,  F.  L.,  R.  Aug.  21,  1777— under  R.  Hughes. 
Thompson,  Josiah,  F.  L.,  R.  Aug.  21,  1777 — under  P.  Mosby. 
Tucker,  James,  S.  L.,  A.  June  20,  1781— under  W.  Mosby. 
Vaughan,  Edmund,  F.  L.,  S.  May  18,  1780. 
Vaughan,  Edmund,  Cp.,  A.  June  20,  1781 — vice  R.  Crump. 
Williamson,  George,  F.  L.,  S.  May  21,  1778. 
Williamson,  George,  Cp.,  S.  Nov.   19,   1778 — vice  T.  Haskins. 

Section  275 — Prince  Edward 

The   list   herein   gi\en    is    from   a   list   contributed    by   Alfred   J. 
iVIorrison,   in   the  Virginia   Magazine   of   History,  April,    1913,   and 
taken   by   him    from   the   records.      The    following   officers   were   ap- 
pointed and  commissioned  in  May,  June  and  July,  1777. 

Josiah  Chambers 

John  Bibb 

David  Walker 

Andrew  Baker 
Lieutenants : 

Charles  Allen 

Jacob  Woodson 

John  Dabney 

Sharpe  Spencer 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Benjamin  Allen 
James  Carter 
Richard  Holland 
William  Rice 

Second  Li 


Robert  Goode 

William  Wooton 

Henry  Young 
It  appeared  from  an  order  made  in  July,  1777,  that  the  following 
were  then  Captains  of  Militia  Companies: 

: — Clarke 




Thomas  Flournoy 


William  Bibb 
In   1778  the  following  Captains  were  appointed: 

John  Bibb 

George  Carrington 
In  1778  the  following  Lieutenants  were  appointed: 

John  Dupuy 

Thomas  Lawson 
In  1778  the  following  Ensigns  were  appointed: 

Bigger,  Jr. 

Yancy  Bailey 
In  1779  the  following  Captains  were  appointed: 

Williamson  Bird  (in  place  of  Chas.  Venable,  resigned) 

Richard  Holland 

Sharpe  Spencer 

Thomas  Moore 
And  reference  is  made  to  the  following  persons  as  being,  or  having 
been  Captains  of  companies : 

Geo.  Booker 

Saml.  Venable 

Henry  Walker,  Dec'd 

David  Walker,  Dec'd 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution  225 

In  1779  the  following  Lieutenants  were  appointed: 

Nicholas  Davis 
Robert  Venable 
Geo.  Booker 
Jesse  Watson 
William  McGehee 
Ambrose  Nelson 
John  Langhorn 

In  1779  the  following  Ensigns  were  appointed: 

James  Parks 
Drury  Watson 
Thomas  Watkins 
In   1779  Thomas  Haskins  was  recommended   as  Colonel  of  the 
Militia  of  the  county  and  George  Walker  as  Lieutenant  Colonel. 

In  1780  the  following  were  recommended  or  appointed  as  Cap- 

Thomas  Law^ton 
Dick  Holland 
Jacob  Woodson 
In  1780  the  following  were  recommended  or  appointed  as  Lieu- 
tenants : 

Jesse  Watson 
Drury  Watson 
William  Price,  Jr. 
Joseph  Parks 
James  Clark 
James  Wright 

As  Ensigns: 

Stephen  Pettus 
John  Bell 
William  Booker 
In  1781: 

John  Nash  recommended  as  County  Lieutenant 

Geo.  Walker  as  Colonel 

Thomas  Flournoy  as  Lieut.  Colonel 

John  Clark  as  Major 

ViRGiviA  Militia  ix  the  Revolution 

In  1781  the  following  were  appointed  as  Captains: 
Stephen  Neal 
James  Clark 
Ambrose  Nelson  (in  place  of  John  Bibb) 

In  1781  the  following  were  appointed  as  Lieutenants: 

Nathaniel   Allen 
John  Richards 
Geo.  Pulliam 
George  Foster 
William  Wooten 
John  Clarke,  Jr. 
James  Parks 
John  Bell 

In   1781   the  following  w^ere  appointed  as  Ensigns: 

Philip  Mathew 
Robert  Walton 
Peyton  Glenn 
William  Galespie 
Muster  Roll  of  Capt.  John  Morton's  Company,  of  Prince  Edicard 
viiUtia,  June  28,  1781. 

Captain  John  Morton*  Sergeant  Charles  Stogg 

First  Lt.  John  Holcomb  Sergeant  Charles  Anderson 

Second  Lt.  Obadiah  Woodson  Corporal  Robert  Lawton 

En.  Edward  Wood  Corporal  Thomas  Hastie 

Sergeant  James  Morton  Corporal  William  Wright 

Sergeant  Samuel  Anderson  Corporal  William  Chambers 

Anderson,  Parsons  Brown,  Isham 

Ascul,  William  Byrk,  Thomas 

Baldwin,  Thomas  Casey,  William 

Bigger,  William  Chaffin,  Isham 

Bird  William  Chaffin,  Christopher 

Boas.  Michael  Cocke,  Anderson 

'Note: — Capt  Morton  had  eight  sons  in  the  service. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Boas,  Meshack 
Cunningham,    Nathaniel 
Cunningham,  John 
Daniel,  George 
Davidson,  Edward 
Davidson,  William 
Davidson,  David 
Davis,  Charles 
Durham,  Nathaniel 
Edmunds,  Jacob 
Fore,  Francis 
Foster,  Joshua 
Eraser,  John 
Eraser,  Thomas 
Fugue,  William 
Garratt,  Alexander 
Gillispie,  William 
Hales,  Peter 
Hampton,  Nathan 
Holman,  Alexander 
Hord,  William 
Howerton,  James 
Jennings,  Isham 
Jennings,  James 
Johnson,  William 
King,  Thomas 
Lee,  John 
Lee,  Archibald 
Leigh,  Charles 
Martin,  Samuel 
McGehee,  William 

IVIorton,  Thomas 
Newcomb,  Julius 
Parker,  Glover 
Peak,  Aaron 
Pierce,  Thomas 
Pillon,  Jasper 
Rain,  Nathaniel 
Robertson,  David 
Rutledge,  Dudlej^ 
Sharp,  Moses 
Smith,  Robert  P. 
Smith,  John 
Smith,  Alexander 
Spaulding,  John 
Sutherland,  Philemon 
Southerland,  William 
Taylor,  George 
Thompson,  John 
Tuggle,  Benjamin 
Tuggle,  Thomas 
Walker,  Thomas 
Walker,  William,   1 
Walker,  William,  2 
Watkins,  Abner 
Webster,  John 
Whitlock,  Josiah 
Wilburn,  Thomas 
Woodson,  Anderson 
Woodson,  John 
Wright,  Archibald 

Section  276 — Rockbridge 

Alexander,  Joseph,  F.  L.,  S.  Nov.  3,  1778. 
Brown,  John,  gent.,  Co.  Lt.,  S.  April  7,  1778. 
Buchanan,  James,  Cp.,  S.  Aug.  3,  1779— vice  S.  Steel. 
Campbell,  Charles,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  May  5,  1778. 

ViRGixiA  Militia  ix  the  Revolution 

Carruthers,  John,  F.  L.,  S.  Aug.  4,  1778. 

Cloyd,  David,  Cp.,  R.  March  8,  1780. 

Cunningham,  James,  S.  L.,  S.  Nov.  3,   1778. 

Davis,  James,  S.  L.,  S.  July  7,  1778. 

Davison,  Samuel,  S.  L.,  S.  July  7,   1778. 

Elliott,  James,  Cp.,  S.  Nov.  3,  1778 

Evans,  Andrew,  En.,  S.  July  7,   1778. 

Gay,  John,  gent.,  En.,  S.  May  4,  1779. 

Gilmore,  John,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  May  5,  1778. 

Gilmore,  John,  gent.,  Lt.  Col.,  S.  April  7,  1778. 

Gilmore,  James,  Jr.,  Cp.,  S.  May  5,  1778. 

Gray,  David,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  :May  5,  1779. 

Hall,  James,  Cp.,  S.  May  5,  1778. 

Harrison,  Thomas,   Cp.,   S.  July  4,    1780. 

Hay,  James,  En.,  S.  May  4,  1779. 

Hodge,  James,  Lt.,  S.  Nov.  3,  1778. 

Huston,  James,  En.,  R.  Nov.  2,  1779. 

Lyle,  James,  En.,  R.  July  4,  1780— under  S.  Wallace. 

Lyle,  John,  Cp.,  S.  May  5,  1778. 

Maxwell,  Audley,  En.,  R.  March  8,  1780. 

McCampbell,  James,  En.,  R.  Nov.  7,  1780. 

McClung,  John,  Lt.,  S.  Nov.  7,  1780— under  S.  Wallace. 

McClung,  William,  Jr.,  En.,  R.  Nov.  2,  1779. 

McDowell,  Samuel,  gent..  Col.,  S.  April  7,  1778. 

McKee,  Robert,  F.  L.,  S.  Dec.  2,  1778. 

AIcKenny,  John,  Lt.,  R.  Nov.  7,  1780. 

McMath,  William,  Lt.,  S.  Sept.  5,  1780. 

Moore,  Andrew,  Cp.,  S.  May  6,  1778. 

Patterson,  Samuel,  F.  L.,  S.  Sept.  1,  1778. 

Paxton,  John,  Cp.,  S.  May  5,  1778. 

Paxton,  William,  Cp.,  S.  May  5,  1778. 

Poage,  Robert,  S.  L.,  S.  July  7,  1778. 

Steel,  Samuel,  Cp.,  S.  May  5,  1778— res.  May  5,  1779. 

Steel,  Thomas,  S.  L.,  R.  Nov.  2,  1779. 

Stuart,  Alexander,  Maj.,  S.  April  8,  1778. 

Taylor,  William,  Lt.,  R.  March  8,  1780. 

Tedford,  Alexander,  Cp.,  S.  Nov.  7,  1780. 

Tedford,  John,  En.,  S.  :\Lay  4,  1779. 

Walker,  Alexander,  S.  L.,  S.  July  7,  1778. 

Virginia  Mii.itia  i\  the  Revolutiom 

Wallace,  John,  En.,  S.  Sept.  5,  1780. 

Wallace,  Samuel,  Cp.,  S.  May  5,  1778. 

Weir,  George,  Lt.,  S.  April  7,  1779. 

Wiley,  Alexander,  En.,  S.  Sept.  5,  1780 — under  T.  Harrison. 

Wallace,   David,  En.,   S.   May   11,    1780. 

Wallace,  Samuel,  Cp.,  1777. 

Walter,  William,  S.  L.,  R.  April  12,  1781— under  J.  Lewis. 

Watman,  Henry,  Cp.,  1871 — under  J.  Wood. 

Watterson,  Henry,  Cp.,  A.  July   12,   1781— vice  G.  Rutledge. 

Wilson, ,  Cp.,  1780. 

Wood,  James,  Cp.,  A.  July  13,   1781 — vice  W.  Robinson. 
Wright,  James,  Cp.,   1778. 

Section  277 — Rockingham 

Baker,  Michael,  Cp.,  R.  May  29,  1781— vice  J.  Fitzwater. 

Baker,  Nicholas,  Cp.,  S.  Sept.  24,  1781. 

Baxter,  George,  Cp.,  S.  March  22,  1779. 

Beazley,  Jeremiah,  Cp.,  S.  March  27,  1780. 

Bird,  Andrew,  Cp.,  S.  May  24,  1779. 

Bogg  (Hogg?),  Thomas,  Cp.,  S.  May  25,  1778. 

Bryant,  Peter,  Lt.,  S.  Aug.  27,  1781. 

Cain,  Cornelius,  F.  L.,  R.  Oct.  25,  1780. 

Carn,  Nicholas,'  Lt.,  S.  May  25,  1779. 

Chrisman,  George,  Cp.,  S.  March  26,  1781. 

Coger,  Michael,  Cp.,  S.  June  22,  1779. 

Conrad,  Stephen,  Cp.,  S.  Aug.  27,  1781— vice  J.  Beazley. 

Craven,  Robert,  Cp.,  S.  March  23,  1779. 

Davidson,  Josiah,  Cp.,   1780. 

Davis,  Robert,  Cp.,  S.  March  23,  1779— res.  Nov.  24,  1781. 

Dictum,  John,  S.  L.,  R.  Nov.  23,  1779— under  J.  Harman. 

Dictum,  Joseph,  F.  L.,  R.  Oct.  23,  1780. 

Eberman,  William,  Lt.,  R.  Sept.  24,  1781— vice  R.  Minnis. 

Erwin,  Benjamin,  En.,   R.  Oct.  25,    1780 — under  T.  Bogg. 

Evans,  Evan,  Lt.,  S.  Nov.  23,  1778. 

Fitzwater,  John,  Cp.,  S.  March  28,   1780. 

Fitzwater,  Thomas,  S.  L.,  R.  March  28,  1780— under  J.  Fitzwater. 

Frazier,  James,  Cp.,  S.  June  22,  1779. 

Virginia  Militia  ix  the  Revolution" 

Gordon,  Thomas,  S.  L.,  S.  March  22,  1779. 

Hamilton,  Gawen,  Maj.,  R.  May  29.  1781 — was  also  Lt.  Col. 

Hardman,  John,  F.  L.,  S.  March  22,  1779. 


Harrison.  Benjamin,  Lt.  Col.,  S.  May  25.   1778. 

Harrison,  Josiah,  Cp.,  S.  March  27,  1780. 

Harrison,  Josiah,  En.,  R.  March  26,   1781 — under  R.  Morris. 

Harrison,  Robert,  En.,  S.  Sept.  24,  1781 — under  J.  Harrison. 

Harrison,  Reuben,  Cp.,  S.  May  25.  1778. 

Harvie,  John,  S.  L.,  S.  April  24.  1780. 

Herring,  William,  Cp.,  R.  Nov.  23,  1780. 

Hevener,  Jacob,  En.,  S.  :March  27,  1780. 

Hewitt,  Thomas.  Cp.,  S.  May  25.   1778. 

Hinkle,  Isaac,  Cp.,  S.  Sept.  24,   1781 — vice  A.  Thompson. 

Hopkins,  John,  Cp.,  S.  June  22,  1779. 

Huston,  George,  Cp.,  S.  March  28,  1780. 

Huston,  John.  S.  L.,  S.  Nov.  28,  1780— under  G.  Huston. 

Johnson,  Andrew,  Cp..  S.  March  22,  1779. 

Keister,  Frederick,  Lt.,  S.  Sept.  28,  1778. 

Kyger,  Christian,  Lt.,  S.  Aug.  27,  1781. 

Lewis,  Thomas,  gent..  En..  S.  Aug.  27,  1781. 

Lincoln,  Abraham,  Cp.,  1779. 

Lincoln,  Jacob,  Lt.,  S.  March  26.  1781. 

Lingul,  Paul,  En.,  S.  Nov.  23.  1778. 

Minnis,  Robert,  Lt.,  res.  Sept.  24,  1781. 

Morris,  Reuben,  Cp.,  S.  March  26.  1781. 

Morris,  William,  S.  L.,  S.  Nov.  23,  1778. 

Moyer,  Philip,  Lt.,  S.  April  24,  1780. 

Nelson,  Daniel,  En.,  R.  Nov.  23.  1779 — under  G.  Huston. 

Nolle  (Nail?),  William.  Lt.  Col..  S.  ^Lirch  27.  1781. 

Painter,  Christopher,  En..  S.  May  25,  1779. 

Patton,  Benjamin,  Cp..  R.  Nov.  24.  1781. 

Pence,  James,  Cp.,  1779. 

Pirkey,  John,  Lt.,  S.  Aug.  27.  1781. 

Rader,  Anthony.  Cp..  S.  May  25,  1778. 

Reagon,  Richard,  F.  L.,  S.  April  27.  1779— under  D.  Smith. 

Rice,  John.  S.  L.,  S.  ]May  25,  1778. 

Robinson.  John,  S.  L.,  R.  Aug.  27,  1781. 

Ruddle.  George.  Cp..  S.  March  22.  1779. 

Virginia  Militia  i>j  the  Revolution  231 

Ruddle,  John,  Lt.,  S.  Sept.  24,  1781. 

Rush,  John,  Cp.,  S.  March  22,  1779. 

Rutherford,  Joseph,  S.  L.,  S.  March  27,   1780— under  R.  Reagan. 

Rutherford,  Elliot,  En.,  S.  March  27,  1780— under  R.  Reagan. 

Shanklin,  Andrew,  F.  L.,  R.  Nov.  23,  1779— under  G.  Huston. 

Slcidmore,  John,  Maj.,  R.  April  28,  1778. 

Smith,  Abraham,  Co.  Lt.,  S.  May  25,  1778— res.  Nov.  24,  1781. 

Smith,  Daniel,  Col.,  S.  May  25,  1778. 

Smith,  Daniel,  Cp.,  S.  May  25,  1778. 

Smith,  Joseph,  F.  L.,  S.  IVIay  25,  1778. 

Smith,  Joseph,  S.  L.,  S.  April  27,  1779. 

Smith,  Reynolds  (Benjamin?),  En.,  S.  March  27,  1781. 

Smith,  Robert,  F.  L.,  S.  March  27,   1780— under  R.  Reagan. 

Smith,  William,  En.,  S.  May  25,  1778. 

Smith,  Benjamin,  En.,  R.  Aug.  27",  1781. 

Stratton,  Seraiah,  Cp.,  R.  Oct.  25,  1780. 

Thompson,  Andrew,  Cp.,  res.  Sept.  24,  1781. 

Section  278 — Shenandoah 

Crookshank,  John,  Cp.,  S.  July  27.  1780. 
Galladay,  David,  En.,  S.  Sept.  1,  1780. 
Lambert,  Jacob,  En.,  S.  Aug.  26,  1779. 
Leath,  John,  Lt.,  S.  June  29,  1780. 
Nitherson   (?),  John,  :VIaj.,  S.  June  29,  1780. 
Plumley,  Matthew,  Lt.,  S.  Sept.  1,  1780. 
Price,  Evan,  Lt.,  S.  Aug.  26,  1779. 
Reaner,  Ulrich,  Cp.,  S.  July  27,  1780. 
Riggins,  William  (?),  Cp.,  S.  June  29,  1780. 
Riggins,  Charles,  En.,  S.  June  29,  1780. 
Sehorn,  John,  Cp.,  S.  July  27,  1780. 
Snapp,  Philip,  En.,  S.  Aug.  26,  1779. 
Syler,  William,  En.,  S.  Nov.  25,  1779. 
Windle,  Philip,  Lt.,  S.  Aug.  26,  1779. 

Section  279 — Spottsylvania 

Bartlett,  Thomas,  Cp.,  1781. 

Bartlett,  Harry,  gent.,  S.  L.,  S.  Sept.  18,  1777. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Brock,  Joseph,  Jr.,  En.,  S.  June  15,  1780. 
Carter,  John,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  Sept.   18,   1777. 
Chew,  John,  gent.,  S.  L.,  S.  Sept.  18,   1777. 
Chew,  John,  Jr.,  gent.,  S.  L.,  S.  Sept.  18,  1777. 
Clayton,  Thomas,  gent.,  En.,   S.   Sept.   18,   1777. 
Coleman,  Francis,  Cp.,  R.  July  19,   1781— vice  W.  Mills. 
Collins,  Bartlett,  F.  L.,  S.  Nov.  17,  1780. 
Dudley,  Peter,  En.,  S.  Nov.  17,  1780. 

Durrett,  Robert,  S.  L.,  S.  Sept.  21,  1780— under  T.  :\Iinor. 
Hardin,  John,  En.,  S.  Feb.  19,  1779. 

Holladay,  James,  En.,  S.  Dec.  21,  1780— under  Stubblefield. 
Johnson,  Benjamin,  gent.,  S.  L.,  S.  Feb.  19,  1779. 
Legg,  John,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.   May   17,   1781— vice  W.   McWilliams. 
Lewis,  John  Z.,  En.,  S.  Nov.  16,  1780. 
Mason,  John,  Lt.,  S.  Oct.  19,  1780— under  T.  Towles. 
"McCalley,  John,  Cp.,  S.  Nov.  17,  1780— died  about  1782. 
McWilliams,  William,  Lt.  Col.,  S.  Aug.  16,  1781. 
Meals,  John,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  Feb.  19,  1779 — vice  G.  Thornton. 
Miller,  Thomas,  gent.,  F.  L.,  S.  Sept.  18,  1777. 
Mills,  William,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  Sept.  17,  1777— res.  July  19,  1781. 
Minor,  Thomas,  Cp.,  1782. 
Owens,  James,  S.  L.,  S.  Nov.   17,   1780. 
Page,  Mann,  Esq.,  Lt.  Col.,  S.  July  19,  1781. 
Sharpe,  Thomas,  Lt.,  S.  Oct.  19,  1780— under  White. 
Smith,  Robert,  gent.,  F.  L.,  S.  Sept.  18,  1777. 

Stubblefield,  ,  Cp.,  1780. 

Tankersley,  John,  Cp.,  R.  July  19,  1781— vice  T.  Bartlett. 
Taylor,  James,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  Sept.  21,  1780. 
Thornton,  George,  gent.,  Maj.,  S.  Nov.  16,  1780. 
Towles,  Thomas,  gent.,  Maj.,  S.  Aug.   16,   1781. 
Tutt,  James,  gent.,  Cp.,  S.  April  2,  1776. 
Washington,  Charles,  Lt.  Col.,  S.  Oct.  19,   1780. 

White, ,  Cp.,  1780. 

Wiglesworth,  James,  S.  L.,  S.  Dec.  21,  1780— under  Stubblefield. 
Winslow,  Beverley.,  Co.  Lt.,  S.  July  19,  1781. 
Wright,  William,  En.,  S.  Sept.  21,  1780. 
Yates,   Robert,  gent.,   S.  L.,   S.   Sept.   18,    1777. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Section  280— Washington 

Adams,  Cp.  Geo. 
Allison,  Lt.  Chas. 
Anderson,  Cp.  John, 
Anderson,  Lt.  John. 
Barnett,  En.  Alex. 
Beattie,  Lt.  David. 
Berry,  Lt.  John. 
Black,   Lt.  Joseph. 
Blackburn,  Lt.  Wm. 
Bowen,  En.  Arthur. 
Bowen,  En.  Rees. 
Bowen,  Cp.  Wm. 
Buchanan,  Capt.  Robt.,  Sr. 
Campbell,  Lt.  Col.  Arthur. 
Campbell,  Lt.  Charles. 
Campbell,  Cp.  John. 
Campbell,  Cp.  John. 
Campbell,  Lt.  Col.  William. 
Case}-,  En.  Wm. 
Christian,  Cp.  Gilbert. 
Colvill,  Cp.  Andr. 
Coulter,  Lt.  John, 
Crabtree,  En.  James. 
Craig,  Cp.  Robt. 
Davis,  En.  John. 
Davis,  En.  Robt. 
Dickenson,  En.  Henry. 
Duncan,  Cp.  John. 
Dysart,  Cp.  James. 
Edminston,  Majr.  Wm. 
Edmiston,  Cp.  Wm. 
Elliott,  En.  James. 

Frazier,  Lt.  John. 
Freeland,  En.  Geo. 
Fulkerson,  Lt.  James. 
Hays,  Lt.  Saml. 
Kinkead,  Cp.  John. 
Kincannon,  Lt.  Andr. 
Lewis,  Cp.  Aaron. 
Litton,  En.  Solomon. 
Looney,  Ensign  John. 
Lowny,  Ensign  John. 
McClelland,  Ensign  Abraham. 
Maxwell,  Lt.  Geo. 
Maxwell,  Lt.  James. 
ALirtin,  Cp.  Joseph. 
Mastin,  Cp.  Thomas. 
^Vlontgomery,  Cp.  James. 
Neal,  En.  Wm. 
Price,  Lt.  Thos, 
Ramsey,  En.  Josiah, 
Robertson,  Cp,  James. 
Rosebrough,  En.  Wm, 
Shaw,  En.  James. 
Shelby,  Col.  Evan. 
Shelby,  Cp.  James. 
Shelby,  Cp.  John,  Sr. 
Smith,  Maj.  Daniel. 
Snodd}',  Lt.  John. 
Topp,  Lt.  Roger. 
Ward,  Lt.  David. 
Whitten,  En.  Thomas. 
Wilson,  Ensign  John, 
Wylie,  Lt.  Alex. 

Pensioners  Residing  in  Virginia  in 

1835  who  Received  Pensions 

as  Virginia  Militiamen 


(Embracing  those  residing  in  what  is  now  W.  Va.) 

Note: — This   list  is  arranged   alphabetically,   but  is  so   arranged   as   to 

give,    in    alphabetical    order,    the    counties    in    which  the    pensioners    lived. 

Owing    to    this    arrangement    the    exact    alphabetical  arrangement    of    the 
names   was   not   possible. 

Note: — The    figures    indicate    age    of    person    named. 
Note: — The    initials   I.    S.    stand    for   Indian    Spy. 

Adams,  Henr}',  Bedford  Co.,  73. 
Andrew,  Thos.,  Bedford  Co.,  72. 
Arthur,  Wm.,  Bedford  Co.,  72. 
Alverson,  Jno,  Botetourt  Co.,   76. 
Agee,  Jacob,  Buckingham  Co.,  77. 
Anderson  Jas.,  Cabell  Co.,  W.  Va. 

(Alias  Asha  Crockett). 
Arrington,  Adler,  Campbell  Co.,  73. 
Anderson,  Nathan,  Chesterfield  Co.,  70. 
Andrews,  Isham,  Chesterfield  Co. 
Armstrong,  Jno.,  Essex  Co.,  72. 
Abshire,  Abraham,  Franklin  Co.,  70. 
Adams,  Elisha,  Franklin  Co.,  71. 
Akers,  John,  Franklin  Co.,  76. 
Abbott,  Wm.,  Halifax  Co.,  78. 
Ashcroft,  Jno.,  Harrison  Co.,  97. 
Armstead,  Wm.,  Mathews  Co.,  76. 
Andrews,  Vorne}^  Mecklenburg  Co.,  80. 

Virginia  Militia  i\  the  Revolution  235 

Arnot,  Henry,  Monroe  Co.,  W.  Va.,  73. 

Argubute,  Jacob,  Monroe  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 

Avers,  Sergt.  Elisha,  Patrick  Co.,  74. 

Anderson,  Jacob,  Pittsylvania  Co.,  72. 

Arboghart,  Adam   (Arbogast),  Pocahontas  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 

Ammonet,  Charles,  Powhatan  Co.,  76.     (Died  April  14,  1833). 

Alley,  Abraham,   Prince  George  Co.,   71. 

Allstock,  Absalom  (Ailstock),  Rockbridge  Co.,  74. 

Ammon,  Christopher,  Sergt.,  Rockingham  Co.,  75. 

Augubright,  Geo.,  Rockingham  Co.,  75. 

Alsop,  Lt.  Benj.,  Spottsylvania  Co.,  76. 

Alcock,  Lt.  Thomas,  Stafford  Co. 

Bull,  Curtis,  Accomack  Co.,  72. 

Bull,  Danl.,  Accomack  Co.,  75. 

Bowden,  Micajah,  Albemarle  Co.,  81. 

Bell,  Corp.  Christopher,  Amherst  Co.,  80. 

Blair,  Allen,  Amherst  Co.,  80. 

Bonner,  Wm.,  Bath  Co.,  74. 

Bailey,  Philip,  Bedford  Co.,  86. 

Barton,  Corp.  Elisha,  Bedford  Co.,   76. 

Blankenship,  Abraham,  Bedford  Co.,  74. 

Bond,  Sergt  Wright,  Bedford  Co.,  74. 

Brown,  Henry,  Bedford  Co.,  74. 

Brown,  Thos.,  Bedford  Co.,  86. 

Banks,  Jacob,  Buckingham  Co.,  77. 

Branch,  Olive,  Buckingham  Co.,  74. 

Bloss,  Valentine,  Cabell  Co.,  W.  Va.,  77. 

Brooks,  Jas.,  Campbell  Co.,  74. 

Brooks,  Nelson,  Campbell  Co.,  75. 

Browne,   Henry,  Campbell  Co.,  74. 

Beadles,  Edmund,  Caroline  Co.,  — . 

Bass,  Edward,  Jr.,  Chesterfield  Co.,  80. 

Bass,  Jno.,  Chesterfield  Co.,  73. 

Bernard,  Benj.,  Chesterfield  Co.,  77. 

Barton,  Richard,  Chesterfield  Co.,  82. 

Blankenship,  Josiah,  Chesterfield  Co.,  76.   (Died  March  26,   1833). 

Bradley,  Sergt.  Austin,  Culpeper  Co.,  87.     (Died  Dec.  15,  1832). 

Brown,  Danl.,  Sergt.,  Culpeper  Co.,  85.   (Died  July  14,   1833). 

236  Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Brown,  Jno,  Culpeper  Co.,  74. 

Brown,  Wm.,  Culpeper  Co.,  76. 

Bass,  Jno,  Dinwiddie  Co.,  74, 

Boiling,  Capt.  Ro.,  Dinwiddie  Co.,  75. 

Ball,  Stephen,  Essex  Co.,  72. 

Beazley,  Ephriam,  Essex  Co.,  72, 

Beale,  Richd,  E,,  Fauquier  Co.,  74, 

Blackwell,  David,  Fauquier  Co.,  84, 

Brizendine,  Wm.,  Sr.,  Franklin  Co.,  91. 

Barr,  Jas.,  Frederick  Co.,  81, 

Beatty,  Henry,  Frederick  Co.,  94, 

Blakeman,  Ensign  Geo.,  Frederick  Co.,  — . 

Buckner,  Sergt.  Philip  B.,  Frederick  Co.,  83. 

Bishop,  Hy.,  Floyd  Co.,  77. 

Brooks,  Thos,,  Goochland  Co.,  90, 

Bailey,  Thos.,  Halifax  Co.,   73, 

Bates,  Ensign  Jas,,  Halifax  Co.,  74, 

Bunton,  Wm.,  Halifax  Co.,  70. 

Berry,  Wm.,  Hampshire  Co.,  W.  Va.,  90. 

Brinkley,  Lt.  Henry,  Hampshire  Co.,  73, 

Bills,  Jno  E.,  Hardy  Co.,  W,  Va„  71, 

Bolener,  Adam,  Hardy  Co,,  67, 

Bailey,  Jos.,  Harrison  Co.,  W,  Va.,  — . 

Bell,  Rich'd,  I.  S.,  Harrison  Co.,  W.  Va.,  — .    (Va.  Cont.  Line.) 

Brake,  Jno.,  I.  S.,  Harrison  Co.,  W.  Va.,  — . 

Burns,  Michael,  Henry  Co.,  83. 

Bailey,  Isham,  Kanawha  Co.,  W.  Va.,  79. 

Bailey,  Wm.,  Kanawha  Co.,  W.  Va.,  80, 

Beadless,  Joel.,   King  William   Co.,   73. 

Butler,  Jno.,  King  William  Co.,  70. 

Bibb,  Thos.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  80. 

Bonnett,   Peter,  L   S.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  70. 

Brown,  Isacher,  Loudoun  Co.,  73. 

Butler,  Jacob,  Loudoun  Co.,  76.      (Died  June  9,   1833.) 

Badger,  Thomas,  Louisa  Co.,  73, 

Bullock,  David,  Louisa  Co.,  73.     (Died  Feb.  16,  1833.) 

Bragg,  Wm.,  Luenburg  Co.,  73. 

Brandon,  Thos.,  Mecklenburg  Co.,  88. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution  237 

Butler,  Jos.,  Mecklenburg  Co.,  76. 

Bertrug,  Peter,  ]VIonongalia  Co.,  W.  Va,,  84. 

Boon,  John,  Monroe  Co.,  W.  Va.,  79. 

Bell,  Sr.,  Robt.,  Montgomery  Co.,  75. 

Byrd,  Wm.,  Nansemond  Co.,  71. 

Breeding,  John,  New  Kent  Co.,  76. 

Boaz,  Sergt.  James,  Patrick  Co.,  85. 

Boman,  John,  Patrick  Co.,  75. 

Boyd,  James,  Patrick  Co.,  71. 

Blechhynden,  Charles,  Pendleton  Co.,  W.  Va.,  76. 

Blizzard,  Burton,  Pendleton  Co.,  W.  Va.,  77. 

Borer,  Charles,  Pendleton  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 

Blankenship,  Jno,  Pittsylvania  Co.,  74.    (Died  Oct.  28,  1832.) 

Bradshaw,  John,  I.  S.,  Pocahontas  Co.,  W.  Va.,  75. 

Bass,  Sr.,  Wm.,  Powhatan  Co.,  71. 

Boatwright,  John,  Prince  Edward  Co.,  71. 

Brightwell,  Charles,  Prince  Edward  Co.,  78. 

Bell,  John,  Prince  William  Co.,  71. 

Brown,  Thos.,  Preston  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 

Bartleys,  James,  Rockingham  Co.,  74. 

Berry,  Benj.,  Rockingham  Co.,  76. 

Bryan,  Wm.,  Rockingham  Co.,   72. 

Beal,  Shadrach   (of  Ben),  Southampton  Co.,  71. 

Beall,  John,  Southampton  Co.,  76. 

Bullock,  Sergt.  James,  Spottsylvania  Co.,  73. 

Bishop,  Wm.,  Surrey  Co.,  37. 

Booth,  Beverley,  Surrey  Co.,  82. 

Buckhart,  Henry,  Smythe  Co.,  73. 

Bowling,   Jarrett,   Tazewell   Co.,    72. 

Brickey,  Wm.,  Westmoreland  Co.,  78. 

Brookover,  John,  Wood  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 

Blackard,  Will-you-be,  Wythe  Co.,  76. 

Biggs,  Jno.,  Bedford  Co.,  69. 

Chase,  Robt.,  Accomack  Co.,  73. 
Carr,   Mickens,  Albemarle  Co.,  72. 
Collins,  Jno.,  Albemarle  Co.,  86. 
■Campbell,  Jno.,  Amherst  Co.,  83. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Campbell,  Anthony,  Bedford  Co.,  74. 

City,  Jacob,  Bedford  Co.,  73. 

Cartmill,  Lieut.   Hy.,  Botetourt  Co.,  80. 

Congleton,  Moses,  Brooke  Co.,  W.  Va.,   70. 

Criswell,  Richd.,  Brooke  Co.,  W.  Va.,  86. 

Cummins,  Ro.,  Brooke  Co.,  W.  Va.,  82. 

Clairborne,  Leonard,  Buckingham  Co.,  73. 

Campbell,  Wm.,  Campbell  Co.,  85. 

Candler,  Wm.,  Campbell  Co.,  82. 

Carson,  Wm.,   Campbell   Co.,   85. 

Cobbs,  Jno.,  Campbell  Co.,  75. 

Corneyle,   Jacob,   Campbell   Co.,    83. 

Clark,  Jas.,  Chesterfield  Co.,  84. 

Condrey,  Jno.,  Chesterfield  Co.,  74. 

Cox,  Bartlett,  Cumberland  Co.,  82. 

Cole,   Francis,   Dinwiddie   Co.,   83. 

Cogghill,  Thos.,  Essex  Co.,  71. 

Croxton,  Carter,  Essex  Co.,  72. 

Coeper,  Barnabas,  Fayette  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74.  (Died  Jan.  6,  1833.) 

Cooper,  Files,  Franklin  Co.,  86. 

Cooper,  Sterling,  Franklin  Co.,  74. 

Campbell,  Jno.,  Frederick  Co.,  74. 

Crutchfield,  Stapleton,  Goochland  Co.,  75.    (Died  June  29,   1833.) 

Chandoin,  Lewis,  Goochland  Co.,  80. 

Comer,  Jno.,  Grayson  Co.,  81. 

Childrey,  Wm.,  Halifax  Co.,  74. 

Crump,  Henry,  Hampshire  Co.,  W.  Va.,  77. 

Chrisholme,  Ensign  Walter,  Hanover  Co.,   102. 

Carn,  Jno.,  Harrison  Co.,  W.  Va.,  92. 

Coplin,  Benj.,  Harrison  Co.,  W.  Va.,  84. 

Crimm,  Harman,  Harrison  Co.,  84. 

Cunningham,  Walter,  Harrison  Co.,  W.  Va.,  85. 

Christian,  Ro.,  Kanawha  Co.,  W.  Va.,  70. 

Carlton,  Benoni,  King  George  Co.,  71. 

Carlton,  Humphrey,  King  George  Co.,  81. 

Cain,  Sergt.  Jno.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  76. 

Cartington,  Jno.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  70. 

Coteral,  Thos.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  72. 

Virginia  Militia  iv  the  Revolution:  239 

Cox,  Philip,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  71. 
Cuthright,  Jno.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  80. 
Coombs,  Jno.,  Loudoun  Co.,  80. 
Copeland,  Jas.,  Loudoun  Co.,   75. 
Cooksey,  Chas.,  Lunenburg  Co.,  72. 
Caned}-,  Leroy,  Madison  Co.,  77. 
Clutterbuck,  Jas.,  Madison  Co.,  74. 
Callis,  Geo.,  Mathews  Co.,  74. 
Christian,  Jno.,  Mathews  Co.,  73. 
Clibourn,  Wm.,  Mecklenburg  Co.,  68. 
Cunningham,  James,   Mecklenburg  Co.,  70. 
Chalflin,  Solomon,  Monongalia  Co.,  W.  Va.,  82. 
Clayton,  Elisha,  Monongalia  Co.,  W.  Va.,  77. 
Chambers,  Sergt.  Robt.,  Monroe  Co.,  W.  Va.,  80. 
Charlton,  Francis,  Montgomery  Co.,  75. 
Clarke,  Samuel,  Monroe  Co.,  W.  Va.,  70. 
Canafax,  Wm.,  Monroe  Co.,  W.  Va.,  75. 
Campbell,  Henry,  Nelson  Co.,  71. 
Carpenter,  Jesse,  Nicholas  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 
Chapman,  Jacob,  Nicholas  Co.,  W.  Va.,  81. 
Crenshaw,  Wm.   (Creushaw),  Nottoway  Co.,  74. 
Cardwell,  John,  Ohio  Co.,  W.  Va.,  81. 
Carter,  Wm.,   Patrick  Co.,   76. 
Carter,  Sergt.  Wm.,  Patrick  Co.,  72. 
Cloud,  Lt.  Wm.,  Patrick  Co.,  84. 
Chancy,  Abraham,  Pittsylvania  Co.,  74. 

CoUey,  Charles,  Pitts34vania  Co.,  76. 

CuUins,   John,   Powhatan   Co.,   75. 

Carter,  Poval,  Prince  Edward  Co.,  72. 

Chievers,  Joel,  Prince  George  Co.,  76. 

Casey,  Nicholas,  Preston  Co.,  W.  Va.,  80. 

Colvin,  Geo.,   Rappahannock  Co.,   71. 

Colvin,  Mason,  Rappahannock  Co.,  74. 

Croddy,  John,  Rockbridge  Co.,  79. 

Custer,  Richard,  Rockingham  Co.,  77. 

Collins,  Jeffrey,  Shenandoah  Co.,  78. 

Council,  Jesse,  Southampton  Co.,  73. 

Corbitt,  Sr.,  Samuel,  Southampton  Co.,  75. 

240  ViRGixiA  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Corckett,  James,  Southampton  Co.,  71. 
Cason,  Edward,  Spottsylvania  Co.,  82.      (Dead.) 
Cason,  Wm.,  Spottsylvania  Co.,  74. 
Chappell,  Wm.,  Sussex  Co.,  72. 
Cecil,  Wm.,  I.  S.,  Tazewell  Co.,  85. 
Chaffin,  Christopher,  Tazewell  Co.,   77, 
Cline,  Andrew,  Washington  Co.,  85. 
Cunningham,  Wm.,  Wood  Co.,  W.  Va.,  71. 

Drumheller,  Leonard,  Albermarle  Co.,  72, 

Davis,  Wm.,  Alleghany  Co.,  77. 

Davidson,   Giles,  Amherst   Co.,   72, 

Davidson,  Stephen,  Buckingham  Co.,  77, 

Duvall,  Capt.  Wm.,  Buckingham  Co.,  86. 

Davis,  Danl.,  Cabell  Co.,  W,  Va.,  76, 

Dinguid,  Geo.,  Campbell  Co.,  72. 

Dyson,  Jno.,  Chesterfield  Co.,  71. 

Dale,  Richd.,  Franklin  Co.,  74. 

Davis,  Lewis,  Franklin   Co.,   78. 

Dixon,  Nath.,  Franklin  Co.,  91. 

Dickerson,  Elijah,  Floyd  Co.,  79. 

Dunkley,  Jno.,  Halifax  Co.,  75. 

Dunkley,  Moses,  Halifax  Co.,  75, 

Davis,  Spencer  Hampshire  Co.,  W.  Va.,  73. 

Davis,  Samuel,  Hampshire  Co.,  W.  Va.,  73. 

Davidson,  Jonah,  Hampshire  Co.,  W.  Va.,  — . 

Davidson,  Josiah,  Hampshire  Co.,  70. 

Davis,  Wm.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va, 

Dailey,  Jesse,  Loudoun  Co.,  73. 

Davis,  Thos.,   Mathews  Co.,   71. 

Diggs,  Wm.,  Mathews  Co.,  74. 

Devers,  James,  Monongalia  Co.,  W.  Va.,  79. 

Dobson,  Richard,  New  Kent  Co.,  71. 

Duffield,  Abraham,  Nicholas  Co.,  W.  Va,,  71. 

Dunbar,  Jonathan,  Nicholas  Co.,  W.  Va.,  72. 

Davis,  Isaac,  Sr.,  Orange  Co.,  81. 

Devericks,  John,  Pendleton  Co.,  W.  Va.,  79. 

Dove,  Sergt.  Wm.,  Pittsylvania  Co.,  76. 

Dickenson,  Corp.  Griffith,  Pittsylvania  Co.,  77. 

\iRGiNiA  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Dawson,  Henr}-,  Prince  Edward  Co.,  82. 

Dupuy,  Lt.  John,  Prince  Edward  Co.,  79.     (Died  Oct  1,  1832). 

Davis,  Wm.,  Prince  William  Co.,  74. 

Davis,  Leonard,  Rockingham  Co.,  72. 

Drake,  Ridley,  Southampton  Co.,  72. 

Dolsbury,  Lyles,  Tazewell  Co.,  74. 

Dotson,  Richard,  I.  S.,  Tyler  Co.,  W.  Va.,  82. 

Ellis,  Stephen,  Brunswick  Co.,  70. 

Evers,  Sergt.  Sampson,  Campbell  Co.,  81. 

Edwards,  Benj.,  Floyd  Co.,  77. 

Emmons,  Jas.,  Giles  Co.,  76. 

Estes,  Geo.,  Halifax  Co.,  71. 

Elgin,  Gustavus,  Capt.,  Loudoun  Co.,  80.      (Died  Jan.  24,   1834.) 

Elgin,  Sergt.  Walter,  Loudoun  Co.,  78. 

Estes,  Jno.,  Lunenburg  Co.,   78. 

Evans,  Wm.,  Mathews  Co.,  86.     (Died  April  24,  1833.) 

Evans,  Col.  John,  Monongalia  Co.,  95. 

Everley,  Simon,  I.  S.,  Monongalia  Co.,  W.  Va.,  71. 

Ellison,  James,  L  S.,  Monroe  Co.,  W.  Va.,  77. 

Easter,  John,  Morgan  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 

East,  Isham,  Patrick  Co.,  77. 

Elliott,  John,  Pittsylvania  Co.,  86. 

Evans,  Wm.,  Sussex  Co.,  77. 

Elder,  John,  Wythe  Co.,   78. 

Flo^d,  Mathew,  Accomack  Co.,  71. 

Fauber,  Peter,  Augusta  Co.,  77. 

Fulton,  Robt.,  Augusta  Co.,  74. 

Fletcher,  Richd.,  Brunswick  Co.,  71. 

Forbes,  Alex.,  Buckingham  Co.,  72. 

Franklin,  Thos.,  Campbell  Co.,  75. 

Franklin,  Thos.  P.,  Campbell  Co.,  71. 

Foushee,  Geo.,  Culpeper  Co.,  74.    (Died  Aug.   13,   1833.) 

Farris,  Jacob,  Cumberland  Co.,  82. 

Fugate,  Jeremiah,  Fairfax  Co.,  80. 

Fleshman,  Moses,  Fayette  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 

Foster,  Jas.,  Frederick  Co.,  72. 

Faudre,  Thos.,  Goochland  Co.,  — . 

242  ViRGixiA  Militia  in"  the  Revolution 

Fielder,  Dennis,  Grayson  Co.,  78. 

Foggerson,  Francis,  Greenville  Co.,  72, 

Ferrell,  Wm.,  Halifax  Co.,  82. 

Fletcher,  Thos.,  Halifax  Co.,  73. 

Fisher,  Jacob,  Hardy  Co.,  W.  Va.,  77. 

Flemming,  Lt.  Jas.,  Harrison  Co.,  W.  Va.,  90.  (Died  May  14,  1833.) 

Franklin,  Lewis,  Henry  Co.,  76. 

Flesher,  Adam,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  — . 

Fowles,  Hy.,  Madison  Co.,  78. 

Fitz,  Robt.  W.,  Mecklenburg  Co.,  78. 

Farbee,  Caleb,  Monongalia  Co.,  W.  Va.,  82. 

Fisher,  Jacob,  Nicholas  Co.,  W.  Va.,  71. 

Fitzgerald,  Harvey,  Patrick  Co.,  72. 

Fowlkes,  Sergt.  James,  Pittsylvania  Co.,  74.     (Dead). 

Fenn,  John,  Prince  George  Co.,  74. 

Finch,  James,  Prince  George  Co.,  75. 

Fainter,  Martin,  Rockbridge  Co.,  95. 

Fletcher,  Thos.,  Scott  Co.,  85. 

Fletcher,  Geo.,  Shenandoah  Co.,  90. 

Feltz,   Frederick,   Sussex  Co.,   72. 

Flowers,  Abraham,  Sussex  Co.,  76. 

Fleenor,  Michael,  Washington  Co.,  77. 

Gaines,  Richd.,  Albemarle  Co.,  82. 

Gentry,  Geo.,  Albemarle  Co.,  68. 

Grant,  Robt,  Amherst  Co.,  73. 

Gillispie,  Wm.,  Bath  Co.,  79. 

Greene,  Wm.,  Bath  Co.,  78. 

Graham,  Michael,  Bedford  Co.,  76. 

Groom,  Jonathan,  Bedford  Co.,  78. 

Graddy,  Jos.,  Campbell  Co.,  77. 

Glass,  Chas.,  Bedford  Co.,  75. 

Gatewood,  Wm.,  Caroline  Co.,  70. 

Goode,  Wm.,  Sr.,  Chesterfield  Co.,  73. 

Greggory,  Thos.,  Chesterfield  Co.,  83. 

Griffin,  Sergt.  Zach.,  Culpeper  Co.,  74. 

Grove,  Philip,  Fauquier  Co.,  78. 

Gibson,  Sergt.  John,  Franklin  Co.,  82. 

Graves,  David,  Franklin  Co.,  75.     (Died  Aug.  20,  1833.) 

Virginia  Militia  im  the  Revolutiov 

Grier,  Capt.  Moses,  Franklin  Co.,  90. 
Grim,  Jno.,  Frederick  Co.,  80. 
Grinstead,  Wm.,  Goochland  Co.,  72. 
Gray,  Jas.,  Goochland  Co.,  70. 
Guiil,  Wm.,  Halifax  Co.,  73. 
Guthrey,  Jno.,  Halifax  Co.,  74. 
Gilmon,  Ensign  Edmond,  Hanover  Co.,  71. 
Green,  Sergt.  Fortunatus,  Hanover  Co.,  80, 
George,  Jos.,  Hardy  Co.,  W.  Va.,  73. 
Goodnight,  Christo'r,  Hardy  Co.,  W.  Va.,  72. 
Goodwin,  Jno,  Harrison  Co.,  W.  Va.,  72. 
Goff,  Job.,  Harrison  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 
Griffith,  Obadiah,  Sergt.,  Henrico  Co.,  78. 
Grass,  Peter,  Kanawha  Co.,  W.  Va.,  79. 
Gardner,  Wm.,  I.  S.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 
Gibson,  Nicholas,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  — . 
Gideon,  Peter,  Loudoun  Co.,  82. 
Griffith,  Thos.,  Loudoun  Co.,  77. 
Gibson,  John,  Louisa  Co.,  84. 
Gibbs,  Luman,  ^VLison  Co.,  W.  Va.,  69. 
Green,  Simon,  Alathews  Co.,  75.     (Dead) 
Garter,  Nathaniel,  Monroe  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 
Gaulden,  Wm.,  Pittsylvania  Co.,  81. 
Giles,  Geo.,  Pittsylvania  Co.,  72. 
Giles,  Josiah,  Prince  Edward  Co.,  78. 
Gillespie,  Geo.,  Prince  Edward  Co.,  82. 
Grubbs,  Nathan,  Prince  Edward  Co.,  76. 
Gill,  Sergt.  John,  Prince  William  Co.,  71. 
Gollyhorn,  Thos.,  Stafford  Co.,  91. 
Gilliland,  Lt.  James,  Washington  Co.,  89. 

Harman,  John,  Accomack  Co.,  70. 
Hickman,  Jno.  B.,  Accomack  Co.,  71. 
Hall,  Jno.,  Albemarle  Co.,  86. 
Hall,  Nathan,  Albemarle  Co.,  87. 
Harrison,  Richd.  Albemarle  Co.,  77. 
Harris,  Wm.,  Albemarle  Co.,  80. 
Herring,  Jas.,  Albemarle  Co.,  80. 
Huckstep,  Chas.,  Albemarle  Co.,  72. 

244  Virginia  Militia  ix  the  Revolution" 

Hutcherson,  Jno.,  Amelia  Co.,  70. 

Hamilton,  Alex.,  Augusta  Co.,  75. 

Hackworth,  Thos.,  Bedford  Co.,  71. 

Hancock,  Sergt.  Sam'l,  Bedford  Co.,  74. 

Ha\nes,  Jno.,  Bedford  Co.,  81. 

Holly,  Jno.,  Bedford  Co.,  73. 

Hudwell,  Jno.,  Bedford  Co.,  70. 

Henr,v,  Wm.,  Botetourt  Co.,  79. 

Hewitt,  Jno.,  Botetourt  Co.,  70. 

Hunter,  Francis,  Botetourt  Co.,  72. 

Hall,  Isam,  Campbell  Co.,  71. 

Harvey,  Thos.,  Campbell  Co.,  72. 

Hervard,  Jas.,  Campbell  Co.,   71'. 

Hughes,  Benj.,  Campbell  Co.,  69. 

Hunter,  Jno.,  Campbell  Co.,  — . 

Hendricks,  Daniel,  Charlotte  Co.,  73. 

Hill,  Wm.,  Chesterfield  Co.,  75. 

Hall,  Jno.,  Culpeper  Co.,  73. 

Hatcher,  Seth.,  Cumberland  Co.,  74. 

Huff,  Jno.,  Franklin  Co.,  71. 

Hensell,  Geo.,  Frederick  Co.,  75. 

Heard,  Jno.,  Floyd  Co.,  74. 

Howell,  Danl.,  Sr.,  Floyd  Co.,  75. 

Hull,  Hy.,  Giles  Co.,  72. 

Hogg,  Thomas.,  Gloucester  Co.,  70. 

Hull,  Geo.,  Greenbrier  Co.,  W.  Va.,  76. 

Hancock,  Jas.,  Halifax  Co.,  82, 

Henderson,  Edward,  Halifax  Co.,  88.     (Dead) 

Hamrick,  Sergt.  Siras,  Hampshire  Co.,  W.  Va.,  81. 

Hawkins,  Jno.,  Hampshire  Co.,  W.  Va.,  84. 

Herrin,   Sergt.  Wm.,   Hampshire  Co.,  W.  Va.,   72. 

Hook,  Wm.,  Hampshire  Co.,  W.  Va.,  75. 

Hall,  Wm.,   Hanover  Co.,  75. 

Hill.  Corp.  Jno.,  Hanover  Co.,  84. 

Hope,  Jno.,  Hanover  Co.,  73. 

Haddox,  ,  I.  S.,  Harrison  Co.,  W.  Va.,  76. 

Harbert,  Edward,  I.  S.,  Harrison  Co.,  W.  Va.,  72. 
Harbert,   Sam.,Va.  Line,  I.  S.,  Harrison  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 
Harrow,  Jacob,  Spy,  Harrison  Co.,  W.  Va.,  79. 

Virginia  Militia  in"  the  Revolution 

Hickman,  Sotha,  I.  S.,  Harrison  Co.,  W.  Va.,  86. 

Husstead,  Moses,  I.  S.,  Harrison  Co.,  W.  Va.,  86. 

Hamilton,  Jas.,  Lee  Co.,  77. 

Hess,  Hez.,  I.  S.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  78. 

Holbert,  Aaron,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  81. 

Hyde,  Jacob,  L  S.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  77. 

Harvin,  Edward,  Loudoun  Co. 

Hogeland,  James,  Loudoun  Co.,  74. 

Harrison,  Jno.,  Madison  Co.,  74. 

Hawkins,  Wm.,  Mason  Co.,  W.  Va.,  69. 

Hudgins,  Anthy.,  ALathews  Co.,  75. 

Hudgins,   Hugh,  Mathews  Co.,  70. 

Hughes,  Gabriel  Mathews  Co.,  71. 

Houston,  Purnell,  Mathews  Co.,  80. 

Hull,  Sergt.  Wm.,  Mathews  Co.,  81. 

Hurst,  Richd.,  Mathews  Co.,  72. 

Haught,  Peter,  IVIonongalia  Co.,  W.  Va.,  78. 

Hand,  Christopher,  Monroe  Co.,  W.  Va.,  75. 

Hall,  Jesse,  Montgomery  Co.,  74. 

Harley,  Peter,  ^Montgomery  Co.,  81. 

Howe,  Daniel,  Montgomery  Co.,  76. 

Henry,  Nicholas,  Morgan  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 

Harrell,  John,  Nansemond  Co.,  — . 

Harrison,  Henrj^,  Nansemond  Co.,  76. 

Howard,  Miles,  Nansmond  Co.,  — . 

Hale,  Leonard,  Nelson  Co.,  78. 

Hargrave,  Hezekiah,  Nelson  Co.,  86. 

Harper,  Henry,  Nelson  Co.,  76. 

Harris,  Wm.,  Nelson  Co.,  86. 

Hight,  Mtthew,  Nelson  Co.,  71. 

Hill,  Richard,  Orange  Co.,  79. 

Hicks,  Farthings,  Patrick  Co.,  74. 

Hoover,  Jacob,  Pendleton  Co.,  W.  Va.,  83. 

Hoover,  Michael,  Pendleton  Co.,  W.  Va.,  81. 

Huffman,  Henry,  Pendleton  Co.,  W.  Va.,  77. 

Harris,  John,  Pittsylvania  Co.,  81. 

Hopkins,  James,  Pittsylvania  Co.,  69. 

Hubbard,  Jos.,  Pittsylvania  Co.,  73. 

Hutchings,  Moses.  Pittsylvania  Co.,  81. 

ViRGixiA  Militia  ix  the  Revolution" 

Hawk,  Isaac,  Pocahontas  Co.,  W.  Va.,  75, 
Hall,  James,  Powhatan  Co.,  73. 
Hill,  Wm.,  Prince  Edward  Co.,  76. 
Hines",  Sr.,  Wm.,  Prince  Edward  Co.,  80. 
Hair,  Daniel,  Prince  George  Co.,  74. 
Hartzell,  Jacob,  Preston  Co.,  W.  Va.,  83. 
Hopkins,  Levi.,  Preston  Co.,  W.  Va.,  80. 
Hanck,  Geo.  !M.,  Rappahannock  Co.,  75. 
Hughes,  Sergt.  Thomas.,  Rappahannock  Co.,  79. 
Harrison,  Reuben,  Rockbridge  Co.,  76. 
Hickman,  Adam,.  Rockbridge  Co.,  72. 
Hinkle,  Henry,  Rockbridge  Co.,  85. 
Huling,  Andrew,  Rockingham  Co.,  73. 
Howderskell,  Law.,  Rockingham  Co.,  82. 
Helsley,  Jacob,  Shenandoah  Co.,  78. 
Holloway,  Thos.,  Sussex  Co.,  71. 
Hennigan,  John,  Smythe  Co.,  64. 
Heysham,  David,  Tyler  Co.,  W.  Va. 
Harkerider,  Capt.  John,  Wythe  Co.,  84. 
Helmick,  John,  Wythe  Co.,  75. 

Isbel,  Benj.,  Goochland  Co.,  71. 
Isbel,  Henry,  Goochland  Co.,  73. 
Iden,  John,  Loudoun  Co.,  82. 

Johnson,  Richd.,  Albemarle  Co.,  72. 

Jordan,  Wm.,  Albemarle  Co.,  75. 

Johnson,  Thos.,  Augusta  Co.,   73. 

Jones,  Gray,  Bedford  Co.,  74. 

Jordan,  Freeman,  Brunswick  Co.,  74. 

Jameson,  Lt.  David,  Culpeper  Co.,  82. 

James,  W.  M.,  Gloucester  Co.,  76. 

Jenkins  Cleb.,   Gloucester  Co.,   74. 

Johnson,  Chas.,  Goochland  Co.,  85. 

Johnson,  Wm.,  Goochland  Co.,  79.      (Died  June  3,   1833), 

Jones,  Berryman,  Greenbrier  Co.,  W.  Va.,  77. 

Jones,  Jno.,  Halifax  Co.,  76. 

Jenkins,  Absalom,  Hanover  Co.,  75. 

Jones,  Taverner,  Madison  Co.,  79. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revoi.ltion" 

Jarvis,  Field,  Monroe  Co.,  W.  Va.,  77. 
Johnson,  John,   Morgan   Co.,  W.  Va.,    100. 
Jones,  Elijah,  Nansamond  Co.,  — . 
Jarrell,  Wm.,  Orange   Co.,  81. 
Jeffress,  Wm.,  Pittsylvania  Co.,   75. 
Jones,  Elisha,  Pittsylvania  Co.,  79. 
Jones,  Thos.,  Pittsylvania  Co.,  79. 
Jenkins,  Richard,  Page  Co.,  84. 
Jackson,   Henry,   Powhatan  Co.,   73. 
Jesse,  Wm.,  Prince  Edward  Co.,  74. 
Johnson,  Andrew,  Preston  Co.,  W.  Va. 
Jeffries,  Reuben,  Rappahannock  Co.,  72. 
Jordan,  Wm.,   Rappahannock  Co.,   78. 
Joyner,  Joshua,   Southampton   Co.,   77. 
Jett,  Lt.  Wm.  S.,  Westmoreland  Co.,  — . 

Kellam,   Honsten,  Accomack  Co.,   78. 

Kincaid,  Jno.,  Bath  Co.,  76. 

Kemper,  Ensign  Chas.,  Fauquier  Co.,  78. 

Kincaid,  Jno.,  Fayette  Co.,  W.  Va. 

King,  Stephen,  Franklin  Co.,  82. 

Knipe,  Sergt.  Hy.,  Frederick  Co.,  82.     (Died  June  20,  1833), 

King,  Jno.,  Floyd  Co. 

King.  Jacob,  Hanover  Co.,  72. 

Keys,  Wm.,  Harrison  Co.,  W.  Va.,  76. 

Kester,  Jos.,  Harrison  Co.,  W.  Va.,  81. 

Knight,  Peter,  Harrison  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 

King,  Wm.,  Montgomery  Co.,  78. 

Kidd,  James,  Nelson  Co.,  68. 

Kearney,  Edward,  Ohio  Co.,  W.  Va.,  81. 

Kepps,  Jacob,  Shenandoah  Co.,  71. 

Kendall.  Aaron,  Stafford  Co.,  69. 

Keys,  Sergt.  James,  Washington  Co.,  79. 

Lohr,  Peter,  Augusta  Co.,  83. 
Lambert,  Capt.  Geo.,  Bedford  Co.,  86. 

248  ViRGiKiA  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Lowry,  Jno.,  Bedford  Co.,  71. 

Lemmon,  Sergt.  Jacob,  Btoetourt  Co.,  72. 

Lewis,  Ruel.,  Brunswick  Co.,  75. 

Laidley,  Thos.,  Cabell  Co.,  W.  Va.,  79. 

Lindsay,  Lewis,  Charlotte  Co.,  79. 

Lowry,  Giles,  Culpeper  Co.,  100. 

Law,  Jno.,  Franklin  Co.,  87. 

Lumsden,   Chas.,  Franklin  Co.,   73. 

Lucas,  Sergt.  Basil,  Frederick  Co.,  77. 

Layne,  Corp.  Anthy.,  Goochland  Co.,  76. 

Lowry,  Thornton,  Goochland  Co.,  74. 

Littlepage,    John    C,    Hanover    Co.,    85.      (Private    and    Capt.    of 

Virginia  Troops.     Died  Feb.  2,  1834.) 
Long,  Jacob,  Loudoun  Co.,  80. 
Lee,  Ludwell,  Loudoun  Co.,  73. 
Love,  Robt.,  Mason  Co.,  W.  Va.,  71. 
Lucas,   Capt.  John,    Montgomery  Co.,   85. 
Laird,  Wm.,  New  Kent  Co.,  74. 
Lain,  Jos.,  Pittsylvania  Co.,  74. 
Lifford,  Anthony  P.,  Pittsylvania  Co.,  79. 
Lipscomb,  Ambrose,  Randolph  Co.,  W.  Va.,  82. 
Lillard,  John,  Rappahannock  Co.,  71. 
Lewis,   Lt.  Thos.,   Rockingham  Co.,   74. 
Lawson,  William,  Scott  Co.,  70. 
Leneweaver,  Jacob,  Shenandoah  Co.,  71. 
Love,  Henry,  Southampton  Co.,  79. 
Lewis,  Jacob,  Tyler  Co.,  W.  Va.,  78. 
Leckie,  Wm.,  Washington  Co.,  69. 
Lloyd,  John  Washington  Co.,  71. 
Leach,  Thos.,  Wood  Co.,  W.  Va.,  70. 

Mears,  Hilleary,  Accomack  Co.,  75. 
Maupin,  Danl.,  Albemarle  Co.,  78. 
Maupin,  Wm.,  Albemarle  Co.,  75. 
McFall,  Corneli.,  Albemarle  Co.,   100. 
ALnyse,  Chas.,  Albemarle  Co.,  71. 
Miles,  Thos.,  Albemarle  Co.,  74. 
McFadden,  Jno.,  Augusta  Co.,  74. 
McCane,  Sen.  Samuel,  Augusta  Co.,  79. 

\'IRGI\IA    MlI.rriA    IN-    THE    REVOLUTION' 

McCutchen,  Jno.,  Augusta  Co.,  84. 

McWilliams,  Jno.,  Augusta  Co.,  74. 

Matheny,  Wm.,  Augusta  Co.,  75. 

IMarkham,  Jno.,  Bedford  Co.,  70. 

IMarkham,   Tho.,   Jr.,   Bedford   Co.,    77. 

iMeadows,  Benj.,  Bedford  Co.,  70. 

Mitchell,  Saml.,  Bedford  Co.,  73. 

Miner,  Wm.,  Bedford  Co.,  81. 

Moore,  Sergt.  Ro.,  Bedford  Co.,  83. 

McComas,  Jno.,  Cabell  Co.,  W.  Va.,  77. 

Mann,  Jos.,  Campbell  Co.,  85. 

Mathews.  Saml.,  Campbell  Co.,  71. 

Moore,  Thos.,  Campbell  Co.,  85. 

Madison,  Wm.,  Caroline  Co.,  71. 

McDearman,  Sergt.  Thomas.,  Charlotte  Co.,  76. 

Mann,  Peter,  Chesterfield  Co.,  78. 

Moseley,   Peter,   Chesterfield  Co.,  71. 

Montague,  Thos.,  Cumberland  Co.,  81. 

Major,  Saml.,  Dinwiddie  Co.,  74. 

Munroe,  Wm.  H.,  Fairfax  Co.,  74. 

Merry,  Philip,  Fauquier  Co.,  85. 

Melton,  Pearce  W.,  Fluvanna  Co.,  71. 

Mitchell,  Henry,  Franklin  Co.,  71. 

Meadows,  Jacob,  Giles  Co.,  71. 

Moore,  Amos  L.,  Goochland  Co.,  87. 

Mortimer,  Jas.,  Grayson  Co.,  78. 

Mc:VIilliam,  Jas.,  Greenbrier  Co.,  W.  Va.,  71. 

Martin,  Zach,  Halifax  Co.,  72.     (Dead.) 

Mallory,  Jno.,  Hanover  Co.,  79. 

Mantlo,  Jno.,  Hanover  Co.,  80.     (Died  April  30,  1833.) 

Meredith,  Jas.,  Hanover  Co.,  71. 

Marshall,  Benj.,  Hardy  Co.,  W.  Va.,  79. 

Martin,  Wm.,  Harrison  Co.,  W.  Va.,  70. 

McRee,  Wm.,  Harrison  Co.,  78. 

Millam,  Rush,  Kanawha  Co.,  W.  Va.,  75. 

Mardis,  Jno.,  King  George  Co.,  74. 

Morris,  Clairborne,  King  William  Co.,  80. 

Martin,  Jno.,  Lee  Co.,  72. 

Mace,  Isaac,  Ind.  Spy,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  79. 

Virginia  Militia  i\  the  Revolution' 

Mitchell,  Jno.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  72. 

Muckelwaine,  Tunnis,  Ind.  Spy,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  75. 

McCann,  Sergt.  Patrick,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  75. 

McVancy,  Christopher,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  77. 

Meade,  Wm.,  Logan  Co.,  W.  Va.,  72. 

Munday,  Aaron,  Loudoun  Co.,  72. 

Munroe,  Spencer,  Loudoun  Co.,  74. 

Morrison,  Jno.,  Louisa  Co.,  69. 

]\Iajor,    Humphrey,    Madison   Co.,    76. 

Morgan,  Wm.,  Mathews  Co.,  71. 

Morgan,  John,  Mecklenburg  Co.,  75. 

Miller,  Peter,  Monongalia  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 

Morgan,  Jackquil,  Monongalia  Co.,  W.  Va.,  76. 

Morgan,  Evans,  Monongalia  Co.,  W.  Va.,  81. 

Morris,  Amos,  Monogalia  Co.,  W.  Va.,  75. 

Morgan,  Benj.,  Monroe  Co.,  W.  Va.,  73. 

^Mitchell,  John,  Alontgomery  Co.,  74. 

Montague,  Rice  D.,    Montgomery  Co.,  69. 

Miller,  John,  Morgan  Co.,  W.  Va.,  75. 

Mathews,  Jos.,  Nelson  Co.,  80. 

Mass,  Samuel,  New  Kent  Co.,  70. 

Mann,  Wm.,  Nottoway  Co.,  74. 

McCullock,  Abraham,  Ohio  Co.,  W.  Va.,  72. 

Millingham,  John,  Ohio  Co.,  W.  Va.,  83. 

Mills,  Thos.,  Ohio  Co.,  W.  Va.,  70. 

Mansfield,  Robt,  Orange  Co.,  72. 

Mallows,  Henry,  Pendleton  Co.,  W.  Va.,  75. 

Morton,  Edward,  Pendleton  Co.,  W.  Va.,  70. 

Mosley,  Arthur,  Powhatan  Co.,  74. 

Mosley,  Hezekiah,  Powhatan  Co.,  74. 

Mathews,  Phillip,  Prince  Edward  Co.,  78. 

Moss,  James,  Prince  Edward  Co.,  74. 

Mathews,   Isaac,   Preston   Co.,  W.  Va.,   73. 

Messenger,  Abner,  Preston  Co.,  W.  Va.,  76. 

Manier,  David,  Randolph  Co.,  W.  Va.,  79. 

Miller,  Wm.,  Rockbridge  Co.,  77. 

Muterspaw,  Phillip,  Rockbridge  Co.,  88. 

McLaughlin,  Wm.,  Rockbridge  Co.,  76. 

iVLiyer,  Michael,  Rockingham  Co.,  89. 

ViRGiMA  Militia  in-  the  Revolution  251 

Miller,  Sergt.  Christian,  Shenandoah  Co.,  90. 

Mason,  Smith,  Spottsylvania  Co.,  71. 

Moore,  Alexander,  Spottsylvania  Co.,  74.     (Died  Feb.  4,  1834). 

Marks,  Edward,  Sr.,  Surry  Co.,  76. 

McGuire,  Wm.,  Tazewell  Co.,  77. 

McKay,  Wm.,  Tyler  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 

Montgomery,  Richard,  Washington  Co.,  76. 

Niceley,   Saml.   K.,  Amherst  Co.,   82. 

Nicholas,  Capt.  Jno.  and  Col.,  Buckingham  Co.,  76. 

North,  Sergt.  Thos.,  Charlotte  Co.,  76. 

Newby,  Levi,  Chesterfield  Co.,  80. 

Niles,  Ro.,  Chesterfield  Co.,  75.     (Died  April  1,  1834.) 

Nunally,  Wm.,  Dinwiddie  Co.,  79. 

Nutter,    Christopher,    Harrison   Co.,   W.   Va.,    74. 

Neely,  Jno.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  76. 

Nicholas,  Ind.  Spy,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  78. 

Nicholas,  Zephaniah,  L  S.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  78. 

Norris,  Sergt.  Jno.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  73. 

Newell,  Thos.,  Prince  George  Co.,  78.    (Died  Jan.  19,  1833.) 

Nance,  Sergt.  Wm.  M.,  Spottsylvania  Co.,  74. 

Osborne;  Claibourne,  Charlotte  Co.,  76. 

O'Bannon,  Thos.,  Fauquier  Co.,  78. 

Oney,  Jos.,  Giles  Co.,  81. 

Oliver,  Alva,  Halifax  Co.,  70. 

O'Neale,  Constantis,  Jackson  Co.,  W.  Va.,  81. 

Oldham,  Isaac,  Lunenburg  Co.,  73. 

O'Rouke,  Sergt.  David,  Shenandoah  Co.,  80.    (Died  Jan.  12,  1833.) 

Persinger,  Jacob,  Alleghany  Co.,  85. 
Pryor,  Wm.  Amherst  Co.,  81. 
Patrick,  Wm.,  Augusta  Co.,  71. 
Pullen,  Tho.,  Bedford  Co.,  71. 
Peterson,  Thos.,  Brooke  Co.,  W.  Va.,  77. 
Parrish,  Jno.,  Brunswick  Co.,  84. 
Payton,  Henry,  Cabell  Co.,  W.  Va.,  75. 
Prebble,   Jno.,    Campbell   Co.,    75. 
Patterson,  Poindexter,  Campbell  Co.,  69. 
Puckitt,   Nathl.,   Chesterfield  Co.,  77. 

Virginia  Militia  iv  the  Revolutiom 

Pulliam,  Thos.,  Culpeper  Co.,   72.      (Died  Aug.  27,   1831). 

Parrish,  Frederick,  Dinwiddie  Co.,  72. 

Pa^ne,  Augustine,  Fauquier  Co.,  72. 

Prater,  Jonathan,  Franklin  Co.,  76. 

Pollard,  Chatlen,  Franklin  Co.,  71. 

Pittman,  And.,  Frederick  Co.,  74. 

Perters,  Ensign  John,  Giles  Co.,  79. 

Pleasants,  Arch.,  Goochland  Co.,  87. 

Poor,  Sergt.  Thos.,  Goochland  Co.,  79. 

Parrott,  Lewis,  Halifax  Co.,  79. 

Parker,  Jas.,  Hampshire  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 

Peters,  Jno.,  Hampshire  Co.,  W.  Va.,  80. 

Powelson,  Henry,  Hampshire  Co.,  W.  Va.,  76.  • 

Purgett,  Henry,  Hampshire  Co.,  W.  Va.,  81. 

Price,  Capt.  Thos,,  Hanover  Co.,  80. 

Pepper,  Wm.,  Harrison  Co.,  73. 

Pollard,  Capt.  Robt.,  Henrico  Co.,  — . 

Pulleam,  Mosby,  Henrico  Co.,  70. 

Parsons,  Joseph,  Ind.  Spy,  Jackson  Co.,  W.  Va.,  79. 

Persinger,  Henry,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 

Powers,  Wm.,  Ind  Spy,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  69. 

Peck,  Peter,  Mason  Co.,  W.  Va.,  79. 

Pugh,  Josiah,  Mathews  Co.,   72. 

Piles,  Zacharah,  Monongalia  Co.,  W.  Va.,  77. 

Parker,  Elijah,  Nansemond  Co.,  75. 

Pugh,  John,  Nelson  Co.,  71. 

Pledger,  John,  Northampton  Co.,  77. 

Pratt,  Jonathan,  Orange  Co.,  73. 

Partlow,  Benj.,  Rappahannock  Co.,  70. 

Parson,  John,  Rockbridge  Co.,  76. 

Paxton,  Samuel  Rockbridge  Co.,  81.      (Died  July  29,   1833). 

Parmer,  James,  Rockingham  Co.,  70. 

Pence,  Sr.,  John,  Rockingham  Co.,  79. 

Pettis,  John,  Spottsylvania  Co.,  80.  (Died  July  1,  1833). 

Peacock,  Richard,  Spottsylvania  Co.,  73.    (Died  Aug.  3,  1832). 

Prewett,  John,  Tazewell  Co.,  74. 

Pippin,  Robt.,  Washington  Co.,  82. 

Quicksnell,  Adam,  Alleghany  Co.,  79. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Read,  Edmund,  Accomack  Co.,  78. 

Reynolds,   Alex.,    Bedford    Co.,    71. 

Runnels,  Jesse,  Bedford  Co.,  83. 

Rogers,  Abraham,  Brooke  Co.,  W.  Va.,  73. 

Ragland,  Jno.,  Buckingham  Co.,  73. 

Roberts,  Isaac,  Cabell  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 

Roberts,  Thos.,  Cabell  Co.,  W.  Va.,  73. 

Raynolds,  Wm.,  Caroline  Co.,  73. 

Rowlett,  Wm.,  Chesterfield  Co.,  98. 

Robertson,    Mitchell,   Culpeper   Co. 

Rossin,  Reubin,  Culpeper  Co.,  82. 

Rany,  Nathl,  Dinwiddle  Co.,  70. 

Rawles,  Kenag,  Fauquier  Co.,  70. 

Riddle  Wm.,  Fauquier  Co.,  84. 

Roberts,  Ambrose,  Fluvanna  Co.,  82. 

Ray,  Jas.,  Franklin  Co.,  78. 

Richardson,  Richard,  Franklin  Co.,  82. 

Reily,  Jas.,  Frederick  Co.,  76. 

Rudd,  Archer,  Halifax  Co.,  71. 

Rudder,  Jno.,  Halifax  Co.,  77. 

Randall,  Ensign  Jacob,  Hardy  Co.,  W.  Va.,  75. 

Randall,  Jas.,  Harrison  Co.,  73. 

Rifee,  Jacob,  Ind.  Spy,  Harrison  Co.,  73. 

Read,  Jno.,  Harrison  Co.,  89. 

Romine,  Jno.,  Harrison  Co.,  73. 

Rogers,  Rhodam,  Harrison  Co.,  77. 

Reed,  Jno.,  Henry  Co.,  79, 

Rader,  Michael,  Jackson  Co.,  W.  Va.,  83. 

Radcliffe,  Wm.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 

Regar,  Phillip,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  67. 

Richards,  Geo.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  75. 

Right,  Bazel,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.  70. 

Richardson,  Richd.,  Louisa  Co.,  78. 

Rouch,  Jonas,  Mason  Co.,  W.  Va.,  71. 

Ripley,  Richd.,  Mathews  Co.,  84. 

Robinson,  John,  Monroe  Co.,  W.  Va.,  85. 

Roach,  Jonathan,  Monroe  Co.,  W.  Va.,  73. 

Rutledge,  Edward,  ^Montgomery  Co.,  72. 

Virginia  Militia  ik  the  Revolution- 

Read,  Abraham,  Nansemond  Co.,  — . 
Renolds,  James,  Nansemond  Co.,  77. 
Ross,  Jos.,  Nansemond  Co.,  — . 
Rossin,  Jas.,   Nelson   Co.,   84. 
Rexrode,  Zacharah,  Pendleton  Co.,  W.  Va.,  73. 
Rymer,  Geo.,  Pendleton  Co.,  W.  Va.,  81. 
Roach,  James.   Pittsylvania  Co.,   72. 
Radeer,  Henry,  Rockingham  Co.,  77. 
Raynes,  Lawrence,  Rockingham  Co.,  74. 
Rolstone,  David,  Rockingham  Co.,  73. 
Routhon,  James,  Rockingham  Co.,  72. 
Reynolds,  Bernard,  Russell  Co.,  71. 
Reagan,  Wm.,  Smythe  Co.,  78. 
Rust,  John,  Washington  Co.,  71. 

Snow,  Richd..  Albemarle  Co..  81. 

Strange,  David,  Albemarle  Co.,  70. 

Smith,  Sergt.  Henry,  Amherst  Co.,  73. 

Shumaker,  Zedekiah,  Amherst  Co..  81. 

Sitlington,   Ro.,   Bath   Co.,   86. 

Stewart,  Ens.  Edward,  Bath  Co.,  75. 

Stewart,  Jno.,  Bath  Co.,  73. 

Shepherd,  Jacob,  Bedford  Co.,  73. 

Stiff,  Jas.,  Bedford  Co.,  77. 

Swain,  Geo.,  Bedford  Co.,  75. 

Stevens,  Jno.,  Berkeley  Co.,  76. 

Simpson,  Jas.,  Botetourt  Co.,  77. 

Seaward,  Jos.,  Brunswick  Co.,  74. 

Stephenson,  Jno.,  Cabell  Co.,  W.  Va.,  71. 

Story,  Edwd.,  Carnpbell  Co.,  77. 

Satterwhite,  Ro.,  Caroline  Co.,  79. 

Simmons,  Jehu,  Charlotte  'Co.,  72. 

Smith,  Benoni,  Charlotte  Co.,  75. 

Smith,  Isaac,  Charlotte  Co.,  74. 

Simms,  Edwd.,  Chesterfield  Co.,  72.      (Died  June  20,  1833) 

Smith,  Thos.,  Chesterfield  Co.,  74. 

Smith,  John,  Chesterfield  Co.,  72. 

Spear,  Jno.,  Chesterfield  Co.,  76. 

Sims,  Reuben,  Culpepper  Co.,  79. 

ViRGiMA  Militia  in'  the  Revolution 

Sisk,  Timothy,  Culpepper  Co.,  72. 

Sturdivant,  Joel,  Dinwiddie  Co.,  69. 

Smith,  Lewis,  Dinwiddie  Co.,  82.     (Died  Aug.  20,  1833), 

Seay,  Sergt.  Austin,  Sr.,  Fluvanna  Co.,  76. 

Saunders,  Philemon,  Franklin  Co.,  70. 

Stewart,  Wm.,  Franklin  Co.,   73. 

Sperry,  Jacob,  Frederick  Co.,  80. 

Shelor,  Capt.  Danl.,  Frederick  Co.,  84. 

Stokes,  Lewi's,  Gloucester  Co.,  71. 

Shelton,  Jos.,  Goochland  Co.,  73. 

Southworth,  Geo.,  Goochland  Co.,  72. 

Smith,  Nathl.,  Goochland  Co.,  71. 

Sammons,  Jno.,  Greenbrier  Co.,  W.  Va.,  75. 

Scott,  Wm..  Halifax  Co.,  71. 

Seamster,  Jno.,  Halifax  Co.,  81. 

Snyder,  Anthy.,  Halifax  Co.,  72.     (Died  Dec.  5,  1833). 

Saunders,  Jno.,  Hanover  Co.,  74. 

Seay,  Jas.,  Hanover  Co.,  94. 

Strong,   Sergt.  Jno,,   Hanover  Co.,   77. 

Shinn,  Isaac,  Harrison  Co.,  74. 

Smith,   Danl.,   Harrison  Co.,   78. 

Stout,  Thos.,  Ind.  Spy,  Harrison  Co.,  83. 

Sweger,  Jno.,  Harrison  Co.,  74. 

Smith,  Chas.,  Jackson  Co.,  W.  Va.,  70. 

Stroud,  Sr.,  Wm.,  James  City  Co.,  82. 

Staley,  Peter,  Jefferson  Co.,  W.  Va.,  80. 

Strother,  Geo.,  King  George  Co.,  75. 

Shackelford,  Alex.,  King  and  Queen  Co.,  75. 

Spencer,  Hez.,  King  William  Co.,  76. 

Schoolcraft,  Jno.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  76. 

Shaver,  Paul,  Ind.  Spy,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  75. 

Sims,  Jno.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  79. 

Sleeth,  David  W.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  72. 

Smith,  Geo.  P.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  77. 

Smith,  ]\Iark,  Ind.  Spy,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  76. 

Smith,  Thos.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  83. 

Stalmacker,  Saml.,  I.  S.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  7L 

Stewart,  Ralph,  Logan  Co.,  W.  Va.,  84. 

Saunders,  Jas.,  Loudoun  Co.,  72. 

256  ViRGixiA  Militia  ix  the  Revolution- 

Saunders,  Wm.,  Louisa  Co.,   74. 

Spicer,  Jos.,  Louisa  Co.,  73. 

Spaulden,  Jno.,  ]\Iadison  Co.,  74. 

Smith,  Isaac,  Mathews  Co.,  74. 

Smith,  Sherwood,  Mecklenburg  Co.,  73. 

Simpkins,  Charles,  Monongalia  Co.,  W.  Va,,  76. 

Stone,  Henry,  Monongalia  Co.,  72. 

Sams,  Samuel,  Monroe  Co.,  W.  Va.,  75. 

Shank.   Capt.  Christian,   Morgan  Co.,  W.  Va..  83. 

Streater,  New.,  Nansemond  Co.,  78.     (Died  Dec.  27,  1833). 

Slater,  Edward,  New  Kent  Co.,  75. 

Sims,  James,  Nicholas  Co.,  W.  Va.,  79. 

Self,  Thos.,  Northumberland  Co.,  74. 

Sorrell,  Edward,  Northumberland  Co.,  81. 

Smith,  John,  Orange  Co.,  74. 

Sharp,   Sr.,  John,   Patrick  Co.,   81. 

Simmons,  John,  Pendleton  Co.,  W.  Va.,  80. 

Seay,  Capt.   Mathew,   Pittsylvania  Co.,  70. 

Smith,  Jos.,  Pittsylvania  Co.,  71. 

Swepston,  John,  Pittsylvania  Co.,  73. 

Sampson,  Jos.,   Page  Co.,   72. 

Scott,  Wm.,  Prince  Edward  Co.,  76. 

Shepherdson,  David,  Rockbridge  Co.,  72. 

Stepler,  Geo.,  Rockingham  Co.,  75. 

Self,  Thos.,  Russell  Co.,  76. 

Smith,  James,  Scott  Co.,  81.     (Died  Nov.  18.  1833). 

Stewart,  Wm.,  Scott  Co.,  — . 

Story,  John,  Southampton  Co.,  73. 

Sorrell,  John,  Spottsylvania  Co.,  73. 

Steers,  Richard,  Spottsylvania  Co.,  72. 

Stannard,  Larkin,  Spottsylvania  Co.,  74. 

Seaverge,  Hartwell,  Surrey  Co.,  78. 

Smith,  Jonas.,  Washington   Co.,  85. 

Sorrell,  Thos.,  Westmoreland  Co.,  76. 

Sennett,  Patrick,  Wood  Co.,  W.  Va.,  81. 

Steffey,  Peter,  Wythe  Co.,  75. 

Steffey,  John,  Wythe  Co.,  88. 

Stephens,  Corp.  Lawrence,  Wythe  Co.,  80. 

^'IRGI^IIA  Militia  in  the  Revolution  257 

Thompson,  Lt.  Robt.,  Bath  Co.,  77. 

Thomasson,  Jno.,  Bedford  Co.,  91. 

Tracey,  Wm.,  Bedford  Co.,  72. 

Taylor,  Paul,  Berkeley  Co.,  86. 

Trenor,  Sergt.  Jas.,  Botetourt  Co.,  77. 

Truit,  Wm.,  Campbell  Co.,  74. 

Taylor,  Bartholemew,  Caroline  Co.,  72. 

Thomas,  Catlett,  Caroline  Co.,  70. 

Tucker,  Wm.,  Caroline  Co.,  74. 

Tharpe,  Thos.,  Charlotte  Co.,  76. 

Timmons,  Geo.,  Dinwiddie  Co.,  72. 

Taleaferro,  Wm.,  Fluvanna  Co.,  82. 

Trail,  Thos.,  Floyd  Co.,  88. 

Tuck.,  Thos.,  Halifax  Co.,  71. 

Throckmorton,  Rich.,  Halifax  Co.,  71. 

Tinsley,  Nathl.,  Hanover  Co.,  77. 

Toombs,  Geo.,  Hanover  Co.,  79.     (Died  Sept.  4,  1833). 

Tichnall,  David,  Harrison  Co.,  W.  Va.,  70. 

Thomas,  Evan,  Harrison  Co.,  W.  Va.,  81. 

Tucker,  Henry,  Harrison  Co.,  W.  Va.,  90. 

Tucker,  Jno.,  Harrison  Co.,  W.  Va.,  91. 

Turner,  Robin.,  Isle  of  Wight  Co.,  74. 

Thompson,  Alex.,  Kanawha  Co.,  W.  Va.,  71. 

Taliaferro,  Jno.,  King  William  Co.,  70. 

Thacker,  Sackville,  Louisa  Co.,  84. 

Thomasson,  Jno.  (Drummer),  Louisa  Co.,  81. 

Tanner,  Abraham,  Madison  Co.,  75. 

Taylor,  Wm.,  Madison  Co.,  80. 

Troyman,  Sergt.  Wm.,  Madison  Co.,  79. 

Towles,  Hy.,  Madison  Co.,  79. 

Thomas,  James,  Mathews  Co.,  71. 

Tucker,  Geo.,  Monongalia  Co.,  W.  Va.,  72. 

Troy,  Sergt.  James,  Monongalia  Co.,  W.  Va.,  75. 

Teaney,  Daniel  T.,   Montgomery  Co.,  77. 

Taylor,  Zacharah,  Orange  Co.,   74. 

Terry,  Jos.,  Patrick  Co.,  73. 

Thompson,  Jennings,  Pittsylvania  Co.,  72. 

Thorpe,  Thos.,  Page  Co.,  72. 

Temple,  Sergt.  Eppes,  Prince  George  Co.,  76. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Triplett,  Sergt.  Daniel,  Rappahannock  Co.,  71. 
Trumble,  Lt.  Isaac,  Rockbridge  Co.,  77. 
Tate,  Mathew,  Rockingham  Co.,  73. 
Taylor,  John,  Rockingham  Co.,  77. 
Tribble,  Geo.,  Spottsylvania  Co.,  78. 
Twinly,  Francis,  Spottsylvania  Co.,  72. 
Templeman,  Lt.  Samuel.,  Westmoreland  Co.,  76. 

Vandall,  Abraham,  Fayette  Co.,  W.  Va.,  76. 

Vier,  Jno.,  Franklin  Co.,  76.    (Died  March  4,  1834). 

Vaughan,  Wm.,  Grayson  Co.,  73. 

Vanhook,  Sergt.  Jacob.,  Halifax  Co.,  73. 

Vanmeter,  Sergt.  Jos.,  Hardy  Co.,  W.  Va.,  80. 

Vance,  James,  Washington  Co.,  74. 

Wood,  Jno,  Albemarle  Co.,  71. 

Wood,  Solomon,  Albemarle  Co.,  77. 

Weaver,  Jno.,  Augusta  Co.,  74.     (Died  Dec.  13,  1832), 

Walker,  Lieut.  Wm.  J.,  Bedford  Co.,  73. 

White,  Jos.,  Bedford  Co.,  83. 

Wilkes,  Saml.,  Bedford  Co.,  70. 

Wisong,  Fiat.,  Botetourt  Co.,  79. 

Williams,  Jno.,  Buckingham  Co.,  81. 

Wilkinson,  Jas.,  Buckingham  Co.,  79. 

Walker,  Chas.,  Campbell  Co.,  74. 

Walthall,  Henry,  Campbell  Co.,  72. 

Wray,  Henry,  Campbell  Co.,  71. 

White,  Elijah,  Caroline  Co.,  93. 

Walthall,  Sr.,  Wm.,  Chesterfield  Co.,  76. 

Whitworth,  Sergt.  Allen,  Chesterfield  Co.,  76. 

Williams,  Jno.,  Chesterfield  Co.,  90. 

Williams,  Thos.,  Chesterfield  Co.,  70. 

Welsh,  Isaiah,  Culpeper  Co.,  71. 

Wells,  Solomon  R.,  Dinw^iddie  Co.,  70. 

Withers,  Sergt,  Jesse,  Fauquier  Co.,  74. 

Wright,  Jno.,  Franklin  Co.,  86. 

Woody,  Martin,  Franklin  Co.,  76. 

White,  Richd.,  Gloucester  Co.,  72. 

Watkins,  Jos.  D.,  Goochland  Co.,  72. 

Wright,  Thos.,  Goochland  Co.,  75. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Wallace,  Jas.,  Halifax  Co.,  73. 

Willis,  Jas.,  Halifax  Co.,  70. 

Winn,  Jno.,  Halifax  Co.,  71. 

Warren,  Archd.,  Halifax  Co.,  78. 

Wimbish,  Jas.,  Halifax  Co.,  72. 

Whitecotton,  Ensign  Axton.,  Henry  Co.,  92. 

Wallace,  Jas.,  James  City  Co.,  77.    (Died  Jan.  13,  1833), 

Whitlock,  Jas.,  King  William  Co.,  71. 

Winn,  Wm.,  King  William  Co.,  76. 

Waggoner,  Jno.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  82. 

Wamsley,  David,  I.  S.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  — . 

Wamsley,  Jas.,  L  S.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  69. 

West,  Alex.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 

Wingrove,  Jno.,  Lewis  Co.,  W.  Va.,  86. 

Walker,  Oliver,  Logan  Co.,  W.  Va.,  89. 

Wade,  Ro.,  Loudoun  Co.,  73. 

West,  Jno.,  Loudoun  Co.,  80. 

Wigginton,  Benj.,  Loudoun  Co.,  71. 

Wornell,  Sergt.  Jas.,  Loudoun  Co.,  70. 

Walton,  Joel,  Louisa  Co.,  74. 

Winston,  Lt.    Anthony,  Louisa  Co.,  84. 

Watson,  Larner,  Madison  Co.,  72. 

Waddle,  Sergt.  Thos.,  Mason  Co.,  W.  Va.,  75. 

White,  Sergt.  Jno.,  Mathews  Co.,  78. 

Wilson,  Wallis,   Mecklenburg  Co.,  78. 

Wade,  Geo.,  Monongalia  Co.,  W.  Va.,  73. 

Wilson,  Henry,  2d,  Monongalia  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 

Walker,  Thos.,  Monroe  Co.,  W.  Va.,  69. 

Wilson,  Robt.,  Monroe  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 

Wharton,  Zacharah,  Morgan  Co.,  W.  Va.,  75. 

Widmeyer,  Michael,  Morgan  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 

Whitfield,  Solomon,  Nansemond  Co.,  71. 

Ware,   Thos.,   Nelson   Co.,   71. 

Williams,  James,  New  Kent  Co.,  70. 

Wyatt,  Spivey,  Norfolk  Co.,  75. 

Walker,  Thos.,  Orange  Co.,  73. 

Wayt,  Wm.,  Orange  Co.,  73. 

White,  Lt.  Richard,  Orange  Co.,  78. 

Wilson,  Eli  B.,  Pendleton  Co.,  W.  Va.,  79. 

260  Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

West,  Sergt.  John,  Pittsylvania  Co.,  79. 

Williams,  James  M.,  Pittsylvania  Co.,  71. 

Woodell,  Lt.  Jos.,  Pocahontas  Co.,  W.  Va.,  82. 

Watkins,  Edward,  Powhatan  Co.,  87. 

Worsham,  Capt.  Wm.,  Prince  Edward  Co.,  82. 

Walker,  Wm.  T.,  Prince  Edward  Co.,  77.      (Dead). 

Wilshire,  John,  Prince  Edward  Co.,  76. 

Woodson,  Jos.,  Prince  Edward,  Co.,  83. 

Wooldridge,  James,  Prince  Edward  Co.,  74, 

Whitman,  Mathew,  Randolph  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 

Wolford,  John,  Randolph  Co.,  W.  Va.,  80. 

Whetzell,  Henry,  Rockingham  Co.,  76. 

Wilson,  Abraham,   Spottsylvania   Co.,   74. 

Williams,  James,  Spottsylvania  Co.,  72. 

Williams,  John,  Sr.,  Surry  Co.,  73.     (Died  Aug.  9,  1833). 

Wrenn,  John,  Sussex  Co.,  72. 

Welton,  Ensign  Thos.,  Tazewell  Co.,  82. 

Wade,  Hezekiah,  I.  S.,  Tyler  Co.,  W.  Va.,  80. 

Widener,  Michael,  Washington  Co.,  75. 

Williams,  Wm.,  Westmoreland  Co.,  73. 

Young,  Chas.,  Berkeley  Co.,  W.  Va.,  77. 
Young,  Jas.,  Franklin  Co.,  W.  Va.,  79. 
Yarbrough,  Elisha,  Hanover  Co.,  77. 
Young,  Jno.,  Kanawha  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 
Youell,  Wm.,  Madison  Co.,  72. 
Yoho,  Henry,  Monongalia  Co.,  W.  Va.,  82. 
Young,  John,  Pocahontas  Co.,  W.  Va.,  74. 

Alphabetical  List  of  Pensioners  Re- 
siding Outside  of  Virginia  in  1835, 
whose  Pensions  were  Granted 
for  Services  as  Virginia 


This  list  was  compiled  from  a  report  made  by  the  Secretary  of 

War  in   1835.     The  ages  are  those  given  in  that  report,   and  are 
believed  to  be  the  ages  of  the  pensioners  in  1835.    The  names  of  the 

pensioners   in   what    is    now    West    Virginia  are   embraced   under 
Part  IV. 

Name                               Age  County  State 

Abbott,  Jno 84  Green  Indiana 

Adams,  David Henry  Kentucky 

Adams,  James,    76  Elbert  Georgia 

Adams,  Mica j ah 75  Sullivan  Tennessee 

Adkins,  James Clarke  Kentucky 

Alexander,  James 85  Iredell  North  Carolina 

Allee,  David   72  Cooper  Missouri 

Allen,  Phillip 74  Clarke  Georgia 

Allen,  Saml Pulaski  Kentucky 

Allen,  Vincent 78  Lincoln  North  Carolina 

Allen,  Wm 74  Granville  North  Carolina 

Alley,  Isaiah   85  Warren  Kentucky 

Allgood,  Jno Breckenridge         Kentucky 

Alsop,  James Mercer  Kentucky 

Alverson,  Jno.  S Lincoln  Kentucky 

Anderson,  Alex 73  Stewart  Tennessee 

Anderson,  James 69  Bedford  Tennessee 

Anderson,   Peter    79  Hawkins  Tennessee 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Name  Age 

Anderson,  Jno 77 

Andrews,  Thos 

Arbuckle,  Thos 75 

Archer,  Edward    

Arnold,  Arnold 75 

Arthur,  James 70 

Arthur,  Joel    83 

Ashbrook,  Thos 78 

Ashcraft,  Amos 77 

Ashley,  Danl.,  Sr 

Ashley,  Peter 

Ashlock,  Wm 

Asherst,  Wm 

Atkin,   Jas.    75 

Atkins,  James   75 

Atkinson,  Ellis    

Ayers,   Henry   (Died   Sept. 

22,  1833) 80 

Baber,    James    72 

Bailey,    Noah    84 

Baker,  Thos 

Baker,  Wm 

Banam,  Danl 76 

Bandy,  Thos 86 

Banks,  Wm 74 

Barbee,  Danl 

Barber,   Wm 88 

Barley,  Wm 74 

Barlow,  Lewis 79 

Barnes,  Benj 

Barnes,  Jno 82 

Barnett,    Ambrose    

Barnett,  Chas 71 

Barren,    Jno 

Bartlett,    Edmund    74 

Basket,  Wm.   (Dead) 73 

Bashaw,  Peter 71 

Bass,  James 74 








































North  Carolina 














North  Carolina 


South  Carolina 






North  Carolina 




North  Carolina 











Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 


Name  Age 

Bassett,  Nathl 76 

Bean,  Richd 

Beard,  Jacob   72 

Beasley,  Leonard 67 

Beatty,   Jno 

Beatty,    Wm 72 

Beavers,   Jno 

Bell,    Wm 

Benson,  Enoch 78 

Bentley,  Efford   74 

Berkley,   Jno 74 

Berry,    Thos 

Berry,  Wm 81 

Berry,  Benj 

Berry,  Joel    

Berry   Jno 

Bibb,  Jas 

Bingham,    Benj 78 

Birch,  Jno 

Bishop,  Wyatt 76 

Black,  Ro 84 

Black  Rudolph    

Blackburn,  Wm 

Blackmore,  Jno 72 

Blackwell,  David 75 

Blackwell,    Jno 72 

Blankenship,   Reuben    ...  .69 

Blakely,  AquiUa   94 

Blevans,  Nathan   71 

Blevins,  James 84 

Blomkenbaker,  Nicholas.  .  .75 

Bond,   Jno 

Bond,  Wm.  (Died  June  20, 


Bootw^right,   Saml 70 

Borders,   Christopher    ....71 

Boswell,  Reuben   77 

Bottom,  Miles 82 










South  Carolina 


















































North  Carolina 







Dist.  of  Columbia 
Mecklenburg        North  Carolina 
Dark  Ohio 

Mecklenburg        North  Carolina 
Warren  Tennessee 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Name                               Age  County  State 

Bowen,  Bracy   72  Rutherford  North  Carolina 

Bowen,  Chas 84  Putnam  Indiana 

Bowen,  Jas Montgomery  Kentucky 

Bower,  Andr 75  Montgomery  Indiana 

Bowers,  Brattain 71  Orange  North  Carolina 

Bowles,  Mathew Grayson  Kentucky 

Bowling,  Chas 70  Fairheld  Ohio 

Bowling,  Wm 75  Fairfield  Ohio 

Bowman,  Jno.,  Sr Hart  Kentucky 

Bowman,  Wm '.72  Washington  Indiana 

Bowman,    Wm 76  Knox  Tennessee 

Boy,  Jacob  (Died  May  20, 

1833)     83  Sullivan  Tennessee 

Boyd,    Hy 75  Todd  Kentucky 

Boydston,   Wm. 81  Cocke  Tennessee 

Boyers,  Wm 70  Dark  Ohio 

Boyles,  Hezekiah 77  Madison  Alabama 

Bradley,   Jno 77  Rutherford  Tennessee 

Brady,  Benj 73  Alleghany  Maryland 

Bragg,  Wm 69  Cocke  Tennessee 

Brandenburg,  Anthony     .  .  72  Warren  Ohio 

Branham,   Wm Bourbon  Kentucky 

Bramblett,  James Breckenridge  Kentucky 

Brann,  Jeremiah 72  Butler  Ohio 

Breedlove,  Jno Adams  Ohio 

{Fram  Madison   County,   Va.,  March  4,    1833). 

Brenton,  James,    70  Perry  Indiana 

Bruster,  James    Mercer  Kentucky 

Brett,    Obed 75  Perry  Tennessee 

Brewer,  Barnet 71  Montgomery  Alabama 

Bridges,    Jno Mercer  Kentucky 

Briggs,    Benj Lincoln  Kentucky 

Briggs,  David   Logan  Kentucky 

Bromigan,  James Bath  Kentucky 

Brooks,    Hy 80  Orange  Indiana 

Brooks,  Middleton 75  Jackson  Georgia 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 


Name  Age 

Brooks,   Robt 72 

Brown,  Arabia    

Brown,  Patrick 74 

Brown,   Stephen    78 

Brown,  Thos 

Brown,    Thos.    C 

Brumford,  Humphrey  ...  .82 

Brummell,  Benj 

Bryant,  Benj 82 

Bryant,    Jesse    73 

Bryant  Jno 

Burbridge,   Geo 72 

Burch,  Joseph   72 

Burk,  Geo 75 

Burk,  Saml 

Burke,    Robt 

Burkett,  Fredk 83 

Burns,  Nathl 

Burton,  Robt 70 

Bush,  Chas 

Buskirk,   Jno 69 

Butler,  James   75 

Butler,  Thos 

Butler,  Wm 78 

Cabbage,  Jno 76 

Caldwell,  James   71 

Calmer,  Wm 72 

Campbell,  Jno 77 

Campbell,    Lawrence    .... 

Campbell,  Robt 

Camper,  Tilman 

Cannon,  Hy 83 

Carlile,  Jas.  P 

Carney,    Jno 68 

Carpenter,  Wm 73 

Carr,   Geo 87 

Carr,  James 77 






















North  Carolina 


















North  Carolina 



Ripley     • 










St,  Francois 


Newbery  Dist. 

South  Carolina 










South  Carolina 











Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Name  Age 

Carr,  Jno.  F 69 

Carr,  Moses 92 

Carr,    Ro.    (Died   Juh^   4, 

1833)     75 

Carry,  Wm 

Carson,  James 

Carson,  Jno 74 

Carson,  Ro 81 

Carson,    Thos.    (See    Jno. 


Carter,  James 78 

Carter,  Jno 

Carter,  Joseph 74 

Carter,  Philip   

Carter,  Robt 76 

Carter,  Thomas 88 

Carter,  Wm 75 

Carter,  Wm 

Carver,   Richd 70 

Casey,  James 85 

Cash,   Jno 77 

Cash,  Wm 

Cashin,  David 75 

Cashone,  Thos 76 

Catron,  Peter   80 

Chambers,  Alex 70 

Chandler,    Claiborne    .... 

Chandler,  Jno 

Chapin,  Saml 82 

Chapman,    Edmund    70 

Chapman,  Jno 

Chappell,  Abner   71 

Chappel,  Wm 

Charlton,   Jacob    92 

Charlton,  Jno 73 

Chethaim,  Wm 

Chick,    James    

Childress,    Hv 






North  Carolina 






















North  Carolina 





Pickens  Dist. 

South  Carolina 





Rock  Castle 





North  Carolina 





























Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Name  Age 

Chinn,    Peter    71 

Chrisham,  Jno 66 

Christian,  Allen    75 

Christian,  Jno '.  .  .  . 

Christie,    James    85 

Chumbley,  Jno 74 

Clark,   James    

Clark,  Joseph    

Clark,  Patrick 

Clatterbuck,  Reuben 79 

Clarke,  Lee 78 

Clarke,  Lewis   71 

Clay,  Elijah 

Claycomb,  Fredk 76 

Claywell,  Shadrack 

Cleaver,    Wm 

Clemant,   Edmund    75 

Clements,   Benj 72 

Cleveland,  Wm 

Cobb,   Saml 74 

Cock,  Charles   72 

Cochran,  Mathew 71 

Cochran,    Wm 

Coffenberg,  Geo 73 

Coloway,   Micajah    76 

Collins,  Elisha 75 

Colwell,  Jno 83 

Coleman,   Thos 

Colville,  James 76 

Colvin,  Benjamin .76 

Compton,  Jere  H 70 

Conine,  Andr 

Conn,  Saml 

Conn,  Wm 

Connelly,  Jno 74 

Conner,  Maxmilliam    ....71 

Conner,  Phileman 71 

Conway,   Richd 72 




North  Carolina 




















North  Carolina 












South  Carolina 


North  Carolina 






North  Carolina 



































Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Name  Age 

Conyers,  Benj 74 

Cooksly,  Zach 74 

Copelin.  Wm 73 

Corbett,  Jno 79 

Corbin,  Jno,    

Corbin,  Lewis 

Corden,  Benj.  D 

Corley,  Wm 82 

Cornwall,  Wm 82 

Corsage,  Jno 70 

Cotterill,   Thos 84 

Cotton,  James 69 

Covington,  Robt 72 

Cox,  Andr 77 

Cox,  James   71 

Cox,  Thos 72 

Cox,   Wm 

Coxe,    Jno 76 

Craig,  Jno 71 

Craig,  Wm 76 

Craig,  Wm 

Craig,  Wm 

Crafton,  Anthony 87 

Crane,  Wm 85 

Crawford,  James 

Crawford,  Peter 70 

Creasy,  Jno 

Crittenden,   Richd 72 

Crockett,   Ro 

Crook,  Jeremiah 

Crook,  Jno 

Crow,  Wm 77 

Crowder,    Sterling    

Crump,  Joshua 

Culton,  Joseph 70 

Cundiff,   Jno 

Cunningham,   Ansell    .  .  .  .2J- 
Cunningham,    James    ....78 










North  Carolina 






















North  Carolina 













Rock  Castle 





North  Carolina 




North  Carolina 























St.  Francois 


Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 


Name  Age  County  State 

Cunningham,  Morrell  ....  Hickman  Kentucky 

Curtis,  Jno 75  Bledsoe  Tennessee 

Custard,  Jacob   84  Perry  Ohio 

Cutright,  Peter 74  Sangamon  Illinois 

Dabney,  George    74  Wayne  Kentucky 

Dabney,  Jno.  O. 71  Scott  Kentucky  ■ 

Daird,    Michael    Mason  Kentucky 

Dalton,  Wm 80  Rutherford  North  Carolina 

Daniel,  Beverly Montgomery  North  Carolina 

Daniel,  Buckner   74  Dupline  North  Carolina 

Daniel,  Christopher 75  Orange  North  Carolina 

Danks,  Jno Logan  Kentucky   . 

Darnaby,  Jno Fayette  Kentucky 

Davenport,  Anthony  S 76  Pickaway  Ohio 

Davenport,  James Fayette  Kentucky 

David,  Hy 74  Rush  Indiana 

Davidson,  Abraham 79  Humphrej'S  Tennessee 

Davidson,    Isaac    75  Johnson  Indiana 

Davis,  Thomas   72  Woodford  Kentucky 

Davis,  Jno 80  Elbert  Georgia 

Davis,  Saml 78  Madison  Alabama 

Davis,  Saml 81  Burke  North  Carolina 

Davis,  Saml Henry  Kentucky 

Davis,  Wm 70  Switzerland  Indiana 

{From   Kentucky,   March    4,    1834). 

Davis,  Wm.,  2d 72  Cocke  Tennessee 

Day,  Edwd 73  Sangamon  Illinois 

Day,  Jno.,  Sr.   (Died  Dec. 

4,1833)    92  Jefferson  Tennessee 

Deaver,  Wm 70  Buncomb  North  Carolina 

Decker,  Jno Grayson  Kentucky 

Decker,  Wm Grayson  Kentucky 

Delap,   Henry,   Sr 96  Rockingam  North  Carolina 

Depoy,  Christopher 84  Ross  Ohio 

Depp,  Wm Barren  Kentucky 

Despan,  Peter Greene  Kentucky 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Name  Age 

Dewitt,  Peter   

Dibrell,  Chas 77 

Dicken,  Ephriam 

Dicken,    Jno 

Dildoy,  Joseph 79 

Dillen,    Benj 79 

Diller,  David   79 

Dixon,  Geo 76 

Dodson,  Wm 

Dollins,   Presley    83 

Doner,   Jacob    74 

Donnell,  Danl 78 

Douthat,  Silas 

Dougherty,  Wm 

Downey,  Saml 

Draper,  James 74 

Drum,  Phillip 74 

Dunaway,   Saml    

Duke,  Mathew 

Duncan,  Geo 77 

Durham,  Jno 

Earnes,  Geo 71 

Earp,  Josiah 

Easley,   Danl 80 

Elam,  Godfrey 

Elder,  Ro 

Elgin,  Saml 75 

Elkins,  James    

Ellington,  David 

Elliott,  Reuben   72 

Elliott,   Wm 81 

Ellis,  Jno 98 

Ellison,  Jno 72 

Ellison,  Jno 72 

Emmerson,  Reuben 

English,    Wm 71 

Epperson,  Francis 












North  Carolina 


North  Carolina 












North  Carolina 










North  Carolina 














North  Carolina 




















North  Carolina 







Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Name  Age 

Epperson,  John,    70 

Estes,  Abraham 

Estes,   Jno 82 

Evans,  Jno 

Evins,   David,    77 

Ewing,  John   

EziU,  Balaam   78 

Paris,    Elijah    72 

Paris,  Moses   

Parmer,  Mathew 

Past,  Christian    72 

Paucett,  Jno 74 

Paudre,  Vachel 

Perguson,    Isaac    77 

Perguson,  Jno 75 

Perguson,  Moses 72 

Pinch,  Wm 72 

Pink,  David   (Indian  Spy) 

Pinnell,  Chas 72 

Piscus,  Adam    73 

Pixworthy,  Jno 

Pletcher,  Thos 74 

Plinn,  Wm 79 

Plorence,  Wm 84 

Ployd,  Geo 

Ployd,   Hy 73 

Ployd,  Jno 87 

Ployd,  Jno 

Pons,  Jno 

Porce,    James    92 

Porce,  Jesse 

Porqueran,  Peter 

Pordyce,    James    72 

Poster,    Natl 

Powler,  Sherwood 74 

Prances,   Powell    83 

Pranklin,  Absolom   



















Rock  Castle 


St.  Charles 

























North  Carolina 

Edgefield  Dist. 

South  Carolina 




























Virginia  Militia  int  the  Revolutio 

Name  Age 

Franklin,  Reuben 

Fraseur,  Jno 

Freeman,  Jno 

Freinch,  Joseph 74 

French,  Wm 73 

Fretwell,  Richd 82 

Freshour,   Jno 78 

Fritter,  Moses 

Fritz,   Jno 72 

Fry,  Joshua 

Fugate,  Randall  F 

Furnish,    Jas 

Gabbert,  Michl 

Gage,  Reuben   68 

Gaines,  James,  Sr 72 

Gaines,   Robt 

Gaines,   Wm 77 

Gale,  Robt.  F 68 

Gamble,  David   82 

Gann,  Saml.,  Sr 83 

Garth,  Jno 72 

Garven,   Isaac   

Gaswell,   Benjr 73 

Gatelilif,  Chas 

Gates,  Jno 75 

Gatewood,  Jno 69 

Gay,  James,  Sr 

George,  Jordan 

George,  Thos 

Gibson,  Elisha 86 

Gibson,  Erasmus 74 

Gibson,  Jno 86 

Gibson,  Jno 73 

Gibson,  Saml 72 

Gilliam,   Jno 

Gist,  Thos 70 
































North  Carolina 










North  Carolina 






















South  Carolina 

Union  Dist. 

South  Carolina 









Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 


Name  Age 

Glazebrook,  Julius   

Godby,      (Alias      Godley) 

Geo 74 

Godsey,  Wm 70 

Goggin,    Richd 

Good,  Wm 80 

Goodson,  Wm 

Gordon,    Jno 

Gore,  Isaac   

Gorin,  Jno 

Gragg,    Wm 76 

Graham,  Amos 74 

Graham,    Thos 

Graney,  Wm 76 

Graves,  James 

Graves,    Jno 

Graves,  Thos 

Graves,  Thos 87 

Gravatt,  John 

Gray,  Joseph 80 

Gregory,  Jno 76 

Gregory,   Richd 76 

Gregg,  Samuel 77 

Green,   Gerard    

Green,   Thos 76 

Greening,  James 

Greenway,  Wm 78 

Greer,  Walter 75 

Gresham,   Jno 73 

Grimes,  James 74 

Grimes,  James 80 

Grooms,   Abraham    94 

Haggard,  Hy 

Hair,  Jno. 77 

Haisten,  Jno 71 

Haley,    Pleasant    

Hall,    Jno 






North  Carolina 


North  Carolina 














North  Carolina 






North  Carolina 






























South  Carolina 







Rock  Castle 











Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolutioi 

Name  Age 

Hall,  Joseph 

Hall,  Ro 81 

Hall,  Wm 87 

Halloway,  Taylor 63 

(D.  Sept.  24,   1832). 

Hally,  Benj 

Ham,  Drewry 

Hamilton,  Abner 

Hamilton,  Jno 

Hammand,  Saml 77 

Hansford,  Chas 

Hankins,  Abram 70 

Hankins  James 81 

Hanks,  Abram 74 

Hannaman,  Wm 75 

Harbison,  James 81 

Harding,  Ede 77 

Harding,  Hy.,  Jr 70 

Hardy,  Jno 73 

Harlow,  Jno 

Harper,  Jno.  W.  .  ., 74 

Harison,  Danl 70 

Harison,  John 74 

Harris,  Feldman 75 

Harris,  James   

Harris,  Overton    73 

Harris,    Wm 

Harris,   Wm 

Harris  Wm 

Harris,  Wm 69 

Hartgrove,  Howell 70 

Harvey,  Chas 73 

Haskins,  James 

Hastin,  Absolom 73 

Hastings,  Zach 83 

Hasty,  James,  Sr 82 

Hatton,  Reuben    72 

Hawks,  Frederick 82 








North  Carolina 

New  Hanover 

North  Carolina 










South  Carolina 
























North  Carolina 




North  Carolina 














North  Carolina 






South  Carolina 


North  Carolina 


North  Carolina 





Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 


Name  Age 

Hawkins,    Giles    

Hawkins,  Nathl 

Hawkins,      Thos.       (Died 

Nov.  8,  1832) 73 

Hay,  Thomas, 71 

Hayden,  Benj 

Hays,  Wm 

Hazlewood,  Luke 

Henderson,   David    81 

Henderson,  Jno 69 

Hendricks,  Moses 

Hendricks,  Wm 87 

Henny,  James 74 

Hensel,  Michl 80 

Herbert,  Josiah,  Sr 

Herring,  Geo 76 

Hickman,  James 73 

Hicks,  Jno 72 

Hicks,  Jno 73 

Higden,  Joseph 

Higgins,  Thos 73 

Hiles,  Jno 72 

Hill,   Clem    

Hill,  Geo 80 

Hill,  Ro 

Hill,   Saml 71 

Hisle,   Saml 

Hoffman,  Ambrose 

Holbrook,   Jesse    69 

Holland,  James  M 78 

Hombeck,  Saml 

Hood,  Thos:   76 

Hooper,  Richd.  B 75 

Hopkins,  Archd 74 

Hopwood,  Wm 70 

Horrell,  Jos 

Horton,  Joseph 75 

Hoskinson,    Isaiah    83 




















































North  Carolina 

























Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Name  Age         County  State 

Houchins,  Edwd Mercer  Kentucky 

House,  Geo 71  Greene  Tennessee 

Houslay,  Robt.   75  Jefferson  Tennessee 

Houston,  James 77  Blount  Tennessee 

Houston,  Jno 71  Blount  Tennessee 

Howard,   Adam    70  Ross  Ohio 

Howard,    Claiborne    70  Iredell  North  Carolina 

Howe,   James    72  Warren  Ohio 

Howell,  Wm 86  Athens  Ohio 

Hubbs,  Jacob Bullitt  Kentucky 

Huddleston,  Ro 75  Mecklenburg        North  Carolina 

Hufacre,  Geo 76  Knox  Tennessee 

Huff,  James 74  Perry  Alabama 

Hugelay,    Chas Henry  Kentucky 

Hughes,   Jonathan    81  Gallea  Ohio 

Hughes,  Absalom Barren  Kentucky 

Hughes,  Wm Lincoln  Kentucky 

Huling,  Jonathan Campbell  Kentucky 

Hull,  Jno 83  Greene  Tennessee 

Hunt,  Berry 79  Caswell  North  Carolina 

Hunt,  Littlebury 72  Franklin  Missouri 

Hunt,  Wilson   .  .  . Fayette  Kentucky 

Hunter,  Henry 83  Mecklenburg        North  Carolina 

Hurst,   Hy Perry  Kentucky 

Hurt,  Richd Lincoln  Kentucky 

Hutchinson,  Drury 72  Spartansburg         South  Carolina 

Hutcheson,  Joseph    Breckenridge         Kentucky 

Hyden,  Wm 73  Roane  Tennessee 

Ice,  Andr 75  Henry  Indiana 

Inghan,  Thos 72  Wilson  Tennessee 

Irvine,    Wm 75  Orange  Indiana 

Ivy,  David 72  Williamson  Tennessee 

Jack,  James 77  Greene  Tennessee 

Jackson,  Jno.  C. Fayette  Kentucky 

Jackson,  Josiah   Clarke  Kentucky 

Jackson,  Wm 70  Wilson  Tennessee 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 


Name  Age 

Jamison,   Robert    73 

Jeffries,  Wm 

Jenkins,    Jno 

Jenkins,  Wm 72 

Jennings,  Edmund    81 

Johns,  Ro 75 

Johnson,  Abraham    79 

(Died  in  1834) 

Johnson,  David 62 

Johnson,   David 82 

Johnson,  Dalmouth 

Johnson,  Geo.,  Sr 85 

Johnson,  Henson 70 

Johnson,  Howell 72 

Johnson,    Isaac    71 

Johnson,    James    74 

Johnson,  James,    

Johnson,   Richd 74 

Johnson,   Richd 74 

Johnson,  Rowland 76 

Johnson,  Saml 

Johnson,    Thos 

Johnson,  Wm 72 

Johnson,  Wm 

Johnson,  Wm 

Johnson,  Wm.,  Sr 

Johnson,  Wm.,  Sr 72 

Johnson,  Wm 80 

Johnson,    Zophr .72 

Johnston,  Archd 83 

Johnston,  Jno 82 

Jones,  Cadwallen 89 

Jones,    David    69 

Jones,    David    74 

Jones,    David    .  ^ 79 

Jones,    David    72 

Jones,  Edw 77 

Jones,  Geo 










North  Carolina 














North  Carolina 




South  Carolina 












South  Carolina 



Rock  Castle 



North  Carolina 










North  Carolina 





















ViRGiN-iA  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Name  Age 

Jones,  James  82 

Jones,  Jno 

Jones,  Jno 

Jones,  Joshua  

Jones,  Jno 85 

Jones,    Martin    87 

Jones,    Richd 

Jones,   Richd 71 

Jones,  Thos 

Jones,  Thos 71 

Jones,  Wm 

Jordan,    Geo 

Keeton,  David 78 

Keeton,  Jno 

Kelley,  Moses 84 

Kelley,  Wm 75 

Keneda,  Wm 78 

Kennedy,  Joseph 

Kennerly,  Thos 84 

Kersey,    Jno 

Kesling,  Peter 77 

Ketchan,  Jno 76 

Key,  Wm.   (Died  Jan.   18, 

1834)    73 

Key,  Wm.  B ....74 

Keys,    Matthew    74 

Kidd,  James  H 69 

Kidd,  Wm 72 

Kilgore,  Chas 80 

Kelle\-,    Wm 

Kincaid,  James   71 

Kinchelve,  Thos 

Kindle,   Wm 74 

King,    Cornelius    83 

King,   Geo 

King,  Wm 

Kiphart,    Hy 






















North  Carolina 





















































Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Name  Age 

Kirkham,  Michl 87 

Kirkpatrick,  Robert 70 

Knight,  iiy 74 

Lacey,   Elijah    81 

Lacey,   Moses    72 

Lackland,  Jno 79 

Lackey,  Wm 80 

Lain,  Gisborn   81 

Lambert,  Mathias 

Lancaster,  Wm 87 

Land,  Ephrain 102 

Lane,  Drury   79 

Lane,    Larkin    75 

Landrum,  James 72 

Lancey,  Wm 

Lanter,  Jacob   

Lanter,  Thos 

Lashley,  Howell 73 

Latimer,  Wm 

Laurence,  James 74 

Laurence,  Wm 

Lawrence,  Rodham 

Law,   Henry    

Lawson,    Jas 

Lawson,  Jacob  (Died  Sept. 

5,   1833)    74 

Layne,   Ro 76 

Layne,    Saml 75 

Lee,  (Alias  See),  Jno 73 

Lee,  Jno 

Lee,  Saml 

Lee,  Wm 

Leslie,  Alxr 75 

Levi,   Isaac    75 

Levisy,  Geo 70 

Lewis,  Jas 78 

Lewis,  Herbert   75 








North  Carolina 
















North  Carolina 














North  Carolina 




South  Carolina 
































North  Carolina 

\'iRGixiA  Militia  i.v  the  Revolution 

Name  Age 

Lewis,  Thos 70 

Lewis,  Wm 72 

Light,  Jno 67 

Light,  Vachal   71 

Ligon,  Wm 79 

Lippard,  Wm 68 

Lipscomb,  Archd 76 

Loch,  Wm 89 

(Alias  Starr)    

Lockridge,    Jno 

Long,  Anderson    72 

Lott,  Jno 80 

Louts,  Jacob 73 

Love,  Robt 74 

Love,  Thos 79 

Loveless,  Geo 74 

Lowrj,  Thos 

Luck,  Jno 74 

Luckey,  Ro 

Lumpkins,  Peter 72 

Luttrell,Michael   82 

McAnnelly,  Peter 78 

AlcCarty,  Daniel    

McCabe,   Hugh    77 

(Died  Dec.  5,  1832). 

McCalister,  David 

McCamish,   Thos 75 

McCauley,  Thos 

McClellan.   Jas 75 

McClelland,  Joseph 69 

McCockle,  Saml 

McComb,  Wm 84 

McCord,  Wm 72 

McCormick,   Francis    ....  70 

McCormick,  Jno 71 

McCoy,    Robt 72 

McCreary,  Jno 82 






North  Carolina 










North  Carolina 












North  Carolina 








North  Carolina 





































Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Name  Age  County  State 

McCroskey,  James 74  Swift  Kentucky 

McCuUum,   James    Hardin  Kentucky 

McDade,  Jno 86  G\\  innett  Georgia 

McGee,  Harman 74  Stokes  North  Carolina 

McGee,  Saml 85  Woodford  Kentucky 

McGuire,  Alleghany 77  Maury  Tennessee 

McGuire,  Joseph Henry  Kentucky 

McKay,  Robt 81  Jefferson  Indiana 

McKenzie,  Isaac Morgan  Kentucky 

McKinney,  Chas 71  Limeston  Alabama 

McKinney,  Wm Adair  Kentucky 

McKnight,  Eli Belmont  Ohio 

McKown,  James 76  Knox  Ohio 

McKittrick,  Jno 75  Washington  Kentucky 

McManus,  Jno 74  Pike  Indiana 

McMillin,   Jno 73  Elbert  Georgia 

McNeely,  David 76  Madison  Alabama 

McPherter,  Andr 70  Putnam  Indiana 

{Trans,  from  E.  Tennessee,  March  4,  1833). 

McPheeters,  Jno 73  Washington  Indiana 

McQueen,  Alex 83  Muskingum  Ohio 

McQuire,  Wm 76  Pike  Missouri 

McReynolds,   Joseph    ....  70  Perry  Indiana 

McSpadden,  Archd 84  Monroe  Tennessee 

McVay,  Hugh Caldwell  Kentucky 

Madden,  Wm 73  Harrison  Indiana 

Maddox,  Wilson 79  Shelby  Kentucky 

Magruder,  Norman  B.  ...  79  Switzerland  Indiana 

Mahan,  James 79  Whitely  Kentucky 

Alallow,  Geo 80  Greene  Ohio 

Manker,  Wm 69  Highland  Ohio 

Manks,  Andr 73  Tennessee 

Mann,  Francis Harrison  Kentucky 

IMannon,   Hy 74  Laurence  Ohio 

Marcum,  Josiah    Laurence  Kentucky 

Markham,  Lewis 71  Laurence  Tennessee 

Marshall,  Benj 74  Stokes  North  Carolina 


Virginia  Militia  ix  the  Revolution 

Name  Age 

Marshall,    Ezekiel    77 

Marshall,    Francis    84 

^Martin,   Gideon    102 

Martin,  Kinchean 72 

Martin,  Wm 72 

Martin,  Wm 

Mason,  Joseph 

Masse}',  Edmond 

Massie,  Jno 69 

Mathews,  Benj 70 

Mauppin,  Danl 

Maury,  Wm 73 

Mauzy,  Peter   

Mauzy,  Wm 81 

May,  Abraham   70 

Mays,    Benj 77 

Mayberry,   Geo 74 

Mayhew,  Jno 77 

Maynard,  Richd 

Mead,  Minor   71 

Meads,  Thos 81 

Meader,  Isham 73 

Meader,  Joel 75 

Meeks,  Basil   

Middleton,  Jno 71 

Milburn,  Wm 81 

Miller,  Barney 

:\Iiller,   Edward    81 

Miller,  Edward 83 

Miller,  Francis 

Miller,  Frederick 74 

Miller,  Fredk 82 

Miller,  James   85 

Miller,  Jno 

Miller,  Jno 72 

Miller,   Jno 73 

Miller,  Jno.   H 99 

Miller,  Jno.  A 69 










North  Carolina 
























North  Carolina 




North  Carolina 


































North  Carolina 







Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Name  Age 

MilkoUin, 70 

Mills,  Jesse 

Mills,  Menan   

Milstead,   Zelus    78 

Milton,  Elijah 78 

Minton,   Jno 

Mitchell,   Chas 75 

Mitchell,  Geo 

Mitchell,  Richd 

Mitchell,  Wm 72 

xMitchell,  Wm 70 

Monroe,  Alex 79 

Monroe,  Jno 

Montgomery,  Jno 

Montgomery,  Jno 68 

Montgomery,  Jno 78 

Moore,  Abraham    77 

Moore,  David 71 

Moore,  George   73 

Moore,  James   81 

Moore,  Thos 

Moody,  Thos 72 

Moore,   Saml 73 

Morehead,  Jno 

Moreland,  Chas 70 

Moreland,   Dudley   73 

Morgan,   Benj 72 

Morgan,  Nathan 74 

Morgan,  Thos 83 

Morrell,  Adam 69 

Morring,  Jno 70 

Morris,  Benj 71 

Morris,  Isaac 74 

Morris,  James 77 

Morrison,  Joseph 73 

Moses,  Alex 

Morton,    Josiah    73 

Morton,  Oldin    70 


































North  Carolina 






















North  Carolina 








North  Carolina 












North  Carolina 



Virginia  Militia  in'  the  Revolution 

Name  Age 

Morton,   Saml 

Mosely,  Thos 

Moss,   Jno 

Miller,  Geo 

Mullins,  Gabriel 

Mullins,   Joseph    95 

Mumy,  Chris 80 

Murray,  Thos 76 

Murphy,  Joseph,  Sr 73 

Murphy,  Wm.  Sr 75 

Murrell,  Benj 74 

Murvin,  Patrick 

Musgrave,  Saml 69 

Neil,  Lewis 

Netherton,  Jno 

Nevil,  Thos 73 

Nevill,  James   

Nevis,  Wm 83 

New,  James  L 70 

New,  Jacob 

Newell,  Saml.,  Sr 

Newson,  Wm 73 

Nix,  Geo 79 

Nichols,  Wilibe    85 

Noel,  Taylor 

Noel,  Thos 

Noland,  James 

Norshorn,  Reuben 

Norton,  Alex 75 

Norton,  James 

Oaks,  Isaac   74 

Oder,    James     

Ogglesby,  Elisha 75 

Ogglesby,  Jesse 

O'Neal,  Geo 

Orr,  Joshua 73 



















St.  Francois 


St.  Francois 



























North  Carolina 



























Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Name  Age 

Osborn,  Jonathan 82 

Osborne,  Jno 72 

Osman,  Chas 72 

Owen,  Frk 83 

Owens,  Jno 73 

Owens,  Wm 

Owens,  Wm 

Pace,  Jno 

Packett,  Jno 69 

Palmer,   Isaac    

Palmer,  Thos 73 

Pamphlin,  Wm 72 

Parke,  Jno 72 

Parker,  Benjamin   

Parker,  Thos 

Parks,  Wm 

Parnell,  Benj 79 

Parrot,   Saml 77 

Parsons,  Thos 

Patrick,  James 

Paul,  Geo 

Payne,  Chas 76 

Payne,   Thos 71 

Payton,    Lewis    70 

Peake,  Jno 

Peake,  Wm 

Peek,  Wm 

Pell,    Wm 75 

Pemberton,  Jno 83 

Pendleton,  Benj 

Pendergrast,  Edwd 70 

Pennington,  Jas 

Peril,    Jno 75 

Perryman,  Wm 

Petty,  Rodham 

Phillips,  Geo 

Phillips,    Irby    71 




North  Carolina 


South  Carolina 










































North  Carolina 




























North  Carolina 

Virginia  Militia  in'  the  Revolution 

Name  Age 

Phillips,  Jno 76 

Pickford,  Danl 

Pierce,  James 72 

Piercell,  Richd 

Piles,  Jeremiah    72 

Pilkington,  Drura 72 

Pilkinton,    Larkin     

Pool,  James,  Sr 87 

Pollard,  Edmund 

Pollard;  Wm 

Pollard.  Wm 75 

Poller,  Jno 

Pollock.   Jno 69 

Polly,   Jno 

Pope,  Elisha   73 

Porter,  Mitchell   75 

Portwood,   Page    76 

Porter,  Jno 

Potts,  Thos 73 

Pour,  Wm 

Powell,  Ambrose 

Powers,  Jeremiah    80 

Pratt,  Stephens   70 

Preddy,  John    76 

Prickard,  Jno 76 

Prewitt,  Joshua 

Price,  Sampson   72 

Pride,  Burton    77 

Priest,  Jno 83 

Proctor.  P-e^i 74 

Proctor,   Geo 

Proctor,  Littlepage 73 

Proctor,  Micajah 74 

Proctor,  Nicholas   78 

Pullen,  Ro 78 

Pullins,  Loftus   

Purcell,  Edwd 71 

Purcell,  Wm 73 


































Chester  Dist. 







North  Carolina 





South  Carolina 


South  Carolina 



South  Carolina 




North  Carolina 




North  Carolina 














South  Carolina 






Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Name  Age 

Putnum,  Howard 75 

Putty,  Wm 84 

Rains,   Wm 70 

Ralston,   Jno 

Ramsey,    James    

Ratliffe,  Reuben   

Rhodes,  Hezekiah 70 

Ream,  Jesse 76 

Reasor,  Michael   74 

Reaves,  Arthur 77 

Reeves,   Wm 78 

Reeves,   Wm 69 

Reid,  Alxr 

Reid,   Joab    72 

Reiley,  Jno 72 

Renfro,    Jno 

Retherford,     Wm.      (Died 

Nov.    16,    1833) 85 

Reynolds,  Hy 77 

Reynolds,  Nathl 

Reynolds,   Richd.  D 

Rice,    Jno 

Rice,  Phillips 

Rice,  Saml 

Richabaugh,  Adam 73 

Richards,   Joshua    

Richardson,  Jno 72 

Richie,  Jas 79 

Riley,   Richd,    74 

Ringo,  Cornelius 

Roach,   James    74 

Robbard,  Jesse 

Roberts,  Abner   92 

Roberts,  John   76 

Roberts,  Mourning 

Roberts,  Norman 

Roberts,  Wm 72 
















North  Carolina 







Abbeville  Dist. 

South  Carolina 


















































North  Carolina 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Name  Age 

Roberts,  Wm 69 

Roberson,  John   74 

Robertson,  Benj 

Robinson,  Francis 

Robinson,  Jeremiah 75 

Robison,  Joseph 72 

Robinson,  Lewis 78 

Roebuck,   Raleigh    77 

Rogers,  Geo 70 

Rogers,  Thos 

Rogers,  Thos,   71 

Rogers,  Wm.,   Sr 

Roper,  Drury 70 

Rork,  Michl 89 

Rosson,  Archelaus 84 

Roundtree,  Nathl 

Rouse,  Jacob 

Rouse,    Lewis    

Rouse,  Saml 

Rouse}^    Edwd 71 

Rousk,  Geo 73 

Rowe,  Jessee 79 

Ruble,  Jno 73 

Rucher,  Wm 89 

Ruddell,  Jasus 

Russell,  Absalom 

Russell,  Chas 75 

Russell,  Enoc 73 

Russell,  James  G 67 

Russell,  Robt  S 

Sand,  Wm 80 

Sanders,   Jno 

Sanders,  Reuben   71 

Sanders,  Zachariah 75 

Sampson,  Wm 75 

Sampson,    Wm 

Scarborough,  Saml.,  Sr.    ..74 


















North   Carolina 






North  Carolina 






































North  Carolina 












North  Carolina 


Name  Age 


Sheenhan,  Wm 82 

Scott,  Alxr 70 

Scott,   Arthur    82 

Scott,  Benj 71 

Scott,   James    

Scott,  Wm 72 

Scruggs,    Wm 

Seaman,    Hy 76 

Searcey,  Richd 

Seaton,  Geo 

Seay,  Jacob   76 

Self,   Jno 

Semore,  Thos 70 

Serber,  Jacob 90 

Sewell,  James   76 

Shackelford,  Hy 

Shadly,  Danl 78 

Sharp,  Jno 71 

Shelton,  Saml 

Shelton,  Wilson    

Shepherd,  Thos 79 

Sheverdecker,  Michl.  (Died 

March  3,  1833) 71 

Shields,  David 82 

Sharp,  Archilles    79 

Sharp,  Benjamin 73 

Shoun,  Jno 

Short,   Jno 78 

Shropshire,  Abner 

Shreck,  Mathew   

Shults,    Mathais    

Silver,   Aaron 76 

Simmon,   Wm 

Simmes,  James ,  .83 

Simmonds,  Joel 76 

Sims,  Rhodam 79 

Sims,  Wm.,   Sr 70 













































































ViRGiMA  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Name  Age 

Sinclair,  Robt 80 

Singer,  George 

Sizemore,  Ephriam 86 

Skaggs,  Wm 

Skinner,  Isaac 

Slaughter,  James 

Slaj^den,   Jno 

Smallej-,  David 78 

Smith,  Alxr 75 

Smith,   Hy 80 

Smith,  Hy 81 

Smith,  Jacob   85 

Smith,  Jno.  (Died  April  4, 

1833) 72 

Smith,  Jno 92 

Smith,   Nicholas    

Smith,    Obediah    71 

Smith,  Redmond 

Smith,  Skiltar   72 

Smith,  Saml.  2d    

Smith,    Thos 

Smith,.  Wm 80 

Smith,  Wm 73 

Smith,  Wm 

Smith,  Zebulon 76 

Smithers,  Wm 

Smithers,  Wm.  (Died  May 

14,   1834)    93 

Smithey,  Reuben 75 

Smithey,  Wm 85 

Smoot,  Jno 

Sonner,   Anthony    73 

Spaine,  Claiborne    69 

Sparks,  Hy 

Sparrow,   Hy 

Spencer,   Amasa    72 

Spencer,    James     72 

Spencer,  Jesse   73 








South  Carolina 




















North  Carolina 




































North  Carolina 










North  Carolina 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 


Name  Age 

Spencer,  Wm 

Sperr^',    Peter    74 

Spicer,    Wm 79 

Spillman,  James    

Spillman,  James    

Springer,    Benj 75 

Sprouse,  David 74 

Staples,    Isaac    

Steed,  Thos 75 

Steel,    Saml 74 

Steel,  Francis,  Sr 76 

Stephens,  Jno.,  Sr 

Stephens,  Josiah    72 

Stepp,  Geo 77 

Stevens,  Gilbert    

Stevens,  Jacob 75 

Stevens,  James  (Died  Sept. 

3,  1832)    75 

Stevens,  Jos.  L 

Stewart,  Wm 71 

Stewart,  Ezekiel 

Stilth,  Joseph    

Stingle,  Geo 73 

Stivers,  Jno 69 

Stone,  Nimrod  H 71 

Stout,    Elijah    91 

Stovell,  Geo 

Strames,    Nicholas    78 

Strange^    Jno 75 

Strange,   Jno 

Street,  Anthony    

Stringer,  Jno 

Strong,   Chas 71 

Strong,   Johnson    75 

Stubblefield,  Wm.  S 70 

Sublett,  Abraham   

Sudduth,    Jared    71 

Suggett,   Jno 83 








North  Carolina 
















North  Carolina 













































Edgefield  Dist. 

South  Carolina 







Virginia  Militia  i\  the  Revolution 

Name  Age 

Sulcer,    Wm 79 

Summers,  Jno 76 

Summers,   Jno 

Sutherland,  Travers 

Swanson,    Levi    

Sweeny,    Joseph    75 

Swindle,  Jno 

Switzer,  Philip 76 

Tait,  Ro.  L 68 

Tallman,    Peter    80 

Tanner,  Michael 74 

Tappscott,  Wm 

Tate,    Jno 71 

Tajdor,    Hy 82 

Taylor,  Leonard 

Taylor,    Ro 

Taylor,  Wm 

Telford,  Alxr 74 

Theobold,  James 

Thomas,  Evan 78 

Thomas,  Jno 70 

Thomas,  Jno 80 

Thomas,  Geo 

Thompson,  Joseph    71 

Thompson,  William 85 

Thornhill  Wm 

Tinder,    James     72 

Tinsley,  Wm 71 

Todd,  Saml 

Tomlin,    Saml 79 

Tomlinson,  Nathl 

Toney,   Carey    71 

Torrens,  Saml 88 

Townsend,    James    75 

Townsend,  Oswold 

Trabue,   Danl 

Travis,  James   















Gallia      . 







North  Carolina 





















































V'iRGiNiA  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Name  Age 

Tribble,    James     78 

Trower,  Solomon   

True,   Jno 

True,    Robt 76 

Truox,  David   78 

Trusler,  James   79 

Trusler,   Jno 76 

Turner,    Saml 79 

Turley,  James 72 

Turbyfill,  Jno 93 

Turpin,   Martin 

Twyman,      James      (Died 

Feb.  2,  1834)    

Twyman,    Reuben    75 

Upshaw,  Jno 79 

Ussery,  Thos 75 

Urton,    Peter    70 

Vallandigham,  Geo 

Vamssdall,   Cornelius    ....75 

Vanbuskirk,  Isaac 80 

Vandergrifif,  Jacob    74 

Vandevander,  Barnabus   .  .  73 

Vandever,  Geo 70 

Vanmeter,    Jacob    

Vaughan,    77 

Vaughan,  Jno 74 

Vaughan,  Thos 73 

Venard,  Wm 

Vest,   John    83 

Vest,  Saml 75 

Viah,  Gideon,   79 

Vincent,   Jno 78 

Wade,   Obediah    

Wagstaff,   Wm 82 

Walden,  Jno 






















North  Carolina 










North  Carolina 














South  Carolina 






South  Carolina 


South  Carolina 


















ViRGiN'iA  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Name  Age 

^Valden,  Jno 76 

Wale,  Thos 71 

Wall,  Wm 75 

Waller,   Jesse    75 

Wallace,  Edvv 79 

Wallace,  James 82 

Walker,   Jno 69 

Walker,  Joshua 75 

Walker.  Saml 76 

Walker,    Wm 75 

Wanslan,  Jno 95 

Ward,  Jno 82 

Ward,  Jno 78 

Ward,    Saml 81 

Ware,  Edw 72 

Warden,   Elisha    

Warrington,  Wm 79 

Waters,   Jno 

Watkins,  Jno 

Watson,  Jno.  2d 

Watson,  Wm 74 

Weaver,  Wm 74 

Webster,  Wm 70 

Webb,  Littlebury 

Weeks,  James 85 

Welch,  Jno 77 

West,     Jno.     (Died    Aug. 

14,   1833)    75 

Westfall,  Jacob 80 

Wheeler,  James    74 

Wheeler,   James    75 

White,    Chas 71 

White,  David   79 

White,  Joseph 74 

White,  Thos 79 

Whitaker,  Wm 

Whitecotton,    James    .... 
Whitman,  Richd 













Charleston  Dist. 

.  South  Carolina 














North  Carolina 






































North  Carolina 











ViRGiviA  Militia  in  the  Revolution 


Name  Age  County  State 

Wickliffe,  Chas Fayette  Kentucky 

Wilhite,   Jno Owen  Kentucky 

Wilder,  Geo 73  Shelby  Alabama 

Wilkes,  Thos.,  Sr 75  Laurens  South  Carolina 

Wilkinson,    Elisha    69  Elbert  Georgia 

{Transferred  from  Burke  County,  North  Carolina,  September,  1834) 

Wilkinson,  James 71  Lincoln  North  Carolina 

Wilkinson,  Jno 82  Wilcox  Alabama 

Wilson,    Jno 79  Greene  Georgia 

Wilson,  Robt 86  Hancock  Indiana 

Wilson,  Saml Logan  Kentucky 

Williams,    Elijah    Garrard  Kentucky 

Williams,    Isaac    Gra.yson  Kentucky 

Williams,    Isaac    81  Hendricks  Indiana 

Williams,  James,  2d Cumberland  Kentucky 

Williams,  James 78  Simpson  Kentucky 

Williams,  James 73  Vermillion  Indiana 

Williams,  Jno 83  Currituck  Norfh  Carolina 

Williams,  Thos Cumberland  Kentucky 

Williams,  Thos 80  Fontaine  Indiana 

Williams,  Thos Lewis  Kentucky 

Williams,  Wm 74  Gallia  Ohio 

Williams,   Wm 73  Preble  Ohio 

Williams,   Wm 72  Rockingham  North  Carolina 

Williamson,  Jno 74  Davidson  Tennessee 

Willington,  Jonathan  (Died 

Feb.  26,  1834) 97  Columbiana  Ohio 

Willoughby,  Alxr Jessamine  Kentucky 

Wills,   Wm Montgomery  Kentucky 

Wingfield,    Enoch    Woodford  Kentucky 

Wingo,   Wm 74  Spartansburg  South  Carolina 

Winn,   Galamer    74  ^ladison  Alabama 

Witham,  Peter   74  Owen  Indiana 

Witt,  Elisha    Estill  Kentucky 

Wood,   Ellett    82  DeKalb  Georgia 

Wood,    Jno 76  Spartansburg  South  Carolina 

Wood,   Thos 91  Wilson  Tennessee 


\'iRGixiA  Militia  i\  the  Revolution 

Name  Age 

Woodall,  Chas 

Woodall,  Saml 75 

Woodward,    Saml 74 

Woodward,    Geo 

Wooldridge,  Thos 

Woollard,  Jno 90 

Woods,  Archd 

Woods,  Caldwell 

Wright,  Boiling   75 

Wright,  Geo 

Wright,   Geo 

Wright,  Wm 72 

Wright,  Wm 

Wyman,  Harman 68 

Wyser,  Geo 69 

Yeager,    Elisha    

Yeargan,  Thos 71 

Yelton,    James    

Young,   Jno 77 

Young,  Mathew 69 

Young,  Ralph   74 

"^I'oung,   Wm 

Younger,  Kanard 

Younglove,  Saml 

Ziglar,   Leonard    72 

:Zinn,    Jno 






North  Carolina 














South  Carolina 
















North  Carolina 
















North  Carolina 



General  Index 

This  Index  is  sub-divided  into  three  parts,  viz: 

Index  of  Places. 

Index  of  Battles  and  Skirmishes,  which  includes  services  against 
Indians  and  at  Albemarle  Barracks. 

Index  of  Names. 

The  references  given  are  to  sections  and  not  to  pages. 

This  Index  is  made  up  from  Parts  II  and  III  and  does  not  em- 
brace the  names  of  pensioners  set  out  under  Parts  IV  and  V. 

Index  to  Places 

Abb's  Valley,   146.  Black    Swamp,    62. 

Abingdon,    185.  Blue  Bell  Tavern,  64. 
Albemarle  Barracks,  78,  91,  94,  103,       Bluestone,   34,  44,   145,   146. 

106,    112,    134,    172,   250.  Bluestone  River,  21. 

Albemarle   Court   House,   81.  Boonesboro,    Ky.,    185. 

Alexandria,   56,   77,  216.  Bottoms    Bridge,    31,    54,    118,    ISO, 

Amboy,   163.  138,    163. 

Amherst  Court  house,  8,  106.  Bound  Brook,  N.  J.,  13,  46. 

Amsterdam,    216.  Bowling  Green,    5. 

Ashby's  Gap,  243.  Boyd's  Ferry,   133,   196. 

Augusta,  Georgia,  83,  175.,  Brandywine,    163. 

Bryants    Station,    153. 

Bacon's  Branch,    104.  Brest,  216. 

Bacon's   Bridge,    172.  Bristol,    Penn.,    163. 

Baker's    Hill,    82.  Brock's    Bridge,    37. 

Ball's    Ordinary,    170.  Bruce's   Cross  Road,   114. 

Baltimore,   46,    64.  Buffalo  Pond,  145. 

Banuioter's  Bridge,  153.  Bullpasture  River,  139. 

Bermuda    Hundred,    198.  Burnt  Ordinary,  159. 

Big    Capon,    43.  Burwell's  Ware  House,  216. 
Big   Savannah,    97. 

Bingamon   Creek,    129.  Cabin  Point,  30,  32,  50,  53,  80,  84, 

Bird's   Ordinary,   82,    104.  116,  159,  170,  173,  196,  202,  204, 

Blackmore    Station,   21.  206,   217. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Calf    Pasture,    86. 

Calfpasture    River,  139. 

Camden,  21,   64,   82,   121,   173,  200. 

Camp  Carson,   12,   58,  71,  72. 

Camp    Holly,    70,    118. 

Cape  Capon,   119. 

Cape  Fear  River,  107. 

Cape    Henry,    216. 

Carter's  Ferry,   195. 

Cartersville,   81. 

Castlewood,    185. 

Catawba   River,   114,   121. 

Charleston,  164,   172,  175,  178. 

Charleston,   S.  C,  64,  82,  113,  132. 

Charlotte   Court   House,   210. 

Charlotte  N.  C,  121,  153. 
Charlottesville,    13,   25,   27,   32,   37, 
38,   53,   63,    100,   116,   125,   130, 
134,  148,  159,  245. 
Cheravp  Hills,  S.  C,  103,  153,  171. 
Cheraw  Mills,  62. 
Chestnut  Ridge,  142. 
Chesterfield  Coal  Mines,  170. 
Chesterfield    Court    House,    50,    64. 
Chickamagua,    185. 
Chickahominy,  31,  89. 
Chilicothe,   61. 
Chlswold  Lead  Mines,  157. 
Chuckatuck   Mills,    6. 
Clarksburg,   57. 
Clinch    River,    21. 
Colchester,   56,   11. 
Coles  Ferrv,  169. 
Collins  Mill,   145. 


Note: — For    services    of    Militia 
arranged   by   Counties,   see   Part  I. 

Albemarle,  9,  25,  37,  38,  42,  50, 
52,  53,  61,  64,  69,  78,  81,  84, 
99,   100,   113,   143,   172. 

Alleghany,    106,   128. 

Amelia,  24,  80,  81,  82,  104,  149,  159, 
175,    181,    193. 

Amherst,  6,  8,  9,  10,  17,  18,  19, 
26,  31,  32,  39,  40,  41,  46,  51, 
52,  56,  61,  68,  69,  77,  78,  85, 
100,  106,  112,  113,  134,  189. 
Augusta,  13,  20,  22,  44,  45,  46,  57, 
70,  71,  72,  75,  87,  92,  95,  96,  97, 
98,  100,  102,  107,  111,  114, 
117,  122,  124,  130,  133,  134, 
136,  139,  160,  162,  163,  168, 
180,  186. 
Bath,  11,  20,  33,  57,  58,  70,  71,  72, 

76,   79,   97,    108. 
Bedford,  47,  66,  112,  126,  153,  157, 

167,   185. 
Berkeley,   5,  59,  122,   148. 
Botetourt,    94,    102,    103,    113,    114, 
115,    118,    132,    133,    138,    141, 
Brunswick,    181,    214. 
Buckingham,    26,    195,    197. 
Campbell,    14. 

Caroline,  35,  40,  85,  158,  190,  194, 
200,    211,    218,    219,    223,    224. 
Charles   City,  234. 
Charlotte,   66,   184. 
Chesterfield,  2,  3,  6,  15,  31,  50,  64, 
82,     170,     191,     194,     199,    200, 
202,    203. 
Culpepper,    85,    94,    104,    112,    117, 
124,    140,    148,    149,    171,    183, 
234,   249,   250. 
Cumberland,   2,    6,    14,    15,    50,    54, 

67,  202,  203,  207,  208. 
Dinwiddle,    15,    54,    143,    144,    194, 

Fairfax,    56,   77,   216. 
Fauquier,  59,  75,  100,  103,  188,  238, 
239,    240,    241,    242,    243,    244, 
245,    246. 
Fluvanna,   27,   32,    51. 
Frederick,    110,    129,    142,    154,    164. 
Giles,   44,    146. 
Gloucester,  32,  36. 
Goochland,    27,    30,    42,    113,    147, 
187,  189,  192. 

Virginia  Mii.itia  in  the  Revolution 

Greenbrier,   48,    60,   61,   65,   88,    98, 

102,  105,  115,  123,  125,  128,  146. 

Halifax,  23,  54,   144,  173,   178,  210. 

216,   217. 
Hampshire,    43. 

Hanover,   9,   30,   32,   35,   38,   50,   52, 
93,  104,  143,  194,  200,  201,  231, 
Henrico,    69,    187,    194,    200,    234. 
Henry,   26,    141,    152,    157. 
Highland,   70,  71,  72,    180. 
James   City,   22. 
Kanawha,    99,    115,    126,    139. 
King   and   Queen,    36,    113,  230. 
King   William,    23,    35,    234. 
Lancaster,   101. 
Loudoun,   28,   168,   245. 
Louisa,    25,    30,    38,    93,    131,    176, 

Lunenburg,    181. 

Mecklenburg,    153,    169,    171,    172. 
Monroe,    5,    12,    13,    21,    22,    34,   44, 
45,   47,   49,    53,    59,    60,    62,    63, 
65,  75,   88,   89,  90. 
Montgomery,  21,  141,  142,  144,  145, 
146,    150,    153,    155,    156,    159, 
160,    161,     163,    164,    165,    166. 
Nelson,    1,  46. 

New   Kent,    94,    111,    117,    245. 
Northumberland,     246. 
Nottoway,    173,    174. 
Orange,  25,  32,  34,  38,  63,  112,  113, 

124,    149,    272. 
Pendleton,    57. 

Pittsylvania,    42,    56,    62,    141,    151, 

152,    171,    173,    174,    208,    209, 

210,    211,    212,    213,    214,    215. 

216,   217. 

Pocahontas,   4,    12,   43,   48,   73,    74, 

86,  87,  91. 
Powhatan,  2,  15,  54,  189,  190,  191, 
192,  193,  194,  195,  196,  197,  198, 
199,  200,  201,  202,  203,  204, 
205,  206,  247. 
Prince  Edward,  2,  3,  6,  7,  14,  15, 
16,  23,  24,  29,  30,  31,  35,  36, 
54,  55,  66,  67,  80,  81,  82,  83, 
195,   197. 

Prince   George    IS,    31. 

Prince  William,  21,   132,   179. 

Rockbridge,  12,  20,  22,  27,  28,  44,  69, 
93,  101,  105,  109,  110,  112, 
113,  114,  116,  120,  121,  122, 
123,  125,  130,  131,  134,  135, 
137,    182. 

Rockingham,  5,  20,  22,  34,  57,  62, 
63,   89,   108,   119,   132,   140,   160. 

Shenandoah,  49,  103,  127,  129. 
Spottsylvania,  52,  93,  179,  218,  219, 
220,    221,    222,    223,    224,    225, 
226,    227,    228,    229,    230,    231, 
232,    234,    235,    236,    237,    249, 
Surrey,   15,   170. 
Sussex,    170. 
Washington,   133. 
\\\stmoreland,  47,  242. 
Wythe,   47,    141,    146,    153. 
Cowpasture  River,   11,   61. 
Cowpens,    103,    121,    133,    160,    171, 

175,   214,   243. 
Cross  Creek,  42. 
Crow's  Ferry,   113. 
Cumberland  Court  House,  9,  15,  50, 

Cumberland  River,   185. 

Dan    River,    26,    54,    114,    141. 
Deep  River,  17,  19,  54,  131. 
Deep  Run  Church,  137. 
Deep    Spring,    52. 
Detroit,  65,  97,  185. 
Dincastle  Tavern,  223. 
Dinwiddle  Court  House,  194,   199. 
Dismal   Swamp,  95,   105,   181,   184. 

Elk  River,  48,  60,  61,  80,  137,   148. 
Ely's  Ford,  234. 

Falls  of  the  Ohio,  36. 

Falmouth,  242. 

Fauquier   Court  House,    59. 

Fayette  County,  Ky.,  61. 

Fincastle,  102. 

French  Broad  River,  21,  141,  157. 

Virginia  Militia  ix  the  Revolution 

Fluvanna,   27,   32,   51,  262. 

Fort  Augusta,  208. 

Fort   Blackburn,    184. 

Fort  Blackwater,   184. 

Fort  Buchannan,  111. 

Fort  Burnside,  12. 

Fort   Chiswell,   156. 

Fort  Clover  Lick,  58,  70,  72,  75,  76, 

88,  87,  92,  97. 
Fort    Cook,    12,   44. 
Fort  Coontle,   4. 
Fort  Dinwiddle,   111. 
Fort  Donally,  61,  102,  112,  115,  125, 

Fort  Drennan,  48. 
Fort   Frederick,   49. 
Fort  Hatfield  on  New  River,  209. 
Fort   Hinkle,    57. 
Fort  Hood,  31,  199. 
Fort  Hutton,   5. 
Fort   Jefferson,    61. 
Fort  Koontz,  140. 
Fort  Laverty,   34. 
Fort  Laurence,  5,  59. 
Fort  Lee,  1. 
Fort  Louther,  4. 
Fort  Macintosh,   5,   33,   59,   88,   103, 

117,   138,   139. 
Fort  Moultrie,  164. 
Fort  Muddy  Creek,  115. 
Fort  Ninety-Six,  42. 
Fort    Nutter,    4. 
Fort  Montgomer}-,  1. 
Fort   Pickett,   271a. 
Fort  Pitt,   5,  43,   88. 
Fort  Powers,   129. 
Fort   Powhatan,    61. 
Fort  St.   Lawrence,   88. 
Fort  Savannah,   133. 
Fort  Thompson,   208. 
Fort  Triday,   208. 
Fort  Vance,   58,  70,   92. 
Fort   Warwick,    33,    34,    58,    72,   73, 

76,  79. 
Fort  West,  4. 
Fort   Westfall,    5. 
Fort  Wheeling,  43,   88. 

Fort  Wilson,   33. 

Fort  Woods,  44. 

Four  Mile  Creek,  234. 

Frederick,  Md.,   3,  28,   59,  113,  216. 

Fredericksburg,  1,  3,  22,  38,  59,  64, 

113,  116,  132,  136,  219,  221,  223, 

225,  236. 
France,  Messages  sent  to,  216. 

Garrison's  Ferry,   121. 

Georgia,   42. 

Genito  Bridge,  81. 

Georgetown,    62. 

Germantown,   28. 

Gloucester,   36,   85,   131,   233. 

Gloucester  Town,  36. 

Goode's    Bridge,    38,    81. 

Great    Bridge,    82,    89,    105,    123. 

Great  Island,   98. 

Great  Miami  River,   153. 

Greenbrier  River,  4. 

Green    Spring,    13. 

Gregory,    Camp,    182. 

Gregory's  Station,  6. 

Guilford,  76,   192,  214. 

Guilford    Court    House,    114,    151, 

159,  204. 
Gwinn's    Island,    36,    66. 

Hackensack,   113. 

Hackets  Creek,   139. 

Halfway   House,   25,    38,    51,    100. 

Halifax   Court   House,   23,   54,    56. 

Halifax,  N.  C,  82,  164. 

Halifax  Old  Town,  2. 

Hampden-Sidney  College,   197. 

Hampshire,  43. 

Hampton,    16,    23,    24,    25,    27,    29, 

55,  80,   100,   159,   174,  203,  207, 

Hanging    Rock,    64,    137. 
Hanover  Court  House,  ^3,  236. 
Harrodsburg,  Ky.,   36 
Harrods  Station,  185. 
Hart's  Store,   84. 

Hatfield   Fort  on  New  River,  209. 
Haw  River,  211. 

\'iRGi\iA  Militia  im  the  Revolution' 

Hickorynut  Church,  13,  33. 
Higgins  Station,  Ky.,  36. 
High   Rociv,    N.    C,   213. 
High   Hills  of  Santee,  208. 
Hillsboro,    171,    194,    196,   200,    209, 

215,   229,    243. 
Hillsboro,  N.  C,  16,  35,  42,  62,  64, 

121,   131,   151,   159. 
Hobbs  Hole,  3,   190. 
Hoods  Fort,  31,  199. 
Hoods  Landing,  192,  203. 
Holston  River,  66,  98,  113,  136,  141, 

152,   157,    189,   209. 

Indian  Creek,   34. 
Indian  Town,   141. 
Irvin's  Ferry,  23. 

Jackson  River,  33. 

James  City,  22. 

Jamestown,  17,  22,  23,  35,  58,  81,  89, 

95,  105,  112,  113,  132,  153,  164, 

Jenning's  Gap,  111. 
Jude's  Ferry,  198,  248. 

Kanawha  River,  61,  69. 

Kemp's  Landing,  82. 

Kentucky,  153,  185. 

Kerrs  Creek,  97. 

King's  Ferry,  124. 

King's  Mountain,  119. 

King   and   Queen,   36,   113,   230. 

King  William,  23,   35,   234. 

Koontz  Fort,   140. 

Lancaster,  Pa.,  3,  28,  216. 

Laverty's  Fort,  34. 

Lead   Mines,  47,   65,   102,   145,   146, 

Leesburg,  28. 
Lewisburg,  97,   133. 
Lexington,  98,   109,  136. 
Licking  River,   153. 
Lindley's   Mill,   215. 
Little  Levels,  48,  98. 
Logan  Station,  Ky.,  21,  65,  185. 

Long  Bridge,  42,   148. 

Long  Dairy,    19. 

Long  Island,   113,   141,    152,   157. 

Long  Island  on  Holston,  185. 

Long  Ordinary,   7. 

Lucas  Fort,  214. 

Lynchburg,  13,  47. 

Lynches  Tavern,   35. 

McCowan's   Ford,    114. 
McGuire's  Station,  145. 
Macafee  Station,  65. 
Malvern  Hill,  15,  25,  83,  84,  93,  94, 

100,  113,  149,  193,  195,  207,  210, 

216,   217. 
Manchester,    93,    131. 
Manakin   Town    Ferry,   202. 
Mare's  Station,   145. 
Marquis  Road,  25,  234. 
Massey's  Ferry,    151. 
Mast  Ferry,  35. 

Mecklenburg   Court    House,    90. 
Mecklenburg,   N.   C,   178. 
Mecklenburg,  Va.,   153. 
Micheaux  Ferry,   198. 
Midlothian  Coal  Pits,  207. 
Moore    Ordinary,    197. 
Monks   Corner,   113. 
Monmouth,    1,    113,    124,   232,   246. 
Monongahalia    River,   22,    34. 
Morristown,   N.  J.,   1,   124. 
Moravian  Towns,   155.  , 

Muddy   Creek,    115,    128. 
MuUberry  Grove,  Ga.,  9. 
Murdock  Mills,  12. 
Muskingum,   74,    138. 

New   Garden,    35,   159. 

New   Kent   Court   House,   245. 

New  London,  47,  66,  112. 

New  Market,   103,   106. 

New  River,  44,  141,  157,  214. 

Noland's    Ferry,    42,    84,    137,    212, 

213,    231,   235. 
Nolachucky,  102,  157. 
Norfolk,  8,  45,  82,  86,  123,  137,  143, 

148,   193,  245. 


Virginia  Militia  ix  the  Revolution 

North  Fork,   57. 
Xorthumberland,    246. 

Old  Cumberland  Court  House,  166. 
Old  Lighthouse  near  Hampton,  245. 
Owens  Station,  185. 

Pamunkey  River,  22,  89,  243. 

Pattonsburg,   113,   133. 

Paulus   Hook,    90. 

Peaked  Mountain,   133. 

Pedee  River,  35,  151. 

Petersburg,    7,    16,    19,    23,    24,    29, 

53,    54,   64,   66,   67,    80,   81,   82, 

134,    143,    144,    162,    168,    170, 

197,    199,    203,    207,    222,    248. 
Peyton's  Ferry,   198. 
Philadelphia,  64,  148,  216. 
Pipington,    15. 

Pittsylvania    Court   House,    2,    62. 
Pittsburgh,  48,  61,  97,  128. 
Rogue's  Mill,   234. 
Point  of  Fork,   32,   50,   81,   82,   181, 

Point  Pleasant,  79,  87,  97,  98,   112, 

115,    117,    125,    127,    128,    130, 

136,   137,   139,   141. 
Port  Royal,  85. 
Portsmouth,   2,   3,      12,    16,   22,    29, 

55,    57,    71,    72,    116,    105,    120, 

123,    125,    136,    137,    143,    162, 

184,    199,   217. 
Powell's  Valley,   185. 
Powers    Fort,    129. 
Powhatan  Fort,  61. 
Prince  Edward   Court  House,  2,  3, 

16,  23,   67,   195. 
Princeton,   1,  3. 

Raccoon  Ford,  25,  38,  202,  229,  243. 
Ramsey's  Mill,  54,  67,  156,  172,  173, 

196,  204,  210. 
Randolph  Mills,   194,  200. 
Rapidan    River,    100,    193. 
Raritan,   113,   124. 
Ratcliffe's  Old  Field,  83. 
Reading,   Penn.,   3,  46,   113. 
Reedy  Fork,   133. 

Red    House,    105,    123. 

Rich  Creek,  44. 

Richmond,  1,  3,  13,  15,  22,  25,  31, 
33,  35,  38,  53,  76,  78,  80,  81, 
82,   93,  97,   100,    107,   109,   117, 

120,  125,  130,  131,  132,  135, 
137,  148,  149,  159,  169,  170, 
184,  189,  193,  197,  198,  199, 
202,   203,   2.34,   241. 

Rising   Sun   Tavern,   28. 
Roane's   Creek,    157. 
Rock  Fish  Gap,  98,  124. 
Ruffin's  Ferry,  23,  105,  243. 
Rugley,  238. 
Rugley's  Mill,  75,   171. 

Saint   Peter's    Church,    94. 

Salem,    145. 

Salsbury,  5,  62,  64,  75,  90,  114,  118, 

121,  151,    163,   200,   218,   238. 
Salt   River,    65. 

Sandy   Point,    109. 

Santee  River,  21,  22,   30,  71. 

Savannah,   9,  90,   113,   164,    175. 

Shallow   Ford,    145. 

Shawnee  Towns,  61. 

Sherrill's  Station,  157. 

Simpson    Creek,    129. 

Simms   Neck,   234. 

Sinking   Creek,    141. 

Sleepy   Creek,   48. 

Smithfield,   116,   149,   204. 

South  Branch,  119. 

Speedwell    Iron   Works,   45,    133. 

St.    Augustine,    175. 

Staunton  River,  50,  53,  98,  124,  219. 

Stone  House,   102. 

Stone's    Mill,    89. 

Stono,  132. 

Stono  River,   169. 

Stony  Point,   232. 

Stovertown,   103. 

Suffolk,  6,  8,  71,  105,  192,  203,  207. 

Sunbury,   164. 

Sussex,   170. 

Sweet   Springs,    102. 

Taylor's  Ferry,   162,  192,  194. 

Ten  Mile  House,   178. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 


Tom's  Creek,   141. 
Trenton,    1,    3. 

Troublesome   Iron  Works,   92,   97. 
Troublesome  Creek,  173. 
Tuckahoe,    199,   200. 
Tygart's  Valley,  22,  34,  57,  98,  111, 
118,  119,  127,  139. 

Valley  Forge,  13,  113,  124,  163,  167, 

Vance's   Fort,   92. 
Vincennes,  61. 

Warm   Springs,  4,  73. 

Warrenton,    243. 

Ware   Church,   234. 

Warwick's  Fort,  76,  79,   111,   117. 

Watson's   Old   Field,   38. 

Waxhauw,   168. 

Wax  Haw  Settlement,  64. 

Waynesboro,  13,  107,  111,  116,  190, 

124,  136. 
West   Falls   Fort,   119. 
Westham,  1,  72,  125,  149,  198. 
Westham   Ferry,   200. 
Westmoreland,   47. 
White    House,    164. 
White  House  Ferry,  234, 
White  Plain,  124,   137. 

Wild  Goose  Chase,  38. 

Wilks  Court  House,   N.   C,   210. 

Williamsburg,  1,  5,  7,  10,  16,  22, 
24,  27,  35,  37,  39,  41,  45,  51, 
58,  68,  80,  82,  85,  89,  93,  100, 
102,  109,  116,  117,  118,  131, 
136,  156,  157,  159,  162,  174, 
179,  184,  192,  196,  197,  206, 
218,    219,    221,    223,    224,    226, 

227,  231,    235,    236,    240,    241, 

Wilton,  82. 

Winchester,  12,  19,  26,  40,  49,  53, 
63,  67,  75,  82,  91,  110,  114, 
116,  120,  133,  134,  158,  182, 
190,    195,    201,    212,    213,    219, 

228,  241,    243,    244,    249. 
Woodstock,   103,  119. 

Yadkin,   161. 

Yadkin  River,  62,  114,  145. 

Yellow   Creek,   103. 

York,   Penn.,  28,   53,  216. 

York  River,  216. 

Yorktown,  27,  81,  94,  100,  102,  105, 

119,    120,    132,    133,    169,    192, 

193,   195,  203. 
Yough-Glades,  43. 

Battles  and  Skirmishes 

Albemarle  Barracks,  Services  at,  7, 
8,  9,  17,  19,  26,  27,  31,  37,  38, 
39,  40,  51,  52,  63,  78,  9+,  103, 
106,   112,   134,   148,   187. 

Allamance,  156. 

Bland's  Ordinary,  15. 

Brandywine,  20,  46,  122,   163,  186. 

Baker's   Hill,    82. 

Cabin    Point,    206. 

Camden,  30,  35,  131,  151,  159,  191, 
194,  200,  208,  229,  231. 

Charleston,  113,  132. 

Cowpens,  5,  62,  75,  114,  118,  121, 
160,   163,  238. 

Eutaw,  208,  218. 

Fort  Moultree,  164. 

Gates'  Defeat   (See  Camden). 

Germantown,  20,  28,  148,  167,  186, 

Gloucester,    224. 

Great  Bridge,   8,  82,   105. 

Guilford,  5,  10,  13,  17,  18,  19,  23, 
39,  40,  45,  67,  76,  78,  92,  97,  107, 
122,  137,  141,  156,  165,  167, 
172,  173,  186,  191,  192,  196, 
197,  198,  204,  205,  206,  208, 
210,    212,    214,    215,    218,    238. 

Gwynnes  Island,  36,   66. 

Hanging  Rock    (N.  C),   137. 

Hickory  Nut  Church,   100. 

Hot  Water,   11,  26,   62,   79,   87, 

100,    104,    109,    111,    117,    119, 
134,    162.    186. 

Indians,  Services  against,  4,  5,  12 
IS,  21,  22,  33,  34,  36,  43,  44 
47,  57,  58,  60,  61,  62,  65,  66 
69,  70,  72,  74,  76,  79,  86,  88 
92,  97,  98,  102,  105,  111,  113 
115,  117,  118,  119,  123,  125,  127 
129,  133,  136,  138,  139,  140 
141,  145,  146,  150,  152,  153, 
157,  161,  175,  185,  189,  209, 
214.  (See  also  under  head 
Point  Pleasant.) 

Jamestown,  11,  20,  22,  26,  38,  62, 
72,  74,  75,  79,  87,  95,  98,  104, 
118,    130,    134,    136,    160,    162, 

163,    169,    210. 
Long   Island,    165,    179. 
Monks  Corner,   113. 
Monmouth,  1,  13,  46,  113,  124,  232^ 

Morgantown,    271a. 
New   Kent    Court   House,    117. 
Ninety  Six,  42,  208. 
Osborns,  122. 

Petersburg,    54,    143,    170,    197,   207. 
Piscatawney,    142. 
Point  Pleasant,   60,  73,  74,  79,   115, 

128,   136. 
Point  Pleasant  Fort,  48,  61,  73,  74, 

87,   97,   98,   112,    115,   125,   127, 

Portsmouth,    6,    12,    57,    72,    116. 
Princeton,   1. 
Quibletown,   142. 
Reedy   Fork,    133,    156. 
Rugely,  238. 
Rugely's   Mill,   75. 
Savannah,   157,   175. 
Stono   Ferry,    66. 
Stono,    169,    172,   173. 
Stony    Point    ,232. 
Sudbury,    199. 
Suffolk,   6. 
Tories,  Services  against,  26,  42,  47, 

62,  102,  119,  133,  141,  145,  146, 
155,  156,  157,  159,  161,  210, 
215,  243. 

Trenton,    1. 
Valley    Forge,   246. 
Waxhaw,  64,   168. 
Witesell's  Mill   (N.  C),  16. 
York,   Siege  of,   1,   5,  9,   12,   19,  22, 
26,    30,    31,    32,   42,    50,   51,    59, 

63,  64,  67,  68,  70,  71,  75,  78, 
84,  85,  92,  93,  94,  98,  102,  105, 
114,  116,  119,  120,  131,  132, 
133,  134,  138,  140,  144,  147, 
151,  152,  158,  160,  164,  170, 
174,  179,  184,  193,  195,  196, 
203,  211,  212,  213,  219,  220, 
222,  224,  225,  227,  228,  234,. 
235,    241,    242,    243,    244. 

Index  of  Names 

Abraham,   ,   214. 

Abraham,    Mordecai,   234. 

Abernathy,    William,    263. 

Adams,    Francis,   269. 

Adams,   Geo.,   280. 

Adams,  James,    254. 

Adams,    James,    Jr.,    262. 

Adams,   John,   271. 

Adams,    Nathan,    269. 

Adams,  Richard,  267. 

Adams,   Robert,   153,   254. 

Adams,  William,  268. 

Ailstock,  Absolom,  93. 

Alexander,  John,  269. 

Alexander,  Joseph,  276. 

Alexander,    Robert,    254. 

Alcock,   Thomas,   257. 

Alcorn,  John,  271. 

All,    Wm.,    139. 

Allee,   David,   141. 

Allen,    Archer,    260. 

Allen,  Benj.,  67,  165,  166,  260,  275. 

Allen,    Chas,   7,    16,   23,   24,   29,    55, 

67,  275. 
Allen,   David,   251. 
Allen,    Hugh,   256. 
Allen,   James,    16,   23,   24,    29,   95. 
Allen,  John,  114. 
Allen,   Nathaniel,  275. 
Alien,    Richard,    83,    166,    211,    260, 

Allen,  Samuel,  61,  260. 
Allen,   William,  253. 
Allison,    Charles,    280. 
Alsop,   Benjamin,   221,   229. 
Alterberry,   Thomas,  65. 
Alton,   James,    65. 
Alton,   John,   7. 
Alverman,    John,    94. 
Ammonett,   Charles,   248. 
Anderson,  Andrew,  95,  97,  253. 
Anderson,  Benjamin,  27,  262. 
Anderson,    Charles,  275. 
Anderson,   David,   2,   3,   270. 
Anderson,  Francis,  Jr.,  252. 
Anderson,    George,   253. 
Anderson,    Henry,  252. 

Anderson,  Jacob,  142,  211,  254. 
Anderson,  John,  256,  265,  280. 
Anderson,  Parsons,   275. 
Anderson,  Paulin,   193,  252. 
Anderson,   Richard,  270. 
Anderson,  Robert,  253,  260. 
Anderson,  Samuel,  275. 
Anderson,  Turner,  270. 
Andersort,    William,     20,     97,     253, 

Anson,  Christopher,   140. 
Anthony,    Joseph,    254. 
Arbogast,   Adam,  4,    180. 
Arbogast,  David,    180. 
Arbogast,  John;    180. 
Arbogast,    Michael,    180. 

Arbuckle,    ,    97,    141. 

Arbuckle,    Mathew,   48,    60,    61,    69, 

Arbuckle,  William,   115. 

Archer,   ,    199. 

Archer,    Field,    259. 
Archer,    Henry,    259. 
Archer,    John,     259. 
Argabrite,    Jacob,    5. 

Armand,    ,    53,    184. 

Armistead,  ,   1,   35,   38,  93. 

Armistead,    Robert,   259. 
Armstrong,    Andrew,    256. 
Armstrong,   James,    65. 
Armstrong,     John,     256. 
Armstrong,    William,    92. 

Arnold,   ,    1,    53,    134. 

Arnold,   the   Traitor,    82,    143,    ISl, 

184,    223. 
Arthur,    Benjamin,    254. 
Ashby,    George,   269. 
Ascul,    William,    275. 
Ash,  Francis,  261. 
Ashby,    Lewis,    261. 
Ashcraft,    Amos,    271a. 

Ashe,   ,    90. 

Atkinson,   John,    143. 
Atkinson,    Roger,    143. 
Atwell,    Francis,    261. 
Austin,    Henry,    37. 
Averv,  ,    1- 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Avery,    Edward,    143. 
Aylett,  Thomas,  226. 

Bacon,   ,    38,    258. 

Bagby,    ,    270. 

Bagby,  William,   270. 
Bagley,    George,    252. 
Bailey,    Benjamin,    271. 
Bailey,    John,    99. 
Bailey,  Yancey,   275. 
Baine,   John,   260. 
Baird,  John,  256. 
Baker,    Andrew,    16,    54,    275. 
Baker,    Michael,   277. 
Baker,   Nicholas,   277. 
Baldwin,    John,    255. 
Baldwin,    Thomas,    255,    275. 
Ball,   Benjamin,    261. 
Ball,    Charles,    261. 
Ball,    Erasmus,    251. 
Ball,    Farling,    269. 
Ball,  George,  43,  110. 
Ball,     John,     261. 
Ball,    William,    261. 
Ballard,   John,    168. 
Ballenger,    Richard,    61. 

Ballenger,  ,   106. 

Ballinger,   Richard,    31,    61. 
Ballon,    Charles,    260. 
Ballon,    William,   260. 
Balls,   Resin,    154. 
Balsey,    Christian,    96. 

Bameslee,  ,  255. 

Banks,    Tunstall,    230. 
Bannerd,    John,    182. 

Bannister,  ,  143,  197. 

Bannister,    John,    144. 

Barbour,   ,    82,   94. 

Barbour,  Thomas,  272. 
Barker,    John,    259. 
Barker,    John,    F.,    261, 
Barker,    Richmond,    259. 
Barksdale,    John,    268. 
Barksdale,     Saml.,    251. 
Barkley,     Scarlet,     269. 

Barnett,    ,    256. 

Barnett,    Alxr.,    280. 

Barnett,    Ambrose,    261. 

Barnett,  George,  263. 

Barnett,   James,    100,   156. 

Barnett,    William,    134. 

Barrett,   ,    1. 

Barrett,   James,    102. 

Barrick,    Wm.,    3. 

Barrow,  John,  263. 

Barsaman, ,   164. 

Bartlett,   Henry,   223. 

Bartlett,   Harry,  279. 

Bartlett,    Thomas,    226,    229,    235, 
236,   279. 

Barton,   David,   268. 

Barton,    Joshua,    268. 

Barton,   William,    143. 

Baskins,  James,  253. 
Bass,    Archibald,    259. 
Bass,  Joseph,  259. 
Bass,  William,  252. 

Bates,    ,    217. 

Bates,    Fleming,    42,    144. 
Baxter,    George,    277. 
Baylor,    George,    2,    3,    113. 
Bayles,  William,  261. 
Baynham,    Gregory,    257. 
Beadle,    John,    252. 
Beard,    David,    254. 
Beard,   Samuel,   254. 
Beathe,    Joseph,    70. 
Beattie,    David,    280. 

Beaver,    ,    269. 

Beazley,    Jeremiah,     62,     277. 
Beazley,  Thomas,  257. 
Beck,    Jesse,    9. 
Beckley,    John,    210,    262. 
Bedford,    Thomas,    268. 
Begger,    Charles,    183. 
Begger,    Chambers,    183. 

Belew,    ,    208. 

Bell,  ,    164. 

Bell,  David,   253. 

Bell,    Francis,    95. 

Bell,    George,    263. 

Bell,  James,  92,  97,  134,  253. 

Bell,    John,    95,    97,    275. 

Bell,   Joseph,   98,  253. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 


Bell,   Robert,    145. 
Bell,   Samuel,   95,   97,   117,   186. 
Bell,   Thomas,    124,    1S6. 
Benham,    John,    269. 
Benham,  Peter,  269. 
Bennett,    Jacob,     180. 
Bennett,  James,  264. 
Bennett,   John,    180. 
Bennett,    William,    180,    210. 

Berry,    ,    164. 

Berry,    Francis,    263. 
Berry,   John,   280. 
Berry,    Thomas,    90. 

Beverley,    ,    132. 

Bias,   John,    131,    270. 
Bibb,    James,    275. 
Bibb,  John,  23,  275. 
Bibb,    Richard,    264. 
Bibb,    William,    275. 
Bibbing,    Charles,    237. 
Biddle,    Lewis,    272. 

Biggar,   ,   275. 

Biggar,  David,  270. 
Biggar,    William,    275. 
Binns,    Charles,   Jr.,    269. 
Binns,    John,    269. 

Bird,    ,    67,     101. 

Bird,  Andrew,  277. 
Bird,  Mark,  90. 
Bird,   William,    275. 
Black,    Joseph,    280. 
Black,   Samuel,  253. 
Black,  William,  259. 
Blackburn,   William,  280. 
Blackwell,    James,    261. 
Blackwell,  John,  261,  264. 
Blackwell,    Samuel,    261. 
Blackwell,  William,  261. 
Blair,  Allen,  10. 
Blair,    John,    163. 
Blair,    Joseph,    253. 

Bland,    ,     106. 

Bland,  Richard,   143. 
Blizzard,   Thomas,   180. 
Boas,   Meshack,   275. 
Boas,    Michael,    275. 
Boatwright,    John,    6. 

Bobb,    Peter,    263. 
Bobbet,    William,    271. 
Bodkin,   Hugh,    180. 
Bogart,    Cornelius,   253. 
Bogg,     Thomas,     277. 
Boggess,   Henry,   269. 
Boggess,   Jeremiah,   261. 
Boggs,   Thomas,   253. 
Boggs,    Vincent,   269. 

Bohannon,    ,     148. 

Bohannon,    Ambrose,    94. 

Boiler,   ,    133. 

Bollar,   John,   256. 
Boiling,    Robert,    143,    252. 
Boiling,  Thomas,  259. 
Boiling,   Thomas,   T.,    143. 
Bonner,    Jeremiah,    143. 
Boner,    Reuben,    271a. 
Bond,   John,    157. 
Bond,  Joseph,   157. 

Booker,    ; — ,    194. 

Booker,  Edmund,  82,  252. 
Booker,    Edward,    149. 
Booker,   George,   252,   275. 
Booker,  Richard,  259,  260. 
Booker,  William,  275. 

Booth,  ,  234. 

Booth,    John,    252. 
Booth,    Mordecai,    234. 
Bott,  Frederick,  144. 
Botte,    John,    259. 
Botts,  Joshua,  269. 

Bough,  ,  259. 

Boutwell,    John,    257. 
Bowen,    Arthur,   280. 
Bowen,  Micajah,  251. 
Bowen,  Rees,  280. 
Bowen,    William,    280. 
Bowling,  Robert,  252. 

Bowman,   ,    185. 

Bowman,   John,    180,    185. 
Bowman,   William,    10. 

Bowyer,  ,   105,  162. 

Bowyer,    John,    116,    120. 

Bowyer,    William,   22,    72,    87,    117, 

124,    136,    253. 
Boyce,    ,    85. 


ViRGiMiA  Militia  ix  the  Revolution 

Boyd,   ,   3  5. 

Boyd,    John,    22,    253. 
Boyd,   Patrick,  9. 
Boyd,    William,    251. 

Boyer,  ,    13. 

Boyer,   John,   22. 
Boyer,  William,  22,  58,  72. 
Bradburn,    Butler,    270. 
Bradford,   Alexander,   261. 
Bradford,    John,    261. 
Bradley,  Daniel,  208. 
Bradshaw,    John,    11,    12. 
Bradshaw,    Robert,    264. 
Bragg,  William,   259. 
Brame,    John,    257. 
Branch,   Benjamin,    259. 
Branch,    Edward,    259. 
Branch,    James,   259. 

Branham,    ,    231. 

Branson,   Amos,   263. 
Bratton,    James,    253. 
Bratton,   George,   253. 
Breed,    Vathan,    157. 

Breeden,    ,    234. 

Breeden,    Caleb,   234. 
Breeden,    Enoch,    234. 
Breeden,     Moody,    234. 
Brewer,   James,    151,    212. 
Briggs,    John    H.,    143. 
Bridgforth,    Thomas,    252. 
Bright,    Albertus,   271. 
Brightwell,    John,    7. 
Brinker,    Henry,    263. 
Briscoe,    William,    251. 
Britt,    John,    264. 
Britt,    Obediah,    264. 
Broaddus,    Thomas,    257. 
Broadnax     William,     143. 

Brock,    ,  223. 

Brock,    John,    223. 
Brock,   Joseph,   226,   236,   279. 
Brockman,    Samuel,    272. 
Brookin,   Vivian,   174. 
Brookin,    William,    174. 
Brooking,    Robert,   259. 
Brooking,  Robert  E.,  252. 
Browlee,    Alexander,    253. 



Bronaugh,   Samuel,  261. 
Bronaugh,  Thomas,  261. 

Brown,  ,   60,   256, 

Brown,    Benjamin,    97. 

Brown,    Hugh,    75. 

Brown,  Isham,  275. 

Brown,    J.,    157. 

Brown,  James,  263. 

Brown,    John,    20,     172,     253,    270, 

Brown,  Joseph,  236. 
Brown,   Langston,   258. 
Brown,    Peter,   271. 
Brown,    Shildrake,    254. 
Brown,    Thomas,    252. 
Brown,    William,    61. 

Bruce,  ,  272. 

Brumagen,  Jarvis,   271a. 
Bryan,  William,  254. 
Bryant,    Peter,    277. 
Bryson,    John,    271. 
Buchanan,  Andrew,  223,  224. 
Buchanan,   David,   253. 
Buchanan,    James,    116,    182,    276. 
Buchanan,     Patrick,     22,     86,     111, 

133,  253. 
Buchanan,  Robert,   Sen.,  280. 
Buchanan,    William,    136,    253. 
Buckhannon,    Alexander,    255 
Buchanon,    Robert,    271. 
Buchanon,    William,    271. 
Buck,   John,   183. 
Buckles,    Robert,    Jr.,    255. 

Buckner,    ,    1. 

Buckner,   Aylett,    261. 
Buckner,    Mordecia,    226. 
Buckner,  Phillips,  219,  257. 
Buckner,    Richard,    257. 
Buckner,     William,    272. 

Buford,    ,    168. 

Buford,    Abraham,    64. 
Bull,   John,    163. 
Bullock,    Edward,    35. 
Bullock,    James,    254. 
Bullock,   Josias,   254. 
Bullskin,   ,    269. 

\'iRGiNiA  Militia  in  the  Revolution" 

Buiinel!,    James,    185. 
Bunnel,  John,   185. 
Burchinel,    Thomas,    60. 
Burfoot,   Tandy,    189. 

Burgoyne,   ,    94. 

Burk,    ,    271. 

Burk,   James,    263. 
Burke,    Henry,    251. 
Burke,    John,    100,    251. 
Burley,  James,   27. 

Burnley,  ,    31. 

Burnley,   Garland,   26,   91. 
Burnley,    Henry,   254. 
Burnley,    Harry,    254. 
Burnley,    Zachariah,    J.,     272. 
Burner,    Abraham,    180. 
Burnett,    Henry,    210. 

Burns,  ,  145. 

Burns,   James,   271,   254. 
Burton,    John,    260. 
Burton,  May,  272. 
Bush,  Vance,   263. 
Bush,   William,    185. 
Busher,    William,    65. 
Buster,   Claudius,   100. 
Butcher,   Samuel,   269. 

Butler,    ,    111,    167,    251. 

Butler,    Alexander,    254. 
Butler,    Joseph,    269. 
Buttervvorth,    Benjamin,    254. 
Butts,    John,    143. 
Byerly,    Robert,    263. 
Byrnside,   James,   88. 
Byrk,    Thomas,    275. 

Cabell,    Nicholas,    189. 
Cabell,    Samuel,    1,    27,    32. 
Cackley,    Jacob,    263. 
Cain,    Cornelius,    277. 
Cain,    Neil,    57. 
Calbraith,    William,    253. 
Caldwell,    David,    184. 
Calhoun,    ^^^ilIiam,    271. 

Call,    ,    113. 

Callaway,  Charles,  254. 
Callaway,  Chesley,  254. 
Callaway,    Dudley,   254. 

Callaway,  John,  254. 
Callaway,  James,  254. 
Callaway,  William,  254. 

Calloway,  ,   157,   185. 

Calloway,    James,     47. 

Calvon,    ,    1. 

Calmes,    Marquis,    263. 

Calvert,    Samuel,    263. 

Cameron,   Charles,  20,   22,   75,    117, 

130,   253. 
Camp,  John,  263. 


11,    20,    21, 

32,   87,   100,   117,   122,   133,   137, 
Campbell,    Arthur,    280. 
Campbell,    Charles,    116,    125,    182, 

253,  271,  276,  280. 
Campbell,    David,    114. 
Campbell,   Hugh,    36. 
Campbell,    John,    22,    75,    134,    163, 

253,    254,    280. 
Campbell,  Richard,  103,  138. 
Campbell,    Robert,   95,   253,   271a. 
Campbell,   Samuel,   271. 
Campbell,   William,    102,    271,   280. 
Camper,    John,    103. 
Cannon,    William,    157. 
Canterbury,  John,   21. 

Caper,    ,    5. 

Carey,   ,    85,    158. 

Carlan,    Daniel,    268. 
Carlile,  James,   72. 
Carn,   Nicholas,    277. 
Carnon,   William,   269. 
Carpenter,    Michael,    253. 
Carr,    Makins,    251. 

Carrington,    ,    197. 

Carrington,  Edward,  246. 
Carrington,    George,    Jr.,    260,    275. 
Carrington,  Joseph,  260. 
Carrothers,   John,    121,   276. 
Carson,   Thomas,   178. 
Carter,  Joseph,  263. 
Carter,    James,    275. 

Carter,    ,    184. 

Carter,   John,   236,   271a,   279. 
Carter,  Levy,  271a. 
Carter,    Poval,    15. 


Virginia  Militia  ix  the  Revolution" 

Cartmill,   Henry,   133,  256. 
Cartmill,    John,    58,    76,    133,    253, 

Cartmill,   Thomas,   256. 
Casey,    William,    275. 
Casey,  William,  280. 
Cash,  Bartlett,   18. 
Cashwill,    Henry,    17. 
Cashwill,  William,   19. 
Cason,    Edward,    231. 
Cason,  William,   232. 

Cas.'.ell,   ,    42. 

Catlett,    ,    1. 

Catlett,     Henry,    263. 
Catlett,  John,  263. 
Cavanaugh,    Charles,   271. 
Cavanaugh,    William,    271. 
Cavander,   Phillip,   44. 
Cave,  Belfield,  272. 
Cavender,   Philip,   44. 
Chaffin,    Christopher,    275. 
Chaffin,  Isham,  275. 
Chaffin,    Joshua,   252. 

Chambers,  ,   275. 

Chambers,    Josiah,    275. 
Chambers,     Thomas,    272. 
Chambers,    William,    275. 
Chaney,   Jeremiah,   271a. 
Chaney,    Edmund,    271a. 
Chaney,  Abraham,  209. 
Chaney,    John,    209. 

Chapman,    ,    90. 

Chapman,    John,    271. 
Chappell,  John,  252. 
Charlton,    Francis,    146. 
Charter,    Thomas,    254. 
Cheatham,    Henry,     259. 
Cheatham,    Samuel,    259. 
Cheatham,    Mathew,   259. 
Cheetwood,    Jace,    254. 
Chew,  Harry,  223,  225. 
Chew,   John,   279. 
Cherokee    Indians,    18. 
Chilton,   Charles,   261. 
Chiles,   John,   254. 
Chiles,   Micajah,  251. 
Choice,    Tully,    268. 

Choice,   William,   268. 
Chrisman,    George,    277. 

Christian,   ,    18,    19,   61,   113, 

Christian,    Gilbert,    280. 
Christian,    John,    31,    78. 
Christian,    Robert,    Jr.,    253. 
Christian,    Robert,    20. 
Christian,   William,    98,    125,   136. 

Christie,  ,   141,   159. 

Christy,    ,    152. 

Chunn,    John,    L.,    241. 
Chunn,  John  Thomas,  261. 
Churchill,  Armistead,  244,  261. 
Clairborne,  Daniel  P.,   143. 

Clark,   ,    67,    85. 

Clark,    Elijah,    184. 
Clark,    John,    157. 
Clark,   Mathew,    147. 
Clark,   Micajah,   254. 
Clark,   Robert,   253,   254. 
Clark,    Samuel,    22,    75. 
Clark,    William,    210,    270. 

Clarke,    ,    61,    275. 

Clarke,    George,   255. 

Clarke,   George  Rogers,   36,   153. 

Clarke,    James,    275. 

Clarke,  John,  Jr.,  275. 

Clarke,    Sallyson,   259. 

Clarke,    William,    260. 

Clapham,   ,   28,    148. 

Clappam,    ,    148. 

Clay,    David,   44. 

Claypole,    ,    119. 

Clayton,   ,    254. 

Clayton,    John,    254. 
Clayton,    Thomas,    279. 
Clemens,    Isaac,    56. 
Clemmons,    Casper,    253. 
demons,  William,   274. 
Clement,   Isaac,   151. 

Clements,   ,    209. 

Clendennin,   George,   139,  265. 
Clendenning,  William,   139,  265. 
Clendenum,   George,   139. 
Clendenum,  William,   139. 
Cleveland,  James,  269 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 


Cleveland,  John,   210. 

Cline,  ,  271. 

Cline,    Nicholas,    271. 

Clough,  ,  2,   113. 

Cloyd,    ,    271. 

Cloyd,   David,   276. 

Cloyd,   Joseph,   145,   146,   271. 

Cluman,   ,    159. 

Cobb,  Charles,  254. 
Cobb,  Edward,  254. 
Cobbs,  John  C,  252. 
Cobb,   Robert,   254. 

Cocke,   ,    1,   23. 

Cocke,   Anderson,   275. 
Cocke,    Chastain,    252. 
Cock,    James,    271. 
Cochran,    James,    263. 

Cogbill,  ,  259. 

Cogbill,   George,  259. 
Coger,    Michael,    253,    277. 
Colbraith,   William,   253. 
Cole,  Francis,  225. 
Cole,    James,    32. 
Cole,   Samuel,  270. 
Cole,  William,  264. 

Coleman,  ,  219,  227. 

Coleman,  Daniel,  257. 
Coleman,   Francis,  228,   235,   279. 
Coleman,  Frank,  52,  222,  250. 
Coleman,   James,   269,   272. 
Coleman,  Julius,   257. 
Coleman,  Samuel,  218,  257. 
Collier,    William,    66. 
Collin,  Moses,  256. 
Collins,    Bartlett,    279. 
Collins,    John,    251. 
Collins,   William,   257. 
CoUitt,    Isaac,    255. 
Colston,   Paul,    213. 
Colston,   Samuel,   213. 
Colvlll,    Andrew,    280. 
Colvill,  Benjamin,   104. 
Combs,   Benjamin,  263. 
Combs,    John,    261. 
Conger,    Michael,    89. 
Connaught,    Christopher,    157. 
Conner,   Francis,   257. 

Conner,   Thomas,   245. 
Conner,  Wm.  257. 
Connerly,   Arthur,   253. 
Connor,   Timothy,   272. 

Conoway,    ,    151. 

Conrad,   John,   28. 
Conrad,  Peter,   140. 
Conrad,   Stephen,   277. 
Conrad,    Ulrich,   Jr.,    180. 

Conway,   ,    151. 

Conway,  Catlett,  272. 
Conway,   John,   268. 
Conway,  Thomas,  Jr.,  261. 

Cook,  ,  256. 

Cook,    Giles,   Jr.,    255. 

Cooper,  ,   87. 

Cornstalk,    61,    112,    130. 
Cornwallis,  24,  35,  62,  67,  82,  113, 

171,    133. 
Cornwell,   Edward,   65. 
Cosby,  John,  270. 

Coursey,    ,    91. 

Courtney,   Wm.   230. 
Coulter,    Michael,    253. 
Coulter,     John,     280, 
Covington,   Richard,  259. 
Covington,    Thomas,    259. 
Cowden,    James,    268. 
Cowger,    Michael,    140. 
Cowherd,    Francis,    218. 

Cox,  ,  165,  271. 

Cox,  Edward,  264,  274. 
Cox,   Samuel,   269. 
Crabtree,  James,  280. 
Craddock,   Charles,  252. 
Craddock,    Henry,   252. 
Craddock,   Richard,   159,   252. 
Craddock,  William,  159,  252. 

Craig,  ,    164,   226. 

Craig,  J.,  235. 
Craig,    James,    63. 
Craig,  John,  223. 
Craig,    George,   97,    124. 
Craig,    Robert,    280. 
Craig,  Toliver,  272. 
Crane,   James,   255. 
Cravens,  ,   5. 


Virginia  Militia  im  the  Revolution' 

Craven,    John,    261. 
Craven,    Robert,    34,    62,    127,    139, 
140,   253,   277. 

Crawford,  ,   5. 

Crawford,  Alexander,  92,  253. 
Crawford,  James,  253,  271. 
Crawford,  John,   95,   271. 
Crawford,    Nathan,    76. 
Crim,  Jacob,  263. 
Critz,   Haman,   Jr.,   268. 
Crockett,  Andrew,  271. 
Crockett,    Hugh,    156,    256. 
Crockett,    John,    271. 
Crockett,  Joseph,  156. 
Crockett,  Walter,   155,   271. 
Crookshank,    John,     278. 
Crouch,    Joseph,    253. 

Croucher,   ,    222,    231. 

Croucher,    Thomas,    235. 
Crow,   Jacob,   43. 
Crowder,    William,    193. 
Crowley,    William,    252. 
Crummett,    Frederick,    180. 
Crump,   Richard,   15,  202,  207,  274. 
Crutchfield,  John,  270. 
Cullins,   John,    190. 
Cummings,    Alexander,    126. 

Cunningham,  ,    12. 

Cunningham,    Ansel,    169. 
Cunningham,    James,    179,    276. 
Cunningham,  Nathaniel,  23,195,275. 
Cunningham,  Thomas,  141. 
Curd,    Edmund,    264. 
Curd,    John,    Jr.,    264. 


!5,   100,  244. 

Dabnev,   Charles,   30,   234. 
Dabnev,    John,    275. 
Dabnev,    Samuel,    270. 
Dack,   Joseph,    271. 
Daggett,    Chatton,    254. 
Dance,    Ezekiel,    259. 

Dandridge,  ,  98. 

Dandridge,  Jonathan,  246. 
Daniel,    George,   275. 
Daniel,    Hugh,    263. 

Daniel,   James,   257. 
Daniel,   John,   211. 
Daniel,    Robert,    272. 
Daniel,    Vivian,    272. 
Daniel,   William,    77,   260. 

Dark,  ,   35,  59,  110,   142. 

Davis,    ,    157,    269. 

Davis,    Benjamin,    179. 
Davis,    Charles,    275. 
Davis,    Edward,    59. 
Davis,   Henry,   254. 
Davis,  Isaac,  251. 
Davis,   James,    98,    276. 
Davis,   Jesse,    179. 
Davis,  John,  179,  268,  280. 
Davis,    Joseph,    254. 
Davis,    Lewis,    1S7. 
Davis,    Nicholas,    275. 
Davis,  Presley,  179. 
Davis,    Robert,    185,    253,   271,   277, 

Davis,    Samuel,    254. 
Davis,  Thomas,    179. 
Davis,  William,  106,  163,  265,  27K 

Davidson,   ,    114. 

Davidson,     David,    275. 
Davidson,    Edward,    275. 
Davidson,    George,   265. 
Davidson,    Giles,    26. 
Davidson,  Josiah,  277. 
Davidson,    John,    105. 
Davidson,    Samuel,    125,    276. 
Davidson,  William,  275. 
Dawson,  Henry,  2,  23,  24. 
Day,    Joseph,    253. 

Dean,  ,    256. 

Dean,   William,   271. 
Debell,    John,    269. 
Debell,   William,    269. 
Dehaven,   Abraham,   269. 
Dejarnett,   Joseph,   257. 
Denied,    William,    56. 
Demoss,    Thomas,    254. 
''■■uris,   John,    252. 
Demo,  Robert,   263. 
Denny,   Samuel,  246,  263. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Peering,   John,   261. 

Dick,  ,    56,   184. 

Dickenson,    Henry,    280. 
Dickenson,  John,   79,  87,  97,   98. 
Dickerson,     John,     33. 
Dickey,   John,   22,    75,   95,    118,    124, 

163,    253. 
Dickey,   William,   75. 
Dickinson,   ,    48,    61,    127. 

Dickinson,   John,    87, 
Dictum,   Joseph,    127,   1 

Diggs,  ,  81. 

Diggs,   Edward,  261. 
Dictum,    John,    277. 

Dillard,    ,     106. 

Dillard,  James,  19. 
Dillard,  John,  268. 
Divers,   John,   254. 

Dix,    ,    174. 

Dix,   William,   212, 





Doak,    Joseph,    271. 
Doak,   Samuel,   271. 
Doak,  William,   271. 
bobbins,    Edward,    263. 
Dodd,   John,   269. 
Doggett,    Chatton,    157. 
Doggett,    George,    157. 
Doherty,    John,    271a. 

Dolman,  ,   6. 

Doley,    Thomas,    157. 
Donaldson,  John,  209. 
Donaldson,   \^''illiam,    261. 
Donally,  Andrew,  256,  265. 
Donelson,    John,    214. 
Dooley,   George,  254. 
Dooley,    John,    42,     (Killed    by    In- 
Dorsey,  Joshua,  263. 
Doswell,    Thomas,     30. 

Douglass,  ,  215. 

Douglass,    Hugh,    269. 
Douglass,  William,  269, 

Douthat,    ,     166. 

Dove,  William,  216. 

Dowbman,    ,     181. 

Dowell,    ,    251. 

Downey,  ,   49. 

Downer,    John,    257. 
Downing,    James,    271. 
Downs,    John,    255. 
Draggett,    James,    255. 
Drake,    James,    274. 

Drapier,    ,    271. 

Drumheller,    Leonard,    25,    38. 

Drury,   ,   234. 

Duckleman,    ,    85. 

Dudley,    Gwin,    157. 
Dudley,    Peter,    279. 
Duffield,  Abraham,   180. 
Dugrid,   William,    26. 
Duke,    Edward,    264. 
Duncan,   Benjamin,    151. 
Duncan,    George,    262. 
Duncan,    John,    185,   280. 
Dundane,    James,    255. 

Dunmore,  ,  1,  36,  66,  74,  148- 

Dunn,    James,    251. 
Dunn,    John,    62. 
Dupuy,    John,    23,    275. 
Durham,    Joshua,    252. 
Durham,    Nathaniel,    275. 
Durrett,    Robert,   229,   279. 
Durrett,  Richard,  251,  257. 
Durrett,   William,   257. 
Dusee,    Lewis,    157. 

Duvall,    ,    15. 

Dysart,    James,    280. 

Early,   Jacob,   254. 
Early,  Jacobus,  254. 
Early,   Jeremiah,    254. 

Earn,   ,    256. 

East,    John,    27. 

Eastham,    ,    95,    98. 

Eastin,    Johnston,    263. 

Eavans,   ,   256. 

Eberman,   William,   277. 
Eckard,   Abraham,    180. 
Eckard,   Philip,    180. 
Eddings,    David,    256. 

Edmunds,  ,   243. 

Edminston,    William,    280. 
Edmonds,    Elias,   244. 
Edmunds,    William,   261. 


ViRGixiA  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Edmondson,    Richard,    153. 
Edmunds,    Jacob,    275. 

Edmundson,    ,     120. 

Edmundson,    Benjamin,    232. 
Edward,   Robert,   252. 

Edwards,    ,    271. 

Edwards,    Frederick,   271. 
Edwards,    John,    163. 
Edwards,   Thomas,   261. 
Edwards,    William,    206. 
Eggleston,    John,    274. 
Eidson,    Henry,    254. 
Elam,   Branch,   259. 
Elam,    Bartilot,    259. 
Elam,    Richard,    259. 
Elam,    Samuel,    259. 
Elgin,   Francis,   Jr.,   269. 
Elgin,   Gustavus,   269. 
Elkins,   Benjamin,    263. 
Ellinipsico,    61,    112. 

Elliott,    ,    1. 

Elliott,  James,  276,  280. 

Elliott,  John,  252. 

Elliott,    William,    269. 

Ellis,   Stephen,   264. 

Ellis,  Thomas,  257. 

Ellsworth,   Jacob,    180. 

Ellyson,    Onan,   259. 

Epperson,   ,    1. 

Eppes,  ,   165. 

Eppes,   Francis,    82. 

Erwin,    Benjamin,    277. 

Eskridge,  Charles,  269. 

Estill,   Wallace,   133,   256. 

Estis,  ,  23. 

Estis,   Richard,   271. 

Ethal,   Anthony,   245. 

Eustace,   Wm.   Jr.,   261. 

Eustis,   William,   50. 

Evans,  ,   122. 

Evans,    Andrew,    276. 

Evans,    Evan,    277. 

Evans,  Jesse,  271. 
Evans,    William,    263. 

Ewell,   ,    132. 

Ewell,  James,  253. 
Ewell,  Samuel,  271. 
Ewell,    William,    254. 

Eye,   Christopher,   180. 

Falconer,   Samuel,   228. 

Falkner,   ,    64,    159. 

Falkner,    John,    144. 

Faulkner,  ,  1,  159,  194. 

Faulkner,    Johnson,    257. 
Farley,   Francis,   254. 
Farmer,    John,    Jr.,    259. 
Farnsworth,   Henry,   269. 
Farrar,    John,    259. 
Feagam.     Daniel,    269. 

Febiger,   ,    1,    50. 

Ferguson,   ,    102,    148,    152. 

Ferguson,    Robert,    210. 
Ferguson,  Samuel,  104,  271. 
Ferguson,   William,    141,    157. 
Field,    ,    74. 

Fink,   Jacob,    255. 
Finley,    ,    9. 

Finley,    James,    271. 

Finley,    William,    253. 

Finney,    John,    69,    252. 

Finney,    William,    252. 

Fitzgerald,  ,  82. 

Fitzgerald,  Barclay,  113. 

Fitzgerald,    Francis,    252. 

Fitzgerald,    William,    173. 

Fitzhugh,    John,    257. 

Fitzwater,    John,    277. 

Fitzwater,   Thomas,   277. 

Fix,    Philip,    28. 

Flait,    William,   251. 

Fleisher,    Conrad,    4,    180. 

Fleisher,    Henry,    180,    253. 

Flemming,    ,    147. 

Flemming,  James,   256. 

Flemming,    William,    274. 

Fletcher,    ,    257. 

Fletcher,  John,  261. 

Flood,    ,    24. 

Flowers,    Absolom,     170. 

Flowers,    Daniel,    261. 

Flournoy,    ,    24. 

Flourney,    Thomas,    7,    275. 

Floyd,    ,    141. 

Foley,   James,   Jr.,   261. 
Fontaine,    ,    93. 

Virginia  Mimtia  in  the  Revolution 


Fontaiine,    Aaron,     270. 
Fontaine,   John,   268. 
Fontaine,    William,     8. 

Ford,    ,    149. 

Ford,    Lewis,    193,    252. 
Ford,  William,  252. 
Fore,    Francis,    275. 
Foster,    George,    275. 
Foster,    Joshua,    275. 
Foster,   Thomas,    271. 
Foulk,    Mathew,    251. 
Foulks,   Gabriel,    174. 
Fowler,  John,  259. 
Fowler,   Luke,   259. 
Fowlkes,    Gabriel,    252. 
Francis,  Arnold,    163. 
Fox,    John,    270. 
Francis,    Henry,    271. 
Franklin,     Edmund,    254. 
Franklin,  James,   17,   IS,  46,  6 
Franklin,     O^en,     254. 
Fraser,   John,   275. 
Fraser,    Thomas,    275. 
Frazier,    Falzy,    251. 
Frazier,   George,   256. 
Frazier,    James,    61,    253,    277. 
Frazier,     John,     280. 
Freeland,    George,   280. 

Freeze,    ,    5. 

French,    Daniel,    254. 
French,     John,     261. 

Friend,    ,    258. 

Frost,    William,    263. 
Fugue,  Wm.,  275. 
Fulkerson,   Joshua,   261. 
Fulkerson,    James,    280. 
Fulkerson,    Rodham,    261. 
Fulton,    Robert,    107. 
Fuqua,     Moses,     254. 

Galispie,    William,    275. 
Galladay,    David,    278. 
Galloway,   John,    128,    256. 
Gaines,   Richard,   184. 
Gardner,    Francis,    95. 

Garland,    ,     1. 

Garland,    Edward,    251. 

Gardiner,     Henson,     271. 
Garland,   James,   9,   84,   78. 
Garland,   Nathaniel,   100,  251,  270. 
Garratt,   Alexander,   275. 
Garratt,    Harvey,    270. 
Garrett,   Henry,  270. 
Garrington,    John,    261. 
Gartin,    Nathaniel,    34. 

Gaskins,    ,    50. 

Gates, ,  10,  35,  153,  159,  171, 

194,   202. 
Gay,   John,   276. 
Gentry,    James,    251. 
Gentry,   George,   251. 

George,    ,    261. 

George,  Frederick,  143. 
George,    James,    Jr.,    264. 
George,    William,    264,    269. 
German,    ,     175. 

Gibbs,    ,    1. 

Gibbs,   William,    252,    259. 
Gibson,   ,    5. 

Gibson,    David,    107,   253. 
Gibson,    George,     117. 
Gibson,   James,   253. 
Gibson,  John,  88. 

Gilbert,    ,    129. 

Gilbert,    Daniel,    254. 

Gilbert,   John  W.,   254. 

Gilbert    Preston,     254. 

Gilbert,    Samuel,    254. 

Giles,    ,    252. 

Giles,    Isaiah,     31. 

Giles,    William,     81,    267. 

Gilham,    Peter,   263. 

Gilkerson,    ,    142. 

Gilkerson,    Samuel,    263. 

Gill,  ,   1,   181. 

Gillespie,    George,    29. 

Gillespsie,    William,    275. 

Gilliam,  George,  251. 

Gilliam,    James,    260. 

Gilliam,   Zachariah,   254. 

Gilliland,   James,   108. 

Gillis,   Thomas,   256. 

Gilmer,   ,    61,    113. 

Gilmer,    George,    251. 


Virginia  Militia  in"  the  Revolution 

Gilmer,   James,   48,    61,    69. 
Gilmer,    John,    253. 
Gilmer,   William,    121. 

Gilmore,    ,    256. 

Gilmore,  James,   115,   121. 
Gilmore,  James,  Jr.,  276. 
Gilmore,    William,    121. 
Gilmore,    Jno.,    276. 

Ginn,    ,    256. 

Givens,    ,    256. 

Given,    David,    253. 

Given,  John,  87,  124,  130,  134,  253. 

Glass,    Samuel,    265. 

Glavis,    William,    271. 

Glen,  ,   35,   66.   151,   211. 

Glenn,    Beverley,    270. 
Glen,    James,    260. 
Gleen,   Peyton,   275. 
Goggins,    John,    167. 
Goggin,    Stephen,    153. 
Going,    Sharod,    251. 
Gooch,   William,    100,   251. 

Goode,  .   15,   202,   203,  258. 

Goode,     Francis,    259. 

Goode,  Frank,  2. 

Goode,   Mack,   252. 

Goode,    Mackness,     193. 

Goode,   Robert,    15,    194,    199,    207, 

Goode,    Thomas,    259. 
Goodwin,    Esua,    143. 
Gordon,   Thomas,   277. 
Goodwin,    Micajah,    61. 
Gordon.   William,    256. 

Graham,    ,    265. 

Graham,     Christopher,    253. 
Graham,  Duncan,  Jr.,  257. 
Graham,     Francis,     180. 
Graham,    James,    253. 
Graham,    Robert,    257. 
Graham,    William,    257. 
Grant,   Isaac,    269. 
Grant,    Robert,    32. 

Graves    ,    148,    171. 

Gravatt,    John,    257. 
Graves,  King,   259. 
Graves,    Lewis,    148. 

Graves,  Richard,  272. 
Graves,  Thomas,  148. 
Graves,   Thomas,    N.,   148. 

Gray," ,   44,    109,    113,    173. 

Gray,    David,    105,    123,    137,    253, 

Gray,    John,    252. 
Gray,   William,   274. 
Gray,    William    F.,    257. 

Grayson,    ,    13. 

Grayson,    William,    100,    186,    245, 

Green,  ,  1,  23,  39,  40,  42,  46, 

54,    62,    67,    68,    121,    124,    137, 

153,   156,    171,   173,   227. 
Green,  Abraham,  82,  252. 
Green,    James,    254. 
Green,  John,  46. 
Green,    Forrest,    270. 
Green,    Moses,    254. 
Green,    Samuel,    252. 
Greenhill,    William,    252. 

Greenup,    ,    269. 

Greer,    James,    254. 

Gregory,    ,     1,    265. 

Gregory,    Joseph,    129. 

Grenadier,    Squaw,    61. 

Griffith,     Benjamin,     254. 

Grigg.  James,   252. 

Grigsby,    William,     261. 

Grubbs,     Nathan,     30. 

Guerrant,    John,   Jr.,    264. 

Gum,    Isaac,    180. 

Gum,  Jacob,   180. 

Gum,  John,  4. 

Gum,  William,  180. 

Gunn,    Elisha,    173. 

Guttery,    Alexander,    260. 

Guttery,     Bernard,     260. 

Guy,    George,    257. 

Guy,    Thomas,    F.,    257. 

Gwatkins,    Chas.    254. 

Gwin,   David,   33.    58,   76,   92,   253. 

Gwin,  Joseph,   4,   12,   58,   72,  253. 

Gwinn,  John,  209. 

Gwinn,    Joseph,    253. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Habbersham,     Joseph,     S3. 

Hackley,    Samuel,    197. 

Hadenv    Anthony,    262 — (32). 

Haden,  John,   Mozely,   262. 

Haden,    John    M.,    262. 

Haden,     Joseph,     262. 

Haden,   William,   262. 

Haile,    Richard,    254. 

Haile.    Thomas,    268. 

Hairston,   George,  268. 

Hairston,    John,    268. 

Hairston,   Peter,  268. 

Halbert,    William,    268. 

Hale,    Job,    141. 

Hales,   Peter,   275. 

Hall,    ,     102. 

Hall,     Adam,     180. 

Hall,    Bowler,    252. 

Ha/11,    Bowling,     173. 

Hall,    James,    109,    137,     191,    256, 

Hall,  John,   251,   257. 
Hall,    Nathan,    251. 
Hall,    Richard,    262. 

Hall,     William,     109. 
Hamilton,   Alexander,    111. 
Hamilton,    Andrew,    65,    159,    256. 
Hamilton,    Andrew,    Jr.,    253. 

Hamilton,     Charles,    253. 
Hamilton,    Gawen,    277. 
Hamilton,     James,     111. 
Hamilton,    John,    111,    253. 
Hamilton,  Patrick,  253. 
Hamilton,     Samuel,    265. 
Hamilton,    William,    256,    265. 
Hammer,    Balsor,    180. 
Hammer,     Nicholas,     38(. 
Hammond,   Phillip,    61. 
Hampkins,   Uriah,   256. 

Hampton,    ,    85. 

Hampton,  George,  237. 
Hampton,  Nathan,  275. 
Hampton,  Thomas,  263. 
Hancher,    William,    263. 

Hancock,   ,    264. 

Hancock,    Benjamin,    262. 
Hancock,   Simon,   269. 

Hand,    ,    43,    48,    61,    97,    98, 

112,    130. 
Hand,  Christopher,  38. 
Hank,    Henry,    271a. 

Hanly,   ,    256. 

Handly,    Alexander,    114. 
Hansford,  Benoni,  272. 

Hard,    ,     1, 

Hardiman,    ,    229. 

Hardin,    John,    279. 
Harding,   Thomas,   264. 
Hardman,    John,    277. 
Hardon,   George,  251. 

Hardy,    ,     216,     235. 

Harley,  ,  256. 

Harper,  Nicholas,   180,  253. 
Harper,    Richard,    251. 

Harman,   ,    277. 

Harrell,  John,   263. 

Harris,   ,    88,    131,   259. 

Harris,  Benjamin,  50,  84,  100,  251. 

Harris,   Francis,   E.,   274. 

Harris,   Frederick,  270. 

Harris,  John,   25,   38,   99,   151,   274. 

Harris,  John,  Jr.,   274. 

Harris    Nathaniel,    264. 

Harris,    Peter,    268. 

Harris,  Richard,  251. 

Harris,  Robert,  251,  253. 

Harris,     Samuel,    237. 

Harris,  Thomas,  192,  248,  261,  274. 

Harris,   Thornton,   248. 

Harris,    William,    93,    251,    270. 

Harrison,  Benjamin,  9,  57,  93,  239, 

260,    277. 
Harrison,  Bevor,  261. 
Harrison,    James,    61,    112,    246. 
Harrison,  Josiah,  127,  277. 
Harrison,  Reuben,  253,  277. 
Harrison,    Richard,    42. 
Harrison,   Robert,    277. 
Harrison,   Thomas,   276. 
Harrison,  William,  252. 
Harrod,   Littlebury,    190. 
Hart,  Benjamin,   195. 
Hart,   John,    59,   255. 
Hartless,  William,  40. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 





Harvie,    John,    277. 
Haskins,   Charles,  22. 
Haskins,    Crad,    6. 
Haskins,  Creed,  199,  211,  260. 
Haskins,   Edward,   274. 
Haskins,   John,  230. 
Haskins,  Robert,  259. 
Haskins,  Thomas,  274,  275. 
Haslip,  Henry,  262. 
Hastie,    Thomas,   275. 

Hatcher,  ,   147. 

Hatcher,  John,  260. 
Hatcher,  Thomas,  264. 
Hatfield,  Andrew,  271. 
Hathaway,  James,  261. 
Hathaway,  John,  261. 
Hatton,    Reuben,    149. 

Hawes,    ,    7. 

Hawes,     Samuel,     18,    218. 
Hawes,  Thomas,  257. 
Hawk,    Isaac,   43. 
Hawkins,   James,    272. 
Hawkins,    Reuben,    251. 
Hay,    James,    276. 
Hayden,    Anthony,     32,    262. 
Hayden,    Joseph,    27,    262. 
Haynes,    Parmenas,    254. 
Haymond,  Thos,  271a. 
Haymond,   W'm.,   271a. 
Haymond,    Henry,    271a. 

Hays,    ,    181. 

Hays,  John,  271. 
Hays,    Samuel,    280. 
Hays,  William,   181. 
Hayth,  Thomas,  254. 

Hazaret,   ,    3. 

Head,   Benjamin,   272. 
Head,    James,    272. 
Heale,    William,    261. 

Heath,    ,    132. 

Heath,   Andrew,   43. 
Heaton,    James,    263. 
Heister,    Daniel,    163. 
Helfhingston,   Philip,   263. 
Helm,    John,    254. 
Helm,    Thomas,    254,    261. 

Hempenstall,    Abraham,    253. 
Henderson,    Anthony,    51. 
Henderson,    Bennett,    251. 
Henderson,   James,    256.     . 
Henderson,  John,   50,   60,  251,   265, 

Henderson,    T.,    268. 
Henderson.  William,  251,  253,  254. 

Hendricks,   ,    1. 

Hendricks,    James,    226. 

Henley,    Hezekiah,    264. 

Henry,  John,  269. 

Henry,   Patrick,   23,   82,   148. 

Henry,   William,   262. 

Henson,   Samuel,   270. 

Herndon,    Edward,    187. 

Herndon,  John,  264,  272. 

Herndon,    Zachariah,    272. 

Herring,  James,  37. 

Herring,    William,    277. 

Herston,   Peter,    141,   152,   157. 

Havener,    Jacob,    277. 

Hewitt,    John,    133. 

Hewitt,    Thomas,    253,    277. 

Hicklin,    Thomas,    12,    22,    70,    72, 


Hickman,   ,   234. 

Hickman,    Adam,    109,    135. 
Hicks,    William,    69. 
Higgen,  Joel,  257. 
Higginbotham,     Benjamin,     39,    40, 

Higginbotham,  Caleb,  68. 
Higginbotham,   James,    19,   41. 
Higginbotham,    Samuel,    19,    61. 

Hill,    ,    148. 

Hill,    Henry,    94. 
Hill,    John,    259,    263. 
Hill,  Richard,   199,   251. 
Hill,    Swinfield,    268. 
Hill,    Thomas,   268. 
Hill,    William,    35,    259. 
Hines,  John,   36. 
Hines,  William,  36. 
Hinkle,   Henry,    110. 
Hinkle,    Isaac,    277. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 


Hisewonger,    John,    263. 
Hiskill,   Adam,   263. 
Hiskill,    Peter,    263. 
Hixon,    Timothy,    269. 

Hockaday,   ,    1. 

Hodge,    James,    276. 

Hodges,    Robert,    143. 

Hobson,   Benjamin,   260. 

Hobson,  John,  260. 

Hobson,    William,    202,    260. 

Hoffman,    George,    180. 

Hoff,   James,    180. 

Hogan,  John,  261. 

Hogg,    John,    38,    69,    180. 

Hogg,   Thomas,    211. 

Hogshead,   James   Jr.,   253. 

Holcomb,   ,   204,   205. 

Holcomb,   John,   7,    16,    17,    18,    19, 

67,   68,   275. 
Holcomb,   Phillips,    80. 
Holland,   Richard,   7,    16,    275. 

Hollady,   ,    220. 

Hollady,   James,   279. 
Hollady,    John,    229. 
Hollady,    Lewis,    229. 
Hollman,    Nathaniel,   267. 
Holloway,    William,    252. 
Holman,     Alexander,     275. 
Holman,    Christopher,   246. 
Holman,    Tandy,   264. 

Holsten,  ,    133. 

Holstin,    ,    256. 

Holt,   Thomas,   27. 
Holt,    William,    171. 
Hondle,    Hezekiah,    267. 
Hood,   Thomas,   227. 
Hoover,   Jacob,    180. 
Hoover,    Michael,    180. 

Hopkins,    ,    1,    148. 

Hopkins,  James,  171. 

Hopkins,  John,    127,   253,   264,   277. 

Hord,    James,    257. 

Herd,   John,    257. 

Hord,    Thomas,    257. 

Hord,  William,  275. 

Horseley,   Richard,   263. 

Hotsler,    ,    256. 



Houston,    George,    108,    119. 
Houston,    James,    61. 

Howard,  ,   64,  75,   117,   156. 

Howard,    Christopher,    230. 
Howe,    Daniel,    150,   271. 
Howell,    John,    143. 
Howerton,    James,    275. 
Howson,    John,    252. 

Hoyd,    ,    137. 

Hubbard,   ,    203,    206,    259. 

Hubbard,    Thomas,    274. 
Hubbard,  William,  66,  258. 
HubblefieTd,   George,  272.     ■ 
Huckstep,     Charles,    251. 
Hudgens,   William,   260. 
Hudnall,    William,    254. 
Hudson,   Charles,   38. 
Hudson,    Irby,    143. 
Hudson,    John,    251.  .     . 

Hudson,   Robert,  252 
Hudson,  Tuttle,  143. 

Huggard,    ,    75. 

Hughart     Thomas,    22,     111,     159, 

Hughes,    Archilaus,    268. 
Hughes,     David,     274. 
Hughes,  Joshua,  270. 
Hughes,  Robert,    54,   196,   197,   198, 

203,    204,    274. 
Hughes,   Thomas,   8. 
Hughes,    William,    270. 
Hucklebery,    Fred,    271a. 
Hull,   George,   4. 
Hull,   Peter,    72,    180,   253,   256. 

Humphrey,    ,    269. 

Humphreys,     Jonathan,    253. 

Hunt,   ,    174. 

Hunt,    David,    56,    213. 
Hunt,   Nathaniel,  23. 
Hunt,    William,    261. 
Hungate,   William,    161. 
Hunter,  David,  Jr.,  255. 
Hunter,    John,    Jr.,    254. 

Hunton,    ,    9. 

Huston,    George,    277. 
Huston,  James,   276. 


ViRGixiA  Militia  ix  the  Revolution 

Huston,    John,    277. 
Hutchen,    Seth,    192. 
Hutcheson,   James,   256. 
Hutchings,     Charles,     151. 
Hutchings,    Moses,    209. 
Hutchison,   James,   193. 
Hutchison,   William,   44,   269. 
Hutton,    Moses,    43. 
Hylton,    John,    259. 

Ice,    Fredk.,    271a. 
Ice,  John,  271a. 
Inglis,   David,   271. 
Inglis,    William,    271. 
Ingram,    Uriah,     180. 
Ingram,   William,   272. 
Inchminger,    John,    61. 

Innes,    ,     185,    223 

Innes,    Harry,    254. 
Irby,    Charles,    173, 
Irey,    Philip,    269. 
Irvine,    ,    101 


Irvine,    Andrew,    254. 
Irvine,  John,  254. 
Irvine,     Robert,     254. 
Irwin,  John,    115. 
Ivey,    Jennie,    157. 



Jackson,    Henry,    194. 
Jackson,    William,    270. 

James,   ,    29,    55. 

James,  Joseph,  261. 
James,  Thomas,  261. 
James,  William,  254. 
Jameson,  David,  257. 
Jameson,  James,  272. 
Jameson,    William,    258,    272. 

Jamison,    ,    85. 

Jarman,    William,    25,    38. 
Jarvis,    Field,    47. 

Jefferson,  ,   197,   207. 

Jeffries,    ,    213. 

Jeffries,     William,     213. 
Jenkins,   James,    252. 
Jennings,    Augustine,    261. 
Jennings,   Baylor,    261. 

Jennings,    Berryman,    261. 

Jennings,    Isham,    275. 

Jennings,   James,   275. 

Jennings,    Joseph,     252. 

Jennings,    William,    261. 

Jeter,    Ambrose,    257. 

Jeter,    Henry,    254. 

Jeter,  Presley,  252. 

Johns,  Isaac,  138. 

Johnson,    ,    1,    85,    115,    176, 

177,    185,    272. 
Johnson,    Andrew,    277. 
Johnson,  Arthur,  252. 
Johnson,    Benjamin,    267,    271. 
Johnson,   Christopher,   270. 
Johnson,    George,    270. 
Johnson,   Henry  Ashton,  270. 
Johnson,   James,    35,    253,   265. 
Johnston,    Peter,    264. 
Johnston,  Philip,  218,  257. 
Johnston,    Richard,    224,    270. 
Johnson    Robert,    272. 
Johnson,    Thomas,    254,    270. 
Johnson,   Walter,   264. 
Johnson,   William,   251,    262,   275. 
Johnson,  Zachariah,   136,  253. 
Johnston,    Benjamin,    279. 
Johnston,  James,  271a. 
Johnston,    Richard,    251. 

Jones,    ,    82,    269. 

Jones,    Batt,    252. 

Jones,    Benjamin,    75. 

Jones,    Cadwallader,    3,    113. 

Jones,    Daniel,     252. 

Jones,    David,    152. 

Jones,    John,    115,    255,    257. 

Jones,   Joseph,   268. 

Jones,    Landon,    99. 

Jones,   Philip,   82,   252. 

Jones,   Richard,   252. 

Jones,    Thomas,    25,    38,    46,    157, 

237,  251,  252,  254,  257,  268. 
Jones,   William,    252,    254. 
Jones,    Wylie,    82. 

Jordan,    ,    1. 

Jordan,    Andrew,     180. 
Jordan,    Thomas,    252. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 


Jordan,   William,   251,   254. 
Jouett,     Robert,     64. 
Justice,    Moses,   271. 

Katon,   Jacob,   269. 
Kay,    James,    257. 
Kate,   John,   143. 
Keblinger,    Adam,    251. 
Keeling,    George,    260. 
Keister,    Frederick,    277. 
Keither,    Alexander,    261. 
Keither,   Thomas,   261. 
Keller,    Conrad,    49. 
Kelley,    Alexander,    265. 
Kelso,    James,    116. 
Kemper,    Peter,   Jr.,    261. 
Kemp,   John,   263. 
Kendrick,    Abraham,    263. 
Kendrick,    Christly,    263. 
Kendrick,   John,    172. 
Kennedy,    David,    59,    263. 
Kennerly,   William,    117. 
Kennett,  Valentine,  271a. 
Kenney,   Robert,   253. 
Kennison,   Jacob,   48. 

Kennon,   ,    1. 

Kennon,  Thomas,  269. 
Kenton,  Ambrose,  272. 
Kenton,  William,  261. 
Kettering,  Laurence,  271. 
Kidd,  James,  H.,  172. 
Kilgrove,    George,    269. 

Kilpatrick,    ,    183. 

Kincaid,    James,    185. 
Kincaid,    Joseph,    185. 
Kincaid,    William,    34,    74,    124. 
Kincannon,    Andrew,    280. 
Kincannon,    Francis,    271. 

Kincheloe,    ,    261. 

King,    Avra,    153. 
King,    Smith,    269. 
King,   Thomas,   269,  275. 
King,    William,    7,    153. 
King,    Zachariah,    32. 
Kinkead,    John,    280. 
Kinkead,   William,    34,   92,   253. 
Kirk,   Robert,   13,   97. 

Kirkland,    Benjamin,    143. 

Kirtley,    Elijah,    104. 

Knight,  John,   82,   174,   193,  252. 

Knox,    ,    164,    184. 

Kyger,     Christian,     277. 

Lacey,    Elliott,    264. 

Lacey,    Mathew,    264. 

LaFayette,    23,    25,    35,    38,    50,    82, 

85,    87,    98,    100,    134,    148,    169, 

176,    197,    199,    202,    224,    225, 

229,   234. 
Lambert,   Jacob,    278. 
Landrum,   Younger,   10,    17,    18,   68, 

Lane,   Henry,   52. 

Laney,    ,    100. 

Langhorne,    John,    275. 

Langsden,    Daniel,    206. 

Lanier,    Thomas,    143. 

Lantz,    Conrad,     180. 

Lantz,  Joseph,    180. 

Larrish,  John,  263. 

Laurence,    James,    263. 

Lawson,  ,   17,   18,   19,   67,   68, 

104,     149,     152,    196,    197,    206, 

Lawson,    McDaniel,    126. 
Lawson,    Robert,    29,    31,    54. 
Lawton,     Robert,     275. 
Lawton,    Thomas,    275. 
La\ton,    Robert,    261. 
Leak,    Elisha,    264. 
Leake,    Josiah,    264. 
Leake,    Mark,    25,    38,    53,    99,    100, 

Leake,    Matthew,    84. 
Leath,    John,    278. 

Lee,    ,    133 

Lee,  Archibald,  275. 

Lee,    Benjamin,    262. 

Lee,   Charles,   1. 

Lee,   John,    275. 

Lee,    Young,    26. 

Leftwich,    Augustine,    254. 

Leftwich,     Uriah,    254. 

Leftwich,    William,    47,    157,    254. 


Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 



Legg,   John,   279. 
Leigh,   Charles,   275. 
Lemaster,  John,  271a. 
Lemon,    Jacob,    118. 

Leroy,   ,    171. 

Lescur,    Marbell,    274. 

Lew,  ,   175. 

Lewis,    ,    60,    61. 

Lewis,   Aaron,   280. 

Lewis,  Andrew,  74,   156,  256. 

Lewis,   Charles,   73,  74,   251. 

Lewis,    Daniel,    269. 

Lewis,    Griffith,    252. 

Lewis,    Isham,    251. 

Lewis,  Jesse,  50. 

Lewis,  John,  20,  33,  42,  60,  73,  76, 

256,  269. 
Lewis,   John,   Z.,    279. 
Lewis,   Joseph,   264,   269. 
Lewis,   Micajah,   251. 
Lewis,    Nicholas,   251,   264. 
Lewis,    Robert,    264. 
Lewis,    Samuel,    63,    92,    105,    120, 

Lewis,  Thomas,  119,  158,  269,  277. 
Lewis,   William,    251. 

Ligon,    ,    24,    275. 

Ligon,  John,  274. 

Lightfoot,  Daniel,  32. 

Lincoln,   ,    59,    66,    157,    169, 

172,    173,    210,    214. 
Lincoln,    Abraham,    253,   277. 
Lincoln,    Jacob,    277. 
Lindsay,    Abraham,    263. 
Lindsay,    Caleb,    272. 
Lindsay,  Reuben,   84,   100,  251. 
Lines,    John,    230. 
Lingul,    Paul,    277. 
Linton,   John,   269. 
Lipner,   Henry,   2. 

Litterell,   ,    215. 

Litton^    Solomon,    280. 

Lively,    ,    164. 

Lively,   Godrell,    S3. 

Lock,  ,  90. 

Locke,    Patrick,     114,    252. 

Lockett,  Gideon,  274. 
Lockhart,  Patrick,  256. 
Lockridge,     Andrew,     58,     70,     72. 

74,   253. 
Logan,   Alexander,   51. 
Logan,  Benjamin,  153. 
Logan,    Hugh,    102. 
Logan,  John,  61,  256. 
Logan,  William,   253. 
Logwood,    Archibald,    259. 
Logwood,    Edmund,    274. 
Logwood,    Thomas,    153,   254. 
Long,   William,   22,   63,   75,   85,   92, 

120,    164,    257. 
Long,    Francis,    22,    98,    107,    133, 

Long,   Joseph,   136,   253. 
Long,    John,    257. 
Long,  Thomas,  184. 

Loony,    ,    256. 

Loony,    John,    280. 
Loony,  Joseph,   138. 
Lorton,   Isaac,   146. 
Love,   Robert,  271. 
Love,   William,   271. 
Lovel,    Markel,    271. 
Lovel,    William,    270. 

Lovely,    ,    1 64. 

Loving,  ,    134. 

Loving,    John,    10. 
Lowderson,     William',     253. 
Lowney,    John,   251,   280. 
Lowry,    Thomas,    257. 
Lowther,    William,    253. 

Lucas,   ,    171. 

Lucas,    Edward,    255. 

Lucas,    John,     155,    269,    271. 

Lucas,    William,    255. 

Lumpkin,    Thomas,    254. 

Luinsden,   George,  270. 

Lynch,    Anselm,    254. 

Lynch,    Charles,    141,    153,    254. 

Lyle,    James,    276. 

Lyle,  John,   136,  253,  276. 

Lvle,    William,    105. 

Lyne,    Edmund,   268. 

Lyne,   Henry,   268. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 


Lyon,    James,     268. 
Lyon,    Stephen,    268. 

McArnoId,    William,    256. 

Mcllhany,    ,    100,    120. 

Macintosh,  ,    5,    33,    88,    108. 

Mclray,    Hugh,    254. 

McCalley,    John,    279. 

McCampbell,    James,    276. 

McCardle,   Samuel,   251. 

McCarmie,    John,    75. 

McCarney,   John,   22,    124. 

McCaul,   William,    264. 

McCausland,    Andrew,    58. 

McClain,    John,    123. 

McClain,    Robert,    269. 

McClanachan,    ,     74. 

McClarry,     Alexander,     195. 
McClelland,    Abraham,    280. 
McClellan,     William,    269. 
McClenahan,    Alexander,    136. 
McClenahan,     William,     138,     156, 
253,   256. 

McClenahan,    ,    74. 

McClung,    John,    105,    123,   276. 
McClung,    William,    Jr.,    276. 
McCorkle,    James,     150,     271. 
McCorkle,  John,    121. 
McCormick,    Francis    263. 
McCormick,    John,    255. 

McCoy,   ,    86,    265. 

McCoy,   John,   4,    33,    70,    76,    253. 
McCreary,    John,    22,    72,    73,    253. 
McCreary,     Nancy,     61. 

McCreery,    ,    70. 

McCreery,    Robert,    79,    253. 
McCreery,    William,    58,   253. 
McCune,    John,    253. 
McCutcheon,   Samuel,   33,    107,    124, 

McCutcheon,  William,   124,   136. 
McDaniel,    Clement,    213. 
McDaniel,    John,     106. 

McDonald,  ,   155. 

McDonald,    Maynus,    271. 

McDo.vell,    ,     61. 

McDowell,    James.    105,    123. 

McDowell,  Samuel,  97,  98,  130,  276. 
McFarron,    Rowland,  256. 
McFarran,    Samuel,    256. 

McGee,   ,    146. 

McCJee,    Samuel,   271. 
McGehee,    William,    275. 
McGeach,    John,    269. 
McGeorge,  Thomas,  256. 
McGraw,    William,    210. 

McGuire,   ,   44,    186. 

McGuire,   Neely,   157. 

McKee,    ,    115. 

McKee,    James,    125. 
McKee,   John,    126. 
McKee,    Nancy,    125. 
McKee,    Robert,    276. 
McKee,    William,    61,    69. 
McKenney,  John,  107,  253,  276. 
McKittrick,  John,  22,  111,  118,  253. 
McLaughlin,  John,    57. 
McLarlane,    John,    271. 
McLaurine,    William,    207. 
McMahon,    John,    253. 
McMaken,    Alexander,    269. 
McMath,   William,  276. 

McMicken,    ,    269. 

McMullen,  William,  271 

McMurtry,    ,    256 

McNabb,    Alexander,    252. 

McNeal,  ,   74. 

McNeel,  ,    74. 

McNeely,    William,    256 
McNutt,    James,    61,    69. 
McQuain,    Alexander,    180. 
McReynolds,   Thomas,   254. 
McRoberts,    John,    256. 

McWilliams,   ,    85,    228,   229, 

McWilliams,    William,    279. 

Madison,  ,   63. 

Madison,  Ambrose,  91. 
Madison,    George,    257. 
Madison,  James,  272. 
Madison,   Richard,   136,  253. 
Maguhe,    Samuel,    271. 
Maguire,   William,   271. 
Mallory,  ,   100. 


Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Mallory,   Uriel,   272. 
Manere,  John,   252. 
Mann,  William,   74. 

Marbury,  ,   175. 

Mathews,   George,   117,   136. 

Marion,  ,   21. 

Marks,   Elisha,   269. 
Marks,    Hastings,   251. 
Marks,  John,  251. 
Marks,   Thomas,  269. 
Markham,    George,    259. 
Markham,  Vincent,  207,  274. 

Marshall,  ,  82. 

Marshall,   Alexander,   252. 
Marshall,    Abraham,    252. 
Marshall,  John,   211,  253,  257. 
Marshall,    Samuel,     184. 

Martin,  ,  93. 

Martin,  Azariah,  171. 
Martin,   Benjamin,   262. 
Martin,  Brice,  268. 
Martin,  David,  254. 
Martin,  Henry,  32,  262. 
Martin,    Hudson,    251. 
Martin,    John,    251,   261,    262. 
Martin,  Joseph,  21,  56,  185,  280. 
Martin    Joshua,    141. 
Martin,    Josiah,    134,    256. 
Martin,    Robert,    272. 
Martin,    Samuel,    275. 
Martin,   Thomas,    251. 
Martin,  Thomas  Jr.,  251. 
Martin,   William,   262. 
Marx,   John,    8. 

Mason, ,    149. 

Mason,   David,   173. 
Mason,  George,  269. 
Mason,  John,   122,  279. 
Massenburg,    John,    170. 
Massie,    Nathaniel,    264. 
Massie,    Thomas,    1,    264. 
Mastin,   Thomas,   280. 

Mathews, ,   35,   37,   85. 

Mathews,  George,  117-136. 
Mathews,  John,  181. 
Mathews,  Phillip,  7,   55,  275. 

Mathews,  Sampson,  11,  12,  20,  22, 
57,  58,  72,  74,  79,  98,  117,  119, 
124,    136,    162,    223,    253. 

Mathews,  Richard,  253. 

Mathews,  Thomas,  158. 

Maupin,    Cornelius,    251. 

Maupin,   Daniel,   251. 

Maupin,    William,   251. 

Mauzy,    John,    261. 

Maxwell,    Alexander,    253. 

Maxwell,   Audley,   276. 

Maxwell,  George,  280. 

Maxwell,  James,  271,  280. 

Maxey,  John,  195. 

Maxey',   Shadrack,    195. 

May,   David,   256. 

May,   Joseph,   274. 

Mayo,  Joseph,  262. 

Mayo,  William,   207. 

Mays, ,  133. 

Mays,    David,    133. 

Mays    James,    153. 

Mays,   Joseph,   262. 

Mays,    Peter,    151. 

Mays,  William,   203,   274. 

Mazaret,  ,  2,  3. 

Meade, ,    7. 

Meade,    E.,    16,    29. 

Meade,   Everett,   81. 

Meals,    John,    279. 

Means,  Thomas,  22. 

Meeks,  James,   34. 

Megaree,    Hugh,    36. 

Menifee,  William,  268. 

Mercer,  Aaron,  263. 

Meredith,  ,  29,  30,  31,  55,  202. 

Meredith,  Elisha,  30. 

Meredith,    William,   6,    260. 

Merriman,  ,  23,  24. 

Merriott,  Tapley,  274. 

Mcriott,   Triplett,   274. 

Merriweather, ,  8,  52,  126,  170, 

213,   216,  245. 

Merivether,   David   Wood,  270. 

Meriwether,  James,  229,  251. 

Meriwether,   Thomas,  231,  251. 

Virginia   Mii.itia   in  thi-   Ri:v( 

Meriwether,    William,    270. 

Metcalf,   Allen,   255. 

Metcalf,    John,    261. 

Meteer,   Thomas,   253. 

Michie,   James,   270. 

Michie   George,   270. 

Michie,  Robert,  270. 

Milam,   Rush,   126. 

Milam,    William,    254. 

Millman,    Thomas,    269. 

Miles,  Josias,  269. 

Miller,  ,25,   37,   38. 

Miller,   Harmon,   217. 

Miller,    Hugh,    265. 

Miller,    John,   268. 

Miller,  Lewis,  272. 

Miller   Robert,    272. 

Miller,    Simon,   Jr.,  254. 

Miller,  Thomas,  264,  279. 

Miller,    William,     1C9,     121,    264. 

Mills,  ,  256. 

Mills,    Bernard,    251. 
Mills,  Frederick  William,  251. 
Mills,   Nathaniel,  272. 
Mills,  William,  179,  223,  255,  279. 
Minnis,    Robert,    277. 
Minor,    Garrett,    270. 
Minor,    John,     269. 
Minor,  Thomas,  229,  232,  279. 
Minor,    Vivian,    224. 
Mitchell,    Daniel,    254. 
Mitchell,   Evans,   252. 
Mitchell,  James,  97,   107,  253. 
Mitchell,   John,    159. 
Mitchell,   Thomas,    251,    252. 
Mitchell,  William,   174,  257. 
Moffett,  George,  45,  87,  97,  117,  130, 

Moffett,   ,    13. 

Moffet,    Jesse,    239. 
Moffett,  John,  118,  261. 
Moffett,    Josiah,    269. 
Moffets,   Robert,   271. 
Monroe,  George,  241. 

Montgomery, ,  9,  146. 

Montgomery,    Francis,    100. 
Montgomery,  James,  271,  280. 

Montgomery,  John,    185. 
Montgomery,   Joseph,   271. 
Montgomery,  Michael,  271. 
Moodie,  James,  259. 

Moody,  ,   56,   77. 

Moon,  Jacob,   Jr.,   254. 

Moore,  ,   24. 

Moore,  Alexander,  178-  227. 

Moore,  Andrew,  105,  123,  253,  276. 

Moore,   David,   181. 

Moore,  Elijah,  178. 

Moore    Family,    146. 

Moore,   Francis,  Jr.,   272. 

Moore,   George,    184. 

Moor,   Jacob,   254. 

Moore,  James,  251,  271. 

Moore,   Jesse,    262. 

Moore,   John,    7,    115. 

Moore,  Reuben,  272. 

Moore,   Robert,   181. 

Moore,   Thomas,  275. 

Moore,  William,  42,  69,  115,  120,  272. 

Moorehead,   Turner,   244,   261. 

Moorman,  James,  270. 

Morby,  ,   15. 

Morgan,    1,    11,    61,    62,    66,   75,   98, 

104,    114,    121,    137,     164,    171, 

181,   208,   238,   243. 
Morgan,  Benjamin,  59. 
Morgan,  Daniel,  167. 
Morgan,  David,  271a. 
Morgan,    Evan,    271a. 
Morgan,    James,   271a. 
Morgan,    James,    Jr.,    271a. 
Morgan,   Morgan,  271a. 
Morgan,    William,    54. 
Morrell,  John,  35. 

Morris,   ,    147,    167. 

Morris,  Leonard,   115. 
Morris,   Nathaniel,   264. 
Morris,  Reuben,  277. 
Morris,    William,    115,    277. 

Morrison,    ,    138. 

Morrison,  John,   19,   134,  136,   143. 
Morrow,  Charles,  255. 
Morton,   Jacob,   258. 
Morton,   James,   275. 


^'IRGI^•IA  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Morton,  John,   275. 
Morton,   Josiah,  258. 
Morton,  Joseph,  258. 
Morton,  Thomas,   275. 
Morton,   William,   66,  258. 

Mosby,    ,    54,    270. 

Mosby,   Benjamin,   274. 

Mosby,   Hezekiah,    196. 

Mosby,    John,    274. 

Mosby,  Littlebury,   54,  197,  207,  274. 

Mosby,    Poindexter,    274. 

Mosby,   Wade,    54,   197,   274. 

Moseley,  Arthur,  47,   198,  254. 

Moseley,   Blackman,   259. 

Mosley,  Daniel,  251. 

Mosley,    Edward,    248. 

Moseley,  James,  56. 

Moseley,    John,    274. 

Moseley,    Thomas,    274. 

Moseley,    W.,    229,    259. 

Moss,  Alexander,   262. 

Moss,   John,   269. 

Mowby,  ,    15. 

Moyer,    Phillip,   277. 
Muhlenburg,    49,    85,    89,    104,    105, 
120,  137,  143,  163,  164,.184,  217. 
Muir,  Alexander,  271. 
Mullemax,  James,  180. 
Mullemax,   John,   180. 
Munfurt,  Edward,  15,  54,  252,  274. 
Munday,    Jonathan,    251. 
Mure,    Alexander,    271. 
Mure,   Richard,   271. 
Murphy,   John,    157,    188,   268. 
Murph}',    William,    157. 

Murray,  ,   59. 

Murray,  Reuben,  244. 
Murray,    Thomas,    254. 
Myers,    Jacob,     263. 

Nail,   ,    5,    119. 

Nail,  William,   253,  277. 
Namee,   Cornelius,  254. 
Nance,    James,    173. 
Nance,    Reuben,   268. 
Nance,  Thomas,  254. 

Nance,  William,  M.,  174. 
Napier,  John,  262. 
Napier,  Richard,  32,  51,  262. 
Napier,   Thomas,   262. 
Nash,   John,   275. 
Nash,  William,  261. 
Neale,  Mathew,  261. 
Neal,  Stephen,  275. 
Neal,   William,   280. 

Neely,    ,    256. 

Neely,  Alexander,  271. 
Neely,  James  Jr.,  256. 
Neeb",    Robert,    256. 
Neely,  William,  256. 
Nelson,    Ambrose,    67,    275. 

Nelson,  ,  37,  46  99,   174. 

Nelson,    Daniel,    277. 
Nelson,  John,   270. 
Nelson,  Joseph,  261. 
Nelson,  Thomas,  143,  236,  261. 

Nevill,  ,    103. 

Nevis,  ,   128. 

New,   Anthony,   257. 
Newberry,   Joseph,   259. 
Newcomer,  Julius,  275. 

Newell,   ,    87. 

Newell,  James,  43,  271. 
Newman,    Alexander,    272. 
Newman,    Rice,    252. 
Newsome,  Nathaniel,  170. 
Newsome,  Thomas,   170. 
Nitherson,    John,    278. 

Nicholas,  ,   81. 

Nicholas,    George,    143. 
Nicholas,  John,    143. 
Nicholas,    William,    251. 

Nickle,  ,    90. 

Nickle,    A.,    60. 
Nickle,    Isaac,    60. 
Noble,  Anthony,  255. 
Noble,  Joseph,  252. 
Noel,  John,  260. 
Noland,    Philip,   269. 
Noland,   Samuel,   269. 
Nolle,  William,  277. 
Norment,   John,   257. 
Norment,    Samuel,    257. 

Virginia  Mimtia  in  the  Revolution 


Nniris,  William,  261. 
North,  John,  143. 
Null,    Henry,    180. 

O'Banrion,   John,   240. 
O'Bannon,    Samuel,    261. 
O'Bannon,   Thomas,   238. 
O'Brian,  John,  263. 
Ogilsby,  Richard,  252. 
O'Hara,  James,  65. 
O'Hara,   John,    65. 
Oliver,    John,    253. 
Omohundro,   Richard,  262. 
O'Roarke,  David,  127. 
O'Roarke,    Philemon,    127. 

Osborn,    ,    271. 

Osborn,   Abner,  252. 
Osborn,  Edward,  259. 
Osborn,  William,  Jr.,  252. 
Otley,  John,   254. 
Ottey,   John,   254. 

Ousley,  ,   269. 

Overstreet,  ,  24,  173. 

Overstreet,  James,  264. 
Overstreet,  John,  24,  195. 

Overton, ,  23,  24. 

Overton,  Thomas  Perkins,  252. 
Overton,  Walter,  270. 

Owens,   ,   275. 

Owen,    Christopher,    268. 
Owens,  James,  279. 
Owens,  John,  129. 
Owens,    Richardson,   271. 
Ovvley,    William,    269. 
Orban,  Zarah,   271a. 

Paddv,   ,    9. 

Page,  Mann,  279. 
Painter,   Christopher,   277. 

Pamplin,  ,   106. 

Pannill,  John,  272. 
Pankey,   Stephen,   191,  259. 

Parker,  ,  1,  6,  123,  132. 

Parker,    Alexander,    179, 
Parker,    Charles,   260. 
Parker,    Glover,    275. 
Parker,  Joseph,   54, 

Parker,   Josiah,   167. 
Parker,  Richard,  179. 
Parkhan,  Nicholas,  143. 

Parks,  ,   5,   59. 

Parks,    Ezekiel,    16, 

Parks,  James,  275. 

Parks,  Joseph,   16,  23,  24,  29,  275. 

Parks,  William,  271. 

Parrish,    Sherwood,    264. 

Parrish,   Tolley,   264. 

Parrow,    Daniel,   254. 

Pate,    Anthony,    254. 

Pate,    Mathew,    254. 

Pate,   Thomas,   254. 

Patrick,  John,   F.,   254. 

Patters,  Casper,  182. 

Patterson,  David,   194,  200,  259. 

Patterson,  John,   115. 

Patterson,  Joseph,  22,  95,  97,  253. 

Patterson,     Paul,     199. 

Patterson,   Samuel,  276. 

Patton,  ,   101. 

Patton,    Benjamin,    277. 
Patton,   Henrv,    146,   271. 
Paulet,  John,    184. 
Paulet,   Richard,   270. 

Paulin,  ,   171,   185,  256. 

Paxton,   John,    112,   256,   276. 
Paxton,  William,  256,  276. 
Payne,   Augustine,   240. 
Payne,    Francis,    261. 
Payne,    George,   264. 
Payne,   Henry,   269. 
Payne,    Josias    Jr.,    264. 
Payne,   Nicholas,  236,  249. 
Pa-ne,   William,   242. 
Peak,  Aaron,  275. 

Pearce,   ,   271. 

Pearis,   George,  271, 
Pearle,   Samuel,   261. 
Pearson,  William,  216 
Peary,    George,    271. 

Peaseley,  ,  157. 

Peck,  Adam,  256. 
Peebles,   John,   253. 
Peers,    Anderson,    264. 
Pemberton,  ,   35. 

\'IRGI\1\    MllITIA    IV    THE    REVOLUTION' 

Pence,    George,    253. 
Pence,  Jacob,  139. 
Pence,  James,  277. 
Pendleton,    Edmund,    148. 
Pendleton,   Philip,  235,  255. 
Penn.   Abraham,    141,  268. 
Penn,  Gabriel,  31. 
Peper,  John,  251. 
Perkins,  Anthony,  177. 
Perkins,   Francis,   264. 
Perkins,  John,  178,  264. 
Perkins,   William,  26. 
Perry,  Joshua,  253. 
Perry,  Swift,  65. 
Persinger,  Jacob,   128. 
Persinger,  John,  ISO. 
Petalla,  112. 
Petect,  James,  26S. 
Peters,  Christian,  62. 
Peters,  Samuel,  69,  176. 
Pettis,  John,   218. 
Pettis,  Samuel,  131,  270. 
Pettus,   Stephen,  275. 
Pettyjoin,    Amos,    271a. 
Pettyjohn,,   Wm.,    271a. 
Peyton,   Henry,  261. 
Phelps,    John,    254. 

Phillip,  ,  82,   143,  176,  177 

Phillips,  John,   31. 
Phillips,   Richard,  270. 
Pickett,  Martin,  261. 
Pickle,  Christian,  180. 

Pier,  ,  147. 

Pierce,  John,  236. 

Poland,  Thomas,  259. 

Pollard,    Thomas,   216. 

Poison, "  50. 

Poor,    William,   274. 
.      Pope,   William,   261. 

Popens,    Peter,    271a. 

Porter,   ,    198. 

Porter,  Abraham,  272. 

Porter,  Charles  Jr.,  272. 

Porter,  Isaac,  274. 

Porterfield,   255. 

Proterfield,   Charles,   190. 

Posey,  ,  6. 

Potter,  ,  142. 

Potts,    Samuel,   28. 

Povatt,   John,   274. 

Powell,   ,    233. 

Powell,    Edward,    170. 

Powell,  John,  170. 

Powell,    Levi,    245. 

Powell,   Ptolemy,   233. 

Powt,  Robert,   15. 

Powers,   William,    129. 

Preston,  ,  145. 

Preston,   John,    146. 

Preston,  William,  146,  155,  156,  271. 

Price,  ,  159,  231. 

197. Price,    Howen,    254. 

Price,   Brown,  254. 

Pierce,  Thomas,  269,  275 
Pillov,   Jasper,   275. 
Pirkey,    John,    277. 
Pleasants,  Samuel,  274. 
Pledge,   Francis,  264. 
Plumley,    Mathew,    278. 
Plunkett,  Reuben,  219. 
Poage,  CJeorge,   33,  70. 
Poage,  James,  95,  253. 
Poage,   John,    Jr.,   253. 
Poage,    Robert,    276. 
Poindexter,  John,  270. 
Poindexter,   Joseph,    254, 

Price,  Charles,  264. 
Price,    Evan,    278. 
Price,  Hezekiah,  270. 
Price,  John,   30,  267, 
Price,    Meredith,   264. 
Price,   Richard  Moore,  272. 
Price,  Thomas,  154,  280. 
Price,   William,  Jr.,  275. 
Prince,  Hubbard,  261. 
Prince,  Lewis,   148. 
Pringle,   Samuel,   253. 
Proctor,    John,    272. 
86,  253,  256.     Prunty,  Thomas,  268. 

Pryor,  — ,  256. 

Pryor,    John,    61. 
Pryor,    Nicholas,   61. 
Pryor,    William,    61,    69. 
Puffenberger,  George,   180. 

\'IRGINI.\     MlI.ITIA     IX    THE     ReVOI-UTION 


Pulliam,   George,   275. 
Purvis,  James,   249. 

Putnam, ,    1. 

Pyles,  Joshua,  263. 

Quarles,    ,    50,    2 

Quarles,   Harry,  234. 
Quarles,  James,  251. 
Quarles,  John,  254. 
Quarles,    Roger,  257. 
Quirl,    Thomas,    146. 

Rader,  Anthony,  277. 
Radford,  George,  274. 
Ragan,  Richard,  127. 
Ragland,  Samuel,  270. 
Raine,  Nathaniel,  264,  275. 
Ramsey,  Josiah,  280. 
Ramsey,  William,  216. 

Randolph,    ,    7,    141,    205. 

Randolph,   Beverley,   16,  29,  67,   143, 

197,  204,  260. 
Randolph,  Henry,  143. 
Randolph,  Peter,   81,  252. 
Randolph,  William,  259. 
Rankin,   Charles,   136. 
Rankin,   James,   253. 
Rankin,  Thomas,  136,  253. 
Ransdel,    Wharton,    261. 
Ransdel,    William,    261. 
Ranson,  Richard,  255. 
Ratliffe,   Nathan,   161. 
Rawlins,  Samuel,  257. 
Reaburn,   James,   256. 
Reaburn,  Joseph,  256. 

Read,  ,   54,  215. 

Read,   Edmund,    258. 
Read,    John,    16. 
Read,  Jonathan,  258. 
Reader,    Adam,    253. 
Reader,  Anthony,  253. 
Reagan,  Richard,  277. 
Reaner,    Ulrich,   278. 
Redd,  John,  268. 
Redford,   Edward,  264. 
Redford,   Milner,  264. 
Red  Hawk,  112. 

Redman,  Jeremiah,  263. 
Reed,  Jacob,  269. 
Reed,   Thomas,   66. 
Reeves,  Frederick,  268. 
Reid,  John,  251. 
Renfro,  John,  157,  268. 
Renick,  William,  265. 
Rennolds,  James,  257.. 
Rentfree,    Isaac,    254. 
Rentfree,   William,   254. 
Rentfro,    Isaac,    254. 
Rentfro,  Mark,  254. 
Rentfro,    Joshua,    268. 
Rentfro,  William,  268. 
Respess,  Thomas,  269. 
Rexrode,  George,  180. 
Reynolds,  George,  268. 
Reynolds,  M.,  153. 
Reynolds,  Thomas  M.,  167. 

Rhodes,  ,    178. 

Rice,  Benjamin,  254. 
Rice,  Holman,  187. 
Rice,  John,  34,  263,  277. 
Rice,  William,  275. 
Richards,   John,   275. 
Richards,  William,  36. 

Richards,  ,  64,  93,  144,  159. 

Richard,   Elijah,  265. 
Richardson,  Holt,  30,  32,  35,  50,  231. 
Richardson,   Martin,   260. 
Richardson,  Samuel,  27,  31,  264,  270. 
Richards,  Wiiiam,   36. 

Richeson,  ,  215. 

Richeson,  James  255. 
Richeson,   Jonathan,   254. 
Richeson,   Joseph,    257. 
Rigger,    Richard,    89. 
Riggins,  Charles,  278. 
Riggins,  William,  278. 
Rinkerbo,  Casper,  263. 
Rixie,   Richard,    261. 
Robards,  Lewis,  264. 

Roberts,    ,    82,    91,    159,    187. 

Roberts,   Alexander,   252. 
Roberts,  David,   139,  275. 
Roberts,  Jacob,  252. 
Roberts  James,  270. 


Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Roberts,  John,  63,  91,  249. 
Roberts,  Pleasant,  252. 
Roberts,  William,   148. 
Roberts,   Wilson,   64. 
Robertson,  Alexander,  22,  253. 
Robertson,    George,    259. 
Robertson,  James,  130,  271,  280. 
Robertson,  John,  259. 
Robertson,    William,    117,    193,    252, 

Robideau,  ,  101. 

Robison,  William,  269. 

Robinson,  ,    134,   256. 

Robinson,   Benjamin,  219. 

Robinson,  Hercules,  256. 

Robinson,  Isaac,  256. 

Robinson,   James,    114. 

Robinson,    John,    65,    256,    272,   277. 

Robinson,  William,  134,  256. 

Rochelle,  ,   170. 

Rogers,  David,  268. 
Rogers,    George,   261. 
Rollin,  Henry,  185. 
Rose,   Hugh,   17,   18,   68,   112. 
Rosebrough,  William,  280. 
Ross,  Daniel,  268. 
Ross,  John,   152,   270. 
Ross,    William,    199. 
Rountree,  William,  187. 
Rowland,  Thomas,  133,  256,  272. 
Rowlett,  John,  259. 
Rowlett,  William,  259. 
Royall,   John,    193,   252,   259. 
Royal  1,  Littlebury,  252. 
Royall,  William,  193,  252. 
Roy,   Mungo,   257. 
Royston,  Thomas,  264. 

Rucker,  ,  62. 

Rucker,  Ambrose,  112. 
Rucker,  Anthony,  69. 
Rucker,  Samuel,  253. 
Rudelle,  Geoige,  277. 
Rudelle,   John,   277. 

Ruble,  ,   152. 

Rubell,  Owen,  268. 

Rufhn,  ,    1,    38,   66. 

Runley, ,  216. 

Runnels,  Thomas,   157. 

Rush,  ,  119. 

Rush,    John,    277. 

Russell,    ,    98. 

Russell,  Francis,  269. 
Russell,  James,  254. 
Russell,  John,  269. 
Russell,    Robert,    269. 

Rutherford,  ,   90,    157. 

Rutherford,  David,  264. 
Rutherford,  Elliot,  277. 
Rutherford,  Joseph,  277. 
Rutledge,  Dudley,  275. 
Rutledge,  George,  256. 
Rutledge,  John,  256. 

Ryan,    William,    268. 
Sale,  John,  17,  18,  68. 
Sale,  Samuel,  257. 
Salmon,  John,  268. 

Samson,  ,  144. 

Sampson,  Stephen,  264. 
Samuel,  Reuben,  35,  257. 
Samuel,  William,  257. 

Sanders,  ,  255. 

Sanders,  John,  270. 
Sands,  Samuel,  75. 
Sanford,  William,  216. 
Saulsbery,  William,  73. 
Saunders,  Gunnel!,  269. 
Saunders,  James,   272. 
Saunders,   Jesse,    184. 
Saunders,    John,    269. 
Saunders,'   Samuel    Hyde,    274. 
Saunders,  Stephen,  47,  271. 
Sawyers,   Robert,    137. 

Saxton,   ,   42. 

Sayers,  Robert,  156,  271. 
Sayers,  Thompson,  271. 
Scaggs,   Aaron,    145. 

Scott,  — ,   1,   56,   64,  77,   82,  223. 

Scott,    Alexander,    18,    136,    253. 
Scott,    Charles,    8,    236. 
Scott  James,   272. 
Scott.    John,    66,   91,    143,   228. 
Scott,    John,    Jr.,    272. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 


Scott,    Walter,   259. 
Scott,   William,   66,    143,   256. 
Scurry,  Eli,   271. 
Seamond,  Ephriam,   251. 
Seaton,  William,  261. 
Seay,   John,    270. 
Sehorn,    John,   278. 
Semley,   Alexander,  256. 
Sepner,  Henry,  2,  3. 
Settle,    William,    261. 
Sevier,    John,    157. 
Sevier,  Robert,   157. 
Seybert,    Nicholas,    ISO,   253. 
Shackelford,    Edmund,    272. 
Shackelford,   Zachary,   272. 

Shaffer,  ,  269. 

Shanklin,  Andrew,  277. 
Sharp,    Robert,    64. 
Sharp,   Linn,   244. 
Sharp,    Moses,    275. 
Sharpe,    Robert,    64. 
Sharpe,    Sinsfield,    261. 
Sharpe,  Thomas,  279. 
Sharpe,   William,   74. 
Shaw,  James,   280. 
Shaw,    Joseph,    271. 
Shaw,    Robert,    253. 
Shearman,  Caddy,  61. 
Sheets,   George,   180. 
Shein,  Samuel,   163. 

Shelby,  ,  141,   152. 

Shelby,    Evan,    185,   280. 
Shelby,  Isaac,  61. 
Shelby,   James,   280. 
Shelby,    John,    Sr.,    280. 

Shelton,  ,  112,   165. 

Shelton,   Francis,   26. 
Shelton,  Peter,  270. 
Shelton,   Samuel,   270. 
Shelton,    Thomas,    131,    270. 
Sheperdson,  David,  131. 
Sherman,   Paddy,   61. 
Sherwin,   Samuel,  252. 
Shirley,    David,    255. 
Shirley,  Valentine,  253. 
Shore,    Richard,    269. 
Shore,    William,    143. 

Shores,   Thomas,   269. 
Short,    Archibald,    200. 
Short,    Edward,   268. 
Short,  Samuel,  200. 
Short,   Thomas,   252. 
Shrieve,  John,  269. 
Shumaker,    Zedekiah,    61,    69. 
Shumate,   Daniel,  261. 
Simerall,   James,   263. 

Simmons,  ,  67. 

Simmons,  George,  180. 
Simmons,  John,  67,  180. 
Simmons,  Leonard,  180. 
Simmons,  Mark,   180. 
Simmons,   Michael,    180. 
Simmons,    Peter,    180. 
Simpson,    Alexander,    253. 
Simson,  Jeremiah,   271a. 
Sinclair,   John,   269. 
Singleton,    Manoar,    272. 

Sinkfield,   ,    175. 

Sisson,   Caleb,   272. 
Sitlington,  Robert,  76. 
Skelton,  Thomas,  265. 
Skelton,    James,    268. 

Skillern,  ,  48,  61,   102,  127. 

Skillern,  George,  98,  256. 
Skippish,   Henry,    166. 

Skipwith,  ,   165. 

Skipwith,   Henry,    83,   260. 
Skidmore,   John,    253,   277. 

Slater,   ,    269. 

Slaughter,  ,  94. 

Slaughter,   John,    254. 
Sledd,    John,    201. 
Sleth,  John,  3. 
Small,    Matthew,    268. 

Smallwood,  ,  121,  238. 

Smith,  ,  45,  63,  124,  142. 

Smith,  Augustine,  261,  275,  277. 

Smith,   Boswell,   42,    277. 

Smith,   Daniel,  253,  277,  280. 

Smith,    Edward,   264. 

Smith,   Francis,  200. 

Smith,  Gideon,  268,   272,   274. 

Smith,   Henry,  256. 

Smith,  James,  102,  207,  217,  256,  271. 

\'1KG1N!.\     Mll.ITIA     IV    Till:    REVOLUTION 

Smith,   John,    13,    143,   212,  253,   263, 

Smith,   Jonathan,  254. 
Smith,   Joseph,   217,   261,   277. 
Smith,   Luke  B.,   197. 
Smith,   Mark,    180. 
Smith,    Nathan,   269. 
Smith,   Obadiah,   264. 
Smith,  Philip,  68,  230. 
Smith,     Roily,    261,     274,     275,     277, 

Smith,   Sebastian,   180,   263. 
Smith,  Thomas,  22,  95,  97,  98,  130, 

133,  253,  261,  268. 
Smith,    William,    57,    261,    270,    272, 

274,    277. 

Smithers,   ,    130. 

Smizer,    Michael,    37. 
Snapp,    Philip,    278. 
Snide,   Christian,  271. 
Snider,    Jacob,    255. 
Snider,  Jacob,  Jr.,  255. 
Snider,  John,   180. 
Snider,    Nathaniel,    255. 
Snoddy,   John,   280. 
Snow,    Richard,    251. 
Sorrell,    John,    219. 
Southerland,   Philmon,  275- 
Southerland,   William,  275. 
Southerlin,  Kenneth,  251. 
Spaulding,  John,  275. 
Speake,    Francis,   216. 

Spencer,  ,  131,  200. 

Spencer,  James,  268. 
Spencer,  John,  229. 
Spencer,  Joseph,  229. 
Spencer,  Sharpe,  275. 
Spinner,  Richard,  251. 
Spradlins,  John,  251. 
Springer,  W.,  88. 

Spurr,  ,   269. 

Stagg,   Charles,    275. 
Stanard,  Larkin,  226. 
Standifor,  Luke,  268. 
Standifor,  William,  268. 
Stanhope,  William,  269. 
Starke,  John,  143, 

Stears,  John,  221. 
Stears,   Richard,   220. 
Steel,  Alexander,  254. 
Steele,  David,  124. 
Steel,  James,  92,  253. 
Steel,   Samuel,   276. 
Steel,  Thomas,  276. 
Stegar,  Hans,  274. 
Stegar,  Thomas,  274. 

Stephens,  ,  45,  137,  271. 

Stephen,  Adam,  20. 

Stephens,  John,   169. 

Stephens,  Robert,  255. 

Stephenson,  John,  253. 

Sterling,  Lord,  142. 

Sterling,    William,    36. 

Steuben,  Baron,  6,  19,  23,  29,  35,  50, 

100,    136,   143,   234. 
Steuart,  Edward,  70. 
Steuart,  John,  72. 
Stevens,   ,    35,    62,   45,    85,    89, 

131,   151,   159,   171,   194,  234. 
Stevens,  Edward,   10. 
Stewart,  Alexander,  253. 
Ste  '.art,  John,  19,  249,  256. 
Stewart,  Francis,    143. 
Stewart,   Ralph,   253. 
Stith,  Joseph,  254. 

Stokes,  ,   1. 

Stone,   Joshua,   213. 
Stone,   Sebastian,   180. 
Stout,   George,    180. 

Stovall,  ,  202. 

Stovall,  George,  274. 
Stovall,  Littlebury,  202. 

Stover,  ,  269. 

Strachan,  Thomas,  251. 
Strange,   David,  251. 
Stratton,    John,    274. 
Stratton,  Seraiah,  277. 
Strauf'hton,  James,  148. 
Street,   Joseph,   270. 
Sterns,  Peyton,  257. 
Streshly,  William,  257. 
Stribbling,  William,  263. 
Strother,    Joseph,    250. 
Stuart,  ,  106. 


Stuart,  Alexander,  276. 
Stuart,  John,  249. 

Stubblefield,  ,  3,  140,  151,  279. 

Stubblefield,    George,    52,    229,    235, 

Stubblefield,  Harry,  235. 
Sturgis,  William,  255. 

Sullivan,  ,  5. 

Summerfield,    Thomas,    180. 
Summers,  George,  269. 
Summers,   Paul,    180. 
Sutherfer,  Richard,  261. 
Sutton,    Coleman,    158. 
Sutton,  James,  257. 
Swann,  John,  274. 
Swearingen,  Josiah,    138,  255. 
Svvearingen,  Van,  255. 
Swift,   Flour,  371. 
Svler,  William,  278. 

Tabb,  Edward,  252. 
Tabb,  John,  252. 
Tacey,   Mace,    145. 
Talbott,   Haile,   254. 
Talbott,    Henry,    157. 

Taliaferro,  ,    1,   85. 

Taliaferro,    Francis,    223,    23?. 
Taliaferro,    George,   272. 
Taliaferro,  Wm.,  224. 

Tankard,  ,  219. 

7'ankersley,   ,    220,    222. 

Tankersley,  John,  279. 
Tankersley,  Richard,  61. 
Tarflinger,  Henry,  269. 
Tarlton,    32,    50,    64,    72,    104,    112, 

113,    116,    120,    125,    130,    134, 

159,    163,    171,   243. 
Tatum,    Edward,    157,   254. 
Tate,  James,  75,   107,   118,   133,    163, 

Tate,  Jesse,  254. 
Tate,  John,   133. 
Tate,  Nathaniel,  153. 
Tate,  William,  253. 
Taylor,  ,   1,  9,   32,   51,   63,  85, 

112,  106,  134,  271. 

Taylor,   Coleman,  158. 
Taylor,  Edmund,  35. 
Taylor,    Francis,   91,    187,   249. 
Taylor,  George,  268,  269,  275. 
Taylor,    Isaac,    146. 
Taylor,    James,    77,    229,    279. 
Taylor,  John,  251,  269. 
Taylor,  Joseph,  259,  261. 
Taylor,    Richard,    263. 
Taylor,   Skelton,  254,   260. 
Taylor,  William,  263,  268,  276. 
Teaney,   Daniel,    163,   245. 
Tedford,  John,   276. 
Tee,  Widow,  45. 
Temple,   Samuel,  223,  257. 
Terrill,  George,  257. 
Terrill,  Harry,  167,  254. 
Terrill,  Peter,  254. 
Terrill,  Thomas,  207. 
Terry,   Jasper,   157. 
Terry,  Joseph,  210. 
Terry,  William,  141,  157,  254. 
Teter,  Paul,  253. 
Thacker,   Nathaniel,  251. 
Thatcher,  John,  269. 
Thilman,  John,  257. 
Thomas,   Absolom,   251. 
Thomas,  Austin,  268. 
Thomas,  Enoch,  269. 
Thomas,    James,    253. 
Thomas,  John,  28,  35,  251. 
Thomas,  Joseph,  251. 
Thomas,  Moses,  269. 
Thomas,   Ralph,   99,   251. 
Thomas,  Robert,  272. 
Thomas,  Rowland,  272. 
Thomas,  Thomas,  269. 

Thompson,  ,  124,  265,  270. 

Thompson,   Alexander,  253. 
Thompson,  Andrew,  277. 
Thompson,   Barlett,  260. 
Thompson,  Christopher,  234. 
Thompson,  George,  27,  251,  262. 
Thompson,  Henry,  271. 
Thompson,  James,  61,  69. 
Thompson,  John,  30,   35,  257,  275. 
Thompson,  Joseph,   270. 


Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 

Thompson,  Josiah,  27+. 
Thompson,  Leonard,  251,  262. 
Thompson,   Levi,   32. 
Thompson,  Nelson,  84,  251. 
Thompson,  Robert,  11,  79,  253. 
Thompson,  Roger,  251,  262. 
Thompson,  Smith,  46,  162,  270. 
Thorn,  John,  148. 
Thornbery,  Thomas,  255. 
Thornhill,  William,  254. 
Thornton,   Anthony,    158. 
Thornton,    Anthony,   Jr.,   257. 
Thornton,    Francis,   258. 
Thornton,  George,  223,  257,  279. 
Thurmond,  Philip,  19,  40. 
Thurman,  Thomas,  27,  262. 
Thurston,  Charles,  142. 

Tilford,  ,   137. 

Timberlake,  Benjamin,  201. 
Timberlake,  Epapproditus,  261. 
Timberlake,    Lewis,    257. 
Timberlake,  John,  270. 
Tilman,   Daniel,  262. 
Tinsdale,   Thomas;    262. 

Tinslej',  ,   106. 

Toley,   James,   261. 
Tompkins,  Francis,  257. 
Tompkins,  Robert,  257. 
Tompson,   James,   61. 
Tommis,  John,  129. 
Toney,  John,  203. 
Topp,  Roger,  280. 
Torbert,  John,  47. 

Tosh,  ,  138. 

Tosh,  James,  256. 

Towles,  ,   100,  195. 

Towles,  Oliver,  1,  221. 

Towles,  Stockley,  264. 

Towles,    Thomas,    223,    225,    279. 

Townes,  John,  Jr.,  252. 

Townes,  William,  260. 

Trent,  jolin,   1S9. 

Trible,   George,  224. 

Trigg,  Abraham,  145,  161,  271. 

Trigg,  Daniel,  146,  254,  271. 

Trigg,    William,   254. 

Trimble,  James,  22,  74,  98,  111,  253. 

Triplett,  Frank,  75,  243,  261. 
Triplett,  Simon,  245,  269. 
Triplett,  William,  153. 

Trout,  ,   34. 

Trowton,  ,  215. 

Truman,  Obadiah,  270. 

Tucker,  ,   67,   100,   106,  205. 

Tucker,  Daniel,  252. 
Tucker,  James,  274. 
Tucker,   St.   George,  217. 
Tucker,   Thomas,   204. 
Tuggle,  Benjamin,  275. 
Tuggle,  Thomas,  275. 
Tunstall,   William,   268. 
Turnbull,   George,  254. 
Turner,   Daniel,  257. 
Turner,    George,   257. 
Turner,  James,  42,   178. 
Turner,  John,   257,  268. 
Turner,    Richard,   42. 
Turner,    William,    78. 
Turnley,  Francis,  222. 
Turpin,    Horatio,    54,    197. 
Turpin,    John,   267. 
Turpin,   Sugly,  267. 
Turpin,  William,  260. 
Tutt,    James,    279. 
Twiner,    Daniel,   257. 

Tyler,   ,   85. 

Tyler,  George,  257. 
Tyler,  John,   257. 
Tyler,    Richard,   257. 

Upshur,   James,   257. 
Upshur,  Jeremiah,  257. 



Vance,    Samuel,    12,    33,    5S,    70,    76, 

Vance,    Tiiomas,    137. 
Vance,  William,  263. 
Vancel,     Edm.und,    271. 
Vandevender,    Isaac,    269. 

Vanover,    ,    269. 

V'ardaman,    Peter,    268. 
Vardiman,    William,   254. 
Vass,    Phillip   v.,   225. 

V'iRGiNiA  Militia  in  the  Revolution 


Vaughan,  Edmund,  274. 
Vaughan,   James,   252. 
Vaughan,   Reuben,    169,    172. 
Vauglian,   Robert,   252. 
Veal,     David,    255. 
Venable,   Charles,   275. 
Venable,    Robert,   275. 
Venable,    Samuel,    197,   275. 
Vimands,  Elijah,  256. 
Vincell,   Adam,   269. 
Vines,  Thomas,  134. 
Vineyard,    George,    135. 

Wackub,    John,    92. 
Wade,   Dabney,   264. 
Waddell,   Joseph,   253. 
Waddy,    Samuel,    270. 
Wade,   West,   43. 
Wagoner,   Adam,    180. 
Walden,    Lewis,   270. 
Walden,    Richard,    254. 

Walker,  ,   152,  252. 

Walker,   Alexander,  276. 
Walker,  David,  143,  275. 
Walker,    E.,    80. 
Walker,  Edmund,  80,  81. 
Walker,    Edward,    80. 
Walker,    George,    67,    275. 
Walker,   John,    113. 
Walker,    Robert,    143. 
Walker,    Samuel,    128,   216. 
Walker,  Thomas,  89,  143,  251,  275. 
Walker,    William,    275. 
Walker,  William  T.,  80. 
Wallace,  Adam,  1,  6,  8,  271. 
Wallace,  Andrew,  61,  69,  128,  184. 
Wallace,  David,  276. 
Wallace,    John,    276. 
Wallace,   Samuel,   120,  276. 
Waller,    George,   268. 
Walt,   Charles,  217. 
Walter,  John,  269. 
Walter,  William,  276. 
Walthall,   Archd.,    194,    200,    259. 
Walthall,  John,  252. 
Walthall,   William,   259. 
Walton,   Robert,   275. 

Wamsley,   James,    180. 

Wamsley,   John,    180. 

Wamsley,    William,    180. 

Wandless,  Ralph,  86. 

Ward,    Alexander,   271. 

Ward,   Benjamin,   80,   81,   252,   259. 

Ward,    David,    280. 

Ward,    John,     149,    252,    254,    271. 

Ward,  John,   Jr.,   254. 

Ward,  Rowland,    159. 

Ward,   Rowland,  Jr.,   252. 

Ward,   William,  265,  271. 

Ware,   Jacob,   43. 

Ware,  James,  264. 

Ware,    John,    264. 

Ware,  Robert,  219. 

Warren,   William,   261. 

Warwick,  Jacob,   57,  73,  253. 

Washington,    Gen.,    1,    75,    77,    93, 

113,  133. 
Washington  Charles,  279. 
Washington,   Samuel,  255. 
Wasley,    Robert,    270. 
Watkins,  Abner,  83,  275. 
Watkins,   Charles,   153. 
Watkins,  Edward,  205,  206. 
Watkins,    George,    67. 
Watkins,    Joel,    258. 
Watkins,  John  143. 
Watkins,    Robert,    167,   254. 
Watkins,    Samuel,    252. 
Watkins,    Silas,   26. 
Watkins,    Thomas,    275. 
Watman,  Henry,  276. 
Watshall,  Archer,  82. 

Watson,  ,   80,  81. 

Watson,   Douglass,    66. 
Watson,    Drury,    275. 
Watson,  James,    131,   270. 
Watson,    Jessee,    275. 
Watson,   Luke,   252. 
Watson,    Robert,    83. 
Watson,  William,  252,   258. 
Watterson,  Henry,  276. 
Watts,   John,   157. 
Watts,    Thomas,    254. 
Waugh,    George,   272. 

Virginia  Mii.itia  in  the  Revolution 

IS,    38, 

Waucluib,    John,    253. 
Wayne,   ,    9,    11, 

62,  94,   100,    104,    149,   176,   177, 

198,  243. 
Weaver,  Tilman,  261. 

Webb,    ,    171. 

Webb,  Charles,   153. 
Webb,   Isaac,    153. 
\\'ebb,    John,    261. 
Webber,   Philip,  264. 
Webb,   Richard   C,   272. 
Webster,  John,  275. 

Weedon,  ,  131,  234. 

Weir,    George,    276. 
Weizer,  Henry,  164. 
Welch,    Sylvester,    Sr.,    246. 
Wells,   Isham,  259. 
Wells,  John,   268. 
Wells,    Joseph,    259. 
Wells,  Matthew,  268. 
Wells,    Thomas   T.,    252. 
Wells,  William,  252. 

Welsh,   ,    148. 

West,   ,   28. 

West,  George,  269. 
Westfall,   Jacob,   Jr.,   253. 
Whatley,  James,  Jr.,  269. 
Wharton,   John,    99. 

Wheatley,    ,    215. 

Wheatley,  Joseph,  261. 
Wheeler,  Micajah,  251. 
Wliite,  ,   101,    173,    177,  208. 

269,   279. 
White,    Ambrose,     257. 
White,    Chilion,    257. 
White,  Daniel,   100,   251. 
White,    Elisha,    190. 
VVHiite,   James,   271. 
White,  Jeremiah,  272. 
White,    Joel,    269. 
White,   John,   220,   253,    270. 
White,   Richard,  272. 
White,  Robert,  263. 
White,   William,  270. 
Whiteman,    Henry,    180. 
Whitlock,    Josiah,    275. 
Whitten,   Richard,    169. 

Whitten,  Thomas,  280. 
Wickliffe,  William,  261. 
Wier,    Bezaliel,   210. 
W^ier,    Samuel,  253. 
Wiglesworth,    James,    279. 
Wigles worth,    John,    223. 
Wilbern,  Thomas,  275. 
Wildman,    Joseph,    269. 
Wilej',  Alexander,  276. 
Wiley,   Andrew,   137. 
Wilfong,   Jacob,    180. 
\\'ilkerson,    John,    157. 

William,  ,   210. 

\\''illiam,   Charles,    174. 
William,  Joseph,  209. 

Williams,  ,    156. 

Williams,   Charles,  212,  261. 
Williams,    John,    48,    269. 
Williams,   Otho   H.,    16. 
Williams,    Phillip,    252. 
Williams,   Samuel,   260,  265. 
Williams,   Solomon,  264. 
Williams,    Thomas,    151,    269. 

Williamson,  ,    175. 

Williamson,.  Cieorge,   192,  203,  205, 

206,    274. 
Wiilliamson,    John,    262. 

Willis,   ,    15,   22,    105,    111. 

Willis,   John,    62,    104. 

Willis,    Moses,    272. 

Willis,   Robert  Carter,   255. 

Willis,    ^■^ung,    62. 

Willson,  Thomas  Branch,  252. 

Wimer,  Philip,  ISO. 

Wilson,    ,   22,    159,    252,    260, 

270,   276. 
Wilson,    Abraham,   250. 
Wilson,    Benjamin,    253. 
Wilson,    Charles,   252. 
Wilson,    Daniel,    217. 
Wilson,    David,    253. 
Wilson,    John,    22,    33,    70,    97,   253, 

Wilson,   Joshua,    161. 
Wilson,    Hugh,   263. 
Wilson,   Mathcw,    133,   253. 
Wilson,    Richard,    85. 

Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 


Wilson,     Samuel,     136. 
Wilson,     William,     136. 
Wiltshire,   John,    83. 
Winckleback,    Henry,    88. 
Windie,   Philip,   278. 
Winfrey,    Henry,    259. 
Wingfield,    Charles,    251. 
Winn,   Benjamin,  257. 
Winn,    James,    188,    238,    244. 
Winn,  John,  210. 
Winn,    Minor,    261. 
Winn,    Richard,    252. 

Winslovv,  ,   223,  226. 

Winslo  V,    Beverly,    223,    279. 

Winston,  ,   93. 

Winston,  Anthony,  131,  270. 
Winston,  James,  270. 
Winston,    John,    30. 

Witcher,   ,   210. 

Witcher,    William,    214. 
Withers,   James,   261. 
Withers,    Spencer,    243. 
Withers,    William,   261. 
Witherson,   John,    278. 
Wolfe,    Henry,    263. 
Wolfe,    John,    263. 
Woodel,  James,    87. 

Wood,    ,    128,    271. 

Wood,   Archibald,  44,   265. 

Wood,  Edward,  275. 

Wood,    Isaac,    251. 

Wood  James,  99,  251,  263,  276. 

Wood   John,   251. 

Wood,    Peter,    254. 

Wood,   Samuel,   61,   69. 

Wood,   Solomon,   84. 

^^'^ood,  Thomas,  157. 

Wood,   William,    193,   257. 

Wood,  William,  Jr.,   252. 

Woods,  ,  44. 

Woody,   William,   262. 
Woodfin,  Nicholas,  44. 

Woodford,  ,  8,  38,  87. 

Woodliff,    Peter,    143. 
Woodruff,   David,   19. 
Woodson,  Anderson,  275. 
Woodson,    Hughes,    196,    203. 
Woodson,    Isham,    264. 

W^oodson,   Jacob,    275. 
Woodson,  John,   67,   275. 
\\'oodson,  John   Stephen,   264. 
Woodson,    Joseph,    81. 
W^oodson,   Josiah,   264. 
Woodson,   Miller,   260. 
Woodson,    Obadiah,    275. 
Woodson,  Tarleton,   100,  251. 
Woodson,  William,  251. 
Wooldridge,   Edmund,   206. 
Wooldridge,   Robert,  259. 
Wooldridge,  Thomas,  259. 

Woolfork,   ,    85. 

Woolfork,   Charles,   257. 
Woolfork,  John,  257. 
Wooten,   Hinman,   254. 
Wooten,    \^'^illiam,    275. 

Worsham,   ,    1. 

Worshum,  William,  82,  252. 
Worthington,   Enhraim,    255. 
Wray,   David,    214. 
Wrinker,    Jacob,    103. 

Wright,    ,    265. 

Wright,   Andrew,    58. 
Wright,  Archibald,  275. 
Wright,    David,    254. 
Wright,   James,   275,   276. 
Wright,  Thomas,   12,  28,   65,  72. 
Wright,    William,    272,    275,    279. 
Wyatt,   Richard,   257. 

Wycoff,  ,   269. 

Wylie,    Alexr.,    280. 
Wylie,    John,    137. 
Wynne,    Thomas,    262. 
Wysong,    Piatt,    138. 
Wysor,    Henry,    164. 

Yates,    R-'Hert,    2/y. 

Yancey,   ist.   Charles,   270. 

Yeager,  John,   180. 

Yores,   Thomas,   134. 

Young,    Charles,    157. 

Young,    Henry,    275. 

Young,   James,    253. 

Young,    John,    91,    107,    139,    253. 

Young,    Patrick,    253. 

Young,  Richard,  226. 

Young,     William,     272. 



McAllister  publishing  company 


Virginia  Militia  in  the  Revolution 


By  J.  T.  McAllister 


(A).  Alphabetically  arranged  lists  of  all  Virginia  Militiamen 
pensioned  by  the  L^nited  States  Government,  giving  their  residences 
in  1835; 

(B).  Statements  made  by  250  Revolutionary-  soldiers  in  their 
application  for  such  pensions  (Condensed)  ; 

(C).  A  list  of  the  Militia  Officers  nominated,  appointed  or 
qualifying  during  the  Revolution  in  the  counties  of  Albemarle, 
Amelia,  Augusta,  Bedford,  Berkeley,  Botetourt,  Caroline,  Charlotte, 
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Orange,  Powhatan,  Prince  Edward,  Rockbridge,  Rockingham, 
Shenandoah,  Spottsylvania  and  Washington,  as  shown  by  the  records 
of  said  counties; 

(D).  A  summary  by  counties  of  the  services  of  the  Militia 
Companies  as  set  forth  in  the  condensed  statements,  (under  B. ) 
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(E).      General  Index  of  data  under  (B)  and  (C). 

Price,  $5.0U  Postpaid. 

By].  T.  McAllister 

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soldiers  and  officers  listed  in  Saffell  in  his  "Records  of  the  Revolu- 
tionary War,"  with  a  brief  guide  to  enable  the  reader  to  determine  in 
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It  also  contains  the  list  of  Virginia  Officers  of  several  regiments 
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